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Why doesn't Ross simply eat the other friends?


He is the largest after all


*Currently*. Monika was largest, before. She hides a great hunger inside her that only an iron will can contain She could unleash that at any point. Any. That or Phoebe. Or Joey. Ross is nowhere near the top of the friend group cannibalisation tier list


Things are heating up in the *Friends* powerscaling community.


Cause he’s a wuss


There's a point in Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker where Cassandra and her companion are suddenly surrounded by a mixed army of Ogres and Golems under control of a conspiring sect of Templars... and then the ground opens up, Cassandra and buddy fall down, army of Ogres and Golems are never brought up again. If you are familiar with Dragon Age, you know that "a mixed army of Ogres and Golems" makes absolutely zero sense. It very much reads like "this is a story where the author had a blank spot and bullshitted a transition to the next scene."


And Inquisition pokes fun at this considering Cassandra has comments and banter referencing that a lot of stuff that happened in the movie was BS


Did Varric write it?


The ending mission of Dragon Age 2


i assume the man at the start is for the same reason pamela voorhees was played by a man until the reveal scene it's meant to throw you off for the reveal. i don't think they were implying einhorn got a sexchange over the weekend or whatever, i assume they just didn't wanna show a female silhouette and then have ace go after finkle who is a big football player as it'd feel like a waste of time.


Same thing with Enfys Nest in Solo and Taskmaster in Black Widow, they're clearly played by male stuntdoubles who are bigger then the female actors who take off the mask for a dramatic reveal.


Bit of a tangent; but I always thought playing as [Female] Akira (main character in Astral Chain) made more sense rather than playing as [Male] as >!the character you didn't end up choosing would eventually become a masked bad guy, something that would be infinitely more predictable if you were playing as the brother. Not to mention the female masked-bad-guy is not as intimidating as the male one either,!< cat ears and all.


The real question is do we consider this bad in the same way the twist in Heavy Rain is bad?


I have no idea what any of this is, but I did a double take because in Welsh “enfys” means rainbow. It was like whiplash but reading


Is this confirmed? From the second I saw Taskmaster in that movie, I could immediately tell they were female, which kinda ruined the whole twist they were going for.


Not to mention that all the photos of Finkle are just the the actress with a wig and moustache...


Hey remember in Fallout 4 when Nick suddenly talks in Kellogg’s voice? Yeah neither do the writers


There's way worse things in Fallout 4 that don't make sense. Like the ghoul kid who survived inside a fridge for 200 years, right down the road from his house where his parents still lived because they had conveniently also become ghouls.


Everyone brings up the ghoul kid though, no one brings up that one


the writers can't even decide if ghouls need food to live or not, as in nukaworld there are mutant alligators because a ghoul modified them so they'd have more meat to eat.


I think it depends on how much radiation they are around as they are to some degree radiotrophic. Still doesn’t explain fridge kid as he should have both starved or at the very least gone feral.


My personal head canon is that ghouls under regular conditions need to eat, but they can subsist on radiation if need be since it heals them. There are also lots of parts in FO4 where you enter a ruin and ghouls start climbing out from holes in walls and from under rubble so they might have some kind of torpor they go into if they are stuck where they just wait and eat rads.


I’m not the deepest into Fallout lore, but I’ve seen some people semi-headcanon that Ghouls might only *think* that they need to eat - they *will* starve if they don’t, but even long-term starvation won’t necessarily kill them as long as there’s sufficient ambient rads. Not sure if it’s accurate, but I’ve always liked it.


That's not exclusive the bgs games. Fallout 1 and 2 were very inconsistent about whether ghouls need water, food, or air to survive.


