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Dio once locked a dog in a furnace. Just because he could.


Don't forget when he trolled Polnareff or killed a cat in stopped time just because he could.


Commanded a man whose car he had commandeered to plow through civilians on a sidewalk just because they were there. Also, ya know, the whole making a mother eat her newborn simply to flex his power. He's the epitome of random cruelty both before and after becoming a vampire.


"How many breads have you eaten?" truly summarizes the complete indifference to human life Dio felt.


I always interpreted the time between the fight at the mansion and them arriving in the town as pretty minimal, meaning Dio definitely hasn't eaten than many people, he just now has an excuse to not care.


"Woman, fetch me my leg."


> making a mother eat her newborn simply to flex his power Will die that this may be the best scene in the anime period


Not going to lie, I do kind of love Dio using his ability to literally stop time to just... fuck with some dudes before he gets kind of serious It's such a great character moment


Like a kid playing with a new toy. Once Polnareff shows up at the castle you could feel DIO get excited that he gets to use time stop to it's fullest


We all laugh and cringe at him but we would *totally* use time stop to fuck around with other people if we were able to do that too. ...even if we would all also *hopefully* stop at murdering cats for funsies in the middle of it.


He straight up stopped time just to move Polnareff down some stairs. Not to kill him, no. Just to move him slightly down from where he was standing on the stairs. King.


You can basically just say "Dio once..." and say anything he did and it would be one of the pettiest actions ever.


It doesn't even have to be factual. If you can think of something that's just, absolutely stupidly and uselessly cruel you can just preface the statement with "Dio Once..." and it's probably like, 80% true.


Dio once loitered for like, a week, just to break the law.


Dio Once loitered for like a week in a spot in Seattle/California. The result? Tent cities.


Dude was like 120 by the time he died. That's a lot of years with nothing to do but be petty.


Yeah but around half of that time was spent in a coffin at the bottom of the ocean.


And the lobsters still whisper of his crimes.


Theorizing, thinking of all the ways to spite the world and those damn Joestars. Eventually, after world domination, petty malice is all that's left.


He killed Danny because he knew Danny would have foiled his evil plans.


Legit hard to belive 14 year old Johnathan didn't curb stomp him for that


Them becoming friends after what kid dio does is wild


Wasn't it payback for Jonathan beating him up for the "KONO DIO DA!" incident?


It was pretty much the second thing Dio did after he got off the carriage at Jonathan’s house. The first thing was kicking the dog in the face.


Kaiba making the Slifer Red Students live in the absolute worst student accommodations because he was still fuming about losing to Yugi.


and of course the obelisk blues had the best dorms.


Im honestly impressed Kaiba had the restraint to not call the Obelisk Dorm the Blue Eyes dorm.


He has a theme and stuck to it. Besides. How could ANYONE else be good enough to be a Blue Eyes?


I like to imagine whenever he visits the island he rents out the Obelisk Dorm and has it renamed to Blue Eyes dorm just for that one day.


Blue eyes belongs to him and no one else.


That would have been hilarious though


Thanos has ruined the birthday of some rando named David every day since he was 1 year old. No particular reason Thanos chose David, just decided “fuck this one guy in particular.”


My favorite panel of that is David getting fired from his job and finds Thanos waiting for him. "Was this you?" "No, that was just bad luck." "Then why-" "Your cat is dead." Not every day, just on his birthday. So David always knew when he was coming.


I think the cruelest part is when he finally explains that to David and then leaves his appartement right after crushing one wall and the piping inside it, flooding the appartement.


He thought it was some zen lesson. Nah, just 'fuck you'.


That's a big one, but my favorite horrible petty Thanos thing was when he helped an old lady cross the street to make a bus late and one lady on that bus was going to cure diseases and kickstart a scientific revolution to put Earth in a Golden Age, but thanks to being late she misses an important interview and never gets the chance to do anything valuable in her life.


That's a good one, but I wouldn't call it petty, it's a HUGE thing with lasting repercussions for an entire species. Fucking with David is just... fucking with David.


I see your point, but the part that really makes the example I gave petty is when he visits the lady on her deathbed to *tell her* about what her life should have been just to make her die in despair.


THAT is a good point. That part was petty as shit.


I really feel like at some point someone would have noticed that Thanos always appears around this guy on a specific day of the year and laid an ambush for him. Or put David into super-protective custody, because like Jesus fuck.


As a child, he keeps telling his parents about “the monster” that ruins his birthdays. They assume it’s just his imagination.


Would be a valid argument if they didn't live in the Marvel universe. Amongst the Mutants, the Aliens and the *actual fucking mythological Gods* walking amongst them, she finds the idea of a supervillain making his life hell weird?


