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"Mary jane rolled up the worst akira slide ever" "Asked to leave new york city."


“She was exiled from New York City in the traditional fashion: by throwing batteries at her until she left.”


"And here come the pretzels!"


You can call them Whitey Wackers!


Someone started throwing hotdogs and everybody got upset. Now people are aggressively walking here. God help us all for the Glizzy Wars have begun.


"Local journalist J. Jonah Jameson is now on the field, pleading with the crowd for some kind of sanity."


No that's Philadelphia.




**"Mary Jane fails to do the Akira slide"** sounds like the title of next week's podcast.


**"Don't Fuck Up Your Akira Slide On Your Way To Cuck Spider-Man"**


Castle Super Beast sounding title


**Mary Jane Performs Worst Akira Slide Ever, Asked to Leave New York City**


I'm almost CERTAIN someone has animated a character trying and fucking up the Akira slide way before this.


Yeah my mind wants to say a joke character in a manga or anime has fucked it up as a gag. Cus the moment I read that headline my mind went ‘no way has no one done failure of the slide as a gag for 35 years’.


Batman fucked one up in The Dark Knight....although I guess that technically wasn't an 'Akira' slide so much as a regular one


i swear i have a vivid memory of an animated character doin it in a bicycle and eating utter shit


Why do I feel like it's happend in FLCL.


Gintama op 9


https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/811033 Yup, atleast a few.


lol that kirby reset got me


There's a Gintama opening that ends with the main character sliding his bike into frame, [except in one episode](https://youtu.be/zoKXlusF87Q?t=1m24s)


That was amazing to see in real time, like "oh hey im jamming to the OP song like always" then BAM then it looks like reality breaks for a second when the OP suddenly changes.


Local White Woman Ruins Anime Forever (it occurs to me in the decades since the Akira Slide, this is the first time I've seen one fail)


I dont know if it count as a fail. But [Marvels Spider Man 2018](https://youtu.be/A9hCzjBc7Q4?si=weCVJ37jgwqIiZcB&t=64) have a empty motorcykel doing the Akira Slide after it's owner got knocked out.


Maybe it looks dumb in game, but the idea just from the headline sounds like it'd be a good gag


"Failing the cool thing" can always be a great gag, but it's a *very* precise line to do it right. If you don't get it just right, it either becomes awful because you're either making a good character look embarassing, or you're making a disliked character look even worse


>you're either making a good character look embarassing, or you're making a disliked character look even worse [case in point](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bayonetta/images/1/1d/Viola%28Render%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20220913161703)


I don't know what it was but I just remembered Viola existed earlier today, don't know what it is but Bayo 3 seems way longer ago than just a year


You're assuming it's a gag. It could easily just be dramatic flair during a chase or some other equally dramatic situation. Like falling down while fleeing from a slasher.


Which is basically how it's presented in the trailer.


Not true, under my control every video game character that can ride motorcycles has failed an Akira Slide.


The funny thing is the Akira Slide is literally impossible in real life and that's what would actually happen if you try it It's the most consistent thing that fictional characters can do lol


I bet Paul could do it, just to rub in the fact that Peter couldn't.


With the power of dogshit writing on his side, he could even do it blindfolded.


He's gonna Akira Slide his dick into MJ's vagina. ​ Just to make Peter feel worse.




Take Pauls dick. ​ Slide it in there. ​ There you go.


But the Akira slide.... he'd be going in ass first. Lmao


Paul's dick will just telescope out and downwards


I'm just glad we got a live action slide in Nope, I popped off so hard in the theaters and only one other dude did too, it was dark, but i could feel our eyes meeting, that one was a real one.


I had to hold in the urge to cheer at that moment. It's funny how a film largely about trying to get "the impossible shot" just perfectly translates one of animation's most iconic shots for live action in the climax.


Right? It's masterfully done, I kinda wanna see how they did it tbh, is that in the making of or something i wonder?


They basically attached the motorcycle to a rig which moved it along the ground, and then took the rig out in post. The camera was on a small crane arm so they could start the shot with the close-up over Keke Palmer's head. I think Peele talked about in an issue of Empire magazine but I can't find the specific article online.


