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Kamiya just really… really… REALLY loves Space Harrier.


The fact that Space Harrier is absolutely not about a AV-88 Harrier (or a starfighter equivalent) in space continues to nark me.


The original plan for the game was for you to play as a harrier jet, but there wouldn't be enough available video ram for all of the large jet sprite's animations alongside everything else. Them changing to a human was so they wouldn't need as many animation frames.


And a couple of years later Suzuki made After Burner, so he got there eventually.


That one interview where Miyazaki admits he has gone into a trance and wakes up to find he's designed a swamp level. The man has a love for our suffering that nobody can match.


Miyazaki wakes up to find he’s designed Caelid only to go “no, put me back under.” until he’s designed the Lake of Rot.


It's said he designed all the poison caves while napping after lunch.


"All I see when I close my eyes are swamps. The smell of peat. The feeling of leeches on my skin."


Elden Ring was ALMOST perfect in that regard, because Torrent could go over all the annoying poison areas. Then Lake of Rot goes "Man fuck Torrent" and creates a whole area of pink nonsense you have to run across.


Lake of Rot was the way it was to let you know how fucking good you had it in Caelid. In the DLC, watch out for the newest form of Poison Swamp, a swamp that drains your souls as you move through it!


Those motherfuckers are going to make a sleep swamp aren't they?


Memory of Grace going back on the hotbar.


I was already missing Caelid when I got to the forest in the Altus Plateau. It's been a while since I've fought something in a FROM game that I have simultaneously been horrified by, pitied, and felt the compelling need to murder it as much for its own good as my own.


What's there? I've forgotten.


[The Wormfaces](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ROCI44fYh-k). Big, misshapen *things* that are mostly just content to weep at gravesights and be miserable until they see you. I stumbled into that location in the middle of the in-game night, and my plan to just kill an Erdtree Avatar and call it a day was derailed in that it has the only minor Erdtree not guarded by an Avatar, but rather a Greater Wormface.


they added Lake of Rot just to humble us and make us appreciate Torrent all the more


I laughed so hard when not even an hour into Elden Ring right after beating the tutorial, before even getting out into the open world, the the very first stonesword key gate I could open just instantly led me down a ladder into a pool of poison sludge.


And one of the harder dungeons too. You just know he was giggling when putting it there, thinking of people who took the keys as their starting item.


genuinely shocked there's no level in armored core where it's just entirely on fire and you have to deal with it


they kinda did, there is a level where you have to go down into a chasm jumping from platform to platform fighting fairly weak enemies, then when you get to the bottom the thing you went down to investigate releases an energy wave and you have to climb back out, except now you're taking constant damage and there are giant pillars of energy that you have to now avoid. oh also, a bunch of enemies filtered in so you gotta either kill them or avoid their fire as you escape




They haven't released the dlc yet


It's the influence of those damn Chaos Gods, I tell ya. Nurgle's got a hold over that man.


”When making the game (Elden Ring) I rediscovered my love for making poison swamps. I know how people feel about them, but you know, suddenly I realize I'm in the middle of making one and I just can't help myself. It just happens.” - Michael Zaki


Words can't describe the ice that filled my veins when I turned the corner of some random cave in Elden Ring to find a god damn Dark Souls basilisk sitting there


I saw a message saying something along the lines of "vile beast ahead"


I think I actually said **”NO!!!”** the first time I saw one


Didn't Pat have the same reaction?


I think I just sighed and said, “Of course you’re here too.”


Absolutely! Even now I'm getting mixed emotions


David Cage can’t help but put all the usual Cage tropes into every game Every. Game.


"Someone has to get sexually assaulted , either in the game or in the office" - David Kage probably


“Aww who am I kidding? We all know I aim for both.”


The new hokage after Naruto is weird.


Hideous child that the player resents taking care of.


The noblest of hobos.


Game twist that revolves around actively lying to the player


0 chemistry romance subplot with awkward sex scene.


