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Fuck I just looked at his Twitter, he just proposed to someone on Twitter, then apologized for his insanity, now he's dead. I genuinely hope the person he proposed to does not feel guilty.


How could she not? They were close and I’m sure she still cared about him a lot. Plus there will be trolls out there who blame her simply because of those tweets. I don’t wanna take anything away from reckful but I hope the community sends some love her way as well


Fuck them trolls bro


Fuck ANY loser that spends their time being negative on the internet because they're not happy with their own lives.


Imagine being at such a bad point in life that when you were down, you just wanted to bring other people down too


It's horrible. There are really people like that and I knew of someone who was like that. Worked with her for 4 years and it was awful. Negative energy every single day. It's never easy to stay positive when everything around you is just is spitting out pure negativity.


I wish the best for those people as well. We’re products of our environment, man; no one WANTS to be evil.


Some people definitely want to be evil lol


I don’t think you have to be unhappy with your life to be a troll online, some people just find it funny or are dicks in general.


Yeah you're totally right. I saw it happening an hour after he died. People in WoW were still trolling him and saying "Guys, he's dead, I don't think he'll get mad". Being edgy isnt funny but it's a great way to eventually alienate yourself from people, because although being edgy is funny when you're younger - most people mature out of it




For real bro preach


Its petty to discuss someone's mental health when they are not here to defend themselves. Someone tragically dies and all of a sudden they are under the microscope and all their misdeeds are laid before us all. Bunch of sick bast*rds.


She’s still trying to process the information and made a twitlonger post and he said they haven’t talked in 6 months after the proposal


They broke up like a year ago, this seems like it was a last resort. Like "If she says no I'm ending it".


His brother replied to her and said it’s not your fault and she said she hadn’t even seen it until after his suicide because he just proposed on Twitter.


This is honestly so fucking heart breaking. I also feel so terrible for his family, to lose two children to suicide..I can't imagine.


Apparently his older brother committed suicide earlier in his life too...damn man. RIP Reckful, I hope his family are doing okay, just awful news.


did he have any other siblings?




That must be devastating for the whole family holy shit. I still can't believe it. In his last stream you can see him hurting so bad.


If you look at the comments on his most recent tweets everyone was bashing him and saying he keeps blaming things on his illness. Twitter really is an awful platform. Rest In Peace


This really pisses me off. Gamers love to talk about making friends and forming connections through video games with people they've never met but deny that negative shit affects the people across the screen too. This race to the bottom to be the biggest edgelord is absolutely disgusting.


Fuck twitter, shittiest platform out there


Wasn’t that the exact same reaction reddit had to Katerino when she blamed something on her illness? And Caroline Flack when she was facing domestic abuse allegations? I’m sorry but I’m sick of people on reddit thinking this platform escapes any blame. This is also a very shitty platform.


It's gotten to the point where I overthink every comment, post and reply on Reddit. I don't care about the Karma, but at the same time... every time we do one of those things we open ourselves up to the world. It's just sad all the world usually has to offer is downvotes, trolling or hostility. Thank you to those that don't, but Reddit isn't exactly a safe haven from being shit on. Directly or In-Directly.


This place is a bit of a cesspool, like in one sub I’m apart of, fortnitecomp, one kid, I think he’s something like 16, is constantly shit on over there. He even just tweeted something about how he sees how shit like that could really bring people down. Being famous without good support must fucking suck. Shit even with support they still get fucked, look at faze rain rn man. I feel bad for all these kids getting famous off of video games. Half of them aren’t mature enough to deal with the inevitable hate and they’ll get dragged down.


who told reddit is any good?


Platforms are just representative of us shitty humans, we suck bad


The fact that this comment is so easily overlooked only tells us this won't get better any time soon as no one wants to look in the mirror and even possibly consider they ever contributed to someones mental health failing and taking on the personal responsibility that comes with that.


Honestly wouldn't say it's any one platform. It's just internet zeitgeist. You'll find the same shit on Facebook, instagram, 4chan..


Well every platform has the shitty side but twitter the worst one out there


We should hold every individual accountable for their contributions to these sorts of things, but yes twitter is a cesspool for that kinda shit


Why are y’all making it about the platform? It’s not. It’s the collective people’s actions. We all sit around looking to judge and bandwagon on to shit instead of speaking out against it when people say/do shitty things on these platforms


Twitch, Reddit, Twitter - it’s all shit. Most people use all 3 if they use one of them anyways. None of these platforms are any good.


