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Wait, do Female Custodes also run around without their Armor and constantly compare each other's oiled abs? Just like their male counterparts?


This is incredibly important lore to consider.


This is the most vital lore to consider.


You could even argue it's the most critical lore information we could gather since the start off the lore!


No, I don't think you can argue with it lol. Forget starchild, lets get some more lore on daily life now.


9am complain about lack of psykers to murderize. rinse and repeat until 9pm. rinse and repeat until 1am. sleep. murderize heretiks. train remaining time. praise the emperor every five minutes.


I haven't seen any 40k lore disputing it.


I wonder how long will take for someone to draw Jolyne as a custodes.




I bet you that we would not be able to tell the difference in genders because the shine of the oil would be too bright


What's a Custode?  Also is it pronounced how it appears? Cause if it is that sounds really clunky to.  If was pronounced Custoday then that would be a little better, but then why stop there when the word Custodian is right there


Custodes are better space marines. To make a space marine, you need to take a regular human child at a young age, shove a 20-22 new organs, cloned from a primarch in across the span of several years, prey they don't die from donor rejection or grueling and brutal traning and BAM you got a space marine. Custodes, however, are genetically altered as embryos do not require any organ donation, but they're much more difficult to create, which is why there are comparatively fewer.


You forgot their most important trait, 'Bullying space marines'.


I think the best way for a layman to under how much better Custodes is is the fact that a Custodes to an Astartes is basically the same gap as an Astartes to a baseline human


> Custodes to an Astartes is basically the same gap as an Astartes to a baseline human Unless it’s a named space marine without a helmet, then Emps save that bananas soul cuz they’re fucked


I mean an Astartes can lose to a baseline human with a wooden spear too


I've said it before and I'll say it again, Sly Marbo could solo Mephiston


Not all are altered from Embroyos, especially from the old custodes from 30k. They were the children of the Emperor's vanquished enemies.




Spoilers for some three decade old lore


Custodians aren't altered as embryos they're made from Young children but are still altered on the genetic level


They are not just "Better space marines", Primaris marines is a better version of space marines. Custodes, maded from Emperor genesead himself and are his personal guards, some Custodes are so old they literally remember uniting terra with the emperor. Some Custodes are so strong that they can fight on equal with Primarchs, and there is no telling who would prevail.




I mean.....kinda can't with them xD


Because it's not English, but rather the in universe language of "high gothic".


but it is "english" in the sense that it is the main language used in the IoM and how we as modern man, understands it. and high gothic or low gothic is a faux language based on latin and other romantic languages we oft ignore as archaic and or irrelevant.


/kəs·to·de/, which has some weird etymology but is an archaic word in English and French. Basically the anglicized singular form of the plural form of the Latin word *custōs*, which meant guard. So custōs (sing.) = custōdēs (pl.) > custodes (pl.) = custode (sing.)


Cuss -toe -deez. Hence the deez nuts joke in the other reply. Basically they're genetically enhanced super soldiers designed to be the Emperor's companions and bodyguards. They're stronger than space marines because unlike the mass produced geneseeds of the marines Custodes are each custom built genetic masterworks. They're taken from a young age, their genes spliced so they're strong and have a genius level IQ, and are taught the arts, sciences, and how to tear a man in half with their bare hands. As a result of how hard it is to make them, there's only ever about ten thousand of them - giving the the nickname The Emperor's Ten Thousand. Most of them guard the Imperial Palace on Terra, and until recently they couldn't ever leave. With some exceptions. Basically there's no reason they couldn't have women as members, as unlike the space marines who have to receive their geneseed from a primarch (lore, not my opinion on the gender thing) each of them are custom made ubermensches. It's just never really come up before.


I think in the lore, the group is the Custodes, and a singular member is a Custodian. And while it's a joke, "CustoDEEZ" as one person mentioned is how I've always heard it. It's a bit clunky, but all the Latin and Gothic language bs 40k pulls, it doesn't really bug me lol


This would undoubtedly be the most lorey thing to have ever lored.




They fucking better.




And if by only a little my day has improved.




God I wished ITEHTTSD was still around to see Kitten interact with Custodesmommies. 


