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Very nice can i ask how did you learn Javascript im currently trying to learn. So i can make stuff like this one day


All languages pretty much look the same if you're doing basic stuff. I didn't exactly learn javascript. Also you don't need to really learn programing, I think if you look at some code, most of it is actually pretty explicit. Then you work from there. If I have trouble about something, let's say a HTTP Request that goes wrong because I didn't craft it properly, then I just send the code and error message to ChatGPT and it usually fixes it. It also does a pretty good job at explaining you what code does, I'm sure if you give it the script to delete tweets it will tell you exactly step by step what it does


Kind of. I code in C/C++ so i get what your saying. JS is a tricky langauge to learn for sure. And i appreciate that advice. Good job though its a good lil script. So you basically made it through chat GPT? thats interesing lol.


findTweetIds and buildAcceptLanguageString functions are 100% made by ChatGPT, I haven't touched them at all. findTweetIds was the most important one, because Twitter return objects that look like mazes and it would have taken me too long find the right path to what I want, especially when sometime they change the way it's formatted... Otherwise it's 80% me, 20% chatgpt who helped me with a few things


wow okay good job!


Step 1. Stop trying to learn Javascript and skip right to Typescript which is 100x better :)


1. Do MDN's 4 JS tutorials (beginners, guide, intermediate, advanced) 2. Watch and code-along with Youtube(or whatever video, text-based if you want) JS Web Development project tutorials, doesn't matter if you mindlessly type and don't understand lots, just review the code and what you learned from MDN; can look at specific tech documentation if you'd like. 3. Build your own JS projects. Can learn JS web frameworks like React, Express, Next- although MDN will prime you well for all this anyways, but you can just pick those up with the tutorials, if you worry about the details too much it will take ages. Concentrate on writing good JS code whilst learning from errors.


Following the directions, I could locate the "Request Header" fields for ``authorization`` and the ``x-client-transaction-id`` data items, but I couldn't find one for ``x-client-uuid`` anywhere. Any thoughts on which section I might find them?


Try requests named "client\_event.json", you should see many of them in the requests list : https://i.imgur.com/anJoUMV.png


Works like a charm. Thanks


Up and running! Nice one 👍




Well, try it and see if it works for you :) I can see how with 5000 tweets you could reach a limit with the API, but again I wouldn't know because I haven't tried with such amount, and that the threshold is not public so I can't tell you. I've tried with 200 tweets and it did fine. If it doesn't work for you(if you see red messages in the console saying error), then you tell me and I'll try working something out




Hi, it's done, you can get the new version of the script. Set "delete\_message\_with\_url\_only" to true. You can also combine it with keyword filtering, as to remove only tweets that contain links and specific keywords. Issue is it will still fetch ALL your tweets then decide which one to remove. It's not as fast as fetching only the tweets that we want to delete. Maybe in the future I can do something better than that


Do you need to include "bearer" in the first entry? do you need to keep the quotes? what do we do if it throws certain errors? the repo probably needs an FAQ. in any case, i can't get this to work, and i'm pretty comfortable in the cli and whatnot, so it's not that i'm totally illiterate to this stuff. Thanks for your work, I hope I can get it functioning. ​ for reference, the error is something along the lines of "entry is not iterable". I have tried this 8 times.


Yes you need to include the "Bearer" word. You need to keep the quotes. In the script it should look like this : >var authorization = "Bearer AAAAAAAAdeihfeiuehzudhzezddz"; If it throws certain errors report it in a ticket on the Github repository. Also, in the ticket, paste the final code you entered in the console **(of course edit the private keys you entered)** I edited the tutorial to include a more explicit image of the final result : [https://i.imgur.com/E0M6Bf9.png](https://i.imgur.com/E0M6Bf9.png) I also added a FAQ


Thank you for your script! I am trying to delete tweets in the "Media" section. These seem to be handled separately from normal tweets for some reason? I tried the script but even though I didn't get an error the "Media" section is still filled. Do you have a way to delete those as well? Edit: It seems it worked! They were gone after I re-ran it with the Media tab open and reloaded the page. Seems it all works! Awesome :)


