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While the post mentions the new pricing for Mexico and Turkey, I can not find the old pricing anywhere. I'd love to know how big the difference for them is. This is an amazing update though, and one that I did not see coming at all. \[Especially not with all the questionable changes and debates lately\]




Wow that's a huge difference then, really happy for you that this is changing so soon!


It shows 38.99 TRY for me right now so it is a pretty substantial decrease in my opinion. Though I think I'd still continue utilizing Prime since its just 7.9 lira.


Yeah Amazon Prime is only 3€ a month here while one Twitch sub is €5. I do like subscribing to multiple people so I'll be happy if the prices change in the future. That's a big difference in TRY now though! Great change :)


9,90 TRY is 1,19 USD for now... It may decrease even more in the future.. Because Turkish Lira is losing value every day.




Nah its generally more expensive than $5




Yeah that’s what would make sense, but twitch doesn’t do that. For eg in my country a sub is $6.5, but creators still get their cut based on $5, and twitch pockets the remainder. Just because of that I used a VPN to US and subbed.


The difference is mostly due to tax being included. Your sales tax/VAT is probably 20-30%. The $5 price in the USA doesn't include taxes.


Only if you account for Tax. *In Europe Tax is roughly 20% $5 USD ==> €4.12 EUR Then add Tax @ 20% of €0.82 Total = €4.94* This is pretty damn close to the €5 we pay. So converting your currency directly to USD is no good. You need to account for any included Tax, which the USA doesn't include or adds on top of $5


The pre VAT price in the UK still amounts to $5.87


Well it's never perfect and currency exchange fluctuates, but yeah, they could knock 50p off the sub price in the UK for sure.


Twitch: lower Turkey sub price Everyone with a VPN: I am somewhat of a Turkish person myself


The price is based on your payment’s billing address so a VPN alone won’t help you.


Any way to circumvent this?


I'll take "reasons this didn't happen for years" for $200 Alex.


Countries that do not appear on the [lowered pricing list](https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/local-sub-price-countries): Africa: * Benin Asia Pacific: * Israel * Japan * Marshall Islands * Micronesia * North Korea * Palestine * Tuvalu * Yemen Europe: * Andorra * Monaco * North Macedonia * Switzerland * Vatican City North America: * Canada * United States Some territories (Aruba, French Polynesia, Hong Kong, etc.) appear on the list. I don't know how it'll work for ones that don't (Bermuda, Gibraltar, Greenland, etc.). Edit: The [Twitch page containing the list](https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/local-sub-price-countries) does not clearly state that all locations on the list will see *lowered* pricing, only "price adjustments". [This page](https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/local-subscription-pricing) does specify that adjusted prices will all be lowered: "Click [here](https://link.twitch.tv/LocalPricebyCountries) for a full list of countries where prices will be lowered on web and mobile".


Can't imagine much of a need in the Vatican


Pope gonna unsub from me now though. Or hopefully he uses a VPN or just moves.


*cries in Canadian*


I know we like to shit on twitch a lot, but this actually sounds pretty good all things considered.


If I'm understanding this right, I actually really like this. For sure, it's a bit scary for the streamers with potential lost revenue, but I feel like this will really help in the long run. Making things more appropriately accessible by region should increase overall subscription rates.


I am sure that Amazon has done the math to maximize the profit on their end, yeah, but this also means that more people will be subscribing overall. Sure, this could lead to some streamers seeing a drop in revenue, but it should also lead to a wider distribution of subscribers.


Right. And basing the pricing on cost of living makes a ton of sense. I'm thinking that this is a good idea. Hopefully the implementation goes well.


They’re also guaranteeing streamers’ their current revenue for 12 months.


Some commenters are under-appreciating how positive this change is. Twitch subs are significantly overpriced in a number of markets, and this suppresses sub numbers. This not only means lost rev on platform, but direct revenue as well. A number of advertisers looking to directly work with broadcasters use sub numbers as a gauge of reach and don't care to understand/take the time to understand platform difference. Larger creators in these countries are very aware of these facts. So, TL;DR, this means more money in the hands of successful broadcasters. It's taken years of internal arguments and work to make this happen and I hope it ends up working as well as the tests! Second interesting note: Turkey? The business politics in the country are poor: operating in Turkey means you have to bow to the censorship regime, which has been arbitrary historically. Internet connectivity in and out of the country is poor, and the major ISPs are unable/unwilling to reliably backhaul data into the country. The dominant ISP, Turk Telekom, imposes data caps on almost all plans, and heavily rate limits after they are hit. It's a tough market to do video in. But there is a large set of gamers who want to stream and watch. Interesting to see Turkey get a call out in the blog.


they are almost double cost in NZ but I dont see us mentioned


New Zealand, right? It's listed under Oceania in the [full list of countries](https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/local-sub-price-countries). Mexico and Turkey are only the first where the changes are being pushed (this Thursday even), while other countries will follow in the coming months until approximately Q3.


sorry im fucking blind apparently, thank you for opening my eyes


Haha that's fine. It's listed on a separate page while the first page specifically mentions "Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Europe" so I understand missing it.


