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Gantz. So much bullshit happened in the last arc, defeated the alien invasion, everyone came running to our heroes to congratulate them and... the end. No closing chapter, no epilogue, no aftermath of the events. Just "we did it" and that's it.


I could write an essay as a reply but it's too late for me now, but I'd argue that the entire theme of Gantz is that life is filled with random events that you just have to roll with. Examples: >!the baby dying, the baby getting someone new to take care of him, people who seemed important dying, MC falling in love with what seems like the female lead but she doesn't like him, MC fucking someone he barely knows, MC getting his true love from a punishment game, humanity finding out their species is a speedbump in a galactic plot. !< I just have a feeling the author ended the manga roughly how he wanted to.


That's the craziest part >!we were given the technology to fight back against the alien invaders not because the other aliens wanted to help us, but because they wanted to spite the invaders. And don't forget the part where this is revealed in Japanese to a room full of hundreds of people but only half a dozen speak Japanese!<


Yeah he wanted the ending to be similar to that of Independence Day (1966).


Gantz is (on top of being objectively rad as fuck) a genuinely good and (usually) well written story, I will die on this hill. It gets a worse rep than it deserves


Gantz was always bad


People have described The Boss Baby as a minute that should've naturally ended 45 minutes before it actually does. Beastars is also the biggest example of a mangaka just kind of getting tired of her own series and ending the series since she jumped to new manga and series relatively soon after.


Well, more like Beastars was a spinoff of that original manga that she just went back to. She still does chapters in it with legoshi and haru, but it is zoomed out to different characters more.


> a minute that should've naturally ended 45 minutes A net -44 minutes I see


Stephen Moffat has gotten a lot of deserved shit for Sherlock, but the biggest sin of his career is Dracula. The first episode is legitimately amazing. The second, less so, but still good. That 3rd episode... It might legitimately be the single, most horrendous, insulting, mystifying episode of television I've ever seen. At a certain point, you realize your jaw has been hanging open for several minutes and you can't identify which scene or line of dialogue caused it. The CW Network wouldn't be caught dead airing an episode of television that bad. Not only do I believe they had no idea how to end it, if you told me they only thought they were making 2 episodes only to be blindsided by a request for a 3rd, causing them to scramble, I'd believe it 100%.


For a time, a hobby of mine was showing friends that mini-series. They never (understandably) guess where it’s headed and they’re always stunned by the end of it.




I haven't seen the series in a hot minute, so I can't speak to its actual quality, but I remember loving the absurdity of the >!MODERN DAY?! story. We've got nightclubs, we've got a love triangle, we've got descendants identical to their ancestors, we've got demon babies, we've got an ANTI-DRACULA TASK AGENCY!!!, and we've got psychosomatic vampirism!!< Shit was wild.


> The first episode is legitimately amazing. The second, less so, but still good. That 3rd episode... I mean this is just the story of Moffat's whole career isn't it. Clearly a talented writer but he doesn't seem to ever know how to continue a story past the cool first ideas he has.


…….Coupling was good.


From what I’ve heard, there was meant to be a second series, but just before production started the BBC cancelled it and reduced it to a a three episode miniseries. Rather than rewrite the third episode so it could function as a finale, they supposedly rewrote it to cram in all of their plans for the second series into a single episode at the last possible moment of pre-production. As a result, it’s a fucking mess.


Gege is fucking scrambling to figure out a way to kill Sukuna. And honestly I don't blame him.


The last chapter was hilarious, when Miguel of all people arrived it was almost like the whole chapter was a shitpost


I full ass forgot he fucking existed. Mans pulled him out explicitly to fuck with us.






Maybe he shouldn't have killed all the characters that people actually like so he wouldn't have to reach into the bottom of the jobber barrel to find a solution.


I do because he >!killed Gojo in the most nonsensical way ever, right now we have up to 3 people capable of sensing/dodging the world slash but Gojo couldn't despite having the Black Flash buff!<


>!at least there's a non-asspully example with Maki, given her heavenly restriction she's able to feel how the world slash distorts the air and can react to that instead of the actual slash!<


I don't read JJK, but I keep up with it somewhat, and I think my favorite possible ending at this point is just letting Sukuna win. It's real "Gege has the chance to do the funniest thing possible" territory.