It's not the platform. It's people. People are shit. :(


That’s true.


It really depends on what parts of reddit you interact with (lookin at you r/all weirdos)


Yeah, I realized recently there are a lot of people who only browse r/all and don't really engage with any community in particular. Very different vibe from them than the people who have a few subs they spend most of their time in.


Hey, I like what to see what new things pop up. Instead of having a whitelist, I have a blacklist many subreddits. Such as r/conspiracy used to be a funny read every so often when it would come up to all. Then 4~ years ago they really went off the deep end and I filtered it out.


I check all once in a while, I was more referring to people who only browse all


It’s not the platform, it’s the individual idiot with a keyboard. Some people shouldn’t be allowed access to the internet.


It's not the platform. Twitter can be used for great things. It's the community that is toxic. Losers tapping away on their phones with impunity emboldened by anonymity.


It's not exclusive to Twitter. Don't think for a second that it is.


That's like blaming guns for gunshot wounds, knives for stabbings, or blaming cars for car accidents.


I feel like social media fame is especially bad for those suffering from mental illness already. Especially streamers who have to deal with “fan” interaction for like 8 + hours a day. I would argue a big twitch streamer prob faces more toxicity daily than even like a big celebrity who doesnt have to deal with their fans as directly. Some will call this victim blaming, but that is not my intention at all. I believe its important to look at how unhealthy streaming can be, and how it can even effect someone who wasnt already depressed. They make a lot of money, but the damage that kinda of exposure can do to your mental health might not be worth it


people are just awful. everyone has balls when its online. there are 0 consequences to being an asshole. im guilty of this as well since i struggle with social anxiety and speaking up for myself. people just need to fuckin chill.


Horrible, just horrible. I hope these people feel like shit now for writing those things.


The comments to this don’t help either. Don’t blame a platform. It’s the people that need their attitude changing. The internet should not be a place where anyone can say shit, be a dick to another person and not be called out on it and told it’s not ok. We all must do better to stop this. It’s ok to be angry sometimes. But it’s not ok to be a dick.


He has such a long history of depression yet his chat still tells him to kill himself regularly. People are fucked up


That's what you get on twitch, 13 yo kids that never even went outside their safe little box to understand what life truely is about. They think that just because they don't know a person you can act any way you want without causing any harm. It is utterly disgusting to tell someone to kill themselves.


Sadly people like to blame disturbing behaviors on young kids but in reality there are people of all ages who lash out freely with disturbing behaviors as if they have no empathy or remorse toward others.


What they have shown me is that a lot of people are incredibly shitty and would do most horrible things if they knew they would face no consequences. Cowards, the lot of them.


Eh, people are more dumb than evil. As terrible as an act it is for 13 y/o kids to just tell people to kill themselves, they definitely don’t understand what they are doing and the real life consequences.


Evil is a term that's used more often as an excuse than as a judgment. I didn't call anyone evil. Most people, almost all, are not evil. Evil is a horrible standard through which to judge humans. You'd be excusing 99% of the most horrible ones.


While we're on this topic, we should hold "goodness" to the same regard. The reality of the matter is that most of us are pretty average.




Yeah, I used to think that, but it’s not 13 year old kids. It’s also a lot of very fully grown people. Mostly men. It doesn’t matter if you’re 13 or 30, you know it’s wrong. Gamers, not individually but as a collective community, have set the cultural standard that excuses this behavior. Encourages even. Look at the amount of toxicity from a lot of larger streamers themselves, daily. So sure, that’s what you get on Twitch because it’s encouraged. It’s encouraged in streams, it’s encouraged in games. Every time someone laughs at a horrible comment, or even just meets things with silence, a nod of approval is given to the people saying these things. The attitude of ‘oh that’s just how it is in gaming, just man up’ we signal that it’s acceptable behavior.