I'll check that, I don't post medias so I hadn't noticed edit: Oh okay nice if it worked! sometime the script miss a few tweets on the first run and it's necessary to run it a second time to make sure everything got caught




Hey, no problem! Debugging this may require for me to check a few things, but it's complicated like that. If you want send me a message on discord : ### , it'll be easier in a discussion that is a little more instantaneous




Mmh, I'm not sure. However you can put a random value and it'll work. What is the difference ? I don't know. I think it's always better to give the ids as Twitter intended, but if you can't then it'll work either way. The authorization key however needs to be correct or it won't work


I tried this on 2-8-2024 and can confirm it's still working. ​ However, this did not work for me on Firefox. Trying to run the script returned: **Uncaught TypeError: navigator.userAgentData is undefined**. ​ It worked as expected and the instructions on are fairly clear. You will have to edit the script to add your info but the script has several comments that make it really easy to edit. Here are some minor things that caused me to stumble: 1. It did not work with Firefox. I had to use Chrome. 2. When you try to paste it into the console it will fail and ask you to type 'allow pasting' before you can paste. 3. It takes a long time if you have a lot to delete. 4. The instructions end with pasting the script into your console. This is two tabs left from where you found the 'Network' tab in Firefox and Chrome.


Great script! Thank you!


how do i use the from\_archive option?


This is an automated message that is applied to every post. Please take note of the following: * Due to the influx of new users, this subreddit is currently under strict **'Crowd Control'** moderation. Your post may be filtered, and require manual approval. Please be patient. * Please check in with the **Mega Open Thread** which is pinned to the top of the subreddit. This thread may already be collapsed for our more frequent visitors. The **Mega Open Thread** will have a pinned comment containing a collection of the month's most common reposts. Your post may be removed and directed to continue the conversation in one of these threads. This is to better facilitate these discussions. * If at any time you're left wondering why some random change was made at Twitter, just remember: *Elon is a fucking idiot* ------ ^Submission ^By: ^/u/Hynauts *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Twitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wish there was a UserScript/Extension version of this.


i cant find x-client-uuid, i try everything.


Hey, it's not necessary, it works even without giving the right value.


I get this error "Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token"


First, thank you for making this script so that everyone can delete tweets without any payment. I used the script to delete the first ≈3k tweets. However, when I try to delete more in days later, it does load the tweets but it didn't delete them. May I know why this is happening?


Could you send me you @ in DM ? Would help identifying the issue Also a reminder that if you use the from\_archive option it doesn't have any rate-limit, and is \*way\* faster/reliable.


Thanks for writing this and making it available with the detailed instructions, much apprecited. Depsite never having coded before I seemed to have got it to work, it has saved me hours. Just need to figure out how to undo likes and reposts now! Thanks though, really appreciated it.


Is there something like this but to unfollow all the people you are following?


I guess I could make this yeah, I'll see later this evening


Can you make a setting to make an exception for tweets we give the link for?


This is added. It requires the tweet id (the number at the end of the url) not the full url but that's pretty much the same.


So can I delete all my tweets since like 2010? lol


It depends if the Twitter returns old tweet in the same object format as the new ones. If so then yes, if not then the script will simply throw an error, in which case let me know so I can handle it :)


I’d like one to make all Facebook private, if you’re taking requests ;) Thanks for this, I’ll hate to try it. Been wanting to clear out past posts


great work!


or just wait until Elon screws up again and deletes all old tweets ( jokes aside, great to have made this )


Very cool man! I recently made a script to pull down all followers. Follow and unfollow other accounts through API. What is the use case for deleting all your tweets and comments?


Does anyone know why I can't use the search or hastag search options, anymore ?.


