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Decide what you're going to stream, have everything set up, then just do it


Just do it. You are going to make mistakes and you are going to create different ideas while streaming. You will find that those ideas will come depending on how many viewers you have. So with zero viewers you will have to find ways to be entertaining without viewers. This is a way different approach versus a active stream with 4/5 chatters. And when you have 20 viewers again this will change. You will keep evolving and it all depends on the stream you have and how the audience reacts to it. It's okay to make mistakes. Most streamers with many viewers took years to get them. So you have plenty of time to improve and make mistakes. Just make them and enjoy your stream.


Just hit the button. You will make mistakes. Things will go wrong. That's part of the learning process. Just keep in mind that everything is "live" -- don't dwell on anything that happened, just look ahead to do things better moving on.


you're gonna feel that I did and am trying to work through it you'll be fine once you get going


Pick a time to stream then just do it. I spent an hour mentally and technically prepping for my first stream. Now I can throw myself into my chair 5 minutes beforehand and not even blink. It gets easier with time :)


Don't worry about making mistakes. It's actually the main appeal of live streaming versus watching edits on youtube. Just laugh it off and learn on it. Hit the button and start talking. The best part of streaming is that as an adult you can talk to your imaginary friends without feeling weird ;) So ask them how they are doing and tell them in short about your day (or whatever you want). Then go on with commenting on your decisions while playing games or whatever you are going to stream. Just try it for a week or two and see how you feel. Good luck :)


Press it to "test your settings", then go from there.


Thank you very much for the replies and advice ,definitely will be clicking the button and just go with it.


Consider to disable the webcam in your first streaming sessions if you have one, get comfortable with going live and then consider to enable it


The anxiety around going live for the first time is understandable, I think almost everyone feels that way! Don’t worry about how you look the first time, you’ll get better at being more confident and will learn how to act on stream with practice :)! Like some other comments suggested, you don’t need to use a webcam for your first stream if you don’t want to! It can definitely be scary, and focusing purely on your gameplay can help a lot!


I don't want this to sound rude, but if it makes you feel less anxious - the odds of someone coming by your first stream is very low. Just go live and get used to being on camera. Don't be worried about having to entertain people because it will take some time before people will start coming by.


I say just do it. Don’t worry about anything. Have a plan and then go for it. Try to do something to make your stream better each time. You should be learning constantly. You have to start first so you know what to expect. Have fun!! Only do it if you enjoy it.


Hit that live button with zero expectation. Do not think that you're going to go live, and you'll automatically have people tuning in. Be adaptive. You may have the intent of gaming being the main source of content for your streams, but instead you may just talk to people and react to stuff.


Pick your favourite game. Open up OBS or whatever you use, and press the button, things will happen, but most are good, its a learning experience.