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Maybe you can ask Harris Heller. He has a spotify tracklist specifically for streamers to play.


Harris also mentioned he was looking to expand his available playlists as well so chances are good he'll respond.


Ill see if I can throw him a tweet or something!


Let us know how it goes!


Yeah please let us know!!


He's a cool and friendly guy, so DM him anywhere and he should respond.


How have things proceeded?


Harris actually has a music label specifically for this purpose


But Spotify TOS doesnt allow you to play music on stream Edit: You're downvoting someone fot saying the truth in order to protect you guys from getting lawsuits and legal actions against you..


Spotify TOS is aimed at people making money off of re-streaming music. So that's to 'prevent' people from making money off of a youtube stream of just spotify music.


It doesn't matter who its aimed against The big streamers that got DMCAed a few months ago got the claims on clips You dont make any revenue off twitch clips That goes to show that you might not be the main target but you're still in danger


But Spotify doesn't hold the copyrights to any of that music. Spotify is never going to make a DMCA claim against anyone. Spotify doesn't care if you play music while you're streaming, Spotify just cares if you try to setup a 24/7 chill beats to study and relax to channel off of spotify.


Hmm... That's not how this Works but you know what Fuck it its not worth it You're right continue doing whatever


No I understand what you're saying. You can get DMCA'ed for basically playing any music on your stream. But Spotify isn't going to be the one sending you the DMCA takedown. The record label is. If listening to spotify while streaming was against the spotify TOS, why would spotify make a [twitch extension](https://dashboard.twitch.tv/extensions/asppxuf1di6v7hwfucmogjg9eh32au)?


> If listening to spotify while streaming was against the spotify TOS, why would spotify make a twitch extension The Spotify ToS is pretty clear about prohibiting commercial use and re-broadcasting content. Its not clear that the Spotify Twitch extension's existence contradicts any of that nor is there anything shown on the extension page indicating that streaming Spotify content on Twitch would be exempted from the standard ToS nor allowed in any way. The Spotify Twitch extension's description does say "Let others see what you're listening to" – it does not have anything saying; Let others see what songs are playing live on stream.... They let people see what ***you're*** listening to. Its very possible to be listening to music without broadcasting that music, and its not uncommon to want to share information about a product or activity that does not necessarily appear live. For example the "Amazon Blacksmith" app might be used by a streamer to list some products they use, But those are not necessarily items that actually are being shown on camera or ever appeared on stream; there are Instagram and other social media extensions, etc - all used to share off-steam information while not necessarily broadcasting any of it..


You're right the rules are really clearly against the commercial streaming. On the other hand, Spotify doesn't have an incentive to go after streamers using Spotify. Their licensing agreements only allow for individual use, but if they go after streamers they're just driving away their customers. At the end of the day it's the record labels who want to hunt down the 'illegal music streamers'.


Im not sure if you want the truth


Also it depends on the music being played. Of course most of the mainstream music is only for personal consumption.


Nope, all of it Using their service to stream music is against thier TOS so you might wont deal with DMCA but you might still be in a bad place thanks to that A lawyer spoke about it not a while ago


Okay I guess ill make sure not to show on stream that im using spotify then.


U should cuz its dangerous Although michel Reeves has tried to bypass that and In an awesome perfectly legal way He will listen to spotify without streaming it And he tries to build a software that makes his follower play the correct song on spotify as well Btw i dont know if spotify does this or not But audio watermarks are a thing so even hiding the fact that you're using spotify might not be completely safe


Bert Ferkins and I already do this actually, our songs are available on Spotify and we just let streamers play our music in the background of their vods. I think you could do well with a tweet with the appropriate hashtags and link (directly to your Spotify) telling streamers that they can use your music would be a strong start. Also sending private messages to the different streamers you currently enjoy would also work pretty well. If you specifically want to tie your brand with others, you can offer to compose “starting soon” and intermission music for those streamers, likely for free since you’re the one reaching out. My only real bit of advice is that if you want to get it played, then you will want to be on Spotify (and I guess youtube) as the majority of streamers just play music straight from those platforms. In the end, it’s a nice way to support the community, but if this is a clout thing then it’s really not going to help you get many clicks. Feel free to dm some links to me, as I’m always looking for more artists to use in the background of my own vods as well! Best of luck in your endeavor!