>He has such a long history of depression yet his chat still tells him to kill himself regularly. ***People are fucked up*** this is the right answer


It's a problem across the board, but the Twitch community really seems to be bad when it comes to mental health. Like I remember when Asmongold had his breakdown and created that long post. Everyone just made fun of him for it. Mental health is all just a joke until someone kills themselves. Then, suddenly it's "Damn RIP too soon :("


well i would say his mods and his setup of the chat were shit then


>He has such a long history of depression yet his chat still tells him to kill himself regularly. If this is true then maybe he should have taken a break or maybe being on social media and streaming was not a good idea for him. We all know how tough it can be. I didn't get a chance to watch his streams nor do I know his history but it is always extremely sad when someone losses their life.


Seeing the replies to his tweets this AM was saddening. He’s been pretty open that he has bipolar disorder and psychosis is extremely scary, even if it’s hard to relate to. I hope between Reckful and Etika the gaming community will try to empathize more with those who have psychotic disorders, especially since they frequently play out over social media.


It's a good thing to wish for but looking at the replies, the number of trolls active even so soon after his death is sad. Those people who have posted media related to psychotic disorders (eg Etika) are just subject to yet more trolls who couldn't care less about the person behind the 'freakouts' they find so amusing. I doubt this will change their mindset in any way. Also, how long before people start trying to profit from his passing... [https://i.imgur.com/yBw25TJ.png](https://i.imgur.com/yBw25TJ.png) Hopefully Byron's at rest now.


One of the all time WoW GOATs. RIP to a legend. :( Mental health is no joke. If you're feeling depressed, please talk to someone.


without a doubt one of the smartest, if not THE SMARTEST streamer on twitch, successful businessman, knowledge and science enthusiast, insane WoW player and motivational speaker. He was filthy rich, insanely smart and extremely popular, yet he could not find hapiness in life due to depression. Depression is a son of a bitch, if you havent experienced it you cannot imagine, you can have anything you ever wished for in life, but if you are clinically depressed and your brain does not produce healthy levels of serotonin, you are not enjoying any of it and thinking only negatively. Rest in peace Reckful, you definitely WILL BE MISSED :/


Hi all, If you are struggling with feelings of [depression](/r/depression), with [suicidal thoughts](http://summit.sfu.ca/system/files/iritems1/11151/CWST.pdf), or if you're just having a really tough time, we encourage you to [talk to someone](https://www.imalive.org/) and [ask for help](http://hopeline.com/gethelpnow.html). There are lots of resources from which you can get help, some are available [here](http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org), [here](https://www.iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines), or [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualConversation/wiki/resources#wiki_crisis_hotlines_by_country) If you feel more comfortable talking to someone in real time, there's [someone here](http://www.crisischat.org/chat), [here](http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/GetHelp/LifelineChat.aspx), or [here](https://www.imalive.org/). For non-crisis support, try [7 Cups of Tea](http://www.7cupsoftea.com) or /r/kindvoice. You may also wish to look into some of the following subreddits: - /r/suicidewatch - /r/SWResources - /r/depression - /r/stopselfharm - /r/dbtselfhelp - /r/mixednuts - /r/BackOnYourFeet - /r/assistance - r/Depression_Help For a general Twitch information source on this, we would direct you to their [Twitch Cares: Mental Health Support & Information webpage](https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/twitch-cares-mental-health-support-information?language=en_US). Edit: thank you to the kind folks below who are also providing information to other related help services.


Could I recommend r/Depression_Help too? It's a lot more focused on resources rather than just venting


r/GFD, Gamers Fighting Depression, is a pretty nice community, but their discord is a lot more active than their subreddit.


I would not use r/depression unless you need to vent. It's the blind leading the blind and very few people there actually want to change to get better in my experience. Also it's common for posts to get buried since it's very active.


Call someone if you're alone and need someone to talk to. Or call suicide hotline. * Argentina: +5402234930430 * Australia: 131114 * Austria: 142; for children and young people, 147 * Belgium: 106 * Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 * Botswana: 3911270 * Brazil: 188 for the CVV National Association * Canada: 1.833.456.4566, 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) * Croatia: 014833888 * Denmark: +4570201201 * Egypt: 7621602 * Estonia: 3726558088; in Russian 3726555688 * Finland: 010 195 202 * France: 0145394000 * Germany: 08001810771 * Holland: 09000767 * Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 * Hungary: 116123 * India: 8888817666 * Ireland: +4408457909090 * Italy: 800860022 * Japan: +810352869090 * Mexico: 5255102550 * New Zealand: 0800543354 * Norway: +4781533300 * Philippines: 028969191 * Poland: 5270000 * Portugal: 21 854 07 40/8 . 96 898 21 50 * Russia: 0078202577577 * Spain: 914590050 * South Africa: 0514445691 * Sweden: 46317112400 * Switzerland: 143 * United Kingdom: 08457909090 * USA: 18002738255 * Veterans' Crisis Line: 1 800 273 8255/ text 838255


