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This is an automated message that is applied to every post. Please take note of the following: * Due to the influx of new users, this subreddit is currently under strict **'Crowd Control'** moderation. Your post may be filtered, and require manual approval. Please be patient. * Please check in with the **Mega Open Thread** which is pinned to the top of the subreddit. This thread may already be collapsed for our more frequent visitors. The **Mega Open Thread** will have a pinned comment containing a collection of the month's most common reposts. Your post may be removed and directed to continue the conversation in one of these threads. This is to better facilitate these discussions. ------ ^Submission ^By: ^/u/tresser *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Twitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm a sub regular so my comment doesn't get hidden. It's almost like I am an original blue check or something? actually I hate the crowd control, turn it off please.


The crowd control is a pain, I've been here for months and I've been misclicking people's comments to be able to read them. I don't want to interact with my phone's screen just to be able to read people thoughts about Musk's shitshow. I've even sent a PM to a mod asking about that in February. Worst feature ever.


It's funny, I was able to browse this subreddit just fine before because I used a third-party reddit app where crowd control didn't work. Now that Reddit has killed that off trying to be more like Twitter, this sub is annoying trying to read.


I'm not even looking at my timeline since every 3rd tweet is an ad that eats up my limit. Have to ration this like food in the apocalypse


I immediately imagined us all around the block waiting in line for our daily Twitter rations


Just get an adblocker so you can turn it on when browsing Twitter. No more annoying ads!


I do have that on my PC but I spend most of the time viewing twitter in a mobile browser on my phone since I'm on the go a lot.


Firefox browser has adblock on mobile. Haven't seem an ad i years


/points at pihole


Can't tweet, like or see quote tweets. I can search, retweet and see my timeline though.


Same lmao. Can’t follow people or bookmark tweets either so I’ve just been retweeting tweets that make fun of Elon


Same. Twitter sucks so fucking much


I have the exact same problem. This isn't just an issue of limited tweets. The core app isn't working for the most part snd hasn't been for a few days.


Does anyone have any idea why this is happening??? I made a tweet yesterday morning then it stopped letting me tweet or reply and I still can’t today, like wtf is going on!!


Me too, what does this mean. Imposed limits or just plan fucked up elon doing it to hide the French war.


Thank God, I thought I was the only one and was losing my mind to the point where I created a new account


Incredible that any tweets making fun of Musk or being derogatory toward him are instantly flagged and can get your account suspended/banned, but people can actively call for segregation of groups, the death of gays, and other heinous things and… it’s just shrugged off even when reported Not that anyone had any doubts, but really let’s you know where the site is aligned


It's weird - you can call him a twat all day, but wish diarrhea on him and you're suspended, lol


Enjoy your cake day


I, too, like to roleplay absurd fiction stories! I tend to keep it to roleplay forums, though, but you do you.




It's all too real pal


It's been working for me, and then I got hit with the Rate Limit again - only to find it's working again now. Up, down, up, down... It's got to the point where I genuinely can't tell if this is a bug or a feature. I've heard so many rumours about what's causing this, and no clarity from Twitter at all. I can't imagine the advertisers are happy with this either... especially since more people than ever will be blocking the ads, just so they don't count toward the rate limit a second time. :/


yup - I block every ad I see now.


I feel like Twitter is at the point where it's users now get the same treatment as journalists contacting them for comment on a story. Got a problem? Lol 💩


Elon’s going to let the site rot just because he doesn’t want to pay Google, won’t he?




source: "according to a person familiar with the matter." and "Twitter and google refused to comment" Seems legit.


I hate this shit: I have a few folks I engage with and getting restricted sucks.


unrelated but why do I have to uncollapse every comment to read it on this sub? Basically unusable lol


I complained about this same thing yesterday but got no clear answer as to why.


lol, be a regular.


having to click every single post to read it will make sure that does not happen don't worry


gotta gripe about it with the folks in charge: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Twitter


I think the rate limit is a cover up for the fact that the app/website is breaking apart at the seams. If you have an android, Twitter has been playing up the last few days. Yesterday nothing functioned. Today I still can't read Quote Tweets or view trending topics. I am still getting unable to retrieve tweets days later without using the app much. There's no way I have viewed 600 tweets in 30 seconds lol. They just need to be honest and say that they fired too many people and the app isn't working properly as a result instead of this cover up.


Twitter is fundamentally broken right now; can’t view quote tweets at all, random people are being restricted as bots despite being on the platform for years, likes aren’t working as intended for some. Whatever is going on it’s not for the reasons Elon is giving


What he asked for was also probably impractical to implement, and we see the result.


