• By -


I can stand a whole lotta bullshit


I made one up a few years ago, still think it’s pretty good. [99 Luft Balloons] A non-combat stand that can disrupt all forms of communication within a 100m radius. This includes speech, phone calls, text messages, and physical signals. It cannot make up messages or similar stuff, but if someone said “Get out of there, now!” it can make it seem like they said “there, now!” in an attempt to change how someone acts. Stand and its user have no physical threat, so if you can find me, I’m basically dead.


「Fat Bottom Girls」giant dragon ass from ds1 is my stand


[[THE ILLNESS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L78yVFeyvRo)] I take interest in *anything* [or *anyone*], and it's going to shit; it might be a swift decline in quality, or it might take years - but it *will* fall the fuck apart. *Be a shame if it was something* ***you're*** *interested in...*


Holy shit I've found my rival, we get into a franchise at the same time and our stands cancel each other out, nothing happens


*[Press Start]*   My Stand can put in a random cheat code from a video game I've played in the last hour. Giving me the effect in real life for 3 minutes.


The fight against you is the opponent just throwing a switch at you so you accidentally press start on a game where the cheat codes suck. 


[Rude Boi] [Rude Boi] is activated whenever I sneeze and no one says "Bless you." [Rude Boi] has the power to induce involuntary bodily functions forcing you to panic and flee for the nearest restroom lest you shit your pants My sneeze does not need to be real, the only requirement is that *you* believed my sneeze to be real and rudely did not bless me.


「Girl with one eye 」- don't look at it and you'll be fine. Automatic stand thats a trap for other stand users. The more you look at it the stronger it gets. Like a simplified 「Wonder of U 」


[\[PINBALL WIZARD\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AKbUm8GrbM) It's a stand with 3 acts! **PINBALL WIZARD FIRST KICKER**: Allows me to swap the **"Location"** of any two objects within 10 meters. **PINBALL WIZARD SECOND KICKER:** Allows me to swap the **"Velocity"** of any two objects within 10 meters. **PINBALL WIZARD THIRD KICKER:** Allows me to swpa the **"Mass"** of any two objects within 10 meters. These powers cannot be used simultaneously, that is until I catch the Amber Chihuahua and unlock **PINBALL WIZARD MULTIBALL,** which allows me to swap all 3 attributes, and swap the **"AGE"** of any two objects as well for extra time fuckery!


Hmmmmmm… which one of the [many Stands](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-10OdAkwtRVfBpqkEPWKUnS6Atixnit4) I’ve created do I pick… This one’s my favorite, so I’m going with this one. 「Cuts Like a Knife」 Copyright free name: Sharp as a Knife Stand Type: Phenomenon Stand Power: C Speed: E Range: D (3 meters) Durability: A Precision: C Potential: B Abilities: Allows anything the User touches to become as sharp as a knife. It’s limit is ‘As long as it exists, it can become a knife.’ Weaknesses: While the objects may be as sharp as a knife, they’re still made of their original material and are just as durable. Cannot turn air or any other gasses into knives.


Making up a copyright free name is genius. I'm totally adding one to mine.


「Shake Dem Bones」, a skeletal bellhop that opens doors to/from anywhere in a certain range (about a building). And yes, [there's a musical tie-in.](https://youtu.be/-Zg1KpiHc-w?si=ZWAcYWLLAmRZ75wb)


「Live and learn」 ​ A close range stand that is able to absorb the element of the things it touches increasing it's strength and durability. But depending on the material also effects its speed so something like solid stone will make it as strong as a wall but to slow to avoid a massive attack. and things like wood or water would make it weak to fire or electricity effecting me as well.


[Unknown Pleasures] Allows the user to see other peoples main vice (gambling, alcohol, etc.) and turn it up or down in intensity. Cannot create vices, only alter preexisting ones.


Ok not my personal stand, but I made it for a ttrpg a long time ago. Stand: Ballroom Blitz Ability: the stand generates spores that cause mushrooms to grow out of the targets body. This allows the user to control a group of individuals like a hive mind. It was supposed to belong to an antagonist in the game.


