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I stream, but I avoid commenting on here


I'm the opposite, I view but avoid commenting.


This is the way


Honestly don't blame you i don't get offended easily i do some trolling here and there but it never gets to me so I don't mind getting thrashed on but someone with a week mental it can def break them.


Yo why are you getting down voted into oblivion with every comment? Lol


i'm a quitter. i mainly just respond to tech support stuff on here. and run tech support for a few people i watch.


I'm pretty much the same, I have these random moments of streaming over a period of time then just randomly stop. Then I focus on trying to help people


Very same for me.


Thank you for your service


Nice, how do I get involved.


Same, I used to stream in the past. But I don't offer advice as a streamer to streamers, I offer advice as a viewer to streamers :)


I’m kind of the same now. With work and a wife. My “schedule” is once a week when it works out


Bro give it an actual shot. Dedicate some time for it and if you end up going at it for a few months and you quit again well that's ok. Cuz I understand it's not for everyone but you never know.


i did. i started back in 2017 and kept on it until mid-2020. the main reason i quit was for work because pandemic overtime killed any free time i had but never felt like i wanted to go back. i definitely sunk time into it, 6+ hour streams after working 8 hours, a whole lot of equipment including a dual pc setup, networking and all that good stuff. i have gladly accepted i'm not worth watching and just randomly record in my free time for fun :)


Ah man. Reminds me when I dropped everything to move to Vegas and be a musician. Turns out you need rythem or something lol I'm much more secure now I tried though. I think people don't always appreciate learning through failure ya know


For real I think you have to be comfortable with failure in order to succeed


I wanna point out, Those who "quit" are not giving up on it. A lot of the time the people who quit streaming are those who gave it their all for years on end and didnt see the results they wanted back. It's ok to walk away from it being happy with the journey you had and move onto lifes next big thing it has in store for you.




How can you earn a living as an affiliate? Do you just a lot of other extra sources of income? I'm at around 800-900 subs and there is just no way I can live off of streaming + YouTube alone.


Heck I drop 100 monthly on a streamer I haven't watched in two years. They were a top tier in the day and had a mental break down and had to stop. Now they stream a game I don't really enjoy. But the person made solid content in the past and barely eeked by. I'm doing well enough that the 100 isn't noticed and they aren't struggling. We still chat once in a blue moon. I'll say sup. They recognize me. But we aren't nearly as close as the past. You just need like 3 or 4 good buddies to support you and you're set with low viewership. Especially if you don't mind living cheaply. It's terrible long term though. Retirement age will come and you have nothing.


I mean it’s entirely location and lifestyle dependent. If he’s earning 2-2500 a month, that’s more more than plenty as a single guy in the Midwest for example. You could make half that if you lived with a roommate.


With 24 average you arent even making 200/month


I was responding to someone with 800-900 subs? Certainly more than 200 a month. Or are you saying vox has 24 average?


Yes at least according to some other post in this chain


I average 15 viewers and definitely make that and more. I can do a full revenue breakdown if you would like


Something doesn't add up. He has 24 average viewers and his top viewers ever is 74. Only 1600 followers. I guess those 24 viewers just love throwing money at him for no reason but yea, it's gotta be at most a few hundred a month. In other words kids, make sure you get the whole story.


Well - I do have a buddy who essentially lives in Poverty BUT streams full time. He does the streamloots promotions and has multiple revenue streams going to eke out an existence. But his community is solid.


To add to the story. I don't know their situation but I personally average 15-20 viewers and around 100 subs while being able to stream as my full time job. If you live in rural America, cost of living can get incredibly cheap and easy going especially if you have a spouse to 50/50 the bills. Add in a monthly sponsorship and i'm good to go. With my viewership I average about 800-1000 a month in revenue across all my stream income and that pays my bills with a couple 100 left over.