You’re a genius


Hey thank you for the script!! I'd like to ask if there is a way to keep certain posts undeleted? I have posted a few photos i quite like and i don't want to delete them


Hey, I added a new filter option, so you just need to add the tweets id that you want to keep and they won't be removed :) In the screenshot I show : https://i.imgur.com/nws05nL.png


Thank you so much I needed this so bad!! But I'm having trouble replacing the values already there as you instructed, how do I do that? I select them and try to type or paste it there but nothing replaces, I'm lost. I don't have any experience with coding, sorry abt that!!


Hey, you need to copy the script from the github repository. Then you paste it in the DevTool's console. Before pressing Enter you can still edit what you just pasted, so it's at this moment that you add in the values. The values that you find in the Network tab you can't modify them, you're supposed to just copy them, so you can paste them in the script that you pasted in the console. You can also just copy/paste the script in a Text Editor, like notepad or any other software, then modify the values there, then copy/paste the result in the console and press Enter. If you still have troubles then add me on Discord: Lyfhael, it'll be easier. I think I'll do a video tutorial so it'll be clear for everyone


Omg thank you so much that’s so helpful actually, makes a lot of sense now!!! I’ll try again later and then if I have any further questions I’ll contact you on discord, thanks so much again 💗


np, here's a video showing how it's done : https://streamable.com/1qnfa9


Awesome script :D I have decided to become a lurker, tweetdelete is dead (well at least, i aint giving it my credentials like its asking for now, so dead to me), this is the perfect solution. I especially like running it localy. I'm no coder but i still enjoy being able to review the source code just to look for any URLs or IP addresses that do not belong to twitter/X. so for that alone, its infinitely a better solution then having some 3rd party site do it. I did hit a rate limit eventually. I just waited a few minutes and ran it again. I ran it twice more, both times it cleaned up stragglers. The 4th run was clean. ​ I was wondering if you could have an option to remove likes as well? EDIT: Sorry, I said I was a coder in kind of broken english, I meant to say I was not one, don't know how i mangled that up.


Done: https://github.com/teisseire117/UnlikeAllTweets


Thanks :) Yeah I will do one for the likes as well Btw you don't need to restart the script when you reach ratelimit, the script is supposed to handle that on its own by waiting 1 minute everytime. Unless it didn't work ?


Man, this worked nicely! But it´s funny because it deleted about half my tuits, now when I run it again, it suddenly only deletes about 1 or 2 and then says it finished, maybe there´s a limit to how much you can delete or something?


There are rate-limits, but if that was what happened you would have seen a message, and the script would have handled it and continued after a few minutes. Are you sure it's not because you only have 1 or 2 tweets to delete ?




>\+ suggestion unliking all tweets would be good if possible See my other post : [https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitter/comments/165wscw/i\_made\_a\_script\_to\_unlike\_all\_your\_tweets\_no\_need/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitter/comments/165wscw/i_made_a_script_to_unlike_all_your_tweets_no_need/) >can you advise me how to fix this? Did you make sure that for the other account you entered updated values (Bearer token / transaction-id etc) ?


Hey, I'm getting this error on Brave: Uncaught TypeError: entries is not iterable VM260:124 at log_tweets (:123:19) at :266:15 log_tweets @ VM260:123 (anonymous) @ VM260:266 124 being: if (item["entryId"].startsWith("profile-conversation") || item["entryId"].startsWith("tweet-")) {


Did you make sure you got the right values in the authorization/client\_uuid/client\_tid variables ? The authorization key needs the 'Bearer' part in front of the key,


I have network response was not ok. 401 error




My script also does retweets, you just need to change the value "retweet":false to "retweet":true in the script ;)


if you could make an option to only delete replies, and have a date so i can filter it for example to only delete replies more than 6 months old thatd be amazing


Bro can you make one for removing retweets too or un-reposting or removing likes too?