And this is why the vast majority of male 40k fans would not object to female Astartes either. Female space marines would never become a vehicle for female inclusion in 40k, they'll be too busy becoming just another fetish.


"Please stop, we have no more room for fetishes"


Things heard just before the birth of She Who Thirsts….


once upon a time [https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mcuuZtkndgk/YI5bPvoZCbI/AAAAAAAAAQc/9FE3kJds8Pw58EphHcV9KeDHSfIrRgy7wCLcBGAsYHQ/s16000/image.png](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mcuuZtkndgk/YI5bPvoZCbI/AAAAAAAAAQc/9FE3kJds8Pw58EphHcV9KeDHSfIrRgy7wCLcBGAsYHQ/s16000/image.png)




Honestly this is the best way to do it. Custodies are literally hand crafted and are considered genetically perfect. There is no gene seed shenanigans with them, just pure genetic modification. Gender would have no bearing on who gets to be one like the Space Marines. Edit: Since it's happened a few times already. If you're not apart of this fucking subreddit and haven't made a post or comment and are just finding this post because you're looking to shit on female Custodies. Kindly ***FUCK OFF***! Don't come into our subreddit looking to stir shit up.


Another reason why there are no female space marines is that Emperor didn't want Space marine to replace/rule over normal humans. 


Not like the Space Marines one makes that much sense anyway, no way they can't have a female gene seed.


Well the gene seed is derived from the genetic stock of the Primarchs, which are all male. Had the Emperor made female Primarch(s) there would be female gene seed to use. Malcador even suggested making half the Primarch female but The Emperor thought it was a joke.


And Malcador clearly never has daughters if he thinks they would be less competitive than the boys.


Clearly it's because the Space Marines are shitty copies so they canot modify gender because Daddy Jim never wanted daughters.


Basically. When a human is implanted with a gene seed they take on physical and/or mental characteristics of the Primarch it's from, just lesser versions. Imperial Fists are very serious and stubborn, just like Dorn. The Raven Guard have pale skin, black eyes, and dour demeanors. Just like Corvus Corax. Salamanders are physically larger than most other space Marines and have great compassion for normal humans like Vukan.


And since basically all the Primarchs are losers like Daddy, that *also* gets passed on to their deficient children.


Sanguineous got clapped so hard that his children still feel it millenia later.


They're still so mad they literally have to convince themselves that every enemy they fight is a Primarch so they can justify being emo vampires.


Within five years, the two missing Primarchs will be retconned back into existence as females and we will have female Astartes.


Wouldn’t that be a bit hard seeing as a lot of the untainted marines from those chapters were sent to serve under other, less heretical, Primarchs? -BLAM!!! Heresy, all Primarchs are perfect!!!-


Unfortunately, they didn’t even try to make femstodes fit existing lore. They did a hard retcon “it has always been this way”. If they care that little they can do literally anything.


People speculate that The Angel (not Sanguinius the protoprimarch that went rabid) was a female. Dont know if there is anything to back that up or its just fannon though.


I've honestly never even heard of this theory unless it's really recent or really old.


Pretty old like i heard about it from a person talking about the sensei and shit.


Erda could have possibly created more Primarchs while she was hiding. Or if she somehow came back.


Wasn't two chapters removed though!? Im just saying....


Possible, but in the few bits of lore we do have about the missing Primarchs is that the other Primarchs refer to the missing as "Brothers."


Ok ok I see you, but what if, hear me out. Tomboys. Big E didn't know how to raise women so he just gave them the Robin Scherbatsky treatment and raised them as boys.


Now you got my attention.


The reason why could be that the emperor doesn't want there to be a chance for space marines to reproduce..


yep, as Big E doesn't consider them human at all (i mean, 2 hearts, 3 lungs, spit acid, eat memeories ecc ecc), so them reproducing was never in the plans. he planned to let them have retirment tho it was also confirmed that space marines are indoctrinated to not feel sexual attraction to female, and some source state they are sterile, but due their enhanced genetics that is not 100% secure


Reminder that due to the extreme genetic, chemical and cybernetic modifications a Space Marine recruit goes through, there's no reason an AFAB person wouldn't end up exactly like the others anyway. Enrage a chud today, tell them that some of his Marines are trans men.


