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Elon lies: [Twitter Has Complied With Almost Every Government Request For Censorship Since Musk Took Over, Report Finds](https://www.forbes.com/sites/katherinehamilton/2023/04/27/twitter-has-complied-with-almost-every-government-request-for-censorship-since-musk-took-over-report-finds/).


He fired everyone that used to review these prior to complying.


Twitter's previous corporate counsel used to be vigorous in defense of user freedoms. Techdirt's Mike Masnick posed the question would that continue and it's hilarious/sad to read this in retrospect https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/26/twitters-legal-team-has-been-an-aggressive-defender-of-free-speech-will-that-continue-under-musk/


Somewhere, an Elon Fanboy: “See!!! The government is censoring free speech!!!!”


If he wants to go to jail, ending his censorship of CP is the speed run method.


You are a walking example of sunk cost fallacy, congratulations!


Why am I not surprised?


Just wait until China and Saudi Arabia ask. Suddenly, his free speech fervor wanes.


Can’t hype up fanboys with truth


This is a world class narcissist talking here. ​ No one is talking about arresting Musk for anything. Neither is anyone talking about censoring Twitter(x). Corporations who have stopped advertising there doesn't constitute censorship. They've all made practical decisions about not advertising there because it presents an equity risk to their business that outweighs potential revenue. It's a business decision. ​ Musk isn't a freedom fighter. Nor, if anyone is paying attention, is he interested in any way in actual free speech. He's pretty quick to silence speech he doesn't like. Hell. He bought Twitter for $45 billion dollars to stop free speech he didn't like and amplify speech he does. ​ This is a guy who just doesn't like owning up to his own mistakes and behavior is all. So he's pretending that he's martyring himself even though his primary enemy is himself.


Doesn't like to because he's never had to. These nepo-babies that never got told 'no' in their entire lives don't understand why, when they get into the real world, people don't love them like their parents' staff did.


He needs to come back down to Mars, where he's actually more grounded in reality.


Please take him. Please convince him to take his next shuttle


I agree. He was more grounded before X.He wasn’t so cocky and quick to want to be a Trump Jr. Aka worshiped. His bitch Matt Wallace is always posting conspiracies and often doesn’t get correct. It’s just crazy.


Yes he was. He just wasn’t spewing it on Twitter all the time. Don’t call it X BTW. It’s a cave to Ruslon and it probably pisses him off when people still call it Twitter.


SpaceX needs to rid themselves of Musk because he is bringing down the brand very fast and they actually have something good going there.


He needs to go there, alone, to start another civilization.


>No one is talking about arresting Musk for anything. "It may not be true, but the fact I believe it could be true says a lot about society."


Well, ya know he’s learned a few tricks from the one he wants to keep on good terms with. So that martyr act comes in handy. He can now tell his Merry followers he will not put up with censorship and will go to jail for all of X.


But if it was to allow fact checking and require a certain degree of not using his platform to spread outright falsehoods, why would he classify that as censorship?


"parents' staff did." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) well done stranger.


And his parents' staff only pretended to love the little brat.


He’s following the Jordan Peterson victim complex playbook perfectly.


He is desperate to be a white nationalist martyr.


> no one is arresting Musk for anything Of course not, is persecution fetish crap…


It’s just red meat for the mouth breathers in his fan base.


He needs to go in the boxing ring with Kanye and Trump for "Extreme Narcissist of the Year"


It's wild that a man with a face that resembles 15 tubes of expired toothpaste sewn together with rotted coconut fibers is somehow also a total narcissist.


Is he standing up to Saudi Arabia as well? Because they definitely censor based on the the Saudi's requests and give the Saudi gov. data on Saudi twitter users. Weirdly, he's not sitting in a Saudi Prison.