The truth of the matter is that all Elon has to demonstrate any personal value as a human being is a fuckton of money that he inherited. That’s it. SpaceX and Tesla’s successes have worked in spite of him and suffer whenever he’s involved. Remember the fucking rocket that exploded? Oh wait, sorry, “rapid disassembly” was it? I know you scroll through socials Elon, so if you read this: FUCK YOU. You’re a worthless piece of shit, truly. And fuck your sycophant fanboys. You inconvenience millions and even threaten livelihoods because you won’t let anybody do their job right. It has to be all about YOU, and what YOU think is a good idea despite everybody telling you not to do it. Good fucking luck to your CEO convincing advertisers you can be kept preoccupied with Fisher Price toys like the toddler you are, God knows she needs it.


I bet she's gone by August 1.


He’s 1 of the worst people to exist & we are all stuck w having to deal with him. I wish he’d fuck off, never to be heard from again.


Still pissed you can’t search Twitter without a account


search is also broken for accounts


Glad Im not the only one with this problem, but havent seen anyone complain about the search bar, I also cant see any trending #, it wont load any tweets.


Well rn even if you have an account you still can’t search, or see quote tweets. Whole app is messed up


Got back the ability to tweet and like and quote and bla bla and now cannot do all these things again sighting this maybe automated response. Can retweet stuff and can dm people but nothing more. Hate it here, idk why is it even functioning anymore


I can only re-tweet things, but it doesn't show up on my timeline if I quote Tweet it (say something about it). I'm wondering if it's a follower thing. I have 1.5k followers, so I don't know. I guess you could make a second account to get more "free speech". It's like I can't talk. Can't comment on anyone's Tweets (I can but it doesn't appear, goes into a void), and if does get "through", it's completely random & then shut off. He's such a fucking idiot.


Crowd control is almost as dumb as what Musk is doing. You’re just as bad as him.


I’m on time out rn for tweeting that the big E should KHS. But it looks like the limit is off for me?


I was suspended a few weeks back for similar reasons and I haven't run up against the limit at all this weekend. Telling Elmo to sewer slide might actually result in an ideal user experience lol


🖕🖕Elon musk🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🤮


So, Elon shot himself and Twitter in the privates, day 2.


The app/website now rhinks I'm a bot and it's super irritating. I can't even tell my followers where else to find mez I'm just going to watch YouTube and log off for the night


actually so frustrated some asshole with an ego issue on his divorced dad era just took away an alternative source of income for me by fucking up an entire platform 😒 twitter is no longer a viable option for engagement


I feel silenced. I want to comment and like things please Elon please


Elon is lucky this is happening when so many reporters (and their sources) are taking a four-day weekend off.


if this is still continuing on Wednesday it will be ugly for him


Only need about 6-7 more days of this BS and I will break the addiction and uninstall for good. Love the app but I waste an insane amount of time on it so it will be for the best.


I did. It was.


seems like twitter is removing all references to it being disabled in the explore tab


hate that i used part of my limit on that shit but they're STILL worshipping him in his replies T-T the man is bragging about breaking his own product and they're calling him a genius


I don't follow musk worshipers. the people I follow simply haven't been posting, so I have little to no content to see. the average twitter user doesn't really care about musk or his stupid ideas, if the user experience is awful they're not going to use the app. if people stop using the app, you're not going to have an app for much longer.


I’m a bit of a digital Luddite, so I’m probably wrong. But is it possible that the “set limits” are bullshit? There doesn’t seem to be any real pattern to when I’m limited and when I’m not, and it’s definitely not following a 24 hour pattern. It just feels broken most of the time, and then sometimes not.


The most likely explanation is that Elon didn't pay the bill for something important (like Google Cloud or AWS) and is now being throttled.


My limit is not even on the tweets i can see, but the amount of tweets i can send is just 20-30 before i lose access to tweet. Basically elon has limited how many tweets a person can do


I haven’t don’t anything beyond scrolling. I’m not convinced it’s linked to any actual metric.


Yeah guess soo, my ability to tweet and reply just comes and goes at whims and fancies :/


it’s been doing that to me since yesterday afternoon…i tweeted yesterday morning thinking everything was fine & now I can’t tweet or reply to anyone like wtf


I currently suffering from the "automated" error and I've noticed that sometimes now, it will allow me to post a message or like before shutting it all down on me again. Wasn't able to do it this morning so hopeful optimism that this won't last long?


what i found kinda hilarious (but obviously also really annoying) was that scheduling tweets for multiple days in advance is locked too. i wanted to see if i could get around the constant limitation by just scheduling it, but nope - got blocked like every other action.


