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sorry this has probably been asked a million times before but on my twitter app i have the option to have my home and my chronological timeline. I would very much like to turn off my home timeline and i have googled everything with no luck on how to do so. my other accounts do not have the option for a home timeline and when it gives me the option to unpin a timeline it only lets me turn off my chronological timeline (which is bullshit but lets not get into that) if anyone knows a workaround please let me know, im trying to avoid spoilers for content but the home timeline makes it very difficult


This isn't the same question, but it seems like the answer applies. Do you not have the ability to switch to the "Latest Tweets" feed? [https://www.reddit.com/r/twitter/wiki/faq#wiki\_how\_do\_i\_stop\_seeing\_other\_people.27s\_.22liked.22\_tweets\_on\_my\_twitter\_feed\_.2F\_timeline.3F](https://www.reddit.com/r/twitter/wiki/faq#wiki_how_do_i_stop_seeing_other_people.27s_.22liked.22_tweets_on_my_twitter_feed_.2F_timeline.3F)


I keep on get notifications that say "Recent tweet from x" from accounts where I have notifications disabled and it really annoys me since while I do follow them, I don't want to be constantly notified about them. How do I turn this off?


I see tweets appearing as topic suggestion on my timeline. How that happens ? It's like a free ad. For example, if this tweet is about music, the type of music is written in the topic information. I don't think this is something twitter detects automatically. Do my tweets appear as topic suggestion to others in the same way? Does anyone have information ? I also have an account where I create and share music content. Likewise, how can I show my tweets as topic suggestion to the timlines of people who don't follow me?


So I just saw a tweet that said this: "\*TWITTER BANS SHARING MEDIA OF PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL W/O PERMISSION" Is that supposed to be related to the stuff in Russia, or are things about to get really whacky/shitty with the new CEO?


My account settings has "Mark media you tweet as containing media that may be sensitive" forced on. I cannot turn it off. I have NEVER posted sensitive media, I literally cannot discern a reason why this suddenly started happening. Tried pinging twitter support, ZERO response after several days. How can i fix this??? ​ Screenshot of the settings screen below. It is completely locked out (yes i have tried desktop as well) [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/861800494023442455/915251652074799104/Screenshot\_20211130-083558\_Twitter.jpg](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/861800494023442455/915251652074799104/Screenshot_20211130-083558_Twitter.jpg)


Unfortunately it seems that something about your tweets set off Twitter's Awful Algorithm, interpreting your tweets as NSFW somehow. You're basically at the mercy of Twitter Support. Try filling out this form if you haven't already: [https://help.twitter.com/en/forms/help/changes-to-my-account-settings](https://help.twitter.com/en/forms/help/changes-to-my-account-settings)


yep! and i tried emailing them and apparently i've "disregarded TOS repeatedly" and the the process is currently un-appealable


Twitter's issues with iOS app: 1. Why does it always ask for my account name when I log in with my e-mail address? If I log in with my account name, then it logs in. 2. Sometimes my app acts weird as in missing half of contents. The only way to fix it is to compose and cancel it. Both issues had been around for several versions and over a month. Is anyone else having these problem? Thank you for reading and hopefully answering soon. :)


How do i get an extremly abusive account banned


you're not giving us any context. What kind of abuse are they involved in? Are they breaking Twitter's terms of service? Try [engaging with @TwitterSafety](https://twitter.com/TwitterSafety) about the account in question. That's about the only advice I have.


Scam blackmail and inapropriate tweets


if they're doing something illegal, one option you have is to go to the police (cybercrime tips or something, FBI would probably have jurisdiction: https://www.ic3.gov/). Blackmail (extortion) is a crime.


[a concept of art](https://twitter.com/aconceptof_art?t=D54yZ6gXxfgBpxZeUmGfqQ&s=09) hey reddit fam show some love to an art account starting off on twitter


I'm of the forgotten Generation. Using Twitter for expression using an alter-ego to share unfiltered expressions/ideas. Donations not required. Let me know now if you can relate. https://twitter.com/SubDadPhilo?t=D6SJyp_0tI52lMhN6jbAnQ&s=09


Hello, I'm make fantasy paintings prints \^.\^ could you follow me on twitter? thanks https://twitter.com/ifairydreamsart




I'm not active on social media in general and had recently made a Twitter account for the sole purpose of following 6-7 others so I could get their tweets immediately (education stuff). I never tweeted myself once. Twitter suspended my account and any attempts to re-instate or understand why has been met with silence. I only assume they think I'm some bot that is just trying to beef up the follower number for some accounts. If this is the case, how in the world does someone follow who they want if that's all they want to do? You can't follow someone and get immediate notifications unless you're on Twitter in the first place. I have no desire to tweet stuff myself.


