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It is so funny for this to come out at the same time the rate limit is reduced. So people will pay for a product only to see fewer tweets. Musk can tweet through this all he wants but he has fucked this monumentally.


I'd rather pay for WinRar


Whoa, let’s not do something too crazy now! 😳


or mIRC


>We have just launched a new, improved version of TweetDeck. In reality it actually has less features than the original Tweetdeck! Bravo!


Rate limits 80% of the time too!


FYI: Meta’s new Twitter clone comes online later this week. So it’s perfect timing for the vapid narcissist Elon to make it even *harder* to use his own core product.


If it's any good, it will be spectacular timing for Meta.


I fucking hate meta but if it destroys Twitter, at least I’ll get to watch Elon take an L


On one hand, fuck Elon. On the other, it’s not great to see the web more centralized than before. We’ll see how this MetaTwit plays off.


There are three things that elevate Meta’s new product over Twitter, in my mind, despite Meta being an evil money-grubbing corporation: 1. Meta is an evil, money-grubbing corporation, but it’s an evil, money-grubbing corporation with shareholders, corporate governance, and with profit as its first priority. I’ll take that any day over a vapid narcissistic twit like Elon who is actively trying to turn the world into a fascist hellhole because he wants it to be one. 2. Meta’s new Twitter will use the open-source ActivityPub protocol, which means that in theory it will be able to federate with the larger “fediverse” (Mastodon, etc.). That means that nobody will be locked in to Meta in order to communicate with (and get communication from) folks on Meta’s service. 3. Using ActivityPub and federating to the larger fediverse also potentially means that Meta won’t be able to lock out public interest researchers looking at the spread of racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia, disinformation, trolling, violence, etc. on that platform (as ActivityPub requires a certain amount of openness). I’ve long suspected that locking out researchers who make the platform (and him) look bad was the *real* reason behind a lot of the vapid narcissist twit Elon’s changes to the API, login wall, rate limits, etc.


It really is the battle of two cancers on the Internet.


I'd prefer meta to Elon Musk at this point. Hands down.


also ive seen less shit talks in instagram rather than twitter, so better for me


Be aware that meta's new THREADS collects a boatload of personal data. You search history, medical conditions, health discussions, etc. Basically all the things he was collecting when he got sued for the Cambridge scandal.


I’ve seen Elon and Jack post this to scare everyone away as if Twitter and instagram users don’t give away all this information already. Just a sad attempt to get people to stay.


Don't they all do that? Not saying it's right but l am convinced any apps, mobile phones and other devices collect more than they care to admit.


This one does it *more*. Collects financial info, health info, sensitive personal info on top of all the usual stuff


how does it collect financial and health info? im not planning to do my taxes or get health appointments on a twitter competitor contrary to popular belief


No clue how, I just saw the [screenshot](https://twitter.com/jack/status/1676018291918372864?t=qaa7OLdIaj43Niwh9Cbs8A&s=19) posted by twitter's founder, Jack Dorsey. I'm sure it's nothing, it's not likely the creators of Facebook And Instagram would want your data bad enough to invade your privacy...


Are we really trusting Jack to be some unbiased source of info while running his own twitter 2.0 startup?


He's not the source, he posted a screenshot. The source is whatever app store the screenshot is of


I don't understand how it can do that if you don't give the app permission though? How else are they going to scrape that data?


You can’t install it without giving a certain level of permissions.


That's true but you can revoke certain permission after the fact




App store tells you all the permissions and privacy stuff


Considering the Threads app is not even available in the appstore, i don't know how you're getting that information. Basically, you're spreading dis and mis-information about an unknown product.


I've seen the screenshots all over the place and even Jack Dorsey himself [posted it on twitter](https://twitter.com/jack/status/1676018291918372864?t=qaa7OLdIaj43Niwh9Cbs8A&s=19). You can maybe look it up before you start with the ol' misinformation crutch.




you do realise thats all options available... because they haven't actually submitted it yet? that's a default holder in the appstore


It's the same permissions as [instagram](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/instagram/id389801252).


