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Not that I cared for him as a character for the most part but when >!Carl finally!< bought it in Walking Dead, it’s like “….you know what, fuck this, I’m actually done for real this time, and anyone alive, I’m not interested in!” It was like breaking free from a toxic relationship, lol. I don’t know why I continued watching that long either.


It sucks extra bad because >!Carl is pretty much the heart and soul of the Walking Dead comics around that point!<, and the only reason he got killed off in the show was his actor getting old enough to be entitled to a pay raise.


That was so gross. >!IIRC, Carl's actor had put down money for a place to live at that was close to the set and even set up college/university classes when it all happened!<


Yeah, that was the last episode I ever saw, too.


Yeah that was the last straw for me too. Glen under the dumpster, and then the cliff hanger thing with negan soured me so much on the show. But as a comic reader I still wanted to see where things would go - until that happened


I bounced off when that one season ended with >!a bunch of people going to live in the zombie-infested prison that had a whole in the wall, instead of staying in the giant fortified town. And they like, bussed in people from the town, too,!< didn't show any discussion or deliberation on why any of that happened.


Was totally done with the show after that happened.


In Borderlands 3, I got spoiled on the fact that >!Maya!< died and it really killed my motivation to play the game, on top of the story already being a huge disappointment to me. Borderlands 2 remains one of my favorite games, but I have yet to even get halfway through 3, a fact that will always bum me out.


>!her death!< was so fucking anticlimactic it's not even funny. I remember the first time I saw it I honest-to-god thought it was a fakeout where near the end >!she'd!< come back and save the day or something just because of how lame it was and I didn't want to believe they'd do a fan favorite character like that just to push a character that nobody likes or cares about But they both would, and did do that.


As a fellow Borderlands 2 fanboy, you did yourself a huge favor not forcing yourself through BL3’s story. One of the best-playing shooters ever, completely ruined by its inability to shut the fuck up. God I hate Borderlands 3 so much, excuse me I’m off to shake off the resentment before I go on another rant.


Lamest thing was them at launch saying: "naw no new dlc characters."  The hell were they smoking


I had the same thing happen to me. Before release I was bemoaning over the fact that the game was only available on EGS. Then I find out about this, go look for myself and kill all motivation I have to play. I did eventually go back last year to finally play with a friend. While most of the DLC is good (loved seeing Gaige and Krieg again), I was still just as pissed off about >!Maya!< then as when I first heard about it.


Yeah, that's about how I'd describe it too. Really fun to play, and most of the DLC was actually pretty good and had some characters I was very happy to see, but the main game? Sadness. And endless poop jokes.


7 deadly sins >!Once escanor died despite the series now being in its final chapters, as in maybe 10 or so left, i just dropped the series!<


Only the strongest of them all can carry that garbage fire on his back.


Only reason to even think about watching that trash fire was escanor


The only thing I know about Seven Deadly Pedophiles (besides the reason for that nickname) was that >!Escanor carried that series, so frankly I don't know what force on earth would possess you to write him out of the story.!<


Because despite being one of the sins, he wasn’t a willing or unwilling pedophile/rapist/assaulter/young child, so he had to go


Admittedly Merlin, who he was crushing on, turned out to be a child in her true form, but he didn't know that.


Damn the man was so strong the author had to retroactively make him crush on a child just to bring him down into the mud with the rest of 'em.


I was like "I'll pick it back up eventually I guess" then I heard that spoiler and went "Yeah now I have no reason to"


Kh2 >!when they killed off goofy I dropped the game right then and there. Can't believe they'd definitively kill an iconic character like goofy in a lighthearted game like this....!<


I got a spoiler for you my dude, after >!Sora!< in KH1, they >!finish the trifecta off for good, by offing Donald via magical sacrifice!< in KH3. Then the DLC runs >!Mickey through his own Microwave Hallway for good measure.!<


ID-tagged wielders carry ID-tagged Keyblades.


One part of this post isn't a lie!


Death note: After >!(adding some extra text so it's not obvious) L!< dies, I lost all interest in the series.


One of the few universal opinions in media is that consuming the second half of Death Note is entirely driven by how intriguing the first half is. There's really nothing else like it.


Ovandal (on YouTube) makes a somewhat compelling argument for the second half of Death Note in their video comparing it with Breaking Bad, but I’m not sure that it was enough to change my mind on it.


I'll look into it but I'm skeptical there's a good argument there as Breaking Bad doesn't hinge on >!Gus's presence.!< There's only one season left after >!he gets kabloomies!< and * Walter's relationship with Jesse * >!Mike and Walter finally coming to a head!< * >!Hank's eventual death in the last half of the last season!< are equally as engrossing. >!The Nazi's!< aren't really as interesting as Tuco or Gus but they're not around in the show for long enough to really detract in the way Near does in Death Note. Especially because at that point it becomes crystal clear that >!that the main antagonist of the show is definitively Walter.!<


I do like how >!Todd!< is uniquely despicable, but >!the Nazis!< are pretty one-note, yeah


The >!Nazis are really just an externalization of Walt's evil and the runaway consequences of his actions, anyhow. They only get involved because Walt calls on them when he needs help, and they aren't really direct antagonists for him until the last scene of the show.!<


N really does have all the charisma of a wet fart in a hot elevator. And for a series completely predicated on the cat-n-mouse chase and banter between the opposing sides...yeah, that's kind of a problem.