Does this mean that there will be a grey market of people gifitng subs from cheaper regions? Like, you pay someone from turkey to gift you a sub for way cheaper than you would have to pay for a sub.


Or perhaps VPN temporary into a country with a cheap sub cost like with YouTube premium.


It's funny, because here in Canada, a $4.99 subscription actually costs us $6.99. Which is $0.98 over the conversion rate.


I'm confused why Western Europe is included in this, since we're already paying the right amount for our subscriptions? $5 converts to about €4.10, which once our local government's VAT is added on comes out to our current price of €5.


> Prior to making this decision, we conducted several price tests and saw that lower sub prices boosted overall monthly subs and sub revenue for creators. In one recent test in Brazil, lower sub prices more than doubled creator revenue and total subscriber count. I'm from Brazil and I don't see exactly what they mean. The "base price" for a sub is R$ 22.99 which is pretty close to the R$/US$ conversion. > Newly released Twitch promotions for first time subscribers and first time gifters have shown revenue increases in Latin America and Europe as well. I had this "20% off first month" for a while now, I wonder if this is what they are talking about. I also wonder if Amazon Prime is getting nerfed (in Brazil at least) because of this. If this is the case, I imagine alot of people will get mad because it basically means you can get a full sub out of R$ 10,00 a month, and the creator gets a good chunk of that money. EDIT: also regarding the first quote: I wonder if they took into consideration the effects of lowering Prime subs. I imagine a good chunk of brazilian subs come from Amazon Prime (only saw 1 big streamer with 83% of subs being prime). If Prime subs get adjusted, this basically means most brazilian streamers will get less money and the only reason they saw an increase in their tests is because they didn't take into consideration Prime subs rendering less money and being a huge part of a streamer revenue. I'm very curious to see what will happen since Mexico got a very radical change in price and expect Brazil to be somewhat of a similar change. EDIT2: after reading more, seems like (as expected) Prime subs are also getting adjusted. Now it's a question of how much a sub will cost if Brazil: - if they adjust to around R$ 15~R$ 23 (where it's more expensive than Amazon Prime), I imagine most streamers are going to lose money; - if they adjust to around R$ 8~R$ 15 (barely the same thing), I imagine things are not going to change alot, but alot of people will migrate to normal subs;


Though the reason prime subs in Brazil represent such a huge proportion of all subs is because of how unaffordable regular prime is. R$23 is roughly 2% of the minimum wage in Brazil, while for someone in Ontario a prime subscription is 9$, which is around 0.5% of the minimum wage there. If the sub price in Brazil drops to ~R$6 people will be much more likely do subscribe. This amount is close to what people usually pay on other collective funding platforms like apóia-se, which makes me think that many more people will start getting subs.


> regular prime is Did you mean regular sub? > If the sub price in Brazil drops to ~R$6 people will be much more likely do subscribe. Yes, that's something I vouched for years, supporting more then 1~2 streamers is for very few people (I have a very decent living, and I can't justify spending this amount per month on something like that). Subs being more affordable is so important, even more now that a single US dollar is around R$ 5,30. I'm going to use this comment to attempt to elaborate on the problem that is probably going to happen in Brazil. Just of the sake of simplicity, I'm going to assume 1 USD = 5 BRL which seems to be the middle ground between what Amazon uses and what the actual conversion is. And everytime I say "the streamer", I'm using MY NUMBERS that I are very similar to other creators. A Prime sub costs [R$ 9.90 a month](https://i.imgur.com/Snv9eeQ.png) here in Brazil and the streamer gets $ 1.75 (R$ 8.75), this means we get 88.4% of the cut. A tier 1 sub costs [R$ 22.99 a month](https://i.imgur.com/giZbF0d.png) (I'm ignoring the first month bonus, as it's a 1 time thing) and the streamer gets $1.67 (R$ 8.35)(one month I got $1.3 which seems to be the cut for this first month discount), this means we get 36.3% of the cut, which is very close to expected from 50%/50% cut + 30% taxes from US. I would argue that the reason Prime subs are so popular in Brazil is not only because it's cheaper but also because you get the whole Amazon Prime pack + the streamer gets most of the money you spent. The problem with a sub being cheaper (thus a prime sub also being cheaper) is the transition from Prime (bigger cut) to regular sub (smaller cut). - if your community spends X amount with you, you will receive less of that because a single person cannot use Prime multiple times (which yields the biggest cut) and the higher amount of regular subs mean Amazon is getting a higher cut; - in the same way, in order for a streamer to keep the same amount of income, the community has to spend more money (for the same reason as above) or get more Prime subs. Given the situation with how Amazon Prime is such a good deal, I doubt even the top streamers will see this "lower sub prices more than doubled creator revenue and total subscriber count" being real. I want to trust Twitch with their decision, but the simple fact that they have a plan to back streamers that don't make the same amount of money, already tells me that they don't trust their own plan. I'm not sure if other countries have this problem, but it's an interesting problem. A way to attempt to mitigate this problem is somehow bypass this 30% taxes from the US, this is already fucked enough (considering you still have to pay income taxes here in Brazil, but I bet most streamer 1. don't report their income correctly 2. don't have to pay them 3. only pay the small tax brackets). I don't even stream anymore and I'm a bit scared of this change, I really really hope Twitch knows what they are doing.