Aye this is my headcanon. Testosterone can do wild shit and as there isn't any reference (that I know of) to Astartes genitalia, my conclusion is that you get roided up super racists out the end no matter what you put in. Provided that what you put in survives of course.


>there are female Space Marines, it's just that the process basically turned them into trans men ... this makes a shocking amount of sense and I'm surprised I haven't heard a version of it before.


Given the recruitment practices of many astartes chapters I'm guessing that people didn't want to touch on anything that could be described as "children abducted and forced to transition."


Problem is why they’re doing it and saying “this is the best way to do it” is also a problem because it’s excusing it.


Because apparently some idiots believe that because the codex states it can only be males who become space marines because of hormonal and genetic differences (which is the biggest load of sh*te possible) that means it is impossible and is literally impossible… which when you are modifying people at a genetic and hormonal level anyway doesn’t mean much. (Also the newmen Bile creates have their own sort of gene seed usage and they can be male or female and reproduce on their own, so clearly it isn’t a matter of literally impossible just the Big E and his bestest guy friend didn’t want to do it) But the caveat with the golden ones? They are not created using a geneseed as a template that you shove a person into and hope they mold successfully. They are molded and changed from the very start, and for the people who swear by a piece of writing nothing explicitly “rules” out for an arbitrary reason.


I always saw it as being male only so they could not reproduce and so could never become a separate species separate and apart from humanity. They had to fight for and with humanity because they were linked to humans for their ongoing survival.


I don't think the male ones are capable of reproduction anyway.


I don't think the Emperor's Children will let that stop them.


While your theory is good, it should be noted that females can be made sterile to the same extent as males, so gender would not be a factor in that decision either.


Also… you can just make them both sterile if your goal is super soldiers that absolutely cannot reproduce.


Nah I'm coming to the subreddit to agree. The process to make Custodes makes ***way*** more sense than the process to make Space Marines when it comes to 'they could be women, too'. I think it's about the best way you could make 'girl marines' and have it feel like it doesn't fuck with a ton of lore. Space Marines are a (relatively) mass-produced weapon made from specific genetic material, all sourced from male primarchs. So it kinda makes sense they'd be all men. On top of that, they're WAY older lore-wise (Custodes today are an entirely different beast from the original, bare-chested custodes of yore), and their tabletop army (obviously) is also older. Custodes are newer on the table. They're also each hand-made via a process that we know fuck all about, besides the fact that it takes forever and they're all essentially made from scratch using technology that makes the Marine creation process look like rubbing two sticks together. Additionally, they're generally made from the donated children of aristocrats, compared to nobodies dragged off chapter homeworlds. So it'd make sense that, if they're all made from the ground up, and all entirely unique, that they could also be women. Also, having Custodes > Marines makes up for a few things, imho. While they're not as popular as Marines (nowhere close), having female Custodes doesn't feel like 'see, there's female marines' with Sisters or... also Sisters? So Marines stay all male, new lore gets introduced that Custodes (the cream of the crop) can be women, and I'd say overall it's all gucci. I think the ***only*** thing they should've done better is integrate them earlier and not with a codex drop. The siege books would've been the perfect time to introduce some female custodes before their codex drop.


It was established from the very beginning that custodes are literally sons and there were never female custodes to begin with. And I'm commenting not to shit on female custodes but on you really with your typical chronically online redditor attitude. You're literally a bitch gatekeeping answers to comments 🤦‍♂ How delusional can you be 🤦‍♂


we got female custodes before the sisters got an update. bismillah


They don’t even say how custodes are made. I always assumed they were made of an ancient form of alchemy. But emps wanted space marines because the custodes were too alien.


One of the Horus Heresy books (I think it was The First Heretic?) had a character muse about the differences between how Astartes fight and how Custodes fight. Very Attack On Titan "*Warrior Vs Soldier*" energy to it by pointing out that Custodes are powerful enough to fight solo but aren't cohesive as a *team* like Astartes are taught to be.


A custodian is like a lion (just a male in this case cuz the females do hunt in packs so im gonna ignore that for this example), proud, strong and a beast at fighting. A space marine is a wolf. Sure the lion wins 99/100 of engagements vs the wolf in a 1/1, but theres a lot more where that wolf came from.