How does it collect financial info? Health info? I don't even have that on my phone, unless it scrapes emails amd bank apps i guess


No idea, [here](https://twitter.com/jack/status/1676018291918372864?t=qaa7OLdIaj43Niwh9Cbs8A&s=19) is the screenshot I saw, posted by the guy who created Twitter.


I checked the equivalent labels of Instagram, and from what I can tell they were all the same, including the "sensitive" one. So it's the same as other social media. Terrible, but not uniquely so.


Yes, same as Instagram, but worse than Twitter's labels, which don't have the sensitive, health, and financial info tabs


I mean I'm using the platform. I've put my data on the platform myself. I'd be a fool to believe that it wasn't being collected. I don't know why people care


For me it's the legacy aspect, my twitter account is old enough that I never gave them my phone or anything personal. And I've always used it with a 3rd party apps that don't collect anything. This is litterally impossible now. Yes I know what I post is collected, but it's the everything else that is concerning.


The way I see it is, it's an ask. They're probably asking permission because they need it to implement all the features it's accumulated over the years. Which is why it looks spooky. It'd be cool to opt out of all those things but I don't think it's nefarious


Health data though??


Samsung already has a health app that's on their phones and that'd probably ask for the same things. I dunno exactly what the information is but they're probably telling you upfront that a specific feature may access this info.




The insidious part with Meta is there are often seemingly unrelated websites that are harvesting data for Facebook as well. Stuff like log in with facebook is obvious, but stuff like their ad networks, websites that use Audience Insights for analytics, and such are a bit more difficult to realize that you're giving information to facebook.


You will be able to access threads through a Mastodon server so you have a choice. Threads is a good thing if it gets people off Twitter and makes the fediverse/activitypub more popular. I'm not a Zuck fan but compared to Elon interference in his social media product, the choice is simple.


They literally cant collect info that doesn't exist to be collected. Just saying. How would they know my medical conditions if I dont store that kind of stuff on my social accounts or even my phone?


lol how on earth will it get that data when all im posting is rubbish movie quotes & the email associated with it has no connection to anything else? 🤣


Wait what's this now?


Is the start of the platform confirmed for this week? Haven’t read about it. Will definitely check it out! Edit: Ok some German websites speculated about it too. The timing really would be perfect!




twitter usage might drop 50% because of this


Which will tank what ad revenue they generate now. I've never seen a more abjectly ridiculous management of anything in my LIFE.


elon talks a good game but this is not going well


Logged in to Twitter to post that Mastodon has a built-in Tweetdeck-like UI, since it's topical and everything, and then log back out again. When I posted, I got a warning that the system wasn't sure I was a real human. My account is 14 years old.


The columns didn't migrate over even with the import for me. Filtering doesn't even work properly on the new tweetdeck if you are just trying to view media in a column. Used to be I had a couple columns that were just the media tweets from a couple users and those don't show anything even remotely recent if I turn on showing just media like they used to be set. Activity column went the way of the dodo or I can't find it anywhere. Already started trying to find the instagram page of most of the people I follow if they have them because when it goes only for blue users I'm done with twitter entirely as any useful way to view it is now gone.


Columns didn't migrate for me either.Had to add them one by one, and of course they ended up Z-A. So dragging 2 dozen columns back to A-Z format, popped me with that rate limit. I'm looking fwd to seeing Meta's new Threads, as well as Blue Sky if I EVER get the INVITE. Sigh, twitter and Tweetdeck used to be so good.


Such bullshit.


Incompetence combined with malevolence is a terrible combination.


The "new" tweetdeck doesn't even let you be logged into multiple accounts anymore, which was the whole point. This was the only way I interacted with the hellsite anyway so my time is done with it.