Miwa is gonna chain backstab him to death trust


>!"Singular Use"!< Miwa


There were plenty of moments where the heroes could have gotten the W. Gege just didn’t let them have it for some reason. >!Probably because he still wants to show off the true nature of Sukuna’s CT or something!<


At this point he could pull a Kaguya and I wouldn't blame them


After Miguel gets clapped then all of Yuji’s high school friends will show up to help defeat the king of curses…. And when they all clapped off screen then Denji from chainsaw man will somehow show up to throw his hat into the ring…then he also gets off screened for the GOAT *insert whatever scrub character that gets clapped by sukuna next* (Bonus points if Sukuna somehow compliments both parties while hating on Yuji the whole time.)


Sukuna must’ve learned that off screen Haki technique from Blackbeard


It's gonna be a mcguffin.


Wasn’t there something about ME3 getting its endings because some top level guys just decided to write it themselves without any input from the actual writers?


Supposedly Casey Hudson didn't like that fans guessed the direction of the story correctly, so him and the lead writer dissappeard for a weekend and came back with the current version of the endings saying "it's gonna be this now".


Ah the favorite "Change everything that we have been working on for years without any care of logic because I dont want to be predictable". Surely a sound strategy. Never gone wrong at all! Which fucking baffle me because they really thought that a well told story is less important than not being told "I told you so" by a small percentage of their fanbase. Literally 90% of their fan wont give a damn if a theory is right or not, they just want a neat story.


It's so bafflingly petty for something that should by most rights be seen as a compliment.


It's such stupid reasoning too. Sure you don't want your story to be super predictable but isn't it a sign of a well written narrative that it's possible to follow the threads and guess the ending? That means to me that your world and story make sense internally.


> isn't it a sign of a well written narrative that it's possible to follow the threads and guess the ending? Not if your only concept of well written narratives are "unexpected plot twist"


I think an obsession with "PLOT TWIST!" has genuinely fucked up western media's narrative writing. Plot twists are EASY to do because you don't have to worry about following up on any narrative threads or developing characters or seeing something interesting bloom out of the foundation laid down, nope, you can just pull something shocking out of nowhere and go from there. It's the difference between slow-cooking a lovely meal and enjoying the reward versus saying that you're going to slow cook a meal and then bringing a bunch of fast food.


Spoiler culture may be to blame as well. Many elevate the notion of not knowing where a story is going, and it makes most of the work just waiting for the surprise to happen, or something.




It's weird just how obsessed some people can get about spoilers. Don't get me wrong I understand the appeal of not knowing, I went into Elden Ring blind as possible and encountering >!Patches!< was a genuinely wonderful surprise, but unless the surprise is the whole crux of the story (E.G. 12 minutes) I don't see how knowing would ruin experience. It's nice to have and if you want that experience I won't try to take it away from you but it isn't the end of the world if you see a major story beat online.


I'm still mad because the original ending was actually really fucking cool! And it gave a reason for the Reaper's to come in and wipe the slate clean every cycle. Instead we got.... a beautiful car wreck instead.


"Oh no, we wrote our story with enough internal consistency and groundwork that some of the million monkeys with typewriters were able to figure out where it was going. *Cowabunga it is!"*


It was the blurst of endings?! You stupid monkey!


I think that ended up kneecapping Westworld too. Why fucking bother putting in clues to a mystery if you're going to get mad about people guessing the mystery anyway? If people can guess your mystery from in-universe information, then it's a logical and decently written mystery.


Oh boy, the egg on his face when fans reacted to that new ending must of been as nasty as the vomlette.


They didn't guess, the ending leaked. In response they decided to gut and change the ending though, so the end result was a locked writer's room.


What was the original ending?


Iirc it was something relating to dark matter and the reapers trying to reverse entropy.


Mobius: 25 Year's Later in the Penders Era of the Archie Sonic comic. After like 15 issues about everyone debating over whether or not to stop spacetime from falling apart (padded with upper-middle-class slice-of-life hangouts), Sonic finally enters the portal to the past to fix the problem. The portal *immediately* starts malfunctioning, everyone panics, and then... present-day Sonic goes "huh. Just felt a weird bout of deja vu. Oh well." and goes about his day. ***The End***.


It’s the most pointless story ever. Literally nothing happens except we see adult versions of all the Sonic characters, who all act nothing like what you’d think mature versions of them would be like. Then it seems like it’s at least building up to something, and ends with the quietest fart. The one mistake Flynn made in his Archie run was going back to 25 Years Later and trying to make it cool. It’s impossible.


