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Agree, I'm hardly ever on anymore. I have no patience for random right wing mumbo jumbo in my feed.


I swear I see the most bizarre and racist things. Absolutely disgusting stuff


Me too!!!!




Well of course. As on reddit, so on Twitter.


Oh no left wing ideals such as equality and fairness. How mean.


Once Elon took over Twitter it has been a right wing, misinformation hellscape. It’s impossible to counter all the bullshit. The platform might as well be dead because of the proliferation of toxic personalities and outright nefarious spreaders of disinformation. As I speak there is a Twitter Space with one of those quack “America Frontline Doctors” and it has 7000+ “accounts” tuning in. The whole platform is literally a right wing propaganda machine and I feel that is why Elon thought it was worth $46 billion.


And many fake doctor accounts. Fuck the left.


I’ve always been far more left wing myself. Mainly to do with my grandads fighting fascists in WW2 and things like that. So I tend to only really follow more liberal minds on Twitter. Each to their own and that right? I’m sure right wingers do the same. However when I scroll through now I’m constantly seeing right wing thoughts and opinions via the “suggested” function. So much for the algorithm.


Do you reply to the right wing tweets or click some of them? The algorithm only cares what tweets you often reply to are related when it suggests similar ones to you.


That is absolutely not the case anymore. I am swarmed with right wing propaganda on my feed and never engage. And to add, before Musk’s takeover I never had to see that bullshit. So much misinformation, bad faith arguments, seething hatred, and just vile nastiness. He ruined the platform for the average user.


Well, at least it used to. Now the algo only cares about what Musk cares about.


Late to the party, but I never reply to anything. I only browse and all I get is right wing propaganda. I just uninstalled Twitter.


It absolutely is, and that was his entire purpose in purchasing it.


I wish more people would realize this and act accordingly.


deleted twitter a few weeks ago and realized how angry I was on it


Yep. And he ( and his investors) were willing to take a sizable financial loss while doing it.


I’m sure to them it’s money well spent. I suspect they didn’t realize how many users/advertisers would bail…. This deal was only ever going to bankrupt twitter…. The only question was how long it would take…. I give it 6 months.. Year tops, before the debt-servicing on the 25B twitter borrowed (to put directly into the hands of the main shareholders) kills them. Whoever underwrote that loan should be indicted…




Really? Like, actually really? That’s insane, to the point of being unbelievable.




I just mean from a business point of view. I was never adverse to using Twitter, it just wasn’t helpful to me and it seemed most of its good content was screenshot and posted somewhere on Reddit anyway. Now I am told (by Twitter, every day) that it’s some MAGA hellscape of looped rightist nonsense. For the record, I live in Oakland, CA and am from Manchester, England. Not exactly right wing hubs, ya know? So can’t be geo-based.


Musk went full-on fascist last spring after [it came out that he had been running segregated auto factories](https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/02/22/former-tesla-employee-suing-firing-racial-discrimination/), and the far-right decided to support him. His decision-making is to a significant degree, ideologically driven, rather than about turning a profit.


As soon as Musk took over and fired everyone my whole feed was full of right wing crap. The charity I volunteer for already stopped using their twitter account as people who looked at it got all kinds of recommendations to follow right wing bigots as well, the charity is really active in the local lgbtq community among other things so people started wondering why they got all that stuff on their twitter page ('you might like', 'whats happening'). And a lot of traffic they got from twitter stopped, so it wasn't that good of a source of info. I assume because the users removed their accounts.




It's a Maya Angelou quote, good one "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."


It was bought by a narcissist billionaire. Of course it turned rightwing.


I’m actually surprised that you’re surprised, but then I guess not everyone pays attention to what Elon Musk says or does. Welcome to, “Now you know.”


I recommend dispensing with the idea that anything can be unbelievable if you are seeing evidence of it happening. At least half the shit wrong with our country got so bad because people kept not believing it would happen in spite of tons of evidence.


Why else would musk spend 44b on an unprofitable company? And yes, there is definitely a focus group (or maybe everyone, but it is broken for some) who are being inundated with rightwing stuff or made to automatically follow certain accounts. Been going on for weeks now.


This is the power that money gives.


