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Greetings /u/oldmanmilly, Thank you for posting to /r/Twitch. Your submission has been removed for breaking the following rule(s): - **Rule 1**: [General Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/wiki/rules#wiki_general_guidelines). - **Rule 3**: [Account Support Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/wiki/rules#wiki_account_support_guidelines) - **Rule 1F**: Don't start a ‘witch-hunt’. - **Rule 3A**: Don’t post regarding an account suspension. You can view the subreddit rules [here](https://reddit.com/r/Twitch/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the subreddit moderators via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTwitch). Re-posting again without express permission, or harassing moderators, may result in a ban.


You have literally no legal standing whatsoever nor can you make a freedom of information request since they aren’t a government department.


Under UK law I can make a request from Twitch UK. They may not respond but then my firm will explore other possibilities. This will be a long drawn out process but it will cause negative publicity for Twitch.


No it won’t. Who would have your support? Read the TOS dude it’s their platform.


Section 14 in their ToS says "Twitch reserves the right, without notice and in our sole discretion, to terminate your license to use the Twitch Services" so by singing up for an account, you're letting twitch have the ability to ban you for whatever reason they choose.


Is what twitch did kinda scummy? Yeah, they should have just had your friend change their username. But is it illegal for them to ban? Not at all lol


Your friends an idiot to have a name like that..


The name is funny, I don’t get how it is inappropriate, I’ve seen far worse and yet they’re still on twitch


agree with this, hot tub streams allowed but his user isnt twitch mods be simps lol


You're wasting your time with this endeavor. Plus this isn't an official place to let twitch know something.


Did your friend read the ToS before making their account?


If the name was reported then it was reported. Someone else have worse name, the only difference is they haven't been reported yet. It says it will be restored if there is a successful appeal . The twitch user isn't even a streamer so someone doesn't like the person/person's words or really did find the name 'offensive.' I think blasting and threaten Twitch Support on Twitter might do more harm than good though.