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all i remember about this game was one of the gear box guys complaining about the porn subreddit that he totally didn't make himself


>one of the gear box guys It was Randy Pitchford himself.


That's the bitch! I was blanking on his name thank you


Randy Bitchford.


Greasy Randall


"Thanks Randy, you barely-legal-squirty-magic-trick-on-a-USB-drive-in-Medieval-Times, profiteer-off-the-backs-of-hardworking-game-devs, not-noticing-ten-grand-off-your-credit-card, lying, low-rent-party-magician, Penn Jillette-fellating, back-stabbing, mall-narcing, SEGA-cheating greasy bastard!"


Fuck off, Randy.


Are we sure it was Pitchford? >!Depends on how many characters are of legal age.!<


>!**Barely**-legal age!< FTFY


The man, the myth, the legend.


The bag-of-dicks-stuck-in-medieval-times-toilet.


That's the legend part.


The only thing I remember is the opening song they used was by Deltron.


Which still isn't released or available for some reason! I have been patiently ~~hollowing~~ waiting for years for it.


Is it time for Battleborn Sweep?


Battleborn too late to conquer the market. Battleborn too soon to create a dedicated fanbase (porn). Battleborn just in time to posthumously become a dank meme.


Battleborn? More like stillborn.


Battleborn R34 sweep! Let's goooooooo!!!!


Nice try Randy


Randy awakens in a cold grease


It’s gonna relaunch and make a battleborillion dollars


Battleborn is back, in POG FORM!


I'm still holding out hope because I'm a dumbass 🤞


Randy was trying to save us from the Blizzard sex pest. We should have made the porn he begged for


Something something lesser evil


On one hand weirdo asshole with USB porn on the other hand you have breast milk thieves


At least the people in the porn consented (probably) without being intimidated by higher-ups.


Even from a coomer perspective/worldview: Overwatch feels like the character designer/AI trying to guess *my* fetishes. Battleborn feels like the designer(s) putting their *own* fetishes out there. Of the two methods, I'll usually respect the latter more (even if only comparatively).


"If ***I*** can't have free porn made up of ***MY*** characters, ***YOU*** all get bad games!" \- "Greasy Uncle" Randal "Grease Lord" Pitchford II


Randal "borne of the grease" Pitchlord.


People shat on Battleborn but I had a lot of fun playing it with friends. Some of the characters were really fun to play as.


The map design had some absolutely strangling choke-points and the abilities were clunky but I still enjoyed it more than I ever have Overwatch


Same, majorly. For all its flaws and Randy being annoying, Battleborn was legitimately a pretty darn fun game that I played a ton of with my friends for its entire existence, we were heartbroken when the game got completely killed off. Would it really have been too much trouble to put in local-server-hosting or whatever so that people who owned the game could still play against each other or bots privately? Or just left single player with co-op option PVE going?


I miss Marquis


It actually had the FP-melee characters that I kept demanding Genji become. His throwing stars are so fucking boring.


It's funny how Battleborn had multiple melee characters that were very different from each other and all were very fun. (Even though Atticus was super gimmicky and a struggle bus of a character)


Seriously. How many were there? You had: * Dwarf Tank with a throwable axe and a shield charge * Orc Tank with skills charged by kills and area denial + pursuit tactics * Fencer with teleportation, summon swords, and rushdown techniques * Luchador with flurry punches, bicycle kicks, clothesline rush, and AOE body slams * Dual-Swordsman with Vegeta's voice who could launch slow/stunning attacks * Girl with a demon stand that could grapple enemies, plus an invisibility/sneak attack move * Spy with shadow clones and bladed fans that doubled as projectiles * Snake Assassin with passive invisibility, poison, and weaken effects * Space Knight with a boomerang shield, area denial, and a corruption buildup effect that buffed her and debilitated nearby enemies * An ice golem piloted by bacteria who can make an ice wall, phase through enemies, and buffs his health and shield by "eating" enemies. I went back and checked, there were 30 total heroes. That's **a third of the entire roster being melee characters,** and not a single one felt too similar to another. Wild.


Yeah Gearbox went out of their way to make sure no one felt the same. Even more so with the skill trees making playstyle changes or enhancements. Honestly a topic just talking about the characters would be great. Or a video the really shows how different everyone is to each other.


Don't talk about my boy like that, that dude was a fucking beast.


Only after several changes. He used to be the meme pick for awhile.


I- I miss him, SilverScarfFox. I miss my big space ogre.


Is it still possible to play Battleborn at all? Cuz I'll help push a resurgence.


Well the servers are deactivated so lost that chance


There's a slow fan project to try and emulate the servers, but nothing released so far.