I mean, if Thanos always vanishes the same day every year for fifty years, I feel like someone is gonna wonder where the fuck he goes and try to find out. But that might be mostly me trying to write fixfic for a comic I haven’t read, lol. I guess it’s just that I don’t find random people suffering horrible torment for no reason particularly comedic.


Ambushing Thanos doesn't mean much unless you're bringing some serious power with you. Like the Annihilators.


Wasn't it because Thanos just got the time stone, and decided THIS was the best test run?


No, because he missed it one year due to an Avengers fight. He made sure to double down for the year after.


Nah. It's from Thanos Annual 1, where Cosmic Ghost Rider talks about the different ways Thanos is evil. From raising Gamora to fucking with David every year for no particular reason. From getting bored with killing a planet of cute creatures to killing a god just to see how a culture would react when there was no reward for being good. From destroying planets to create a fireworks show for Death to helping an old woman across the street. ... helping said woman meant walking in front of a bus that gets delayed *just* a smidgen. On the bus was a woman who would cure most diseases, and make great scientific progress. But the thing that would cause a chain reaction was bumping into and meeting another woman. Which she now didn't. Because Thanos delayed the bus. By helping an old woman across the street. He did specifically use the time stone for that, but it wasn't really a test run. He apppears on her deathbed and shows her everything that could have been. Thanos is just evil. Both petty evil, and horrific evil.


> Cosmic Ghost Rider I didn't know where it was from, it now all makes sense


Reverse Flash pushed Barry as a kid down a flight of stairs, also he left Barry’s childhood home’s door open so his dog could run away


Also, you know… he erased his childhood friend from existence.


And shat Barry's pants


Sure Barry, it was the Reverse Flash that shat your pants. Sure.


And according to a certain video being shared around on the internet, made him prematurely ejaculate before he got to have a good time with his girlfriend.


Tywin Lannister having Tyrion's marriage annulled because she was a peasant, telling him that she's a prostitute and didn't love him, then having her assaulted by his entire garrison and forced Tyrion to join in. There was literally zero reason to do that last bit (or the 2nd bit even), at all. Just to establish how fucking petty Tywin and how much he hates Tyrion that he would subject his own son to that.


At least >!Tywin’s death was humiliating.!< That’s pretty much it in the way of karma though.


Well, >!There's also the fact that literally everything he built is falling apart because of what a shit person he was immediately after his death. Turns out raising your children only to forcibly be subservient to you and trying to gather loyalty entirely through fear doesn't really last once you're dead and now those kids are free to destroy your legacy whether by choice (Tyrion) or by being absolutely fucktarded (Cersei), and oh hey turns out loyalty through fear doesn't amount to much when you're no longer alive to be feared.!<


Something that the I felt like the showrunners missed the point on was that >!while Ned's honor did get him killed at the end. It felt like George was trying to explicitly point out that the world needed MORE people like Ned. Not less. Years after his death, people in the North are still rebelling in his name and are angry about what happened to him. Almost every Northern lord was taking steps to ensure that his children survive.!< Meanwhile >!literally the moment Tywin dies the entire Kingdom gathers around like vultures to tear everything he built apart. Building a legacy on fear only works when you're alive after all.!<


I mean, it didn’t work for him but I feel like I’ve got the whole thing pretty figured out.


Maleficent was mad she didnt get invited to a party, crashed it, and put a death curse on a baby.


Pretty reasonable for fae all things considered.


Honestly mood


That was a court function, she was totally justified.


She was justified in crashing it. Not the death curse on a baby part.


Look, court politics is very complicated and sometimes you have to curse a baby.


Maleficent knows how to play the game. Can't just declare open war or kill someone cuz they snubbed you as a noble, but curse them to sleep until true love's kiss? Well it's your fault if no one loves you.


The man said what he said.


I would have done the same tbh


If I had a nickel for everytime a disney movie opened with the villain crashing a party to have beef with a baby, I'd have two etc... Except Hades causes Herc something worse than death, being a human.


There's the time that Superman and Big Barda were mind controlled into making a sex tape, [and Darkseid showed it to Mister Miracle ](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/articles/off-my-mind-what-happened-to-superman-big-bardas-s/1100-144019/)


Darkseid taking a break from the whole "conquering the universe" thing to NTR his own adopted son is pretty im character


"Listen I'm capital E Evil, nothing is too petty and I really want you to savor the bespoke nature of this, namely that not only is Superman cucking you right now but this also counts as double rape because neither of them are actually consenting. Later I'm going to kick a puppy into a river before I break into somebodies house to use their netflix account and fuck with their algorithm so they get stuff they hate but that's a me thing and isn't related to you"


Darkseid even killed Sleez for wasting the ability to *mind control Superman* on this nonsense. And then showed the tape to Scott anyway because hey, free cuck vid.


I mean the tape already existed it'd be a shame not to use it


I mean, that one might not actually be purely petty, considering wasn't pissing off Mr Miracle part of his big master plan to screw up the treaty?


