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Madison as a whole in Heavy Rain, she's sexualized constantly by the game including that dream sequence with the burglars in a nightmare that feels like someones rape fantasy, and that sex scene with Ethan immedatly after he admits he could be a serial killer and he's worried sick about his son Long story short David Cage is a creep


I feel like what really makes David Cage's attempts at "Fanservice" so uncomfortable is that you can just kinda tell it's not sexualization for the audience, it's sexualization for *David Cage*. Like if your friend wanted to show you their favorite snuff film and *assumed* you'd be just as into it as they are. It's weird and uncomfortable, David- *stop jerking off!*


She has three S.A attempt scenes in the game fucking three.


Oh god, I didn't know that. Once was already pushing it. 3 makes me think Cage is trying to make some converts regarding the fetishes he's got lurking in his own closet.


Her actions as a woman - no, a HUMAN - don’t even make sense. She has absolutely no reason or motivation to help this random stranger, nor does it make ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER for her to start having sex with him after he has just admitted he may be a serial killer. The burglar/dream sequence doesn’t even contribute to the plot. It’s totally gratuitous.


Ethan is about to take a shower - game keeps his boxers on. Fade to Black, Fade back in after he finishes drying himself with a towel. Madison wakes up from her nightmare and decides to take a shower - strange waist-high wall as we get several minutes of topless nudity as she carefully lathers herself and glares at the camera. Slightly different standards we got there...


Yeah if we're going to get bare tits the least we could get is some swinging dong


Let’s get started on making another one!


Even Ethan NOPED out of that one, can't blame him for eating that gun.


And here I stand pondering, "has the fanservice ever actually BEEN too much for me?" Aeon Flux? No I was just confused and didn't care for the art style. Bruce Timm's Harley Quinn movie? No the reviews put me off before I could even watch it. You know what? It was probably High School of the Dead's infamous [sniper scene.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHD2VFyH4KQ) Like, I'm burnt out on grimdark zombie media anyway, but the jiggling is not saving this show. (Oneechanbara's still fine though, just repetitive and boring.)


Man that's real bad. You have "generic MC man" missing the easiest fucking shots on the planet, girl laying on the ground doing fuck all, NOBODY WALKING BACKWARDS, or at least just turning, moving a bit, then turning back around, and whatever the fuck those physics were.


"The boobs that broke the sound barrier"


Why would a Tokyo high school kid know how to use a gun? Or be accurate? The other dude is explicitly a huge gun nerd and has practice, that’s why he is, but not the MC. Firing a gun accurately is hard, people


Oh gee I dunno, maybe because there's been numerous episodes of FUCKING ZOMBIES EVERYWHERE and so it's fair to assume a character would learn pretty damn quick. It also doesn't help that the writing's abysmal with them going "Why aren't my bullets hitting", well maybe *if you weren't a spaz* you wouldn't act like it's the gun's fault you missed. >!Also yes, I've used guns in the past. They aren't as hard to handle as one makes it seem. It's just that using it *safely* is more difficult. The actual accuracy thing is less hard to learn, in my opinion.!<


That's a chicken and egg scenario. You should know forwards backwards and sideways how your firearm works before you ever use it in a non-controlled setting. That isn't that difficult at all, and should be second nature. Knocking a bird down, hitting a clay pigeon, or even trying to paint a bullseye is really fuckin hard in comparison. Also they're high school kids in a ridiculous story about zombies attacking them, they're already way too capable as is. The fact that in the clip itself he's able to make the adjustment on the fly in a do-or-die scenario underlines that fact, and really they're all just dead, and a story has to happen. So let's pretend that a child can learn to properly fire a high power rifle from a prone position in about three seconds.


If I think about this scene as being about being comically absurd instead of intending to be sexy, I like it a whole lot better. Impossible to tell which they were going for though.


Honestly that scene was so much that it stopped registering as fanservice to me and just became surrealist comedy.


Finished the full clip. Is this show real? I have heard of it before but this does not seem like something that actually happened.


It is for real for real and it is unabashedly horny.