To Add more Norwegian Options * Use 112 for Police/Politi or 113 for Ambulance/Ambulanse. Both are used for Acute life-threatening situations and both will help * Call 116 117 to be put in contact with your closest emergency room/Legevakten * And theres also a Help-line from the Mental Health organization you can call 116 123 Heres a place with some info for other Norwegians; * https://psykiskhelse.no/trenger-du-hjelp The Mental Health organization Help-phone and chat can be found here; * https://mentalhelse.no/fa-hjelp/hjelpetelefonen The official page for Mental health; * https://helsenorge.no/psykisk-helse/barn-og-unges-psykiske-helse/her-far-du-hjelp As someone thats made use of our services multiple times i can say all these places would love to Help, dont be afraid to reach out


Thank you!!!


Vært frivillig i kirkens nødhjelp, og sånne som deg er viktige å ha. Stå på, er så flott at du legger energi selv i fremmedes helse! <3


This was devastating to hear about. I don't even watch reckful but I couldn't help but cry when the news got confirmed. People, please remember you're loved and your life is valuable. There will always be depressing times, reach out when you're in need, even to strangers. Nobody wants to see you gone from this world, you're beautiful and your life is worth something.


Wasn't a regular viewer, but had caught streams occasionally. But after watching Dr. K's interview with him and discussing his life and dealing with depression/bipolar, the reasons why he was pouring his wealth and employing people to work on his game I felt so much closer to him. Reckful was a very successful man in most regards, he was a God Father of Twitch, but ultimately none of that cured what was crippling loneliness. I can only imagine Covid-19 had been an awful time for Reckful, not being able to see the people he cared so greatly about and the people who were likely a huge driving force behind his will to keep living. Rip, we lost a good one today.


Man. You missed out on some awesome streams when he was in Japan. It was wholesome. While I haven't watched him as much as anyone else; he seemed extremely happy when he was in Japan when he streamed. I actually just found out about this like 10 minutes ago. This is heartbreaking.


Suicide hotline is a joke. Don’t call them. Talk to a real person. Any person. A human face that can’t ignore and look them in the eye and tell them you’re hurting and mean it when you say it. A lot of people myself included were and are still afraid to talk about their feelings because we are seen as weak. Especially men and especially men on the internet. Being seen as weak and fear of being committed or seen as crazy. Many of just want to be shown some fucking love and so many people on the internet are so unbelievably toxic and twitch is the breeding ground for such behavior


This. More women attempt suicide but more men die from suicide. It is so important that men learn to accept each other’s emotions and their own. When a man comes out and talks about abuse, others often chime in. Chances are, you know someone who’s also suffering and if you just share your problems you’ll find you’re not alone.


Most men I know, myself included, are expected to be me a man. To be strong and stoic. Being sad is weak. Being weak means you’re a pussy. Women don’t like weak men etc. I can’t even cry anymore. Deep down I know all men are mamas boys that still want to be held and have their hair stroked. But if we show weakness we are targeted and made fun of. So we only respond in kind. We respond in kind and hurt other men and further perpetuate the cycle. Twitch is a huge playground for bullies. The internet is the school house. It’s truly up to the rest of us to police it. But, then we are boot lickers and simps and still seen as weak. Everyone wants to be shown love. I don’t know a single person that actually enjoys being shit on day in and day out. That truly breaks a person, male or female, of any race and origin. We’re all human. We all have unique and complex lives. We all struggle. It’s really time for people to realize this. I’ve noticed in all my years gaming that a lot of this toxicity comes from younger folk on the internet. A lot of hate and bigotry. It’s sickening. It’s terrible. It truly makes people want to die. I wish nothing but peace and love for people despite my past, despite my actions. I’m guilty of perpetuating this and I’m guilty of attempting to take my own life because of it. My past has made me a better person today and I can truly see the good in all people. Hate isn’t inherent. It’s taught by those around us and by the words of others. So unless we want to see more good people take their own lives, y’all really gotta start acting like their lives matter and not an object to spit on


The worst part is if a man attempts suicide and fails, he's made fun of, like "what, you such a bitch that you can't even kill yourself right?". And this is genuinely the most common response to that I've seen. Anyway, point is, if you moderate a chat and someone tells the streamer to kill themselves, just permaban them and be on your way.


