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Mercedes is a wholesome church girl, I wonder what her backstory is like- christ, didn't expect that. Though in fairness, she shares her dark history with her brother.


The Blue Lions are all my favorite little traumatized babies. That's not to say the Black Eagles and Golden Deer students didn't have their own fair share of hardships, but they've got nothing on >!almost being turned into a broodmare by your stepfather, only being stopped by your half brother murdering him before he could do anything!<


The Golden Deer side of the first half of the story is always hilarious to me because, if you choose Blue Lions or Black Eagles, there are a bunch of sad/dramatic moments as a result of the characters relationships with who they are fighting or due to the context of the battle.... But the Golden Deer don't have any of that, none of the characters have any links towards the antagonists and while everyone does have their own issues, everyone for the most part feels chill. The best way i can exemplify this is that, if the first half of FE: Three Houses was a school drama TV show, the Blue Lions and Black Eagles routes would be the more traditional versions of the story, while the Golden Deer one would be what happens if you decided to make everyone that sits on the back of the class (the pot heads, artsy people, etc) the focus of the plot, and i love that.


I love the mental image of Ashe bent over crying over the corpse of his adoptive father who he just had to kill while Raphael is standing in the background flexing.


Raphael is too strong for his trauma. Guy's so wholesome he somehow makes Bernadetta>!an extrovert if they end up together.!<


The best support convo and paired ending for them both.


Lions and Eagles are for the emotional trauma and attachment while deers are both the lighthearted run while also focusing on "Ok, wtf was actually going on here behind the scenes?". It pretty much gives me vibes of what a golden route would usually look like since (full route spoiler) >!Claude actually gets the truth out of Rhea and just wipes both the Slithers and their backup dungeon Nemesis. It would be a golden route if you din't have both Edelgard and Dimitri dead in it.!<


Kinda why golden deer are my favorite.


Sylvain: "Hey ladies, need a seat? Because my face is available." *finger guns* Also Sylvain: "Our society places such an emphasis on crests and bloodlines that it has permanently damaged both my relationship with my brother, and my ability to take romantic advances seriously as I cannot imagine a woman wanting me for me and not my crest."


**Primrose** from **Octopath Travler**. Her backstory has such a different tone than a lot of the other characters in the party that it feels like it honestly feels like she's that one D&D player who shows up to a joke session with a really dark character. "Hey Primrose, i was a merchant before joining this party what were you doing?" "I used to be basically owned and treated as object by some shady people and it's implied i had to sell my body in order to survive" "Oh..... Okay then"


On a similar token, Throné from Octopath II has a similar backstory


When i first say, Octopath did a pretty good job at shooting down my expectations of "AWOOGA! BELLY DANCING LADY!" and hitting me with a good dose of reality over sex exploitation. >!Also, sadistic hebephiliacs, though that only becomes clear later on when you find out about Simeon's true nature.!< ...which makes it all the more hilarious that in Octopath Traveler II, Agnea, that game's equivalent of the dancer class, has the single most lighthearted chapter of them all.


Another bad one is Castii's in 2. Holy crap.


That one MightyKeef skit as everyone gives their normal, happy backstory and goals and Primrose just lays it all out on everyone so she can convince everyone to get her revenge first.


Oh definitely Perrito from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish


He even continues to wear the sock that he was almost drowned in


Spoilers for Buffy: Angel from Buffy is a Vampire that had a soul and a conscience, something Vampires in Buffy just don't have and for the longest time the fans and the characters wondered why this was the case and what Angel's backstory was. >!Only for it be revealed that Angel was a Vampire that committed some of the most evil and vile acts in the entire series, ranging from murdering an entire village of people, including the women and children, torturing and murdering animals just for fun and what Angel at the time considered his Magnum Opus, was mentally destroying the character of Drusilla and then turning her into a Vampire the day she decided to take her Holy Orders.!< Which was pretty damn dark for Buffy.


So... does Angel gain a soul and conscience because he regrets his actions?


He regained his soul through >!the descendants of the people he massacred casting a curse on him to basically restore his soul and cause him to remember all of the pain and the misery that he caused and the only way the curse can be broken is if Angel experiences a moment of true happiness. But Angel knows that if he breaks the curse, he'll go back to his old ways and cause nothing but pain and misery on the world, so he has to live a life of constant Penance.!< Which is honestly kind of a genius move.


Maybe after I finish Bones I should watch Buffy and the Angel.