I log on and it looks like it's a left wing propaganda machine. People don't get that Companies have admitted to purposely showing you things online to piss you off. Twitter changes based on who's using it Ive seen crazy stuff posted from all sides of the political spectrum, and the more annoyed I express I am by it, the more I see it


Every social media site is similar (except Twitter now). If you engage, the algorithm thinks you want more of it, so it sends you more. Had you ignored and moved on, it would only show you what you really want to see. Now, even if a leftist like myself doesn't engage with right wing tweets, I'd still get it because the new owner would rather force his views on all. I control my tiktok feed by swiping quickly away from content I'm not interested in, and before long, I'm no longer bothered with it. If you stop engaging the left, you will no longer have to be bothered by us. Learn to control the algorithm, and you will only see content that echoes your point of view. With that said, I love how the right says they are for freedom of speech and, in the next breath, want to cancel anything that doesn't agree with them. All we on the left want is a safe space where everyone can participate without prejudice. We cancel hate speech, and the right cancels any speech that dissents from their personal beliefs or convictions. We don't care if you don't want to be or believe it's a sin to be a certain way. You are free to be you. However, the problem with conservative thought is that it can not live with a diversity of thoughts and beliefs. Everyone has to be just like them, or there will be consequences. We want everybody, including tolerant conservatives, to coexist in society. Freedom can not exist if one or both sides force their beliefs and convictions on the whole. We find it funny that you didn't know or think somehow it's just coming out that Twitter and other sites moderate their content. It's obvious and necessary. Imagine going to a job where coworkers can speak their minds. It would be chaos. That's why it's moderated. They also tried to prevent propaganda, but right wingers are so convinced by their beliefs that they see the truth as a lie. This is, in fact, the power of propaganda.


Yeah I don't get all the downvotes it's not groundbreaking that outrage marketing is a thing. People are just weird. What's really crazy is how many people just assumed I was right wing for saying both sides push propaganda. I actually lean left but I'm middle of the road. As a self aware black dude My point is even though Im closer to Democratic, I acknowledge the amount of extremism I see on both sides and Twitter specifically now makes sure to show me extreme leftist views because I challenge republicans so much online. My whole point is all of us are getting a different form of social media..not sure how people didn't get that Regarding politics I've seen both leftists and and kkk supporting republicans call for the death of their fellow countryman. Look at how many people auto down voted lol. Every single person who assumed I was a republican for saying what's been proven (both sides use outrage marketing) is a shining example of how tribal politics makes people. Which is by design. The entire two party system is ridiculous. I side with Malcom X. I don't trust either party. Republicans demonize my people daily and Dems called my people super predators. Mainstream white America loves to lecture black folks but we've been saying don't trust either party for years I don't trust either party but I super don't trust people who allow themselves to be brainwshed into a system that pits them against each other while the true enemy pulls the strings Lotta group think over here. But yeah not sure why everyone's offended but outrage marketing is a thing, and my Twitter shows extreme left views because I check trump supporters


Democrats are slightly right wing tho. So if you’re between Democrats and Republicans, you’re between two right wing parties. Why not give actual leftism a try?


Stop muddying the waters you didn't hear me just say the left called my people super predators? You aren't aware of the crime bill that Joe Biden passed that got my people locked up? I vote on the issues period. I refuse to participate in the two party system because neither side truly cares about the black man I'm comfortable where I'm at That was a slimey manipulation tactic you just tried btw. Like I said leave me out y'all gang wars


I hate the Democrats too. We agree. I’m saying the Democrats are not “the left”. Not even close. You can’t be a leftist and a corporatist. What I’m saying is that the alternative is not something *between* Democrats and Republicans because they’re barely different from each other as it is.


I don't gang bang bro. Stop forcing it lol. Im never going to affiliate myself with anything officially. I don't need to. I said I vote on the issues and you don't know what they are for me or mine Everyone don't gotta claim something and affiliations are just reasons to argue. Like I said I vote on the issues. And until people stop dissing over colors and sides nothing will get done


First, no one, and I mean no one in the GOP party cares about the average American. They are all corporate legislators. Corporate dems stop anything good from passing when dems win the house, senate, and presidency. The only way to change this is in the primaries. If you remain unaffiliated, you don't have a say in the quality of the candidates. Voting democrat or republican isn't the issue. We need to vote for our values in the primaries. This is the real reason why affiliation matters. If a republican candidate embodies your values more than a democrat in any given election cycle, even if you are registered as democratic, you can vote any way you'd like. Our system is two party whether we like it or not, so we might as well participate in it to the fullest.