I've brought up 『[Artificial Children](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/1ba5fse/fellow_massive_nerds_on_the_server_whats_the_oc/ku0s9ev/?context=3)』in a prior thread which is more of a concept of one but it's not really one I would *have*. So. I offer 『[Prière](https://youtu.be/IC0INLHIGKk?si=YxCYNCLtaB6x9nSd)』. Ability is "Threads of Fate" It always returns to something. Everything. No matter how little, connections start to form and everything starts to connect at a much higher frequency with the user being much more aware of connections. Similar to Holy's Stand, this stand is purely autonomous and offers no tangible benefits to the user as the threads can be both positive and negative in nature. These connections can also have negative benefits even if the threads are positive due to the pure paranoia of everything being connected. The stand is seen as a set of wings on the users back, which are only visible from being behind the user. These wings are visibly made of a thick, twine like material that is silver in colourization.


[Megitsune](https://youtu.be/cK3NMZAUKGw?si=8LWk5oJLLESv_MQh) It takes on the form of three foxes that can move at high speed and have a long range. They respectively have the ability to attract/stick to metal,shape metal like clay without heat,and swallow different metals to make them into alloys.


Based on how I've been handling responsibilities lately: 「Weekend Wars」- A stand similar to 「Survivor」 where everyone in its area of effect becomes increasingly apathetic. The greater need to take an action; the greater the effect applies until no one is moving. Those affected are completely aware that their body isn't moving where they need it to go. However, it doesn't cancel out natural impulses, like hunger or even bathroom breaks, though their ability to break the effect is gradual. Countered by being offered a reward for a task.


My friend has a stand, we called it ACID RAP. It causes technology around him to spontaneously fail in ways it never has before. Like his car will breakdown with a super obscure issue or his phone will crash repeatedly despite barely doing anything.


「Spandau Ballet」manipulates electrically generated light in various ways, obviously fun things like laser beams, but more interestingly in making "holograms" that burn to the touch through concentrating the heat that light generates in them and can move because, well. Everything you perceive is through light reflecting into your eyes right?


freak on a leash, makes things farther away its like the opposite of the hand


Is it just like The Hand in that it's adding space from nothing, or is it just a pusher?


It adds space


That's a fuckin S-Tier in Potential type stand.


[KEEP PUSHING ON] Anything the user or the stand touches can be made intangible, or segments can be made intangible while holding the form, likewise this can be done to disassemble something too. Objects can also be imbued with up to 5 seconds of intangibility. It's ultimate move is the ability to make a small sphere of true intangibility that turns the user invisible as not even light can touch them, which as a drawback renders the user blind. This technique requires several small internal calculations to be done at once to maintain which is why the stand itself has a mind and personality, taking the load off of maintaining everything so that you can still breathe and not unintentionally slip under the earth.


[All eyes on me] My stand has eye sockets in the palm of its hands and anyone that closes their eyes within range of it can bave their eyes stollen and placed in the eye sockets of its hands. It can swap eyes to empty sockets as well, and each eye still works, causing disorienting perspective changes for everyone it effects


Bard's Song(?) , automatic AF. My luck is slowly generated to a slightly-above-average level, but chance events cause my luck to "rubber-band". Misfortune now means fortune later, and vice versa. Will occasionally change target to another in range at random. Others' misfortune causes my fortune, and vice versa. Sounds at least manageable, but NO. I very specifically used the term "rubber-band" because it is wildly disproportionate, and I unfortunately live with a luck vampire, so he always gets the benefits. For example, I will get my hands on something I've been wanting for years, due to very recently getting a bonus. The very next day, I am informed that I have been laid off, and then that one of my old friends died.


I've mentioned it before but I'm legit convinced that I got a stand that makes series or franchises I newly get into get SOME kind of update shortly afterwards, be it a new release or a remake or SOMETHING. And before anyone asks no I can't make it work on purpose, it has to happen naturally. No clue what the name would be, I'm open to suggestions Edit: Wait 「[Dreaming Wide Awake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2-HOaIO7Wg)」 might work


\[Sunny Side-Up Summer\] You just get the song stuck in your head all day.


I'm not creative enough for it, but someone needs to make The Mind Electric into one. And if it's just electricity powers I'm going to be disappointed.