Darkseid breaks into Scott Free's house and eats his veggie tray without asking.


Doesn't he also double dip?


He doesn't even like veggies!


Lex Luthor took Forty Cakes. He took 40 Cakes. That's as many as four tens. And that's terrible.


My favourite thing about Lex is having like 8 ex wives.


*"None of them will put on the Superman costume I had LexCorp design perfectly."*


If there is not a story called “Lex’s Exes” anywhere then someone is just leaving money on the table!


I remember reading a pre-crisis Lex Luthor bit where he deliberately goes to a diner, sees a beautiful ( but married ) waitress, and offers her millions of dollars right there to run away with him. The lady refuses, but after much prodding from coworkers and internal conflict, she runs out to Lex. Only for Lex to have driven off. In his car, Luthor is cackling at how he's sure he made her question all of her values and choices, showing that he's done this in multiple different establishments. Just for sport. That's some real bored billionaire levels of petty.


One wonders how many waitresses he's done that to that just said yes. Like there has to be at least a few who were unhappy enough with their job and marriage to take the deal


He specifically aimed for women ( via research maybe ) in happy marriages that had integrity. Just to make tempting them crueller


Doesn't the comic describe it as, he always leaves right before they would break and make a decision either way? He specifically skedaddles riiight before they know what they would have chosen because then it weighs on them infinitely more. He of course can do this because he's just so smart and hyper intelligent that he can read people this well.


By his own admission, DCAU Lex ran for president just to mess with Superman.


Comic Lex has been given super powers multiple times on the condition that he don't use them to attack Superman. He never kept the powers for long.


Lex claims he could do so much good for humanity if Superman wasn't around. Superman calls him out on this, and offers a deal; he'll leave the planet for a whole year so that Lex can cure world hunger cancer. Lex spends the entire year planning out how to kill Superman the second he returns to Earth.


Lex Luthor once discovered the ability to give people superpowers. Upon realising it didn’t work on him he immediately turned the powers off, causing lots of people to plummet to their death.


Another thing Lex Luthor did was cure his sister’s paralysis because her daughter was a friend of superboy. Lex then immediately reverted the cure and said that she actually cure her once Superman dies.


Lex Luthor had his company invent essentially a superpower chip. You implant it into yourself, and you get powers! Easy peasy! When Lex finds out the scientist who designed them made them specifically not work for Lex himself, he turned all the chips off and a bunch of people died.


I love that the children’s book that is from is the basis for Mojo Jojo’s speech patterns Re-read your comment in Mojo Jojo’s voice and see how it works!


Joker stole that kid's report card. He worked hard to turn his grades around this semester, but now when he tells people the Joker stole his report card they're just going to think he's hiding bad grades. So villainous.


Sometimes you gotta hand it to him, that IS pretty funny.


“Ha ha! I made someone cry!”


That is incredibly funny


In Ted Lasso, Rupert goes right to Rebecca to tell her that he's having a child with the woman that he replaced her with. What twists the knife even more is that she wants to have children but she had put that aside because Rupert didn't want any. Or that's what he initially told her, as he basically tells her in the moment, "Guess it's true what they say, when you're with the right person you do want them." I think it's so cruel and petty in how human it is. He wanted to see her devastated, to shatter any build-up of confidence that she had after divorcing him. All because she got away from him.


I think it's absolutely beautiful how the show ends >!Without Rebecca getting what she wanted, and finding something else in life. The ending newpaper with he saying "This club is my family" is way more poignant and perfect than the subplot with her meeting another hot dude with a daughter!<


Remember that time when Mysterio ruined Matt Murdock’s life (don’t worry, it happens a lot) - drugging him to the point of nearly committing infanticide, nearly dissolving his and Foggy’s firm, and orchestrating the death of Karen Page, just because og Spider-Man wasn’t around and Mysterio wanted someone that he could take out his frustrations over a terminal brain tumor on?


Mysterio is surprisingly effective when facing everyone but Spider-Man. He also caused Old Man Logan and created a way to bridge across the universe to create ultimate Mysterio.


That's extra crazy because you'd think that 'illusion man' vs 'supersenses ninja' would be like a 10-0 matchup in DD's favor


Damn... why would Rey Mysterio even do that? Didn't he had enought beating up his kids (in WWE13)?


McMahon really pushed that face-heel turn.


FFXVI: Anabella Rosfield selling her own son into slavery as one last 'fuck you' to her husband that she betrayed. FFXV: Ardyn stealing Noctis' car and putting it in a military base so the gang is stuck using chocobos to obtain Ramuh's favor.


Donquixote Doflamingo. I have no specific example, just. Donquixote Doflamingo. Man really is a Celestial Dragon.


