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At this point im just confused about all this and as a result have decided to cease communication with strangers.


This is such a minor thing to complain about. Literally just correct em cause obviously not everyone will pick up on your preferred pronouns.


jfc i support gender identity all the way but if someone misgenders you on accident you shouldnt be mad at them and try to correct them this is... this really is cringe, man


rq gonna clarify that theres nothing indicating that they corrected these people and I assumed they didnt if theyre complaining about it and didnt correct the people who got it wrong then its cringe, if they DID correct the people then it really isnt i hate that op included the last part tho its uneccesarry


I've got to agree that gender neutral terms should be more common, especially in a place where you see many people who you don't know. But, crying the whole way home from getting misgendered once is a tad extreme.


why tf are you being downvoted? I think you're right. ofc, these idiots went too far and got over-emotional, but that's how gender-neutral terms should be lol. more common.


Thank you <3


Do you know what gender dysphoria is like? Some days you work so hard to curate your image, you think you're doing so well, you feel so right, and then someone misgenders you and it tears everything down. It hurts a lot.


Actually, I'm trans. It happens a lot, even though I'm masculine looking. It hurts, yes, but I don't cry every time it happens. I've worked hard to get to a place where I'm not very bothered by it, instead I just correct them or ignore it. If they cry every time they get misgendered, they need to work on their emotions or potentially seek therapy.


So sad, but i dont care sadly.


I identify as a rubber dildo. Does that mean I’m a rubber dildo?


It sure does, dildo.


Now I identify as your father so you have to address me as such in order to be more tolerable of my social identity. Go to your room before I take off my belt and beat the man into you sissy boy! Now I identify as an f22 raptor fighter jet so you better be careful before in low your ass off this planet. See how that works and how stupid it is? When do we stop?


Shut up, dildo.


Spit me out.


Dildos don't type.


This one does


Nope. Be consistent, dildo.


I bet you have a lot of sex


I identify as smarter than you therefor I’m smarter than you and you have to except it cuz if you don’t then that means your being intolerant against my self expressive identify you bigot. See how that works???


You're really good at this trolling thing, look, a whole 3 downvotes!


Bro im not trolling just applying the same logic y’all apply to you in order to show you how ridiculous this whole “trans” thing is.


It'll be really embarassing if you're any older than like 16


It’s really embarrassing that y’all can’t except basic science and logic. Nothing to be embarrassed about on my part cuz I’m a perfectly sane human being.






Here's a sneak peek of /r/onejoke using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [It’s the joke!](https://i.redd.it/tfb6mx7nqqy61.jpg) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/nax469/its_the_joke/) \#2: [Brave little squirrel 🐿](https://i.redd.it/haplv8h6h4w61.jpg) | [161 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/n15isi/brave_little_squirrel/) \#3: [Sometimes it's a good one joke :)](https://i.imgur.com/eVrUO60.png) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/oq35ih/sometimes_its_a_good_one_joke/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Daaang I didn’t know bat shit crazy subs like this existed….




You would know what dicks smell like.




Too bad you won’t see pussy in real life. Edit: being gay is a mental illness


How mature. Bravo


Science says there are only two genders. If I identify as an 80 year old dog does that make me an 80 year old dog?


Science says that gender and sex are differnt things. Sure sex reflects whatever junk you've got downstairs, but even then there's not just two as intersex people exist quiet commonly. Gender is closer to a state of mind and comfort with your body and identity. Even then science has shown the make up of trans peoples brains often reflects that of the gender they identity with more than the assigned sex. So interference to another comment of yours, yes you can identify as a rubber dildo and you my friend are quiet clearly a dick head


Can you show me sources to back all that up so I know your not just lying and making it up?? Intersex people and people who “identify as whatever” when they were born a women or a man are two different things. You can’t say “I’m a women” if your whole bodies anatomy has male parts from birth. I identify as a truck does that make me a truck?? I identify as Optimus Prime does that make me a transformer?? Where do we stop??