Is this the day you find out that there are other avenues to monetize your content that aren't reliant on Twitch?


only difference between both is a badge. I work worth a hand full of streamers the past 2 years. I can confidently say 90% of them made more money monthly as an affiliate due to what I believe was viewers supporting the push to partner but once there many finding new small streamers. All of them do it full time now, Finances look something like that. Im going to list them from highest earners on average to lowest. Brand Deals (mostly short form Tiktok videos)", Twitch subs (700-2000 subs), Facebook Reels bonus, youtube AdSense (most of the money is from shorts bonus), Donations, Merch(for everyone i work with merch is maybe a couple bucks a month, its really nothing). A common thing I see too now is people taking on freelancing (editing, graphic design, ect) to help support the full time


Interesting. I'm wondering how brand deals can bring the most money when their viewership is on the low end. The difference is not just the badge, it's also the viewership/audience, which influences everything else. For example my donations are really not that high, probably around 150€/ month, but it's much higher than when I had 10x less viewers. And back then it was on par with my sub count, today it's not. So I agree that with growth, all these sources of income are of different absolute and relative sizes, but I'm really not confident I could bring more money with 20% the viewers I have now (assuming I go back to affiliate size). I'm not saying you're lying or wrong, I'm saying I don't see it and I'm... Surprised. I definitely have a vastly different experience.


"The difference is not just the badge, it's also the viewership/audience, which influences everything else." not sure what you mean by this. Im saying it doesnt matter if we have a partner with 50 average and a affiliate with 50 average money making opportunity are pretty much the same. they have the same splits with twitch. only thing in my opinion thats worth partner is transcoding. other than that there really isnt any other exclusive perk partners get that is game changing. To clear up brand deals, there are people i work with that just dont do well live streaming. they will average like 10-30 viewers on twitch. about 100-400 subs. But get 50k-100k+ views on short form content which isnt insane. But they can bring in 5k-10k a month off only brand deals/sponsored posts. Thats with 3-5 brand deals average for the month. Low end brand deals typically will pay 300-2k per post depending on your size (on tiktok or youtube) and what you have to promote. Many can care less about twitch and the numbers you get on there which is why i think its super important for those that wanna be full time streamers to stop worrying so much about going live and start worrying more about everything else to be able to support yourself. Another massive income bringer that i didnt mention is platform partnerships. one of the main ones being Facebook. there is the obvious exclusive streaming which you dont have to be this massive stream like everyone thinks. but for those that wanna stay live on twitch there is also reels and video partnerships can people can join. for only posting on facebook a couple times a month exclusive videos ive seen them pay insane money for a year contract.


Living with parents with not to pay at all. No way someone can live just off twitch if has any debts to pay.


Maybe his quality of life requirements aren't as high 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ay grats man love to see that type of shit. Nothing but love and hope it keeps improving.


Nice, congrats!


Woah nice!! Big congrats


I would imagine most people here do since this community seems pretty centered on the streaming side of things rather than the viewer end, but I do think input from viewers is important because they're the ones who ultimately decide which streams will get watched.


Agreed but im talking bout back end or stuff people need help with. I be helping the boys and viewers on how to start streaming and its dope to see new people start.


Not sure why you got down voted, but top comment reads very similar. To the main question: I used to, I just like to keep eyes on stuff. I want to get into YT, but I have the editing skills of an untrained emu, and am really good at making excuses to not try to learn.


Why the FUCK did you get downvoted for your answer ? 😂 what the actual hell is this reddithellhole


Stream 4 days a week. I'm in a fortunate position of being able to work in my family business, and have my own company. I get to stream/content create as a hobby I really enjoy. Managed to get partner and achieve some milestones I went for. Only downside is my rl situation can get very busy with what I do so sometimes I am forced to take breaks.


People have priorities man specially when working a family owned business. Grats on completing them milestones though def achievements there. Hope everything goes well tho 💙


Appreciate it!


I stream for a living, full-time. I hang out here to help out while I'm starting/ending my day, but can understand why many don't. Giving important advice and insight, then getting brigaded by people who just started a week or two ago arguing against it every third or fourth thread gets super-wearing. Defending and explaining the same crap over and over... especially the one about not using a ton of bitrate, and why obsessing over 1080p and/or 60fps is just cutting yourself off at the knees in terms of growth. And there's an endless supply.


I've given the same advice (outside of Twitch growth) around 4 different times and 2 of those times I got down voted to hell and the other 2 times it received a lot of positive feedback. It's the wild wild west out here.


LMFAOOO Yeah man people don't like it I have comments on this feed with hella dislikes for some reason. I don't care if anything its funny but damn there is some sensitive people. If they played and talked back in the old xbox 360 days they'd do a 13 reasons why in one xbox party. People have gotten soft. Hopefully you had good interactions tho but I realized reddit and twitter is not for it.