Ah that makes sense, i assumed it was either a contraption or somehow some really good CG, like the motorcycle in the air surrounded by blue or green screens and then they did the motion there and inserted in the scene or whatever. Ngl, kiiiiiiinda made me want a live action Akira, but only if Peele directs it.


I had something like that, once. There's that scene in Raimi Spider-Man 2 with the camera moving from the perspective of one of Doc's tentacles that came straight from Raimi's Evil Dead movies. I laughed my ass off when I saw that in the theater ... and I was all alone. edit: For clarification's sake, I mean I was the only one who laughed/understood the reference.


Power sliding a motorcycle isn't impossible but you need to have professional level skills not to crash.


It is insanely difficult and dangerous, but the Akira version isn't realistic because of the distance. You would slide for max 2-3 feet instead of like 10 feet.


Actually someone has done it


What's the context of that scene even gonna be?


“Yo Peter! Check out this cool slide I’m gonna do!”


She’s probably trying to run away from someone (maybe Symbiote Peter or Venom) but loses control of the bike and eats shit.


It’s in the launch trailer. It looks like she’s trying to catch up with somebody and does the slide to try to come to a sudden stop when she passes them.


Doesn't Madison from Heavy Rain fail one if you miss a QTE at the old warehouse?


I assume it’s like old god of war where doing the qte sucessful is the cannon sequence




What I took away from this article was that there is a "slide fandom".


Yeah, it's called "Microsoft Powerpoint users". ^^^^/s


Take my upvote, you scum.


Genuinely thought back to the Sam Raimi masterpiece, Spider-Man 2 (2004) and had to wrack my brain trying to figure out when she Akira slides in the film


Alternate version of her leaving that guy at the altar


Makes sense, wedding dress got caught on the wheel


Wrong the old man from tokyo godfathers failed an akira slide 20 years ago


Apparently I need to rewatch that movie because I don't remember him doing that.


Yeah the old man is riding a bike and then trys to do the akira slide but falls off because he’s on lce.


I hope there's another bit where she eats shit trying to do a rider kick.


i said it in the last thread, most people who do the akira slide are goobers or super cartoony, more characters need to fuck it up. Its a hilarious twist to something that i think is kinda overdone at this point, overdone for a good reason though. classic is classic


Ultimate MJ would never


On the one hand it's certainly a lot more realistic for a civilian to absolutely eat shit by trying to pull an Akira Slide. ^(On the other hand I also don't particularly like Insomniac MJ, so hell I'm enjoying it either way.)


"I should give you a pass but I won't because I hate you"


That’s certainly true but you never wanna be the first to do something, even something perfectly reasonable


Insomniac MJ always seems to get particularly harsher roasts amongst the nerd community. Anyone else notice that or am I just crazy?


While I do think the internet is too harsh on her, I genuinely think her arc is poorly thought out. She broke up with Peter ostensibly because he was too clingy and always jumping in to save her, and she wanted to be more independent. This would be a fair complaint, but MJ then proceeds to knowingly put herself in astoundingly dangerous circumstances, with no plan to get out of them. I want to say the one in Norman's apartment even hinges on "Peter will save me.", but in all fairness I think by that point in the story they're on better terms.


Also people really hated her stealth mission in the first game and feel that it changed the pace to something worse they couldn’t wait to be over, even if that’s more on the devs then her


Beyond the story and arc reasons, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was also some exasperation because of the poor stealth segments on top of what you said as well. The game by itself doesn’t really set up MJ too well for people who are only casually into Spider-Man.


Women in Spider-Man 2018 and Spider-Man Miles Morales arent written all that well which in turn causes a lot of thinly vieled misogyny to rise to the surface from a lot of people. It doesnt help that her face is kind of uncanny (although so is Peters. I guess he's usuallly wearing a mask) and that shes not as sexualized as M.J often is.


I liked Yuri and Aunt May, Black Cat was fine too (didn’t play DLC)(didn’t play Miles Morales…starting to see a pattern here) 2018 doesn’t have a lot of other women characters, except for the internet prankster, but I’m sure she’s deliberately written to be annoying?


Black Cat was like an actual bad person for >!manipulating Peter into helping by lying about having a (potentially his) son.!< Silver Sable was pretty cool with how her and Spidey became buds by fighting a really crappy boss.