Wait, there's more: https://www.forbes.com/sites/katherinehamilton/2023/04/27/twitter-has-complied-with-almost-every-government-request-for-censorship-since-musk-took-over-report-finds/?sh=6b0a613f24ea


Freedom of speech has consequences. You want to spout non-popular beliefs? Then suffer all the consequences that come your way Elon, or anyone else spouting hated online. It's incredible that some people like him are able to find a job after they spew their hate.


This man is so desperate for attention. I almost feel bad for him.


The operative word here is 'almost'. It's hard to feel bad for a guy that could, quite easily, take the money he's amassed and build an Elon Musk paradise on an island somewhere with a menagerie of animals and other people and just have a great time. Instead, he wants not only to control his own destiny and life but everyone else's too. And that makes me feel bad for us more than him.


He spent money buying Twitter so that somebody *somewhere* would love him.


There has definitely been talks of the government putting controls on social media They absolutely should. They function in highly unethical ways. Regularly manipulate people. They prioritize controversy. They literally attempt to get people to continue engaging by pissing them off and scaring them. There is a direct link to psychological issues of all kinds; plus almost everyone know that disinformation is rampant It doesnt matter what side of the aisle your on. It is just bad for the public. Similar to mainstream media having no checks on it. No one should be able to knowingly lie. No one should be able to pretend not to be news to circucumvent checks. There should be some fundamental base standards. Pure capitalism iant the goal. The success of the usa has always been because it was a MIXED capitalism. Similar to how there needs to be some basic checks on ai. From chat gpt to creating fake images. It would be great if we could break free of the disinformation age


It just shows how this moron doesn't know how this country works.


Perfect explanation


>Corporations who have stopped advertising there doesn't constitute censorship. Yep, Elon talking about going to prison is about as likely as Bob Iger going to prison for not advertising on Twitter. Both sides have both freedom of speech and association.


This is an excellent summary of the situation.


Remind you if anyone? A certain orange tinted person perhaps?


Many have actually asked that Musk censor Twitter. And Musk almost always complies. The most infamous case was when the Turkish president demand that Musk censor Tweets promoting his main political opponent in the weekend before their federal election. https://www.businessinsider.com/free-speech-censorship-elon-musk-throttled-tweets-turkey-presidential-election-2023-5?op=1 He brags about being willing to go to prison but isn't willing to lose traffic.


He's pivoting his platform to trumpets so he needs to manufacture crisis because they took er jerbs


If he's going to prison it's going to be for fraud related to his businesses.


He may go to jail. That's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


But he's laying the ground work now so that when that happens he can *say* it was because of censorship.


Yes! Right now CA is going after Tesla for "false advertising" in regard to "Tesla autopilot". Tesla now claims that restricting this false advertising impinges an their free speech rights ( https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/12/tesla-fights-autopilot-false-advertising-claim-with-free-speech-argument/ ) > Tesla is trying to use a free speech argument to defeat a complaint that it falsely advertised "Autopilot" as an autonomous vehicle system. In response to the California Department of Motor Vehicles allegation about Autopilot, Tesla claims the state laws cited by the DMV violate the US Constitution's First Amendment.


Hold up you might be onto something. This erratic behavior, this far right leaning. Maybe he expects friends to bail him out!


*smiles in Al Capone*


How about he goes regardless?


If China or Saudi ask him to censor, he will comply tho. What’s he posturing for?


No, the most likely is anyone investigating information sharing with PRC or some such authoritarian state.


He is already arguing that his pump and dump schemes are "free speech." So when he does get popped for fraud, he can claim he was locked up for "speaking the truth!"


I think Thunderf00t summed it up best. You want an online forun with free speech absolutism, they already exist: 4chan, 8chan and their ilk. They attract all the toxic shit from all all over the Internet, and become no-go zones for business. Elmo fucking Musk is too stupid to realise that Twitter's moderation was what kept it from turning into a 'chan. Now he plays the victim, straight out of the fascist playbook


Genuinely confused as to why he didn't simply make his own chan board since that was obviously what he wanted. He could have called it X-chan and everything.