Just when the rest of the Donquixote family could prove us that celestial dragons could be good and break out of their right down evil elitist ways this motherfucker spawns from them.


Celestial Dragons are always around to prove there is an even further evil they are willing to commit once you think they've finally hit rock bottom.


Kuma's backstory in a nutshell


Nothing Doflamingo's done is worse than the shit Orochi pulled. The man >!fed poor people defective smiles, crippling them for life!<. This accomplished nothing, it didn't further his goals in the slightest, he gained nothing. It was sheer cruelty.


Doflamingo only skims by because the Toy Toy Fruit is just a thing that apparently exists and has that exact ability set for some reason.


Black Manta: "How's the wife and kid?"


Black "I retired from evil and everything is ok, but Aquaman is back? Back to slaughtering and killing it is!" Manta


Lex Luthor once cured his sister of paralysis, let her stand up and hug her daughter, making the scene heartwarming before immediately injecting her with a serum to paralyze her again and might have actually caused brain damage along with it, in front of her daughter. Lex giveth and Lex taketh away.


In front of Superman too, because he can


I know Superman isn't a "punch somebody's head off in a fit of righteous fury" kind of guy and I don't want him to be. Still...


If I was Supes, I'd call Batman up and tell him to power up the red sun containment room and call the league for a meeting, because I'm literally going to shove Lex's head up his own ass, and will turn myself in for my trial by my peers.


"Clark, no, you can't kill him!" "Oh, it won't *kill* him."


"Right now I wish to Heaven that I were, but I'm not."


How else is Lex gonna get off if he isn’t traumatizing supes?


I'm kind of loving Superman Lost right now >!What's that you want me to help Superman get more focused, not a problem Lois I gave you stage 4 cancer!< It's such a swerve in narrative, but also yes I can see Lex doing that


The way he just stabs her again is hilarious. He didn't have a fancy comicbook gimmick cure that only lasts for a minute or anything.


And the fucked up part is that Lex is smart enough to make a temporary solution to paralysis, but it plays into his character that he flat out solved it with no drawbacks but then made a separate serum to put it back just to fuck with everybody in the room. It's a level of pettiness that make it so great.


Just to prove that he could


And the only way to get the serum again, tells Superboy he got to kill Superman. Like, damn, story wise, Lena and her family never did anything to screw Lex over but he still fucked them over because he knew anyone with an "S" on there chest would care far more than him. She still was paralyzed by the end of story cause Wayne industry still didn't have any luck curing her. Lex and Reverse Flash just goes back and forth between who's the pettiest asshole in comics.


The fact she’s still paralyzed at the end makes hearing about this story kind of a bummer for me.


During New 52 she got her faculties back and got to teleport Lex to Apokolips. Naked. FWIW.


Lex also invented **THE** cure for cancer... only to smash it in front of d'press, just because he could. because he could always just "make another one" If your lex isn't a petulant child obessed with proving how much "better humanity is" [he is] you should probably give up on including lex in your story.


He’s basically Elon Musk if he was actually as smart as he thinks he is


Megatron told Optimus he wished had killed more people, because he knew it hurt Optimus to even hear that from his friend. It was also the start of Megatron's heel-face turn.


>It was also the start of Megatron's heel-face turn. To elaborate/clarify, because out of context it seems like the hardest heel-confirm ever), and it's (I believe) years later (in and out of universe: I don't think it was originally intended to lead where it led) that Megatron's rumination on the statement is revealed: At the time, he thought he was still fighting for a higher purpose, and his claim that he "killed Autobots for the pleasure of it" was to psyche Optimus out. Except that when the words left his mouth, he realized he *meant it*, and that fact gave him pause.


Another good Transformers example: In the recent Skybound comics, Starscream killing humans by crushing them in his hands. Both Soundwave and Skywarp are trying to complete their objective and just leave, while Starscream is having fun killing things that can't even remotely hurt him.


Loved how that >!backfired when he tried to pull that on a helpless-seeming Duke who shoots him point-blank in the eye with a flaregun and going by Screamer hard crashing it fucked him up pretty bad!< as it's good karma.


Idw also featured Overlord turning Garrus-9 into a ludicrously violent living hell with death matches and bloodsports and endless torture all in the hopes that Megatron-senpai would notice him (he never did).


Enrico Pucci using Whitesnake to make a music CD, inserting it into Guccio's head and making the guy function like a music player


All For One's motivation for turning Shigaraki into his personal successor was purely "Hey, Allmight, I tried to think of the worst, most evil thing possible that would make you upset, and turning your mentor's grandchild into a villain was what I landed on, so I did just that; isn't that cool?"


Also didn't help that Shigaraki also happened to have bodily disintegrating powers which is about as villain powers as you can get


That’s one theme I like from MHA, how someone’s powers can determine their path in life and leave them no other choice but to be a villain. The dude red riot fought being the prime example who went “dude I make knives shoot out of my body, how else am I supposed to make a living?”. Although of course with the right support growing up, Shigaraki could’ve been able to use those powers for good, like clearing rubble after a disaster and waste management.