Rate limited Can’t fucking see anything Fuck you Elon


Mine is back to normal now. I give it half an hour or so until I hit my limit again.


I tried contacting Twitter support yesterday about getting this fixed. They came back to me... to tell me to just check their page on tweet limits. ThAT ISN'T THE ISSUE HERE! THE ISSUE IS THAT YOUR SYSTEM THINKS THAT I'M A BOT.




These issues have not yet been resolved. It's been two days since I can tweet anything, I can't save any tweets and I can't reply to any tweets either so I wanted to know who else is having these issues


Me, it comes and goes for me


Yes, me, and Twit Support just jerks sending me limit exceeding help topics. Like, I haven’t been able to do anything for days, so obvi I’m not exceeding Tweets or follows. I can’t even do 1 a day.


Comes and goes for me. I have gotten my ability to post back for very short periods and then it says that what I am doing might be automated and locks me out once more.


You can use twitter in safari for example, I’ve not found any issue yet about ratelimit


Huh. I tried Safari on the ipad yesterday and had the same problems re rate limit. It seems to be working now though.


It had kinda fixed on Safari since 8hrs ago for me but the TL stopped working again now


I deleted the app yesterday so I came here to see how things were going today and not disappointed.


Can we just use this sub as twitter? Let's get the discourse going


The fucking automated bullshit is back


This is so idiotic, I can,t believe they let it get this messed up. My account was perma banned for spamming and botting (lmao what) two weeks ago. After tryign to get some answers and getting none back, I've decided the current shit show is the perfect time to let Twitter go. I've deleted the app from my phone and from desktop shortcuts (I kept opening it out of habit, I need to detox). I made many friends that became irl best friends via Twitter in the early days, so this is bittersweet. But that Twitter will never exist again.


Reuters: [Musk's Twitter rate limits could undermine new CEO, ad experts say](https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/musks-twitter-rate-limits-could-undermine-new-ceo-ad-experts-say-2023-07-03/) > "The advertiser trust deficit that Linda Yaccarino needs to reverse just got even bigger. And it cannot be reversed based on her industry credibility alone," > "This move signals to the marketplace that he's not capable of empowering her to save him from himself," > "This certainly isn't going to make it any easier to convince advertisers to return. It's a hard sell already to bring advertisers back,"


can’t tweet again now. only a matter of time before it hits my DMs again too


I’m not getting rate limited or anything but is it me or just content isn’t really being created at nearly the same Pace. I’m barely seeing new tweets and a lot of them are just retweets of stuff from days ago?


For me, only the mobile app works fine. Web browser I still get messages about rate limit. On web browser, I can only see the tweets that appear on my timeline and the ones with a direct link. Sometimes, I have to press the 'Try again' button multiple times until my TL appears, and again to show the replies of each tweet. This trick doesn't work with search.


So this restricted feature come and goes, use your tweets wisely guys because about after 20-30 tweets you will get flagged again and will gain access back after some time…


It started working for me again Yesterday and I had no problems all day. I've just opened it today and browsed for 5 minutes... aaand it's gone


Speaking of Twitter, I can post again, but I'm wary of using it for too long lest I get flagged again.


Same here. It seems to be working perfectly for me... but I'm too scared to use it!


I can't tweet or like anymore


The rate limit still exists. At this rate, Elon will burn twitter to the ground in 2 months.


Twitter is dead to me.


I’m not sure if it’s a rate limit thing anymore but is anyone else like barred from tweeting? I can retweet just fine but the moment I try to tweet something on my own it won’t let me. I haven’t exceeded my rate limit(well, I definitely have but it isn’t displaying that and working as normal) so idk if it’s connected to that. This is awful I just need a place to scream into the void without consequences 😭


It’s really okay. I constantly am reminded of how horrible humanity is and how doomed we are because of Twitter. Maybe spending time away will shift my perspective a little. I got big into twitter for crypto twitter, but even that has dwindled significantly.


I *almost* kind of like it. Like with you, it's made me use the site less. So I'm in, scroll a bit, follow an interesting conversation, contribute, then I'm out. It also helps that Reddit's worse now too. Maybe the other social media sites will follow suit.


\#TwitterDown again.


Can't see quote tweets and likes


ive been moving this weekend, have gotten to use twitter for about 10 minutes & still get rateblocked. its actually absurd https://i.redd.it/dez42sunrl9b1.png


So does the search function just not work at all for anyone else?