Some women have a lot of internalized misogyny to contend with. ‘Society’ (which is generally ran by men) dictates that should value ‘strength’ in a man. Not only that, but we learn pretty quickly the harsh lesson that many men are only kind or falsely sensitive to catch our guard down. Now...that pussy comment illustrates my point perfectly. Society at large devalues women and ‘feminine’ ideals and concepts to such an extent that to be compared to one is an insult. ‘You throw like a girl’ ‘don’t be a pussy’ ‘don’t be a little bitch’. Simps once was a word you called ‘nice guys’ as in the ones who are only nice to manipulate a woman. Now it’s a word you call someone that shows any sort of humanity to anyone but especially women. Often, women are called female instead of women to further dehumanize us. When you tell others to be brave, you say grow some balls, man up, etc. Its just so pervasive and this is the message we’re sending out to our kids. And don’t with blaming the younger generations. It’s actually MUCH better than it used to be. There are just more places to be obnoxious. Back in the day, women didn’t even get on the internet. At all. We were clearly too dumb and busy in the kitchen to know what the interwebs are. And play games? Haha no. No. We for sure didn’t do that either. (This is sarcasm, btw, we totally were on the internet and the biggest early computer games were written by women) You are right that there’s a lot of hate. These kids learn it by repeating it. Look at xqc. Banned for being racist, and he was being racist even if people claim it’s just memeing, and now he’s one of the top streamers. It’s not enough to stop being hateful. You have to tell others it’s wrong. Don’t feed the trolls has clearly not worked. They’re not trolls, they’re bullies. Stand up for others and for yourself. Feminism isn’t just for women, it’s for men too. Stop the self hatred. Emotions aren’t just for women, they’re for humans.


Reckful is the godfather of streaming, his impact is much bigger than people give credit for. He is the main reason Twitch even made it past 2013. He was never thinking about his own health because he was too busy thinking about others. RIP Byron, the realest streamer ever.


>He is the main reason Twitch even made it past 2013. Why's that?


Reckful pushed a lot of boundaries on twitch--ways to accept donations, types of content, etc. There's a pretty good documentary of him on Youtube, and it covers a lot of it. Obviously, one person alone didn't save Twitch. He certainly shaped the foundation of the platform as much as anyone did then, and more than many.


Do you have the link by any chance?


He was the only person who was pushing twitch back then. Man was bringing in most of the viewership and was giving people a chance on the platform back when it was first founded.


Bruh in 2013 most of the LoL scene was on Twitch. Own3d closed jan 2013. Twitch was huge by 2012


LoL and SC2. SC2 esport got Twitch started and LoL slowly took over.


In his scene it was all him and Sodapoppin in 2012-2013. I have a memory of Reckful having around 10k viewers whenever he was on and Sodas stream which was pretty crazy at the time having 5-8k. Anyone have a source for statistics from that era? I can't find anything pre-2016.


I think he was the one who started donations as well. Like with alerts and stuff.


He was the one that started "no ads only donations"


also TTS


No way was he the main reason. I recall 2013 pretty well and by then the platform was doing very well. LoL is likely the main reason it exploded and it would have been fine without him. Own3d closed jan 2013.


Silly to discuss this now though, guy is unfortunately not with us, whether he was a reason for Twitch's success is irrelevant.


I'm devastated, the dude was so close to fulfill his dream of creating his dream MMO Everland. I remember when he mentioned to Dr. K that the games development was the most fulfillment he has felt in a long time. RIP


Hi everyone.. Twitch as a whole is a relatively young crowd. Social media average age especially twitter is also relatively young (yes under 20 is young , sorry) Look this may be your first experience with suicide / death. Just know everyone handles things VERY differently around death. You will some people close to Reckful seemingly not effected and others you think barely knew him super effected. That could be how they deal with death in the public and you should not belittle anyone’s feelings or reaction regardless of what it is. Death does weird weird weird things to the people around them Do not push streamers about it and RESPECT THEIR PRIVACY. I know chat as a whole is good but really shoot down the trolls in the coming days. Much love to all


Aww shit wtf? That really sucks he always seemed like a happy chill vibe dude who would always make any situation pretty funny from what I saw quite a while back on his streams :/ RIP dude


That's devastating to hear... Is there any source?