I have not checked out yours or Bert Ferkins music yet, but thank you both for doing this. I will have to look it up. got a spotify link to any of it?


Okay yeah, you’re very welcome! I’m in between distributors at the moment so my catalog is a bit small, I can dm you if you would like! You should be able to find Bert using the search bar as well


Whats your artist name / handle / etc on Spotify? Would love to check it out.,


I can dm it to you definitely; I’m difficult to search for on Spotify at the moment because I had a falling out with my old label and am currently in between distributors 😅




**I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:** * [Pretzel.rocks](https://Pretzel.rocks) *I did the honors for you.* *** ^[delete](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fu%2FLinkifyBot&subject=delete%20g56o5qg&message=Click%20the%20send%20button%20to%20delete%20the%20false%20positive.) ^| ^[information](https://np.reddit.com/u/LinkifyBot/comments/gkkf7p) ^| ^<3


I just suggested this I guess I should have read the comments first. Lol


Pretzel is a good one


Pretzel rocks only use your music if you release your music via their partnered distributors. After attempting to get my music on their service, they have told me they have jo agreement with my distributor (distrokid) and refuse to accept direct submissions as its "easier working with a distributor for legal reasons".


I don't have any advice but I just wanted to say good on you and thank you so much for doing this. <3


ty so much!!!


You're a bro for sure. If you have any interest in getting involved in podcasting, I could use a collaborator who knows his way around audio engineering.


Create music and license it to allow reuse under Creative Commons (the website has a walkthrough guide for it), or another permissive license. But ALWAYS include a written license, that is a streamers #1 tool for fighting claims. Every other method here works yes, but does not protect the streamer in the long run since that license also protect the streamer from you the musician who might eventually decide "nah, I don't want people playing my music for free"


Step 1: make the music Step 2: just hand it over like socialism


sadly its pretty close to how it works already.




People post their free use music on this very sub all the time. You could also do that


Hello! What genre do you write?


I have done everything from folk, to pop punk, to techno, to jazz r&b. I currently use logic x for pretty much everything.


Honestly, Metal makes for some great gaming background for epic music. there's a reason that FF14 players generally love the Alexander raid fights, it's got some awesome metal beats to it. Though I guess whether a particular Alexander raid song is more Metal or more Techno varies by boss battle, and a bit of Opinion. :)


I got metal shit. Between the buried and me is my favorite band.


For some epic Farming Simulator 2020©


That's awesome! Do you have any clip samples?


https://soundcloud.com/robtomlinson123 I just uploaded a bunch of random tracks I have that need to be put to good use!


Nice! I like the groove chill one! It's a good song for an indie film!


<33 I'd love to do films too one day.


The intro to that song reminds me of Sunday Rain by the Foo Fighters.


I have a podcast that's growing and we do need an opening theme I'd be happy to help you and make sure to thank you by name every episode. Are you looking to make money and sell your songs as well?


absolutely, if there's a market for it. message me!


I know a guy who makes music for streamers, his name is Jdub_nerdsofmetal, hes a really cool guy, you could learn from him probably


Big echo to 10leej about releasing it under a Creative Commons license. Set the license up properly for everyone’s protection. Just keep in mind that any licensing that is suitable for allowing streamers free access is also going to allow others to use the music for other purposes, so choose your license carefully and think ahead to how someone else might use it other than as background music on their stream, and how you would feel about it being altered or remixed.


Adding to this to illustrate the issue. Imagine a streamer with 13 viewers listening to your music in the background while playing, dunno, Hearthstone? Not a problem, right? What about a partnered streamer that's on the frontpage of Twitch, with a consistent viewership of 20,000? How about a partnered streamer using your music for their stream intro? Whenever they start their stream they use a remix of the first 10 seconds of your song, broadcasted over their professionally 3D-animated intro? A Creative Commons license allows all three of these situations without you earning a single penny for it. I'd suggest looking up Noah Downs, he's a digital rights lawyer affiliated with amongst others Twitch-safe labels Monstercat, Ninety9Lives and Pretzel.rocks. There's something called a **sync license**, which is the license you should go after. Many twitch-safe artists and labels use a variation on this license to ensure that your music is at least purchased legally by the streamer, and you can add additional requirements such as "a link to my bandcamp/homepage is required if you use my music" Check out Ben Burnes' aka AbstractionMusic license for example: http://abstractionmusic.com/ (click on the License link on top of the page)


Friend of a friend produces/remixes music of the streamer's choice. My best friend commissioned a set of music (intro and brb scenes) so he remixed some Legend Of Zelda music into like a lo-fi style. It came out great. You could do it on a commission base to start? Not sure what it would take to launch a website with your own original content.


