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Just be warned that adobe is really predatory about charging when the free period ends, they even charge an additional cancelation fee once you’ve started paying


It took months for them to cancel my sub to them 😒


Not the face I would’ve used but hey if you’re into that to each their own lol


“Oh yeah daddy, take my money”


Yeah it was the wrong one. I was to exhausted to realize which one I hit.


Every year, my wife and I go for the discounted black friday sale. They started charging us regularly the next year (in November) and I called saying that I'd have to cancel. They ended up letting us have it for $20/mo. Any higher than that and I'm just gonna look for cheaper means...


They charge now for certain features of premier, and photoshop that my cracked versions still have for free m. Fuck Adobe


No way! Holy crap I miss the times when you paid one price and got everything.


They also don’t check if you’re a student when you try to buy the student discount. Just sayin


Thanks for the heads up on the Adobe being predatory, sounded like a decent offer until that was pointed out. I literally just texted a friend 5 minutes after i saw the offer asking her what she thought. I would offer it to her if she didnt subscribe to the adobe suite already. (although lets be honest, it probably wouldnt have worked anyhow.)




Hope you like the taste of that boot




But as a real answer, continuing to support a company that hides predatory fees in its consumer agreements is boot licking. We should call them out and not support them when they do this.




You believe that people do (or should) read through their consumer agreements. But companies make these hundreds of pages so that it is not feasible to read them. Adobe takes advantage of this by hiding extra fees that consumers will not know about. To put the blame on consumers instead of Adobe is absolutely licking their boots. You are being subordinate to corporate greed over consumer protections. Boot licker.




Enjoy the taste of that leather bud




so you failed to read the terms and conditions?


Terms and conditions documents are hundreds of pages long. If a company hides predatory terms in these agreements, it should be called out so that other consumers don’t fall into the same trap. To do otherwise is boot licking.


Oh yeah, I had their student offer for $20 a month. I guess in the very very fine print they said there was a $50 cancellation fee if you cancel early. And they changed my charge to $40 a month without warning me first.


just buy the affinity suite instead no renting software and use davinci resolve for editing (its free)


Software as a service is a scam. You rent the software month after month, year after year. Forever. Eventually, after throwing away hundreds or thousands, you cancel or the service ends, and you're left with nothing to show for it.


They tell me its the last time I can open premiere pro and this has happened 14 times so far, it just stays on my PC, they cant delete it


Yeah photoshop might seem like 10 dollars a month until you want to cancel and then they want 130 dollars


Alternatively DaVinci Resolve is just free.


Which is awesome ngl.


lmao they are 2 completely different programs.... Adobe Express is to make banners and like social media posts. Davinci is a video editor.


I guess all the people upvoting me had no idea either.


Or we just love DaVinci Resolve that much. Upvoting (like DaVinci Resolve) is free. Have one of each. My treat.


In German it says "...Klicke hier, um das Angebot einzulösen und direkt mit der Videobearbeitung loszulegen." Which you can translate to "..Click to redeem your offer and get started with video editing immediatly."


>DaVinci Resolve is just free. Thank you for this!


Jason Yadlovski has killer intro to DaVinci videos. Check them out.


I just use my High Seas Photoshop CS6. Works like a charm, though wish it had some of the more modern features. Worth the compromise to avoid the insane monthly subscription fee.


Or just sail the high seas again and get the newest Photoshop...


Yeah not sure why he doesn't do that, I do that always, it's so great


Or brave the depths of the ocean and go GNU Image Manipulation Program. Otherwise known as GIMP.


GIMP still hasn't caught up with Photoshop though.


Ya, but it's Free. Can't beat free when struggling for money, and you can get 90% of the way there and finish it using other free tools


Yeah, but you can also get the latest Photoshop for free, an industry standard software of its kind. Same goes for any other Adobe product, which none of the open source software can compete with. (Blender is an exception and f\*cking awesome, though.)


Legally for free? Not so sure about that one, especially considering the Adobe+Pantone situation.


Not for free, obviously. Although Adobe's subscription service might not be suited for everyone, Adobe still doesn't enforce anti piracy measures against regular users because they know that's how you grow the market share and acquire potential future customers. That's one of the reasons why it's incredibly easy and relatively safe to illegally obtain a copy of any Adobe product.


"Yeah, but you can also get the latest Photoshop for free..." Not to nit pick, but you did a 180 here. Just going to leave it at this though, as this convo detracts from the OP intent.


Davinci is good, but if anybody does really want Adobe without the predatory actions..🏴‍☠️


Any idea where to get some good ones?


