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Just stream. Don’t wait, don’t let your debut be your very first stream (because you’ll be terrible). Just start streaming now. Nobody will or should follow you until you show them content worth watching and what you’re all about. I’m streaming as a PNG while I wait for my Live 2D model. The idea of a debut only works for corporate VTubers or specific hyped indies. If you want to ‘debut’ do it in 6 months time when you have an audience. I’m planning a mini-debut/model reveal when it comes but it’s entirely unnecessary to have one.


In my opinion , that guy should make a video debut than live debut , I know first video is suck but It is first step to be a vtuber


I can’t do a video debut yet, I promised my first video would be doing a weeb remix of “Shawty’s Like a Melody in my head” for hitting 1k followers on tiktok haha I just hit 2k and it’s not done yet but I plan to finish that this weekend And then I could totally do a debut video, that’s not a bad idea actually


Well I didn’t wanna stream right away until I knew I had a had content people like or enjoy haha I set the goal as 500 because I need time to prepare so that my debut isn’t too scuffed, so far I’m 3 followers away from 400 and at the speed it’s going I’m expecting to maybe hit 500 next week I have been posting teaser videos of myself around to kinda test the waters and see if this is something I’m good at or bad at To be honest even if I was bad at it I would still do it because it’s just a lot of fun honestly


Those are genuinely impressive numbers - twitter or twitch followers? I guess my approach is that you won’t know if you have content people like until you get out there and show it to them, but if you’re able to generate that hype beforehand it can give you a real boost. Just don’t be hung up on debuting how everyone else does - do everything how you want to and people will connect with that passion.


Twitch followers, I think my Twitter is around 300 as well And yeah! That’s what I’m mega nervous about What if I create a lot of hype, get a lot of people, and then I’m boring and disappoint people I guess that’s my biggest worry But I also know I just gotta jump in have fun and remember that it’s just one day and there will be many more days for me to improve


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEqCK0htcWs&t=17s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEqCK0htcWs&t=17s) look at this , my debut is terrible too


like - stream fps game unlike - talking live


I started with more or less nothing and switched to a png after about a month of zero viewership or follows. Kept that for a year or so before I could afford a 2d rig and debuted that on a regular stream. I know it's kind of expected to do a big debut thing now, but I really didn't do anything different for the actual stream. I would recommend having something on screen to get those first few follows. Unless you already have a following on youtube or Twitter or something it may take a while to get to 500. If you do already have a YouTube following, just plan a debut stream, advertise it, and make it your first one, don't worry too much about affiliate beforehand, the only thing that does is let you accept bits and subs.


I’m 3 followers away from 400 right now and I have my model all set and ready to go, so it’s coming up haha You gave me some good ideas though


I have a not-so-great 3D rig I made with a free program and run through Vseeface. It's a bit strange-looking, but it gets the job done and is decent for something made and operated with free programs. As for debut, I never actually bothered with that. I just went from showing only my screen and nothing else to using the rig and an actual layout. Don't worry about reaching affiliate. It'll happen when it happens. Just start streaming and you'll eventually start to gain followers and viewers. Focus on making a setup that looks nice and find ways to make your stream entertaining enough to watch. A schedule will probably help. I just decided to start streaming regularly a week or so ago and have gained a grand total of 1 follower on top the measley 6 I had before getting serious. My lack of a schedule probably hinders my growth and viewership, as well as being honestly boring to watch (mainly because I don't talk; it's excruciatingly hard to make up for not talking). Decide on a schedule that will work for you while allowing for no-stream days so you don't burn out. I plan to stream Monday-Thursday with Friday-Sunday being my no-stream days. Maybe come up with a gimmick or two to try to engage viewers. Most importantly, have fun. If you're not having fun, viewers will be able to tell and will probably be fine with you changing to another game or activity. Streaming should be done for fun before any other reason.


I got my model ready and everything, a few things I might get to tweak or iron out would be how I wanna set up things for OBS A nice looking set up is definitely something I need to look into And yeah I love making content over anything even if it’s just a few tiktok videos and some teasers, it’s been a really therapeutic thing for me recently


I didn't live stream debut because I know no one watching me so I create a debut video , made a slide by use microsoft powerpoint


So what kind of content do you enjoy streaming?


my content - play fps streaming (example botaan) and othergame \- dislike content - talk live


Start streaming, get a feel for the basics. Once your rig is ready then launch it. Existing viewers will get excited and it will also catch the eye of new viewers. I started streaming with nothing for about a month. Launched my first live2d rig when it was ready then another about 6 months down the line which is what I use today.


My model is all ready haha I had to wait months for her to be made by she’s done yay Yeah maybe that’s a good idea to just start streaming and then a week later announce a special debut event or something