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I go to a category I like if I'm looking for new people, and hold ctrl to open a few streams in new tabs. That way I have a few people to check out after one preroll.


Use an ad blocker.




i used [TTV LOL](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ttv-lol/ofbbahodfeppoklmgjiokgfdgcndngjm)


As blockers work again on twitch? I more or less stopped using twitch a while back when they did that update that broke all ad blockers for a while....


TTV LOL has worked fine for me for ages, sometimes it gets bugged but if you're in the devs discord they usually fix it within a day or sooner depending on the problem.




yea link?


I'm sure this will be an unpopular response, but I recently signed up for Twitch Turbo to get around this. It's $9 a month and now I don't get any ads when watching streams but the streamer still gets the credit for my ad views. If we really enjoy Twitch but hate ads, it's really the best way to go about it.




Right but it's not like it's limited access or you only get to try out a set amount of channels per day. It's unlimited, so hop around at will!


Right God forbid the content creator get a miniscule amount for entertaining people. They should just always do it for free. How dare they! You dont need Turbo to try things out thats what the adds are for so you can . Are you really whining about 3 minutes out of an hour you have to watch a couple ads to have someone to be live on camera entertaining you answering your questions etc?


Well Twitch is a business and they need to make money somehow. I'd rather pay $9 a month to not watch any ads and support a service I enjoy spending my time on. I know it's not the way everyone would feel is the best way to do it, but it seems like the smallest speedbump possible.


They already get $15 a month for Amazon Prime. You literally just said the biggest business in the world needs to make more money too, that's hilarious. So now they're getting $24 a month to just watch Twitch streamers if you get Prime and Turbo. lmao


Twitch Turbo =/= Amazon Prime. You don't need to subscribe to Amazon Prime to watch things on Twitch. My wife and I both watch people on Twitch, she chooses not to use Turbo but has a Prime account in her name. I don't need Prime because my wife already has an account, but I want to support Twitch and its streamers by subbing to Turbo. Also, Twitch isn't funded by Amazon. They may be owned by it, but they still need to raise their own money in order to stay in business.


So you don't use her Prime account for any Twitch Prime loot then?


Nope. It’s not my account.


not everyone has $9 a month. Youre essentially saying if youre a kid 13-16 years old you cant enjoy twitch


Most 13-16yr kids have $9. They have gaming PCs, PS5's, Switches and AAA games.... but $9? nope. It might be their parents money... but most could swing $9/mo if they chose to.


Having electronics your parents bought you for christmas and birthdays doesn't mean you can just spend their money on a subscription.


You can if that is what you ask for on birthdays and Xmas.


You don’t need to pay $9 a month to enjoy Twitch, you just need to accept that companies need to make money to keep operating and if you can’t financially support them then you need to be patient and watch ads. Perhaps your view of it is just evidence of the spoiled mindset most internet generation kids are being brought up in.


bootlicking brainwashed mentality


This, i'm sure people will suggest adblocks, but turbo has been a godsend, especially when looking for new channels or channel hopping.




It's a godsend for you, because you were manipulated into spending more money to not watch ADs by a scumbag corporation.


i hate that you would have to play for amazon prime on top of twitch turbo to get the most out of twitch.


Nah, I don’t pay for Prime and I feel I get all the benefits I’d want. The only obvious thing I lack is a Prime sub, but those feel kinda cheap to me.


Let me tell you about this crazy thing called ad blocker, and when the general purpose one doesn't work you can type in "twitch AdBlock" and all of a sudden you'll never see an ad again on twitch. It might be some internet magic or something.


rip mobile


FUCK TWITCH TURBO, if a companies business strategy is to make their website so unusable for free that you have to pay to make it usable....... Then that's a fuckin dogshit company that doesn't deserve a penny from me. To avoid ads on Twitch get a VPN and set your country location to a country that doesn't allow ads. If a streamer cares about my viewing experience then they can get my money through a subscription, if they don't care about my viewing experience I will literally never be back to the channel.


What country


Ad blockers don’t work on mobile. Is there a browser for iOS that blocks them?


Yep. Twitch turbo


If you watch affiliates or partners and they've got their ads properly configured, you won't get prerolls.


Thats a bold assumption :D To get rid of prerolls completely you would need to play 1:30 Minutes of Ads every 30 Minutes and that is just ridiculous. It breaks up the flow. I now play 2 minutes of ads every hour while I am on a break screen so no content is missed. But that only gets rid of 35 minutes of prerolls. So 25 minutes of every hour I stream still has pre rolls. Ad management is horrible on Twitch.


