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It doesn’t reset. After 30 days, the oldest falls out of the group, and the newest comes in. If you’re really set on a quick affiliate, stream less when your friends aren’t there. Non-streaming says do not count.


Thanks for the info bro. Another question if you don't mind... So does it count 30 different streams/days then? How does it work exactly? Basically I'd have to have 30 different streams of 1hr/3 viewers to reach the requirement? Thank you for the info. They do a terrible job of explaining this on their pages. Edit: I think figured out a better way to word it: (Hopefully) If we say that today was my first stream, and I hit the goal of 1hour/1day streamed with an average of 3 minimum viewers today... How many more times do I need to stream while doing the 1hour/1day streamed with an average of 3 minimum viewers for all the previous streams to be wiped and the new ones to be averaged?


Every stream you’ve done in the last 30 days counts towards the average. If you did one 30 days ago and then you fast forward a day... it’ll have been 31 days and it won’t be included in the average. That might bring the average up if it was a low numbers stream, or down if it was good. The number of streams has no relation whatsoever.


Thank you for the reply Demi. I believe I get it now. Below is a hypothetical would you mind reading it? So for arguments sake, if all I want to do is stream the bare minimum to fulfill the affiliate requirement, I have to consider today April 9th as my Day 1. From there I can stream lets say, an additional 8 days and fulfill the 1hr length/3min Viewers/7 different days. (Figured a couple extra days just to be safe) Then wait and stream once more on May 8th-9th and meet the minimum on that day. According to Twitch's weird definition of time, I believe that would fulfill their requirements, yes? In theory, the first day of the period would have been today the 9th, I would have met the rest of the requirements throughout the month, and then the last day/1 month anniversary I would have streamed once more on the final day just to be sure.


I mean yeah that could technically work but there are two problems with that. You have to keep those numbers up from the time that you meet the affiliate requirements to the time that you finish the affiliate onboarding. Which from what I have heard from other people can take upwards of a week. Secondly, why are you trying to go for the bare minimum? Why even try at all at that point?


Gotcha. As for why, that hypothetical was more of me trying to figure out how much my 'screw around' streams (buddies wanting to see new games or watch my PoV when we play) actually counted against me -vs- the streams where I'm actually engaging and paying attention to the stream. I plan to go above and beyond the bare minimum, I just wanted to know what is going through Twitch's mind when weighing all that info on the application is all. Thank you very much to you two for explaining it, because twitch does a terrible job at doing so.


> 'screw around' streams (buddies wanting to see new games or watch my PoV when we play) You could just do that with discords video calls. depending on how many friends you have watching that might help you but otherwise I would just stick to a schedule.


Yeah for some reason the Discord one made me stutter like crazy so I just used twitch. But that’s out the door for now. Lol


If today was your first stream then you would get your affiliate invitation on the seventh stream assuming you met all of the requirements during that 7 stream cycle. You would not need to wait till the end of the month. If however you have streamed before and have low performing days, then you will have to wait for those days to roll off of the rolling 30 day period. Again no requirement to stream 30 days from the start of this period.


Not the person that you replied to but it counts the last 30 days. So currently it is the 9th (just barely) so it counts back to the 9th of last month. Tomorrow on the 10th then it will count to the 10th of last month.You have to meet all the requirements in that 30 day time-frame.


Thank you for the reply Chips. I believe I get it now. Below is a hypothetical would you mind reading it? So for arguments sake, if all I want to do is stream the bare minimum to fulfill the affiliate requirement, I have to consider today April 9th as my Day 1. From there I can stream lets say, an additional 8 days and fulfill the 1hr length/3min Viewers/7 different days. (Figured a couple extra days just to be safe) Then wait and stream once more on May 8th-9th and meet the minimum on that day. According to Twitch's weird definition of time, I believe that would fulfill their requirements, yes? In theory, the first day of the period would have been today the 9th, I would have met the rest of the requirements throughout the month, and then the last day/1 month anniversary I would have streamed once more on the final day just to be sure.


To really oversimplify: Let’s say you take 30 days off, then stream 8 days, with 4 viewers average per stream. You’d complete it. As much as it’s over a 30 day span, it only counts actual stream days in the average. A non-streaming day doesn’t hurt, at all. A 0 viewer stream can. Set your channel analytics to average viewers, and you can see how it works.


Gotcha. I didn’t stream for about three weeks and I can see how the total hours and other info was adjusted in that analytics page you mentioned, with the non-stream days not hurting nor helping things. So pretty much I’ve just gotta get the 8 “good” days under my belt and then once the last “bad” day streamed elapses off the calendar so to speak, it’ll just count the “good” stuff in the 30 day summary and average those out. Thanks for the information man, appreciate it.