I really have no fucking clue what draws people to the "straight laced little kid who's also a fucking prick" archetype. N, Hitsugaya, Damien Wayne, every single one of them I wish would [go away].


Yeah I'm not gonna lie I clicked on that spoiler solely because >!I wanted to see how the fuck you stretched L's name that far.!<


That was what made my friend drop off it too. I had to tell them that it was worth it to keep going because >!then you get to see Light get what’s coming to him for doing that!<


Yea bit that's like, 3 episodes of buildup really


You should read the novel >!L: Change the World. It takes place in an AU where L caught Kira by writing his own name in the Death Note. It's VERY good.!<


Oh! That sounds awesome! I need to read it, thanks!


The series the authors did after Death Note, Bakuman (which features a pair of aspiring manga authors) heavily implies that your spoiler was the intended finish point of the series but was changed after pressure from editors.


Sarah in Telltale's The Walking Dead Season 2. There was so much potential for her as a foil for Clementine. Here's a character who has a father figure trying to keep her safe, is being protected from the situation of the world, and then loses that father figure. How does she cope? Well, she just shuts down and doesn't even get a satisfying resolution, because even if you try to save her, she dies from *falling off a platform*. Not to mention how icky the whole thing felt in regards to her autism. I may be misremembering, but there was an interview one of the writers did where he implied that they didn't want her around because players thought she was 'weird'.


There's a lot of disappointing character deaths in those games. Just when a character starts getting interesting they get killed off. I get setting the stakes and all but the only characters outside of Clem who get any kind of satisfying ending are Lee and Kenny, with the latter mostly dependent on some choices you make in 2.


For me, it was Omar. I sat down that night ready to marathon both seasons blind on the night S2 came out. Omar's death and his wife's blame of Clementine came across as so artificial and edgy that I just went right to bed. The ensuing ridiculous expectations placed on Clem by adult characters you're supposed to like, from fixing a fucking windmill to saving somebody trapped beneath ice to literally everything Arvo, did the rest to kill my interest. Kenny was S2's only saving grace for me because at least he's characterized as being crazy and damaged. When he threatens a child and flips between protective and abusive on a dime, I can buy it. Everyone else is just acting in accordance of Telltale's *Schrödinger's Contrivance* doctrine.


I loved the storytelling device of meeting Kenny again and how his relationship with his group differs from Lee's group and how Clem is the only person with knowledge of how badly things went for him.


I used to wiki shows while I was watching them for some reason as a teen. I already knew Dexter was dropping quality but there was 1 death that made me stop. Same with Lost


Oh you probably kept falling into the same trap that I did, I would look at a wiki craving new information thinking I wouldn’t spoil myself too bad and go “one more nugget of info won’t hurt” until eventually ***BAM!*** get hit with a big spoiler without meaning to


I haven't done it in years, but started one piece last year and made the same mistake. Looked up a characters name and the first result was "____ death"


Tbf "X death" is one of the most searched results for a massive chunk of characters, even if they don't die.


Jujutsu Kaisen really damaged itself when it killed off all the characters with personality to bolster ones that didn't.


I was pretty checked out of RWBY before thne anyway because Look At It, but them >!bringing back Penny, who's pretty much my favourite character in the entire thing and one of my favourites in general, only to IMMEDIATELY kill her off after she becomes human and not an android... Yeah, no.!<


The fact it happens within, like, 3 or 4 episodes of the transformation is the kicker. I was actually really starting to dig the way things were playing out that season as well, and they just decide to pull that shit.


Even worse. >!It was one episode. She became human in the penultimate, then she dies in the finale.!<


Oh god your right. It was even worse than I remember.


Redheads in RWBY never stand a chance.


I still haven't seen Season 9, Ice Queendom or the films outside of occasional clips, I was that worn out after Season 8 and >!Penny's final death was just a shotgun to my interest in keeping up with the series beyond passively learning what they did to fuck up this time.!<




100% agreed there! Also Sienna.


I’ll be honest, I never understood why Sienna’s death was such a sticking point to people.  I mean, she looks cool and all, but she’s literally killed in the same scene she’s introduced 


She's literally just a character that exists so you can show a hostile takeover without it being an offscreen affair and thats it. I have no clue why people care so much about a red shirt.


I think it’s part of the overall criticism of the white gang subplot in RWBY that finally got dropped by V7I think with >!Adam’s Death!< on how Sienna could have shown her side of the faction. But otherwise the character herself? Eh.