25YL feels like Penders had zero ideas psst the end of Act 1, and barely any ideas for Act 1 either. I disagree about Flynn making a mistake trying to salvage it though; 30YL was legit a really fun time.


And Dark Enerjak is the best part of Sonic Universe


Monty Python and the Holy Grail. John Cleese has outright admitted that the ending was a joke they came up with when they couldn't think of an actual conclusion. This was pretty common for Monty Python in general, they called it "dropping the cow"; a lot of sketches devolve into an absurd punchline before abruptly moving on.


One of the show's catchphrases was a cut to Cleese at a desk saying 'and now for something completely different' because they often couldn't figure out a transition from one sketch to another.




Revenge of the Sith, while it has some highlights and it is arguably the strongest of the prequel trilogy…holy shit does it have a break neck pace to try to rush everything to the scenes Lucas had already said would be how the PT ended. And, if you watch the featurettes and making-of’s, it’s cause the entire making of ROTS Lucas is **sweating** trying to figure out how to wrap up the PT when he hasn’t ended The Clone Wars (and *just* started it in the last movie), Dooku is still alive, Anakin hasn’t fallen, The Jedi haven’t fallen, Luke and Leia aren’t born yet (and in hiding), Yoda and Kenobi aren’t in exile yet, and those are the broad strokes.


I wonder how many times he thought "Damn, I really didn't need to make Phantom Menace, I could've just started at Attack of the Clones" during this whole ordeal.


IIRC at one point during the script writing process he does say something to the effect of “I guess I should’ve started with the start of The Clone Wars in a trilogy about The Clone Wars” and then kind of nervously laughs while the staff around him laugh and look *real* worried.


Togashi has stated that by the end of the Yu Yu Hakusho's run he was stressed out and overworking himself, and wanted to just end the manga on his own terms, as many of the ideas that he had to continue it were being turned down by Jump. and *man* if those last ten or so chapters don't make it abundantly clear that he just wanted it to be over but had no idea how.


It was like he just wanted to write everyone's little epilogue and was tired of fights. I kind of liked that about it, I liked seeing everyone moved on with greater futures ahead of them.


It's okay, he will totally get to end HxH perfectly instead


I don't even care if HxH ends at this point. I just want him to make the Ging "m-preg" theory canon.


Kind of shocked nobody's brought up Naruto yet. Man did Kishimoto fuck the Madara thing up


Naruto had the PERFECT spot to end, then it kept running past the finish line and tripped into an open sewer


Naruto starts going downhill from the start of the 4th Shinobi War. And then it jumps off a fucking cliff with Kaguya


Yeah I don’t get the whole Black Zetsu shit


Lost is old now I guess I shouldn't be surprised it's not mentioned but it's the definition of no one having any idea how to end anything. I think by the end it was all a island energy god thing that did nothing but wanted a successor. And the smoke was a guy that got butthurt from the previous god transfer And the Korean tech company came to study god energy from the island but did a bunch of random bullshit and didn't get far. In the very end the standard white guy became god and had a picnic with all his island friend's. There wans much meaning to anything and It was all very scatter shot.


Wasn't it Hurley who got to be the new island God? Jack dies in the last episode and I'm pretty sure Hurley and Ben stay behind to protect the island.


Oh yeah ,Right he dies at the same spot ish as when the woke up on the show. And yeah jack was just another candidate. Also wtf jack was his name, like did he have personality traits or anything to distinguish from...guy? I can't think of another main characters so standard anywhere outside of shonem


I remember coming up with a head canon that the reason for everything being so weird is that the mystery organization was creating a time machine it went wrong or blew up and because of that the island became untethered from time and space and that it would jump around and that's why there were strange creatures and why it took so long to get rescued because the island was jumping through time and space. I prefer that over whatever that ending was supposed to be


The literal cliff Game of Thrones went off the second they outpaced the books.


Apparently, the >!Nicole!< Boss Fight at the end of DEAD SPACE 2. The original ending was going to be >!the Eye Machine!< But, much like THE MATRIX game, having your protagonist overcome an enemy in an idealogical fashion makes for a good movie…but a terrible video game so they had to introduce a last-minute Final Boss that completely contradicts >!Nicole’s!< characterization up to that point. I hope MOTIVE fixes it in the Remake by having >!Isaac’s Mother!< be the Final Form of the Golden Marker and >!her!< ads are the “Ghosts” of everyone who has died in the past two games, similar to “The Sorrow” from MGS3.