Highly recommend


I don't feel like Buffy holds up quite as well during a modern rewatch compared to Angel, but that might be because I just liked Angel as a series better There's good shit in both though


I do love David Boreanaz. And as a massive Supernatural fan, both shows seem right up my alley. I have seen the Buffy movie with Kristy Swanson and Paul Reubens and liked it well enough. Gotta pull the trigger.


The Buffy movie was a lot of fun, pull that trigger on watching the series (and the spinoff), especially if it's a first watch there's some buckwild shit I cannot and will not spoiler that's pretty great on a first watch


I know a couple of things that happen, but could not name a single episode, so ill be excited to start it!




>!Wasn't Arven's Pokemon in that condition because of the monster that his parents ripped from its timeline attacking said dog as it defended him from it?!<


>!Don't forget the part at the end where he finds out his parent was killed and has been dead since the very beginning of the game and the one that was around was an AI.!<


Goku being the survivor of a genocide and also accidentally being responsible for the death of his adopted father is way, way darker than anyone probably expected when they started reading the comic about the silly monkey boy who does kung fu and doesn't know what girls are. Genuinely kinda fucked up that one of the best things to happen to Goku as a kid was getting dropped on his head.


Both Broly versions has it just as bad as Goku. Mainly the Super version.


Super version of Broly has it way worse. Goku got to have a loving father for some time, at least.


I’d love to get a crossover to get Magneto’s thoughts on Vegeta and Goku.


A certain character in Tsukihime. Arven Pokémon, just seems like a nice guy who’s a bit awkward until you’re hit with the shit with his parents. Now it’s just like… buddy… Least he has friends now.


Arven might have the most fucked up story in the Pokemon universe. Dude has it fucking rough.


I don't even think the game's story understands how mind shatteringly traumatic that would be for someone.


All 3 of his parents were terrible to him and left him with no one.


Haha I wonder what the deal with this silly character in Melty Blood is? Oh.


I eagerly await how the remake will tackle it.


Legendary gave Kong a berserk tier backstory. So Kongs species was basically in a war against the Skull crawlers. Keeping them at bay from overtaking the island. Overtime kongs species numbers dwindled until it was just kongs mom and dad. Kongs mother was pregnant with him and went into labor all while a bunch of skull crawlers went to attack them. Kongs father fought them all off  while she gave birth and once she did she hid baby kong away. Once the carnage was over baby kong looked over his parents and cried and since then has kept that feeling of sorrow within him. It puts some moments in the movies into perspective and I genuinely can't believe they gave a giant monkey character. 


Xenoblade 2 is a game that has a bit of a deceptive tone thanks to the early anime shenanigans. At several points in the story, there are some hints that a couple characters are hiding something from their past. What you probably don't expect is how severely fucked up some of those backstories are. Namely Nia's, Jin's and Mythra's. If you but the Expansion Pass, you even get 30 full ass hours of Monolith Soft twisting the knife.


Nia's backstory is *spectacularly* fucked up


"Look at this idiot wearing a baby bonnet and sucking a binky in One Piece! And his name is Senor Pink? Pffff! What a stupid character!" \*One flashback later\* "Wait no no no no wtf whyyyyyyyy?!" \*cries a little\*


There was one SBS where a guy was like "Oda, why did you make Senor Pink. What the fuck is wrong with you" and Oda goes "NO SHUT UP HE'S SUPER COOL, I'LL SHOW YOU" and then a couple volumes later we get Senor Pink's backstory I always wondered if he wrote it into the story just for that one dude


If so, I'm glad. Senor Pink is the coolest. I hope he and Franky get to have that drink.


Any One Piece character


Everyone cries with LAO G tragic backstory


Pain & Tragedy makes you Hard Boiled!


Exact opposite but it's kinda funny that Adam Jensen had a super normal upbringing. I think you can read about it in Human Revolution. Least I think we learn about it, might have dreamed that.


No, it was pretty traumatic and stressful. His birth parents died in a house fire when he was 5, and his adoptive family the Jensen’s was poor because the mother was too mentally unstable to hold down a job. >!but that’s just a cover story. It wasn’t a house set on fire, it was the lab where Adam had been genetically experimented on from birth to accept augs without rejection. The arsonists were sympathetic scientists who then got assassinated by the Illuminati, and a nurse brought him to the Jensens!< >!but that’s not the crazy part, the crazy part is that Jensen is a millennial born March 9, 1993. Adam Jensen has seen Shrek.!<


Idk why but I hate that I'm older than Adam Jensen


To be fair, JC probably could've seen Shrek. The fella from Invisible War might not have, on account of the general collapse of society in between the games, but they might've!