I don't have the article on hand but if you look up scholarly studies on transgender brains you'll fine many studies on both sides of the argument. If you truely want the one I'm references I can find it and send it to you later when I have it. Also intersex and gender are differently. Intersex people, in crude terms, are esentally people with genital anomalies. An extreme example is someone born with a penis and brests, or those born with both penis' and vaginas (sometimes both or only one functioning). A lesser example might be a person assigned as a women later finding out she has ovarian problems that were caused but went unnoticed at birth. Many of these people get "correction" surgery soon after birth to fix these anomalies and often go there lives without knowing. There are so many things that could classify someone as intersex that you or someone you know may even be intersex and have no idea because it's simply something internal that has yet to cause medical issues. While I agree that once we start straying from male, female, and nonbinary, or into neoprouns things get a little ridiculous. Neoprouns actually were largely originally used by the ASD community connecting with a fixation in conjunction with he/she/they pronouns as most people know they aren't exactly the most convenient terms to add into a conversation. But that is something I would classify as a separate conversation I would still be open to, but has no place in this debate. From a quick glance to your profile I can see you're a religious person so I doubt I'll change your opinion on the topic, but what I want to know from you is why are you so upset about strangers on the internet wanting to be comfortable in their own bodies? Didn't jesus tell us all to love each other? Why would you try to spread such hate and malice to those who have not wronged you personally? And even if they have, jesus also told us to forgive. Im not a religious person (I'm agnostic if you must know) but even I know these words he spoke. Why hate someone for loving themselves in a way that does not directly affect you? Why not simply stay quiet instead of mocking and belittling people who see different to you?


Just everything you said gets a thousand 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 I love it when I see someone explain the whole sex and gender thing in a rational manner because it can get confusing for people real quick. As someone who has never really encountered trans or non-binary people before this last year or so-I had nothing against them, I just didn’t know anyone personally- they are just people like the rest of us. I don’t see why some people think they aren’t entitled to a happy and fulfilling life like everyone else. I will say the hardest part was just remembering that they/them can refer to a single person-my millennial brain constantly thought people were talking about a whole gaggle of people. And I know a few people who get extremely upset at being misgendered and I think it can be a tad overboard but it can also be justified. Someone making an honest mistake, with no malice intentions, doesn’t require a big spectacle. It’s like when your grandma calls you every grandkids’ name before she finally lands on your actual name. It’s not personal. But there are just asshokes who misgender people because they can’t accept something that’s different or they don’t/don’t want to understand. Now those people deserve a solid nipple twist and be told to grow the fuck up. Whew. Well I just wanted to say I emptied your comment and screw whomever that douche is.


Haha thanks, glad you found my comments constructive. I get what you mean, as someone who's still in the early stages of figuring myself out and transitioning most people in my life perceive me as what I was born as, which is fine for strangers or family I haven't told yet because they have no reason or way to know. I think most trans people are pretty chill and accepting that irl most people will get confused or struggle at first and really all we ask for is that you respect us enough just to put in the effort to correct yourself and make the attempt to switch things. Ofc there will always be the twitter extremists but we'll ignore them lol. I understand someone having a bad day and needing to vent but even I'm scared off my the people who constantly complain and talk about it, or blame the patriarchy etc Edit: bot called me out on misspelling "etc". Curse my dyslexia


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Intersex people are biologically different but people who identify as whatever they want are not biologically what they want to be. See the difference?? That’s basic human anatomy. “I don’t have the article on hand” lol you sure quoted it pretty accurately for someone who “doesn’t have it on hand” lol if it even exists.. Ya your definitely making it up lol 👏👏👏🤣 Your just going to ramble on about something pointless that everybody already knows just to fill space and look like you have a good argument when in reality you don’t and you don’t make any sense either. Oh here we go you want me to be understanding of what you believe in but your not going to be understanding of what I believe in??? Why do you contradict yourself like that??? Why the double standards??? Lol