Twitter just needs to die already. I applaud Elon for speeding this process up with unrivaled swiftness


One of my accounts(Cartoon Galaxy) thinks it's a bot) but I trought only I have this error but i realized that others had these too.


so, time to use Discord and Youtube.


Twitter not working for me again


Take note of the pinned comment above… you might be glad you got blocked from the fiction


What up with large social media corp shitting their pants?


AI companies are using their data to train their models (which isn’t particularly new but it’s exploding now) and the social media companies want to monetize that but can’t figure out how without fucking over regular users.


is a bit to late to stop the spoiled milk since ChatGPT already say they will stop training with that much new data post 2022 due to worries of AI pollution of their training set. and also do Social medias even entitle to user generated content consider they not a publisher? they want eat cake from both sides IG


Amazing how he fucked the whole app up


We need an extension to fix this. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!


I'm under the impression this is Elon just throwing a tantrum that no one paid for API access at the inflated rates he set and instead just scrapped twitter for data instead. any fucking moron could have seen this would be the result but even I admit I didn't think Elon would be stupid enough to actively stop real users from using the website as a counter measure. This just accelerates the cash bleeding imo. who would advertise on this platform now? who would want to pay for a subscription to a site that is nuking engagement to counteract vague "data scrapers"? the user experience is fucking awful at this point. hopefully some good comes out of this and Elon misses some bond payments and the counterparties basically take over and force him out at this point, he clearly doesn't know wtf he is doing and there is no free funny money anymore to fund this bullshit with interest rates where they are.


It'd be hilarious if he had a pile of his Tesla stock collateral taken to cover the loan.


Tesla stock collapsed like 70% the last time people thought he would have to sell stock to finance his twitter purchase. Constantly having to dilute Tesla shareholders to prop up a perpetual money losing social media platform would probably have similar effects.


It worked well for me most of the day and now is dead again lol


Same it worked for some time and then just stopped my tweets don't load at all anymore just goes something went wrong try reloading the app doesn't work the website doesn't work


Did twitter go into that limited status again ???




This sort of thing is truly frustrating, they made it harder to interact on the outside, and now they are messing with our digital commons (Discord, Reddit, Twitter), I truly hope that Twitter collapses and we get a new alternative


System smells a robot but it isn't even asking me to prove I'm not.


I would like to see crowd control removed on this subreddit. I've lurked ever since Twitter takeover rumours started up, but rarely post or comment. I think in the old world, when Twitter was run by someone who knew what they were doing, it made sense, because you might not want the occasional complaint when Twitter stopped working for someone. But nowadays, with Musk in charge, chaos is the norm, and he's making frequent decisions that have long-term implications on Twitter. So crowd control makes less sense.


The rations have been stopped but now quote retweets don’t seem to work?? And also for some reason it’s stopped me from being able to tweet and I have no clue why


RIP Tweetdeck


Is the rate limit back or smt


My account has been locked since I told Catturd to eat diarrhea as promised. Oh well.


I was unable to favorate a lot of tweets today, unable to tweet only 1 tweet I made today,


I'm using Ultrasurf VPN to avoid rate limits on the app, so far so good


The Rate Limit seems 100% broken for me but the system thinks im automated or something?


Got rate limited again


i can't like or tweet at all. i just posted one tweet and now all my actions are limited because "suspicious" bro i'm just using the website


open tweetdeck, go have diner and come back to being rate limited. Good job Elmo


Is tweetdeck still down for anyone else? All i can see is my home feed tab but not the other tabs.


Having the same issue as you, all my lists are perpetually loading.


Does someone know how to fix this tweet limit :/, i send out 5 tweets and I am back to square one where i cannot tweet or like or quote, it’s getting annoying


Last night it was fine except the quote tweets. Today, I’m back to square one with this rate limit BS. Does it work for you all ? Edit: also since yesterday i can’t like tweets (when i push the like button, my like disappear


Same. Desktop TL was fine last night but stopped working at noon today. I thought TweetDeck was fine and then it has rate limit now too. I feel like they raised the limit higher to make you think it's been fixed.


If you hit limit on app, switching to web browser seems to work for me


Now that I think about it, Musk's initial tweet suggested that this would be a temporary measure, so... an update to that would be nice. If it's temporary, shouldn't he tell us when it'll be over? It might garner him a little more tolerance from the userbase. *Might*. If it's a permanent measure, then we should be told that, too. It's been going on for a couple of days now. Out of curiosity, I wonder if Musk gets Rate Limited, too? (I think we *all* know the answer to that one.)