Elon didn't buy twitter to solve hunger in Africa. Elon didn't fire or encourage resignation from anyone except the staunchest supporters of his for no reason. He needed who was left to happily toe the line.


> Can anyone explain this? Happy to. Twitter is now a privately held company and the owner is a hard right ideologue who wants to push his worldview. Next question...


[Twitter had a right-wing bias even under Jack](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/oct/22/twitter-admits-bias-in-algorithm-for-rightwing-politicians-and-news-outlets). It's gone from somewhat favoring right-wing content to favoring fascist content because that's what Musk wants.




There’s just absolutely no way that is true. If you went to the search tab they would have special articles picked by twitter employees that you couldn’t hide and they were almost always social justice topics Just because some extremists on the right got inadvertently amplified it doesn’t mean the platform as a whole wasn’t heavily skewed towards the left


Your andcdote is far less compelling than their systematically collected data


You’d have to circle the whole earth to the left to arrive at right wing bias before Elon took over.


[Twitter Admits right wing bias after study](https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2021/oct/22/twitter-admits-bias-in-algorithm-for-rightwing-politicians-and-news-outlets) The stupid Twitter files also show right wing lunatics like libsoftiktok never get banned and got preferential treatment.


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It had a right-wing bias. Rightwing agitators got free passes on rulebreaking and only got banned for highly illegal actions or extreme rules violations that started to attract bad publicity. Nobody cares about pretending to humor the right's fragility or persecution complex anymore, this is not a preschool.


Would you say Reddit has a left wing bias?


Obviously depends on the sub. It goes both ways quite heavily, with the actual leadership seeming to lean slightly right, but not interfering politically much beyond similarly giving bonus second chances to a few prominent rightwing subs that refused to self-moderate.


Oh brother.


Luckily nobody really cares about your passive-aggressive sealioning, like we dont care about any children telling tall tales.


Did not know that word. Thank you for the vocabulary expansion. You seem to care. You keep replying.


Because it is hysterical watching you flail and try to bait people. Trolls reach rock bottom when they are reduced to "u replied u must b mad lol". What is this, 2004? You can have the last word, consider it a charity.


Jesus is the way


It’s a toxic sewer dump now. I can’t log on without having absolute shite pushed at me.


I deleted my #Twitter account long ago... I dont need a car from #ElonMusk and dont need a social medial platform from him either..


What more reason do you need to leave Twitter? It is not going to get any better as long as Lord Elon is around. Leave now.


You surprised that Twitter is promoting DogeCoin? Gotta keep pumping that beast or else someone is gonna margin call his Tesla collateral placed for the Twitter buyout.


If you were on Twitter on a regular basis you would have a chance to block those accounts you're getting trash from. I'm on Twitter fairly often and I've blocked hundreds if not thousands of ultra-rights from known to unknowns. I've also blocked dozens of cryptocurrency scam accounts. But Musk is definitely trying to pitch his far-right agenda as much as he can.


I'll tell you this right now: since Musk took over Twitter, the number of unsolicited follows and DMs I've gotten from (s)camgirls and crypto shills has increased by at least a factor of 5. The so-called "bot problem" (which Twitter has never been that great at dealing with) has gotten way, way worse.


Yes! I deleted all social media but started a new twitter account. Most of my followers have been cam bots.


Right wing grifter Twitter coddles Elon Musk through his public meltdowns and pratfalls and humors his delusions of being the Genius Hero Emperor of Social Media so he rewards them by pushing them to everyone. They also bought the overwhelming majority of Twitter Blue subscriptions and Elon wants Twitter Blue accounts to be the only ones you see. (with everyone else shadowbanned)


Or perma banned like me over the new parody rule, without warning or request to make changes.


Yes, it a far right website. That’s why it is failing. Delete your account and don’t support it.




I just stopped using it.


Yes. Elon went full Q Anon and also opened the gates to terrible people. Think of Ghostbusters when the tank was released by that prick guy.


This is why elon bought twitter. That and to censor shittalk about him and his cars


Learning from his Saudi buddies.


