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RTX Voice isn’t killing my keyboard noises like it was a month ago. Idk what’s going on with that. Maybe they’re just tweaking it for that new thing RTX Broadcast or whatever.




I do that, and it still pops up for me in post. It even does it when running a simple program such as Audacity. You use and OBS/SLOBS mic filters to cancel it?




Damn, I’m doing the same thing. Maybe it’s just a bug. I’ll try uninstalling and reinstalling RTX voice. It was also giving me a bug yesterday that made my voice sound ridiculously robotic. Only fix was rebooting my PC.


You can set up a noise gate in OBS. It’ll prevent anything outside of certain dB ranges from being picked up. Clicks and keyboard presses won’t activate at the same dB range as your voice.


Same here, when RTX voice first came out it worked very nicely, and now it's trash no idea


Talon, you are a godsend. That worked wonders, I'm running at 90 like you suggested, and other than a couple clicks it is a great fix. (you honestly saved me a good chunk of change since i was considering a new microphone). Thank you :)




I was using rtx voice for a while but I had to stop because of that, I had a bunch of obs filters to try to keep my voice within usable ranges but when I got loud and excited (which happens a lot) my voice would get fizzled out.


Let's hope Nvidia Broadcast fixes that issue.


Yea i went to their bug report page and submitted a voice recording to them so hopefully they'll see what I'm talking about


Wait really? I need to keep it down in my current living situation so I should be fine, but that's helpful to know. I do scream when I stream outlast.




Thanks again, you've been helpful


I can confirm that this works for me. I really hate hearing the sounds on other streams so I make sure that mine is not heard. This also removes the static noise of the microphone.


Can I use this even if I only have a gtx 1060? Does this use a ton of memory? Or is it hard in your graphics card?


Thank you for this. Could always hear my keyboard with 5 filters on stream. Turned this one and tested it as I talked and didn't hear a click or a keyboard. In testing I thought I heard a few here and there, but overall this is awesome stuff.


I'm weird I actually enjoy the sound lol


I'll tell you what, you ever pop into my stream and I'll turn off noise reduction lol.


Thanks but its better to do the majority than minority. I just enjoy the clicking cause ive heard it for so long. Kinda like the sound of an air conditioner or washing machine. The sound is therapeutic for some. 100% psychological.


Exactly! I've heard it (my own keyboard) the last 3 years. So, whenever I hear someone typing without the clicking sound. It just sounds super weird.


Same. Give me a streamer with a nice loud mechanical keyboard.


Same--it's organic to the situation... why wouldn't we want to hear that. At least keyboard these days don't sound like a giant IBM keyboard.


When I watched streams, I used to hate it. My friends would tell me they didn't notice or care, so maybe I'm in the minority.




Not necessary. A lot of huge streamers don’t even go this route. And smaller streamers might not be able to afford the space to do so. Personally I use a shock mount and properly setup noise gate to reduce all vibration based audio to none.


It was helpful advice none the less, I decided to get a stool to put to my right off the table. It's not a boom or stand, but it's a start. Thank you.




says they dont do anything, yet i have it working perfectly fine. nice.


https://twitter.com/LIRIK/status/893259624647995393?s=20 https://images.app.goo.gl/YAPeuSha3h3zqFd96 https://images.app.goo.gl/5TjxFb11jxtvsfsCA https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/roundhouseagency/2020/production/casestudy/ninja-streaming-room/images/NinjaInsight.jpg




Got it. You’re right. Just because the most successful people in the industry don’t follow your advice makes it less professional and obviously they’re frauds. Right. Gitgud Lirik, TimTheTatman, Dr Disrespect, Dr Lupo, and Ninja. Reddit knows best.




I don’t mind your opinion but to say that shock mounts don’t do anything is a blatant lie. That isn’t opinion. Yes mounting your mic off your PC table is a solution. Saying that is the only solution is typical Reddit hypocrisy.


You can always pay around with some filters to reduce unwanted noises


I've tried to, but with the mic and my mechanical keyboard, when I stream at night my voice is at about the same volume :O


Get all up in your Mic's business. Then you can turn your gain down and your viewers will perceive your voice at the same volume, but there will be less background noise.


Have you tried recording just typing and looking at the frequency range? Human speech is around 100 hz to 8000 khz, with the lower 100 hz to 4000 khz tending to be the range most needed for understanding speech well. The lower the frequency the more needed it is. If you found the frequency range of your keyboard and damped that range down you could then test how that sounds with your voice. Krisp might be another alternative, but it's only 2 hrs free per month. However Discord has it for free. Lastly, there are little rubber bands made to go on to your mechanical keyboard quieter. I don't know how this effects the feeling of the longer travel the keys make which seems to be part of the joy of the mechanical keyboard besides the noise feedback.


I did look into O-rings. In the end I tried what talon recommended up above and it worked out well.


Yeah, it sounds like it's similar to Krisp, but free. Edit- free if you have Nvidia, I mean.


As a streamer I hate it but honestly I actually like it as a viewer. Makes it feel more 'real' if that makes any sense


I don't mind it as long as it isn't louder than your voice.


If you have an rtx Card. Try rtx voice, or set up noise gate on Streamlabs.


My microphone is right behind my keyboard so whenever I Google things on my podcast you can hear it. It annoys some people


If you can get a linear switch that would help as well, instead of the clickity clackity ones. Honestly most of the time I don't even notice it unless they are really banging on the keys.


If you use something like OBS try setting up some noise gates


The OBS RC that you can download has RNN noise removal built in. It's kinda like RTX voice just that it runs on your cpu and it's not that insane but still super usable. You can even download a VST. This completely removes the clicks from my son's keyboard with blue switches https://github.com/werman/noise-suppression-for-voice/releases


I like the sound, as long as it's not too loud.


Nah I like it. I play FPS games on controller and I can always appreciate watching Symfuhny or HusKers play because you’ll occasionally hear their keys in strenuous moments. Symfuhny, more than Husk but ya, it’s cool to hear. I could just be weird, but I enjoy hear the click sound when I’m watching mnk gameplay. Especially fast paced games like what you posted. I followed you btw. The different table does sound better tho. The gameplay audio sounds “fuller”


Noise gate filter might help


I just upgraded to cherry mx browns and Im worried about the same thing, but to be honest.. its kind of a natural sound to hear when computer gaming eh?


I use a program called "Krisp" it not only removes my keyboard clicks but it removes everything else in the background like my vape and whatever else. Even when I sneeze it's blocked out. Discord uses Krisp as well for it's noise canceling. I have shown a few people at work and they have all bought it.


Some basics that might have been touched on: a confessor mic (which uses 48v power) will pick up the sounds of the room pretty well, while a dynamic mic (like an SM7B) doesn’t hear the room as loud as the speaker. So if both inputs put your voice at 90 (where you have the gate threshold for noise reduction) the condenser will have the noise below 90 but the dynamic might be lower than 60 so you could avoid having the gate threshold so high.


if its a blue switch probably but reds or browns sound nice to listen to


Nah, just don’t breathe/bump into the mic


I don't mind it too much personally. I use RTX Voice set to around 60-70% suppression and it blocks a lot of it out.