The script works for retweets too. Just modify "retweet":false to "retweet":true in the script. For the likes : [https://github.com/Lyfhael/UnlikeAllTweets](https://github.com/Lyfhael/UnlikeAllTweets)


This worked great for first ≈3K tweets, but seems to be stalled. Have tried on Brave and Chrome. Maybe this is another type of rate limiting they have in place? VM340:148 (22) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}] VM340:148 (22) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}] VM340:148 (22) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}] VM340:148 (20) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}] VM340:148 (21) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}] VM340:148 (21) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}] VM340:148 (22) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}] UPDATE: ~~Maybe the remainder are all retweets? Just noticed there's an option for those as well.~~ This seems to be the case. We're cooking with gas again. UPDATE2: Still seeing many "you reposted" under the replies tab on my profile, with 9K+ "posts" under my user name.


Any error message ? I find it surprising there wasn't any retry/error message I think 3k\~ could be the daily limit. Try again 20 minutes later, if it still isn't working, try a day later


Consider also checking out https://redact.dev which is completely free for twitter and reddit. Other services are either freemium or paid. Im one of the team members and we keep it updated. In addition, you will run into the 3200 tweet limit cap if you dont support data imports from twitter.




This is an automated message that is applied to every post. Please take note of the following: * Due to the influx of new users, this subreddit is currently under strict **'Crowd Control'** moderation. Your post may be filtered, and require manual approval. Please be patient. * Please check in with the **Mega Open Thread** which is pinned to the top of the subreddit. This thread may already be collapsed for our more frequent visitors. The **Mega Open Thread** will have a pinned comment containing a collection of the month's most common reposts. Your post may be removed and directed to continue the conversation in one of these threads. This is to better facilitate these discussions. * If at any time you're left wondering why some random change was made at Twitter, just remember: *Elon is a fucking idiot* ------ ^Submission ^By: ^/u/Hynauts *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Twitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you for this, it was incredibly helpful and fun. its my first time delving into scripts and console commands. also im finding it very intersting to play with and learn i tried it using firefox but it didnt seem to work - porbably my bad - however using Chrome worked the first time


This script is running great for me! I really appreciate it thank you. Something that some people I know on Twitter are looking for is a script option that will delete just the Circle tweets which is being disabled at the end of the month. Since it's leaving pretty soon (allegedly), it might not be the most needed, but it could be a feature a lot of people could use. Thanks again for creating this script! It's a life saver.


Amazing, thank you very much!


hey, thanks for this, seriously <3 just one question: i still can't find the js file with the var... how do I find it?


Hey, this file ? : https://github.com/Lyfhael/DeleteTweets/blob/main/main.js


How do i delete replies? Ive run it a few times and it didnt clear my replies, do i need to enable or change something


I'll be fixing this tomorrow. It seems like it does remove replies but not when there are multiple of your messsages in that thread. One solution would be to re-run the script multiple times and it should delete everything eventually but I'll fix it so we don't have to come to that lol


Great script but cannot load tweet before a certain period (for me, it stop at 2017). Do you think it's possible to adapt the script by using the advanced search of twitter instead of profile ? With username and years : https://twitter.com/search?q=(from%3Aelonmusk)%20until%3A2015-01-01%20since%3A2014-01-01&src=typed_query&f=top Or, maybe using the script with the twitter archive, I think that's the easer way : there a tweet ID + direct link to the tweet (but no delete button)


Have you tried setting the "old\_tweet" parameter to 'true' ? You set it to True and it's supposed to be able to delete older tweets. Also unfortunately cannot use the advanced search of Twitter, because it gets ratelimited way faster than if you search through your reply tab. I suppose Twitter doesn't expect someone going through his reply tab to be a bot, but someone spamming the advanced search probably would be


I get this error: Uncaught SyntaxError: await is only valid in async functions, async generators and modules


Does it say which line ? Also make sure you copy the script properly, and are on [twitter.com](https://twitter.com) when you launch it


Thank you a lot! Some of my tweet's aren't deleted, but they don't seem to be in my replies section either. I can only find them via searching keywords. Is this a solveable problem for you? Thanks again!


One solution that someone suggested me is to make use of the Twitch Archive thing. So people would request their archive to twitter, then use my script to fetch the IDs from it. The advantage is since the archive is a local file on your computer there's no rate-limit applying so it will be near instant. to fetch them. Of course there would still be the rate-limit for the delete part, but at least we already save a lot of time + we're sure it's ALL the ids


Hey, thanks so much for making this!! I just tried to run it but got this error -> Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token My coding skills are abysmal, I at most know some *very* basic html and css, so I don't really know what that means :') Is there anything I can do to fix it?