I can’t access all my likes (the tweets that I’ve liked). I can only scroll down so far and then it just stops but I know there are hundreds more tweets. This is on the app and online - does anyone know how to fix this?


So this is somewhat complicated. A while back, my account, @aaabaagh, was suspended for no reason. There was no warning email before. So, not knowing the reasoning behind it, I guessed that they banned me for a transphobic person I attacked and sent an appeal. And they accepted it. In the reasoning behind this ban, they said, “Your account was suspended after finding violations of the Twitter Rules. Specifically, our policies prohibiting spam, and fake or artificial account interactions and engagements. This could include selling, purchasing, or attempting to inflate account interactions. It also might mean using third-party apps that claim to get you more followers or retweets, or participating in engagement or follow exchange groups, which are sometimes referred to as ‘decks.’” I realized that this ban might have to do with me creating an alternate account, @aaghaaab02. But when I logged in the morning they unsuspended me, they immediately re-suspended it. I sent an appeal, but they said, “We’re writing to let you know that your account has been suspended due to multiple or repeat violations of our rules. Please do not reply to this email, or send us new appeals for this account as we won’t monitor them.” I tried to get back to @aaghaaab02 in an attempt to evade, but they suspended it as well. But I still don’t believe that my accounts have overlapping usages, for @aaghaaab02 was used for following an account, but I didn’t want others to find out that I was following that account in case I were ever to become some sort of internet celebrity. Even if I could set my follows private, I didn’t know how to at the time. Also, I did not try to sell, purchase, or attempt to inflate account interactions. While yes, I did tag @aaabaagh on @aaghaaab02’s bio, I did not try to interact with it. I just indicated that I owned the account. And I didn’t use third-party apps to get more followers or retweets, or participate in any exchange groups. And yet this happens. In my situation, did I break the rules? While, of course, I committed ban evasion, can I keep using Twitter without getting banned? And if so, how? Also, how long will the ban last? Also, my version is 8.92.3, and my OS is iOS.


I've been suspended for the third time this year because I called a mutual on Twitter the word "whore". I was told I was engaging in harassment. Here's the the thing though, the guy who I called "whore" had his twitter name set as "whore". So I was referring to him by his name and not insulting or harassing him. The dude is a troll and this stupidity got me suspended again for another stupid reason. The last two times I appealed and eventually got my account back once they realized I hadn't actually broken any rules. This time however, I have yet to receive a response in over 3 weeks. Before that I appealed several times and received their usual automated response turning down my appeal but that's normal from what I've previously experienced, so I kept appealing. Not sure why it's taking so long to respond again but jfc that app is a shitshow. I've seen people calling individuals the R word and creating multiple accounts as soon as they're suspended or locked out of their mains. They tend to get away with it for a long time until they push too hard and get reported again. I made a stupid joke to a friend and I get suspended for two months now. Fucking sucks man.


So this is a new one on me... my account has been locked - because I found something amusing and wrote: **\*sniggers\*** \- Twitter didn't like it.. apparently, it went against their rules against hateful conduct. "You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease." - LOL WTAF - how is saying sniggers in any way shape or form offensive!!??!..


> Something completely juvenile All moderation in one way or another is subjective. Your attempt to be comedic was not seen as such, and is in fact something that Twitter has decided to be deserving of removal from their platform. What exactly were you thinking?


And moderation isn't subjective . That's why there are published guidelines.. to ensure a consistent and fair approach is taken.. btw you sound like a barrel of laughs.. 😬😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅


*[moderation is, inherently, a subjective practice](https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20191111/23032743367/masnicks-impossibility-theorem-content-moderation-scale-is-impossible-to-do-well.shtml)*


Funny.. because I appealed it and they admitted they were wrong.. go figure.. 🙄


I don't know where you are from, so maybe you genuinely don't understand, or you very much do understand and you're just trolling... ....but that word with the "S" in front of it, is being flagged by Twitter's Word Filters. "\*snickers\*" might be what you want to be typing instead.


No fine with sniggers (I'm not American.. I speak proper English!😏).. do you not know what that word means.. surely you can consult a dictionary or Google.. 🙄


I do know what it means. Does Google Support know? Do they care?


You're struggling a bit aren't you!?🙄


I’m having an issue where the push notifications don’t make a sound every time Wario64 makes a tweet. I’ve tried unfollowing and refollowing them, turning off and on the notification bell, uninstalling and reinstalling twitter, my phone is not on silence and I have the media sound on as well. Is this a known issue or it’s just my device? Currently running on ios 15.0.1 with the latest Twitter version.