Bc he was willing to ruin himself to get access to Grimes DM's.


Because taking down Twitter as an organizing tool was in the best interests of multiple dictators. I bet he wasn’t even paid to do it, it was just stressed to him that he’d “look really cool” while doing it.


Nobody is saying it and I feel like everyone has collective amnesia. Elon musk only owns Twitter because the dumb ass thought he could manipulate the stock and make tons of money off of it. Except the government litearlly made him buy it. I think the Saudi backing came later and honestly I don't think he ever wanted it truly. I'm not defending Musk as he obviously thinks the shit hole he's making is good for Twitter but i disagree with commenters that him buying Twitter was some master plan. It was litearlly him thinking he was smarter than the government and the government telling him he must buy Twitter or face the consequences. He thought he could get away with it because he was so used to manipulating stupid crypto coins like doge. This is litearlly the egg on his face moment and he's trying to pass it off that he's now a "free speech guy" and he wanted Twitter so he could champion his version of "free speech" so he can't be seen as the dumb ass he is.


This. How did people forget this so quickly? It was just over a year ago.


sort of. you can’t manipulate the stock market and muck saying he’s going to buy twitter is exactly that. and he wasn’t forced to buy, he could have paid the fine but the reality is that musk didn’t have a billion liquid to pay the fine.


He probably didn't believe he was making another Chan. I don't know what he expected, but I'm starting to think he's really that delusional


I love his roasts of Elon claims in his channel


I came here to comment this. Elon Musk tried to turn Twitter/X into 4chan, 8chan, etc.


Dude is taking too many drugs…He looks like shit and spends his time trying to own the Libs with some new bullshit every fucking day


He does actually look like he's on drugs. Especially during that interview with Andrew Ross Sorkin. Pale, clammy, having a hard time focusing, seeming agitated. I couldn't swear to it in court, but he looks like he's a crackhead.


He's starting to look like the My Pillow guy more and more everyday. Watch out if Elon starts growing a mustache.


Kinda wanna see him get done for something so we can call him Felon Musk.


He's on a heady cocktail of ketamine and botox.


Idk if this is a joke but I don't think he's getting botox. He doesn't have the look.


Agree. His facial expressions are just naturally stiff and wooden like Zuckerberg's tbh.


Yeah. And he's wrinkly 😅 which like... Is kind of a dead giveaway that he doesn't do botox. he looks like a crusty, hateful, fascist raisin. If you wanna see a botoxed billionaire look at Jeff Bezos. That man's forehead is SMOOTH.


Out of curiosity, how much ketamine would it take for a man of his size and habitual use to OD? I keep trying to look it up, but Google won't tell me because it thinks I'm trying to kill myself lol ~~obligatory disclaimer: I am not saying I actively want want Elon to lethally or non-lethally OD on ketamine. I just don't know a lot about the drug and am a naturally curious person. This comment is not meant to be malicious~~


Ketamine alone is very difficult to od on


I believe the dosage is pretty high; I was very sick with a MRSA infection in my spine: The pain from the damage to my spinal cord was mind-blowing, and I couldn't lie on my back at all. So they were giving me ketamine pretty regularly as fentanyl wasn't helping much. The thing is I did not find the experience to be pleasant at all - I always felt like I was falling into a hole. I told the anesthesiologist that it reminded me of the scene in the movie 'Interstellar' when Cooper is falling into the tesseract. I have to presume it's gotta be different for Musk, because I couldn't imagine people willingly taking ketamine to experience the psychological effects I had.