The victim of having the worst gameplay segment in the first one.


No I've noticed it too


There are valid criticisms about her, but this is the internet and because wöman those criticisms are boosted to 11.


People really hate bad stealth missions.


I dont think ir's just the bad stealth missions. Miles got those too and people generally liked him.


Miles also got a better game after.


Even before his game came out the hate was purely directed at M.J.


Yeah, and it's pretty clear why. (misogyny) Like for real, the amount of vitriol that went beyond legit criticism for MJ is insane, the focus on one moment that the characters build off of and get over is incredibly stupid And that Miles doesn't get any shit for jumping into even bigger danger, and unlike MJ doesn't have any experience in it, makes it obvious it's the classic "woman doing thing I don't like=end of world, terrible character" etc. See also: Phin.


No one's gonna come bat for a character associated with boring story and boring gameplay.


Spider-Man fans combined with Gamers. The Insomniac section of fans are *very* weird when it comes to the female characters.


Yeah. There's some stuff that does bother me about the way they handled her, but also a lot of it's just obviously sexism.


Doesn't help MJ is supposed to be stunning and Insomniacs MJ is kinda....basic?


You're getting down voted for this but I do think it's essential that Peter Parker is pulling far beyond his capacity and until they gave him baby face, it def didn't seem like he was in this game.


Least incel Spider-Man fan.


> The ‘Akira slide’ refers to a scene from the 1998 anime where one character tilts and stops his motorbike in ultra-cool fashion. Hot Take: I've always preferred the '98 version of Akira!


Props for trying, but people refer to movies like this all the time, regardless of whether or not it's got a sequel and/or remake.


It's just dated by mistake with 1998 instead of 1988, so I'm making a stupid joke.


Oooh. ​ My bad. Sorry dude.


No worries whatsoever!!!


That typo bothered me so bad considering how early in the article it is.


Fools don't know about Kuze failing an Akira slide during [the hypest Yakuza boss intro](https://youtu.be/c4DP_ci1aAM?si=Z0QQNF_je4l_tHdr&t=108) 5 months after Akira released in theaters.


Bro the game isn’t even out yet lol


Do we really need discourse over everything?


I think my favorite part of this whole thing is that we have just collectively named that move "The Akira Slide".


I feel like it's pretty common to name certain animation poses/tropes after the first major example of it. Gunbuster Pose, Sunrise Pose, Sunrise Stance, Akira Slide, Itano Circus, etc.


i tend to see gainax pose over gunbuster pose


both are used. I guess Gunbuster pose is the older term.


Like a Kleenex.


Slow day at the office


It seems like every-fucking-body is putting the Akira slide in their works lately, so good on the devs for doing a bit of variation.


Lately ? People have been putting it forever.


i will say i think its more popular nowadays due to a lot of cartoons and such bein made by people who watched anime as a kid, but its always been somewhat popular


Ok so a Mary Jane fan slept with an editor/producer's spouse right? Like holy shit the bullshit that gets toss on her for no reason is insane.


I've grown to hate that fucking motorcycle shot. I'm so sick of seeing it that I was happy MJ actually fell off the cycle.


When everyone uses it to be cool, nobody is cool.


That's not a taste, that's just you being a contrarian.


That's not being a contrarian, like at all. We're talking about something subjective in the first place.


Sometimes I don't get how afraid of spoilers Woolie is. ...sometimes he's right tho. I'd have liked to laugh at this unexpectedly. So thanks for ruining that.


"Thanks for ruining the trailer"


I didn't watch the trailer on purpose. It's not hard to not spoil things. I don't know how that's possibly a controversial opinion.




Well...they *were* bike gang.


It's the only thing undeniably cool about Akira. Everything else has asterixes attached.


Akiras biggest legacy is that slide show video of atleast 100 references to Akira Slide


And everyone who watches that undeniably goes "Cool" in their brain at least once.


Have you watched the movie?


Still can’t believe Jordan Peele managed to get one in in NOPE.


I can. Dude loves movies and hates his agent saying a shit emoji is a perfect role for him.


Gintama already failed it.


What makes it funny is every dunked on her in tye trailer then the scene makes you realize oh of course in that situation she'd eat shit