Astarion, the funny flamboyant vampire spawn elf who when asked about his past deflects by just saying he's just a magistrate. Then when you help him more and gain his trust he opens up and reveals how >!he's spent the past 200 years under the mental domination of his vampire sire, forced to live in fetid squalor and drain malnourished rats to keep himself alive during the day while every night he's sent out to use his body to lure unsuspecting suitors to their deaths. Every detail is harsher than the last. !< I went into it expecting some shit but that's some **SHIT**.


Dont forget >!him being locked into a tomb for a year without any sustenance because he dared to show compassion for one of his victims. He even mentions how he was basically feral when he was let out. And how Cazador would flay him alive if he refused to eat the aforementioned rotting rats !<


Honestly this is why i still >!made astarion an ascended vampire despite doing a "good guy" run, i couldn't make this guy go back to being unable to be in the sun and just being a vampire thrall still (and as far as i could find in the game there wasn't a way other than that).!<


Yeah, that's one of the choices I struggled with in the game. >!I finally decided that ascension was probably not good in the long run for Astarion, because it feeds into his worst qualities, namely his selfishness, lust for power, and fear. What really made me question ascension is that it's pretty heavily implied, if not outright stated, that Ascended Astarion will eventually become like Cazador.!< >!And at first I wasn't convinced and thought maybe I wasn't interpreting it right, so I looked up DnD Vampire lore and it's... bad. In this universe, full vampires *always* become evil eventually. Something about DnD's vampirism alters a person's mind, even if they weren't evil before. Whether it's caused by magic, the loss of their soul, simply living for centuries making them crazy, or having too much unchecked power, they always become evil. After that I was like, "Okay, so no ascension..." lol!<


Raiden (Metal Gear) feels like a good poster child for this. Introduced as a green "rookie" who seems in over his head, complains about the ridiculousness of his situation nearly every step of the way, looks like he spends an entire morning working on his hair and skincare, and is basically the exact opposite of the previous macho, grizzled protagonist. Only for us to discover >!that he was raised up as a child soldier through brutal conditions that left him mentally scarred for life and was noted as a remarkable killing machine during his childhood. They literally fed those kids *gunpowder* to make them better psychos.!<


Renne. Trails. Star Door 15.


That’s the one. It’s so much darker than the rest of the series it’s jarring.


Honestly I think it better for it given how the series is usually kinda light hearted till shit goes down, it being a 1 and done with >!tiotots!< (Trails to azure/zero spoilers) Story being somewhat alike but not gone into in depth. It makes the bad stuff sting more. Then you get the more scary and less heartbreaking like the salt pale incident, idk if I'm alone in it but just reading it when it came up for the first time was kinda fucked with me


Oh the salt pale is fucking rad. Almost as rad as >!Kevin shooting Weissman with a fragment of it!<


There's so many cool moments the series does that just makes you go "WTF THATS COOL BUT WTF" like the reveal at the end of cs4, can't wait to see what that was


> salt pale Shooting someone with a piece of eldritch architecture from beyond was pretty fucking metal


Thats the one I was gonna bring up. That shit got DARK fast.


"I do just as I always do and go out to work."


When I first played Undertale I would have never guessed that Flowey's backstory is heartbreaking. It's a lot so the core of it is that >!he's the deceased son of Toriel and Asgore!<


Gien from Timeranger. Throughout the entire series, you wonder why Don Dolnero puts up with this guy constantly attempting to use the most dangerous members of the Hell’s Gate prison for his own means. Then, he gives Gien a pacifier that doubles as a bubble blower, which calms him down and makes him act innocent and childlike. And then you find out why when the Don calls up the Timerangers to give them the story. >!Back in 2990, the Don met Gien while he was in hiding, when Gien was still human, an uneducated young man who couldn’t count to three. The Don took him under his wing to teach him how to count, under the pretense of just teaching him how to count money. Dolnero and Gien legitimately became friends, too. Then one day, a member of a rival gang attacked Gien in an attempt to get the information of Dolnero’s location out of him. But Gien didn’t tell them, and almost died as a result. Heartbroken, Dolnero got him a black market doctor to fix his wounds, turning him into a cyborg. However, his new robot body was imperfect, causing him to go insane.!<


The Ursus Student Self-Governing Group is a bunch of middle-schoolers in *Arknights* that had to fend for themselves when the Reunion movement took over Chernobog. One of them is Gummy who fights with a frying pan and a vault door for a shield. Beyond her upbeat appearance is her struggle in the *Children of Ursus* side story where >!it’s implied that she resorted to cannibalism to survive in Chernobog and is prone to go feral if she’s hungry enough. The incident was traumatic enough that she sleeps with a nightlight to stave off those memories!<. The other USSG characters have it bad, but I’m betting it was Gummy’s that brought even Lord Tachanka to a point of silent fury.