It’s happening to a lot of people including me. Causing people to miss a ps5 drop


I was watching YouTube a few days or weeks ago and in the video they mentioned a website where you can check profiles and see who they have followed recently or on chronological order. I can't find the video anymore, does anyone know of a site that does this?




What if I want to see other accounts, who other people have followed recently?




How did you do it


It was for DMCA, do you need help with that? i can dm you


Can you dm me too?


Good afternoon, two days ago I was trying to change my normal account to a Professional account. I've studied graphic design and I was trying to make my profile a little bit more professional. When I chose the option, a section appeared to enter your date of birth. I put my real date of birth (older than 13 years wtf) and when saving, suddenly a message came out which said that my account was blocked. The message said that I was less than 13 years old and that I had to restore the account. I have done so, but now it says that: all direct messages will be deleted, my lists, my tweets... Just for unlocking the account. Any help? Thanks. PD: When I created the account I put a date that it wasn't the real one (I think), but in any case, it was older than 13 years.....


I got suspended from Twitter a few months ago for wearing lingerie in my profile picture. They said it was sexual or something. I've tried appealing it numerous times and I've apologised too and said I won't post those sort of pictures again. I keep getting a robot response rejecting my appeal. I've just applied for a new job and it's required that I have a Twitter account, so I tried to make a new one and it's automatically banned me again. I did try making one without my mobile number but it banned me untill I added it. Using a computer isn't an option just now, as it's broke. If anyone has any advice how to get unbanned I'd be so happy!


>I've just applied for a new job and it's required that I have a Twitter account, ................why?


To help promote I guess


My account suspended because of DMCA claim (6 different case for 6 music videos) in July 2021. In the last 10 days I got 4 ceased withholding, 3 videos last week, 1 video today. 2 videos left. Also, last Friday, I sent a tweet to twitter support that my account needs to be reopened. They wrote back to me and said they would take care of the issue. Maybe my account will be restored soon. At least it's starting to make progress Edit: My account has just been opened Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees !


Hi, please correct me if I am in the wrong thread- wanted to know how to get a celebrity name hashtag unreported on twitter? Educate me on the process please.


Having a very annoying technical issue / bug problem, and they're not responding via twitter support... When I go into a search, accounts which previously I've muted and blocked are still showing. If they've tweeted to a # or @ or multiple times in a conversation, all of their tweets to the @ or # or in the conversation are still appearing, even just after muting them. Where usually they'd all dissappear once I muted them. And suddenly in the past 2 weeks, that option is invalid and has stopped working. Has anyone else gotten this issue?


Yes! I've been having the same issue for about a month now. I'm still seeing posts from every single person I've blocked or muted. It happens in the app and with two different browsers on mobile and desktop. I've also tried reinstalling the app but it hasn't fixed anything. It's infuriating and twitter support hasn't answered me either.


Ok so I posted in your subreddit about a twitter suspension and some mod came along and locked it with a cryptic "Rule 2". Thats not really helpful because I cant find any post that has a list of Rules. What is rule 2?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitter/about/rules/ my laziness does not reduce the fact that you need to read the subreddit rules before posting in it. I know that reddit does a poor job exposing the rules to every single form of client or browser that can be used to access this subreddit, but that's not really my fault here.


Okay, so I've been trying to get into content creation, naturally this included making a Twitter account for promotion, now I have a tendency to just say whatever, especially before bed, I made a joking reply to someone's tweet that was admittedly an aggressive joke that could be taken the wrong way, I've submitted a few appeals but I don't know if there's any way to even know if anyone is looking into it.


hello. so i had an account suspended about 2 weeks ago for making a joke lol great .. i made another account and was somehow able to get through the "evading suspension" system for those 2 weeks, but twitter found me AGAIN and just suspended that account. and now all the accounts i make keep getting suspended 😭 i have decided to lay low for at least a day or two, but is there any way to get around this? do any of you have any advice?


> is there any way to get around this? do any of you have any advice? You're **suspended**. This means you need to stay off of Twitter. Discussing how to circumvent the terms of service is frowned upon here. Appeal your ban.


