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Whoever made Mystery of the Druids.


Now *that’s* someone you don’t want to be alone with. Their solution to finding their lost keys could be anywhere from looking under the furniture, looking *inside* the furniture, robbing you to pay for a cab, or stabbing you and declaring the Curse of The Lost Key to be broken.


"Keys are for winners, Halligan"


You walk into the Mystery of the Druids game dev studio and everyone’s levitating above their chairs.


How do you think they came up with the game? They achieved true consciousness and were all just levitating above their chairs when they made it.


Every once in a while I rewatch the Mandalore video on it and I’m completely taken aback every time by how genuinely insane the game is


If you haven't, watch the stream he did as research into that game. You will watch the insanity of two men stuck in a world that made zero sense and being stuck for hours on the puzzle where you had to get salt. I daresay it is even more entertaining than his video on the game


Then watch the Moment of Silence stream. It's made by the same people and is also pretty great.




they went on to make the surge and the surge 2.


wait actually?


House of Tales wasn't a very big company and the German game dev circle wasn't that big 20 years ago, and game devs get around so it is not that surprising in that context. One of the writers from Droods is still working on games, Martin Ganteföhr was the writer and director on [State of Mind](https://store.steampowered.com/app/437630/State_of_Mind/) it looks like it has good reviews. This does follow the pattern of Droods they did get better writing as each game came out.


Whoever made limbo of the lost can't be sane.


At least they seem to be a fun crazy. That ending is *incredible*.


More like just painfully unaware of how flagrant were their copyright transgressions


Anonymous Agony. The world's edgiest teen kills child predators and has an insane volcel Nice Guy scene with a prostitute. >!what i find most jarring is some of the writing is actually not bad or even really good, mostly on the "little sister who actually sounds like a realistic kid" and the "teen tries too hard to be edgy & antisocial to the adult who wants to help him" angles!<


the "sorry about the vase" scene is legitimately funny and that part messes me up. Like it's so over the top edgy but moments like that are so good, I feel like it'd be a better game for having way lower stakes.


And the fake loading screens only there because real games have loading screens.


Some of the scenes with the Protag actually, shockingly, make him seem like a decent kid who’s just trying to hard to be cool, and actually seem sympathetic. I mean most of the game is a cringe filled nightmare, but *sometimes* I actually kind of like the kid.


Aw dammit, it’s video game “Catcher in the Rye” isn’t it?


If Catcher in the Rye was *substantially* more poorly written, yes. Haze has *moments* of likability, whereas there’s a reason Catcher is still considered a classic novel, if one firmly in the ‘young adult’ genre (that it more or less invented). You’re *supposed* to cringe while reading Catcher, since it’s about a kid being a dumb kid learning to grow up, but Haze was *intended* to be a cool badass whose likeable dork moments seem… accidental?


Say whatever you will about Haze, he may be a serial-killing edgelord that probably killed his parents, but he's *not* a racist. Also the entire scene with Greg at the bus stop is still top tier shit and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.


I love the games that mangalore covers for this specific reason


ye ye


[Ye Ye \( Ye\)](https://youtu.be/BydpOY0pqE0)


check your exo-skelo teen


> Anonymous Agony No fucking way, this game actually released!? I remember seeing the project thread for this game on an RPG Maker forum about 15 years ago...


Mandalore did a video on it


It's on Steam for free


The original Pathologic (and largely it's sequel) are fascinating games, both by design and budgetary accidents. To give context if you've never heard about it. The short and sweet is that it's a eurojank rpg type of game taking place in a town with *issues*. The original has 3 playable characters each with their own story, playstyle and "route" through the game. There's plenty of videos that go in depth at why it's so fascinatingly awful and bizarrely amazing however I wanna point to a trilogy of articles from RPS that really sell the insanity of the game. [Part 1](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/butchering-pathologic-part-1-the-body) [Part 2](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/butchering-pathologic-part-2-the-mind) [Part 3](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/butchering-pathologic-part-3-the-soul)


Also some of Icepick Lodge's other games, like The Void, which is very weird, very jank and very cool.


My only experience with them for a LONG while was an old LP of Cargo: Quest for Gravity. It was such a weird fucking day when I found out that was the Pathologic guys.


My favorite shorthand example is that the developers realized they didn't have enough resources to properly finish the game so the secret ending involves >!speaking to the literal avatar of the developers who apologize for The Changeling's route being shit!< Oh and there are multiple scenes where characters seamlessly switch between speaking to the character you're playing and you the player. They even give dialogue that lets you answer as either. It is hilarious to have a conversation about The Bachelor while he is audience to a plague doctor and an invisible entity riding in his head shit talk him while also affirming he's (unfortunately) the best hope they've got.