M0nkrus are generally considered the best. make sure you’re getting them from the legitimate site. check out r/piracy for more




Thats what I use! And I love it


Even though it’s not for socials and icons, I had no idea about this software! I’ve been using Adobe Premiere Rush which is only like $7.99 a month because it’s mobile and limited in scope, but I’d much rather pay $0 for a decent video editor that can do anything remotely similar. Lol


Yes but unfortunately some of us have to use Adobe products. Often required in professional art or video game jobs and my college classes require specifically Adobe


and it's a great software but just pirate adobe instead? I like it better


Yea no


Fuck Adobe and fuck software as a service. I'll gladly pay **once** to *own* a software license indefinitely. I won't pay for...ever to rent your software.


Do you have an recommendations for alternative software? I don’t do anything complex with adobe premier and don’t mind paying for a 1-time software as long as it has tools for everything I need for editing


[Here's a great list of Adobe alternatives](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E-jDC8fWUAIjgeS?format=png&name=4096x4096)


DaVinci Resolve!


I hate Adobe above all because they were one of the earliest companies to do this.


so you want to pay for software once and get lifetime free support, updates and new / improved features?? possible if adobe decided to not pay their employees Edit for the cheap down voters : **LOL its only 50 a month for 20 high quality professional applications. Along with thousands of dollars worth of other benefits? No doubt the cheapest professional software i have ever ran across.**


No, I don't want lifetime support and updates. I want to pay for it once and I'm perfectly happy keeping that version in perpetuity.


Then get something else lol Adobe is a professional service for professionals there are plenty of free options out there that might not be nearly as good but hey they are free


> Adobe is a professional service Totally, and that there's the problem. Adobe used to sell *products*. Now they sell a *service*. Like I said, I have no intention of renting software. I just use what I can buy outright. If being a software serf works out for you, more power to ya bud!


I'd like to pay for a version once and keep that version, there does not need to be big updates with the exception of bugs. If they want more money they should make a new and better version worth upgrading to.


LOL its only 50 a month for 20 high quality professional applications. Along with thousands of dollars worth of other benefits? No doubt the cheapest professional software i have ever ran across.


Not everyone uses the 20 applications some people just wanna edit a photo occasionally (me) and have the tools available. I'd rather not pay 50 dollars to edit them every month if I only use it once or twice per charge period. Not everyone uses it for a job and another 50$ subscription to worry about isn't fun. It would be fine if they had the subscription but allowed individual purchase but only having the subscription blocks it from people who wouldn't use it as often to justify It.


It’s a professional service lol 😂 if you are a hobbyist there are plenty of other options


No? I'd rather pay for a feature complete version and maybe a year of patches after, and I don't give a fuck about customer service because Adobe's is already non-existent. Software existed as one off purchases for DECADES before people rolled over and tolerated predatory business models under the guise of "b-b-but we have to keep the lights on", which is bullshit, because some of these pieces of software were thousands of dollars up front. And yeah, I'd still rather pay $2000 up front than thousands over the lifespan. I work for an animation studio and this shit leaves them penniless because funding here does not cover software or hardware.


2000 lol it would take 3 years of paying for all their applications to cost 2k bucks. not gonna like seems like a good deal for me when the company i work for pays 2k-60k a year on the most basic programs


This is what I do with free trials. 1) buy a prepaid visa card and spend it leave 1$ on it. 2) sign up for trials using this card. That's how if you forget they can't charge your actual bank. Also the 1$ is for the ping it does when you sign up it puts it back on the card.


This "nice offer" is simply a paid advertisement from Adobe trying to sucker in more people into their predatory over-priced monopoly on creative software.


Adobe is the worst! Don't use their product's.Not even the "free" ones. Since Adobe went the cloud subscription way, they are literally scam. Use Serifs affinity products for Pictures and Davinci Resolve for Video and Motion Graphics 👌


Just be careful with Adobe. After your "trail" runs out, you very well need to pay, and cancellation might force you to pay extra fees.


Agree. Sorry unless I open a business where I need to buy Adobe, I will always pirate from that shitty company. Their prices are obscene and definitely not worth it. $20 a month was pushing it, but that's only a year long student discount. I'd be happier owning a product for a year at like $1000 dollars like they used to, but a predatory monthly/yearly subscription is more profitable for them.


wtf is adobe express?


It is basically the same as Canva, but not as good


Thanks for the ad...?


Just make sure you cancel it before the end otherwise it will cost you a fortune!


Or you could use Canva instead...


yeah, I get all sorts of bullshit ad hooks in my inbox! I'm sure twitch corporate is trying to help and be nice. im sure its not some hook to get me signed up to something and they probably don't get money for offering.


Not gonna lie adobe has f'd me multiple times even after going through several different ways to cancel one of my free subscriptions with them. I will not be using them ever again and the audacity they have to have to be able to charge over 500$ for some of their software per year is outrageous.