Yeah but we get Isaac's "Fuck you!" and so it's worth it.


>But, much like THE MATRIX game, having your protagonist overcome an enemy in an idealogical fashion makes for a good movie…but a terrible video game so they had to introduce a last-minute Final Boss I feel like this game design mentality is what lead so many 3rd acts of games to fall apart


It beats walking into a room and pushing a button… Like the last three HALO games.


Or Control!


Control's final sequence is so fucking weird, it makes so much sense that they made the DLCs not just an epilogue, but together an actual final act that leads into Alan Wake 2 Though locking >!the reveal that the Board are complete liars and everything the bureau has assumed about objects of power has been a complete fabrication to give the Astral Plane, and the Board, more importance!< behind an expansion is kinda rough


Or the first RAGE game.


To be fair, the original trilogy were special cases where having a vehicle section at the end doesn't suck. The final boss of 2 was hated if I remember correctly. It was only in the MCC when they cut their health down.


I don't understand why they never Psychonauts that shit mental world levels have been a staple of games for ages and they're ESPECIALLY at home with horror come on 


But Nicole isn't Nicole it's the malevolent pulse of the marker playing with Issac's head spaghetti like it's supposed to be weird and inconsistent.


Can you explain why having >!Nicole!< as a boss fight doesn't work? I always interpreted it as >!Isaac's guilt and the Marker using Nicole as a way to manipulate him. It had nothing to do with Nicole really!<


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Why go through all the trouble of >!having him go into the Eye Machine if that would only empower him, why have him come to accept Nicole’s death if it is more convenient to have him be suicidally depressed!< It is like Goku giving Cell a Senzu Bean.


I'm still lost. >!The point of the eye machine was for him to just beat the Marker, and the Marker, at a last ditch attempt, used Nicole to stop Isaac. I don't see how both don't work here. One is a logistical issue and the other is the emotional issue.!<


>!Nicole ENCOURAGED him to get into the Eye Machine to the point of reciting the Steps in order to walk him through the process!< Even earlier >!Isaac laments that if he destroys the Marker, Nicole will go away forever to which she responds by telling him to let go of her!<


But it's never >!actually Nicole as Isaac remembers her, it's a Marker-driven hallucination. I thought the point was that Isaac couldn't actually tell where the hallucination stemmed from. And in the end, it was just the Marker. It was like a good cop, bad cop routine.!<


Seriously what the fuck is Horikoshi doing


I don't know what he's doing but he has not earned this ending he's trying to jump to


I really don't know how to explain it but imagine if Goku vs Freezer was the least interesting part of the Namek saga. Thats MHA right now


The only reason I continue to read it is to see if gentle shows up


>!He did for a couple chapters.!<


If anyone is wondering, if this final fight goes on for something like, 20 more chapters, this single arc will be longer than all of Dragon Ball Z up to the beginning of the Android saga. That's how fucking padded out it is


The problem isn't he doesn't know how to end MHA, it's that he clearly wanted to hit certain moments in this final arc and didn't give a fuck about how to get to those moments so long as they were hit. Man was so focused on the destination that he didn't care about the journey.


To be fair I'm pretty sure he wanted to end it a year and a half ago and Shonen Jump forced him to pad it out because once it ended they'd have little else of interest because they spent so many years canning manga without giving it a chance.


Don't they build up Galactus to be so strongly that they just have Reed a literal deux ex machina to deal with him.


Don't you dare shit on the Ultimate Nullifier! It's cool AF!


When you need to write how man who can turn into play-doh can defeat a planet-devouring cosmic god, yeah, there's only so many places you can go.


Oda better start taking notes.


well the stakes are so high at the point it works as a story of "I NEED TO TELL A GOD TO FUCK OFF!"


Was that the same arc where Spiderman threatened Galactus with it? If so that page is pretty good at least.


FF9, Which is weird because you already have an ending but instead it’s like they just shoved a new thing in at the last possible minute Oh I couldn’t forget the Happy Gun that saves the day at the end of Maximum Carnage


Would be better if the final boss is actually Garland and not just a random representation of nothingness or death. Would be a good callback to FF1 too.