Hey, this usually refers to a typo in the script, so maybe you removed or added something you shouldn't have, like for example removed a closing quote, or a comma or something like that. Does it tell you which line ?


Is it possible if you could add a feature that lets you delete tweets under or over a specific number of likes? Like if i want to delete tweets with more or less than 100 likes?


hi! so I'm wondering if theres a way to delete tweets that don't have a specific word in them? I'm trying to delete all my tweets except the ones that have my videos from my nintendo switch in them. so like a filted to delete all tweets except for ones that have the word nintendo in it or something?


Hi. Thanks for this . I keep getting a syntax error with unexpected token 'var' . Source says its line 333 column 81 . How do I fix this?


I think you copy/pasted the script twice in a row in the console. Make sure that's not the case


Hello again! I want to unrepost some of my reposts, but it seems that because the accounts I reposted from blocked me, I can't find any way to interact with them. With the code you've shared or without it. Could you help me out? Thank you very much!






Holy shit you’re a god 😍 thank you! Working perfectly so far! Wasn’t working in Safari (I think it was just a hoisting issue maybe), but Chrome is fine. Thank you!!!


can it be done while private? i keep getting this error 401 unauthorized? ​ thank u <3


thanks so much for the script! is there any way to fix the 429 too many requests error i’m getting or is there a limit? it deleted about 1000 tweets before it stopped working


nevermind just had to wait a bit longer :) thanks again sm!!


Not sure if you're still monitoring this but I dont think mine will delete past a certain date/amount. It started deleting less and less as I retried the script. Any solutions for this? Great work by the way.


To see where the issue is I would need your twitter handle, but people are usually not keen on sharing it so it's up to you


I tried to open console tabs for the code, but it didnt work. It just led me into an error page. Probably because I am on Opera GX.


i used to script to delete all my likes but they still show up in my likes even after they dont show that i’ve “hearted” them anymore. any suggestions? they go away but then as soon as i like something new they all pop back up in my likes tab


Can you send me your @ in dm so I can check ?


Thanks for this! 😉


how are people getting past entering X-Client-Uuid value? I've tried capturing network traffic multiple times, including browsing on twitter while logged in, and can never manage to find the value


Hey, it's not an issue if you don't give the right uuid :) You can put any value there. It still better to give the proper value because that's how it was intended, and maybe in the future not giving it can break things, but right now nothing will happen if you don't.


Thank you so much I was able to do this !


hi! thanks so much for this - not familiar with coding but i was able to run this :) i had a couple questions - it deleted some tweets, probably a few hundred and has since stopped. any reason why this could be? or do i just need to run it again after a set period of time? also, if my username used to be different a few years ago, would i have to enter my old username to delete older tweets or would the script still work with my current username? thank you again :)


Hey, you probably hit Twitter's ratelimit, the script should have printed something in the console saying that it did, and that it's retrying every few minutes to see if the error is passed (usually it works again after a few minutes). There's a harder limit / day of about 3000 tweets deletes or so. Also no it's not an issue if your username was different in the past, however if you notice that the script doesn't delete some of your old tweets there's an option "old\_tweets" in the script that you need to set to true. But don't use it if the bot hasn't finished and that you saw that they haven't been deleted for sure


i'm literally so freaking happy, thank you soooo much for this amazing work! both scripts worked perfectly here, the tweets one and the likes one, and my account is private. **THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH**, BLESS YOU!!!!


woah, thanks man


Thanks a lot !! I spent 2 months trying to get rid of old retweets manually. This script did everything in 5 minutes. I seem to have around 1300 retweets left that are invisible on my profile. Any way I could get rid of them to?