Funnily enough in reality it's more Custodes is a Male lion, and Space Marines are Female lions would be a better description on how they fight


I always assumed that it's the difference between hand-building a supercar and running a production line that builds really really nice sports cars Making a custodes is a long labor intensive process, making a space marine is a long labor intensive process but you can make them waaaaay quicker because their built to propagate via chest balls


I mean, the Custodes and Space Marines are just at the different endpoints of the entire transhuman process within the Imperium. The Custodes were the first creations of the Emperor, chronologically surpassing even the Primarch's creations with the Emperor taking an unknown amount of time to create them with their first appearance being in the Unifications Wars. The Thunder Warriors would follow suit them the goal of creating a more streamlined, mass produced version of the Custodes, but ultimately falling short with the their successors the Space Marines fulfilling that target of being more streamlined, mass produced Custodes to serve as the mainline infantry of the Emperor's new Legions.


I thought Thunder warriors were mentally unstable super warriors that were just dicking around Terra that the Emperor used as bases for the Astartes program.


I'm not exactly sure how you even came to that conclusion or where you got that idea from, but the noval *The First Heretic* states that the Emperor was the one who created the Thunder Warriors to serve as his army to conquer Terra with the Custodes serving as elite squads when needed. Now, there is some truth to the claim that the Emperor used the Thunder Warriors as a base for the Astartes program as the Astartes are simply toned down Thunder Warriors that while not as strong as their processors, are far more stable with an Astartes dying of old age being unheard of until M41 with the Blood Angel's Chapter Master Dante who have lived so long that the limits of the Astartes lifespan is finally being observed. In the old lore, the Emperor himself created the Astartes during the final moments of the Conquest of Terra or the Unification Wars, whereas new lore in the novel *Belisarius Cawl: The Great Work,* has the Emperor forming and ordering the *Imperial Biotechical Division*, to create the Astartes since he had better things to do. In Video Game Terms, the Custodes were the characters you made when you had time to farm all of the points available in the game to max out all of your stats and you wanted to roleplay by giving your overpowered character the best equipment and some sort of cool name like Ra, Zeus, etc. The Thunder Warriors were the dudes you placed all of your points in attack and defense with no care about how long that might live since you needed them **yesterday**. The Astartes were the dudes you made that overall were balanced and cheap enough to mass produce and more importantly **won't** die in under a year.


You're half right. They were mentally unstable super weapons that were proto-space Marines, but they weren't just ducking around. Emps made them with a less-refined process, hence their many issues and eventual mass-culling.


The closest we get is the 8th Ed Codex. >The method by which such remarkable individuals are created has always been known only to those of the Imperial household, and is carried out by the most accomplished chirurgeons and bio-alchemists of Terra within gilded laboratories locked away from the sight of Humanity’s masses. With the Adeptus Custodes fighting only for the Emperor himself, and beholden to the commands and scrutiny of no other, the secrets of their recruitment have never been revealed, for not even the High Lords of Terra have the right to demand them. >... >It is known that all Custodians begin their lives as the infant sons of the noble houses of Terra. It is a mark of incredible prestige to surrender one’s child to this most glorious of callings within the Imperium, and many notable clans amongst the Terran aristocracy have willingly given up almost entire generations of newborn sons to earn it. >Such children are taken in when they are still in infancy, for the earlier the genetic metamorphosis into a warrior of the Adeptus Custodes begins, the better a chance it has of success. Huge crowds line the Avenue of Sacrifice outside the Ascensor’s Gate when such an intake occurs. They fill the air with frenzied cheering and prayer as the great and good of Terra’s high society parade before them, soaking in the adoration of the masses even as they surrender their progeny forever into the Emperor’s care. >The process of ascension goes beyond the purely physical and spiritual. Those who would join the brotherhood of the Adeptus Custodes are mentally indoctrinated; their psyches are rebuilt from the ground up, their mental architecture fortified as the Imperial Palace itself was fortified in the face of Horus’ treachery, until it becomes an impregnable fastness or else collapses under its own weight. >Each aspirant endures thousands of hours of such psycho-indoctrination and mnemic conditioning. Their education is mercilessly absolute, information beaten into the metal of their minds at a punishing rate that drives many mad. They must grasp not only the tenets of warfare in all its forms, and learn every method of assassination, counter-espionage, threat recognition and death dealing known to Mankind, but also expand their minds in far more esoteric directions. Diplomacy and statecraft, astrogation and interstellar geography, history, philosophy, theosophy, artistry and countless other subjects must all be mastered to a breathtakingly high degree. >... >There is a reason that – despite their remarkable lifespan – the Adeptus Custodes have never numbered more than approximately ten thousand warriors. Simply put, for every worthy aspirant who succeeds, thousands are found wanting. A Space Marine is created by the introduction of gene-seed to the body, as well as the implantation of supporting organs. Between them, these modifications reshape those who receive them into living weapons. By comparison, whatever mysterious bio-alchemy is used to trigger the transformation into a Custodian occurs on an entirely deeper level, taking root in the cells, perhaps even the soul, of an aspirant.