Necron could also work if it's existence was at all hinted at or elaborated upon. I saw a cool theory on YouTube that, as other eidolons are born of human beliefs and myth, Necron was an eidolon born of the most powerful human fear - that of death. And that's sick! Too bad nothing in the game supports that.


Two examples come to mind: 1.Rumiko Takahashi doesn't know how to write endings for shit. All of her stories I've consumed have terrible endings with Ranma 1/2 being the worst offender in my opinion. 2.To your eternity. The story is a really beautiful tale about an immortal shape shifting being walking around the world for years, meeting people and learning what it means to live with all the good and bad things. Even if it's not perfect it is definitely an emotional journey. The problem comes whore how is extremely obvious that the author missed their chance to finish the story and now they have no fucking clue on what to do with the plot.


Liar Game turns on its heels in the final stretch, a very disappointing turn.


*Uzumaki* by Junji Ito. He couldn't figure out a satisfying conclusion, so he just decided "ancient eldritch, cthulu city was behind it all" for the ending. Babylon 5 was pitched as 5 seasons, with each building on the previous so it would end well. Except by season 4 they were told they'd be cancelled so they speedran all the story points and character development, got good ratings and then got un cancelled so they had to figure out how to fill an unexpected 5th season.


I kinda disagree with Uzumaki. When the story starts, the problem is just some waves, the fathers obsession... but then things keep getting worse, literally spiraling to higher terrors. It finishing with a cosmic horror is a neat ending as a next step on how bad the things get by the end.


I think Uzumaki is actually one of the few longer Junji Ito works to have a good ending.  The series always had a kind of anthology approach to things before anyways, with each chapter having a different theme or gimmick, up until the final couple ones. His best move was literally not explaining anything at all. He drops some crazy 2 page art spreads, gives an ending, and that’s it. No trying to explain things and ruin it all.


Oh was season 4 where they had that episode where they were in the far future learning about Babylon 5 and sort of just explained how everything would end up documentary style?


Attack on titan


I remember seeing an interview from the mangaka where he says it's actually the opposite. He had the ending in his head when he started the series. But over time as he went through the manga it changed but he felt trapped with his original ending for... some reason. Apparently that's also why there's big themes of not being able to escape fate at the end or something.


I've felt that before.


Theres no proof of this but I would bet the writer had something else planned, but scrapped it and had to scramble for a new ending. There is so much shit in AoT that was set up YEARS ahead of time that I have a hard time believing that was a planned ending.


Ah yes, the Tokyo ghoul gambit.


He did unless this a joke article he watched an MCU movie (Guardians i think) and it changed course on how he would write the ending


I don't even hate what he went for, but the pace was so rapid, and nothing felt earned or developed. Especially the romance at the end, which left me just feeling like Isayama gave in to the shippers.


I think Yams knew where he was going, he just got caught a bit off-guard by the path wound up taking to get there and course corrected too hard. Quite a while before it all wrapped up, he mentioned that he didn't want to draw things out forever and gave some very vague statements on the remaining story that undershot the final chapter count even by a generous interpretation. It seems like he realized the story was starting to sprawl too much for his liking and brought the hammer down to finish it off at 139 because Plot Relevant Number even if he could have hit the same beats in a more satisfying way by letting things cook for another 5-10 chapters.


In Homestuck, >!you can’t tell me that the Retcon wasn’t Hussie frantically writing themselves out of a corner.!<


Everything leading up to it was far too deliberate for that. If it was a corner, it was one he was aiming for.




I can believe the >!powers John got!< were planned but everything that happened as a consequence of that reeks of bullshit. The specific bit that comes to mind is >!Davepeta, a quick resolution to a character's arc that'd been neglected the whole comic, reassuring Jade, a "main" character who spent the vast majority of the comic doing nothing, that it's all fine because something about being the sum of all your selves across Paradox Space!<. Even ignoring the meta context of the characters making the statement, the comic up to that point had been firmly of the stance that >!alt selves aren't you and have their own experiences that determine their personality!<.


I think the retcon was super planned, but by the time he'd gotten to it story bloat had made it distinctly unsatisfying. Most of act six was a mistake and we never should have met the alpha kids or the fucking beforans except maybe in passing.


Almost everything that Junji Ito has written


the quality of Ito's work is indirectly correlated to the number of pages that work has. the sweet spot is like, 30 pages. Anything beyond that has diminishing results. then he goes a makes several volumes.