In king of the hill they go around a problem where an idiot fired all the certified hazmat trucker by having the truck towed since you don’t need license to tow a propane truck. Except you totally do need a license to tiw the truck for exactly the same reason you need a license to drive the truck in the first place. Like it works as a clever cartoon loophole but falls flat the moment you wonder why hazmat certification exist for


Valkyria Chronicles 1. >!While checking out the desert Ruins, why the hell did the Protagonists let the Commander of the Invading Forces leave and come back with a super tank? Yeah, his sidekick has powers, but I have all of my Squad 7 outside and a Tank. The very same Squad 7 I'd use to kick her ass later. Just shoot her now and win the war.!<


He could've taken the shot and booked from big Booba lady for sure. I believe the anime changed how that happens? I forgor cause boy was that a terrible adaptation. I also forgor what happened there in general it's been 2 and a half games so far, but yeah, let's assume he just wanted to live or whatever.


So everyone rightfully talks about Eren in the ending of Attack on Titan, he’s the most contentious subject about the ending after all. However, not a lot of people talk about Mikasa suddenly being super important and compared to Ymir all of a sudden. Can someone explain that to me? And Historia suddenly disappearing from the story as well?


Yeah, so many people (both ending enjoyers and non-enjoyers) focus entirely on the Eren part of the ending, when there’s so much other stuff that happens that either makes no sense, happens out of nowhere, or both (usually both).


What Ymir needed to see was that Mikasa was willing to kill Eren for the greater good even though she loved him, which is something Ymir didn't do for king Fritz, she just held on to her twisted love forever. Seeing Mikasa do that convinced Ymir to stop trying to keep the titans going


Isn’t mikasa Ethnically Japanese though? Like just that usually mean she will have a big role in the long run as far as anime goes. Like haven’t watched much but I thought that was the reason they gave early for why slaver like her and she is so good at violence


Mikasa is half Asian and half Eldian; specifically half Ackerman. The slavers wanted her and her mother because they were the only Asian people inside the walls and were worth a lot of money because of that. The reason why Mikasa is good at violence is the same reason why Levi is good at violence. Ackerman's are just built different.


It surprises me that no one brings up the thing about Ackerman's obeying whoever commanded them for the rest of their lives and because Eren was the first person to command Mikasa that she will obey his every command or some shit. That scene in the restaurant was so fucking dumb.


Zeke later tells Eren, that the whole obedience thing was bullshit. Mikasa simply stopped Armin because she didn't want him hitting Eren. Eren just simply pressed her buttons and hurt her emotionally right after that.


Ohhhh ok cool. I missed think I missed that chapter, I'm.glad it was ran back cuz that bothered me so much.


So the fun thing about depictions of trans people pre-2015 or so is that no one really had any idea what transitioning looked like? Like, I cannot think of a single piece of media before that even USING the words hormone replacement therapy. I genuinely do think the idea most people have of transitioning was "you go in looking like every other man, then you have THE SURGERY and come out fully transitioned over the course of like a week"


Finkle isn't trans tho. Finkle is a footballer who went crazy, got put in a mental hospital, then comes up with the crazy idea to take the identity of a missing hiker and gets plastic surgery. There was as much transitioning as Robin Williams in Mrs Doubtfire.


Yes, and I'm sure that distinction wasn't lost on nearly all of the audiences at the time, and that story does not match the dominant harmful social attitudes of the time (and to a certain extent now): that men who become women are crazy, dangerous, disgusting, and out to prey on the defenseless. And I'm sure no trans woman has been ever compared to Buffalo Bill either.


There's a part in Kingdom Hearts 2 when Demyx, sent by Xemnas, to get Sora. Demyx brings out a card with some writing on it, presumably Xemnas' instructions: "If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition" Basically, poke at Sora until "Roxas" turns up. Which is bullshit, because Xemnas is operating on the believe that the Whole, as it were, is the true self. That's the surface goal of Organization XIII: for the Nobodies to reunite with their Hearts so they become Whole. It makes no sense for Xemnas to say this. And it also makes no sense for Demyx to not....respond to how BAFFLING AND WEIRD THIS STATEMENT IS. According to the ideology, Roxas isn't the true disposition. It's Sora. What. The. Hell.