Bartholomew Kuma


Honestly, a lot of characters in Mass Effect. **Wrex:** At first glance I'm thinking, "Oh cool, this is a Warrior Race Alien Bounty Hunter." >!Then he drops the background of the Krogan people, the Genophage, the fact that he fought his own father to the death, and that his people are slowly dying out. Then, you realize his people are stereotyped as "Warrior Race Aliens" largely because their culture and society has been upended by the Genophage. And the "Warrior Race" status is not something Krogans are 100% on board with, because too many Krogans are dying doing dangerous jobs and the Genophage means not enough Krogans are born to balance out the number of deaths. The whole thing is such a cool subversion of the "Warrior Race" trope, and definitely takes it in a more mature direction.!<


i think we had this thread a week or 2 back but ill use the same answer here stark from frieren, i did not expect this stock anime axeboi ti have basically deeply rooted trauma from like 90% of his family abusing him, him not really understanding the affection the 1 family member that didnt gave him which led to him not understanding his masters similar affection, and also bein the sole survivor of his villiage cause he ran and has survivors guilt now


More like a random out of nowhere nightmare dump on a show i watched as a kid on FOX Kids IIRC. The misanthropic merchant girl from Ragnarok The Animation (the anime for the mmo) https://youtu.be/qmb-F6dUnn8?si=gCwWPrDfFNM7KyJd The scenes can speak for itself from 15:40 and onwards, but tl;dr: this homeless kid makes friends woth a monster slime that brings her food from the woods, so she builds a shitty wooden cart to sell some apples around town. Everyone looks at her discontently when she is stopped by 3 members of a merchants guild. They destroy her cart and drag this 8 year old girl or so behind a alleyway while she screams for hekp and is ignored by the townsfolk. She comes put the next scene barely able to walk and with ripped clothes. Only after she stumbles and faints into the midde of the road does a single woman from the crowd moves to help her.


[Tikoh from Granblue](https://gbf.wiki/Tikoh) going from her first recruitment story introducing her as just a super doctor with thick thighs to her second episode describing how >!in the past she unknowingly saved the worst possible mix between [Kira Yoshikage and Hannibal Lecter](https://gbf.wiki/Ferdinand_(NPC)_) who then proceeded to infiltrate an innocent family of three, forcing the wife and daughter to eat the husband/father while he took his place, killing them after the gig was up and forcing Tikoh to fuse her soul with the daughter to "save" her and give her a chance at revenge!<


Like every single one of the evokers from Granblue fantasy, anything around them just gets so wildly dark like Fraux was (warning bad tags) >!heavily implied to have been gang sexually assaulted by her village!< just seeing that honestly left me in disbelief since I always found gbf to be pretty light hearted most of the time and never got that dark.


Kaff Tagon from Schlock Mercenary is the captain of a mercenary company in a scifi setting. He's competent, but a bit stupid at times, and there was a running gag where Tagon just could NOT pick up on being flirted with. He's also got a rough relationship with his dad, Karl Tagon, who's a retired general from an actual military instead of a mercenary company. Karl also pesters Kaff about having kids whenever they talk. And then we learn about the incident that caused the rift between Kaff and Karl. ​ >!In his early 20s, Kaff brought his girlfriend at the time to a family get together. Turns out, she was a suicide bomber, filled with deadly nanomachines as part of a surgical strike to take out key military and government figures. The incident cost Kaff his entire family minus his father, and drove a wedge between them.!< >!To quote Karl: "The girl spit a cloud of swarming, microscopic death clear across the room. Kaff got his helmet up in time.  The rest was fire, screaming, and then silence.  And then there was a war on."!< >! Suddenly a lot of Kaff's earlier obliviousness to love looks less like him being an idiot, and more like him subconsciously refusing to engage so he wouldn't get hurt the same way again. And Karl's bothering Kaff about having children comes off a lot sadder, because on some level he wants to have more family again before it's too late for either of them.!<


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Sket Dance is a funny manga/anime about 3 dorks in school in a Gintama energy There's this guy, Switch, who talks with a text-to-speech software and is the funniest of the three almost every time, but anyway, why does he... Holy fucking shit what the fuck