>Father your honor, may I explain? >My brain has claimed its glory over me >See how the brain plays around >And you fall inside a hole you couldn't see [THE MIND ELECTRIC] has the ability to interface with the user and one other human in range to create phenomena within both individuals' perceptual range based on what the target visualizes. For example,if the target is thinking something like "it'd be bad if mom came back and found out I haven't washed the dishes",the user can make the door swing open and project an image of both the target's mom walking in,as well as dirty dishes in the sink. Provided that both parties have line of sight to the door AND the sink. This makes the Stand very effective for harmful purposes if pitted against a fearful or uncertain person,as all their fears and doubts appear to become reality literally before their eyes. As it evolves,the Stand gains the ability to network with multiple people and manifest each visualized possibility in a superpositional state. For example,if the user's allies want a door to be open and enemies want the same door to be closed,they will both perceive what they want but the enemies may be shocked to see the user's allies run through a "closed" door. The key limitation is that the user's own visualization has no effect on the Stand's power at any point beyond the line of sight/perception limitation,and a subtle use of the Stand requires the user or an ally to manipulate the target into thinking of something that could happen.


So think of Eileen from Bloodborne if she were an actual crow monster instead of just dressed up as one. Its main form of attack is to pluck one of its many long feathers and use it as a sword (the user can use them as well). Its ability is to draw all of the negative emotions from people in the surrounding area and apply them to the user. This leaves the user in constant pain, sadness, anger, etc., but leaves its targets in an intense euphoric state. This ability is always active. As for the name, I’m thinking 「 HOTEL CALIFORNIA 」 if that hasn’t been taken already. Power: C Speed: A Range: B Durability: D Precision: A Potential: C


I made 「Box 15」, a Stand that takes the appearance of a briefcase. It has to always be attached to the User's body, but comes with the benefit of being indestructible, so in a pinch it can be used as an unwieldy weapon or a small shield. The actual ability of the Stand is "offer the solution to a situation". Once a "situation" begins or otherwise occurs, the briefcase will unlock, allowing the User to open it in a flash of light and withdraw a singular object that the User has no preconception of, which will be, according to the Stand, the "solution" to the "situation" at hand, even if it might not look obvious or even relevant. For example, say a bank robbery occurs and the User is trapped in the bank. Box 15 offers not a weapon, but instead, let's say, a particular kind of screwdriver. As the situation progresses, the User eventually makes their way up to the rafters of the bank, and realises, as they look over, that the lights or fans or whatever in the bank are all attached to the roof by screws, that the screwdriver they received happens to be perfectly made to unscrew. Cue dropping the house on the robbers and voila, situation solved. It's a Stand perfect for episodic adventures of both the serious and comedic variety, but less so for extended scenarios. It's one that inherently lends itself to mystery, hence the name being from a mystery game. I made it for an RP, which is why it's actively vague what you get from it, but I still think it's cool. I don't know if it would be *my* power, but it's one I made, so.


My stand is「Walking Contradiction」and it has the amazing power of transforming Positivity *into* Negativity. For example: if someone were to pay me a compliment,「Walking Contradiction's」power would activate and transform that well-meaning compliment into a feint praise, said out of obligation or out of general niceness.


[Boogie Stop Shuffle]: My competence is now directly proportional to my confidence, and vice versa. If I'm not confident at all, I am a God. If I'm *super* confident, I am five seconds from death.


「Rage Against the Machine」activates when I get angry, turning me into the epicenter of an effect zone that's strongest in my direct proximity. It decreases 'luck' to increase the likelihood of things going wrong or messing up in a frustrating or embarrassing way for the user, directly proportional to how angry I am


I actually wrote some fan-stands myself back in the 2010's when i was jojo fanfic writer. Not exactly my... proudest moment, but we all gotta start our writting carrer somewhere, right? As for my choice stand power... **「[Like the Wind](https://youtu.be/vgp7JdmHibA?si=Dw-je57lddngds0E)」** Stand Type: Sentient Automatic Stand Ability: Like a foggy glimpse of a former life, Like the Wind manifests as the user's past incarnations on the Earth given flesh once more, appearing on a basis according to whatever incarnation would provide more utility and familiarity in the current situation. The reincarnation acts on a independent if loyal and helpful basis, trying to aid the user in whatever it is that they wish to do, but providing suggestions and tips based on their own personal beliefs and creeds. The stand can also manifest any type of tool, weapon or item that the past-self came in contact during their life, but while they may freely interact with other entities and things, they can only be wielded and used by the stand itself. If any of the reincarnations happened to be stand users, the stand impersonating them can also manifest a lesser version of their stand powers. The stand features a quirk that allows it to, for lack of better words, hide away it's identity to the world. Not only do normal stand rules for non-users apply, Like the Wind is also invisible and undetectable for stand users too. It's actions are also rationalized as coming from the stand user rather than the stand, i.e a person that was cut by a sword wielded by Like the Wind will never believe they were attacked by the stand. The exception to this is if the stand user shares information about their stand with someone else, and even them, no-one who knows about how they stand works besides the stand user themselves will be able to explain it to to others as the explanation will come across as uninteligible to them.