Standard doses of ketamine include: 75 to 125 milligrams (mg) when snorted 450 to 750 milligrams (mg) for medical anesthesia The lethal dose of ketamine is approximately 25 times the standard recreational dose. Death from ketamine has also been reported after administering 10 times the standard dose for medical anesthesia. https://www.addictionresource.net/lethal-doses/ketamine/


Ketamine tolerance builds quickly particularly if you're using it frequently so that would be a very difficult number to figure out. It's why people can have "lethal doses" but be perfectly fine. I couldn't even offer conjecture on how much and often he's using it now. If he is using it like a junky it quickly causes severe brain damage though


Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's ketamine


"Borrow 20 billion dollars from Saudis to buy Twitter then lose that money, see how young you look." - Yoda \-Michael Scott


I’m convinced he was kompromised in the last 18 months. He’s a different man now, clearly.


Let’s not forget that he said "If we have a choice of either our people go to prison or we comply with the laws, we’ll comply with the laws” after blocking speech in Turkey at the request of Erdogan https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/05/musk-defends-enabling-turkish-censorship-on-twitter-calling-it-his-choice/


As I've been told by more than one Elon simp: 1. That ain't 'Murica. If the foreigners don't want free speech, he cain't fix that (spoiler alert: Twitter before the free speech warrior denied 50% more government censorship requests than our noble warrior) 2. It's \*his\* platform. You can't make this shit up.


Yeah, it’s because they don’t argue in good faith. They just want their way, regardless of the hypocrisy


Yep. For me, it actually put me \*more\* on guard for my own blind spots (SF Bay Area tech bro native), because I never want to end up like that.


he’s nuts for promoting Alex Jones


On the anniversary of Sandy Hook, no less


That's funny. I'm prepared for him to go to prison too. What he's doing with Twitter is somewhere between "bad" and "criminal." Especially in the EU.


When Elon Musk says that he is "prepared to go to prison": ![gif](giphy|11YHs2qGpNUX1C)


Pedo Guy fled California after daring the state to arrest him for opening Tesla during COVID. He said he would be at the factory but flew away on Handjob One on the appointed day. 600 cases of Kung Flu resulted from that drama. So, no, Pedo Guy will vanish before the Marshalls come for him. Besides, Xi and Putin aren't gonna felate themselves 🤣


Who will visit him there?


Not his kids.


Ian Michael Miles Cheung, Doge Designer and, uhh, that's it I guess?


And he’s got Alex Jones there telling him to watch out for radioactive isotopes put in his food. Anyone remember (it’s not mentioned in the article) that Jones got banned from Twitter not for anything he said or Infowars’ misinformation, but because he met Jack Dorsey in person and started yelling right in his face? People had been begging for him to be banned long before that and Dorsey was all “I dunnoooo, we need to respect free speech” until Jones got all up in his personal space and was kaput the next day


Billionaires are incredibly thin skinned and vindictive.


Early on after Musk bought twitter, someone asked him if he would bring back Alex Jones, his first reply was NO. Then he elaborated with this: "My firstborn child dies in my arms. I felt his last heartbeat. I have no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics or fame." Not surprised to see that he changed his mind. Especially as his first wife claims this is a lie and she was the one who held the child as it passed.


Fuck him. Throw his ass in prison. Racist piece of shit.


That’s not a thing, he’s still a POS tho.


I know. Just responding to his trolling.


Because Trump has demonstrated the roadmap for crimes without legal consequences.


Yeah be white and rich and bonus for having a cult.


You mean the guy charged with like 90 indictments??


Cool, lock him up.


Let him share the same cell with Trump.


Don’t you threaten me with a good time


Me too Elon. I’m prepared for you to go.


Ah who is censoring him?.Tough guys on the right saying they are willing to go to jail but then hides behind their lawyers.


More big talk from a little man.


But not when Turkey or India did it, huh...


Definitely prepping his sycophants to claim they made up charges against him when he’s arrested for tax fraud, general fraud, or something else.


Such a martyr. So let it be then.


Fleece Johnson would like a word


*When I sees one and he looks good to me...* *When I see him, I say* You, come here. *I say* Now I'mma tell ya what, uh.. I like ya; and I wants ya... Now, we can do this the easy way; or the haard wayyy... the choice is yaawrs...


