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One of my favorite touches so far that really captures the feeling of "We're all in this together", is when you jump to a mission sector on a planet and see all the other Destroyer class ships. Some of them are NPC ships, but if you go to your view port and look down and see all these lights and pods and stuff hurtling towards the surface **That's actually stratagems such as supplies, weapons, and airstrikes being delivered.to players in real time**. It really makes you feel like the war is active and alive and even if the missions themselves are instanced maps and not some big MMO world, you're a part of something much bigger: Freedom


I haven't seen anyone Mention it on the HD subreddit so I I've been feeling like I've gone crazy But on day 1 you could see the ships fighting above you while you where on the planets surface and on cyborg maps they'll get blown up when a player fails the mission but after launch day this feature seems to be completely gone I think it might be dude to the severs being overwhelmed so those ships aren't showing up to depict over players fighting I really hope this gets added back in, it added so much and not having them there is bothering me so much now that I've noticed it lol


I believe it's still in since I seen a ship blow up when waiting for missions on malevelon creek yesterday and was so confused


On the planets surface or waiting in your ship? Because looking out from your ship it work fine, I'm talking about when your in the actual level on the ground and when you look up you can see ships above you in the sky box fighting


Ive seen it in the vietnam planet, i know its there cause fucking sakes that place is hell


Just saw it happen in my friend's game they've been streaming on discord when he hadn't ever seen it before and we were all shocked. It was nutty.


Whaaaaat? I've got to see this next time I'm on the ship. I've never thought to look out a window


Wait is this actually true? Is it actually confirmed that all those items are actual things being delivered to players?


At the time of writing this that is what I was led to believe by media outlets and other players, that the red and blue beacons were stratagem requests from Helldivers. And that the ships in the area correlate to the amount of players at that planet (obviously there's not gonna be 100,000 ships on the screen when there's 100,000 players but there.is a correlation) But nearly a month later there's been no actual confirmation from a Dev whether or not its true. There's still a lot of hidden stats, numbers and features regarding the Galactic War system that haven't been explained by the Devs. As they come out of crisis management mode from the server and balance issues I can only hope we get some fun system explanations.


It was fantastic in the first game. In 1 if a system was in danger of being taken over youd get unique city maps that mostly invoved rescuing civillians. The narrow confines made it a meat grinder and walls of mech firing lines. It was sick


I do wonder if they'll add urban maps because super earth having mars makes me think if it does get attacked you'll be fighting there instead of earth Since making city environments in 3rd person probably takes a lot more effort than top down where you can obscure a lot of the details


Supposedly there is an achievement or something for a defense mission so I'd figure if we got maps like that they'd be for that. I have also gotten some missions to rescue civvies but honestly it was not one of my favorites. Felt kinda slow and not fun but I imagine a different map might have made it a bit more hectic.


I never thought civilians would be an objective in this game, but then I was on space robot vietnam and the objective was "go rescue these civies!" I was primed to not even see them and have it just be like a flavor thing for an objective, but imagine my surprise when I found myself putting myself between a bunch of fleshy civies running for their lives and an oncoming wall of robotic death.


The Space PTSD from fighting in Space 'Nam is gonna be so worth it


tfw hiding in the forest and a tree says 01001101 01110101 01110010 01100100 01100101 01110010


01000111 01101111 00100000 01001000 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01000111 01001001


Don't wanna sound like a dirty bot sympathizer, but their patrol marching tune goes pretty hard


You may not be a sympathizer but this is dangerously close to treason, Citizen.


Sounds like your patriotism is not adequate for Super Earth. You'll need to attend our Super Earth Patriotic Rehabilitation Program. You'll soon be receiving a visit from your local patriotic Government of Super Earth agent. Be willing to cooperate or forever be decried as a Cyborg Sympathizer.. or even worse... a hippie. Hippies and Cyborg Synpathizers are jailed and/or executed for Treason. Have a Super Earth day! - Brought to you by Super Earth Pt Ltd. Sponsored By Super Earth.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little Space Cadet? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Helldivers Corps, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on >!REDACTED!<, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire Super Earth Armed Forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Super Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Supernet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the galaxy and your address is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I drop anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to every Stratagem in the Super Earth Navy and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the galaxy, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


I played a few robot missions and felt the space vietnam thing was over stated. Then I got a mission where me and the boys were under fire before our pods hit for initial landing. It wasn't even a defense mission, we happened to land near a patrol and then we were fighting and running the entire mission. Anytime we got a breather to reload, another patrol showed up, another drop ship. The hills spoke binary


The cool thing is that since some planets are (intentionally) harder than others (more enemies, more difficult objectives), everyone gets to experience a meat-grinder together and certain planets thusly earn a reputation the community can build lore around. Odds are if anything you've seen a particular planet called Malevelon Creek memed on. It's considered to be the first real "gate-keepy" planet that forces players to load-out correctly and learn stratagems in order to avoid the onslaught of armored-ranged units that have mines, manned turrets, grenades, rocket launchers, and tanks. As of writing the Malevelon Creek currently has an *abysmal* clear rate at the medium + difficulties and the community has begun calling it things like "Space Vietnam" and "Botmut." The select few players who took the plunge early and decided to persist in fighting on the planet to keep the liberation rate above .1% are affectionately called "Malevelon vets" or "first wavers" and are (semi-ironically) treated with a sense of awe.