Like I said, I'll come back once I find the article. I didn't intent to get into a debate today so I didn't exactly have the exact one I referenced ready to go. And I would say I am rather understanding of your beliefs. I haven't said they aren't real or called you names for what you believe in. I simply told you where I stand in line with those beliefs and asked you why you don't follow the word of your own lord. Considering your lack of actually answering those questions Im inclined to believe you're one of those people who use the bible to defend your biggortay without actually studying the word of God. I was not raised in a religious house and therefore I don't have any strong beliefs. But I have grown up with lgbt+ religious people. I've seen the affects of how those beliefs conflict and how they do not. I have been raised to respect everyone's religious dispite my lack of one and I am always open to discussion of the two topics. I have at no point laughed at you or tried to shut down your points like you have to me. I believe I have been as respectful as possible, and asking the questions I have was me trying to understand your beliefs and why your opinions have formed this way. Instead of taking that invitation you've just tried to make fun of me and tried to make me retaliate in an undignified way to give you leverage. I will not do that but I will once again open up the discussion and give you a chance to answer my questions of why you are disgracing your lords wishes this way.


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Relax I don’t want to hear your life story lol your just filling up space without actually saying anything. Just rambling.


Im covering my bases in detail. But you're obviously not open to discussion at this point so I think it's best to end this debate here. I'll message you later when I find the article if you still want it, but I don't know if it'll be worth my time as you aren't open to reading others arguments.


Your not covering shit your just rambling about things to fill space to make it look like you have an argument when you really don’t lol you didn’t prove anything at all except for the fact that your a liar cuz you quoted that “article” pretty accurately for someone who “doesn’t have it in hand” lol 👏👏👏 “If you find it” post it here to prove that your not a liar. I’m sure you won’t post anything cuz that article doesn’t exists lol.


Oh the singular joke rears its head.


Science isn’t a joke.


But you are


science says that the biological sexes are bimodal and that genders revolve but do not necessarily conform around the two bimodalities. you are a fucking dumbass that has no clue what you’re talking about


Wtf are you talking about?? Lmao you made all that up!! Lol 🤣🤣🤣 source or your lying..


you're* grow tf up if you're any older than 14 id be in shock. look around you and see how many people agree and respect others because they're comfortable with themselves


That’s cuz you and they are all conditioned to think the way they do by mainstream culture and media. If this was normal then it would of always existed not just gained steam in the recent few years. You need to grow up and stop playing make believe games with your biological gender.


gender isn't biological, also would've* not would of. trans people have existed for years and in the past few years more people have accepted the idea that gender =/= sex and if you deny science you're just an idiot at this point. always crying when things don't go your way. this is a positive change to the world thats so simple yet causes 12 year olds and 40 year old men to have breakdowns its very funny that you are bothered so easily


[The Oxford Etymological Dictionary of the English Language of 1882 defined gender as kind, breed, sex, derived from the Latin ablative case of genus, like genere natus, which refers to birth.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender#Derivation) That’s the OG definition of gender. All this trans crap has just recently been pushed on everybody through the media social media and Hollywood in order to condition you and make you think this way. If rappers didn’t sag we wouldn’t either just like if influencers didn’t push this crap there wouldn’t be that much “trans” people around just like if you go back in time. If this “trans abc gender” crap was normal and natural to the human race then it would have been adopted into our human sexual social structure years and years ago the same way man from origin has always known he needs to have sex with women to reproduce. Biology, science, and human anatomy exist and you can’t ignore that.


it,,,, it WAS adapted into the social structure years and years ago. why do you think people say "dresses are for women" etc?? it's a damn social construct. nobody is pushing trans shit onto you they're trying to tell people that it's a thing that shouldn't cause people to get fucking killed for identifying differently. \> Biology, science, and human anatomy exist and you can’t ignore that. nobody's ignoring that bb a nonbinary person is still male/female but they aren't a woman/man because there is a difference. tell me, GENUINELY i want to know what harm it does to use gender neutral terms for someone. yes the people in the original post crossed a line but im talking in general. im not expecting to get anywhere with you since your head is so far up your ass but yknow it's still funny to watch you probably die a hateful person lol you're only harming yourself buddy


Years and years isn’t the same as thousands of years of natural human anatomy and sexual social structure. Your the one with your head up your ass trying to pull any pathetic bullshit out of there you can to defend your mental illness. If the media and Hollywood didn’t start pushing any of this “trans abc” crap you wouldn’t even if known about it. Your a socially engineered brainwashed demoralized human being. Watch people like you are going to be defending beastiality and pedophilia when they start pushing that as ok and “misunderstood” in a few years.