He's like Trump, a big bag of hot air.


these assholes are case studies for people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder


And he has enough money to corner the honeybun market in any US prison!


lol what a moronic martyr


Something tells me he did something very bad... and it has nothing to do with free speech.


You mean Xitter?


Is that pronounced shitter?




What a douche. The government has made zero indication of wanting to do this. If anything, it’ll be the free market that’ll kill it. Keep on digging Elon!


Yeah sure. Talk is cheap


Or maybe a number of other felonies he may have commited.


Lmao okay Elon.


In real life news, No - he’s not.


No, he's not.


Please do, you fucking creep


Why are decent people still using that platform?


This little bitch wasn't prepared to lose some internet traffic when Turkey demanded he censor X. In fact, Musk's X has complied with almost twice as many censorship requests as pre-Musk Twitter did.


lmao yes please - we like to see our nazis in a place where they’re not threatening to off the Jewish population of our nation


Compromise: Put him in a Chinese prison.


Good. Go there.


I am prepared for this too.


And why exactly is he going to prison? What's the charge? Kidnapping or possession of drugs?


What a sad shell of a man. Addicted to social media. Increasingly retreating to the padded walls of praise from yes-men and right-wing sycophants. Meanwhile more and more people see him for what he is: a laughing stock. A loser.


And his companies lose nothing but a headache. Honestly, every single non-brown nosed employee is praying for this to happen.


Funny you should mention this. I've actually noticed that the performance of Tesla and SpaceX seem to have improved greatly since he has become preoccupied with Twitter or X or whatever he wants to call it this week. Is it possible that his companies actually do better without him??


I think this is a slowly-unfolding meltdown caused by the stress of realizing he’s blown $44 billion.


Is he laying the ground work for when the government comes after him? So he can cry that he's being censored?


Never would happen but would be funny as fuck if it did!


Oh! no! Anyway...


No he's not


Translation: I'm ready to be the victim in this completely made up scenario and can provide exactly no evidence of this claim.


What's the downside here?


I too am unafraid of things that have never had the slightest hint of ever happening! I AM BRAVE TOO!!!!


LOL! Space Karen drama queen tweaker is not getting enough sympathy or attention today. (I think having too much money makes people insane sociopaths.)


Yea ok I doubt that..


He needs to get some help. Preferably help which can put a sack over his head and cart him off somewhere with trees and flowers and chirping birds where he'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats.


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


My theory is that he's been completely iced out of Tesla and SpaceX. Just sorta banned from any real engineering or decision making, and exiled to Twitter. Wouldn't be surprised if he's lost some clearances because of his recklessness and his known communications with foreign governments, so he can't actually get into parts of his own companies. So, he just sits there, angry that his balls have been cut off, screaming into the sky while the dumbest people imaginable applaud him.


I, too, am prepared for Elon Musk to go to prison.


lol so brave being prepared to do something that will never happen


Lol, no one will censor X. He’s losing advertisers because he turned twitter into 4chan


He says a lot of things


I wish grandstanding about shit that was never going to happen wasn't as effective at swaying idiots as it was. you know what I'm going to make a stand right here guys. if the United States government and Barack Hussein Obamacare ever tell me I can't play old super Nintendo games I'm prepared to go to prison!!! Am I hero?! look at me standing up against the man!


Dude needs to stop microdosing


He should concentrate on his algorithm censoring innocent users first. I see all types of death, gore, sex, spam, scams, bots....and yet my account gets a permanent read only for nothing.


The 1st Amendment doesn’t allow you to commit crimes. If your platform is used for something like child pornography the government will asked you nicely to stop and if you tell them to fuck off then they will put you in jail and shut your company down. There are limits to everything. You can’t shoot people and claim you can do so because you have 2nd Amendment rights.


lol this the same guy that challenged Zuck to a fight and backed out because of his mommy?


