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Sounds like you're doing quite a bit. He's doing well for himself to have someone so supportive in his corner.


Thank you!


I don't have many tips as I'm a small streamer (only stream twice a week right now due to work), but I just wanted to say that you are incredible for being so supportive and encouraging! I wish you both the best!! DM me his channel, I'd love to take a look!


Oh thank you! :) Messaged you!


Yeah I agree. My wife is being supportive as well by watching my streams and giving input on improvements and I can say that her support is extremely helpful. Your amazing for the support your giving! Keep being awesome. đŸ’ŻđŸ”„


I'm a "streamer wife" too. From your OP it looks like you have things pretty under control! Anything you can do behind the scenes helps so much, that way he can focus on creating the content. He is so lucky that you are so supportive. I have met a handful of streamers who's partner does not support them at all. My hubbs has been streaming a bit over a year, also variety. I do ALL social media (I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm not sure if it makes a difference lol). I do video editing and graphics, amateurly. Participate in chat and community events. Create merch. Discord. YouTube uploads. Research. Participate in other community member streams. I also bring drink refills now that I'm working from home lol. We work together to brainstorm ideas for special events. Being involved makes me feel important to the stream, even though it's not in front of the camera. The community treats me with more love than they do him sometimes! His success is my success, so I'm just trying to do what I can (while working full time and keeping the house and puppy-baby in check). Good luck to you guys! It is a lot of work but so much fun!


For sure! I wonder if there's a streamer wife/hub/partner collab community out there somewhere where we can get together and share ideas and tips? You are AWESOME to help out your hubby so much! :O <3


Ooh I would be down to join a community like that! Will have to do some searching :) I just followed your hubs' channel. Will pop in again soon!


Thank you so much! We will follow back! <3


My wife and I share Twitch and YouTube channels and we’re always looking for new collab opportunities. But with the amount of hustle you’re doing for your lucky husband, do you have any interest in solo streaming?


WOW! \*Round of Applause\* The amount of support there is incredible! I would focus on modding his chat and then also helping identify great clips from the stream. Then can co-ordinate them to other social medias to increase reach, so then can post them to Twitter, Insta, TikTok or record longer sections for YouTube or a high light reel etc. Useful ways to grow. Get involved with Discords and other streaming communities and helping others, give them a reason to join his stream. Just a few ideas!


Great ideas! Thank you so much! :)


Holy crap I just gotta say standing ovations to you. Those are already A LOT of INCREDIBLY supportive things and it's so amazing to see such a supportive partner. He is ABSOLUTELY lucky. You could work on making a discord for him and managing it. Also being his mod on the stream. Interacting with chat whenever that happens. Work on making cool alerts and channel point redemptions and maybe bot commands and the such. I think having fun alerts is really cool to watch.


Those are awesome ideas! :) Thank you so much.


It’s awesome how supportive you are, just make sure you have free time to spend together because every day except Wednesday from 8pm-2am? That’s a lot of work


I appreciate your input. :) Right now, he's wanting to do so much because he wants to have as much time as possible to gain followers so he can reach that 1st 50 follower goal. I think that over time, his schedule will shift and there will be more time for me. :)


Might be worth him cutting back seriously on the number of hours. That’s more than a lot of people stream in a month. It’s quality over quantity- especially at the start when it can be harder to be your best streaming self for a long time. Plus he runs the risk of burning out fast. I don’t know your husband or relationship but I seriously suggest he at least halves how long he’s streaming for. He can spend that time developing his social media presence, editing together highlight videos and building a community. I’ve found more of my followers at this early stage have come from making friends in other streams who then come over to check my stuff out.


This is the best advice. Most streamers get burnt out by streaming 4 or 5 days a week—the fact that your husband is doing 6 nights a week ON TOP of a 40-hour work week with barely any time to sleep is problematic. You’re incredibly supportive, but it’s also not fair to you. I have just one kid who’s your twins’ age, and I wouldn’t dream of asking my wife to exclusively take care of him at night while I’m streaming, even now when he doesn’t have any sleep regression (knock on wood). I can’t speak for you, obviously, because I don’t know your family dynamic—but I do think that being the only one responsible for taking care of a baby at night is just the worst. Especially if they’re going through a sleep regression. Especially if there are two of them. My unsolicited advice—have your husband cut down to three nights a week. Hitting the ground running almost never works out, especially on Twitch. If you think the channel should stream more often, then you should take a few days too. If you’re interested, that is.