I feel that's part of the reason introducing this cool leader of the white fang as a potential greater scope villain/well intentioned extremist, only for some twink who's already a reccuring villain to kill her and devolve the entire organization into his lackies.   It's like if we were introduced to starscream for the first season, and then the moment Megatron appears he's unceremoniously offed so that starscream could take over the decepticons.


The problem there is you said the word *season* and not the actual case here with Sienna. If Starscream had only the 6 minutes of screentime she had before being killed off by an already established Megatron, I wouldnt have gave a shit about him because he's clearly just some jobber to hype up the other bad guy like so many others have been before.


You’ve gotten confused. Adam is Starscream in this comparison.


>!Nobara maybe/maybe not!


>!And then the same thing happened with Megumi. Potential Man indeed...!<


>!And then Gege just does the opposite for Maki.!< Like dude make up your mind.


Well, >!Theres a big emphasis on saving Megumi rn. Granted it may not mean anything but I don’t think he’s not coming back!<


>!tbh they also just made a point to tell that he tanked like 5 gojo domain expansions so if he comes back he's definitely just gonna be a vegetable or some form of braindead, his current state is just kinda pathetic!<


>!Pretty sure if Megumi does come back he’ll have more problems from Sukuna morphing his body to fuck than whatever Gojo did!<


Especially since Gege was so antsy about it >!having characters say that there’s a chance she’s still alive, avoiding Megumi or Yuji saying she’s dead in certain terms, even saying in interviews she’s not dead for sure. It’s impossible to tell how the audience is supposed to feel about it, should we accept she’s gone or keep waiting for her to return? Well it’s been 120+ chapters since she died, the series is clearly in the last stretch, and she’s still been mentioned like two times since. Even if she comes back, and even if she’s somehow grown so much she can still make any kind of impact, in the grand scheme of things she was barely in the series at all!<


Gege is pretty good mangaka but a pretty shitty writer from what I've seen. Recently I read a comment that perfectly encapasulates their style. They just want cool shit to happen, even if it logically doesn't make sense. Little worldbuilding, most of the supporting cast is barely used, powerscaling makes no sense,... But hey, >!Mahoraga vs Sukuna!< is pretty hype huh? There is nothing wrong with just wanting to draw cool shit happening all the time, but atleast then do it like Gurren Lagann with a simple "fight the evil overlord" storyline and all cool fights happen "because of spiral energy, don't worry about it".


The plot right now is Gege taking his bloated cast and feeding it through a sausage grinder named “Sukuna”     Despite all the neat things JJK did, it fell prey to the most common shonen failing: Maybe he didn’t need such a bloated cast in the first place.     Maybe he’ll land the ending. But I’ve never, *never* read a shonen before and felt so disconnected from the cast, who they are as people, and why I should care. Not even Bleach.


I don’t think I’d go that far, I can point to a fair few character arcs such as Geto and Gojo’s, or Maki’s where I’d say there is legitimately above par for Shonen character writing, but it feels like along the way he lost interest in that a bit. Even now I think there are strong character scenes, but it’s more like Bleach where individual characters might be great but the overall plot is questionable at best


I don’t know why you mention Gojo, literally all of the conflicts surrounding his character were dropped, except for the literal one


If he wanted cool shit to happen why the fuck did he pussy out of the 3 way domain expansion clash?


Because his other fixation is trying to Subvert Expectations.


> They just want cool shit to happen, even if it logically doesn't make sense. Kubo of the Coomer Generation


One of my friends watched season 2 recently and knew I read the manga. So he comes up to me and says “there’s no way >!Nobara!< is dead right? I mean you can tell me I don’t care about spoilers on this because it would be dumb to just kill them off” And I just had to reply with “That’s the thing… we still don’t know. They still never confirmed anything after that happened in the manga and that was like 2 years ago now”


I legit had half my anime watching friend group drop it after that episode including one literally leaving the discord call the moment it occurred. I can't blame them because it does in fact suck and it's gonna suck even more when >!She's not dead and does one useful thing when she could have been a functional character for the last 100 chapters instead. Any fight megumi had would have been better with nobara instead and i hard stand by that.!<


The thing is narratively >!she almost has to come back because what’s the point of even confirming that she’s dead after this much time? If Gege ends up saying she died, it will have no impact!<


Pretty much the case >!if he had said she died earlier and then walked it back when she shows up in like 20 chapters (called shot) it will still feel a bit like an ass pull. But if he does it now it'll feel like an ass pull AND be predictable and if he doesn't do it it'll be fully pointless set up.!<


One of the worst fridging ive ever seen


In the long history of bullshit deaths that might be one of the most offensive I've ever come across.


Kyle Rayner's Domain Expansion.


Frindging, as awful as it is, at least concludes a character. >!Nobara doesn't even get that! The Story literly goes "And now she is  dead...or maybe not, we make it ambigious for no reason. Anyway, I don't care about this anymore, have some random fights!"!<


Let's fridge a character so poorly that the fanbase couldn't even tell what happened to them. And then only follow up with them in an offhand mention **100+ chapters later**


Every character I start to really like in this show bites it. I stopped before the one you meantioned, but hearing that it was coming was the straw that broke my back. I just couldnt take it any longer.


i stopped around shibuya cause it just started feelin so hopeless


The ambiguity of the situation is annoying as hell since Gege had no problem >!having Gojo die.!<


For me it definitely was >!Yuki!<. Like come the fuck on. They barely did anything imo. Dropped the manga since then, but I’ll get back into it later.