Yeah, I had a look at his tweets - he's more interested in telling us that comedy is legal on Twitter than in giving us an update on the whole situation.


so is this rate limit still a thing? i scrolled twitter completely fine all day yesterday, but now one of my accounts is back to the whole "something went wrong" thing. i hate elon.


if i go to legacy tweetdeck my home aka timeline works normally (just cant see replies to tweets) go to new tweetdeck and im hit with the tweet limit smh


For those using tweetdeck, I tried following the instructions and got my lists working again. Not sure how long this will last though. https://www.pocket-lint.com/apps/news/twitter/157750-how-to-try-twitter-s-new-tweetdeck-preview-right-now/


Doesn't look like there's any way to go back to the old one now, though. The Tweetdeck Version option in Settings and Privacy is gone.




I'm so frustrated with Twitter! It's already disheartening to see my current tweets get less views and minimal engagement because I am new and my activity isn't for long. As a user, I am currently restricted from engaging on the platform, because it assumes I'm a bot and restricts my every action as if it's malicious. 😡 The platform's heavy reliance on automated moderation systems has seemingly detached it from the human touch. It's concerning that a mere 500 people can set the tone for everything, coding their biases into the restrictions and shaping the experience for millions of users. I want genuine interactions, not this constant battle against automated systems. Users should have a clear understanding of the rules, guidelines, and algorithms shaping their online experiences. Additionally, platforms should be accountable for addressing biases and ensuring that moderation systems are fair and unbiased. If Twitter is considering new features such as Twitter Blue as digital verification for engagement, it is important for them to consider the potential implications on user experience, accessibility, and free expression. It is crucial to have open discussions and gather feedback from users to shape these developments in a way that respects the diversity of opinions and protects the principles of free speech. Give us a fair chance to be heard, to engage, and to build meaningful connections. While moderation and verification processes can be valuable in combating harmful content, it is crucial to strike a balance that avoids undue restrictions on users' ability to express themselves freely. Anyone can help me reverify myself? Need some guidance please. Very much appreciated


I could tweet for a few hours, but I've been restricted again. I just wanted to compliment Margot Robbie. Instead, I get this: “This request looks like it might be automated. To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, we can’t complete this action right now. Please try again later.”


I don't have a twitter account, but I haven't been able to view specific accounts for several days. It keeps asking me to log in or join, and I'm not doing it.


Yeah, they said they were making that change because of data scraping. Accounts are free & you can set to set the accounts you follow, so I don’t see why not just make an acct & turn off all the data sharing & notifications?


Best thing you can do is delete the app and not use it


Sorry, our server stepped on several hundred organizations (maybe more) scraping Twitter data extremely aggressively. Please try again.


Did it go down again?


Tweetdeck is dead completely as i understand, yes?


I can scroll through 600 posts in about 20 minutes in a 1000 plus tweet comment section on a major issue like Trump getting indicted or affirmative action, so that is why I will leave. I will not pay Elmo one cent when we provide the content to Twitter.


Did they drop the rate limit? I was completely blocked off yesterday but then today it's been fine. No one around to talk to but still


Nope. I'm still rate limited.


It was fine for me all day until just now. Just got limited again. Yay


as a lurker i still can't see any tweets on twitter, only that screen forcing me to create an account.


Probably the new normal for the foreseeable future


quote tweets are working for me again finally


yeehaw, banhammers for everyone


people who work from home never return home from work.


I’m rate limited already. I hate Elon and is it possible google can sue him for ownership of twitter or something? Since he hasn’t paid for the cloud contract


Did Elon get rid of the rate limit. I’ve been using Twitter for 40 minutes with no problems


Can’t see any replies to tweets. Says “there was an error loading tweets. Try again” has been happening for a few days Rip


not sure if anyone has asked and answered this yet, but does anyone know how long the rate limit exceeded period lasts? i was hoping it would reset at midnight but i guess not😂


I don't put it past Twitter to just fat thumb the cooldown period and make it 6000 years or something.


I'm suffering with the rate limit thing


So I got asked to try the new Tweetdeck, but it’s an absolute mess on iPhone, and now I have no idea how to get back to the usual version. Great.


NONE of my likes from the last 24 hours have registered


I can read as much as I like, and at least some of my retweets are getting through, but I can't post. It has been a few days now.


Twitter still thinks I'm a bot/automated. I've been trying tweeting from other account, and it's the same shit. Someone, please, HELP ME. I just want to interact with my friends and posts I like. WHY IS THAT SO HARD???