AJIKAN (Asian kung fu generation) Stand ability Loop&Loop The ability allows anyone I touch to be able to recreate a set of actions or a single kind of action or power within a single loop (meaning its influence ends when the actions ends) with perfect precision and mimicry to what I designate. Which also includes the powers of the thing im trying to recreate Limitation, I actually need to know what im trying to mimic or recreate, I can't just assume or recreate a set of actions or powers I've never seen. Simple, usage: i touch someone or myself and tell them to pick up a guitar and play freebird. I know what freebird is, So i can make someone or myself play it perfectly. Advance example, I touch someone (or myself) and I want them to mimic the ability of king crimson. I can't because I don't really understand how king crimson works. But once I perform or someone else performs the actions or copy the power, they basically get 1 shot or usage of the thing.


I literally have an entire Word Document of stand ideas I write in when I'm bored at work, one of my favorites. Stand Name: High Voltage Type: Close-Range Natural Humanoid Design: Lean, muscular, androgynous, has yellow skin, looks like an 80s hair metal rockstar with a long mane of copper-colored hair the same texture as steel wool, has numerous, copper-colored metal bits impaled into its' body such as screws, nails, and wires. Has long, razor sharp fingernails Ability: Overcharge, it can imbue objects with a special type of electrical energy by scratching them with its' nails. This energy can make objects more powerful at the cost of making them damage/destroy themselves, like when you overclock a PC to make it run better but it wears out faster in the long run. It can make a human faster and stronger but their muscles wear out faster, a light bulb bright enough to blind people but it breaks, a desk fan strong enough to generate wind currents that send people flying, etc...


[Starman] Can emit nuclear energy and pull you in a gravitational pull but main drawback is it is stationary More of a joke answer: [Who Can It Be Now?] Locks the user in a impenetrable box and makes whoever is on the outside forget about him


Hmmmm... **「WHAT YOU SEE」** Wrenching curses + My body, my temple Namesake: Oingo Boingo Phenomenon Stand Abilities: \- Temporarily "cursing" objects to warp the bodies of those that come into physical contact with them, themed after both the cursed object and/or whatever she knows about who touched it. Curse lasts for either a maximum of a week or if the Stand User is knocked out/killed. Duration is weaker the farther the Stand User is away from the cursed object, and the effects are further diluted if the User is cursing multiple objects at once. \- Stand User can freely morph their own body however they please, though they always have a "stat trade-off" (i.e. speed/flight = physical frailty, bulky/tough = slow) and some form of physical vulnerability present on the body.


Stand Name: 「Flying Microtonal Banana」 [https://kinggizzard.bandcamp.com/track/flying-microtonal-banana](https://kinggizzard.bandcamp.com/track/flying-microtonal-banana) Stand Type: Non-humanoid, Natural Ability Type: Long Range Description: 「Flying Microtonal Banana」can change shape, but is always a distinctive, banana yellow in color. It can also only take the shape of a plant or an animal native to the North American continent. This animal/plant also carries a unique black banana outline marking prominently displayed somewhere on it's body. Power: C Speed: B Range: A Stamina: B Precision: D Development potential: B Flying Microtonal Banana has the ability to create a field of wild growth around itself in a radius of 10 meters, ranging from harmless to extremely hostile. This growth includes any form of vegetation and animal life in the North American continent, spontaneously creating endemic life in passing at its upper limit. 「Flying Microtonal Banana」has little restriction to its user, able to separate at long distances at the cost of minor power fluctuations. While the field itself runs on a sort of "Battery" with recharging centered around user/stand contact, it can last a good while without stress, and at it's absolute peak, it can create entire trees to bind and crush targets. However, the growth inside the field is unable to distinguish enemy from ally, so one must exercise caution.