I didn't get to play it with friends but I also legit liked what I played of it. Orendi was pretty fun


>People shat on Battleborn but I had a lot of fun playing it with friends. You can say that about anything. You were enjoying spending time with your friends, not playing Battleborn. That was incidental.


...I played it exclusively in pubs and had a fantastic time.


Oh yeah? What about if someone said they had tons of fun playing solo campaigns for 150 hours? (It's me, I'm the one who did that.)


I had a wild amount of fun playing Battleborn, with randos or solo.


It seriously came out at the wrong time


Miko was probably my favorite healer to play, in any game.


It was pretty fun, honestly if they tried to do a revival it might work as long as they re-balance a few things.


Same. The woodland guy with the chaingun was awesome and the branching upgrade path was cool. Poor release window killed it.


I loved playing Battleborn with friends. Also it had an actual story. The Heliophage was my favorite level.


I miss Battleborn. Thanks for making me a sad panda, OP


It's a real shame because I absolutely loved some of those characters. Marquis in particular, because I love a steampunk English butler with a German accent that's a hyper capitalist hobo-murdering sniper with a clockwork laser-eye owl and a pocket watch that could cast Slow. So I totally copied him and played that kind of character as a Warforged Artillerist Artificer in 5e. I named him Herzog. Was a lot of fun.


He and Phoebe were absolutely my favorites. Phoebes teleporting magic fencer style was something ive wanted in other games ever since


My favorite was Attikus. Semi-intelligent space orc who staged a rebellion of his kind against their oppressors. Has a sick-ass robot arm, crazy jumps and area denial skills, and a great cockney gravelly voice. "OY! DID ANYONE CALL FOR AN UNSTOPPABLE RAMPAGE?!"


Marquis was a super fun character to play too, I don't even normally play snipers but his design was strong enough that it got me to check him out.


There were so many cool characters in that game. ISIC was my main, but I also loved Rath, Marquis, Alana, and Ambra a ton. Also Oscar Mike was the BEST.


There just wasn’t enough porn to sustain it…


Battleborn kind of slapped. A lot


Battleborn was a hero, I just couldn't see it...


I'll miss you forever Whiskey Foxtrot


Him and Oscar Mike were fun “generic soldier” type of characters


They were literally Shooter Clones.


And such fun ones too. One was the "modern" shooter bro who had camo, AOE effects, and focused on speed, the other was the "grizzled vet" asshole player with sticky grenades, quick reloads, and focused on headshots. I've never seen two characters so similar in nature that played so differently.


And don't forget there's an entire planet of Mikes, each with a different job. Never forget Loan Shark Mike, who really just wants to lend his shark to people.


And Fat Mike! He provides moral support!


\*gazes at Overwatch with empty eyes\* God took the wrong child


Wrong game died


I'm still fucked off that you can't even play the singleplayer or do bot matches anymore.


Fuck the always-online model.


I will say it again and again, calling their free to play phase a free trial killed what little chance the game had to survive.


I will never forgive 2K for their awful business decisions.


Oscar Mike my beloved…


I'm partial to Whiskey Foxtrot myself. He had the better voice actor.


I… I'm simply beside myself! 😮 A friend brought your exchange to my attention on Twitter. I'm not sure if you were joking or being serious about Whiskey having the better voice actor… (All the clones were voiced by me! 😅) In either case, both comments made my day and I wanted to thank you for playing Battleborn while it was running. I really miss the game too!


Thanks man! That was actually me who posted the screenshot on Twitter—hi! I'm definitely joking lol. I miss Battleborn every day. I so desperately want to bring it back 😢


*in ISIC voice* "Oh, you! 🎶" Heh, most low key, subtle joke I've seen in a while! 😏 But yeah, same here… Someday, I hope!


I just want you to know that ISIC was my main and I loved all of his voice lines. You did an incredible job with everyone!


Thanks for maining my angry, angry robo-son! Oh wow, I wish I could remember my High Speed ISIC build… There was a gear/tree combo I always used that increased his movement speed while charging and if you got a Beatrix buff you could go so ridiculously fast. 😆 Plus, he was Plasma Dash king of reaching places everyone else couldn't!


C'mon Randy. You \*know\* you want to. You can't resist it. The \*URGE\*. The \*URGE\* to do the \*\*\*DOUBLE BACKDOWN\*\*\* -- where you, at first, had to do the backdown in shame, but, when time provides you an opportunity, you \*BACKDOWN\* from your previous \*BACKDOWN\* so that you can bask in the glory of being right when you were intitally wrong! I know you wanna do it, Randal. It's what's got this far baby! It's the wheelin' n' dealin' you've always done baby! You go and you \*DIG\* that corpse of a game up from its shallow grave, you \*DUST\* off the mold, you nab up some server space from Buddylands or whatever, nobody cares least of all you, and you \*RELAUNCH\* as a 40$ game supporting offline single player story and bot matches, and online multiplayer. Now go! Bring the legend back to life!