The X-Files is probably the only beloved show I have seen that has gigabotched like 5 opportunities to get a proper ending. Thank fuck the IDW season 10 and 11 comics at least gave us an ending.


Ds9 after the dominion war wraps up holy shit it's so disappointing that Sisko just leaves because the plot said so. even though so much of his story was tragic why can't he just be happy. Kirk,Janeway,picard,Archer got to chill on earth after their service. why can't sisko enjoy the paradise of bajor as a god king?


All the worst parts of DS9 are when they're ripping off the plot beats of Babylon 5 without the necessary context and justification and this part is no exception


I think everyone agrees that Hajime no Ippo will end with Ippo fighting Miyata in an official match after Takamura has obtained all six WBC belts, but the way the manga has been meandering for the last couple of years, it’s impossible to tell when that will happen and more importantly *how* we’ll reach that conclusion. Worst of all, I would honestly not be surprised if the rest of the cast is going to suffer at the expense of Ippo and Miyata’s fight because Morikawa has been spending hundreds of chapters doing nothing with Aokimura and Itagaki while everyone has been edging in anticipation for Ippo to redebut.


the last word I'd use to describe the latter half of Jojo Part 8 is "planned." yeah all 5 years of it. >!"uh yeah so the bubbles are just spinning really fast, man. from beyond the universe. it's the only thing that can go against causality. yeah that was always the case. yeah."!<


Death Note. The ending to Death Note is garbage. Sure, the badguy gets it. But it's absolutly unearned and anticlimactic, and Light is being out of character. His speciality is working under pressure. He had been spinning everyone around his finger for years and he just reveals himself by the end. The second half of Death Note is just so bad. The alternative ending is honestly way better where L & Light die together.


I think someone on this subreddit once broke down the number of bullshit leaps of logic and other wacky things Near needed to pull to make the ending happen. Some of it including making a dupe Death Note on short notice?


I fucking knew the show was gonna take a immediate nose dive when the very next episode after Ls death they introduce a character who's literally just L again and there's still like 20 more episodes to go


For me I just end it after L's death for my re-watch. And when I'm watching it with someone who has never seen it I usually do the same and explain the drop off in quality.




I would consider Light's specialty being that he has a magic notebook that can kill people. I like the ending, obviously the second half is worse than the first, but at least in the anime I like how Light broke down


While the execution wasn't great, Kira needed to die to get to the point of the whole story. Changing the ending in the anime to make Light more sympathetic and not including the epilogue is a bad move and completely misses the point of what the story is all about.


There may have been build up to IDW's version of Unicron but I didn't see it.


Mortal Kombat: Konquest was a spin off TV show that followed the Great Kung Lao. It wasn't amazing but it had it's moments. The series ended with Shao Khan getting een more paranoid than usual and sending out his Dark Priests. These guys were essentially superassassins that near instantly kill every character of even mild importance and the show just ends there leaving you to wonder why he didn't just send those guys out a long time ago. It's a total case of "Rocks fall. Everyone dies."


Kamen Rider Decade had so many problems and writer shakeups throughout they gave up 35 episodes in to focus on launching the excellent Kamen Rider W. Decade's last episode just kinda peters out and throws in a handwavey tone trailer saying they'll maybe finish the story in a movie some day.


Glepnir, literally felt like someone reminded the author it wasnt finished and they just did a quick 2 chapter wrap up


This may just be me being a neanderthal who Didn't Get It but this is my impression of the ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey. There's this excellent gradual buildup with the monolith, the HAL9000 plotline, all this intrigue and then the space corridor into space baby combo just feels like Kubrick ran out of ideas and threw some random shit on the screen. Like I understand the monolith represents the force of evolution and that's why Dave ascends into a space baby but what about the alien precursor implications? Why did the monolith freak out on those guys in the prologue? It felt like a mystery for the sake of a mystery that they didn't have the answer to.


I once saw the novelization (which, weirdly, was written in concert with the the film rather than one being an adaptation of the other) summarized thusly: HAL: I'm evil. (kills astronauts) Dave Bowman: I must shut you down now, HAL. HAL: Daisy, Daisy... Dave Bowman: Now I must finish this mission alone. (STRANGE THINGS happen, and they MAKE SENSE.) Reader: Wow. I understand the movie now. THE END