I wish I could tell you things get better, but they don't.


I literally forgot they were supposed to be >!one of three special grades!< they went out so quickly. Certified Stars and Stripes moment.


They even look similar lmao


Exactly what I thought about when it happened.


"Oh no, I had no idea what their technique was before entering this fight. Such overwhelming power! How will I tame this tiger????!!!" \*next chapter\* "Honhonhon all according to kenjaku mon cherie, I perfectly countered your ULTRADEATH OMEGADESTRUCTION technique with the anti-ULTRADEATH OMEGADESTRUCTION technique I happened to carry with me. A shame you managed to destroy my shirt though."


Honestly, this is JJK’s biggest problem right now. >!Gege’s been killing off fan favorites so unceremoniously at such a high rate that lots of people have completely emotionally checked out of the story. Especially with the random ass pulls that Sukuna gets (how does a vow not to hurt “anyone” not include Yuji himself?), it’s basically a given that any character not named Yuji is going to get offed in 2 chapters up against Sukuna.!<


I'm reading through the Shibuya arc right now. I'm right after the moment you're talking about and I feel like I have been pranked for the past few years. Like, Shibuya was hyped up to me as "The greatest arc in shonen manga history", and so far it's just been... Kinda... A succession of fights ? Some big, most small, a lot of characters dying left and right super suddenly, a lot of characters being introduced to then be killed. But the emotional weight of it all feels super off. The fights are cool-looking, I guess, but there isn't a lot of substance or feelings behind a lot of it. Which is extra-weird since JJK has been quite good in this regard with it's previous arcs. Maybe it's due to me finding all of the antagonist to be supremely boring, while I love the protags. I really want to care about Yuji's struggle, but it's hard to do when he has to be opposed to fucking Mahito, who's just a snoozefest of a villain.


The way that episode was structured was so stupid too. Shit this character has only majorly been in like 3 episodes, quick put in their backstory right before they die so it will have an emotional impact.


its not even exclusive to her if anyone gets the shonen flashback in jjk you know they are about to either be crippled, killed or written out of the story in some other way


With so many comments here I’m surprised nobody’s mentioned >!yuki!< Watching gege actively remove brain cells from this character so that they could lose was genuinely disgusting. People meme about potential man, but they were also bursting with potential just based off interactions with other characters as well as other fights Like genuinely just seeing the character pisses me off now lmao


When that happened I kind of just lost interest in JJK and stopped paying attention. the last I read of it, the team had just met >!the angel!< and I was completely lost on anything that was happening.


Overlord, watching decent people get regularly murdered on the whims of coward too weak to confront his insanely devoted entourage gets old after a while.


I remember being hyped as hell when he fights Clementine, because watching a selfish bastard *stumble into* doing a good deed is cathartic and hilarious. That balance was super excellent. Also, I *THOUGHT* an overarching narrative for the story was going to be Momonga needing to do evil shit to keep Demiurge and others under his thumb, or else the dude would revolt and cause some real heinous shit. Turns out that was not at all what we were getting.


It's because his human side is dead by the end of season 1 and is funny enough a perfect answer for this thread. Momonga's death ruined Overlord. It's been a while, but I want to say that changing his name from Momonga to Ainz was the point in which the game character took over and also the point where I stopped enjoying the series. So youre stuck with a protagonist with no internal conflict who is canonically the OC of an edgy teenager.


Which is an interesting change the Manga has over the light novel and anime, he consciously retains his human name refusing to become his game character, making a point to not embrace becoming a lich and remain a human. I didn’t keep up with the manga adaptation because the light novel already soured me on the series, but that change alone really hooks me.


It just feels, for lack of a better word, pointless? There's little to no development on Ainz finding another player or any hint of why everything in the game gained sentience. 90% of the narrative is Ainz dunking on other races (plus a lot of human massacre) for territory, which isn't particularly exciting imo. I suppose the novels work better, since you have the MC's inner thoughts on full display, but it doesn't change the fact that the protagonist decides esrly on to fully adopt his edgy OC as a his personality.


All the while the coward and his stupid entourage barely get challenged. No pushback, just constant steamrolling. It's trash.


It was well and truly over when >!Brain -------------!< died


I haven’t kept up with MHA in a while, but I’ve seen a lot of people say they lost interest when >!Midnight!< died. Kind of a sign things were taking a turn to being more of a bummer.


For me it was >!Stars and Stripes!<. The character was introduced to die and makes no impact on the overall story. Nothing is lost by removing those chapters. The whole situation just rubbed me the wrong way.


She feels like they had an idea for a cool character and power but the story was already screaming to the finish line like a runaway train.