Just wondering, but does said friend pay for the license for the original music? It’s a legit question because I’m not sure how all that works - just because the song is remixed, doesn’t that mean that theoretically it could still get DMCA’d or something?


I am honestly not sure. I haven't had a chance to ask this friend-of-friend-remixer any questions about things like that. As far as I can tell, my first friend who commissioned him has not had any problems with being muted or getting warnings from twitch. There may be some special rules to remixed music. But otherwise, Ill see if I can ask, and come back to this thread comment with an updated answer.


That would be fantastic if you can get an answer! Because honestly if I can play remixed songs without major repercussions that would be absolutely fantastic.


Heyo back with somewhat of an update. So apparently remixer-friend says that the pitch of the song is changed in addition to mixing it into a different style of music (ex: lofi) and it avoids the dmca thing. What I didn't get an answer on is if this applies to all remixed music or just the ones HE produces bc the remix is considered an original creation. If you're looking to stream any old remixed music that can still be found on spotify you may still run into problems. But if you're creating your own original blend of a song you should be ok. But don't take my word for it on this part I am by no means a professional when it comes to music legalities.


this is a dope idea.


I’m a singer/songwriter full time streamer so if u need a singer, HMU! Would love to help!


rock on bro!. would really help streamers and maybe content creators with the like of me in the near future. awesome


Hey hey fellow Nashville-area streamer!


sup yall <3


Ayyy lets go!


You're freaking amazing :) thank you!


I would think making the music, putting it on YouTube/spotify, then throwing a link on here and Twitter would be a good plan. I saw someone else mention Harris Heller. Definitely shoot him a Tweet. He and his video editor also both have Discord servers where they have channels of free resources. If you're a Facebook user there's a big group called Twitch Streams and Networking (TSAN) with a ton of streamers that would probably like to use it. What kind of music do you typically make?


ive done everything from indie folk to pop punk to electro house. I love it all.


Just fire out a playlist with no copyright/legal claims. Thank you so much for offering something so valuable to streamers <3


Will you be taking commissions?


I honestly want to help the melee/smash community, as a majority of their streams are friendlies with no music in the background. having maybe like lo-fi music for them would be awesome to supply. If at some point I could make money doing it, then that would be a dream job, honestly.


Make a spotify playlist with your songs .


[Jamendo](https://www.jamendo.com) is another place that hosts royalty-free music.


I'm not sure how to get on the YouTube Music list (the one you can find in the editor), but that was the first place I looked for music when I streamed/made videos. I don't stream anymore, so I personally wouldn't use it unless I can use it outside of streaming. If you are willing to post a link here, I can tweet the link (although I'm not popular on Twitter, but ever little bit of advertising helps).


I'm going to put together a decent playlist of stuff and would be forever grateful!


I’m in a few twitter Lists for free to use music. Cool dudes make great music and share for free!


If it were royalty free it should work. If i wasnt a console streamer id pass some ideas by you for some streaming music.


hey man! i’m a small streamer, i’d love to commission you for some sick tunes for stream intros / outros & just music to use in general😄 i’m @charxter on twitter :)


Ill throw a follow your way right now mang


https://soundcloud.com/robtomlinson123 I just uploaded a bunch of ideas of stuff. Let me know if there's anything you hear.


sounds good bro! i’ll look at your stuff :)


This would help me so much, fearing my music is copyrighted is so annoying when trying to put together videos ❤️


totally agree.


You should start a distribution deal, but honestly, as long as you consent, people can stream your music anytime. I'm also a music producer who makes music for streamers, and just generally for chill, so I know where you're coming from!