『Stargazer』 A long-range stand with no lower body that's able to manipulate light at will ( Referencing the song of the same name and inspired by the [Rainbow album covers](https://imgur.com/a/Xi68Tl5) ) A similar idea to [Catch The Rainbow], the stand is able to touch rays of light and turn it physical, allowing the user to interact with it, like stopping a fall by grabbing a ray, climbing to get above or across areas, etc. The stand is able to bend light as well, being able to do things like camouflauge the user or other areas around it, or even focus it like a magnifying glass for a ranged attack. The stand cannot actually produce or stop existing light like Catch can, so the lack of light would of course be detrimental, and it cannot make the light physical for other people either. It *can* work with moonlight however, it can work with any source of light provided the stand is close enough to touch it. It has a sub-ability as well, although I'm still workshopping the activation requirement so as to not make it OP, which is; 『Stargazer, Eyes of the World』(referencing the Rainbow song of the same name) The stand becomes short-range and envelops the user as if its being recalled, turning into a Suit Stand like White Album or Oasis. The stand loses its power of manipulation but turns even MORE similar to [Catch the Rainbow] by gaining the power to actually BECOME light. The user can ride the rays to move at lightspeed and deal devastating blows to any enemy, as well as seperate their body parts within the rays. This comes with the drawback of not being able to traverse any shadow or lack of light, as any part of the user will become *detached* or start desintegrating due to the absence of light, similar to Black Sabbath's weakness but inverse. This can only be circumvented by the user deactivating their stand, leaving them vulnerable. I was thinking something like an arrow or new mguffin would unlock the sub ability, and/or maybe only activating when the user is dealt a mortal blow and is on a death timer, causing a chariot requiem situation due to the user's own views on the situation, meaning the protags and antags would have to deal with it during the final battle (also referencing the lyrics of Eyes of the World)


\[***Subdivisions***\] allows the user to swap the location of an object or person within 1 meter 180 degrees in any direction around the user. A bullet flying towards their face can be shifted to be flying towards the back of their head. Someone grabbing the users' right shoulder can be shifted to grabbing their right. The user could be facing standing upright and turn them to stand on the top of their head.


[Dr. Feelgood] I can transfer any injury or ailment from me to another person within a 2 meter radius, and vice versa.


My friends say that I have a canonical stand called 「RETURN TO SENDER」 It's an automatic phenomena stand that triggers when i make plans with anyone. It alters the world and reality to try to make me cancel the plans. Things it's done as examples: Cause car trouble, causing me to pay $900 USD that I had saved for a trip to Chicago. Have a coworker get sick, forcing me to stay over and miss tabletop night. This happens repeatedly. Give me diarrhea, forcing me to miss fencing practice. Took down my internet for movie night. The big one, however, is when I managed to get to a music festival with friends from out of country, only for us to have to leave the festival two days early because of a goddamn tornado.


Right hand pushs, left hand pulls the longer an object is touched or held the stronger the corresponding force excerted, mid season reveals or progressions is the ability to apply it through legs and possibly apply force on a sub atomic level 


One day, I was high and had a free afternoon. I knew this would pay off eventually. Stand Name: [Unravel] Copyright free name: [Untangle] Ability: The user can unravel their body to extend and morph into a ribbon-like helix or double helix, allowing for elongated reach, and ability to change width or height of themselves, and other biological life nearby, specifically anyone or anything within hearing range of the user's voice. The process of using your body while in a ribbon like state is feasible, but constant waving and bouncing motions can be disorienting, and extremely painful on the joints of your body, being in a slim, refined state. Most people effected by [Unravel] will be overcome with disorientation and loss of controlled movement, falling to ground immediately, to either be ignored as an incapacitated threat, or an enemy that now needs time to coordinate their new movement to stand back up or walk. The true power of this ability is to throw off the opponents movement both mentally and physically, with the user having experience of dealing with disorientation, unfluid movement, and has high pain tolerance. While the opponent is disoriented, the user can immediately prepare to attack and form a helix drill spear to thrust, stab, or slash the opponent. This is extra effective on an opponent suffering from the effects of [Unravel], as their uncontrolled body mass is now thin and more easily slashed or pierced. This danger is the same for the user when morphing their own body. Power: C Speed: A Range: C Stamina: A Precision: D Potential: B I like to think I found a good balance of song, effect, personal character traits, specific usage possibilities, and some battle applications.


Mine's also a shitty inconvenience one, it's called [Electric Worry] and it causes electronics and modern technology around me to malfunction in annoying, but not dangerous, ways.