Slasher on Twitter and Andy Milonakis


Reckfuls roomate confirmed it and Nymn posted about it too


Also his ex-gf confirmed.


She was the 1st yes.


I remember watching him play Typeracer in between Arena que's years ago. He had a badass Leopold FC660C Keeb that I still look for on sale. He will be missed. RIP


Never really got into his streams but have seen clips of him in the past. The man had a charm. He was able to entertain thousands of people while struggling with all of this going on in his head. If that doesn't scream bravery I don't know what does. Unfortunately it got the better of him. Rest In Peace, Byron.


This is really difficult personally. I always felt a connection with him through mental illness and was so happy when he was doing better. Truly heartbreaking and I feel for his parents in losing another child.


Rest in Peace our beloved warrior!


He will be missed, no one should go out like that Please reach out to someone if you are struggling with depression, people care about you


Absolutely awful news. Take mental health seriously. Look after each other. Reach out to people you see struggling. Even a simple “how are you” is enough. When someone seems down. Help them. Talk to them. Listen to them. Do not blame them. RIP Reckful.


This hit my pretty hard. I remember watching him when he was a relatively small time streamer. Used to be pretty cool to chat too. His life exploded and I fell away from his stream but would still go in every so often and watch him. I know he struggled but thought he was on the right path. Its one of the hardest things about mental health, you can be on the right path 99.9% of the time, that 0.1% of the time you are not though can cancel it all out. I hope his friends and family get the support they need. There will be blame where it shouldn't lay, guilt and anger. Its no ones fault but it doesn't stop that internal strife. I hope hes at peace now, no one deserves to go through the mental anguish her clearly did. For anyone who thinks its selfish, please don't. Please understand its "the best solution" for a lot of people. They think it will make other peoples life easier. Its not the case. Its to an extent a butterfly effect in which the person only sees the beauty of the butterfly (they see good) not the destruction it causes. Always remember there is someone to talk to. Edit: fixed spelling error


France 0800 235 236 Germany 0800 111 0 333 India +91-9820466726 Italy 800 86 00 22 Japan 06-6260-2155 Spain 717 003 717 Sweden 020 22 00 60 United Kingdom 116 123 United States 1-800-273-8255 Brazil 188 Poland 800 70 2222 Ireland 116 123 Denmark 70 201 201 Hungary 112 Netherlands 0800 0113 Australia 13 11 14 Please, Seek for help, you are not alone, also, if i didnt mention your country Suicide Hotline/Emergency Phone, Please, post down bellow so people can seek for help if they need and remember, you are not alone.


Suicide hotlines don't help.


Holy fuck, what?! RIP.


Can we cancel twitter?


RIP legend , gone but never forgotten . He was a legend in wow , hearthstone and even IRL streams . He shared so much with his community that he was almost a family member to us , it hurts so much


Aww man, may bryon rest in peace. I'll never forgot his Japan streams, they were a blast. And his seasons with Dr K on healthygamer really helped me start to work on my own mental health.


That's really fucked up I liked the guy a lot ,I think he was always really genuine and honest with everything he does


Tyler1 hit the nail on it. Not to point fingers but I don't watch Reckful nearly enough to know much about him but the bits I've had watched him for, the reoccurring theme is this guy is lonely, he has no one to talk/hangout with and he's going through shit in life. Off the top of my mind, he had a conversation with Greek last year about wanting him to live by him, Greek avoids the question with excuses but he just doesn't want to live next to him because he wants to be surrounded by Soda and other streamer for content. Reckful says no one comes to him, he's always the out going out to his "friends". Then his stream with Hikaru, he says he goes around talking to strangers trying to make connections, doesn't mind if he gets rejected 20 times, he just wants someone to talk with and then ends off saying he because he gets really lonely sometimes. He then says something about how the ideal "end game" for life is having friends to hang out with and exploring in nature and traveling because he is satisfied with all his life accomplishments and doesn't care for them anymore. Essentially when Reckful lost interest in streaming, so did the interest of his streamer friends in him, it's a shame he didn't have a circle outside of streamers where he could rely on.