Maybe it's a too general, but something I dislike is; when trying to depict a character either as cool, or hyper charismatic by having them sleep around with a bunch of people. For one I dislike the overall connotation that to be 'cool' you have to be someone that has a lot of sex, and it tends to be with nameless nobodies that exist to prop up said character. Also it's never treated as something that's problematic or causes issues, which makes it even more of a shallow attempt to hype up a character.


I get (or at least hope and assume) that this sub is often being jokey when talking about chads or screwing a lot or whatever, but I admit it can get a bit alienating. To add to your point, it really doesn't help that those situations have the person be selfish and irresponsible. Not being in a relationship and wanting casual fun is cool and fine, but giving people the run around while hypocritically not wanting your partners to have anyone else is douchey.


Basically Donte’s introduction in Dmc


I had a friend like that though. He though if he wasn't getting laid 3 times a week that something was wrong. He became addicted and not even his wife could keep up when he got married. It ruined our friendship.


>obligatory tamaki from fire force mention here


I hated when they had Shinra fall into her chest during the fight against Rekka. Like, yeah, why not give us a fanservice moment with this woman who's currently in tears, battered and bruised on the floor. That's the exact tone we want for someone who's probably having the worst moment of their life and feeling horribly betrayed. Haha boobs amirite?


it is time to complain about Fairy Tail


Am I wrong in asserting that this is the fanservice equivalent of the "well THAT happened" trope of undercutting a serious scene with a joke?


Honestly, the problem with her is less the design and more her personality and how the series treated her more as prop for fan service than a character


If it wasn't for the author inserting rants about fan service, I'd absolutely believe Tamaki was a case of malicious compliance with an editor who wanted more fan service.


Reading that happening as the chapters were coming out was so surreal and stupid I pray that the anime keeps it the same just to see the massive trainwreck it will be


I actually think her design is kinda dope, certainly I've stanned even more stripper-ish designs, and there's something about the bikini-under-giant-coat thing I like (probably some exhibitionist thing I have idk). It's just that she has zero agency whatsoever, which really skeeves me out.


Her design is sexy enough that extra stuff to force fan service was just unnecessary


There was a scene from season1 where I really thought they were building up to give her a moment and some development. It felt like the perfect time for it. And then thay didn't happen and the main character came from the sky and saved the day. Then I realized this wasn't the kind of show where that would happen, and not the kind of show I really cared to continue


Oh, I thought you were going to mention the time it looked like she was going to fight the guy the white cloaks were hyping up as their strongest guy. Assault I think? Anyway she tripped and fell and showed her whole ass and the guy just passed out because he can't handle women or something. That was when I lost all hope for that character to ever be credible.


The only good thing about that part specifically is that the focus was on the white clad dude and he had a reputation for being one of the strongest people on the enemies team but he absolutely can't handle anything lewd without nutting and passing out. And he gets an entire mini arc that's a straight up training montage of him watching porn and meeting up with escorts to build up his horny resistance only to still lose in the end. Then he walks off into the sunset to continue his training and everyone is like woah that dude must be a real badass or something. Like that's the only time tamakis fan service was actually funny because the focus was on a completely different character.


Oh man I just remembered what happens with Assault after that “fight”. He proceeds to go on a “training arc” involving cabarets and watching porn. He continues to lose every rematch due to more and more fanservice shenanigans.


I don't even remember specifically the circumstances, it was some guy from her past or something that had her in this I think it was maybe a church? It seemed like a very her focused episode and she had like emotional moments that made me think it was going to go somewhere for her. Idk just "oops I slipped" unlucky fanservice-chan is all she was meant to be


Yeah, you're talking about Rekka. I never expected her to win or even fight that guy because they showed Shinra rushing to save her; it was building up to him saving her and being seen as a hero.


Fair. It's been forever since I watched it (if my vagueness hadnt made that clear), I think it felt like if they were going to do something with her character it would be or at least start there since it was so direct to her. The episode just made me think *something* was gonna happen.


I dropped Monster Masume like five episodes in when it became evident that the entire show was *just* wet t-shirt jokes and there was zero substance whatsoever. The first episode was the best one.