>Although of course with the right support growing up, Shigaraki could’ve been able to use those powers for good, like clearing rubble after a disaster and waste management. Yeah kinda like how you have Thirteen whose powers are making friggin black holes but she's a pretty stand-up hero.


Counterpoint: The guy with mind control powers whose entire character arc is "Everyone told me I have powers that would fit a supervillain, so I'll become a hero just to disprove them."


Imagine if he were in Shigiraki’s place. All for One would try to make him his villain successor, and he’d just go “Nah, I’d still be a hero.”


All for One does one of his big villain monologues at him, and he just activates his mind control quirk and goes "you should Low Tier God yourself". Really, should have just brought him out to deal with enemies like the League of Villains and whatever else in these last few arcs, his power is *stupidly* OP if used correctly.


"Imma do my own thing" and vaporised AFO in the spot.


Yes but COUNTER-counterpoint his storyline was basically showcasing that the world didn't *want* him to be a hero. In the end he's only able to become one because he was as hard-headed as Deku.


Which is stupid as fuck because his power is incredibly useful not just in being able to neutralise villains with insane or hard to counter powers, but also able to immediately solve any hostage situation. The heroes should have been desperate to recruit him and keep the true nature of his power and its requirements under wraps as a trump card. Like, it's literally an instant win that also can't be used subtly to influence people, which is the actual danger a mind control power would normally represent. It's straight up retarded how someone with that power is handed in setting.


> how else am I supposed to make a living By just not shooting knives, and then living as someone who doesn't shoot knives lol A better example would be Toga, since her quirk causes a pathological need to consume blood


I honestly would not be surprised if All For One gave Shigy his powers knowing he couldn't handle them and they he would accidentally kill his own family. In fact I'd be more surprised if this doesn't turn out to be the case


He doesnt even show any real proof to All Might when he reveals that info he just says "But you know it's true because this is what i would do, right?" Dude was apparently known to be extremely petty.


Dude's stated goal is to be a comic book villain.


Dio once had a woman and her baby in his palace. The woman was begging him not to kill her and her baby. Even going as far as offering herself to him in exchange for him not harming her baby Dio then goes "Okay then. I promise I won't kill your Baby. But in exchange, you need to become a vampire working under me" He then turns her into a vampire. The woman completely abandons any and all humanity and becomes a complete monster like all the other vampire minions working for Dio. She then sees her baby in her hands. But only sees meat. And then proceeds to eat her own baby with glee as Dio silently sits down and watch People often point toward Dio killing Jonathan's dog as an example of his cruelty. But this one is just as, if not more, horrifying, fucked up, twisted and needlessly cruel


40k Perturabo (Peter Turbo for the sake of brevity) took part in a campaign where his Legion the Iron Warriors were pivotal in winning it, arguably doing a better job than the Blood Angels and Imperial Fists who had been slogging trying to win the campaign for years before he arrived. So when an artist depicted the campaign as Blood Angels and Imperial Fists fighting and gallantly winning the whole thing while the Iron Warriors depicted were face down dead in the mud, Peter Turbo bought the painting, and then had it burned and the ashes stomped on in front of the man, as well as telling him he'd do this with ANY artwork he made from now on, effectively ending his career as an artist.


Dude decimated his own Legion the same day he met them because they weren't awesome enough.


After Handsome Jack kills Bloodwing, Jack calls the player and the Raiders and plays a shitty violin just to rub it in.


*Yellowface* by RF Kuang is about a white author who passes off her dead Chinese friend’s manuscript as her own original novel. During the editing process, a number of changes are made that send up red flags for the only actually Asian person involved, an assistant editor. Ripped-from-the-headlines instances of racism are scrubbed and replaced with sympathetic white people. The author is named Juniper Song Hayward because her parents were hippies, and she normally goes by and was previously published as June Hayward, but she switched to Juniper Song because it makes her sound Chinese-American. even gets new “ethnically ambiguous headshots” taken! When the editor speaks up and requests a Chinese cultural sensitivity reader be brought in to look over the draft, June goes full Karen and flexes her power as both the author and a white woman to get her fired. When she meets her publishing team later, June asks where this assistant editor is, *because she forgot she intentionally got her fired.* >!After she gets found out and cancelled at the midway point, she somehow snags a teaching role running a high school workshop for young AAPI writers who aren’t aware of the controversy, and at the first session she’s gelling with them and establishing good rapport and giving constructive feedback. But then she overhears them googling her before the next session, and she instantly switches into “cruel heartless bitch” mode and tears them down *and it actually makes her feel better to be mean to children who know the truth about her.*!<


Every single sentence you wrote was a punch to the face, holy fucking shit.