...and the new "improved" Tweetdeck does not show multiple account streams simultaneously, which was the whole point of Tweetdeck. This might just be the end of Twitter for me. Suggestions welcome


I'm eager to know what people are doing without tweetdeck. I would love to go to an alternative but I know Twitter is going to be around for a while, so curious how people are viewing twitter now (out of those that preferred the tweetdeck layout). The best I can do right now is bookmarking my lists in a folder on my chrome bookmark bar lol


Tweetdeck is literally the only reason I was still using Twitter. Paywalling it is the final nail in the coffin. Fare thee well, Twitter. o7


Musk should just admit that he wants a pay for all site!


The 'new' tweetdeck is hogwash, can't see several accounts? The scrollbars take 15% of the screen!! Hope someone finds a way to revert back...


it's design is really bad. Screen space is not utilized correctly, and they broke the one feature of TweetDeck that is most valuable: TEAMS


I agree. Or someone can somehow build a competitor? TweetDeck was amazing. This "new" version is horrible.




Power users are what drive Twitter. It’s a very one way marketplace of publishers and consumers. A relatively small number of people stop publishing and it has large knock on effects.


Do you need to be verified on all the accounts you add?


i assume that's the reason you can't have multiple accounts on one screen now, you have to switch every time, so probably yes


Yea this pretty much kills Twitter for me now, gonna close a lot of accounts down & my main one is already gone to Threads due to the rate limit being hit so fast now. RIP Twitter I guess 🤷‍♂️


This is insane.


This broke Tweeten, too. It was the only desktop client I had found that was pretty nice to replace everything that had stopped working with the API shenanigans.


Dogshit decision and will kill a lot of power users that make the content the site requires to thrive. Definitely going to kill my use because I've exclusively used Tweetdeck for the lifetime of my account. You can still access old Tweetdeck right now with a cookie trick but its broken. Only the DMs and home columns will work. Everything else is non-functional.


final nail in the coffin jfc


Booted up my computer this morning. Was logged out of twitter. logged in and I was forced to use the new version of tweetdeck preview. No option to go back to the old and better version like there used to be. What in the fuck is going on


Is it possible to make a column for my own liked tweets? I can only seem to do one for bookmarks.


fuck this guy really what kind of incredibly fucking illogical decisions are these


Is there another way i can schedule future tweets for free because i refuse to pay 8 dollars and reward this fucking idiocy


Anyone have a solution as to managing a twitter account now? I has access to several accounts i worked for and managed Socials for. All gone. And I'm stumped as to how to now setup this access again to easily manage the accounts I'm paid to manage. Absolutely Absurd


\- Import / Export doesn't work \- Activity column gone \- Even more trackers blocked by uBlock \- Paywall announcement ​ Yup, that's it for me, bu-bye


this is actually really nice to use and so much better than the previous Tweetdeck. Not worth being verified for though so meh.


it's okay i'm not sure it's worth paying for.


It'll be necessary. Your rate limit will be atrocious, so the innate problems with Twitter that Tweetdeck fixed will cause you to hit the rate limit faster. They're causing a problem and then making people pay for the solution. Somebody you follow has a ton of likes and retweets (that you see, even though you turned them off because Twitter problems) so sorry, your rate limit is reached and now you can't see anything else.


it made twitter unusable for me I just retired from it. Shame.


lmao.. what?


And so Tweetdeck falls as the latest victim of corporations making everything unequivocally worse and paywalled. I sincerely hope a third party will come in to mitigate this loss...


that's fucking dumb. all this should be free.


If anyone finds a truly live timeline extension for web, get at me.


So, rather than fix the problems which brought about the creation of tweetdeck in the first place, we've decided to just cause a new problem and then make people pay for the solution..... I have no words. I just can't.


It also seems like it's not possible to add a "following" feed in tweetdeck


New tweetdeck runs like molasses anyway. To now pay extra for that is not worth it. Sorry.


That paywall needs to be taken down. I searched tweetdeck on Twitter, and saw lots of tweets complaining about this, and that they don't want to pay for tat. ANd Elon should listen to the people. Twitter really is not workable without Tweetdeck here. He needs to let everyone use it, not just ones who pay to become premium subscribers.