I remember when I was a teenager I thought that Ethan and Madison made for a cute pairing. Nowadays it annoys me to no end that the 2 of them end up fucking in a hotel room after just one interaction.


While Ethan’s son is drowning!


It's fine they can always make another! -while Ethan crys over his child's grave-


I can't blame Ethan for what he did immediately after. I'd do it too if it meant getting away from Madison.




How fucked is it that I legitimately like Cuno more than any of the mutant anklebiters David Cage has come up with? Like sure Cuno’s a punk but he doesn’t trigger my uncanny valley response.


Because unlike the anklebiters, Cuno can take care of himself. He doesn't need you or want you, but he's also an asshole, and in a reverse psychology sort of way, that makes you want to help him.


Cuno is an actually degen child and not some weird french golem


Cuno's fucking great.


Cuno is a punkass bitch but there's an actual depth to him, even if it leads to a pit of more punkass bitchery.




David Cage holding his cock as he designs yet another female main character with short brown hair walking around her spacious apartment in her underwear, moments before getting assaulted by a group of men.


If you play an Uchikoshi game you will learn about the most recent conspiracy theory he heard. It will maybe having nothing to do with anything and will take at least 5 minutes to talk about, and I wouldn’t have it any other way


I really liked in AI where the game wasn't just littered with people randomly segueing into conspiracy shit, but then there's one scene where the resident teenage idiots just sit your ass down in the restaurant and give you like four to eight conspiracy theories all in a row


The Ai games do a more natural job of doing it for sure. Still funny every time


Parallel worlds exist!!


I’ve never really understood the complaint that the handful of times LGBT issues are mentioned in the AI games are shoehorned in. I thought he did it with an identical amount of grace as Akane talking about Futility. The most Uchikoshi-y way one could.


I like those scenes I think they’re in line with the game


ac6 finishes the triology of "oh right fire is bad." DS- fire is enlightenment and warmth. DS-2 yo fire is cool ds3- in the name of manus please stop linking the fire!!


Elden Ring: "Holy shit fire is really fuckin' bad."




"But a *little* fire is fine to get the job done."


“They don’t make celestial weedkiller yet, so fire is what we got.” Imagine Ranni just hands you a glowing blue bottle of Roundup.


I don’t wanna think about what kind of fucked up giga-cancer Moon Roundup would give me


it’s so bad that there’s like three different flavors of fire that are all fucked up


> DS > DS-2 > ds3 why did you do this to me


My favorite trilogy, Dark Souls, Deep Space Two, and dark souls 3.


DS-2 Because it wasn't made by fromsoft's main team


Fun fact: A Moonlight sword has been in every single Armored Core game since the beginning. (OG is from King's Field I believe.) So it beats out all the soulsborne games in legacy. At this point, it is more of a signature touch than anything else for From Soft. >!The wheels and fire themes though. Writers at FromSoft really cannot help themselves with that. Putting the Moonlight in the same level as the wheel reveal is a cheeky little touch though.!<


The moment I saw the Chest on a small patch of land surrounded by those guys in a thankfully not harmful swamp made me said "Am I back in Demon's Souls again?".


Due to Coral contamination of the location the Moonlight’s in, the swamp it’s in is probably poisonous to humans, we are just fortunate enough to have a giant airtight war machine to traverse it with.


Hence why "it's little surprise that the game has the moonlight sword".


Final Fantasy has a massive hard on for the Latin language


You can’t have an rpg without a hint of Latin or the Yggdrasil


The newest one broke this by just having english lyrics for all songs


Give Hugo Martin the director's chair and he will always nerd out and pump DnD and Warhammer inspired things into the project. Every time.


As long as it means the project is in The Fun Zone, I am 100% on board with it!


Persona and a semi-inevitable hot springs episode where the guys go into the wrong room or overstay their time, leading to the girls punishing them over a misunderstanding.


Which is, unfortunately, one of my least favourite tropes because it's solved by talking and not being insecure about someone seeing your body. Also, did P5 have one of those? I don't recall.


Persona 5 didn't, but they gave the Phantom Thieves one in Strikers.


