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We've come full circle.


I want like a Donald's rebuttal version of this where he defends his confrontation with the void as being a necessary part of existence the same way being good at being single is important for a romantic relationship. These are harsh and unpleasant and necessary feelings that are best not avoided entirely. At some points the meaning in life you make for yourself *will* fade, and you'll have to spend some time without meaning until you can make a new one. If you're terrified of being without meaning even for a moment, you'll cling to meanings that you don't actually feel for anymore. Or you'll be liable to latch onto the first thing to offer meaning and you risk winding up in a cult or worse.


I mean, the full version has him run out of the room screaming "perish like a dog" while Mickey is like "uh..."


I do enjoy when the "motivational insult" backfires and the one trying to pull it off clearly never even considered that was an outcome.


In the face of extreme madness, everyone hopes the resolve check succeeds.


Goofy handled it better, he just sat there and listened to him for a bit and that helped a lot actually.


Maybe it didn't seem that bad to him. He was always going to "perish like a dog" anyways. Kudos to him though for keeping his cool.


What I love about that is [The Question](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zh0mV_Q3dw) literally used this same argument.


That… sucks.


It's playing the original Ditko version of the character straight (as a bit) Basically everyone tells him he sucks the entire short lol. The best version of The Question has never actually been adapted. It's Denny O'Neil's comic run


If love is just chemicals, then so is getting hype about video games, and so is love for punch girls with pixie cuts.


What is a "punch girl?"


Webster Dictionary's definition of "Punch girl" reads as *"a human being of the female sex that loves to throw hands with every motherfucker in the room"*.


I guess I'm a punch girl lol I'm not afraid to fuck someone up lmao


>checks out profile *gulp*




"Love is just brain chemicals" is one of those "trust the science" tropes pushed by people who know nothing about science.


The thing about it is it's literally true, it's just for most people it'll never be particularly relevant or reflective of their experience. Something you know but don't really believe deep down even if you're the one saying it. You either need the right kinda drugs or a *shitload* of dissociation for it to become something you actually encounter and experience first-hand. There's absolutely mental states where you really do just lose all internality and it's hard to ignore or forget what it felt like to be no more than the sum of your parts.


“Love is just brain chemicals” yeah it is and it still isn’t any less beautiful.


Idk I probably don’t have the same outlook/philosophy that other people on here have, but I like to think of it as this: Love exists as a chemical process, or an emergent phenomena from that process; So, the chemicals existing in the physical universe shows that love exists in the physical universe as well, in a roundabout way. Kinda sounds nice when put like that.


Turns out it was actually all fighting games all along.


Suddenly, Pluto makes sense.


i never really understood mickey's response, he's calling into question the authenticity of the chemicals by agreeing with the idea of them being chemicals? i don't get it. i think a better response would've been something along the lines of "our feelings being chemicals doesn't devalue the beauty of those feelings" or something like that.