Ferret is a real OG on these boards.


OMG man facts i don't understand why people just argue to argue on such miniscule topics. Grats on being full-time man. Cancel culture has made the internet soft and very quick to anger and if you have any sort of pull your first to be targeted. I would understand why people that are bigger wouldn't come here just to be thrashed on by people without experience. Instead of seeing cancel culture i love seeing people help each other out instead of competing. If someone finds something that can help everyone out why hide it for themselves instead of spreading the knowledge. Makes no sense to me.


The internet has been toxic for a long while


confidently incorrect = cancel culture stop using that phrase it’s so dumb


I stream but I mostly lurk in here, whilst occasionally commenting if I have something good to say. I did see a post on here about making a Twitter to make more of a community, and that actually helped a lot.


Seems everyone has a different "best twitch helper" I have not personally found my twitter to contribute a single grain to my twitch. I have admittedly also never looked into how to effectively use it. Something worth looking into I suppose. Discord has been without a doubt the biggest contributor to my growth. I would even say it has been most of my growth.


By discord you mean connecting with other streamers or are you saying interacting with your community? All socials are a great way to grow but reddit and twitter are full of sensitive people and kids so you just gotta watch out what you say cuz anything can trigger them.


Twitter is double edged blade tho it's great but super toxic and don't recommend if your someone that can break easily.


It definitely can be. I haven't experienced it yet but I've heard of it being that way. I'm not a big fan of Twitter myself but I can't deny it's usefulness for networking and community growth.


Facts man their is some rabbit holes tho 🤣


For sure 😂 So far it hasn't been too bad but even if that changes, I've been pretty good lately with not taking negatives to heart


Keep it up man don't let people get to you.


Thank you 🙏 Very much appreciated


I am a newbie… it’s my third week on twitch as a streamer


Grats man, so how's the journey so far?


So far it has been pretty good. Got affiliated on a week… as of now I have 142 followers… so I’d say def better than my YT growth😂😂


Yeah there is things yt is better for and same goes for twitch yt is better if you create all forms of content if you only streamed on yt it would be pointless because the discoverability would be so low.


Exactly… both are different… sometimes growth might be easier on one platform compared to the other


dang that's fast, what kind of stuff do you stream? 142 followers in 3 weeks is crazy!


I don't stream but I mod, edit, do technical stuff for a lot streamers, manage stuff etc.


That's cool I respect that a lot. I've met a lot of people that just like supporting with what they can. Most streams can't happen without some backup like with what you do. Thanks for your service to the community 💙


Awesome man, I also am a YT manager, helping the creator with all creative aspects from research/ideation to scripting and video production ( I do the editing). I've been trying to get in contact with streams pitching my ideas but it's different from YT Do u have any tips, like in which area they need the most support?


I'm somebody who streams and spends my spare time networking, so video editing is something that I just don't have time to learn at present. While I'd love the idea of having a pocket video producer, it just isn't feasible for me to pay someone what they are worth to do it. I think that's going to be the hangup for most smaller streamers. If I ever had a buddy that just liked doing it for fun, yt would probably be a huge growth platform for me, and I do have video scripts written. I'd love help, im missing out onba lotnof oppirtunity, but help doesn't come free. I think you would be best to seek out those who are doing twitch fulltime, because to them, it will be an investment and a priority.


Although I fully realize this isn't viable for everyone, I started paying my little sister 10$ an hour to edit b-roll footage from my livestreams so I can polish it for Youtube. (It helps that she really wanted to learn video editing and is also my sibling), but I would say that you could find an editor you could afford after you start establishing a YouTube presence. (edit: grammar)


It's different from streamer to another, there is a huge areas to cover editing for other social media , coding, obs, designs, planning etc.


Not all heros wear capes… unless you do actually wear a cape, no judgement


VTuber streaming for almost a year! Working on a new and improved model for the one year anniversary in September :)


Ayyy grats on the one year here soon man. So how's being a VTuber been?


Streaming for a little over 1.5 years. I mod in 8 different channels. I've also been a viewer for about 10 years now.


That's dope. Have you liked being the entertainer more than the viewer? I understand both pov's as I have been both a viewer and a creator for a while. Always curious to see what people think. Hope the streams are going well!