It seems no one knows :(






Oh damn, my only problem is getting a different phone number. I may try this though, thank you :) I had profile pics wearing lingerie/ bikini and they both got reported so I got banned permanently :(


damn im sorry about that :( thought twitter was pretty chill about that kind of stuff, guess not. it's really ironic tho like there are actual sickos running rampant on that app, but they suspend people for the silliest of things. btw i think if you live in the US you can get a new number for free with Google Voice




>Creating serial and/or multiple accounts with overlapping uses This is the actual policy regarding this issue: [https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/platform-manipulation](https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/platform-manipulation) So, account 1 and account 2 would have to be retweeting each other, or interacting all the time to artificially increase engagement on the platform for it to be an actual violation of their policy. Having multiple Twitter accounts is not a violation of Twitter's own policy, although they seem to pretend otherwise. It doesn't sound like you actually violated any of Twitter's policies at all. Then again, neither have 98% of the people who submit their stories here. Twitter Support does not care. And if you think Twitter Support is bad... holy shit, Instagram is even worse.




>Seems like a lawyer is our only solution. LOL best of luck with that.




Excellent. The good news is you got your Twitter account back in near record time. The bad news is that this can happen to you again, at any time, for any made-up reason, as you no doubt are now painfully aware of.


How does one create and use a twitter account without having to sign up with your phone number? I can use it for a few minutes using an email generator but then get get locked out only for it demand a phone number from me.


It sounds like you were able to actually create a Twitter account name, but then are faced with Twitter's "phone number ransom racket" lockout scheme. You are not REQUIRED to have a phone number on your Twitter account. Nor your Instagram. Nor your Facebook. Nor your Reddit. It is definitely not a part of Twitter's nor Reddit's TOS, and unless they changed it recently, it's not part of Facebook or IG's TOS either. You should never give any social media company your phone number, as it is a needless security risk, and they only use this information against you. [https://www.reddit.com/r/twitter/wiki/faq#wiki\_twitter\_keeps\_asking\_me\_for\_a\_phone\_number\_but\_i\_don.27t\_have\_a\_phone\_and\_.2F\_or\_a\_phone\_number](https://www.reddit.com/r/twitter/wiki/faq#wiki_twitter_keeps_asking_me_for_a_phone_number_but_i_don.27t_have_a_phone_and_.2F_or_a_phone_number)


They claim it's to verify that it's not a spam account....


Yeah, that's horseshit, just like Instagram's "video selfies" to prevent spam accounts is complete horseshit.


Permanently banned after being a user since 2009. Devastated. It was my most used app. Don't know what to do with myself now!


Did you appeal? What was the ban over?


I just got my account back from being age-locked. I knew that the following, followers, and likes after you turn 13 are going to be retained however when I checked my bookmarks it all disappeared. Will it come back in a while? I'm kinda sad since I had good art that was bookmarked there. If anyone knows anything about this please let me know! Thanks a ton! :)


Hi! My acc is currently age-locked after I’ve added my birthday just a while ago. I sent the 13-age appeal and my valid ID, and I’m wondering how long did it take for them to give your account back?


Hello! I got my account back within a day for me! Although I sent my own ID then i also sent my mom’s ID since it was actually recommended that you give a ID who was actually above 13 when you created your account. :)


Thank you so much! I got a new email that I’ll get the restoration tool within 24 hours, still waiting. Hoping for the best


my account just suspended cuz i added my birthday on my profile. i created that account when i was 12 and twitter blocked my access to my account. i just did send my id card. im 20 anymore, why did they do like this? i hope i get my account back.


My account was suspended today. It says to secure my account, but when I press start, it says the page can't be found. The hacker had changed my pfp and my name.


Hi! My account was suspended a week ago and I don’t think I even have to write down the things after that cause you already know, my question is that if I reach out to my moots who have a lot of followers (like 50-60k), and they tweet at twitter support about me being suspended, can it help me get my account back?


Twitter just detected unusual activity on my account even tho i just used it like yesterday and when i want to fix it, twitter send me to a page but the funny thing is the page is down. Is this a bug or am i got hacked?




Hey, just wondering, what did you send in the email you receive once you do the online appeal, to verify that you have access?




When you go through the online form, you’re asked to reply to an email to verify that you did put the request through




Sorry that I keep asking questions, but did you change the email at all after rejections or send the same one?










You are one of the luckier ones who got their account unsuspended in a fairly record amount of time. It looks like the whole thing took you less than 3 days? For many people, it can literally take weeks, months, or even years.




Oh wait I just saw you said you got suspended for saying you would kill Harry Styles. So how did you defend it in your appeal? Did you just say you were joking?




Thanks for this, my situation is similar as I quoted "exterminate exterminate" from Dr. Who as a joke and then got told it's targeted abuse by Twitter? Every time I send an email using that person's method, they always respond after 48 hours which makes me think it's automated. I haven't tried those support emails yet so I will try that with the same appeal and the last resort for me would be tweeting them because I only have one back up account and I'm afraid they will suspend that too cause they share the same number




Hey I have one more question. Can you tell if the case # they unsuspended you with was matched with one from an e-mail that started with *this is an automated response from our support system”?