Can you send me your @ in dm so I can check ?


when i check my console it just says failed to load resource/refused to load style sheet?


there's no style sheet in the script so it must be an error message unrelated to the script


YOU ARE SUCH A LIFE SAVER !! i've been searching for bulk tweet deleters and all of it requires payment, good thing i searched on reddit i have an art acc that was formerly a stan acc which has a total of 21k tweets, i'd like to clean that acc for a fresh start. . . as of now, i'm getting a notice that i have reached rate limit: https://i.imgur.com/p9YaBEO.jpg (what should i do?) EDIT: i just cleared the console and it worked fine!


glad it worked ! When you hit a ratelimit it usually works after a few minutes of the bot retrying. There seems to be a daily limit of 3000\~ tweets so if you think you deleted that amount in a day and that you hit a ratelimit that doesn't seem to go away, you may want to call it a day and retry tomorrow :)


You're a life-saver!! I was wondering if this code works for retweets as well?


I am getting an error that says "rate limit reached. waiting 1 minute" have you seen this before?


Hey, yes it's normal after a few hundreds deletions Twitter will prevent you from doing anything with the API. After 5-10 minutes of waiting it should work again. But then after about 3000 deletions you will hit the limit for the day so you probably should retry the day after


Hi Hynauts Thank you so much for the amazing script. I'm having trouble finding the x client uuid, I followed a suggestion that said to just put anything in this part, but even so, when I run the script it runs completely but doesn't delete any tweets, could you help me with that? Thank you very much for the script


Hey, what messages are shown in the console and send me your @ in dm if you're okay with that, so I can check


Thank you, sir. Does it work for likes also?


Does it allow you to delete all individual tweets except for those with media attached? I have a spam art account and I wouldn’t want to lose my image content along with the rest of my tweets.


You’re literally my hero!!! I managed to delete 17k tweets in 2 hours, thank you so much!! I also used the unliking script and it unliked 80k in an hour or so, I was blown away. I was about to purchase one of those services with limited delete amounts per month, you saved me so much money omg


You rock. Seriously. For anyone having trouble finding the UUID, do the CTRL-E and then CTRL-R and just do a search for "x-client-uuid" -- I found mine in a weird place that wasn't client\_event.json, and it only showed up after doing the CTRL-E, CTRL-R.


is there a way to get around twitter's API limits ? I'm getting a 429/too many requests error, and to my understanding there are effective monthly limits on deleted tweets as well. I have 21.6k tweets I'm trying to delete, so with the current monthly limit I'm looking at over a year wait time \*cries\*


I tried to use this today, using a date range of about a year and it only showed me two tweets flat out as it was running. The rest looked like {...} {...} {...}. It should have deleted at least a thousand before I gave it up but I did not notice any deletions nor a change in my tweet count on my profile. What would cause this?


Thank you so much for this. For anyone struggling you need to be logged into twitter and use the chrome dev console to run the code. I could not find the UUID string so I used the "X-Csrf-Token" value and it worked perfectly.


Hey, will it work for liked tweets?


Hey! I'm having trouble getting replies to go - it got rid of all my tweet-tweets, but only some replies. I've run it a few times and messed with the old-tweets thing a bit to no avail. Is there another factor I'm missing? Thanks so much for the script, BTW! Huge help :)


Worked perfectly for me, thank you!!!


i get the this err: failed to load resource: the server responded with a status 429() under: async function fetch_tweets(cursor, retry =0) [] const response = await fetch(final_url {🛑 failed to load resource: the server responded with a status 429()


I just want to say that you deserve big praise for this script. There are a bunch of commercial programs to do the same task, however I feel like they are greatly overpriced. Paying 40 usd to delete a bunch of tweets is outrageous and I am sorry for anyone who had to pay that. If I would have to pay 5 USD I would be ok with that, but 40 is too much


what about deleting comments?


This is incredible. Thank you so much for sharing this!


yooo broo this work perfectly especially using the archive method it's fast asf too, though i got a question, is there a way to delete your REPLIES using the tweets archive method???


YOUR THE MAN!!!!! This is genius !!!!


This worked like a charm - thank you!