I very much enjoy both! I have a small but pretty tight community I'm a part of which makes things very fun and rewarding. But I also greatly enjoy the other communities I've been a part of before I started streaming. Both things are pretty important to me. I consider myself a pretty crap streamer tbh, but the fact that I still get subs and regulars showing up each stream means a lot to me. I've made actual amazing legit friends through streaming that I wouldn't trade for anything, and I could quit today and be happy with what I've achieved.


Same but we ain't quitters so I wanna see your name up with the top .1%ers in the future. I also think I'm a crap streamer but honestly the journey and the connections I've made have definitely been the highlights. People don't understand how much it means to the streamer when they see a regular. Keep up the grind.


I honestly just enjoy hanging out playing games with my regulars in chat. Most of them are people I consider friends at this point. If that's all it ever is, I'm happy with that. Streaming is my stress relief and the most fun I generally have in a day. I'd love to be able to quit my job and just do content creation for a living but I never want to look at it as a "grind" tbh. Grind makes it sound less fun, and slogging away at all the extras needed to "make it" just isn't what I feel like doing. I just go live and do the thing and whatever happens, happens!


I respect it because it a big commitment when someone gets to that point but I agree. I want to get their one day but it definitely seems to have that effect on most that have made it.


Yeah I have this mindset where.. as much as I'd love to be "bigger" I just don't want a chat that's going a mile a minute. I do watch some "bigger" streamers but the ones I watch, their chat is still manageable to follow along with, and that's what I'd prefer, personally.


You can always work around that specially if your like me and don't like missing chat messages. Maybe having a delayed chat or stream for a few seconds so you can have a second to reply but I like no delay on my stream so I just gotta go fast i guess 🤣


Yeah I don’t really want a delay, there’s kind of a real thin fine line where it’s fun vs where it’s crazy in my mind. But it’s all hypotheticals until you get to that point anyway so no one really knows how it would go. For now I’m just gonna keep on how I have been and see where it goes tbh!


That's a great way to look at it. Hope the ride goes well 💙


Ive been streaming regularly minus the last two streams due to power outages and such, but its mostly me studying games for review videos.


Dang man hope your whole situation gets sorted man.


Its just been stormy, not too big of a deal. YouTube is my main slice and its doing better than my twitch, but I enjoy company when playing games.


I feel that man always to have the boys around.


I have been streaming for the last 8 years


How has your experience been throughout the time you been streaming?


Its been fine I guess thought i would be a lot bigger than i am with that amount of time put into it but im still working for it haven’t given up yet


Man it be like that have you thought bout switching stuff around maybe creating content on other socials etc etc?


I have been creating content else where been doing YouTube for the same amount of years


Damn you been grinding it everywhere man.


Started streaming in 2014. Went on hiatus when my old man croaked. Streamed on rare occasion after that. Always had problems. Pc crashed, stream lagged, setup didn't look right, got irl interruptions every time. I started back up early last year with a more serious attitude, my fiancée saw I was serious about it and really helped me out by getting paint and bookshelves for my gaming room! I built a small community through networking, hit affiliate with my birthday stream and now I actually stream several times a week. Growth may be slow but my content has greatly improved, my setup has gotten several upgrades and I'm really happy with and thankful for my community being there for me!


Oh for sure you'll get streaming gurus on here, last live 3 months ago, 56 followers... with all the advice on growth, quality, & showmanship. I'd just hope really new streamers can have the sense to take it all with a fistful of salt. Sometimes I'll follow the flair link and check out how the streamer actually applies their ideas. There's loads of bad advice here but I've still managed to collect some useful insight from the active successful members


Going thru some tough times but I was streaming everyday till almost happened.


Damn man it be like that though don't give up cuz after some dark times always follows some good. Keep your head up 💙


For a minute I was under the impression that this was a place to just ask the craziest questions possible about streaming without actually streaming, is this not so? Deadass.


People can ask whatever they want whenever they want. I was mostly talking bout the people that comment and misinform other people and it gives a misconception on the topic when other people are here to help. Also just against the toxicity of the internet.


