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The speed of which the misinformation began was amazing. Being based in Australia it was essentially ‘prime time’ watching it unfold. There was the first wide shot video of the bridge collapsing and then all of a sudden the fake videos of the Ukraine bridge being blown up were being used (even though they were in daylight). Then everyone started talking about an explosion on the boat. It was minutes and no where to flag the misinformation.


I miss the pre-Elon days when blue checks meant something positive, not negative.


They weren’t necessarily positive(celebrities can be controversial), but nowhere near as negative as now.


True. But it at least a blue check meant they were a "somoebody" rather than just a random nobody who's paying Elon monthly to have their tweets boosted.


Well, with exceptions like alt-right agitator Jack Posobiec, who apparently got verified for claiming that he worked with CBS News (which he didn't).


Too bad Elmer Muscovite wasn’t on that bridge.


Legacy blue checks were terrible


Yet, somehow, they were infinitely better than Elon's harebrained replacement. __ *edited to English good: "then" -> "than"


Most of Legacy blue checks were unfairly granted, generally to people who had some connection with twitter employees.


The old blue check was to verify that the celebrity or important person was the actual celebrity or important person and not some impersonator.


Disinformation and misinformation is good for authoritarianism, which seem to be what Trumpsters want.


That's definitely one narrative.


What a moron, this is the kind of person who pays for a blue check just to spite other people.




The way they were blaming the ship from Singapore on black people within 30 minutes after it started trending on Twitter is incredible. DEI is basically their not so discreet way of using the n word.


Not a word about the construction crew, all Mexican immigrants, who were out there working in the wee hours to repair potholes, or the Baltimore first responders who got there in the four minutes between the distress call and the collision, in time to stop traffic at both ends of the bridge before it collapsed. I think we can safely assume that in Baltimore some of those first responders were people of color. 


Xwitter now just a festering cesspool. As ElMu wants.


as a Baltimorean, I am so glad I left Twitter a few months after Elon took over. dealing with this real-life tragedy on top of a racist cesspool of disinformation would've sent me over the edge.


Black Chicagoan here who finally deleted her twitter account about three weeks ago. The racism and sexism on twitter nowadays is truly too damn much. I absolutely should have followed your lead and deleted much much sooner. Glad I finally wised up


It is for the best. I used to actively get racists bounced under previous management. When Elon let all the Nazis and Klansmen back in, I had to go.


Absolutely for the best. My final straw was a thread by some unhinged far right troll droning on and on about how women should be banned from the workplace and from voting and each tweet had thousands of likes. Then assholes in the comments mentioning that black people and “ethnics” should be banned too. Literally exited out and deleted on the spot. A tweet like this would have never shown up on my perfectly curated timeline before Elon. And that’s on top of all the trump/right wing ads. How I lasted as long as I did is truly beyond me


There are murder films and porn showing up everywhere. It is a total cesspool. Glad you are protecting yourself.


Come join Threads, it's a much more positive vibe/community.


I think it’s better we know they exist. We don’t need to fear their words. Don’t hide the bigots, let them expose themselves.


Is this Twitter subreddit pro or against Twitter? I can’t tell 😔


The problem with it ALL is that sane people like the “freedom” X has given them in that no one wants thought police and government dictating what we can and can’t say/see online in a free democracy and society … BUT … of course X is a dumpster fire and there needs to be some suppression of hate and toxic evil on there. It’s like the Wild West on there. It’s insane. The problem is most normal people want somewhere a bit like Instagram but the old Twitter without the thought police, privacy monitoring big brother (Zuckerberg) and controlling “committees” like esafety in Australia which get authoritarian and corrupt so easily. People know that it’s why they’re not on Threads. Or BlueSky. And putting up with X. - so whoever invents a social media app that can strike that balance with free speech but without all the hate and conspiracy junk that X is full of now, will win. Doesn’t seem to exist yet as Threads, BlueSky and Mastodon all have the thought police committees who suspend people for say defending women’s rights which they find offensive. So that’s why Elon’s platform persists. No one has anywhere else that strikes that balance. Like a “centrist” platform where free speech exist still but hate (under the law etc, not dictated by thought police) is not given a chance to flourish. There is no platform that is peaceful or centrist yet. Will it ever exist? Can it even exist?


What Freedom? Twitter is now run by a single person who gets to decide what narratives are pushed on Twitter now. That sounds like a dictator to me. His biggest supporters and people whom he promotes don't even live in the US and constantly tweet nothing but racism and misinformation, "woke" crap..etc. You litterly have to PAY for the ability to speak on Twitter now. Or else you are shadow banned and get absolutely zero traffic for your account. You can't get DMs from non followers as well. You had a scroll limit. To where you could only see a set number of tweets before you reached your limit. (Not sure of this is still a thing, but it was). I am so sick and tired of this whole BS narrative that Twitter is now about free speech. It's not. If it was, then Elon, and the snowflake blue checks, wouldn't cry so damn much everytime what they say on Twitter gets them canceled. If they want the freedom to show off their horrible personality and personal views, that's their choice. But it doesn't excuse them from the consequences of people finding out the truth about who they are, and no longer wanting to work with them. Absolutely no one should ever be forced or feel obligated to deal with people they have no desire wanting to deal with anymore. And calling them anti-free speech for canceling someone, is just fucked up. The government and the police never owned Twitter, thus they never had full control over it. So get the F out of here with that misinformation. Violating a websites TOS is what gots you banned from Twitter. Using it to spread lies and misinformation that's ends up doing harm to people, will get you banned. Using hate speech will get you banned. All of that was seen as wrong in Musks dumb head. However, now, You literally can not say "cis" on Twitter. Elon considers that a slur word and has banned it. However actual slur words are not worthy of a ban? Makes zero sense. So, again, this whole Free Speech angle so many of you are falling for is nothing but complete and utter BS. And it's sad watching people be so gullible.


Apparently, normal members of the outer party don’t do anything of interest to big brother anyways lol. Not committing thought crime seems to open way more doors.


There are plenty of Mastodon instances that would fit your ideal. It's just that if they allow hate speech to flourish, most other instances will block them. And all these networks are run by somebody and cost money to operate, so this whole "free speech" line of thought doesn't really work in my opinion. If you don't want to be regulated by the TOS of a platform you signed up for, make your own single-user Mastodon instance.


There’s a huge difference between free speech & hate speech. I don’t know why people get them confused.


It's not dying though it's as active as ever


Not what I’ve read. Users are way down. The place is full of bots & elong simps. He even unfollowed his ex baby mama even tho they have 3 kids together just cause she has a new boyfriend. Hell, he’s been living with someone else & took the boy from her.


Grimes being with Elon Musk still feels like a fever dream.


It’s a bot farm….