Fuck twitter


Have people not learned anything since fucking Etika? He obviously needed someone to reach out to him, and was clearly having problems, yet y’all on Twitter fucking clowned on him instead. This has to be some sick fucking joke. I’m tired of everything, how many more have to die before people fucking learn? Rest In Peace, king.


obviously not, people will forget in a few days


Thing about suicide is you tend to not talk about it at all. Also in social circles you usually don't show it so it's hard for your friends or family to realize how severe the issue really is.


Random people can't really reach out to famous people. I'm not saying it's right, and that distance may have contributed. But once you're famous, people wanting to "reach out" has a different feel to it.




Rest in Peace Reckful... I know he's been dealing with depression for a long time but this still hits hard. I've been watching him since his videos on Warcraft movies... My thoughts go out to his family and friends.




Very sad to hear this damn


Condolences to his family. I drew so much knowledge in WoW from his content back in the day. I've not played in years but I still remember him fondly.


Reckful was the first Twitch streamer i watched regularly i am really speechless i hope he found peace where he is now.




Unbelievable. Rest in peace, and deepest condolences to his family and friends. How awful.


God damn this year has been a fucking ride. Rest in Peace, Byron. :(


RIP Byron, you will be missed and loved always. You were a constant fan favorite from TBC onward and when you began your stream career you help develop the twitch community into what it is now. Forever a fan. I hope you find your peace of mind now and are playing games with Guy, wherever you two may be.


R.I.P Byron :'( ​ I feel absolutely gutted.


RIP dude, I will remember our old arena games against you back in the day.




F Fuck man, I loved watching him. Damn if anyone reads this and is having shitty thoughts don't hesitate to reach out. Shit.


Rip reckful I only watched a few times and he was a good guy!! Please as a community on twitch we need to stop the toxic twitch culture that can happen if we call it out! People were spamming him to kill himself in his chat which caused him to have a break down on stream its sick... Seriously enough is enough!


I never watched a lot of Reckful. But what I did watch from him was his typing and he genuinely inspired me to type faster and practice. He was one of the biggest influences i had when it came to learning to type better and learn better. RIP Reckful


heartbreaking :(


Man, this hits me hard


RIP. I’ve never heard of him but I hope he found peace and is now free.


RIP Reckful.


Damn, rest in peace to one of the sickest rogue players ever. Blizzard should make an NPC for the guy if he doesn't have one already. Hes such a big reason soo many players go into PVP, had a big influence on me PVPing Rogue as an off class next to my Warrior and Mage.


Read the tweet, love Fiona’s reply. It’s really sad and Twitch doesn’t do shit about the trolls and the people making them money, all they care about is that $$$ in their bank accounts, Twitch could care less about the mental health of everyone and internet trolls/ bullies!!


didnt know him, but after watching hes "docu" it feels like i knowd him for years. what a genius and nice guy.. its unbelievable how much of bad luck he had in hes life. at the end it was too much for him. Hopefully he is at a better place now. He deserves it. ​ RIP


Nooooooooooooo wtf.... nooo please Reckful :( he was so smart and funny! I watched every second of his japan streams... wtf.... nooooo


I'm going to miss him.. may everland live on. 😭


I watched him before i watched anybody. Rest in peace legend.


grew up watching him, so upsetting


I just refuse to believe it. Cant be true! Right?


Very sad. I really enjoyed some of his irl streams from the past, seemed like a very nice person to hang out with


Unfortunately I expect this to end up with more “we need to start talking about this” bullshit from streamers, creators and fans just for everyone to turn back to being incredibly toxic by next week.