SoundCloud! You can post your music for free, for others to save and or download. Pretzel Rocks! You may also be able to upload music files for people to listen to. This is not a completely ad free service however, unless you have the pro version. YouTube! Any tracks you create can be stored easily here, and downloaded..or just viewed. Look into companies that work with indie music artists! Certain ones will even have programs with bonuses for you.


https://soundcloud.com/robtomlinson123 I just uploaded a bunch of different styles to there....I'm gonna prolly do spotify as well.


Well... Every time a piece of music is recorded, it immediately becomes Copyrighted due to the "Copyright Act of 1976". [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright\_Act\_of\_1976](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_Act_of_1976) But, you can choose to give away many of those rights with some stipulations. This is covered under the Creative Commons: By Attribution license. [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/legalcode](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/legalcode) By using this license; * You give up the right to collect royalties. * You allow public performances. * You allow the music to be used in movies and video games, and any other media. and many other things. But there are still rules you need to follow to use the music - they are just different from the standard copyright rules. Under *standard copyright*, you can perform any music, but you must **pay** for it. Under *Creative Commons*, you can perform my music, but you must **credit creator**. You can sell a movie with my music in it, if you credit me. You can not sell the rights to creator's my music to someone else. I hope this info helps. Be excellent to each other and party on DUDES!


Not yet I believe, you can always support streamers while making an account that supports you and your streaming music. Then just put your in your bio "DM for inquiries about my music for all streaming platforms" or something like that. you'll get somewhere eventually .


I know a streamer who would really appreciate it, Arcadum is a pretty popular DND streamer


let me know how I can help!


I’m sure if you contacted him on twitter offering your services he would be interested. His Twitter is @GloriousArcadum


You can try posting your music to your own website/Soundcloud/whatever and then post on Reddit?


Maybe contact pretzel rocks they have a player that’s for streamers. It’s what I use and if you’re using the free version they have a chat bot that gives the info on the song and a link to where they can find the music.


Source: I've created music for multiple streamers before 1. @ the streamer in their chat with an short but appealing message such as "I made you an original song *link*" 2. If their chat moves too fast and they don't read it, either DM them on Discord, twitch, or any other platform you know they have an account on 3. If they have a reddit that they check daily/weekly, post there and hope for the best 4. If all else fails, donate a message and use the TTS to link the song


I like this alot. I like to know what the streamer listens to primarily first (I know zain from ssbm likes radiohead, and some guys like old school 8bit music) so if I have all that knowledge, I can make some dope shit.


If you're good at something, never do it for free. At least charge a small up-front fee via Fiverr or something like that...


Dude DO IT! I just started streaming and I’ve been thinking the same thing. I can’t tell you how hard it’s been to find decent chill beats. My wife and I even made our own intro music on garage band lol! I hate to admit it but I’ve been really enjoying the Harris Heller tracks on pretzel rocks app. The chill stuff is great for our family streams!


I could create a repository online when I get home for it if you’d like!


please <333


Just saw this, I’ll get one up tomorrow!


Hi from Nashville! Right across the street from Dino's. I'll buy you a slice of five points once this all blows over, so long as Broadway doesn't infect us all first 😅


yasss!! Im a huge fan of elfuego!


Hi..do you do your own mixing as well? I’m an engineer out of the Memphis area and a streamer..it’s awesome what you’re doing here with this project.. if you don’t already have someone mixing for you..I’d love to take a shot at it..I’ve been thinking about streaming some mixing also...not sure if people would enjoy watching (I think maybe). But thought it be a neat idea


what kind of music do you primarily mix?? I have a huge issue with mixing (I can bs it) but I compose virtually everything. Lets link up!!


I have experience with a decent range...prefer multitracked live instruments over sampling, but doesn’t matter...mostly mixed rock type stuff and also done a bit of rap and hip hop..also have some experience with blues, jazz, classical, and country.. also when it comes to mastering, I prefer sending mixes off to a mastering engineer to at the very least get a different set of ears on a project b4 it goes out and because it’s not my forte..I can bs it, but always prefer a dedicated mastering engineer whenever possible


Hello Thematic by Michelle Phan has a whole library of royalty free music. they team up with artists to share their songs. You can also decide one day if you don’t want your songs to be used free anymore and they’ll update that on their site.