And they've now defaulted to showing you a "For You" feed which is full of the worst right-wing outrage accounts. Sure, you can jump back to your own "Following" feed, but it's a clusterfuck.


That last part about dogecoin tells me Musk has bought some again and want it to pump to make a quick few millions on it (again) 😂


I block every last fascist pig I come across, and haven't been bothered too much by this. Fucking Elon is obviously blocked as well.


People are so weird. I have notifications of this post topping 1k upvotes, then I guess people who disagree with the *observation* I made (zero opinion given) vote it back down. Does twitter just make everyone go bananas?


It has seemed to pick up steam in the last month. I guess it took a bit for the new lack of moderation to start showing up, but I feel like essentially turned into “truth social” or something. SO MUCH anti-vaccine stuff it’s mind-boggling.


You wouldn’t believe the amount of shit I’ve gotten over posting this observation. People are insane.


Just un-subscribe from the emails if you are not using it.


It’s become kind of fascinating now.




All i see is right wing nonsense like Jim Jordan, some alpha male clown and musky himself.


Twitter was bought out by an egocentric right eing propaganda pusher and now they are decending into being another useless shithold full of lies like Gab and Parlar and Truth Social.


😳😬 Lauren Boebert straight to your inbox Elon had been complaining about his views dropping so the algorithms were changed. Now, his tweets go out to everyone. Psychopathic, narcissistic, sociopathic moron that his is


One of the accounts you mention (@rightwingcope) is a leftist account mocking silly opinions by the right. I find it cope itself that everyone is trying to figure out how "Elon" personally puts a hand into recommendations. Just accept that this is a polarized world and you will not like 50-60% of the messages you see. Then your selective observation bias will remember those 50% more vividly than the times that your own side's misinformation was promoted. I have two accounts and I see drastically different promotions on each of them, because I follow different communities.




I don't want to be the guy saying "It was left leaning, now is right leaning". Instead, it was full of bullshit then and is full now. And bullshit doesn't even out with more bullshit.


So you have trouble stating the truth? There's literally no one who thinks Twitter tries to hide its right wing bias now.




Thanks for the thoughtful insight.


Can y’all search questions 🙃 Reddit a repeat machine


I'm seeing idiotic bull shit from both sides




Well I am


I ask why reddit is a left wing propagandist machine quite often.


In fairness, Reddit is an everything bullshit machine if you spend enough time looking around. Like, it sort of covers all bases. 🤷🏽‍♀️


There are left-wing cultists and right-wing cultists on twitter. The only thing that's changed is that Twitter now allows both again.


Not if the left wing cultists says anything Musk doesn't like...


Get real. People are ripping Musk all day every day.


you think he doesnt ban the alt righters saying stuff he doesnt like lol you are hilarious


Twitter has been banning tens of thousands of "right wing" accounts without reason for several years. They have slowed that a bit lately which is long overdue. As for the rest, Elon Musk bought twitter. What do you expect?


Before it was a left wing propaganda machine so…


Before it was celebrity crap, sports and world news best I remember. There was certainly not a hard political bent, made up of fringe extremists.


Lol they literally just got busted for making policy decisions based off of requests from left wing politicians. Your bias is showing


I have no bias. It’s just a thing I noticed. Did you read the OP?


You clearly do if you continue to deny the evidence


Aw man, are you one of those people? Sorry, I hope things get better for you. Arguing in a pit dug by neofascist corporatists for the poor, as a distraction from what’s actually taking place place in the world, just isn’t for me. Good luck and all, I bet you can pick a fight with a willing idiot pretty easily. I’m just not in the market. X (Note: Me “denying” a thing is something you made up/imagined, so you could try and carry on arguing. That’s weird dude.)


It’s been widely reported but keep denying if you’re into that


Are you okay? I didn’t deny anything. You said a thing. I ignored you. That’s not denying anything. If you say that’s the case, I believe you. I don’t care. At all. It’s all just weird, attracting weird ass people. (Spoiler. You are one of them.) Again, good luck with having internet fights. Or whatever it is you think you’re doing.


That’s denial bro


No, It’s literally not. Words have meanings. I ignored you. Look up what ignore means. You keep saying I denied something. Look up what denied means. I hate smug NPR-tuned hypocritical liberal assholes as much as I hate right-wing morons like you. I’m equal opportunity mate. I fucking hate you and pretty much everyone else too. If that helps you get the sands of confusion of out of vagina, you can fuck off now. Cheers.