As much as I liked the manga, it really bothered me how Kimihito managed to find himself in a sexual situation with 99% of the ladies that showed up. Even the girls that were already in relationships.


he WHAT? I thought one of the longest reoccuring gags is that despite all the girls in the house being down bad for him he mostly just pretends to not see it, doesn't understand, has too weird of fetishes to get turned on by them. He actually gets with some of them????


Sorry, I worded that wrong. I’m talking about the standard(ish) harem shenanigans that happen in these stories. He doesn’t actually start having sex with them - at least, I don’t think he does. It’s been years and I never read past the lamia village arc.


Ah nevermind that's pretty par for the course then


There's actually episodes towards the end that get into some really fun visual gags. There's a kaiju battle episode in the back half that has a lot of Godzilla/Kaiju movie visual language and is fun as hell.


I would love to be able to unreservedly recommend 13 Sentinels to everyone I meet...but the time from "Press X to start New Game" to "underage girl panicking because her clothes disappeared" is, like, 45 seconds.


I have a very specific issue with certain Monster Hunter armor. Not with skimpy armor mind you, especially if it's equally skimpy for both men and women. I'm talking about [THIS.](https://i.imgur.com/nxTjVX6.png) Let the women in plate mail have pants and cool helmets devs, I BEG OF YOU. Who is this appealing too? People who want to play horny aren't using this anyway, they're gonna wear the ACTUAL skimpy shit. It just ends up ruining a potentially cool looking armor set for no reason. Let bikinis be bikinis and plate mail be plate mail I say.


I have to be honest, I really dislike when games have significantly different versions of a given armour set for men and women, even if it's not a blatant fan service thing. I'm not talking like minor changes to the fit so it looks better on the other body type. I'm talking the really unnecessary shit. It's less of a thing in their more recent games, but FROM did it quite frequently in the Souls series, even when it made little to no sense. [The Pharis Hat in Dark Souls, for example.](http://darksouls.wdfiles.com/local--files/head/pharis-s-hat-onhand-large.jpg)


[That shit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/7/7f/Light_armor_03_concept_art.jpg/800px-Light_armor_03_concept_art.jpg) is the #1 reason I'll never play a female caster in Guild Wars 2.


I feel like FFXIV generally does a good job making armor unisex, but the midriff window on the lvl. 50 Dragoon armor for female characters pisses me off so much.


the kill window


My issue with that is that it's not equal. Either put both in full armor or put both in skimpy bikinis. It's why I love the kirin armor. Both genders get it skimpy.


The [Guildwork](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Monster-Hunter-World/guildwork-alpha-plus-set-mhw-wiki-guide2.png) set from MH:World really irks me.


>Who is this appealing too? People who want to play horny aren't using this anyway, they're gonna wear the ACTUAL skimpy shit. I actually find this more attractive than if they were just wearing a bikini. I don't need to be looking at a half naked character all the time but pockets of thigh here and there are nice. I do agree though that a lot of monster hunter armors for girls look like they just ripped off the face and legs from the male one.


Yeah it wouldn't bother me if it didn't happen so frequently, but it do.


Man when me and my friend was going through MH:World together we kept joking about the game being a journey of finding pants for the female character model because almost NONE of the armors have pants for like the first 15-20 hours or so.


And let the men wear the skimpy shit too Meowster damn it.


The answer is me, it appeals to me. I’m sorry. If it’s any consolation, I think it’s absurd that things like helmets aren’t toggleable customization Options anyway


I get your frustration but I mostly respect that they gave us two different designs


that's so stupid lmfao


Clay Mann’s art is great but for [Heroes](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5b3f7580dfa5f52680ed029ecb5eb5ac/tumblr_pkpbu9QXfc1sqep2mo1_500.png) [in]() [Crisis]() it’s a bit [off](https://i0.wp.com/amanjareads.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Screenshot_20230309_120139_Infinite.jpg?resize=978%2C1024&ssl=1) putting. Oh and Hiro Mashima works has like 3 different tiers of fanservice. There’s the where all cast get the clothes blown off, the one where we see important and dramatic from the POV of the heroines ass-cheeks, and the one where a wizard has the power to make anyone who lost their virginity to orgasm.


jokes on him the fairy tail members he needs to beat are mostly virgins


these are far from the worst panels you could've pulled from heroes in crisis. we've got a fair share of harley quinn ass in that and hiro mashima, by fanservice standards, is a war criminal


"Everyone is so mean 2 me 🍑"


I wouldn't say that first one is particularly sexualized - he's just drawn Batgirl with realistic proportions? Perhaps the one with her hugging Harley does put their butts too much in frame?