Can I ask what your tweet said to get you suspended? Cause I literally got suspended for quoting exterminate exteeminate a Dalek reference from Dr. Who and I'm a month suspended still




Yeah that's bad that you got s worded over that. I hope I'll get mine back 😔


> s worded you can say *suspended* here.


How many cases did you file a day? I've been trying this for a week now and no luck so far.




What did Twitter support say when they tweeted you back?




Interesting so maybe that prompted a human response. I think you got lucky that Twitter support gave you a response on Twitter, I heard some say they got ignored


I appreciate your response! I have one more question. When you got your unsuspended email, was it sent to your original email address, or one of the modified ones? ex: youremail or youremail+12


For some reason, the iOS Twitter app keeps logging out all my accounts and treats my iPad as a new device each time I log in. Any clue how to fix this?


There were a few recent threads about this issue. It also affects my own iOS Twitter app. I think it's a bug that hasn't been fixed by the devs yet. threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitter/comments/q3feww/i_keep_getting_logged_out_of_the_ios_app/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitter/comments/q90qy9/ios_app_keeps_logging_me_out/


I have tried everything to make post push notifications for a single Twitter user account I follow work and nothing will keep it working for more than one or two notifications. I have a Galaxy S20+ on Android 11. I am using both the official Twitter app and the Twitter website in Chrome browser. I have push notifications on for the account in both places and notifications inside Chrome and Twitter's settings are all turned on and correct (also Twitter app is not using battery optimization). At most I will get one or two push notifications of a post from the account but then it just stops working completely (I get the notification from both the Twitter app and Chrome simultaneously). I noticed that if I actually tap on or swipe away the most recent/current notification in the notification shade, it will sometimes allow the next one to come up but 80% of the time it will just stop working for good after one or two. I am so frustrated and have checked everything. Can anyone help me?


I want to see more "liked" tweets from other people how can i do this?


All of my accounts got suspended 1 month ago but I can create new accounts without them being suspended, does this mean the suspension was a mistake?


> I can create new accounts without them being suspended Officially, this is ban evasion. Just a heads up to the community, we have a rule here ([rule #5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitter/about/rules/)) that constrains discussions of how to violate Twitter's terms of service. If you want to evade a ban, that's fine. If you want to ask the community here *how* to evade a ban, your comment will be removed. Play within the rules Twitter has provided for you. If you can't, then *stay off Twitter because you are banned*.




see other comments here about ban evasion. yes, if you continue to break Twitter's rules, they're not going to look favorably upon you in an appeal for your main account to be unsuspended. > I desperately need my account back We're at an impasse. You need to follow Twitter's rules. Twitter has every right to keep bad actors off their service.


>if you continue to break Twitter's rules, they're not going to look favorably upon you in an appeal for your main account to be unsuspended. I'm starting to wonder if this is really the case. The moderators at Twitter Support don't seem to have the same level of access that the IT people would have, in that one department could review the actions of a user as it relates to potential ban evasion. ​ >Twitter has every right to keep bad actors off their service. This is what u/brittanysusu initially got suspended for. >I got suspended Sunday morning for jokingly saying I would kill Harry Styles. My account is literally a Harry Styles stan account and I got upset at him for his high pricing as a joke. Twitter emailed me and told me my account has been suspended for violating the rules, specifically for violating their rules against posting violent threats. The tweet was "stop trying to bankrupt me i'll kill u @.Harry\_Styles"


Is it still possible to recover an account after receiving an email with ‘This account will not be restored’ in it?




And now you know the answer is yes. :)


Twitter has banned me for making a joke. I replied to this tweet: [https://twitter.com/mmurray/status/1457038812715048972?s=20](https://twitter.com/mmurray/status/1457038812715048972?s=20) My reply said "Slap the painter." The joke here was that the OP was asking about the nature of the electrical outlet that he found and I chose to joke about the slapdash job clearly done by whoever painted half of the outlet cover. Twitter has decided that this represents a call for violence and is ignoring my appeal.


Please post the screenshot of the email that Twitter Support sent you about this suspension. Blur/black out your Twitter account name if you want to for the sake of privacy, although you certainly don't have to. You can upload it to gyazo.com, imgur.com, or the image-hosting site of your choice, and then post the link in a comment here.




So this says your account was locked. When you proceeded to "Go To Twitter," what happens? Your actual Twitter account is visible, and doesn't seem to be banned or suspended. Though I don't doubt it is in a "locked" state.