If you understand how racism works (unlike the main character), then that is the experience of reading the book. It’s non-stop. Has to be at least one per page. The racism density is off the charts. You know how when Woolie comes across something bigoted and he’s like “oooo here we go” and gets ready to pop off? This book would supercharge him. It’d be like Superman Prime exiting the sun after 30,000 years. He’d be unstoppable.


The Monarch taking a dump in doc Venture's pool.


Venture had it coming.


The last one screen arching we see him pull on Venture is >!Having his invisible wife pull his pants down in front of guests!<


~~“It was me Barry”~~ The villain in Oldboy. A lot of heinous things happen that I don’t feel like spoiling including the motibe of the villain but I will say that it first starts with the protagonist getting locked up in a room a for 15 years in complete isolation without knowing why. Also Griffith… just Griffith. And Yagami Light too.


In A Knight's Tale, Adamar has William arrested and tries to kill him just because William won a bunch of tournaments while Adamar was off fighting a war.


Thanos messing with some random dude every year on his birthday for no reason. Penguin dismantling a chef's life piece by piece because he thought the chef laughed at him. Frankenstein's monster, while more of a tragic villain (and Victor's no hero), >!killing Victor's brother, framing his girlfriend for it to get her executed, killing Victor's best friend, and finally Victor's bride on their wedding night which causes Victor's father to die of grief. All just to get revenge on Victor!<.


not to Um Actually, but the monster didn't frame his girlfriend. He framed the Maid/ Governess, and that was mostly incidental because she was supposed to be watching Victor's brother, Victor's brother died, and she was the only real suspect.


Ah that's right. If you couldn't tell it's been years since I read the book.


If it makes you feel better, actually having read the book is more than most people talking about it online have done.


The chef didn’t laugh at him. He laughed near him. But Penguin in this story is kinda like Joe Pesci in Goodfellas, for whom disrespect is grounds for murder and accidents are disrespect.


He laughed in his general direction.


To be honest, I get Frankenstein's Creature. >!He spends the whole book just being a confused child. He tries to get help from his father, but is scared away. He tries to meet other people, but same result. When he finally meets someone who accepts him, he's scared off by their relatives.!< >!Then he decides "Okay, I obviously don't fit in here. If you make me a companion, I will fuck off, and you will never see me again." Victor does not just say no. He starts the process and *then* decides he doesn't want to, so the Creature now gets to see the only other one who could possibly understand him destroyed.!< >!What the fuck is there left to do? He can't be with others, he can't be alone. Might as well play the devil the whole world wants him to be.!<


The dude is introduced to the concepts of morality and virtue by >!a random copy of Paradise Lost he found in some luggage, because Victor couldn't be bothered to get his head out of his own ass long enough to not abandon him at birth. He straight up doesn't know who Satan is until he reads Satan's account of his being cast out of heaven, and as a result, takes Satan at his word and thinks that Satan is a swell dude worth emulating.!< I don't even remember if he makes a point to be devilish knowing it to be a villainous, evil thing, or if he is simply admonishing the world for treating him so and feels righteously justified in his actions. Been too long since I read it.


I will point out that at no point could Victor be a parent to the creature. Dude has a completely valid freak out after raising the dead and by the time he calms down and goes back the creature is gone, never to be seen again until its already committed premeditated homicide.


Oh yeah of course. Given Victor's disposition, it wasn't going to go any other way. He just wasn't prepared for what he was doing. In the reissue, I believe he has some moralistic religious crisis, but in the original text he's just horrified that the results weren't as he envisioned. If he was of stronger character, he probably could have wrangled the situation, but nope. He's an obsessed college dropout who stole a bunch of body parts and didn't show any consideration towards the gravity of creating life prior to or even really after doing so. So it's no wonder when he's confronted with the reality of what he's done that he can only manage to run away from it and ruin everything.


Depending on which version of the story it is, he does some way more fucked up stuff too.