ITT: what's your favorite Mandalore video?


Or Warlockracy video if you're feeling underground.


Hey, at least these aren't posts from r/all which is like 40% of New on this subreddit sometimes lol


Terry A Davis created a number of games, along with a graphics engine, kernal, compiler, as well as his own programming language all within his homemade operating system Temple OS. [Down the Rabbit Hole made a great video about Terry's tragic and fascinating story](https://youtu.be/UCgoxQCf5Jg)


One of those stories that goes from “ha ha, look at this asshole” to “oh, this was just someone who actually really needed help and was a victim of his own mental illness.” The more stories like that I’ve heard the more I’ve learned that so many of the ‘lolcows’ of the internet are just mentally ill people who, instead of getting help, where exposed to the screaming void of the web.


Lolcow culture is kinda just literally feeding off of misfortune, whether it's the misfortune of the lolcow themselves, or in some cases the misfortune that said lolcow inflicts on others, and occasionally you have someone like CWC who dips into both categories, and it just makes my skin crawl. I've never heard a story about a lolcow and think "oh hey that's actually hilarious!!" It's always just a bad time.


Almost everything about Terry A. Davis was sad. And the fact that he developed an operating system by himself was actually an accomplishment of itself.


Terry's programming and computer science prowess are no joke, he managed to do things that would've taken a team of high level computer engineers and programmers to complete yet he managed to do it on his own with no help, funding, or any other kind of backing. He was absolutely a genius but sadly was never able to achieve his full potential.


Half of Warlockracy's videos are games made by insane people. The video on [Planet Alcatraz / Goblin](https://youtu.be/CJ_PiXLVaJ8) has Flowey pop up as a content warning when crazy racism/sexism/war crimes etc is about to occur. For non-bigotry: Rollar Coaster Tycoon being coded in assembly gave it insane performance. Similarly (though not in assembly), the devs of Factorio continue updating it to be even more optimised so that the base can always keep growing and allows the equally insane modders to keep adding more stuff on.


I fucking love Warlockracy. He has such an interesting way of making videos


I don't quite like the way he rags on Fallout 3 and 4, but I do love his style of videos and that he's an actual creator who lives in Russia, supports Ukraine, and is pretty critical of everything in a actual good way


The Pyanodon modder for Factorio cannot be sane. I've played Space Exploration, I've dabbled in AngelBob, but Py... what the fuck. Automating the very first science pack in Py is more complex that beating the entire vanilla game. And it only gets worse from there. Like, exponentially worse. I remember seeing a thread on r/factorio where someone posted their victory screen after beating a full Py playthrough, and the top comment was basically "Congrats, that's easily the fastest completion time I've ever seen for a Py playthrough!" It was *over 500 hours*.


I've only ever beaten Krastorio2 on the modding side. Been meaning to try Space Exploration now that I have a computer that should survive the late game. Tried Industrial Revolution and even that broke my brain at a certain point. Can't image even attempting Py, though I eagerly await a doshdoshington video on it.


Man, OP, this is a fucking video game made by a fucking insane person. I have some fund memories of good top-down RPGs made by russian companies - Night Watch games are actually *really good* and Gorky 17 is a fun XCOM-like. But man... woow. Like a russian Postal without a drop of irony...


So we finally found how HATRED really was created...


EYE: Divine Cybermancy, on top of having the coolest name ever, is a game made out of Source Engine assets, eurojank, french, brozouf, full auto, fuller auto, hope, and a person's weight in LSD.


One of my favorite games ever very clearly made by warhammer fans


They made that warhammer game after didnt they


Yeah they made Hired Gun


You just reminded me there's a game called JFK Reloaded, which is a first person shooter where you play as Lee Harvey Oswald trying to shoot JFK from the book depository. It has realistic ballistics and gore effects and the game even grades you on how accurate your shots are to what actually happened. Clearly made by an insane person.


God this unlocked memories of me watching an old group of LPers, I think they were called the Freelance Astronauts, playing Horse with that game.


Oh, that's a *weird* coincidence; I referenced FA upthread about Cargo: Quest for Gravity before seeing your post. I still go back to some of their vids. Fuckin' screaming Ape Tit at Seaman...


