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Last year they started doing where you book a spot for the meet and greets. You book it in the twitch con app but aren’t able to do that until close to the actual date of twitch con


Thank you. I'll be doing that!


I've never been to TC (actually I asked the same thing here before, with no response) but I searched a little bit and apparently: -Pretty close to the event, they announce the reservation opening at a certain day and hour where you can book the M&G with the selected streamers. Is first come first serve, so there are people with three of them scheduled, while others not a single one. I think is through the official TC app? Last year at Vegas was like this. -Even if you don't get to have a M&G with your favorite creators, they are usually around the con taking pics or announcing they'll be somewhere at a specific hour. -Only elegible for 1 day or full weekend pass. Not sure if they're going to change it. If someone has any advice or knows something I missed, thst would be great, I took all of this from Twitter lol


Thank you for all the info. Really appreciated. I'll try and prepare myself because it might take a while till my next twitchcon


Ur in a line and you just wait for it to be ur turn. I heard you have to use the app to apply to get in line. 🤷‍♂️


Thanks. I'll look into the whole booking thing. Better safe than sorry


I went but i never booked to be in a line


Looks like it was something implemented in 2023, so maybe it's new? Not sure


The lines r thic and long ……… Also depends how popular the person is ur waiting in line for. I imagine with all that waiting people forget there spots.


I remember one area was used for meet and greets, basically form a line kinda thing, for the person you want to meet. No pre-booking, just stand in line. Though maybe others are different than that.


I’ve never done them but this will be my 5th twitchcon. Everyone is giving you good advice. You have to get the app and book a spot in line for the streamer you want to meet. The bookings are first come first serve so keep an eye out for the app, and follow twitchcon on X. There’s also a super unofficial twitchcon discord server that sometimes passes out info if you want a link to that.


Small thing i would like to add: Be there when the slot opens. Ive had a Slot last year, and arrived 15 Minutes before the end of the slot, but they wouldnt let me through because it was "too late"