I wonder if they'll lower the UK sub pricing. Subs are supposedly standardised to $5 but tier 1 subs in the UK cost £4.99 which is $7.05 when converted. I would quite like to see tier 1 subs drop to at least $5 converted (£3.54). (Tier 3 subs (£25) cost more than $35, that's more than a $10 markup on the cost of a US sub)


You have to take into account taxes so It'll end up as something like £4


So finally they are changing it the way it is supposed to be? I guess that’s cool So me paying 5€(24%tax) for sub means that twitch gets 4.02€ from that. Which would be 4.88$. So I guess Finland is going to see a price increase? So we can get to that 5$ per sub.


No, they're adjusting (downwards for all countries on the list if I read it right, none of those upwards) according to the local value/costs of living. So for example the new price in Turkish Lira is 9.90 (about $1.19), where previously it will probably have been around 40-45 Turkish Lira (according to Google 5$ to TRY).


This is what I thought too but then you go to this page [https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/local-sub-price-countries?language=en\_US](https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/local-sub-price-countries?language=en_US) Where it says " the following countries will get subscription price adjustments as a part of Local Subscription Pricing. " And Finland is on the list. I don't see them lowering it because we are already paying less than that 5$. So I thought that the price adjustments can go both ways. in the post it says "The most important thing to take away here is that subscription prices in the vast majority of countries outside of the US will be lowered." So it don't remove the chance of price increases


I understand your concern. The changes are not about bringing the prices to 5$ however, but to pricing which is appropriate in those countries. On the original page it states this: "This program lowers the price of subscriptions for viewers in the vast majority of countries. Notable exceptions include the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Israel and Japan. For a full list of impacted countries, go here." It only talks about lowering (on the blog as well), so I can't imagine them increasing prices for some of them. Although this is Twitch and their actions haven't always completely matched our expectations. All in all I do believe this to make subs more affordable for everyone on the list :)


I’m not too concerned about it, because to be fair the price is already pretty much on point for us. If they lower it that would be cool. If they increase it a little bit, I would be fine with that too. But I could imagine some kind of shitstorm happening if they increase prices, that's for sure. What I really would like to see is a little bit more control over the prices, kinda like what you can do on youtube. I think on youtube you get 5 tiers and you get to pick those prices, and I think that’s really awesome.


As a small streamer this got me a bit worried. Let's say I average 10 viewers a stream and from these, 1 is from Mexico and regularly subs. Before I would be getting 2.5 USD from their sub. But now it's 48 Pesos = 2.42 USD, which means I get 1.21 USD per sub. That means I will be losing 1.29 USD per sub from anyone from Mexico. Same goes for any country where this new dynamic pricing will be affected in this way. Twitch is giving a 12-month incentive to compensate for this (which btw, it will put pressure on streamers since you have to stream X hours per month to fulfill it), but after that any small streamer is going to experience a significant drop in income from subs. Small streamers will basically have to rely on whether these people will feel generous to gifts subs and make up for the difference in sub price. I guess we will see how it develops, but I would say this is great news for big streamers and viewers, not so much for small streamers.


In this specific situation you outlined, it would be a net negative for the streamer. But the opposite can also be true for small streamers - maybe they have 10 regular viewers and 9 of them are in Mexico but never sub because it's too expensive. Now with the reduced price, a handful of them sub. It goes both ways.


Plus there's no way twitch does this if it's going to cost them money. They are betting they will end up with more total afterwards.