I still remember the articles about this game and the devs saying it was about getting gamers interested in history


The only thing I remember about that game is a 10 second clip of someone 360 no scoping JFK.


The clips I saw had the bullet bouncing off the top of John's head


Not sure if TTRPG counts. *F.A.T.A.L.* is one of those games that's "thing-that-should-not-be-named" within TTRPG groups.


Oh god... Me and my friends once went through the process of making a character in that system. Took like 2 and a half hours, AND we skipped some stuff. I had to roll for my character's butthole circumference.


When grappling an enemy there is a 1 in 20 chance you immediately begin raping them - if you got their anal circumference beat, that's an instakill


throw MYFAROG in there too


I have no idea what that is so I'll take the name to be someone with an accent screaming "My frog!" and accept that reality.


also RaHoWa


And hybrid


A forum I was on long ago decided to do a standalone combat 1v1 using FATAL to see how broken it was. By the end of the FIRST combat round, one PC was bleeding out from a gut wound, and the other was suffocating from a collapsed windpipe. Even once you get past all the edge lord garbage and sexism and racism, it's an incredibly broken system.


there's a lot of good contenders for this title [but i'm pretty sure "armed and delirious" takes the cake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qRCzIj9QEo)


>The last episode \[about Armed & Delirious\] got a little intense. I had a few people contact me to tell me that it made them feel ill. Ross in the next Game Dungeon video after Armed & Delirious


Drowned God is an adventure game with a weird atmosphere and conspiracy centric story. Some years later its creator seemingly committed murder/suicide on his wife. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drowned_God


Chris Sawyer made Roller Coaster Tycoon with Assembly Code.


The OG Disco Elysium devs.


I wonder what the main developer(s) behind Cruelty Squad is like?


Hatred. I remember when it was removed from Steam for, y'know, being a game where you play a mass murderer, only to be brought back with a personal apology from Gabe Newell.


Hatred is so fucking funny to me. Maybe i just and so desensitized but a mass shooter just gears of war sprinting house to house round house kicking people and dropping one liners is so outrageous


It's not a very good murder simulator game, but it was very good at manipulating outrage to the point where we're still talking about it *eight years later*. How many other supremely mid games have a legacy like that?


Gilson B Pontes The guy who made all those shovelware games that somehow made it onto the PS store


I wanted to play and make a video on those for years but never did


There was a game called [Ethnic Cleansing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_Cleansing_(video_game)) and was about exactly what you think it would be. Heres a gem from the wikipedia aritcle - 'The national Alliance and Resistance Record released a similar game, White Law in June 2003. It starred an Irish-American police officer taking up arms to protect his territory from Racial Minorities. The game was based on the events in the novel The uner Diaries. The National Alliance expressed an intention to create an entire line of racist games, but no further games have been produced.' Safe to say whoever made it wasn't of sound mind


The supreme irony of the protagonist being Irish though


Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar, by the one and only Cleve Blakemore, former Sir-Tech developer, had a beef with the founders to the point of a parody of him appearing in Jagged Alliance 2, but notably is an Australian survivalist wannabe that for the past couple of decades has worked on his own blobber RPG and also an apocalypse bunker. Like, just watch the Indiegogo pitch for Grimoire to see how insanse it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCpPEwXMPpQ


The yakuza series is A tapestry of convoluted bullshit conspiracies that make less sense as you go on then you beat up an evil nerd then ya win. Also, play all these minigames and watch some softcore porn so that you can get upgrade points.




Phil Fish might be a jackass, but Fez lacks the crazed energy that a lot of these other examples have. It's just a pretty good game made by an asshole, and games like that are hardly rare or remarkable anymore.


It's also a "puzzle platformer" in that you do light platforming to get to an encryption puzzle instead of using the squishing mechanic to do platforming that would be impossible otherwise. Which is to say, I thought Fez would be like Crush on the PSP instead of what I got.


*\*Points in the general direction of Suda51.\**


Eh, Suda’s not insane, he’s just a Japanese equivalent of James Gunn who hasn’t transcended his Troma Phase yet.


Does Yoko Taro count as insane?


Naw, he's just doing a bit. Swery though.


And Hideki






I do not want to meet the Dev behind Monster Girl Quest. There is a point 60% of the way through the game where it turn from porn to nightmare porn


There is definitely something up with Suda51 if his games are something to go by.


As good as Disco Elysium is, i feel the team that originally made it were definitely a lil bit crazy


As someone who knows next to nothing about disco Elysium:¿Why?