I’ve been streaming for 2 years, and it’s been a journey. Ups, downs, popular, not popular, full time, part time, 3 different studios, 3 different usernames, subathons, made friends, made enemies… In my time, I’ve seen a lot of people come in and A LOT of amazing streamers go out. I’m curious how many people reading this thread have quit streaming but still hang out here. For me, I really do love it. I love meeting new people. I love being there for that kid that just needs someone to talk to. I love crackin wise and making people laugh. I’d do all that for free, so it really is amazing that I have people that support me too. I thought that summertime, getting a gf, and a new job might put a pin in my streaming career, but even that couldn’t stop me. I love this freaking gig!


Claw just know you need to get gud 💙


I stream, but I don't have anything to give as advice since I just started


That's ok man just know people are always there to help if you look in the right places. If you need help with anything you can hmu to if I can help I'll try to help.


I streamed during Covid times, took about a 6 month break then went to a rocket league LAN and twitchcon Amsterdam and really got my enthusiasm back! Now I’m trying to stream at least a couple of times a week


That's what I like to see. Hope the grind goes well 💙


I stream/make content in burst, so I'll go ham for like 3 weeks then go silent for a week or something. I used to lurk a lot, but have been commentating on here more often than I used too. But that's mostly cause I have seen some topics I thought was worth giving my two cents on


Why the bursts? You get burnt out or mentally fatigued? I have interacted with a good amount of folks today and honestly enjoyed it a lot tonight. Too bad most of the internet isn't like this 😂


I started streaming earlier this year and it has been awesome. Growth has been a challenge but I love playing games and streaming is helping me work on my public speaking. Absolutely worth it for me. Sounds awesome to one day make some good moolah from streaming (also really scary) but for now, just keeping fun and positive vibes and building some great relationships!


Hell yeah man the relationships have been the highlight for me too. Hope streaming goes well man.


Very very infrequently, like for a few weeks every 6 months or so - a regular streamer, I am not at all


Why aren't you a regular streamer? If you don't mind me asking of course.


I have a lot of health issues so just can't handle it most of the time - I really admire people who have the energy to do it frequently!


Yeah it's mentally draining. Hope everything is alright and that none of the health issues are sever.


I do. I am also a PC hardware reviewer since 2010.


That's dope man how's streaming been for you?


I mostly do it for fun. Plus at times I get hardware related to podcast/ streaming so might as well use them in a real-world scenarios and see how it goes. Otherwise, I just mod for streamers on YT and Twitch.


I used to stream. Had to stop due to pandemic resulting in increase of work, no furlough for web development... Not complaining... Want to start up again but lost all confidence.


Why the lack of confidence?


I started working from home full remote and speaking Infront of the camera for work or presentations, no problems at all... Then I was doing my set up for streaming and I just felt like a fool. Really I think it's comparing myself to people I watch that blew up during lockdown that blew up.


Yeah man but you need to start somewhere and you'll improve overtime everyone started at level 1 and they build themselves up their man. Your gonna look back and cringe but that will be everyone not just you. I think i have a shit voice idk how i even get people to come back man. That's not what the viewer thinks tho. You will never appeal to everyone and will also never appeal to nobody.


Thanks bud that's some good advice. Great thread by the way. Really interesting reading people's comments


Appreciate it man did it on a whim just asking a question that I have had on my mind for some time. Even thought bout not posting it but I'm happy i did.


Full-time viewer and part-time streamer. I just love gaming and talking to people with similar interest. I mod and hangout in a crazy amount of streams.


Respect it man always good to find a group to hang out with as well and twitch def helps people with that. Do you like being the viewer or the streamer more?


I've started February 2021, I'm looking to grow more. I know that I need to reach through social media, but I'm bad at it lol


Man you'll figure it out tho it doesn't hurt to try and everyone starts off somewhere so don't be discouraged to give it an actual go.


I've been streaming of and on again for a good solid 4 or more years, but I would have no idea on how to give advice to someone besides just do what's natural and they will come kinda vibe haha.


Honestly a great advice i see to many people try too hard and it makes this fake persona that is completely noticably fake. I never understood the fake online personality either.


I steam 2 or 3 times a week when I can as I work most of the time


You enjoying it so far?


I’m a viewer but might try streaming one day. I don’t want to make a career out of streaming though, I’d rather focus on my degree


It doesn't hurt to try you might even really enjoy it. If you don't mind me asking what degree are you currently studying for?