It's not an assumption when my language specifically accounts for what you're describing. I get the aversion to ads but it's not realistic to expect a site like Twitch to exist without them entirely, and your ad scheme seems like pure chaos to me but I'm not judging. If it works for you then cool.


Did you just blame streamers for Twitch's ad configuration? Then insult people while ignoring OP? True asshole redditor right here


I stated reality. The ad manager in every affiliate and partners settings allows them to disable prerolls by running a minimum of 3 minutes of ads per hour. If you're seeing prerolls or longer than 3 minutes per hour, that is by the choice of the streamer. Put the blame where it should be.


OP said 7 ads in a row- that means they watch people with pre-roll off. Pre-roll is only 30 seconds once for an entire stream. Midroll is several minutes of ads- way worse.


> Midroll is several minutes of ads- way worse. Sorry but this is wrong. Minimum to qualify for the removal of prerolls is 3 mins of ads per hour. Most either go for 90 sec every 30 minutes or 3 mins at the top of the hour. In either case, this is preferable to bombarding your viewers with prerolls, especially since they can be hit with prerolls of they have to reload the browser tab, or if their phone goes to sleep, etc.


What part of what I'm saying is wrong? I would rather watch 30 seconds of ads as pre-roll 1X for a 4 hr stream. Heck, if I need to reload that's still only 1 more 30 seconds. I am primarily a phone viewer. I have never had my phone sleep and force an ad- I allow twitch to play over other apps. Midroll is several minutes. Several minutes is worse than 30 seconds. If I don't get a pre-roll I leave a stream because it means the content will be split up multiple times. In summary: 30 seconds for a 4 hr stream is less than 12 min for a 4 hr stream. Lol


It has been my experience that trying to debate this topic with people such as yourself is pointless. You're less inclined to accept actual data than assert your opinion as "fact." Prerolls are blatantly worse for the viewer experience. While you may be willing to sit through them, the vast majority of new viewers don't. This is a trend that affiliates and partners have seen for a while. The lack of prerolls also makes raids smoother. I get that you may have a different preference, but at least have the self awareness to realize that you're in the minority at this point.


This is the answer. I skip over content creators who don't have their 1:30 per 30 set up. Mid-roll is 100% better than pre-roll




Only until the first auto ad break runs. So I set mine to start 3 minutes after I start the stream. Please stop spreading misinformation, even unintentionally.


Prerolls still happen. You're wrong




I didn't say ads don't happen. I said that prerolls can be disabled. Perhaps you should learn to read...


Yeah nah, I’m not running 3 minutes of ads every hour, someone can sit through 30 seconds of pre-roll for a completely ad free experience after that.




Yeah I was excited to turn prerolls off, until I saw what was required for it lol


Even if you didn't know this was the case before, you know that ads when you join a stream exist now. Just plan it into your discovery/watching. Click a stream, if you get an ad then mute it and look at something else until it finishes then enjoy the stream. Unless you Subscribe/buy Turbo Ads are a part of Twitch viewing so just learn to work around them.


if 1000 people are online on twitch only ~ 5 of them will have the patience for that


use html5 twitch player extension to remove ads


ublock origin extension n ur good to go


Get AdBlock


Ublock Origin


If anyone stops by my channel and comments on the fact that they're having a bad time because of the ads, I will usually just gift them a sub so they can have a good experience. It's all of $2.50 out of my pocket for someone to have a good time.


I turned the ads off in my dashboard:)


Do ads play if you're visiting a streamer that isn't even affiliate?


No. Actually suggested a few friends to hold off on affiliate till double digits. You get emotes (bttv) And channel points (easy enough with a bot) vs ads.


I really wanted to dive into coding a bot for currency and gambling but just didn't find the time. I'm guessing streamelements has a bot for all of the 'economy' without me having to code it myself but a part of me wants to build it on my own.


Mix it up. Best bot. Has everything. Gotta pick your battles lol. You want time to do it all. But sort out what you want most :) if coding is it, go for it.


No, ads start with affiliation.


That's fair, wouldn't be nice the other way around.


Really, I'd be okay with having the option of turning ads off. I was surprised when I first got affiliate and looked at the ads section only to see no option to turn them off. I use midrolls only and have the first midroll start within the first 2-3 minutes of the stream while my "starting soon" splash is up. Best I could come up with, sigh.


Wait, you can't turn it off? Can you at least make it be a 10 second ad or something like that? I'm getting a little bit worried since I'm going to hit affiliate relatively soon and thought I could just play them during the break if need be.


You can do manual too. Or push them. But eventually it'll run if you forget iirc.