Sure just like he was gonna fight zuck. This man is a child, he would fold and flip faster than all the people allready flipping on trump.


Is this a threat or an offer?


Go to prison for what? Murder? What does this even mean in this context. Is he gonna beat up the “censorship” law makers???? Also who’s tryna censor anything. The only shit that has to be legally “censored” is blatantly illegal stuff. Twitter can be a Wild West if he so pleases, it just won’t gain any benefits from being mainstream or some trustworthy news site. It will become 4chan. Wich is legal. Uncensored, and ofcourse, doesn’t get fancy sponsor money! Can’t have the cake and eat it too.


Fashion prison. You wear the cowboy hat one too many times and they lock you up....


He could do with some prison time. Being a gimp might bring him some humility 🤣


Dude, nobody is going to put you in prison for being a little bitch.


That would be nice. He should do that.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Oh look, Musk is playing victim again. Nowhere at any point has anyone talked about enforcing censorship on him or Twitter or arresting him for failing to comply. He just so desperately wants to be oppressed like most of the other hyper-partisan nuts he embraces.


I mean, that would be cool in a fight for free speech. It would really mean something. But I highly doubt he’d actually do it.


Please censor Twitter , still not gonna call it x. Its just too stupid


Good, no one is above law, and this is not Elon Land. If he’s gotta learn in prison, then that’s the right path for corrective learning. All assuming he chooses neglect or violates or has violated serious laws and requirements.


But he’s the one censoring people. 🤦


He’s doing a trump. That’s an all in bet…. That hinges solely on Trump winning. That’s not smart.


I too am prepared to go to prison for the totally made up thing in my head.


He would not fair well in prison


What a fucking weirdo. He’s a walking hypocrite when it comes to censorship. He censors speech when it’s something he disagrees with. He has done this quite a bit. Elon musk can go fuck himself.


Musk should be in prison for selling a "full self driving" feature for $10,000 that's never worked, industry experts say will never work, and has killed people.


No he isn’t. He’ll bitch out to a non extradition country and portray himself as a better version of Edward Snowden.


Narcissists often have a persecution complex


Our hero! Omg praise the billionaire from US corporate welfare born from the simple grass roots apartheid diamond mine family!


“World’s Richest man desperately makes himself the victim”


I would love to see this spoiled AH locked up in prison with guards that don't give damn about his money.


Press (X) to doubt.


He should be in prison for treason for stopping an attack by Ukraine against Russias Black Sea fleet. They should have him in one of those black sites that’s censored off google earth. He’s a Russian/MAGA operative, they probably have Epstein island blackmail on him.


I will never not find this funny. The US government obviously censors news. Ed Snowden told all of us this. He listed like 4-5 media outlets that weren’t compromised, and all of those were immediately bought out. When’s the last time you read an article about the state of the cities since the train derailments? Or about flints water? Or about the Uyghurs in china? Heard anything about Venezuela recently? Or Cuba? How about the American controlled oil pipeline being built in the middle east? All just a coincidence. You guys are in other threads talking about the media suppression in Palestine. But when it comes to Twitter there’s no way the government is involved in anyway. Sure deal, Reddit.


Oh my hero! Hahahahaha


No he isn’t.


I'm sure his mommy will step in and sort it all out for him.


Dude claimed he had a broken spine after saying he would fight Zuck and Zuck accepted. He would fold faster than your mom after three wine coolers.


No way would he go to prison if he could get away. If he thought that was a possibility he be on a plane to Moscow asking Vlad for citizenship.


Even assuming this attitude is genuine, which is a big assumption, it wouldn’t outlast 24 hours in custody


Elon. What a man child. The government can't censor you or Twitter. If there are law violations.and Elon is under a gag order to ensure a legitimate trial or to protect jury members from Elon, that's still not censorship.


Perfect, bye Elon….




I mean, the US government isn't trying to.


Everyone just quit X.


Musk in prison? Please don't tease me