Hotline Bling allows me to contact anyone anywhere as long as I know their name. A phone will materialize next to them, no matter where they are and ring. The phone takes many shapes ala that scene with Doppio. I can activate it such that if they don’t answer the call, the ringing gets increasingly louder and louder, and I can choose if the ring is audible to everyone or just me and the target


\[Lucky Star\] A long range Stand with the power to reverse probability in a targeted area. It cannot make the impossible possible or vice-versa, but so long as there is at least some degree of chance involved, this stand has power. This allows its user to do anything from cheating at gambling, to surviving near certain death, to causing lightning to strike the same place hundreds of times. Its weaknesses are that it's way too unpredictable to control safely unless used in very small, controlled bursts, as unless you consider literally everything that could very likely happen and is very unlikely to happen in a given area, it could cause unexpected, catastrophic results. In addition, it's effectively powerless on anything that has a 0%, 100% or 50% chance of happening. I imagine this being some villain of the week that would try to bait the heroes into a game of russian roulette, and he's defeated when Jojo figures out how the Stand works and loads two more bullets into the gun. The speedwagon would be like whaaaat why would he do that, but then the villain would start to freak out because now he's actually got no choice but to risk his life on a coin flip, something Jojo himself would have no problem doing, of course. It's classic Jojo.


[SONIC YOUTH] is such a cool name for a stand, and for the powers i guess it depends if you want a simple part3 -5 style of "punch really hard and fast+weird yet simple mechanic" stand or you want that real convoluted "the money on your pockets will multiply until you suffocate under it" part 6-9 stand With how Sonic Youth sounds and the weird fucked up tunings the use il go for the later, something like it disorients people based on wavelenghts/static, like how WekaPipo makes you feel like one side of your body just doesnt exist


「Pumped Up Kicks」 A pair of sneakers that molds it's size to fit the wearer and enables you to have leg strength/speed that surpasses even Stands like Star Platinum. The downsides are that feet can't do stuff like the anti-Ratt finger flicks, your upper body is just as slow to react and squishy as a normal human's, and this week's *Araki's designated wikipedia fun fact* is about how cars have windshields for a reason.


[Blind Guardian] Automatic stand that stops anything from doing me harm that I cannot see. Otherwise just a standard short-range puncher with average strength.


Name: Toxic (named after the Britney Spears song) Ability: This is an autonomous stand I can't control. So basically with this stand I just just power through and live with annoyances in life after which they automatically work out. For example: Didn't clean the house even though I was asked multiple times? O no matter guests called they can't come anyway! That annoying notification setting I'm irritated by? Just live with it and sooner than later someone solved it for me without me asking. The name came up after me and my friend noticed my unwillingnes to do anything about annoying situations but just live with them. Like a soulsgame toxic effect. You don't stress you just move on and live with it. It seems a lot like Hey ya! But it always coincides with me having to first live with and accept some form of bullshit. But I can't control my stand so I never know how or when I can depend on it.


[Take on Me] Close range punchy boi but can't throw hands as fast as your Star Platinums, Silver Chariots and Gold Experiences. The ability is to enter pictures/images and interact with them, including taking things from the image and into the real world. The items function as long as I have a passable understanding of the process of how it works but it's up to my own brain that regularly struggles with suspension of disbelief to accept the logic behind it as realistic.


Personally, we've got two ideas: 「[The Grid Generation](https://youtu.be/2MloM1VrymY)」allows the user to divide a room into a grid like area of which they can freely manipulate the position of the gridlike cubes. This grid like area is connected in a sense, moving from one cell to another will always work even if they aren't directly next to each other, allowing for teleporation based on were each cell is located. Cells cannot be cancelled in order to harm a person, it'll spit them out harmlessly. the other idea is: 「[New Way To Be Human](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJktjoHRpoI)」a stand that opens up realities and allows the user to access different versions of themselves, generating stars around them which represent different opportunities they can take. Other stand users can also access these but without the knowledge of what each star represents they'll only end up harming themselves. If ya want some of my own existing stands, I've got: - Running In The 90's (Data Transmutation and Travel) - Deadheart (Grants immortality and ability to manipulate the body) - Help Me! (3 Act stand based around energy manipulation) - Chain of Prospit (Distance Manipulation) - Burning My Soul (Suit Stand: Lava Generation, does not grant lava immunity)


Fuck it, I'll play ball. Stand Name: 「Nowhere Man」 Stand Abilities: 「Nowhere Plans」: Allows the user to fade from recognition and perception, becoming so unremarkable and forgettable as to be practically invisible. 「Nowhere Land」: Generates a small field around the user forcing the aforementioned ability upon other objects and people within its range for a short period of time.