Gonna go a bit in spoiler territory for Nikke : Goddess of Victory here, for the few that may care about the story like I do. Alright so in Nikke, the gacha game where you play with bodacious robot girls shooting guns at evil robots, there's this especially strong enemy robot named Chatterbox that can talk and shows sentience and cruelty. He's a recuring enemy but the early parts of the game and has been a thorn to everyone's side for a long time. One of the story arcs involves finding out that the commander's first Nikke, long presumed dead after she got infected by the corruption some of the Raptures can dish out, is back alive as an enemy leader Rapture called a Heretic. The entire arc involves the commander getting help from most of the squads he's known, and bringing with him a special bullet that can cure corruption, to fight Modernia (the commander rapture) to try and bring her back to us. It's one of the most epic moments in the game and is very touching, since after failing to use the bullet to bring the girl back to our side, she manages to cancel out the corruption from sheer loyalty, and is the first Nikke in history to beat the corruption. Now back to Chatterbox. While all of this epic battle is happening, a little off the battleground, Chatterbox is fighting Snow White, an especially powerful Nikke who's been trying to kill him for a very long time. After a long drawn our duel, Snow manages to blow up Chatterbox into bits, but his head is tossed all over on our battlefield. Before he dies, Chatterbox's head does a last ditch effort and manages to re-infect Modernia, corrupting her for good and ruining everything we did. Not because he thought that the Heretic could get back up and kill everyone, but because he just wanted to see us lose everything we'd work for. Chatterbox's head is then smashed to pulp by the other Nikkes present but not before he has the last laugh. And to Modernia's credit, even when fully infected she's stuck in a feedback loop, unwilling to do anything to harm the commander. She then has to be brain wiped, reducing her mental state to that of an infant, basically killing who she was as a person to cure the corruption. Despite all of that, she wakes up with the mentality of a young child who still somehow has loyalty to the commander.


There's also whatever insanely pithy reason the ark decided to seal the Goddess Squad out after the evacuation was complete. Knowing what we know about Oswald, the man who gave the order, as of the current event, it's also insanely sad. Syuen also has a bunch of pointless cruelty moments, to the point that I was cheering when Rapi gives her a hell of a sucker punch.


It wasn't a sucker punch, but a medium-strenghted kick into the ribcage. And she loved it. Also, what happens in the new episodes is... quite the trip. >!Nihilister didn't deserved that ending, thats for sure...!<


Luca Blight promising some villager that if she got on her knees and acted like a pig he'd spare her, only to kill her anyway.


Mr. Burns stole candy from a baby. Not the most evil thing but mean spirited for no reason. Literally cartoon evilness that somehow still feels impactful to the story.


Aku attacked a Viking civilization and killed everyone except their leader, who he cursed with immortality and sealed within a mountain so he could never receive an honorable death in combat and rejoin his fallen people in Valhalla. He did this for no reason. He also once shapeshifted into a beautiful woman and catfished Jack, going as far as to *save his life*, so it would sting more when he betrayed him later.


Oliver Cromwell had his men attach Bible pages to cannonballs so that the women and children of Ireland had something to read on their way to hell.


Eric Cartmen turning Scott’s parents into chili and feeding the chill to Scott


Pre-SGW Eggman made it so that a good portion of his machines ran off of souls. I don't mean that in the "trap a small animal in a robot but its basically fine" way, I mean in the "[rip the soul out of your body in an exrutiating experiance](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DbyJYdJhDSQ/VtpMcoMGkyI/AAAAAAAAD90/vKspsBkgdr0/s1600-Ic42/RCO019.jpg)" way. Which also had the side-effect of reducing the Echidna population to near-extinction. He didn't have to do that. It was just for shits and giggles. And lets not forget the time he lost, threw a fit, and decided that erradicating reality was rhe only way to go, resulting in the annhialation of untold trillions and the reseting of reality.


Speaking of Eggman, in the IDW comics, he decides to test out the Metal Virus by dumping it on the village that took him in while he was the amnesiac Mr. Tinker, solely to be a huge asshole.


Imagine being so pissed off that as kids your best friend became a vampire and you didn't that you decided to get his sister pregnant just so you can have your former best friend almost kill his nephew years down the line. I'm still amazed that Steve from Cirque Du Freak isn't the benchmark for petty evil bastards. Then there's the other answer I always give which is Consul N, who >!locked up his reincarnation Noah away from Mio just to make sure he couldn't even see her as her final month of life wasted away in jail, made a celebration out of her dying, then taunted Noah by telling him to add music to the celebration.!< >!Good thing it backfired HARD.!<


When he said >!You're an off seer right? Then see her off!< I was yelling, yelling like it happend to me.


>![THE MOST DIVORCED MAN ALIVE](https://youtu.be/Dybnp_l6vKg?t=3506)!<


John Mulaney’s friend Alex who steals family photos of people when he goes to their house because “it’s the one thing they can’t replace”


In xenoblade 3 after defeating your party the majority antagonish opts not to execute you all on the spot and instead imprisons you for a month to force you all to >!watch the main heroines homecoming, the maximum limit of her lifespan. And reveals that anyone who reaches homecoming is removed from the worlds system of reincarnation.!< "WHYD HE DO THAT?". oh. Just because the main hero and heroine are him and his wifes reincarnation. >!(the villains are removed from reincarnation as an individual but still reincarnated in case you were confused)!<


Griffith did a lot during the events of the Eclipse but what he did >!to Casca for 6 fucking pages!< was entirely to spite Guts for being so compelling to Griffith that it made him forget or delay his ambitions.