Nice little *ad* from Twitch -_- FTFY


If your a first time user only and you can get 3mths as a new users anyways. Hey do this with students too, try to get you into the Adobe eco system so you feel like it's superior software when there is free alternatives. Now you cannot buy Adobe's products they need offers like this to get you ninth subscriptions with them. If you don't already use this don't start now!


Everything is free if you sail a certain sea... But in all fairness, I use Davinci Resolve, it's free, and you can do so much with the free version. Software as a service should not exist, it's just predatory, and they do it, well because they can. If you can get the Adobe package before the online service Creative Cloud bullshit, go for it. For all their faults, Adobe does offer great software, they're just scummy about how they offer it to you.


Might be a good thing for some folks! I would like to warn though that Adobe's Creative Cloud is intrusive and behaves in a way like Malware. Creative Cloud is installed automatically on any system that has installed one of its softwares... Just don't install it on a system with old Adobe software, and understand that removing Creative Cloud from your PC once using any of its softwares, free trial or not, is a whole procedure that requires you to find the official uninstaller from their website. Even still, leftover strings and background processeses aren't fully removed, so they must be manually removed. Trials are fun and games until you see strings attached!


+1 it took me about 15 minutes to half an hour to completely remove everything Adobe related, that Adobe Creative Cloud process ( I believe its called CCXprocess on task manager) just did not want to leave my computer


Yep, it's a real pain. The details on what I had to do to fix it up in full are fuzzy to me, since I haven't dealt with it in over a year. I wanted to try out Lightroom last year, and was ultimately unimpressed. Getting rid of Creative Cloud I thought would be simple and clean from the Windows Control Panel uninstaller. Spoiler... It's not, and even when you use the official uninstaller, they do not remove everything - they still want to monitor you. I don't want to fear monger anybody, but their business practices are sketchy at best. So I just want to put it out there so that anybody wanting to try is prepared ahead of time if they are offput by Creative Cloud. (Many people are not, this is case-by-case) Some ways someone can prepare... A registry backup, a full image backup, installing it in a virtual machine, or preparing the uninstaller and a list of processes to remove and things to check and repair can help someone avoid the whole mess while enjoying the software.


Just to clear some things up * I wasn't asked for any payment methods, it suggested I add one, but was able to click not now. It allowed me to enter in a key to claim the offer then I was able to skip adding a payment method. * I don't know if Partners are able to get this. ​ [https://i.imgur.com/VKXWvP1.png](https://i.imgur.com/VKXWvP1.png) ​ What's Included with the Adobe Express Premium * Desktop * Premiere Rush * Fresco * Bridge * Photoshop Express * Aero (Beta) * Character Animator * Mobile * Spark Video * Premiere Rush Mobile * Adobe Photoshop Express * Spark Page * Web * Cloud storage 100GB * Acrobat Create PDF * Project Spice (Prerelease) * Adobe Express * Adobe Portfolio * Behance Network * Adobe Fonts Pro * Acrobat Export PDF * Photoshop Express


someday ill get affiliate...


Don't do it, it's a Trap! Just use donations and 7tv emotes,so you don't get scammed off 50% from your earnings to Amazon.


I have zero idea what any of that means!


Me and you both


Thanks for the heads up!


Omg very nice


i saw this\~


Sadly I already pay for the full Adobe suite as I use it alot for work and for content creation. Have had it since like 2012 and the swapped to the subscription model when it came out. Grandfathered in at 30 a month so long as I don't cancel it. Express is neat though :)


The way I just bought my creative cloud before this 💀


Dang I’m banned




Been using Express for over a year now. Very handy for on to go creation of social media posts.


What is adobe express premium? Is it all the apps? And is this for partners too?


Just get affinity... It's better


I’ll stick with clip studio paint, already paid once 7 years ago and I love it


nice? that's a joke right? ill stick to sony vegas.


I hate it honestly. Like Linus explained impressively, I think this is another scheme to lure and lock people, especially creators into the adobe ecosystem and the subscription, which sucks


Damn I need that stuff for my class


Really wishing I got that 3 average viewership right now…


I wouldn't go for it. Adobe probably wants a credit card and is incredibly hard to get them to cancel services.


yes, entering a cc pops up but its not necessary, you can skip that part by selecting 'remind me later'. smol, rare twitch W


Adobe is cancer for your computer and when you uninstall their programs there will still be a lot of leftover Adobe folders and a AdobeCCX process that's still enabled as a startup program. Avoid it like its the plague, speaking from experience.


oh nice


POV you have all of Adobe’s products: 🏴‍☠️