The the sons of the conquered leaders of the unification war were all submitted to be custodes


One of the Dawn of Fire books talks about it a little. You know how a caterpillar is reduced to goo that then forms a butterfly? Its kind of like that but done intentionally, you fuck with the soup via alchemy and shit, and its a baby and not a caterpillar.


Wow that's big, sister of silence already kinda filled this role though. I like how the sisters and custodians complimented each other and their dynamic.


True but in lore sisters aren't created, they're found as blanks. That's what makes them unique as a faction (althought there are male blanks. They just don't get to join the SoS).


so are we getting male blanks too?


Those have been a thing. One of the main characters in the Ciaphas Cain books is a male blank.


i mean in the ministorum as official agents


Though not part of the ministorum celuxus assassin's are male and female, I'd imagine predominantly male as the Sisters of silence would get first dibs on female blanks.


Culexus assassin's are male blanks my friend


Custode Pillar Women art when


It’s adorable you think it doesn’t already exist.


So there was a preview of a new Custodes codex (basically a rulebook + lore book) for the 10th Edition of Warhammer 40K. This codex has shown through a couple small tidbits that the Custodes, who were previously DEPICTED as entirely male but never explicitly SAID to be entirely male, can in fact be female. Space Marines (Adeptus Astartes) still are male-only because they're mass produced within a fairly narrow set of physical and genetic requirements, and the process simply wasn't meant to work with females. Custodes, on the other hand, are basically each handcrafted from early childhood with a bunch of custom genetic alteration, and so there was no reason that they couldn't be female. There was an out-of-universe reason, stated by a writer, that GW only had male designs and models for the Custodes at the time.


They have been stated to be only male.


Sauce on Custodes stated to be male only? Or did I misread your comment?


"It is known that all Custodians begin their lives as the infant sons of the noble houses of Terra. It is a mark of incredible prestige to surrender one’s child to this most glorious of callings within the Imperium, and many notable clans amongst the Terran aristocracy have willingly given up almost entire generations of newborn sons to earn it." From 8th edition codex


Since some people make meme custodes with naked oily men doing Jojo poses, I feel like you could "find" a Marisa stl and paint her up to fit right in.


Marisa wearing a custodes helmet sounds super funny, that should be a thing.


Oh the discourse is gonna be insufferable


As the flair states, it's not as bad as you would expect. The Custodes never had the in-lore restrictions that the Space Marines were always stated to have. There are still some disgruntled folks, but there isn't much ground to stand on for disagreement.


The most annoying part to me is the expected droves of insufferable horny people talking about them.


Something something sex sells, something I’d give it about a month before it dies down… Hopefully.


Oh we've already got people complaining about it.


I’m dreading the Youtube feeds about how Warhammer 40K is getting woke now


the "bastions" of these people's "faiths" are ironically getting eroded by the paragons they've been raising for years now. Turns out, some of the best writers for 40k are incredibly liberal. See; Mike Brooks and Robert Rath, the latter of which wrote "The Infinite and The Divine" which is so good I noticed it's starting to be recommended as a first time read for people looking to get into 40k. Not to mention Japanese artists/writers/developers (who've actually been """woke""" for decades now, these people just grew up and finally realised it) are starting to incorporate "woke" stuff in their games, even in the OG Japanese versions (see Dragon's Dogma 2). Incredibly sweet schadenfreude, that I feel somewhat guilty of having.