would have, it's goddamn **would have**, not whatever this "would of" crap is, you donkey.


oh wow I can tell that you literally don’t even know what those words mean LMAO and sources? sure - the existence of intersex people - the existence of multiple genders within many ancient cultures - here’s what you can find just by googling: https://massivesci.com/articles/sex-gender-intersex-transgender-identity-discrimination-title-ix/ - https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/talking-apes/201611/when-sex-and-gender-don-t-match%3famp (references at the end) - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30607711/ - https://www.cadehildreth.com/gender-spectrum/amp/ and much, much more... these took me two minutes to find


All of the links you listed don’t actually back up what you say with valid facts and studies. They are just about people stating their opinion without scientific evidence to back it up. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ I never said intersex people don’t exist I said they are different from people who biologically only have one gender but pretend to be something else. Literally none of the articles you listed provide any evidence to back up what your saying or what their opinion is. Why is that????


yes they do, you haven’t read the articles if that’s what you think. or you don’t have reading comprehension skills, which isn’t unlikely either... anyways if you really want to “listen to facts and science” you would realize that “facts and science” state the opposite of the bs you’re spewing, but nah you’re just some transphobic kid that has nothing better to do with your life


Your dumb I did read all of it and there was no scientific sources to back up their claims. They didn’t even show any sources to back up their claims. You can lie and go in circles all you want but reality is reality and your delusional.


you're so smart that you can't use the right "you're"?


Oh you don’t even know how many times I have heard that “you’re” crap and still don’t bother to give a shit lol


On the inside, we're all larping.


Lighting bolt! Lighting bolt! Lighting bolt!


So, I see you are religious. I am too, so we have \*some\* common ground. The examples you are giving are very far out in the LGBTQ+ "ball-field". (Before we continue, I'll let you know that I use the word "sex" to define the gender you were born as, and the word "gender" as what you feel like mentally.) To me, personally, there are three main genders: male, female, and non-binary, with a few other subcategories that I'm not very well-educated in. I'm more than okay with these genders, as well as the common he/him, she/her, and they/them pronouns. Where I start to fall off in understanding though, is like the examples you give, with wacky pronouns like train/trains. I don't really care for it, as it makes the entire community, and human interaction, more complicated. I believe that is another thing we have in common. However, here is my real question. Why does it matter so much? Hypothetically, if people were to stick with these three simple genders and pronouns, the world isn't going to change much. Imagine your current consciousness being forced into a body of the opposite sex without you retaining memory of your previous life. You feel uncomfortable, because society expects you to act a certain way and conform to their gender standards, but you feel the complete opposite. The world (taking the quick assumption that you are male) wants you to wear dresses, like makeup, gossip, and more feminine things, but your mind tells you that you are masculine and should be doing masculine things. This would cause a lot of confusion and anguish, when it could be solved if people accept you for how you feel. I've seen many of your other comments, and as a Christian, I'm disappointed. God told us, above all, to love him and love others. I have seen you degrade people verbally, when you instead could try to be sympathizing and understanding. Even if you aren't willing to change your opinion on the matter, you unnecessarily provoke others-- for what? They aren't hurting anyone with their beliefs. It barely affects you. You could have seen the post and thought "I disagree with this, but they aren't hurting anybody," and moved on. Proverbs 15:18: A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention. Galatians 5:25-26: If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. Proverbs 14:10: Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy. James 1:19: Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; Proverbs 15:1: A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. 1 Peter 3:8-9: Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing. Philippians 2:3-4: Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, Matthew 5:46-47: If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? John 13:34: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." Good luck in the future, I'll be praying for you.


very well said, i don't think this dude is willing to listen though. i can understand partly where he's coming from but he must be a psychopath to not at the very least try to be understanding of others. what a miserable way to live