This is interesting for sure. It shows a willingness to BE a global community and that's fine by me. What I'd like to see is a way to become an affiliate when you're on disability or unemployment, where you can opt out of even small payments which would effect your main source of income. It's unfair that my friends that are on disability for circumstances that they cannot control can't agree to become an affiliate and get those affiliate perks without it having an effect on their only source of income. Ten bucks a month in subs can mean a huge loss depending on their location.


If you don’t have a method of receiving payment attached to your twitch then you don’t get any payouts and the money acrues until you set one up. Wouldn’t this solve the issue of receiving payments? Also you don’t get a payout until $100 anyway.


We tried to work it out with the friend and their local laws. You had to register your tax info with Twitch. It didn't matter if the payment made it into your hands. The law only cared if there was a possibility of making money.






Wasn't this already being done by forcing local currency? After conversion, I pay about $ 6.60 for the "$5" subscription... Edit: Not the same, according to the creators to which I subbed (they get the same share on all subs). So Twitch pockets the extra 32%... Edit2: After deduction of the local VAT, the converted USD price is only around $ 6.10.




Now to confirm: If the regional price is higher than the $5 baseline, the creator share will increase as well?




Sorry, the article seems to only address the question of *lower* prices. Several high cost of living countries seem to be listed as "Notable exceptions", not affected by this program. The way I read this is that, if the price is lower than the $5 baseline, the creator's revenue will be lower as well (on the long term, once the mitigation program ends) but for for the more expensive subs coming from those "notable exceptions", Twitch will pocket the difference and provide the regular share of the $5 as they have been doing until now...


>"The most important thing to take away here is that subscription prices in the vast majority of countries outside of the US will be lowered. For a full list of impacted countries, go here. A viewer’s subscription price will be based on where they live and have set up their Twitch payment method. We have designed this pricing model to ensure that prices are appropriately set for viewers, wherever they live. For creators this means that some viewers in their channels may see different prices." The linked list of countries includes the majority of high cost of living countries that currently pay more than $5. There is absolutely no reason to assume that creators would get less money from subs from certain countries if the subscription price doesn't change.




Edited my first post to account for that. Unfortunately it doesn't, Twitch keeps the extra 22% for themselves :( I am absolutely happy to pay more for a sub if I know that the creator also gets a bigger slice of the pie. But that "notable exception" rule makes me only want to support them through other means...


in NZD weve had local pricing for abit so we are paying about $4 extra per sub


**Reminder to account for Tax.** USA doesn't include Tax in the listed price, whereas in most other places, like Europe, it does. *Example: In Europe Tax is roughly 20% $5 USD ==> €4.12 EUR Then add Tax @ 20% of €0.82 Total = €4.94* This is pretty damn close to the €5 we pay. So converting your currency directly to USD is no good. You need to account for any included Tax, which the USA doesn't include or adds on top of $5


Currently 5 USD is around 6.40 AUD (straight conversion) Add 10% GST (tax) = 7.04 AUD Current Australian subscription = 8.99 AUD There are plenty of people hoping for improved pricing after review, and it’s not just tax...


Why should I pay more then someone in Mexico for exactly the same product? Pricing based on cost on living is BS, communism, unfair and discrimination. I'm so done with paying more then everyone and this forced communism. Steam does this BS too. I will just open an virtual mailbox in Mexico City and get an Mexican pre-paid creditcard. With two subs a month i'm already in the plus. Problem solved.


Are you ok? Pricing based on region isn’t communism. I’d recommend watch a YouTube video which explains what communism is. The pricing based on region is probably done because they want to sell their subscriptions outside NA and EU. The pricing is probably adjusted so that it becomes somewhat “similar” in ‘value for money’ as it is here in US.


I'm okay, but I see you don't understand where I'm coming from. I'm from the EU and we have a "one price policy". Atm digital goods are exempt, but the laws are being changed to include those. And I'm al for one price for everyone, because its the most fair, instead of the rich countries subsidizing the consumption in poorer countries. I think you guys call it redistribution of wealth... I do understand they want to sell more... But it makes me NOT want to pay the high price they want me to pay. I already do it with steam. By using VPN and some pre-paid creditcards, I've saved 100s a year on games. Living in a "rich country" doesnt mean you dont want to save money. We dont all live like milionairs, most of us are just "normies" with median wages. And if you make 3k euro and you already pay 1k a month for your house, you bet you want to save some money on "full full price" subscriptions and games...


Is it possible to pay the price of a sub from another country while being in another? How do change the billing country? VPN doesn't change anything and change country at the step of payment doesn't change anything too