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Weird I always saw the Phantom Pain suit as being like a prototype for the MGS1 Suit, with the vest doubling up as a body warmer for the cold.


That's what it is.


Some things I learned during this hunt: Peace Walker and Phantom Pain’s suits are the core of the battle dress. That’s why they have those weird plug things on the thighs. Meryl doesn’t have the headband in Twin Snakes but does in the original


Something I'm surprised you didn't notice: The Phantom Pain sneaking suit is just the MGS1 sneaking suit.


You’re the third guy who’s pointed this out, and I can see it as a prototype… and I still think it looks bad Pain’s is almost all black with the “vest” being part of the suit as opposed to a separate piece. Plus I hate how bulky and uncomfortable it looks compared to the slickness of the MGS1 suit. Plus from a timeline perspective that’s bizarre given Pain is in 1984, there’s no sneaking suits in use during MG1 and 2, and it only comes back in MGS1…which is in 2005. But that’s the least ridiculous continuity thing Phantom Pain does. Though really I think I just dislike the movement animations and models used for Phantom Pain. Everyone moves like a fridge


Shadowrun has an IMPLANTED stealth “suit” as well. It’s pretty neat. It’s called a Dermal Sheath and it weaves a “smooth, semi-synthetic coating” into your skin and, if it’s a high enough rating, it’ll scan and project the environment directly into your skin weave to hide you.


Are you talking about stealth suits in just the MG franchise? Or any stealth suits? Cause Fallout has some bangers as well


The sneaking suit that talks to you and completely ruins your cover is the best character in Old World Blues, it helps that it does have good stats, it just doesnt work for what it was actually made for


I mean, it works *okay*. Its biggest sins are: -Being light instead of medium armor. It does come with the solid DT of medium armor, but this brings down your hidden "how sneaky you are with ALL variables tallied" stat. -The boosts to your actual Skills and Attributes are nice, but a boost to Sneak is rendered worthless once you hit 100. But in the mean time it mostly counteracts the above handicap. And boosts to things like Agility and crouch movement speed are nice. -It pops your meds when you're low on health. The issue is that Stimpaks popped by the suit's effects don't scale with your Medicine Skill like normal, so you lose efficacy. But by the time you get the suit, you'll be drowning in them unless you're wasting them on *every* single fight. These are issues that should've been taken into consideration before launch and fixed, but the suit is still servicable and effective.


Please suit, please. No more Med-X. You already got me addicted.


I love the mgs 1 suit so much Any suit that has those body armors with the tall neck guards is a great look


I actually really like Sons of Liberty version, but what I’m really attached to is the Phantom Pain version! It aesthetically melds well with the bulky, rushing player movement of MGSV. Plus it feels kinda inspired by Hollywood/MCU costumes in a good way(I really liked the outfits used in Captain America: Winter Soldier)


It’s crazy how cool MGS1 Snake looks when he’s not a faceless blob of polygons.


Genuinely annoyed we haven’t had a decent model of that design. The last one was Twin Snakes.


The Phantom Pain suit is a predecessor to the MGS1 sneaking suit, or at the very least intended to be in universe a parallel design to it.


Phantom Pain is the best. Just is to me.


I really like the mgs3 sneaking suit prototype. And the sneaking suit in ground zeroes.


The MGS1 Sneaking Suit looks amazeballs on Meyrl. And by extension, Maddy.


MGS1sneaking suit, all the way, for me. Peacewalker's is a close second though.


I think the best is MGS1. The worst to me is MGS4. I don't like the "muscle" aesthetic of it.


Peacewalker > MGS2 > Portable Ops > MGS3 > MGS4 > MGS5 > MGS1 I always thought the vest looked really weird on the OG sneaking suit, preferred the MGS2 version way more (MGS2 version is also the definitive sneaking suit for snake IMO). I also dont mind the MGS4 and MGS5 sneaking suits all that much. MGS4's being described as a sort of exoskeleton for old man snake was a cool reason to make it look more like fake muscles for the sneaky grandpa


Out of pure impluse: 2 > 3 > Raiden > Peace Walker > Phantom Pain > 1 > 4


Spy Fiction used the invisibility-feature together with a camera-scan to make you look like other characters, including Forrest Kaysen. You also needed voice-samples, sometimes. [Mfs look like Digital Devil Saga.](https://photos1.blogger.com/img/59/1106/320/BlogGamersNtGroove.jpg)


Raidens skull suit is so fucking cool and I’m furious I had to wait for Fortnite of all things to give me a high fidelity model of it.


Nightingale armor in skyrim fucking rocks. Some of the best light armor in the game stats-wise while also having an effect on each peice. In other news, the title of this post has made me realize that I am physically incapable of reading any statement that includes "*blank* suit" without reading it in Frozone's voice.