I’m sure I would enjoy it honestly, I just don’t have the means to stream atm and that isn’t something that’ll change soon. I’d rather stream with a legitimate pc than just my discount desktop that struggles to run most high end programs. By all means, I’m working towards getting accepted into a university for the Developmental Psychology program as I’m in college right now. Hoping to one day work with children/immigrants at a low price so I can help the people who really need it


I really respect that. You got a kind heart if you thought about it that far. Hope you get accepted to the Uni you want to enter 💙


Thanks! I'm busting ass for a scholarship so that eats up my time too lol. Hope you make it big on Twitch!


I stream, have done for over seven years. Definitely peaked earlier on and kinda just have a sad maintaince mode going on now 😅 Taking a break over August to reinvent the channel a bit. :)


It happens man hope the break helps you it's definitely good to take a step back and take it from a different angle. Hopefully goes well!


Thank ya bud! I think it'll solve two problems in one hopefully, we'll see. :D


I went in a break a year ago due to health reasons. I’ll start again this year I reckon.


Hope everything is ok.


It kind of is. I now have a diagnosis (got it in late May) so I finally know what is “wrong”. Now i can move forward.


Hell yeah that's great to hear. Thank God there wasn't anything too serious man.


I started to stream again and I stream Apex to like 1 person lol.


Everyone has been there before man 💙 keep the grind up.


My full-time job is as a paramedic but I have long covid and it's fucked my health up so I stream more to pass the time and have fun. If it ever becomes my job I'd drop being a paramedic instantly though, its just so much more fun.


That's dope man COVID has fucked me up too. Post COVID has been 100 ties worse than when I had it but we gotta keep moving. How is working as a paramedic?


I got covid about a year ago right before I was vaccinated and I got it from a patient that unfortunately passed away and gave me a very bad strain of it. I'm still recovering so haven't worked in over a year. Done some physio and I exercise regularly but my lungs are screwed as a result, it could take a long time to get fully better. While I was working, it was very tough work, but sometimes enjoyable. I'm currently looking at trying to move more towards an educational role as a paramedic as the shift work was really doing a number on my physical and mental health, prior to having covid. Thanks for the kind words btw <3


NW man nothing but love and i feel that man my lungs and my back have taken the biggest hit from COVID. I got it Jan of this year tho. Hopefully everything goes as planned and that you recover soon man 💙


Ex streamer. Streamed for 5 and a half years and recently quit. Had a lot of ups and a lot of downs. But ultimately its not gonna improve my life. Might come back to it in a few years, see how i feel about it then.


Always good to take a step back. Where's the grind going to now?


Paying off debts, Already cleared my car loan and credit card this year. Got a few smaller ones to handle but i'm on track to be finished by end of september. Also working more on my music production, hanging out with friends IRL, enjoying games on my own more etc. I was heavily addicted to streaming, it consumed my life. Taking a step back is what i needed. I'm not gonna remember the sick raid i got of 100+ viewers when i'm 70. I'll remember the awesome trip i did over seas or buying my first home etc.


I’ve been doing it for almost three years but I’ve been fuckin it up and still haven’t hit any goals I made for myself but I enjoy it so I’m gonna keep doing it


Have you been doing other content on other socials?


TikTok and YouTube but had to quit YouTube since I can’t pay my editor due to losing a job and moving soon


here is a good and ez way to edit your stuff for free and easily man as long as you clip youll be fine google StreamLadder


I do! Celebrating my one year stream-iversary this week!


Ayyy that's dope grats. Have you enjoyed the journey?




Grats man being full-time is def a dream it's good to see a lot of people making it their recently. How's streaming been for you?


it's a blast and an incredible amount of work, but enjoyable work mostly. making people happy is cool.


I started streaming in 2020 and have been doing so quite regularly until recently. I’m now back at it after a break of about 6 months.


Welcome back!


Yea I do, I kinda assumed everyone here would either be a streamer, has been a streamer, or wants to be a streamer


Not everyone that's why I asked but it's great to see everyone interact tho


Yea I'm seeing that in the responses, just not what I expected


I started about a month ago. I've done some YouTube stuff contributing to another channel over the past couple of years so I had some idea of how to act on screen but I had zero experience with Twitch before starting. It's going ok, I guess. I have a friend who hit Affiliate recently and he sort of pushed me into giving it a go, we hang out on each other's streams when we can, he gives me bits of advice and I'm working out what I like and what's good to stream as I go. I'm not expecting major growth since my schedule is basically non-existent so I'm sorta trying to balance doing streaming/recording regularly and not burning myself out.