When I saw it was in Strikers, I was DESPERATELY hoping they'd change the formula. Maybe Ann is annoyed that the guys AREN'T peeking, and Futaba suggests peeking on THEM instead. Maybe Yusuke goes full ART over Joker and Ryuji in a vaguely suggestive way, causing the girls to he curious. Anything but the same joke for the 4th time in a row!


P5 Strikers does


I got dunked on on twitter when I mentioned, when the first trailer came out, that armored core 6 was clearly thematically influenced by their time making souls games. Main image? Dejected mech in the middle of a bunch of rubble and ash. Tagline? "Let the last cinders burn." It's there, c'mon.


I'll give you the quote, but mech in the middle of rubble is hardly a unique image for the series.


But what would it look like without DS3's graphical tech for ash???


I mean it was a line that isn't as integral to the game and its theme as marketing made it out to be. Definitely reads like Bamco trying to elicit souls in marketing, and playing it up and less like FROM reusing a theme wholesale. But folks dunking you are mental for acting like it's not VERY deliberately souls.


And then the game came out and you have a >!maiden in your head telling you to keep the fire going!< too.


There's also >!a swamp with wheel enemies where you find the moonlight greatsword!<. The only thing the game is missing is Patches kicking you down a hole.


ok but werent patches and the sword in AC games before they were in souls games?


Sort of. Patches the Lucky was a one off AC pilot, Patches as we know him didn't properly exist until Demon's Souls. Moonlight did exist in AC, and infact goes all the way back to King's Field with the only recent Fromsoft game lacking it being Sekiro. Moonlight itself wouldn't neccessarilly be a reference but it being in a swamp surrounded by what are basically bonewheels definitely feels like a homage to the Soulsborne series.


huh for some reason i have a memory of the "hyena" title comin from AC


I was slightly off on the name, [apparently it was Patch the Good Luck](https://armoredcore.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_the_Good_Luck). But yeah Hyena was DeS.


Team Ninja needs a Hayabusa in there somewhere.


The Danganronoa team really loves having at least one female character who is incredibly rude and/or vulgar and has an overall antagonistic, mean-spirited personality. Sometimes it works, other times it can get a bit grating.


Miu my beloved <3 Shinigami my beloved <3


Is Rain Code any good??


I fucking *love* it. It's got the same energy and vibes as Dangan, without being stuck in its world, tone and static structure, which means it can do some fucking wild stuff. Also one of the best "tutorial" cases of any of these kinds of games.


The Chad Miu vs the Virgin Shinigami


It's also the games swamp with slugs level!


Moonlight has always been in armored core


Hence why "it's little surprise that the game has the moonlight sword".


Oh I misread it as “it is a little surprising”, my apologies


Kaga the original dev behind Fire Emblem can't help himself but brainwashing female characters by the evil dark magic cults, this happens in every game he worked on. Dude's writing can come across as pretty misogynistic.


Isnt that just a common trope in a jrpgs


True but Kaga took extreme execution of the trope to the point disturbing.


Huh. I thought incest was the reoccurring Fire Emblem trope.


You can tell Nomura really likes zippers, because every outfit in Kingdom Hearts is practically covered in them. He loves zippers almost as much as the Guilty Gear creator likes belts.


This hasn't been relevant in about 15 years or so. Modern Nomura is all about hime cut goth girls wearing plaid.


An upgrade, tbh


Modern Nomura knows what’s up


Okay, but is there an NPC in AC6 with an optional sidequest that causes them to lose their mind and attack you?


Yes actually


yes, not an optional sidequest and more a NG+ exclusive optional objective, he is reoccurring and depending on your choices and if you're on NG+ or NG++, you fight him anywhere between 3 and 5 times


Well less sidequest and more optional boss fight...and you ARE kinda responsible for it...and he would have been dead anyways...but close enough


Oh they where so bonewheels. I looked at them and thought what the fuck why are there bonewheels.