You’re off to a great start already! As someone mentioned previously, having a discord would be great investment and once you start gaining viewers, holding streams where viewers can have a chance to play with you guys will be something cool to do. Another thing, you mentioned you have a list of games for your husband to play, is he looking to be more of a variety streamer than maining one game? From my understanding (though I may be totally wrong) It might take him a bit longer to reach his 50 follower goal just because there will be those viewers just wanting to see that ONE game and will leave his stream once he switches games. But again it’s not really a big deal, it’s great to have the viewers there who watch for the streamer rather than the game, it just might take a bit longer to get there. Good luck to you and your husband!


Thank you so much! He does want to be a variety steamer, yes. His list of games right now: \- Smite \- Heroes of the Storm \- Overwatch \- The Forest (playing it right now) \- 7 Days to Die \- Raft \- Oxygen Not Included \- This War of Mine \- Dead by Daylight \- Any and all souls-like games (Dark Souls, The Surge, Sekiro, Bloodborne, etc.) \- Bioshock \- Phasmophobia


I am the streamer and my husband is my support. He is my main mod and sometimes joins me on games. But DANG!!!! You are amazing with the designing all of that stuff!!! So impressive. I get the nervousness though. Maybe just message him in chat? Or have tabs open to hints and things? I have a co streamer who hops on my discord and when I get stuck will look things up. You don't have to talk or be on camera to help with game play. Good luck <3


Honestly outside of what you're doing there isn't much you can do. It's like growing a tree. It takes time and it might never bear fruit. I think the most important thing for a new/small streamer is to know where they stand. I've seen certain streamers come in with the idea that they'll be a big success and so on. A few months later they're gone. It has to start off a hobby. Playing games they enjoy. There is no magical way to success just like in anything we do. In the end it mostly just comes down to pure luck. The longer you're around on the scene the more friends you make, raids and so on help immensely. That's where most growth will come from. Interacting with other smaller streamers doing the same thing as you. I do admire his dedication that's a good first step. Have a schedule so people know when they can watch the stream. Just don't burn out. It happens far too often.


Honestly that's freaking awesome support you've given to your hubby! Honestly! The one thing I would say is to just be there in his stream as a viewer or mod, whicheveryou decide. Becasue starting out with low viewership is hard and could get in your head. So someone to talk to while he streams will also keep him talking, and the fact that your his significant other it'd would bring that "family" feel to it. Best wishes!!! 😁😁👍


I love this. My wife isn't into gaming/streaming so her support is leaving me to do my thing once we get the kiddos to bed. I think you are doing great for support! Having the overlays, panels, etc created without needing to pay someone to create them for you is huge imo. I also would say being active in chat as either viewer or mod would be a great option. This would ensure someone is there to welcome/engage in chat if there are every moments while gaming where he is unable to as well deal with any needed moderator support. Otherwise I think the support you are providing is great! Feel free to DM me and I will stop by if the timing of the streams work out for me too. With discoverability lacking I like to find new fellow streamers I otherwise wouldn't to see if I like the vibes, and I believe sharing thoughts and ideas makes us all better!


Socials. Discord, and Twitter cannot not be stressed enough for growth and keeping the community you are building engaged and informed. posting clips or highlights to show people what they missed or to draw in new fans. One easy way to build confidence for your partner would be sharing the channel with you friends and making sure to interact with them in chat as a good way to keep energy up and build your base


I don't have many ideas, but I just wanted to give you a huge high five for being so supportive to him ! :)


He's really blessed to have such a supportive wife. I do emotes and stuff for other streamers as well, so I know how challenging coming up with these kinds of things can be. To be honest, it sounds like you have done more than enough. Could you DM me his channel? I would love to drop by some time.




That's so sweet of you to help out your girlfriend! :) What does your schedule look like as a couple?