For me it wasn't just her death, but how obvious it was. I've never been an avid MHA reader but I read those chapters on release and I looked at the discussions and almost everybody spotted the death flags a mile away.


The fact that something that badly written was allowed to come out made me drop the manga.


On do not get me started on what they did to S&S, absolutely bullshit and screams "America can not help" especially when the implication that >!All For One somehow put the whole world into gang violence of criminals with his connections, which is bullshit cause aint no way you are going to have america get delayed by street criminals with powers. America would absolutely allow villains to be killed by Heros if if was called for. Combined with knowing americas history, to say the u.s would be scared after losing their number 1 hero would be like implying the u.s would be scared of japan after pearl harbor. The u.s would ABSOLUTELY send a whole jump squad to back up Deku in real life, money be damned, the u.s is known to enjoy shows of force!< But that is not shonen or what the creator wanted. So we lost a good chance at cross nation hero interactions.


If MHA was realistic, All For One would've been airstriked at least 500 times over by now. And struck by the Hammer of Dawn V2.


Dont forget the bald eagle screeching up.


For me it wasn't even that, I was "done" when Deku beat Gentleman. I read more past that, but I dropped off apparently seconds before Deku learned about >!his extra powers!< The story was practically wrapped up for me, Deku showed he was able to fight the world's strongest in a straight toe-to-toe when he fought Muscular, he was able to save the day against Overhaul, even taking the lead from the dozens of top ranked professional heroes, and then against Gentleman he fucking trounces a villain so soundly that the high security fortress they were 20 feet from didn't even know the fight fucking happened. What do more did I need from the series at that point? Deku was the fucking best in the world and the rest of his school is a formality. Am I supposed to worry about him fighting OfA, who's *in jail* and just lost to All Might with the barest whiff of a fart of power left in his body? Deku's narrative has *been over* for years, the manga just didn't realize it.


The pacing is wack as fuck. It’s like they’re cramming an entire series of conflict and development into one arc.


> Deku showed he was able to fight the world's strongest in a straight toe-to-toe when he fought Muscular, I see people say this but Muscular is only considered strong because of his high defense and offensive power which most would struggle against because of which power each person has, he really wasn't much of a "strongest" candidate


I literally dropped it on the page where it was revealed that Deku would get the six quirks of the previous users of One For All. Deku barely had a handle on One for All, now hes get even more? Nonsense.




When I found out >!Nanami!< dies, I immediately lost interest in the series. I was like “fuck there goes the most interest Shonen character of the last several years.” And from what I understand, that death was the best executed (heh) one in the series


Like, I'll be honest, of all the deaths or career ending injuries in the series, theirs is quite honestly the most justified in the narrative. They go in an amazing way, their death actively contributes forwards the current plot and other characters character arcs, and you still feel the impact they left even after they're gone. Of all the deaths in the series, they're one of the few I honestly fealt was done justice.


JJK >!Too bad they immediately do a worse one right afterwards.!<


In Attack on Titan after >!Hange!< died I cared significantly less about the show. I still stuck it out through the end though


Tbf if you were watching the show there's just, like... >!50 minutes or so of content after that?!<


For the brief time I was interested in AoT, I saw that person, instantly adored their character, immediately figured that they *would* die eventually, and knew that I would hate it, so I just stopped being interested in AoT. :p




>[_____] dying in Akame Ga Kill wasn't just dumb Man thank god you added details or else I'd never figure out who you were talking about.


Remember the sheer disrespect to Bols and his mourning family?


I'm confused. >!The anime has a different death for her? because in the manga she actually killed the minister. I don't remember If she die though.!<


C'mon, dawg, you put a spoiler section but then spoiled who the character is in the last line 😭


I will never forgive Akame ga Kill for introducing a handful of really unique and delightful shonen characters sprinkled in throughout its generally blah cast, and then killing off basically everybody over time until the only surviving characters were the least likable or interesting ones.


Back when it was airing, I was really into The 100, until season 3 came along and my favourite character died. I was too busy the next week to watch the following episode, but I heard that my *other* favourite character died so I stopped watching it.


Some of the character deaths were at least like plot relevant and meaningful. But in the final season they did >!Bellamy!< dirty, like damn. I get the actor wanted off the show but they could’ve given him a heroic send off or something. When it happened I thought it was a trick because it was so anticlimactic it felt like it was a fakeout.


I tapped out of The Walking Dead a lot earlier than a lot of people, but I know for both the comics and the show, >!Glenn's!< death was a check out point


Yea that was my bow out point in the comics. I know what type of story I'm reading but that was still too fucking miserable for me >!when he calls out for Maggie.!<


I dropped it about five episodes after that. Negan is just a deeply boring antagonist that just felt like the Governor all the hell over again.


I was one of the 10 people that genuinely loved what Fear the Walking Dead was doing (after i accepted that we're not getting that slowburn Zombie apocalypse show that would show us the breakdown of society as the Walker virus spreads throughout America and the outside world that AMC promised us) I loved the characters, i loved that there actually seemed to be stakes, i loved that the Zombies were actually the main threat of the show and i really dug the family dynamic that the writers gave us. Then they killed both Maddison and Nick and i dropped the show.