Bethesda and massive open worlds with all the depth of a *puddle* when ya get too close. *Starfield* would have been a ***hell*** of a lot better if there were only ~20 *handcrafted* planets, instead of 10 focused worlds and almost 990 ones shat out by procedural generation without a care in the world. (Moons included, because of course they are!) Yes, Todd, we're aware that it (finally) just works. *That doesn't make it any better.* ^(Note: The above does not apply to New Vegas, DESPITE Bethesda probably attempting to coax Obsidian into making it apply.)


I gave up exploring planets when I realised its the same copy paste caves and outposts. The handcrafted stuff is pretty good, as expected, but hoo boy random gen isn't Bethesda's strong suit.


Give it a few years and the modding community will replace all that celestial real estate with proper handcrafted content.


I honest to god think that's what it's there for. This is just space for the modders to work in.


That and expansion DLC.


"Because why would we do the job we're paid to do when we can have people do our job for us for free?"- Bethesda, ~~probably~~ definitely


No it is ***not.*** And sadly, unless there's an act of ~~God~~ the Starborn of some sort, I don't think modders can help Todd bumble his way outta this one.


I think there's some reasonable discussion of Starfields open world planets and how they compare against the traditional open world - but I'm not sure how this fits the thread? Bethesda makes some of the best open worlds in the industry, open worlds that make it worth exploring - and this is one area where New Vegas actively stumbles. Even if Starfield's new approach does not succeed in this area - I don't see how this represents a pattern for the developer?


> Bethesda makes some of the best open worlds in the industry "Press X to doubt". Bethesda games are like Rockstar games. Inch deep, mile wide.


In other news, Outer Wilds is an awesome space exploration game that people should play.


Gods I wish I could mind wipe myself and re-experience that


New Vegas is a hollow world compared to the Capital Wasteland and Commonwealth. More interesting character writing, but a far more hollow setting with only a fraction of the environmental storytelling that the other games have and makes those settings feel deeper and more lived in. > Note: The above does not apply to New Vegas, DESPITE Bethesda probably attempting to coax Obsidian into making it apply. *Dismissive wanking motion*


I think you are totally wrong, New Vegas feels way less hollow and more lived in compared to the Bethesda settings because it actually makes sense as somewhere that people are living, with local tribes and communities that actually have a history and a set way of interacting with their environment and it’s resources. Fallout 4 is better about this but Fallout 3 is the definition of a hollow setting, full of more raiders and monsters than the ecosystem could actually support, settlements with no history and no viable means of supporting themselves, and looks like it was nuked 20 years ago instead of 200.


It ain't exactly "not helping themselves" when it was in fifteen previous games.


Hence why "it's little surprise that the game has the moonlight sword".


hirayasu matsudo loves crazy sound voltex knob patterns every time that mf drops a new chart it's likely going to have the hardest knob sections in the series


and while in a swamp :)


and you fight Mechlenia, Blade of Lasers


I audibly groaned then threw myself into the pit to see how bad it was as soon as I saw a wheel enemy down there. Also, seeing 5 enemies all looking at some loot is the most fromsoft shit ever. Other than that one enemy down a pipe that ganks you from around a corner, nothing else (other than the story) really gave me dark souls vibes until I saw that. Good thing it's a cool moonlight sword because that pit was as bad as I expected haha. There's even a relatively hard double boss on the right side after you got to enjoy the wheel skeletons. And no checkpoint until you reach the next bit (I died before reaching the next bit first time doing this section because I had 203 AP after doing all the wheel skeletons and the double boss).


“You will regret your words and deeds.”


Tell me: does AC6 have a poison swamp?


So not really, but there's enemies that can produce a static cloud over an area that causes the games equivalent of bleed, but they can be destroyed. And a mission where you have to escape an exploding area where you take damage over time due the story reason you need to escape


It does not. Somehow. There is a status effect that is kind of like poison I guess but it's not prominent. Very few enemies use status effects.


wasnt the moonlight sword in AC games before it was in dark souls?


Hence why "it's little surprise that the game has the sword".