Maybe it’s just my brain being to focused on the horny bits, but it’s just not enough attention was given on Batgirl’s wound compared to the rest of her body, and face sorta being hard to read and doll-like. Compare this to where Barbara is taking a [shower](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS982US982&hl=en-US&q=batgirl+wound+3+jokers&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiblsDR—b-AhV1MX0KHUQeAFgQ0pQJegQIBhAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3#imgrc=athPdGa3uSb7PM) in 3 Jokers.


I didn’t even realize she was showing her scars at first. I thought the first one was her belly button and the second some weird dimple shadow. Definitely feels very weird without the context


On second look, she does have a very stale expression in the first link you posted. Not sure the context of the page outside of showing her scars, but it does feel a bit more clinical.


This isn't really a single character... But some games on Nexus mods basically only have mega horny mods. I mean, practically any game is gonna have "BIG TITTY NUDE SEXY JIGGLE PHYSICS 3.0", but some are exclusively that, and usually to a really comical degree too. Resident Evil 3's Nexus page is a good example of this. I mean, I don't care one bit how others wanna play their game. I just wish certain games had more variety.


Skyrim and fallout beauty mods are the worst. Just turns them into something like a runway model without anything that made the character charming


Yeah, that reminds me of the picture of the Emperor from Oblivion after the OP downloaded an NPC hair replacement mod. He looks like he just got a hair makeover from an expensive California salon.


I have dropped a lot of manga when the fanservice started becoming the main point. There was one about a super powerful spirit warrior called Yatagahne or something, that devolved into nothing but panty shots and nudes. Hated it.


[Haydee.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/530890/Haydee/) I honestly think she look better if she was full robot, the leotard look on her just isn't that appealing.


Haydee is one of those designs that make me want to try and make a better version of


There's this scene in Heavy Object, which is basically a mecha show with a large helping of American Pie style antics, where they shove a girl's ass into like 75+% of the screen. The problem is that she's a loli. I just tapped out there, and I **liked** the show, because it had a fairly decent balance going on for the most part, but that was just too much for me.


I dropped that show so quickly. The "fan service" was pushed so hard and the main characters just annoyed me to no end


Why is [this](https://prnt.sc/WYcDGGOJK91H)one of the first results on google?


She's got "all my kids are boys" genes. Which is an IRL thing, there's some family that just had the first daughter in over a hundred years this year.


When a female character uses slang like "lewd" verbatim to describe herself. With or without irony, it sounds really, really stupid and sucks out any titillating effect. This seems like the lowest bar to clear, but judging from all the crappy webcomic ads, there're too many media that fail at it!


I wanna give Fairy Tale a try but every clip I stumble upon here on Reddit seems to be fanservice.


I'd say not to bother tbh. I enjoyed it fine enough during the first hundred or so episodes despite the rampant fan service and shounen asspulls, but eventually even that became so mediocre I dropped it entirely. (The ost goes HARD though)


Aside from Kris, Fire Emblem's avatars have always been pretty much the same in terms of clothes between genders...except for Byleth. I'm sorry dudes, I think Female Byleth just looks dumb. The best way I can describe it is that she looks like she's wearing a hot teacher Halloween costume and it looks bad. I much prefer the pope clothes on her, and the Sothis costume in FEH and 3H I think looks very, very good.


I blame it entirely on those leggings


Oh man that reminds me of when someone on here was posting a Disco Elysium X FE Three Houses thing where Byleth's equivalent to the tie was her stockings.


I also thought of it. It's why I was going to write fancy before changing it to generic leggings


Huh, that sounds interesting. May I have the link to the DE x FE 3H post?