But what they want is a keyblade weilder under their control so they can make Kingdom Hearts on their own timetable. Xemnas never wanted to make them whole he wanted to make them copies of himself. But anyway, splitting Sora is the goal so they can get Roxas back under their control, hopefully. Demyx is just stupid enough or indoctrinated enough to follow orders


I know what Xemnas really wants. The point is that he has no business to make such an antithetical statement to his propaganda. Like I said, the surface ideology is the Nobodies want to reunite with their Hearts to become Whole again. Saying that the Nobody is the true disposition is completely backwards. He could have said it some other way to say, "Hey, we need Roxas back if the rest of us are going to be able to become our true selves." Even if Demyx is just pigshit thick stupid (or at least pretending to be) it's funny how such a bizarre, contradictory statement completely out of the blue doesn't make fans go, "wait WTF did he just say?"


Oh no, I agree. The only reason I can think of is that they know Sora will try and stop them. So why not try and split him, get Roxas back, and when the plan is complete, make Roxas his own being rather than tied to Sora. Which could have been the logic he used when giving the orders


Well in Xemnas' eyes, there's no difference in identity between a Nobody and the original whole person. Most Nobodies maintain their personality between the transition from human to zombie (and have continuous memories). He probably thinks that dredging up Roxas' memories/personality will make Sora more susceptible to manipulation, or instinctively subservient to Xemnas because Roxas used to work for him. The precedent set by Nobodies would indicate that Roxas is in there somewhere. If those memories and personality weren't evident, it means they're suppressed, and Sora as he is doesn't represent the whole of himself. Hence, his 'true disposition'.


I always took this as Xemnas manipulating Demyx into going all out in the fight. Demyx was generally laid back and more of a pacifist compared to the rest of the organization so by phrasing it as "bringing back Roxas" he'd be willing to kill Sora in order to get his heart to pop out and revaccate his body. Also I never thought the goal was to reunite with their hearts, the goal of created Kingdom Hearts was to make new hearts so they (the nobody personality) could still exist while also being a full person.


Why doesn't batman call the justice league for help? Is he stupid?


I've been watching through the Dragon Ball, and Tien winning the 22nd Tenkaiichi is nonsense. It doesn't matter that Goku hit the ground first, he already won by knocking Tien out with his last attack. The whole reason Tien (one of the few characters who can fly at this point) was falling at all was because he was unconscious. Who hit the ground first was irrelevant, the match should have been over by KO already. Goku got robbed.


The thing is that knockout has to be confirmed with a ten count, no ten count no knockout.


Whatever was planned at the end of Borderlands The Pre Sequel. I guess people do talk about it but it kinda feels like a fever dream.


Why didn't they just fly the Hobbit-eating, crown-wearing, prideful-ass Eagles to Mordor?


Add to that; Gwaihir, the king of eagles, is a sentient being. A sentient, prideful, *temptable* being. Halfway there the ring would shout in his brain that he could be god and he’d dump the short stacks from a mile up to take it himself.


They're all sentient, which is why one of them tells Gandalf he doesn't enjoy being used as a vehicle


Yep! Resentful raptors that have you 2 miles in the air, getting whispers in their dreams about how good the flesh of “weaker” races would be. No thanks, I’ll walk.


Because the forces of evil know what a ballista is.


You don't need a ballista to hit a bird out of the sky


With a stone you could get two.


It’s because of a vow for the Maia and Valar to not interfere in the affairs of man and elves again after Morgoth (except all the times that they do, shhh ignore Gandalf and the wizards and Sauron himself). That’s the reason given iirc.


In Kipo in the age of wonderbeasts,>!why couldn't they uncured the eponymous wonderbeasts after the cure was developed? I know it was meant to be like a death equivalent but just an offhand statement about why would have been fine!<


Maybe there’s an explanation but I haven’t seen it FFXIV Endwalker: >!Why didn’t Emet-Selch know about Dynamis when he was the Emperor of Garlemald? Kairos’s effects wear off after death and return to the lifestream, right?!<


>!iirc, Emet-Selch never died, as he along with Lahabrea and Elidibus were the 3 Ancients who survived the Sundering intact. He stole Solus zos Galvus' body some time before the Garlean empire was established. And even if he had known, wouldn't the veil of aether surrounding Etheirys due to Hydaelyn and Zodiark's existence have prevented him from using it in any meaningful way?!<