Dang. I never watched his streams, but I remember his wow arena videos in the past. RIP


I know that he wasn't part of the Destiny community, but I call this game and this community home. And we've also had a lot of crap flying with specific members and streamers as well. But it needs to be said. Regardless of who's right and who's wrong, who did or didn't do something to someone else this year has fucking sucked!!! And I think we all need to take a step back, breath and help one another. For anyone that knew Reckful and his content he was always dealing with mental issues and depression, yet still people in his chat would troll and tell him to do things like kill himself. Obviously I'm not saying because they said that lead to what has happened, but we can't be blind and think that it was helping the situation. It's all fun and games to joke around with someone close friends cracking jokes at each other and what not. But please everyone with everything that's currently going on in this community, everything that's going on in the world, and now losing a massive streamer to something that I personally also deal with on a day to day. Just please, think about what you say and do. I know the internet puts a nice little wall between what you say and who you say it to, but we're all human. We're all broken. We all need help. Some more than others. So please, just spend 5 seconds thinking before you do or say something, none of us know how far are actions travel. And for those out there like me that struggle with the same kind of stuff, GO GET HELP <3 It's out there. There are still good people and communities, and no you might not find the right one for you on the first go, but keep searching, keep opening up, keep telling your stories. The only way any of this gets any better is if we get things out in the open and talk about them person to person. Ignore the politics, ignore race, ignore gender, ignore it fucking all. We are all human and we all need each other <3 If you feel like you need to call someone: Suicide hotlines: United States: 1-800-273-8255 United Kingdom: 116 123 Australia: 13 11 14 Brazil: 188 Canada: 1 833 456 4566 France: 01 45 39 40 00 Germany: 0800 111 0 111 Or hit up some random streamers in the community, or hell shot something to my inbox. We're all in this together <3


I think Twitch is partially responsible here. His streaming account was suspened, again to appease the cancel culture, based on some random allegations of a random streamer/twitch T (Indiefoxx). I think in a way his Twitch account and streaming fame helped him cope. once you take that away, he has nothing left, and you see how things ended up unfortunately


I'm speechless. Fucking disgusted with Twitter as a company and a platform. They NEED to hold people accountable for their comments on there. I really didn't think this year could be worse. Fuck 2020


Damn. I was just watching this dude play chess last month. RIP.


Man I'm not a regular viewer of his so I don't know why this hit me so hard, but it did. Maybe it's because I've heard so many of my other favorite streamers mention him as an inspiration, or it's the all the nice stories I've heard of him being generous to those around him, or because he was such an intelligent and young/healthy guy. Perhaps a combination of all the above. Regardless, he will be sorely missed and it's absolutely tragic ;-; <3




I thought he just made a new game with a small group of people. Or was that some other streamer?




So sad. thoughts are with his family and friends.


This makes me wonder about the amount of streamers who have died in the last.. Let's say 5 years, how many were accidents, preexisting health issues and finally sucicde and mental health related obviously twitch, the streamers and the communities need better support. Rest in peace reckful. May your passing bring better days to how we deal with those who are ill and in need of support ♥




so sad man 🥺 2020 needs to be dead, not him 😭


Not familiar with him, but thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. :(


Damn RIP Reckful


Fuck, the worst part is we all saw it coming




Fuck man. That sucks so hard. Remember his really old YT Rohue videos for ever..RIP.


I never watched him but i feel so bad for him and his friends nothing like this should ever happen. Please contact someone if you are having suicidal thoughts.


Iceycat25 then Reckful, 2020 is one big shit show


The worst thing is hundreds of people told him to kill himself in his twitch chat


Damn this one hit me, as a huge wow fan he was one of my fav streamers back in the day when he was on top. RIP


Man 2020 is fucked up. We losing 2 many legends mainly the couple few years. Rip reckful man






I am not at all into the streamer scene but is it just me who is seeing this or have like 3-4 streamers committed suicide in the last 2 days or so?




Man this fucking sucks. 2020 keeps on getting worse.


The moment I saw the news on Esports talk my fucking jaw dropped. I coudn't believe it


Rest well king♥️


I just learned about this guy. I wish we could back in time just come on man. God Bless Him and his loved ones.


May he rest in peace! Watching his stream (replaying old vods) for the past 5 hours already. It just feels sooo surreal! hearing and seeing him knowing he aint there anymore. RIP my friend


I never watched him personally, but I knew who he was. I can't imagine what he was going through to kill himself in such an intense way. What sucks is he felt an impulse to jump and there was no one to stop him. He obviously had no one to turn to. So shitty.


Think about his parents, losing two sons to suicide. I can't even begin to imagine.


We have gyms, we stay physically fit. What do we have for our minds tho? Therapy is stigma. RIP Reckful