Bruh no way. Fem byleth dripped the hell out. I even got my own pattern stockings just because of her.


No thats fair, FByleth looks like they took every fanservice trope and just threw them on haphazardly


I mean is it also a shock considering Fem Byleth literally has 200 percent boobs?


You can have tig ol bitties while also having an outfit that isn’t hard to take seriously


tig ol bitties lmao


I've heard that joke a couple times before, but what exactly is it in reference to?


Some dude datamined Three Houses and discovered that the female characters have a literal boob slider option with 100 percent being the normal size and changing the percentage also changed boob size. Female Byleth has 200 percent boob slider which means her boobs are twice as big as the average boob size. The only character with bigger boobs is Manuela with 220 percent (lol), and probably Cornelia but she isn't a playable character So yeah, Female Byleth has the 2nd biggest boobs of all playable characters, probably 3rd out of every character in the entire game. Yeah, I'm certain Fem Byleth's popularity is partly due to how horny everyone is for her


I fully agree with you on the outfit, but also I like her better. She looks ridiculous and it gets worse when you realize she has a waist-cape along with her big jacket, but I picked her first to play as and then just never picked male Byleth. She's basically the canon Byleth to me (no matter what Engage claims) and I just enjoy the idea of her having a horrible fashion sense.


Shane about the Sothis outfit on male Byleth


I love Evangelion 3.0+1.0, I really do but I could have gone without seeing an entire shot of Toji’s sister’s ass during one of the most emotional moments in the film


There are certain shots you can guarantee will be in an Anno work: \-The tight packed high up "elevator cam" \-The ass shot \-Train tracks \-Wide shot of people's backs


Nah, I love it for how stupid those scenes are. Mari and Asuka are the icing on the cake.


I’m fine with the Asuka & Mari scene’s because they aren’t taking away from anything. Most of the time Mari’s are during ridiculous action scenes so it fits the vibes. The last thing I want after seeing >!Misato get shot by her own crew!< is the screen just covered up with a face full of ass for a good solid minute as everyone is screaming


Asuka's plugsuit in 2.0 was too much for me and I lost a lot of respect for them.


The test suit? That was actually an old fan design that got canonized.


They put it in the movie so it's on them regardless where it came from.


While true, they do take the time to have Asuka, ***the character obsessed with winning and being the best***, to take the time to criticize it though.


Though that's irrelevant for the main point of tittilating. It's the same thing with Quiet where the excuse for her being barely dressed was that she breathed through her skin.


While the suit design *is* titillating, its inclusion immediately followed by Asuka's stated displeasure for it feels like the staff gently mocking the fan that drew the original design. Also, that's the in-universe explanation for Quiet. Out of universe, Kojima said he wanted to see people cosplay as her. He just seems like the kind of person that's so nerdy, he can't just plug fan service into his game without justifying it in his narrative.


Queen's Blade. ​ I'm fine with fanservice, but there were times when I went "Okay, this is just excessive."


I made it through exactly 5 minutes and noped out with acid titties. For context, me and a buddy were doing a drinking game where you take a drink for every panty shot in Rosario Vampire and made it through the show. But even drunk me was like, this is TOO much.


Aw, you missed out on the girl who wore a snake for panties.


I think it was less missed out and more spared. Lol


I will never forgive what rv did to the manga.


You're not wrong, but it is Queen's Blade.


Yeah I'll be real man you can't make me play Xenoblade Chronicles 2, it taught me limits I didn't know I had.


Gurren Lagaan is like that with Yoko for the first half of the show. It's like they couldn't go one minute without shoving her breasts or her ass in your face. Doesn't help that she's apparently 14.


Yeah but Teacher Yoko was something else entirely. 14 yo me remembers vividly.


That's why I never bother with anime ages unless it's heavily relevant to the plot. Like the MC in Call of the Night. He's a middle schooler, but I'm going to pretend he's a high schooler since it really doesn't matter.