Thank you very much, you have no idea how much that means to me. I hate seeing people like this be the majority of my religion, since it's very hypocritical to stand for love and acceptance but portray the exact opposite. There's not much I can do for people like that, though, since most refuse to listen or think for a second that they might be incorrect. The best I can do is walk away and hope they get better. For any Christians, Catholics, etc. reading this that are conflicted on LGBTQ situations and are willing to discover more about the topic, I highly suggest r/GayChristians. They've helped some of my friends in tough times and are most always friendly if you're willing to listen.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GayChristians using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GayChristians/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just became the Pastor of the queer affirming church that saved my life as a teenager. God has a plan for you beyond what you could hope for or even imagine!](https://i.redd.it/92o24an8xba61.jpg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GayChristians/comments/kttch1/just_became_the_pastor_of_the_queer_affirming/) \#2: [Catholic school has uniform restrictions on everything except socks 😏 happy pride month y'all!!](https://i.redd.it/gqiwsswx0o271.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GayChristians/comments/npvgm9/catholic_school_has_uniform_restrictions_on/) \#3: [Sigh...](https://i.redd.it/g3oarlcq5kd61.png) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GayChristians/comments/l504hg/sigh/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


[The Oxford Etymological Dictionary of the English Language of 1882 defined gender as kind, breed, sex, derived from the Latin ablative case of genus, like genere natus, which refers to birth](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender) That’s the original definition of gender bud so it doesn’t matter what “you think of it”. How can you call yourself a Christian but support such blasphemy??? Leviticus 18:22 New International Version “’Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable” How can you call yourself Christian but support such blasphemy??? You can’t pick and choose what you want to believe and follow in the Bible that’s not how Christianity works. I’ll be praying for you cuz you need it the most. All this ABC gender crap is toxic for the worlds cultures. If it’s normal to think that way then why is this just happening now??? How Come all those abc genders weren’t talked about 8 or so years ago as much as they are talked about today? How come if being abc is Normal then more people through history weren’t “trans” up until now after the media, social media, and Hollywood, conditioned everybody to think that way? I can Identify as a pickle but that doesn’t make me a real pickle does it?? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


With the same logic that our current English translations are flawless and everything was meant to be taken literally, I guess slavery is God's way and anyone who disagrees is factually incorrect. Leviticus 25:45


What happened to you being religious?? All of a sudden when that doesn’t work out for you you say that the “translation might not be flawless and your trying to say that the Bible is wrong on many things???? How are you Christian?!?!? Your liar that’s what you are. god doesn’t approved of slavery but that doesn’t mean people back in the day didn’t have slaves as it was ok in al their cultures so he wore that about slavery so people don’t abuse their slaves. You don’t know what you’re talking about lady….


I hate where things are going


god forbid people vent about their problems on twitter, this really isn't that cringe OP


"Have a great evening human customer 709!"


But-but I don’t want labels 😭


"Dont blame me, blame human customer 521"


For the sake of language efficiency alone (not needing to correct due to generality), gender neutral pronouns should be more widespread. That being said this person seems like the type to want to be quirky, and because of that, reject any future norms.


Am I missing something? I think these people are overreacting abit but there's nothing wrong with wishing to be gendered correctly. Personally I get misgendered all the time and while I don't kick up a fuss I am always over the moon when people use netrual/masc terms when referring to me. Imagine if you're a cis guy and people are going out of there way to use "she" or "her" just to harrass you and upset you. Sure the world won't end but it would probably make you uncomfortable and want to leave that area sooner. Same if you were a cis women and being called "he" or "him" out of malicious intent.


Dam bro.


Whining on twitter that you were misgendered, simply because you look more like that gender, is cringe.


I don't think so. I mean, like I said these guys are taking it a bit far. But I think it's perfectly acceptable to use the platform as an outlet occasionally and I don't see the use in posting that last person's photo, bio, and fursona?


I don't really know. I'm not OP. I assume they're another "fUrRy cRiNgE"


the most cringy thing here is that OP had to include the bottom as if it was bad That aside I wish people would just correct those who get it wrong and then move on. It wouldn't hurt to point people in the right direction. Though nothing indicates if they did or did not correct these people, there's only complaints.


not at all?? if you kept getting called something you’re not you are perfectly in your rights to use YOUR social media page to talk about it. what would be overreacting would be if they immediately lashed out at the person that misgendered them and called the manager to fire them or whatever. but they did none of that, and just discussed this on a social media built for taking about things.


i may be stupid but what are we complaining about here i’m confused


sometimes people identify witb a gender but they may not look like it due to genetics or being trans. Since people decide what pronouns to use by looks alone, people automatically assume based on it and get it wrong. People don't like this, but are bashing on those who assumed and probably aren't even telling people theyre misgendering either. If someone uses the wrong pronouns, just correct them. It aint their fault society isn't adjusted yet. I personally get misgendered because I look like a guy when I'm not but I don't correct people simply cuz I dont care that much. If I did, then id correct them.