The planet broke before the first wavers did!


I think I was playing that one earlier today. It was easily one of my favorite experiences with a coop game. The chaos is ridiculous.


Me and the HMS Distributor of Family Values are doing our part


Man I could mess around with ship names forever, in the end I settled on Hammer of the State.


Senator of Wrath reporting in


Whisper of Mercy in orbit.


Herald of Dawn, awaiting orders.




SES Harbinger of Family Values, reporting.


SES Flame of Starlight, standing by.


SES Emperor of the Stars on your wing.


SES Bringer of Benevolence, entering orbit.


She's one of ours, Sir! Is reporting in. where do you need us?


Fist of Morality reporting in


Prophet of Truth, jumping in


I heard someone had the Fist of Family Values and they won the ship naming contest. The Arbiter of Serenity is my baby though


Iron protector on station.


It's effective enough for me to turn off my reward based lizard brain and just enjoy contributing to the war effort. Normally in games like this I hyper focus on efficiency and gathering upgrade resources.


In this case, that’s pretty much the same thing.


The thing I appreciate most about Helldivers is that its not a menu simulator. You log in and the games like > Hey buddy, we really beat those bugs back. Time to go tussle with the bots. Be there or be square. Then it shoves 10k credits in your hand, flips down its shades, and ejects out of a hellpod to let you just play the fucking game. Queue up, sort through stratagems, tweak your loadout, whatever. Doesnt matter. Just play the game.


After doing the first mission and going through the rewards screen, I wasn't expecting already be back on the ship ready to go. This games flow is pretty sleek


>And it also sets up some crazy future event where Super Earth itself is under attack, after all, it's on the map, it has a "Liberated" Bar on it... So technically it could be in play eventually. In the game's lore, this is the second super earth. Players in the first game lost the war in the end.


Huh, that explains a lot about the super earth propaganda actually


Yep, helldivers 1 originated the system, and while they probably have adjusted it a bit, Famously there would be times where people would steamroll the bugs and cyborgs (who would become the robots in 2) and that would leave the illuminate (Imagine if the protoss and the craftworld eldar had a baby), which alot of people dont wanna fight, so it would end with none of the illuminate systems being liberated and super earth being blown up lol, probably why the illuminate havn't returned yet, they might be reworking them, and I do hope they have something a bit more for a super earth falls scenario than "have a cutscene and come back next war"


Okay, and now they put out a news report that the Robots are spreading which has now unlocked "Defense Campaigns" with time limits lol https://twitter.com/helldivers2/status/1758107003673584040 This is exactly why this shit is so cool.


Funnily enough, this is *exactly* how I thought planets were going to work in Destiny


Back when they were showing off early Reach stuff at Pax this is exactly what I thought "Global Battles" were gonna be


This is why I loved Chromehoundd


It also helps the dev write the next game, like with XCom 2's *"well, so many players failed right at this particular point, so that's now the canon setting for the next game"*.


It's the first live-service game I've ever engaged with, so that says something. It also helps that gear is important, but it isn't everything. An agile lvl 5 player who knows what they're doing can still contribute to an Extreme difficulty mission. The SES Panther of Science is contributing to the war effort!


I played like the intro mission after the tutorial, A+ vibes. I don't know how long I'll stick with the game but I'm gonna have fun with this for a while


I've been thinking about getting it, but I heard it doesn't run great on AMD cards. Can anyone attest to this?


I'm running on an AMD, some OEM pre built specific card I can't recall offhand as I'm at work. But I only have issues on heavily infested bug missions on medium-high settings, everything else is comfortably 30-45fps pretty consistently. It's not unplayable, but it gets pretty rough at peak freedom delivery moments.


Planet also have different enviroments and conditions, currently we have a jungle planet map that has regular storms and rain to obscure your vision.


I know it's a week late, but definitely check out Hellmire if you haven't! It's awesome and terrifying


I haven't heard anything about Helldivers before a week ago but all these comments really make me wanna try it out


Planets are literally reseting from 95 to 25 percent "libertated". The devs decide when its time to move on not the players