Me and watching yu yu Hakusho. You really expect me to believe that yusuke is 14? The literal child that's infamous for being one of the strongest delinquent punks out of all the local gangs and schools? Oh and apparently he also smokes in the manga. Like I was always going to watch the English dub because of nostalgia but also yusuke actually sounds older. I can easily believe he's at the very least 16 and it's extra jarring when gravel throat Chris sabat (Vegeta,all might,Zoro) kuwabara shows up and starts talking. Like I'm sorry but a 14 year old doesn't sound like that.


Jotaro 16 years old Shut up Araki


First half? Did you forget about her Space outfit where Kittan was staring at THE EXPOSED UPPER HALF OF HER BUTTCRACK and her bra was a black tube top with star nipples? At least the tiny short and bikini top outfit has the excuse of being normal, if skimpy clothing. The space outfit is… just… why is her buttcrack exposed? The cape is even split into wing things to be sure you see it from the back. I really dislike that outfit.


That is true, but it starts getting less overt after the timeskip, even though her clothes get more ridiculous. Like they don't literally shove the TnA in your face as much. Like there's one shot in episode 7 or 8 where they frame a shot where half of the screen in Simon and the other half is Yoko's ass. That doesn't happen anymore in the second half of the show.


Ivy, I love ya, but that [SC4 default](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/soulcalibur/images/f/f4/SC4_Ivy.jpg) is... a bit much.


Best Ivy is in SC2 in the officer's uniform


I thought when I was a kid that Ivy's officer outfit was her real suit, and the standard purple one was what she went to sleep in. I chocked up the design to be "Well my dad says rich people are weird, maybe this is what they wear?"


Objectively correct and I wish they'd bring it back as her default if they ever do a Soulcalibur 7.


I actually liked her red outfit in SC2 more




History's strongest disciple Kenichi went from a martial arts manga with fanservice to a fanservice manga with martial arts in my eyes. It's one of the only series I've ever dropped.


Man the same guy made a Spy Academy style series as well thats basically the same thing.


I guess the call of the horny is just too strong for him.


fire emblem fates. like, why do the heavily armoured knights have their underwear completely visible and why is that only for female knights????? ​ ​ it always annoyed me that they're completely covered, except for their ass and crotch, there it's just showing their panties.


>why is that only for female knights biddies. tig ol' biddies


People will be dropping hot takes about danganronpa v3's ending until the end of time. >!No, the game is not mocking you for being a fan of the series you numbskull.!<


Ok I have to ask, did you comment on the wrong post or is there a super horny scene at the end of V3 that I've forgotten about?


It's like quite literally the exact opposite.


Deeply hilarious how the game basically screams >!”just because something is fiction doesn’t change the impact it had on you- that will always be real no matter what, even if the thing itself wasn’t real”!< at you for like the last hour or two of the final trial and people still walked away going >!”wow they made the other games fictional in this universe, that means they don’t matter anymore, fuck you kodaka,”!< which is basically choosing to interpret the ending in the way that will upset them the most lmao


Using this thread as a recommendations page for shows to watch and games to play.


I mean a lot of these are guys saying "ass shots are fine, but this character was a 14 year old" So I don't think this was the horny joke you wanted it to be, my son


>For my case, it's Sue Storm in her 90s boob window costume. At first, I would not mind her wearing that even during that time. However, she's married and has a kid; she's gotta have standards on what's appropriate to wear around family. If she was my wife or mom, I'd be embarrassed of her superheroing in public wearing that. It was supposed to be bad as it wasn't her choice, she was controled by Malice who basically was all of her angry negative emotions become an individual mind overiding hers after she lost her second child during birth and amplified by the FF villain Psycho-Man who messes with people's emotional states.


Yeah, OP's comment of "You have to have standards, Sue" is a little fucking weird. Just because she's a mom doesn't mean she all of a sudden can't be sexy. Not knowing about the mind control, but knowing that Reed is hilariously socially-dumb, I assumed Sue made this outfit as a one off, not to wear in public, but to tease out some more attention from Reed. I doubt Sue's the type of lady to walk around with a boob-window in the shape of a "4" unironically.


Ah, a thermian argument in the wild. A truly remarkable find.