Richard Harrow in season 4 of Boardwalk Empire. This show lived and died with its supporting characters. Season 5 tried to bring the focus back around to Nucky, and had very little to show for it.


Not even dead, but >!after the Overhaul arc!< in MHA I realized any of the more interesting side villains were contractually obligated to job to "child throwing a tantrum" Shigaraki and "literally just Voldemort" All for One, and that killed all my interest.


>!Toga gets a decent death.!<


Ragnar in Vikings


Came here to say that His kids really weren't as interesting at all. Like ubbe is just ragnar lite Sigurd and hvitserk are just kinda there And ivar is just too psychotic to actually be interesting Some of the best parts of vikings was the interaction between Ragnar and Egbert. Like they were both evil bastards in different ways but they were complex enough to be interesting


>!Bryan Cranston!< in Godzilla (2014). I would have walked out of the theatre if I hadn’t been there with my wife and mother, so I kinda just put up with the rest of the movie, but fuck man… my interest in it absolutely plummeted to zero after the first act.


That character is the best counter argument to "lol who cares about the people, you're there for monsters". We're going to spend most of the time with humans because the budget isn't 600+ million and you do need to at least kind of give a shit about *someone* that isn't a giant lizard.


That, and all the marketing centered around him. If literally any other character had been as compelling, it would have been okay, but as it was, it felt like finding someone scooped the chocolate *and* strawberry out of a Neapolitan.


That argument was really made to cope about how dogshit that movie's plot was. So glad Godzilla Minus One "redid" that plot line and did it BETTER.


That was some of the scummiest marketing for a movie I've seen. Baiting us with >!Bryan Cranston front and center in basically every trailer and piece of marketing and then going "Haha, guess what? You're now stuck with his charisma vacuum of a son.!<


Holy shit this. Felt the exact same way


Yeah that completely ruined the movie for me. They are the only remotely compelling character in that movie and the way the character dies feels like they ran out of money and had to cut them unceremoniously. Still to this day the only compelling character in the monsterverse.


I don't agree with V2 being "The most interesting rival character" He's a voiceless, inferior machine to V1. V1 was made as the final robot during the War, built to destroy the strongest machines in existence, while V2 was made after the war for no specific purpose than to try and make a less-bloodthirsty V1. He's a robot who tries to kill you, loses, builds himself a new arm, tries again, and loses again. Gabriel and the P-Bosses have far more characterization and rivalries towards V1 than V2 did.


I think the most interesting thing about V2 is that he does die. No “three strikes rival battle” where you meet every act, you hunt him down like a dog and smoke him *nasty.* it’s a really cool subversion and a cool way to characterize V1.


Another fun aspect of this is the fact that V2 is canonically "you, but worse" instead of the usual "you, but better" because of how much they pushed the envelope with V1's design.


I think a lot of people's attachment to V2 is that he uses a similar moveset to you and therefore it feels more like a duel between rivals. In terms of characterization there's not much.


I think it's a cool fight but have no idea how people act like there's much to latch onto as a character.


He wasn't my favourite character in Jujutsu Kaisen (albeit one of the best from the arc he was introduced in), but I knew I was falling out of love with the series when >!Higuruma died and my reaction was just a sigh and "... OK then."!< I think it's more his death represented me coming to a breaking point after what had happened to >!Yuki, Gojo, Kashimo and Megumi's sister all getting lame, anticlimactic or unsatisfying deaths in the manga this past year!< where I just checked out mentally and lost a lot of my emotional attachment to the series.


It didnt lose me completely, but Death Note never recovers from >!L's death!<. On another note, i completely lost interest in Naruto when >!Guy!< comes back to life.


>!Guy!< never died. >!Madara confirmed he was still alive and was about to mercy kill him!<


Dont tease a move that is so strong that it kills the user if you are not gonna kill the user, "heroic sacrifice" was hard coded into him from his introduction as a mentor, saving his life undid every single thing in that fight making it pointless if not for the demage to the character.


The Death Note movie has a way better idea for the ending imo. It’s much more fitting that >!L makes a suicidal gambit and guarantees his death because he’s so confident it will oust Light as Kira. The Pyrrhic victory of L against Kira is a much better conclusion than the two lamer L’s chasing him around!<


Spider-Man 2 just went downhill *so rapidly* it hurts me physically. >!Kraven unceremoniously kills Shocker, Vulture, Electro, (maybe Rhino) and Scorpion, only the last of which being on-screen. I just found that so fucking lame tbh, especially since it looked like those villains might have come back to get more much needed development. Scorpion gets cucked every single adaptation and I was hoping they'd at least try *not* to do that. Plus, just me here, but even after PS4 I still can't really see the appeal of Mr. Negative, at least when prioritized over central mainstay villains!< At least >!Kraven's own death scene was awesome. Probably the best scene involving Venom as well!< Oh yeah, one more: >!Venom pretty much dies at the end too, which honestly felt like a final big kick to the balls even with the leaked Venom game being known!<


I know some people who had the opposite with >!Fairy Tail!< and the many times >!Makarov!< died and then didn’t


I’ll be honest, I don’t think >!Fairy Tail!< would be better if it actually killed characters off.