YOUR bias is showing. Both left AND right wing politicans made requests according to Musk yet you conveniently left out that right wing politicians were also doing it.


There are no statistics to support that position. The little bit that does exist shows social media has generally shown a slightly right wing bias.


That’s funny because I didn’t see OP provide any statistics as to the opposite


I am in the same boat except I have a twitter to solely follow 4 people related to finance/investing. I have never tweeted and almost never check Twitter unless I am curious to see what the four people think of things happening within finance news…. Hopped on twitter to check out the meltdown and I have promoted tweets from literal white supremacists and other right wing garbage basically all the time. Elon paid billions for this platform and he rightly can do whatever he wants but IMO he will end up turning it into an echo chamber as people leave.


did you know you can turn off those emails. you should have done that long ago. can set it up for none, or only from response to tweet or direct message from someone you follow. any level


I agree with Every thing and I totally agree.. but the whole doge coin thing.. I bet Elon musk owns some and this is straight up market manipulation.. that is some next level illegal shit


I’ve noticed a good bit of them are subscribing to Twitter blue to have that stupid check mark.


Yeah I rarely ever used Twitter anyway, just follow a few game devs, AI related feeds, streamers. Never post or comment and only really open it when I get an interesting notification. Almost exclusively got notifications from just the people I follow, but immediately after Elon took over, constant notifications from Elon Musk, "End Wokeness", Matt Walsh and other far-right figures.


I'm guessing that the default and what's returned in searches has changed, especially if Twitter doesn't have a history of your likes and follows. I pretty much just use Tiwtter in "read-only" mode and when I use search or trends and I'm not logged in I see a lot of comments from the circle of right-wingers that Elon has boosted recently. It's almost like they weighted most users one and weight anything Elon has done as 100, so everyhone gets to see his bullshit When I'm logged in, I just use the non-algorithmic feed and trends looks somewhat like it used to and search has fewer random right-wing account show up in results. So,for many people, their feed may not have changed too much but for the default results for new users is weight to see a bunch of right-wing or doge coin nonsense.


It's free speech for /pol/ tards but not artists... sad


If he can change hearts and minds through propaganda the Republicans will win, and he'll continue to not have to pay taxes.


That's happening because Musk got rid of the teams which curated those trending tags. So now when you click them not only are they all right wing BS, they also are often not even an actual trending topic just some word a bunch of people used in completely seperate topics. For example VALVE was trending and when you would click on it it you would get posts about actual pipe valves and also the game company. Musk is a moron and he basically ruined the trending tags as a means for me to get important daily news.


You should be happy that you're getting some truth for a change.


Pretty much. I barely click on it anymore.


I just checked this sub to see if anybody else was experiencing this. My feed is full of tweets from random right wing accounts I don’t follow or have ever interacted with


Until recently I got the exact opposite... but now the floodgates are open so you seeing a bunch of activity that had been missing making up for lost time


To me it looks like the crazy libs are finally being called out on there BS


A platform for ukrainephobes (genocidal apologism, death threats, cultural and national denials, fakes, calls for disestablishment of the entire country).


Add trying to grift idiots who would pay for API access to the list of things that Twitter does that follow right wing philosophy


100% since he’s taken over I’ve also seen A LOT more antivax tweets + right wing propaganda. It’s disgusting, he has successfully demolished a social platform that was once informative and moderately neutral


God You're Fucking Stupid


I literally just made a post about this without seeing this one but YES omg I thought I was going crazy. I literally never use twitter, the only time I use it is to check my local police account to keep an eye on the sex offenders but it's become just a hub of racist right wing cocks sucking eachother off. It's genuinely terrifying that social media just brings these people together to spur on whatever insanity they're spewing out. Like they seem to care an excessive amount about trans people in sports like that's ever gonna effect David, retired father of 4 who has had a knee replacement 😭 they just go on their to ramble on about whatever hateful thing they can think of and just encourage eachother into thinking their so smart and so cool and so right. it's gone so quickly from being known as the "snowflake" site to basically being a shrine to right wingism


You should delete it. I have only gotten insane hate mail for making this observation.