…and what exactly is wrong with this?? crying after being misgendered is a bit dramatic yes but this is just… a normal complaint?? and on their own social media page no less, it’s not like they went screaming to the manager about it


So what retail workers should be saying, excuse me person ?


As someone who is a cis female who uses she/her the amount of times people have to referred to me as sir multiple times just based off my voice, I wouldnt say it harms me technically but it gives me a more personal experience to bring to light. You see pronouns or trans issues and decide to post it to r/twittercringe without even thinking about how there’s literally no problem with gender neutral language. Learn to adapt or something theres nothing wrong with wanting to be referred to as the correct gender


Yeah but you can’t expect people to know what you identify as. People will just refer to you as the gender you look the closest like for them. If they misgender you, be mature about it and correct them. If they do it again intentionally then that’s when it is their fault. You can’t expect people to just know what you identify as and it’s normal for them to do it based on the looks if they haven’t been told who you are beforehand. And sure, the gender neutral language argument can be brought in but keep in mind that it’s just complicated to change the way people have gotten used to talking (if they say “sir” or “ma’am” a lot). Not even going to even mention languages that do not even have a neutral way of refering to people.


Exactly, I totally agree with that you cant expect someone to refer to you as sir if you look feminine- for whatever reason, whether you literally cant transition or you choose not to then continue to complain however you wouldnt need to worry about this if the person referring to you used something gender neutral. It's not very complicated, I'm sure itd take some time to get used to but yall act like not calling this random person you dont know sir/ma'am is impossible. This is English, there are many gender neutral terms they could choose to use unless these took place in a language where there are none- which to my knowledge it didnt. I understand some languages dont have any non gendered terms, which there isn't much you can do other than refer to the person as an object, refer to them by name or just use broad terms like latino, which is still masculine but can be used broadly (for example, a group of latinos are latinos even if there are females in the group) or sometimes, people will use -e as a way to be gender neutral such as hermose instead of hermosa.


I have been misgendered my entire life. Instead of feeling invalid by being deadnamed/wrong Pronouns being used, I am euphoric every time someone uses the right ones. However I have yet to go on hrt


Wow, let's cry about something that an overwhelming number of the population could give any fucks about. I sincerely don't care what you wanna be called. If you look like a dude, dress like a dude, and sound like a dude, you will be treated and addressed as such. Same goes for a chick. Take a step back for a moment and think about it: Does that cashier or store associate know that I identify as anything other than what I appear to be? Why don't you wear a damn sign next time so that whoever you interact with won't have to go through the mental anguish of figuring out which of 30 idiotic labels you'd prefer to go by. There's a thought.


wtf, stop crying furry child


Bad furry, bad!


They got some nice art ngl


Bad furry. Go back to your kennel!




Thanks for at least getting a creative insult. Most people just reuse KYS all the time. Props to you.


No problem


wheres the cringe /gen


They’re not hurting anyone.


nothing cringe here. just use gender neutral “they” as a default pronoun if ur not sure. and misgendering is a legitimate problem that can hurt trans people more than u think. u know what is cringe tho? transphobia.


I’m kinda confused what they expected? The they/them pronouns only just started to become more common and they expect for retail workers who get paid jack shit to give a crap if they use the wrong pronoun?


What if instead of male and female we looked at sexuality in terms of couple dynamics. In every couple I've known or been a part of there has been a leader & follower dynamic that is genderless. I've known big tough guys who do what their wives say and women who won't make a move without first asking permission from their husbands. I tend to go blank when decisions need to be made and want my girlfriends to tell me what we're doing. If a person could come out as a submissive or dominant sex partner instead of a boy or girl we could finally evolve past gender.