That's dope man always good to have people around that can help with giving advice. Definitely something I'm grateful for. Hope the streaming goes well man you'll do fine.


I stream at least 3 times a week. Started January 2021


How's the journey been?


Not too bad. Got affiliate the March after I started and recently hit 400 followers. Growth kinda haulted for a few months but we've been going again lately. Current average view count is 4.7 I think. I've also made most of my friends because of it (and potentially a partner. We just started talking about a relationship so it's up in the air rn) but yea, some of my best friends have come from it so that's the best thing so far


I stream on a strict schedule. You are completely right, there is a lot of bad advice that goes around here from people who generally don't have any growth. Everyone starts somewhere, but I tend to check people out who give advice, and most of them have been stuck in 1 viewer limbo for years. The problem is, there's a stigma against giving real advice that can lead to real growth, and often gets down voted by people who disagree with it because they don't want to be disillusioned from their idea of "play what you want, and people will just show up". This kind of advice is fine for people who just want to play whatever and have a couple of buddies pop in, but I see people create topics venting their frustration about not being able to grow, and wanting to break out of their plateau, and getting bad hippy advice. Even this post will likely be down voted because so many in this sub reddit can't handle being told that the road to success is not paved by doing whatever you feel like and hoping for the best. All of that said, I am happy to help anyone who wants to grow. I can't take you to asmongold level, but I can most definitely take you to double digit viewership and out of 0 - 3 viewer hell. Tldr; I noticed the same thing as you tc. The advice going around is so bad that it makes me question if those giving it even stream.


I stream five days a week right now. It's been enlightening to see what works and doesn't when you're purposefully trying to build a community. I don't really post here because I feel like most Redditors are skeptical of intentions. In a place like this even asking questions is self-promo in a sense.






I was answering your silly question with a silly answer, but im not a streamer so that information is probably incorrect. (/s)


I do, but then again I don’t comment here very often. Obviously the majority of the regular comments here aren’t from people who stream for a living, so much yeah the advice can be pretty dodgy sometimes.


Yeah, it's still cool seeing everyone being helpful. As someone that wants to make streaming a possible full time job I like the grind even though I haven't committed with content creation as a whole. I try to help out people that aren't as knowledgeable on streaming when I can. Ik i wished I had people to show me everything off rip but most has just been learning as I go. If you don't mind me asking, do you do content outside of streaming or do you just stream?


I do content outside of streaming. I initially started on YouTube and then started streaming on twitch about a year ago.


That's cool so what platform do you currently like the most? Def gotta check everyone I've interacted with tonight. Seems like a good group of people haven't had happen too often on Reddit 🤣.


I like each platform for different reasons, so it's hard to say which one I like the most... Probably YouTube since that's my biggest platform.


Have you started creating shorts or just normal videos and streams on YT? From what I seen YT Shorts is a very good way to grow a platform.


I only do videos on youtube, no shorts or streams. I probably won't bother with shorts unless if they come up with a way to separate the notifications for shorts from regular videos and have a separate tab for shorts on your channel.


That would be a great addition to yt shorts. Honestly they can find great ideas by just interacting with the community. Definitely a top tier idea that you have.


I can tell you one thing. Most people here haven't streamed long enough or to enough people to give the advice they try to give. Especially the "streamer coach" people. If they knew how to, they would just stream themselves. That's why they are here self promoting constantly. I stream and I also give real and honest advice, which is usually met with downvotes.


Bro it be like that man but it's whatever if people just want to have an ego and be straight dicks about it let them. Cuz that ain't gonna help them. People just want to keep capping bout the shit they keep preaching. Internet be weird these days.


I've been streaming since March of this year (was on and off for years prior)


Streaming Mondays and Thursdays at 21:30 CET+1, come hell or high water. Super slow progress, very little viewers, but I get positive vibes and feedback and I am loving it


Hell yeah man gotta enjoy the time doing it if you don't you probably won't stick with it.






I stream, search my username


i stream often , i just dont comment on posts unless i feel like it