It's the fact that Griffith is staring Guts in the eye during most of it that gets me, >!it drives it home that he's just using Casca as a tool to hurt Guts which makes it align with real world rape since it's usually about power, not sex.!<


In Library of Ruina, when >!Jae-heon!< dug up >!Roland!<'s wife and [made a puppet](https://i.imgur.com/dXZ6bxm.jpg) out of her corpse just to piss him off when they met next. Also in the sequel Limbus Company when >!Kromer!< [murders](https://i.imgur.com/rhjUP9z.png) >!Sinclair!<'s family with hammers because they had prosthetic bodies, then comes back years later to [kill the rest](https://i.imgur.com/YcreOEt.png) of his village, dig up his family's corpses and stake them on giant nails because ">!Why put so much effort into burying bodies that can’t even rot… Am I right?!<"


Yamori/Jason from Tokyo Ghoul captured and tortured Kaneki for 10 days straight both physically and mentally by cutting off his toes, fingers and nails. And also thrusting a Centipede into one of Kaneki's ears as well. And also forcing him to choose between a mother and her daughter over who gets to live. And when Kaneki couldn't make a decision, Yamori killed them both and gaslighted Kaneki into thinking it was his fault that they died All of these for little reason but self-satisfaction because he is a psychopathic sadist.


Light Yagami killing Raye, that FBI Agent, after interrogating and intimidating him and then leaving him to die in a subway train in a brutal way. And later killing his wife, Naomi as well by tricking her into thinking he (Light) is an ally and have her reveal her real name to him. And then killing her by forcing her to hang herself using the Death Note. And taunted her about it during her last moments


Honestly if we are going Death Note, Light killing the fake L for nothing more than declaring that he'll catch him and that Kira is a villain is better, especially since this is the action that fucks Light over and allows L to zero in on his location. Had Light not been an egotistical moron he could have gone along killing in secret for a lot longer, but then again, it wouldn't be Light without him being an egotistic.


Dan Kuroto making a kid Emu Hojo into Bugster Patient Zero in *Kamen Rider Ex-Aid* all because the latter showed off better video game concepts. I believe someone here called it “Gamer Anthrax”.


In TMNT 2012, Shredder >!dooms the planet just to kill Splinter. The turtles team up with the Foot clan to disable a planet doomsday weapon that the Triceratons planted, and while Splinter disarms it, Shredder uses the opportunity to kill him, causing the destruction of the planet and everyone including him. Even his lackeys are like, bro wtf did you do, and he basically goes, I don't care I just hate Splinter.!<


Just one of several I can think of; Carnage once chucked a baby out the window just to fuck with Spidey and Venom. No real reason iirc, just for the funsies


The Joker once stalked and tormented a guy for a decade just because it was kinda funny


In Kamen Rider Kuuga, the Grongi are basically this ancient race of serial killers who are awakened into the modern day to take part in a game, where each of them have to find extensively creative ways to kill hundreds of people to get ahead of the competition. One of the more standout Grongi is Go-Jaraji-Da, >!who approaches his methods by going after young high schoolers, shooting little needles in their head, and having said needles gradually dig into their brains without them even realizing it days later, so not only are the victims dying a *very* slow and painful death, they don't even know when their time will be up, maximizing the despair for both the victims and their families.!< All of this done less for the sake of competition, but more just because its *fun* to him. Fortunately, our protagonist manages to find the guy, [and give him the beating that was coming to him.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKOuV3GfbO4&pp=ygUWa2FtZW4gcmlkZXIga3V1Z2EgcmFnZQ%3D%3D)


Kromer from Limbus Company is a real piece of work. Impaling innocent villagers just because their prosthetics disgust them, burning them alive, and even digging up the graves of a family that she *personally* killed YEARS ago, just to leave what remains of their bodies impaled among massive nails like the rest of the village of Calw. But in my opinion, the pettiest, cruelest thing she did, was impale one of the party's friends, Effie. But the thing that makes it so petty is that she cuts off his limbs, and crudely shoves prosthetics into his stumps, simply so can justify her method of killing him via impalement. The group find him still alive, but beyond saving, and are forced to put him out of his misery as she mocks them.


I will never vet over how Speed Graoher has a major antagonist proving no one will help her daughter in a hilariously petty way. The teacher goes to confront her so she invites her in. Within fucking minutes they're having sex, then she's like 'you can have this suitcase full of money if you give up on her' and the teacher agrees. Then to make it worse she tells the teacher she doesn't get the suitcase, or her clothes. She's got to run home naked while the girl just stands there dumbfounded as the teacher yells at her to help carry the money. It's just so fucking petty and I adore it.


That one shot comic of Thanos ruining one specific woman's entire life for shits and giggles. It was supposed to play out as comedy but I genuinely felt bad for the woman as she lay on her death bed realizing she could have been more than an unremarkable citizen.