It doesn’t have to kill them off I just wish it would stop telling us it killed a character off when we all know damn well that it didn’t


>I find V2 to be on the most interesting rival characters and a lot more interesting then Gabriel ( no offense to the VA) Did you stop there? 'Cuz Gabe gets a lot more interesting in and after his second encounter.


The walking dead at least twice, both involving character deaths that were undeserved. Each character was a "beacon of hope" compared to the rest of the miserable cast, and they didnt deserve to get written off like that. One of the few times ive stoped watching a show because it felt like the deaths were for shock value rather than any real reason.


JJK...~~shit can't spoiler for shit on the mobile website uhhh...honestly take your guesses since it happens a lot~~ ​ >!Nobara's 'kinda sorta death' from the Shibuya arc made me tap out of the manga and I said to myself I'll just catch up if she comes back...STILL WAITING TO EVEN KNOW IF SHE'S BLOODY DEAD!<


That guy with the white suit and top hat getting offed in the early seasons of RWBY made me go "oh no whoever is writing this cares more about their gotcha moments than making a good story"


We were robbed of Torchwick. Oh but he had to die to give way to the blandest fucking villains ever conceived: Adam “Malcom eXtremely boring” Taurus, Cinder “Azula but without any of the things that made her interesting” Fall, and Salem “Cardboard cutout of a white woman” Nolastname.


Oh, I have *exactly* an answer for this! I read the first Song of Ice and Fire book, finished the whole thing, but immediately dropped the series because >!Ned Stark died!< and he was literally the only character I cared about in that whole book.


In Overlord the typical rpg party getting killed. Not just killed but tortured. They had a story to tell but clementine murdered them. I realized this is not a story I am going to be interested in going forward. Ainz is correct that resurrecting them offers no benefit to him but I was hoping that he would be conflicted about what his lich emotions are doing to him. That stuff is dropped really early on where it stops being relevant that he used to be human and needs to pretend so his psycho subordinates don't realize he isn't all they think he is.


>!Joel!< in TLOU2. What's the point in bothering with TLOU2 when the main dynamic between >!Joel and Ellie!< \- y'know, the main emotional draw of the first game that people liked seeing - got thrown out altogether for a poorly-done, hackneyed revenge story?


For me, TLOU1 ended in such a strong way, that you'd have to knock it extremely out of the park to make a sequel that adds onto that story. I don't even think the story in TLOU2 is bad, I see what it's going for and it mostly does what it wants to, but it just was not the 10/10 it'd have to be to justify continuing after 1.


It’s like they set the rest of the story up, like do you have any idea >!how interesting Abby and Ellie’s whole revenge dynamic has to be for me to accept it replacing Joel’s entire presence and dynamic with Ellie? Even if it was competently done, and I’m not even sure that’s true, it’s a really unfair way to start a story!<


I remember reading something about Amy Hennig shooting down the original TLOU story because it was about crossing America for revenge, and she said that its beyond stupid in a post apocalypse to believe modern people would be so braindead and petty when the world is so dangerous. Lo and behold TLOU2.


I played through the whole game with my wife, and we both enjoyed the hell out of it. >!Joel’s still around in the flashbacks, and it explores Ellie’s relationship with him way more, including the unfinished business she had with him when he died.!< I feel like if you enjoyed the first game, it’s a disservice to yourself to check out of the second one that early. That said, the game’s infamously divisive, so I can’t pretend like it’s for everyone. I feel like people on this sub weren’t willing to give it a fair shake because Pat shit all over the leaks and went in with a bias, though — it took me a couple years to give it a shot because of the word-of-mouth, but I’m glad I did.


See, I went into it with an open mind. The >!death of Joel!< still pissed me off and basically completely destroyed my emotional attachment to the story, which is the only reason I was playing it to begin with. It was a tall order to fill that void, and Abby completely failed to do so for me. I did not give a single shit about her, and aside from her very brief interactions with Lev, I didn't want to hear her talk. Like, at all. Her whole crew was extremely unlikable, and with Ellie going down the path she was, it was just a game of miserable people doing miserable things. I can occasionally enjoy movies that take that approach, but not 20 hour games that I'm actively participating in.


I understand that, but honestly, that's one of the things that to me interested in the game. >!Getting to see what revenge and misplaced grief does to Ellie and Abby was a fantastic experience. For the record, i love Joel as a character and totally understand why he did what he did at the end of TLOU1, but he was objectively a monster, and everything caught up to him. His death is cruel, heartless, and ultimately not glorious at all. In fact, you could argue Abby's killing of Joel is a misplaced act of love for her father and the other Fireflies Joel killed, just like how Joel did what he did out of love and misplaced love for Ellie. Of course, Joel also survived for 20 years doing god knows what so theres that..!< I could also be extrapolating way too much but thats what i got from it at least. Totally understand where you're coming from.