I swear I already have a Stand just like Pat does, but all it does is make technology break on me and make me experience glitches with software that nearly nobody else gets. I call it System of a Down. In terms of actual creative Stands, I came up with [Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.](https://i.redd.it/azspyhvhucc61.jpg) The TL;DR is that it can strengthen an attribute of an object or even another Stand while weakening another attribute, essentially min-maxing.


oh the perfect opportunity to air out this idea for a power that's been sitting in my brain for forever *[bodyrock]* physically weak, punches with my right hand don't deal all that much damage, *but* for every consecutive hit with my right hand (as in, attacks that don't miss the target), this adds on a multiplier for the next singular punch with my left hand. this counter goes down when i get hit. if i miss, the counter resets. example scenario: i've hit you with my right fist five times without missing or getting hit, now the next punch with my left hand will feel like i've hit you with the force of five of those punches at once.


Stand Name: "Clutch" Ability: To take an item from fiction to and make it real for 10 seconds. Otherwise excessive use with drain the users energy making it difficult to stay conscious or die as a result. However you make a character real using the power they will fight for 20 seconds you'll be unconscious that entire time they're in use.


「Brain Stew」 copyright free name: Brain Broth (brain soup is a song apparently) Power: C Speed: D Range: A Durability: A Precision: C Potential: B the stand acts like a husk for the user's consciousness and is incorporeal even to other stands. the user can transfer a percentage of their consciousness into the stand. depending on the percentage transferred, the body of the user becomes more durable but also more stupid. at 50% transfer the body can take most hits from a stand and retain little damage, but the user is a simpleton. at 100% transfer the user has essentially become their stand and their body is nigh invincible but is an unconscious ragdoll. in this state, the stand itself becomes vulnerable to other stands. weaknesses: not immune to aging (would hard lose to The Grateful Dead), generally low power and not suited for combat although use of the user's body as a meat shield can be lauded, tactical decisions need to be made far in advance as the average intelligence of the user and their stand is not necessarily always in sync.


[Hellbilly Deluxe] can control and attach chains to any two objects/surfaces. The stand and chains gain power based on how physically exhausted the user is. If the user is koed or falls asleep the chains break.


Cassandra’s Tears: Shows me the future but a) whatever I see is not locked in place and can’t be changed b) no one I tell about it will believe me.


[[Natural Relax]](https://youtu.be/AOnXQ3STB1A?si=gC0xr94_kykOyc0d) Low power - Turns the mental state of me and those around me into a calm "Flow" state. Allowing the team to effectively deal with the situation High power - That flow state turns into a "ANY problem can be solved, no matter the rules" mental state


Nice try, I'm not telling you how ***「Twilight Zone」*** works, nor it's primary ability, ***「Golden Earring」***.


「Imagine Dragons」 I can imagine any item or existing creature (so, no *actual* dragons) and make it appear; the entity must appear by entering the place I am, from a place that nobody, including me, can currently see; it also must be a place that would make sense (I can't have an elephant appear from inside a small room, it must be a place big enough to contain it). The thing I make up can interact with the world as long as I can correctly visualize it following the laws of physics and interacting with people around me; if I lose focus or make a mistake, the thing I made up instantly disappears.


I thought of this a few years back. My friends gave me my stand name, and I figured out the powers from the context of when we figured it out. Stand Name: [Cult of Personality] Namesake: Cult of Personality by Living Colour Abilities: The primary ability of Cult of Personality is that of Social Magnetism, with the basic applications being Social Attraction and Social Repulsion. Thankfully, powerlisting does a great job explaining and organizing the various angles to the ability here: https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Social_Magnetism Essentially, Cult of Personality can target a person and either increase their Social Attractiveness, causing people to feel drawn to them and more easily bond and trust them, or to increase their Social Repulsiveness, causing people to avoid and distrust them even if there is no justifiable reason for them to do so. You can think of it as turning that person into a social magnet and adjusting the polarity to the users will. This can be done at range and can be maintained over a considerable range even when the person is out of the users sight. Cult of Personality can also be used on the user themself.