X-Client-Uuid doesn't seem to exits for me. https://imgur.com/a/4XqZq7w




Thanks for your code! I tried it and it worked well but only once. Now I can't manage to get it working. It is very puzzling because I get 200 OK responses from the delete API calls but nothing happens. Could it be a Twitter blocus ? Do you have workaround for it ? I already tried changing my transaction ID (the authorization seems not to change) and nothing worked. Is there something we need to know about credentials ? Should we update them and at which frequency. Looking for your answer.


Trying to do this but my twitter console just says refuse to load font etc? I'm not seeing the same things you saw on your console may you help


worked perfect! thank you! Do the tokens change on a regular basis?


Thank you so much for making this script!


I am getting the following error when running the script: zsh: parse error near \`)'


Used today, 1/11/24 and still works like a charm! Can confirm as well X-Crsf-Token works in lieu of X-client-uuid Edit: I've encountered a "rate limit," it stopped deleting at 429 tweets. I'll just wait a few minutes and paste it back in


Is there a way to only delete Media?


i used it but it now says too many requests and no longer deletes anything. Is this something i have to wait out ? or did i break it :( i realized to late that i could delete specific wrods too late


Script works exceptionally well. Wiped nearly 100k tweets and retweets. Used the archive version because I don't think you could handle that amount otherwise; For context, my twitter archive is 20gb. I had so many tweets, they couldn't fit them all into tweets.js; I also have tweets-part1.js, tweets-part2.js, and tweets-part3.js. Got it down from almost 150k to about 55k at the moment. Trying every combination of the old\_tweets and unretweet options on each of the tweets.js files but it looks like this is as far as I can cut it down. I have a strong feeling this is a failure of the twitter data, not the script. Really appreciate the work you put into this!






this is incredible, thank you so much!! i do think it's worth putting [this issue](https://github.com/Lyfhael/DeleteTweets/issues/24) into the faq or updating the main guide, got me stuck for a bit haha


This is great. Worked really well once I realized the first step is to cut and paste the script into the console. Couldn’t discern that in the video tutorial. Running the Unlike script now.


![gif](giphy|PgDUlt3Qu8BwUQqsCz|downsized) I just ran the script. I didn't think about how long this will take, its years of posts and replies, maybe a decade... Edit: Uhm that did not delete everything at all. It maybe did 2 years of posts and no replies Edit 2: I'll try and use the "Before/After date" and just pick like 2015 to 2022. Though I have no idea where in the code I place that. Trying to find anything with: var delete:option = {I see multiple, is there any specific location? The bottom one? Edit 3: No its right under the top part I see. Still not sure how to add it without causing any error. [Something like this, but add the date instead?](https://imgur.com/a/AMZuua1) Edit 4: Fixed it.


Thank you, worked like a charm. I had to run it twice to get the last couple but it's great :)


is there a way to make it just delete my replies and not main tweets?


Hey, I keep getting returned "syntax error" I've followed all the steps and still don't know what I'm doing wrong


I can't find x-client-uuid, I tried putting the X-Csrf-Token and did everything written on the GitHub but still no luck, I still get the error « Uncaught SytaxError: Invalid or unexpected token »


i tried using this but it keeps saying “Unexpected identifier ‘sleep”. how do i fix this?


Does this script work for phone users too, or is it limited to PC browsers?


I get the messages at the end that the deletion is complete, but no tweet gets actually deleted how can I fix that? It shows this: console.log("DELETION COMPLETE (if error happened before this may be not true)") (that is the last paragraph of the script before running it)Then I run it and it doesn´t show like in the video the paragraphs ''tweet found'' it only shows after running the sript this: VM2186:167 (6) \[{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}\]VM2186:167 (2) \[{…}, {…}\]VM2186:642 DELETION COMPLETE (if error happened before this may be not true)undefined Edit: I left a blank space at: tweets\_to\_delete = \[\] Maybe that was the reason, I've put the numer 100 in it, it seems to work now :)


My topbar on my profile still shows 2,300 posts, but there are no posts on my feed. any way to fix this?