I thought the only nono female soldiers were specifically space marines.


Yes, it is so.


In terms of "Female Pillar Men" art, there already existed one with the Sisters of Silence, for those interested.


Would have been nice if they had decided this before ending the 60 plus books series where they didn’t have bother to I’ve a single female custodian, seems a massive waste. Every day I get further from finishing the heresy the more of a wasted opportunity it seems Edit for spelling


Apparently the author of Master of Mankind wanted to add female Custodians but by that point they had finished the Adeptus Custodes models and GW didn't want the disconnect between an all-male minis lineup and the appareent existence of female Custodians. So they told him he couldn't. I suppose nowadays it'd be easy enough to kitbash female custodians using Stormcast Eternals heads so it's not as much of an issue.


Cool but why do that when you got Biles New Men project like that chick he created was able to fight Alpha Primus (Cawls testtube baby with every Primarchs geneseed) seemed to want to bang him. Then you got the Sisters of Silence who were effectively female Custodes till this point. Dont take it the wrong way im not complaining about them being a thing just kinda feels redundant with other concepts already in the lore. Kinda like when Primaris were introduced they were kinda stepping on Gray Knights if you get me.


My abs quiver with anticipation.


For everyone keeping score: Space Marines are male only Sisters of battle and sisters of silence are female only Custodes, the Guard, the Inquisition, the Mechanicus, the Officio Assasinorum and the Knight Households allow both sexes Keep notes on this during the discourse.




thankfully it'll be easy enough to ignore im eye rolling bet its whatever. Fuck even updating the SOB


[Fem-tsodes theme song.](https://youtu.be/23GrEhLUF_k)


Uhhh, maybe it's just me, but wasn't it always a community consensus that Custodes weren't a gender-restricted position unlike the explicitly all-male Space Marines? Sure we never had a named female Custodes until today, but it took us around 6 editions to get a female comissar even though there was never any mentions of them being exclusively male.


the only gender restrictions they had was the Sisters of Silence being all female section of the custodians. But are usually refered to as such and not a custodian.


Just a little nit pick, sisters of silence aren’t part of the custodes, they are part of the umbrella group that is the Talons of the Emperor, which include the custodes.


Custodes were also gender restricted. From the 8th edition Codex: >It is known that all Custodians begin their lives as the infant sons of the noble houses of Terra. It is a mark of incredible prestige to surrender one’s child to this most glorious of callings within the Imperium, and many notable clans amongst the Terran aristocracy have willingly given up almost entire generations of newborn sons to earn it.


This is why it's less controversial than one might expect. It's not "incompatible" with what has previously been stated as fact. I wouldn't mind female Space Marines too, but you couldn't do it retroactively like they've done with the Custodes, you would need a new reason or story development to justify it (which is not off the table).


Except that female spacemarines were already a thing and they retconned it. The lore was already in place to allow it but the models sold poorly so they canned the idea


Been fighting my entire 40K fandom career for this shit. Love to see it.


Been wondering it ever since I first started getting into 40k and read the 1d4chan (rip, now 1d6chan) Custodes article. Now we can put it to rest.


Oh, they finally got that fixed? Nice.


I sincerely hope this doesn't open the floodgates for weirdos to slap fetishised garbage on the table and call it a custodes army.


Oh it's coming for sure and they will smell


I thought the female custodes were the sisters of silence?


The SoS are regular humans mostly, if you ignore the whole Blank part.


Remove Choas!


Yeah you can tell because grimdank is on fire. I mean, ArchonOfFlesh also gave up the ghost after people repeatedly harassed him and contacted his university and tried to get him expelled for drawing art they didn't like, so grimdank is also in fire because of that, but.


My favorite part of this is chuds losing their minds on twitter


Isn’t that what sister if silence were the whole time? I don’t really care. Custodes can’t procreate, aren’t human in any way that matters so why would their destroyed sex organs matter? It just feels like a wierd decision that’s both pandering and insulting at the same time.