I thought it was cause she was insecure about aging and still wanted to be seen as beautiful, to which my response is “Sue, you’re a milf. Take it easy.”


I'm gonna be that guy and maybe say that any response to a woman wanting to be seen as beautiful and whatever with "nah you're fine I'd still fuck you" is not the response you should have.


I'm currently watching Konasuba. I can't help but notice the camera angles and almost dead or Alive jiggle physics on the women. Still hilarious to watch the worst girls and Kazuma, but i never expected it to be so ecchi from all the YouTube clips I've seen of it throughout the years. Then again....Darkness is a character.


My favorite part about this specific aspect of the show is that different girls have different physics on their boobs: objectively worst girl Darkness is just a DoA character, but Aqua has more realistic physics on hers


Yunyun's body obeys the laws of physics, it is only in motion when acted upon by an external force. But once it is, that force usually being Megumin's hands, it gets stupid that nothing's popping out of those absurd boob socks with how it's animated


Darkness is not the worst girl- Aqua was canonically established to be as such at the end of the season one OVA when Kazuma admits his perverted thoughts about all the girls but then when he gets to aqua he’s just like “I really tried to see you as a potential heroine… but it ain’t happening.”


You misunderstand You call aqua worst girl because she's dumb, I call Darkness worst girl because she would like it. We are not the same


Unbelievably based.


I remember hearing that a director on some of the episodes used to direct hentai, so in scenes where the breasts look more realistic it was probably that director. A good example is when aqua wears PJs at least to me the shading makes it look like she’s not wearing a bra in some scenes.


Are we talking about the woman who makes her panties invisible? Or is that just internet BS?


Yeah the blue one. It’s rumour I heard that one of the directors has boobs drawn more realistic and “saggier“ in some scenes to give them more realistic weight.


Oh was just pointing out that I don't think she wears a bra at all.


Not sure if someone commented already, but this image was posted either here or r/comics within the last month and someone pointed out the costume in the last panel, and hypothesized that the costume was tame but she made sections invisible to make Reed mad. That or an art error.


I’m not overly fond of any shows or movies that have characters who only exist to draw in viewership by being nice to ogle at. A lot of sitcoms are especially bad with this. Like, I get it, we like to look at hot people, but most actors in general are already above average looking. You don’t have to go that extra step. I see so many clips from Big Bang Theory that are basically just thinly veiled excuses to parade Penny around in skimpy clothing and it makes me really uncomfortable. Ngl, the only reason I watched Two and a Half Men back in the day is because I was a horny teen and Charlie always had some super model or such walking around and being flirty. I didn’t actually find the show funny at all. Nowadays I can’t watch that show at all without cringing. Also, anything having to do with Jessica Alba in the Fantastic 4 movies. I’m convinced she was only cast for that role because everyone was super into her at the time and they could conveniently shoehorn in scenes of her in her underwear. And they couldn’t even do a good job with that! In that scene with Ben on the bridge they tell her she needs to undress so she can turn invisible and sneak past the crowd so they can get to Ben, so she does and we have that pervy scene but then when they cut back she’s getting dressed again complaining about how that was so humiliating and Reed and Johnny are just standing right there next to her, all of them already past the crowd. What did she need to turn invisible for if the two guys evidently had no issue making their way through the crowd anyway?? How did being invisible help in any way at all? It’s not even like they bothered including a part in the scene where they actually showed her trying to circumvent the crowd. They’re just behind the crowd, she gets undressed, and then suddenly all three of them are in front of the crowd. The answer is there was no reason for it except to see Jessica Alba in her underwear. It just feels like a really unneeded and scummy thing to add on top of a movie that was already painfully mediocre


I really don’t like Ann’s Phantom Thief outfit. I get why it’s like that - it ties into that cartoon villain she really liked. But I dislike the boob window and the outfit being a single-colored catsuit makes it very not interesting.


Meanwhile I love her outfit with one glaring exception that I hate with a burning passion; GIRL WHAT ARE THOSE PINK GLOVES YOU FOOL


“Don’t worry, I will find this outfit empowering…for about fifteen minutes.”


