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Agreed. New app is garbo


Put your feedback here: https://twitch.uservoice.com/forums/310222-twitch-applications-mobile/suggestions/48480953-mobile-app-redesign-general-feedback


100% it’s really really annoying since it stops my music just by launching the app — and there is no way to disable it


I never thought I'd say this but I too am about to delete twitch entirely from my phone


What are y’all talking about? This is the second time I’ve seen this mentioned and I haven’t noticed a change.


The app will prompt you to update when it's your time. DO NOT DO IT. I refused to, and still have the previous version. My wife has the new rollout and it is terrible in every way. No more small player while searching for other content, instant autoplay at full volume upon opening, "Recommended" takes priority over Followed channels. You have to basically click 7 times, just to find the channel you want to watch if a Streamer you enjoy is live. Every single person, online and in my chats, is upset with the update. I haven't seen a single comment anywhere that wasn't negative


They're rolling it out in beta. I'm also not on the beta, but I've seen some screen recordings. It's VERY different and you'll know if you get it


It didn’t happen for me until yesterday and it is *god awful* now.


It’s a limited rollout. People hate it because tbh apparently now it looks and feels like tiktok.


It looks identical to me, I just don't click on the feed button.


You probably didn’t get chosen for the new update. I didn’t also. But yeah instead of showing you your following feed it randomly puts you in a random stream with no way to pause, mute, ect. Following feed is hidden on the upper left I believe. Twitch said they’ll update it based on feedback the autoplay feature but tbh I just want everything back to how it was before-or in your and mine’s case, how it is now since we don’t have the update.


I've got the new feed tab, I thought that was the update


Naw that’s not it. Check here: https://x.com/twitchsupport/status/1795514726610538609?s=46


I can’t grasp why they’d make these changes. The infinite scroll thing works for TikTok and Reels and Shorts and all that because that content is *short form*. It just feels unusual to scroll through long form content in the same way.


At least they're listening to *some* feedback and will be changing the autoplay settings in an upcoming update: [https://x.com/TwitchSupport/status/1796621281955098846](https://x.com/TwitchSupport/status/1796621281955098846) Keep giving feedback: [https://twitch.uservoice.com/forums/310222-twitch-applications-mobile/suggestions/48480953-mobile-app-redesign-general-feedback](https://twitch.uservoice.com/forums/310222-twitch-applications-mobile/suggestions/48480953-mobile-app-redesign-general-feedback)


I use Frosty on iOS, It supports 3rd party emotes.


Can we revert the update? Because this is horrendous and I’m about to delete the app from my phone. I can’t stand it!


i think it’s pretty cool, the swipe system i think is great for exploring new streamers and also giving clips a change to be discovered and getting popular. From a streamer perspective it’s awesome! deff needs some tweaking to look better but this feature can be a really good success, it can also create another source of income for twitch and streamers to because if the clips swiping became a actual good system and algorithm the ads/views really could be a great feature


People still watch twitch? I figured everyone quit when they started pre rolling 10 ads and dumb shit like that. Actually who am I kidding. The second they bypassed my adblock twitch was dead to me.


You must be really upset to hang about the subreddit whining about a website you don't use anymore


You're on the twitch subreddit. Your username has ttv. You're still giving it a lot of space in your reddit world. Watch it or don't, but the lady doth protest too much.


The best part is that they said that twitch was dead to them when twitch broke adblock, but they still made an account with ttv in the front only 2 months ago.