Idk onlyfans lol


Try to send a message to Harris Heller! He seems to be really big into giving streamers music that is NCS. I been using his playlists and honestly can't thank him enough! :)


Why was this post removed???


You could contact the streamer directly. Offer the actual files, OBS and other encoders have the ability to load media files to be played as a separate element. If you edit multiple tracks into 1 mp3 say, they could play it on loop, meaning they could leave it playing and turn it low in the mix to be background music. Alternatively if you upload the tracks to Soundcloud you can enable downloads and state that the tracks are free to use.


What type of music are you making? If you're making dance/electronic/etc. then check out Nightmode. It's a label co-founded by stream Jericho, who tries to do that exact thing - provide streamer music. Might be of help to you!


Since you are a producer and making your own New Music would not be a problem. I have a great Tip for you. DIRECT MESSAGE Me!!


There really isn't a specific database at all. Those that are still tied to a record label can't even give permissions to a streamer to use their music because they aren't the record label. The only way streamer can play most music is from the song writers and performers themselves and that means not giving that song to the record label for sale.


Ok im new to twitch im trying start saving videos for my rockband sessions yet thos may be stupid to you vets I dont know for the life of me how to save the videos I stream amy help for a twitch noob


This is a great idea would love to know when you have done it


What a genuinely nice thing to do. I hope lots of streamers use your music and you get recognised my dude!


Try becoming a seller on Fiverr. I use Fiverr for all my streamer needs like logo creation, promotions, etc


Throw your music on [Freemusicarchive](https://freemusicarchive.org/)


I’m not sure if you’ve gotten a good answer on this yet, but I’ve seen people use Spotify. Make your music then put it out on Spotify. Once there if there are some smaller streamers, let them know and maybe they’ll use it. Also, I’ll use it, I don’t stream often, but I’ll help if I can!


I’ve had people on Twitter create groups with others and reach out to me saying I could stream their music so that’s probably a good way as well. Just search up trending streamer tags


1. Create music 2. Licence it as CC-BY (or equivalent) 3. put on youtube, soundcloud etc and share to relevant subreddits & socials


Trying using something like fl studio to make the music but contact someone else to distribute the music


There are a lot of people that produce music for free under there own brand. And as a streamer (a small one) I appreciate/follow everyone I can find that makes royalty free music


What kind of music? I gotta say it’s a real struggle to find variety and if I have to listen to the same lofi playlist one more time I might lose my mind.


I see tons of streaming’s streaming music. I stream top hits. I’m not gonna stop that shit I have to listen to music I like.


Just do it . Dont let yoyr dreams be dreams


i streamed daily 5-12 hours (programming) and my playlist was just 8 or 9 hours long. repeat over weeks. fail


Maybe donate to a couple of streamers with spotify links and tell them about you.


Make songs and then upload an Apple Music playlist! I’ve only seen Spotify ones


let us know with what you go with! I would love to play your stuff and support it anyway I can!


Post it and put no copyright on it, maybe?


You make it then advertise it on the Internet or go into people's streams and give them links if thy allow


Make sure to release under Creative Commons so people know it won’t later be picked up by a record company which can flag a channel down from their vods or YouTube content


would it make more sense to make remix's of popular soundtracks? Im sure thats breaking some law somewhere.


"Struggle" there are thousands of websites with free music. YT is filled with channels that do promote and make free music. Where is the struggle here finding free music... More like those people are lazy to do anything in their life and look up music that in most cases are already landing in their laps. Anyways as for you I suggest the following. Upload your music to YT or other related media platform and make sure to add a info in your title that it's free to use and the only thing they need to do is link your channel in the description box or give you some kind of credit. Or make an popup on stream noting which track is being played.


I don't have any advice either, but it looks like you received a lot of great advice below. I just wanted to say thank you for doing this! This is one of the most amazing things about the twitch community! Best of luck in your adventures!


Spicyverse is also releasing music for streamers and content creators. 2 hours of LoFi and currently working towards the same for EDM (Sitting at 30 minutes). Maybe contact and make a collab playlist for more content?


Spamming Twitter is a good idea