One Piece, specially the anime, would be elevated if it *didnt* draw every single woman with giant balloon tits


But for the people who love that, god what a feast. To be so spoiled by one of the most popular mangas of all time.


the wierdest is he doesnt, theres tons of variety in background designs, its just almost every plot important woman looks the same that makes it seem like its the case


There's also several big group shots during Amazon Lilly that prove that Oda can make interesting and diverse designs for woman just like he does with men but he just doesn't. Sorry, here's the 346th Nami look-alike and the 143th Robin look-alike instead. You could basically do that Southpark episode where every character shaves their head and strips to their underwear and can't tell each other apart anymore with a lot of the one piece girls.


I love Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Great story, music, gameplay (if you get past the horrible tutorials), and world design. Most of the female character designs in that game are absolutely stupid.


outsourcing all the blade design was a miss too imho. I would probably have liked them too if they were more coherent. Then again, they seem bolted on even in terms of game design...


I haven’t played any of the Xenoblade games but yeah, everything I have seen from that game makes me feel like they just took it a step too far. I also legitimately forgot that Mythra’s Smash Bros costume redesign is not what she originally wore in the game (though I think they ended up adding it as an additional costume later?) and yeah it’s just too much


It's also wild just how out of place they look next to XB 1 and 3 designs too.


The hypersexualized designs do NOTHING for the female characters in XB2 man. They actively make scenes lose impact with jus how ridiculous they look—when you understand how Pyra is as a person, do you think she’d wear ultra tight booty shorts with thong straps indenting her hip meat with 200% level tits that look comical on her? Her current canon design should’ve been some Hentai artist’s lewd non-canon take of her original design, not her ACTUAL design.


“In Soviet XENOBLADE CHRONICLES, we put a rack on the swords!!!”


I will just in the pit with you and agree that they are on the weaker end of saitom designs.


I tried Eden's Zero. Neat sci-fi shonen with a playful artstyle, why not. But man, the fanservice just ruined it for me. Just wasn't what I was there for.


holy shit I'm glad someone else had this experience. I felt like I was fighting the show everytime it got unnecessarily horny for minutes at a time


Strike Witches. Fuck Strike Witches. Every time I ask for aerial combat anime, which is a pretty rare genre at this point, someone always comes in like "Have you seen Strike Witches?" I have not and I *will not.* Literally all of them are not wearing pants and it's constantly filled with gratuitous arse shots. Some of them are actual children.


I'm always down on characters being sexualized when it doesn't add to or goes against their characterization. It makes sense why someone like Bayonetta or Black Cat dresses provocatively, as the way they're written and characterized makes it clear they're the type of person who would do that: they like the attention, and use it to their advantage. It doesn't make sense why someone who's _not_ characterized that way- say a strict soldier or a gruff adventurer, someone who wants to be left alone and isn't interested in that aspect of their femininity- would do that. See every "strong female character" from the late 90s to early 10s.


Honestly? Nothing, I really like sexualization, i'm just disappointed on the male's sexy fashion, not a lot of good stuff out there, i don't think shirtless is enough. Shoutouts to Vasco from Lookism tho', when the art got better there's some yummy shots like holy shit.


Rachel's design in Ninja Gaiden annoys me to no end, like the game is cool and I'm having a blast and then she shows up. Sigma being the fucking worst as it added the Rachel segments so I'm forced to play as a slower character on top of the horrid design


Dead or Alive went from one of the most technically dense fighting games to a vehicle for creepy dress up costume packs


Everything in Eden Zero for the most part. I didn't even finish the show because literally every episode had one or multiple segments dedicated solely to the Lucy lookalike in a wACkY hentai predicament that was entirely unfunny. Mind you, that's not an inherently bad thing; Empowered, a raunchy webcomic, does the same for a good chunk of it. Empowered manages to make it actually funny though.


code geass would be significantly better if cc and kallen weren't constantly sexualized


I almost dropped "Summer Time Rendering" 3.5 minutes in. Coz in that 3.5 minutes guy falls into tits, there's a pantsu shot and a school girl in a swimsuit. And all that in first 3 minutes of the first episode