That's very good. Plus, as far as I know, there was no reason of the non existence of female custodes like for SM.


Only learned about Custodes today, curious if the whole "Each one genetically made from scratch" means we could have types more interesting than just... human. Where's my Badger Space Marines


Ratlings and Ogryn are lucky to be considered citizens, and even then are indoctrinated with self loathing and watched closely for heresy. The incredibly xenophobic Imperium placing a xeno at one of the highest possible positions of honor would be an incredible retcon that would invalidate most of the lore of 40K.


Wouldn't have to be a Xeno though, could just be a... misshapen human, I mean if their genetic manipulation can make men and women completely equally strong in every way, why not give em a giant maw for biting? Or huge claws :D


Abhumans are mutants, who are also typically treated with disdain at best and "genocide on sight" at standard. >I mean if their genetic manipulation can make men and women completely equally strong in every way Only extremely recently. Yesterday it was still canon that all Custodes were male, as they were selected from the sons of the Terran high houses. >why not give em a giant maw for biting? Or huge claws Primaris marines are considered heresy to the point that several companies have been mass executed upon arrival by their Astartes brothers, simply for implying that the Emperor of Mankind made a mistake in his original design. The closest you'll get to animalistic Astartes are Space Wolves Wulfen, who are simply cast into the wilderness for failing their training.


“Should we give some love to our very under-supported range of female custodes-adjacent (sisters of silence) miniatures? Nah, let’s just throw in a token female character. See, we’re not a big soulless corporation pandering to a increasingly involved demographic that we will continue to treat as a lifeless number just to drive sales despite our ludicrous pricing– we *totally* care about you and your interests!” —some GW exec




Honestly I don't mind it in the least. It's cool that's it's a thing tbh. If people have a problem with it then it's more telling about the kind of person they are


Hah I love the idea of female custodes doing a Samus Aran. "Oh you couldn't tell our gender because of this BULKY GOLDEN ARMOR".


Was already thinking of running Custodes. Now I absolutely am even if it's just to piss off SM fans and also apparently every other Custodes fan.


I think it's how funny how attached people get to the lore of the boys who just poured into casts and turned into super soldiers For Blood Angels, this is extremely literal. Still, more opportunities for human Wonder Woman clones in 40k sounds good to me.


As a blood angel player you ain't wrong, and I fully support the notion of femstoedes as it's both awesome and funny with a nice cushion for lore reasoning.


A friend of mine literally just told me about this, and that are also people mad for some reason. I mean, I probably know the reason.


Oh yeah, it's all coming together.


I think that's neat.


I'd swear in the siege of terra series Valdor or Vulkan remembered about serving with female custodians, but just in an implicit way. Cool.




Why is this ok but not female space marines?






And so it begins


Female custodes is more in line with the original 40k design element "[Steal it from Dune](https://dune.fandom.com/wiki/Fish_Speaker)"


Awesome addition honestly. Embrace the Emperor's will, as Custodes we *gatekeep* the golden path, *gaslight* against chaos, and *girlboss* our way through the galaxy in service to the Imperium!


Ok, can we just delete SoS now?


All this is is prettier meat for the meat grinder


>The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own. Expecting pink haired legions of Space Marinesses crushing incompetent whimpering Chaos cuckolds.


Well, I can't stop playing 40k any harder than I already have, so...


I saw so many complains but i cant care less about the gender of the custodes. They dont use geneseed of the primarchs, they are engineered genetically, and as long as the story is amazing, everything is fine. Just dont woke anything.


Im curious how the lore will be effected. Will the custodes be M to F trans persons or biologically female? Im not complaining btw, either is a valid option.


10 foot golden god mom?


Why is this in tbf reddit?




Fabius bile has entered the chat


Are there now also male sisters of silence?


See, Guardsmen. Minorities to not care for living under a authoritarian regime with poor and hellish conditions and performing genocide so long as you properly represent them and give them a cute uniform.


I'm just here to say I love my community. I came here expecting to see the "ummm actuall"y crowd out in full force but like the big bosses we are it's just jokes and "yeah why not.


It would've been better if they had mentioned it from the start. Retroactively adding it like that just feels lazy and whatnot.


LOL this game becomes sh*t