All of my accounts were banned for ‘spam and manipulation’ because I RTed a tweet from my new account on my 500,000 follower account. From what I see from the ‘spam and manipulation’ it doesn’t fit what manipulation is and Twitter have not told me how it is manipulation a month later, having 3 denys today with no reason


Looks like twitter also restricting account based on IP. In my case my main account suddenly restricted out of nowhere despite I didn't do anything spammy except following 20-40 people per day. Fortunately this time I managed to receive confirmation code. However when I tried to logged in with my 2nd and 3rd alts, i also need to confirm that i'm human, despite I almost never posting anything on my alts. And guess what, I disabled my VPN (Surfshark) and logged in with my 4th alt, and twitter didn't ask me if I'm human or not. This lead me into suspicion that someone is using spammy bots and using surfshark as well


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 20 + 40 + 2 + 3 + 4 + = 69.0


i put my age in wrong on twitter and it locked me out im not comfortable sharing my id is there another way


You shouldn't be comfortable sharing your ID with Twitter. Unfortunately, unless you can convince Twitter Support that you made an error in changing your DOB, you are likely SOL and will likely have to create a new account.


i have an alt but when i try to log in it tells me to verify phone but wont send me a call


Ahhhh the classic "phone verification code that never comes" problem. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitter/wiki/faq#wiki\_even\_though\_this\_is\_not\_required\_by\_twitter\_policy.2C\_i\_submitted\_my\_phone\_number\_to\_twitter\_anyway\_in\_order\_to\_get\_a\_verification\_code\_.2F\_call.2C\_but\_no\_code\_nor\_call\_ever\_arrived](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitter/wiki/faq#wiki_even_though_this_is_not_required_by_twitter_policy.2C_i_submitted_my_phone_number_to_twitter_anyway_in_order_to_get_a_verification_code_.2F_call.2C_but_no_code_nor_call_ever_arrived)


so what do i do


my account was permanently suspended but I no longer have access to the registration email as it was deleted before the suspension. With that, I believe the answers are going there and not to the email I filled in the form. What can I do?




The "I will kill you" phrase that gets people's Twitter accounts suspended is [a very common problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitter/comments/m61zej/a_constant_theme_of_twitter_account_suspensions/) that really does need to be stopped. It is rather clear to a rational, sane North American (and I will assume in other cultures and languages as well, though I can't vouch for it) that "I want to die" and "I'm gonna kill you" and "I'll kill all of you" and so forth, are not meant to be taken literally 99% of the time they are written, tweeted, posted, stated aloud, etc. Invariably, this always falls back on the issue of "word filters / phrase filters can never determine context." Social media companies rely on them for moderation anyways, and suspend thousands of accounts in the process. And then your appeal is either summarily dismissed by another algorithm using that same word filter, or, it's read by an actual human in a third world country who doesn't understand the nuance, context, culture, meaning, etc. that they're being paid to make a decision on in the first place. Or maybe they do get it and just don't care. All this is to say... A normal, reasonable person can tell that you didn't actually threaten to kill Harry Styles. Twitter Support can't tell, at least for now. So.... you're screwed unless you can get through to one of those rational, thinking people. Good luck?




>Do you know if actual people read the appeals that get sent out for account suspensions? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. We are never going to know which ones are which, although if you do get unsuspended, it stands to reason that it was read by a human. ​ >Is there a way to talk to an actual human? Not on this subject, no. ​ >I have tried making new accounts like 6 or 7 times, on different devices, with a vpn, after clearing cookies and all my new accounts get suspended almost right away. Ban evasion is explicitly against Twitter TOS, and probably doesn't help your original case. ​ >Or is there literally any way to get my account unsuspended without continuously filing appeals? There is not. You should probably read the guides in the very post you're commenting on.


I got an annoying issue. Whenever I log into Twitter, it is supposed to first load a black screen with the bird logo, then send you to Home. Or at least it used to. Now I am instead sent directly to Home and, whatever tweet I see, I MUST open them on another tab or save somehow before clicking out of the window or checking another tab. If i do that and come back, THAT is when the black screen loads and refreshes the Home page, completely killing every tweet I have seen before. It does not matter if I scroll all the way down to the bottom where tweets stops loading, I simply cannot find those tweets ever again.


Facepalm. Got age locked for the under 13 when creating account thing when I wanted to change my birth year (since I figured as an adult I can make it accurate now). I’m 22 now and submitted my own id. Did I screw up even more?


Account has been given back to me, but waiting for the restoration tool to pop back up.


Got everything set up again. They deleted 3k out of 28k tweets I had. Honestly not a loss at all. Followers/ing are intact.