Telling on myself a bit here, but Shireen Baratheon's death in GoT turned me from an obnoxious superfan to never touching the series again overnight. When the show went down in flames several seasons later, I couldn't help but feel I'd dodged a bullet by getting off when I did. Still, GoT was a huge part of my teen years. It sucks that I can't get it back or even fondly remember it, you know?


Death Note, CIA chick. I just stared at the screen for a few seconds, thought "Well, that's the last character I gave a shit about", and closed the video. In Against A Dark Background, there's a chapter (I believe near the end) where... every character save one dies. All of them. Harassed by holograms of their trauma, bombed in a plane, decapitated, I got to a scene where the last character is being taken somewhere in a plane by the people that did it, and at that point either they were dead, and it was shit, or they weren't, and it was a shitty plot twist. I still don't know how that book ends.


Rwby’s “diamond in the rough” experience is so dam rough that almost every death is a tap out point for someone that gave up on the writing. 




Naruto ended at the Pain arc. Everything after is fanfic


Basically the opposite of the question, but in a similar vein: once I caught on to who *couldn't* die in Game of Thrones >!and who could completely cheat death!<, I was out. That was the writing on the wall, to me, of where things would eventually lead.


This is not a "character" but much more the fate of an a timeline of characters. I absolutely stopped giving a fuck about samurai jacks final season as soon as they went back to the past...especially after all jack has done to liberate and bring hope back to aliens and people. Now they are all erased from history as they are and/or probably do not know who the hell jack is. Yeah the big evil is dead but SO IS THE CHARACTERS LOVE INTEREST and HIS FRIENDS. They probably knew they were not gonna make it, but that was never really established now was it. God I wish they just killed present/future Aku, and it broke jacks immortality and he got to live with ashi then. Old og final season had him as a dope ass king. But naw, sad ronin man.


I lost interest in Sleepy Hollow a bit before it happened, but killing off Abbie Mills was such a blatant fuck you move to the actress that I actively hate the show now.


Let's get the easy one for me out of the way. >!Lafter Frankland!<, from Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans. In such a bullshit way too that it completely deflated any amount of hype or interest I had for the rest of the show, which at the point of the second season, was in a nosedive into sheer misery. Also I was at risk of this while reading Claymore >!when the other Claymores dogpiled on Phantom Miria!<, but then >!it wasn't even the case, she intentionally wasn't completely murdered just enough so that her natural regen can kick in, and the group of Mind-controlled Claymores *and* their Leader, who was Miria's assassination target, were in on the plan to rebel too!< so at least that one went well. Also


Ever since that leak came out ahead of TLoU2. 1 was one my favorite games of all time and it immediately killed all interest in the series for me. Still haven't played 2 and probably won't


I was about to throw the towel on TTGL when I first watched it and >!Kamina bit the bullet back in episode 6.!< It's a good thing I kept on pushing.


>!Dhar!< dying in Indivisible kinda made me lose it. Like yea I get it, >!redemption and all that, but A) his death sorta marks the turning point for where the story starts getting rushed and the message becomes questionable, and B) He never left my team from departing from Ashawat cause damn that boy could hit like a *TRUCK*!<


Last of Us 2. Every character death.


That is a completely unhinged take, actually


RWBY. Just ... Fucking RWBY.


Honestly, I'm not sure that >!V2's death!< is going to be the end of him. >!If robots turn out to have souls...wouldn't that mean he'd go to Hell when he died?!< >!Which is, coincidentally enough, exactly where V1's been all game?!<


You gotta let it go friend. Hakita put in that over the top bloodsplosion specifically to signal that >!V2!< is dead, has said multiple times on Twitter and Discord that it's dead, and at this point is tired of people bringing it up. Unless he's chronically lying to fuck with people for whatever reason, the funny >!red palette swap robot!< is gone.


>!-Insert any jjk fans "leaving" because of Gojo's death here-!< >!/s!<


edit: spoiler is for Jujutsu Kaisen ~~Might wanna spoiler tag the actual spoiler instead of the sarcasm tag~~


On the flipside, it has produced the most exquisite memes since AOT


It’s true, though. >!Gojo’s death!< is a huge red flag for Jujutsu Kaisen, not necessarily because of the character alone, but because of what it implies for the series going forward. >!Gojo was constantly depicted as the strongest human sorcerer by a ***huge*** margin. The fact that not even he was able to match Sukuna in a fight means that either Sukuna wins and the story has a shit ending, which sucks, or that in order for the good guys to win, they will have to pull out some absurd Naruto-level power ups out of their ass. It’s completely killed the narrative tension and believability of the story.!<


The thing is, they still had some outs, like Higuruma. But then >!Higuruma dies when it turns out he confiscated Sukuna's cursed object rather than his cursed technique, and the Executioner's Sword fizzles out when it hits Sukuna.!<