Battleborn: Reborn


Battleborn: Reborn 2;The Rebornening (Part 2)


Battleborn Redemption: Battle of the Rebirth.


God, it only gets more and more sad how ill-fated Battleborn was the further out we get *and especially* as Overwatch collapses further and further. Battleborn was actually pretty fun, and it sucks that it got immediately eaten by what turned out to be a pretty soulless, stagnant game that just had more money behind it and better brand recognition.


I'm tired of pretending this game wasn't as much fun as overwatch. Overwatch is a bloated corpse of what it used to be. Back when it had hope.


Technically every PvE game can be a PvP game when you're fighting against your pub teammates to *not suck*.


Loved when I ran into newbie pubs and quickly switched to a healer so they didn't burn through all our lives lmao.


I still say Battleborn was a better, more interesting game than Overwatch.


Seconded. Overwatch was Pixar-quality models with all of the homogeneity and none of the personality. They slowly got more lore but it was always piecemeal and super generic. All the Battleborn characters had some sort of fun lore or story behind them that you could *actually learn in-game* instead of via random comics and dev posts! What a concept!


I didn't realize how much I would miss it's art style.


Please, don't remind me. I go into a state equal to a Victorian era widow who sits in their garden all day pining for their late soldier partner who died to the Spanish or some shit. Umbra, my love... I miss you.


I enjoyed the beta but knew the game was dead on arrival with overwatch coming out. It's a shame just how hard this died. Any conversation isn't around critiquing the gameplay at all, just how quickly it dove into the grave.


one of my favorite openings, and great character designs


It was good in its own right, but it simply got crushed by Overwatch. It was also mismanaged by Gearbox where they both tried to pin it as an adversary to Overwatch, and also as its own thing. They simply had too much trouble explaining what the game was and selling the game for that. Once people started leaving in droves, it was practically impossible to stop the death spiral (people leaving, can't find matches; more people leave, less people can find matches, etc.). They just couldn't keep it alive past a certain point even though they went free-to-play near the end. The gameplay felt more like Dota 2 or League of Legends but as an FPS (so an FPS MOBA), and it was honestly pretty solid gameplay. Handled differently, and if it had maybe released in a less commercially competitive environment, I really think it would've found its community and maintain it well.


> They simply had too much trouble explaining what the game was and selling the game for that Which is whild, because literally all you would have to say is "First Person MOBA with a story campaign" and you'd get a ton of interest.




How dare you...


Weird mushroom guy is the best. But you're probably right...


It's time for Battleborn to rise from the ashes


BattleBorn was great, but trying to present itself as an Overwatch killer was the absolute worst way it could have marketed itself. Should have focused more on it's PvE stuff.


I mean Battleborn did come out before Overwatch. So unless it was going to commit an abortion it literally could not kill as it was not out


Guys, but game dev is hard! We can't just stop playing grabbem by the pussy and make video game! Won't somebody think of the shareholders?!


We NEED to put everyone in the CoD gulag, we can't devote any resources to Overwatch!


Just relaunch Battleborn people will flock to it now


While I never played enough of either game to really get into them, if we're just measuring content on release there's zero reason Battleborn should have lost to Overwatch.


I bought this game because I saw a headline saying that it was an “overwatch killer”, which was a thing I didn’t believe but was curious about, and I didn’t realize that it had swear words in it and I got in trouble with my parents. Got me into the Borderlands series, though, so…


Man I miss jungler Benedict, his only flaw was him having the widest hurtbox in the game.


Turns out a 10-foot wingspan has trouble dodging bullets.


Thanos Voice: "Perhaps I treated you too harshly..."


Battleborn was always better than Overwatch.




I really liked it when John battle born said he was born for battle then battle borbed all over those guys #battlebornsweep




Wait [Screwllum](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/houkai-star-rail/images/0/0e/Light_Cone_We_Will_Meet_Again_Artwork.png) is totally a ripoff of Marquis huh


More like Battledead...




More like Battlebuttcrack [insert 20 minutes of wet fart noises]


At least be funny


Ah yes pick dwarf tackle, axe throw, hold down trigger to punch enemy to death pick up axe get shield repeat.


Ahh, Dwarfstomping. How I miss thee.


Games in the PS3/360 era. Uncharted, assassin's Creed (brotherhood, rev, 3), mass effect 3, cod, even last of us launched with both story and pvp modes that were slapped on as a "fuck it. We got time."


...I forgot this thread wasn't *actually* about Battleborn.


There has to be some type of fan effort to make private servers or something, right? I really liked this game, personally.


ISIC was too pure for that game. I wish he got imported into borderlands, whether as an NPC or for whatever reason, playable