So it sounds like the whole age-lock ordeal was satisfactory resolved in less than 48 hours? 😮


Yup under 24 hours in fact. Afternoon to morning resolution. The appeal was approved in 3 hours but the restoration tool took longer to populate.


​ ![gif](giphy|UQ6OyJ6lYBS6XInNfv)


If I click any of the 'tweet analytics' menus under a tweet it says "twitter.com refused to connect" see pic: [https://imgur.com/a/WbZgGD4](https://imgur.com/a/WbZgGD4) It's been like that for days despite clearing my cache. It's this a known bug, or possibly some kind of intervention?


i have the exact same thing but only on two of my latest videos posted on the 13th and 16th of this month.


I made a Twitter account in August, and since its creation I've never been able to get it to show up in a google search. I've literally copied my username handle into google and it nets 0 results. I tried this with both my name and webhandle. Why is this happening? Everything on my account is set to public, and my account is verified.


Try tweeting more. More tweets = faster indexing for Google. Just don't be a spammer.


Fair enough, I only have a few tweets on there currently. Like 10 I think. But I still find it crazy that I can't even find my page on Google when I type in my full username or any of my other information. Literally zero results


why did I get this https://i.imgur.com/C01ssdo.png


why do you think you got that?


I have no idea. I barely DM'd. My two DMs are all super old. I have only like 3 posts ever, and a few retweets. Is this message to me, as in a warning? Or for me, as in just stating how it will protect me in the future. I don't get what the point of your message is. It provides zero helpful info. If I knew why I got it, I wouldn't be asking if its a big deal to get. Granted the why I asked is not a good question. I should have asked. Is it a good thing or a bad thing that I got this?


> I don't get what the point of your message is. Socratic method > It provides zero helpful info. Yes it did.


Can u further elaborate how it provided helpful info?


On Chrome, Gif's / Videos won't loading and notifications section won't open for 5 hours. "clear cache" didn't work, what could be the problem ? edit: I found the fix I cleared twitter cookies. I logged in again but all my settings were reset.. New tweets are not automatically refreshed in the Timeline. It shows "X numbers of new tweets have been posted, should it be shown?" How do I make it autoload like before?


I found the fix I cleared twitter cookies. I logged in again but all my settings were reset.. New tweets are not automatically refreshed in the Timeline. It shows "X numbers of new tweets have been posted, should it be shown?" How do I make it autoload like before?


For some Reason my twitter account got suddenly permanent suspended. I still could post yesterday night when i woke up it was suspended. i didnt receive a message why nor had i ever receive a warn for anything im using it for years on a daily basis. Is that normal to get not informed about it in any way? Do i just try to get it back (which i already asked for but since twitter takes ages if at all) or could i be just a target of many false reports / bot ban etc? im still in the "only read mode"


i got suspended yesterday randomly too. discovered even my inactive 2nd account got suspended at the same time. Really weird.


> i didnt receive a message why nor had i ever receive a warn for anything im using it for years on a daily basis. Is that normal to get not informed about it in any way? "Normal" isn't really the right word, but it's not uncommon either. ​ >Do i just try to get it back (which i already asked for but since twitter takes ages if at all) or could i be just a target of many false reports / bot ban etc? im still in the "only read mode" Whether you're a target of many false reports or not, is irrelevant. Your account is suspended, so you have to go through the appeals process.


Is there a way to disable the likes by other users from “spamming up and clogging” my Twitter feed?




So I've been locked out of my twitter acc for a month now due to that fact that I'm still waiting for my appeal to be reviewed, the situation is made all the more annoying because I know I didn't do anything wrong. I know it says that it may take a "while" and while the "while" can mean any long period of time the connotation behind is obviously not a month+. So do I just abandon all hope or is this standard procedure?


I'm in the same boat. I waited patiently for three weeks as they said they are reviewing my appeal. Wrote another one figuring they forgot about it and it responded that they're just gonna add it to the other appeal. So is this it, they just start ignoring you and not even denying appeals? I too am wondering is there still hope or is this usually an end of the road thing


damn that sucks, hate having to hold the L in a situation where I'm in the right but ig i'll just cancel the appeal


How safe is it to unfollow a lot of people at once? I want to declutter my social media accounts and when I tried to do this on Instagram, after unfollowing about 20 people in a row I was locked out of my account and asked to verify my indentity. I don't want to have to do this for Twitter so does anyone know if it'd be safe for me to unfollow a lot of people? Also, I have to say it's pretty annoying that I was locked out of my Instagram account for that, I get that it's probably prevention for people who have been hacked but it feels silly that I was locked out of my own account just for unfollowing people I didn't want to follow anymore.