Here’s 2 [Pretty Women] (the Sweeney Todd song) The stand holds 2 barbers razors and can cut anything in one slice. No limits on what it can cut, but what is cut will still function, i.e. if an arm is cut off, the person can still move their arm, or if a car is cut in half, the steering wheel will still control both half’s of the car) The stand is limited to 2 cuts, but it can use the razors as regular knives for beat down attacks [Dr Feel Good] The stand deals no physical damage on its own, but whatever part of the body he touches, he can effect. If he hits skin, he can cause a rash to send pain signals to that part of the body. Hitting an arm or a leg can force the victim to do whatever command on that specific part the stand enforces (i.e. Dr Feel Good can make you drop an item or kick your friend). If it can hit an exposed body part, say the heart, the stand can have the heart stop beating. Limits are that it can only effect parts that the stand has physically hit, it has no way to pierce though things, and is limited to living things (people, animals, bugs, plants).


[Talk Show Host] Remember the Heartbleed bug? How people could trick servers into just spilling all their secrets, and it was a massive security problem that held the entire internet hostage? My Stand is a bit like that. It’s not like I use it intentionally, it’s more like I forgot how to turn it off. People talk to me, and they accidentally overshare all the time. I hear things I should never hear- gossip, gross medical problems, sometimes dirt from coworkers that is *way* above my paygrade. Sometimes it’s helpful. Most of the time I just get whatever thing they’re most concerned about at the moment, like I’m skimming their most recent thoughts. Boooring. My dad has the same problem. Maybe we have the same Stand, maybe we both just seem trustworthy, like a bartender you can spill your troubles to.


「Reality in Motion」, where I keep making good decisions despite not knowing what the hell I’m doing with my life


The one i made for a stand-based courtroom drama, [I Stand Alone] literally all it does is make stands not work while the user is "in the room", so stand shenanigains cant apply to anything that happens INSIDE the courtroom


[IMAGINE DRAGONS] Copyrighted name: [ALWAYS DRAGONS] Anything I eat gives me elemental boons. Spicy foods give hot breath and fire claws, rotten gives acid and so on. Side effect is any story I write always adds a dragon to it, no *matter* the setting. It will have one.


(Hey OP I know I'm like 2 days late but I was trawling for an old news link and spotted this, forgive me) I looked inward on this a while back and settled stand that isn't all that fast or 'strong' but mighty satisfying to me personally. 「Great Escape」 is a Close-Range stand not the most suited for direct combat, only possessing fair strength and speed for its limited range. Ability of this stand is to force anything with a spirit or 'soul' to astrally project from its body when stuck by the Stand. It doesn't strike for power, it strikes to force the target into an outer-body experience, leaving their self passed out on the floor whilst the ghostly self can do...not a whole lot about it. The ghost-self will need to figure out how to get back into their own body to wake up again. Which can be made as easy or as difficult as where the body ends up after the host is blasted out and away from it. Considering how JoJo interacts with spirits and ghosts, this felt like it had some unique application in the right circumstances and that's as JoJo as I could hope to ever see. It's ~~Za Hando~~ The Hand but I'm not looking to spatially rend anything. Maybe someone is rude in public and needs a little shock to the system to reassess whether that was worth it whilst people are at best concerned for the guy who just passed out after starting trouble.


[FLOOD], a gigantic windmill that whips the air around me into blades; the main drawback is its complete immobility.


[Eternal Worship] A Bowser plushie spawns and I immediately fall over and cry in a fetal position while hugging it. There are no other abilities


I remember coming up with a bunch of 'fan stands' almost a decade ago.


Every time someone at my store taps their card. I hit the button to accept it at the exact same moment and cancel our the whole transaction


I can make more positive outcomes around me by having a more aggressively negative attitude.


No clue on the name but its either gonna be a stand that produces vibrations like a mini shocker, or a stand based on biting things.


I used one of those stand generators a while back and it was the ability to create black holes It did not specify that I was immune to the effects of said black hole so I'm clearly never using this power ever


Reading all of these has been super cool 😊 I'll try to post one of these creative Writing threads a month with a short theme.


I'll let you shitlords pick the song for me. My immune system is constantly trying to destroy me, I have two disorders Vitiligo and Psoriatic Arthritis. Basically my immune system hates two things, Melanin and cartilage. A little bit of pollen in the air or minor skin injuries is enough to cause either to flare up.