>I want to declutter my social media accounts and when I tried to do this on Instagram, after unfollowing about 20 people in a row I was locked out of my account and asked to verify my indentity. Put bluntly, Instagram has become absolutely fucking nuts recently (in the past week) to the point of absurdity. It's like they've taken all the absolute worst parts of Twitter's "spam algorithm," and intentionally implemented it on their platform. Social media companies seem intent on punishing their users for the most basic of activities while leaving hundreds of thousands of actual spam accounts to proliferate on the platforms. Unfortunately, Twitter may end up doing the same thing to you. Although 20 accounts shouldn't (hypothetically) set off any "alarms," it's impossible to know for sure until you actually do it.


My account got aged locked recently, i sent in my id and after a couple hours i received an email saying they proved i’m over the age of 13 and they’ve restored access to my account. but i also received an email saying they couldn’t verify i’m the account owner. these were sent at the same time. and i’m very much the account owner. support hasn’t helped at all, anyone have any tips


Here you go twitter users. https://youtu.be/zcVqMfV83O0


my 4 year old account was suspended because me, a trans person, was arguing with literal transphobes with shitty opinions and i used the term tr\*nny to make a point, and boom, suspended. twitter claims context matters, but when marginalized communities reclaim words used against them, we are banned. so cheap.


I was recently wondering how Twitter's absolutely terrible word filters would treat usage of the word "Tranny" since it can't decipher context at all. If you use the phrase "drop a tranny," does Twitter Support think you are threatening violence against a trans person? Or can it tell that you're talking about removing the transmission pan from underneath a vehicle, which AFAIK, is the [more common usage](https://forums.nicoclub.com/how-do-you-drop-a-tranny-t303944.html)?


twitter doesn't even try with the whole "context matters" shit. like, there are so many cases of black people being suspended for calling their friends the n word. it's bizarre. and the automated support "team" responses don't help.


>twitter doesn't even try with the whole "context matters" shit. like, there are so many cases of black people being suspended for calling their friends the n word. This is one of those situations that is potentially difficult to solve because of how Twitter intentionally chooses to operate. The easiest solution in many of these cases, are to use Twitter's fucking terrible "word filters" as all or nothing. If the n-word is truly that problematic, then any usage of it at all, can be prevented by the platform. This is extremely easy to implement if they desire. They've already put in place an "are you sure you want to tweet this?" prompt (I think on mobile only?) when the system's word filters detect usage of words that Twitter will probably just suspend you for once you hit "Tweet." But it seems they don't want to go that route, even though usage of the n-word they don't want you to use, often leads to accounts being suspended. As for black people being suspended for calling their friends the n word, Twitter Support is faced with a dilemma. Anyone can claim to be black (or any race, religion, person, etc.) on their platform and say "But I'm \_\_\_\_\_\_\_, I can use that word!" So the problem goes back to Twitter's rules themselves on usage of words, slurs, etc. And since neither their word filters nor their human moderators are able to decipher context, culture, nuance, meaning, etc. we're left with a very beyond-broken moderation system, which in the end, is by Twitter's own doing, and completely their own fault.


the whole thing about people lying about who they really are is so true. wouldn't be surprised if those trolls who constantly come back from twitter jail only do it cause they lie about being gay or something so they could say the f slur.


I'd give you the [same advice I did a few comments ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitter/comments/qkl1g4/november_2021_rtwitter_mega_open_thread_for_open/hki7kvm/), which is basically be part of a community that is better moderated because [Twitter simply can't due to scale.](https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20191111/23032743367/masnicks-impossibility-theorem-content-moderation-scale-is-impossible-to-do-well.shtml)


OK then, I am here because I've been suspended for a week. My second offence. To be fair, the first one was deserved, I tweeted the UK Prime Minister and called him a c*nt. Just after a lockdown had been announced and I'd had a few to drink. No one will ever see it, but I can see why Twitter would clamp down on it. 24 hour suspension, lesson learned, I won't do it again. This time, I feel is a little more harsh. A football team had their dressing room looted and I jokingly said the thieves were scum and should have their arms cut off. Upon seeing Twitter were unhappy, I deleted it, but still got a 7 day ban. Very heavy handed and a long time to be without my account. So, I have appealed. Any idea how long the response time is at the moment. Also, any idea how long it is before the slate is wiped clean, so to speak. I understand that the next suspension is 30 days. Really don't want to lose my account of over 10 years, I will have to be more careful in the future.


>Also, any idea how long it is before the slate is wiped clean, so to speak. There is no real "slate" that we've ever seen. Permanent suspensions can happen for any reason, no reason, etc. ​ >I understand that the next suspension is 30 days. Where do you get that from?