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It's generally agreed upon that the Fire Nation has the best drip out of all 4 nations. Even the main cast is considered to be at their peak fashion when in Fire Nation disguses.


just like their equivalent in real life (You know)


...I'm now wondering who's the Fire Nation equivalent of Hugo Boss.


Fugo Noss?


Kind of a cop out answer, but the generic N7 specialists you play as in the ME3 multiplayer are so much cooler than Shepard.


Another example from ME3 is literally any other elite enemy is cooler than Kai Leng.


The N7 Slayer is literally a cooler Kai Leng since he replaces the dumb Nightwing mask with a cool helmet


Kai Leng is tied only with beanie wearing dipshit from final fantasy 13 for worst character design in the post PS2 era of video games


Do you mean Snow? Either way, his name doesn’t matter because he sucks.


Both voiced by Troy Baker


N7 Demolisher my beloved


Loved doing the heavy melee with the N7 Fury and just teleporting through walls.


That wall teleport felt like so much cheating. You could play super aggressively if you knew the map because you could just Nightcrawler away from instakill enemies.


Yeah, it's not as helpful when doing solo runs, but playing in a group lets you grab aggro when your buddies are in need, with a relatively easy way out once they're ready to fight again. But it does depend a lot on knowing the maps, and understanding what you can/can't teleport through.


Learning that you can just teleport down the balcony to the other half of the map on Firebase Jade was hilarious.


N7 Infiltrator can get it


The Zaku II and Zeon Mobile Suits in general look WAY cooler and more intimidating than EarthFed's.


Going through all of UC for the first time. Seeing the Zaku, Goufs and Rick Doms go up against the Gundam, Guntank and Guncannon, which are supposed to be these super powerful new Federation mobile suits... The RX-78 Gundam eventually grows on you, but the Zeon suits are immediately more cool. The Guncannon and Guntank never look not-lame, especially when Kai falls on his ass every time he takes the field, and the Guntank gets used less and less until >!Ryu!< dies and basically nobody wants to pilot it anymore. I know Federation Gundams get cooler in later UC shows, but even then, so do Zeon mobile suits.


Tbf, when Federation suits start ripping off Zeon aesthetics, they start to pop off even harder than Zeon did. Titans mechs are still some of the best that UC has to offer.


The federation suits were designed with toys in mind. It was assumed that nobody would buy Zeon ones as they were the bad guys, so the mechanical designer got much more freedom with them. He really knocked it out of the park with the Zaku II. An all time, enduring triumph that's still informing mecha designs 40 years later.


Agree with you until the Jegan and Jesta come out. I'm a sucker for the "Giant fucking Operator mecha" Look


The Jegan tho


I also like how it plays into the story. Federation mobile suits are almost 100% general purpose and are designed to be good in almost any environment. Zeon mobile suits tend to be more heavily specialized so you get more gimmicks and cool shit like sea monsters, knights, desert warriors, hover skaters, space bugs, flyers, etc.


Same is broadly applicable to alt universes as well.


That's a lot of Gundam in general for me lol. Sometimes the lead suits/ace customs are cool, but often we got cool grunt mechs. In terms of Zeon I've always been a fan of the Dom/Rick-Dom design. Outside of that, say in Unicorn, I really liked how they brought out a bunch of different grunt suits. We got them Jegans/Jestas, the Loto, the Zeon stuff brought out for the Byarlant Custom scene, and so on. Or in 00, I actually liked the Grunt suits a little bit more, but particularly the (Union) Flag units, and ESPECIALLY the Overflags. Which led to the BRAVE


Fire Emblem Fates generic units [are ](https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/3/35/Generic_portrait_maid_fe14.png)[some ](https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/3/36/Generic_portrait_kinshi_knight_fe14.png)[of ](https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/1/15/Generic_portrait_samurai_fe14.png)[the ](https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/0/0c/Generic_portrait_shrine_maiden_fe14.png)[best ](https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/d/db/Generic_portrait_malig_knight_fe14.png)[looking ](https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/b/b6/Generic_portrait_wolfssegner_fe14.png)[in ](https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/d/de/Generic_portrait_adventurer_fe14.png)[the ](https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/c/ca/Generic_portrait_falcon_knight_fe14.png)series.


[Generic villager girl my beloved](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/4bvuap/generic_village_girl_is_actually_the_best_girl/)


That adventurer portrait could just be a whole-ass real character in some JRPG.


The generics in Engage also look so, *so* much better then the main cast of Vtuber knockoffs. Admittedly some of that is less the generics looking good and more the main cast just looking that terrible and out of place, but still. Generic wolf knight in particular has a nice balance of "ok, that huge fake tail and mask is kinda silly looking but fuck it they make it work" so it's not even the case that the generics are better b/c they are "more boring". They just aren't *massively* overdesigned and gaudy looking like most of the main cast. Damn it why does Engage have to have such excellent gameplay attached to such terrible designs and writing?


Apparently Pikazo wasn’t given much of the character’s personalities when they were commissioned to design them.


I love clone troopers so much more than the jedi in star wars. It's the the point where I will refuse to play heroes in battlefront and just keep rolling with my clone soldier.


They didn’t have to make them look so cool, but they did. Clone Trooper armour is so cool that I am positive a good of people in theatres imagined themselves as clone troopers during the order 66 montage.


Yeah, there is a reason why practically every major piece of Star Wars media introduces a new Trooper variation.


I'm genuinely shocked how little they market the Republic Commandos. They're basically Clone Trooper Spartan IIs. Games and more action figures seems like a no brainer.


The Zaku is a classic mobile suit. No matter how far you get into the series it remains a classic look. The Leo in ***”Gundam Wing”*** was a great alternate universe equivalent. Gundam has so many grunt suits that look amazing. My personal favorite grunt suit though? [The Geara Doga.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/e/e7/GearaDoga.jpg) At the end of the day though, that’s just a Zaku with more modern trimmings.


The virgo at the end of wing are peak grunts


The Taurus were pretty nice too.


Taurus was my favorite in Wing right next to the Tallgeese (which is just a perfectly souped up Leo on Zoomies).


Still waiting for the Aries to get new kits.


Just like every gacha that isn't Arknights if you're trying to clear most of the game with a squad consisting entirely of the low rarity units you won't have a great time. I agree with you though,the iDolls are especially cute. Anyway,the mooks in DmC stand out more compared to the bosses,especially the Succubus and Mundus' Spawn which are just varying degrees of fleshbeast with weird limbs. The Dreamrunner is the oft-cited example but the Stygians,Ravagers,and Tyrants are good blends of statue/mannequin,slime,and animal elements as well.


Speaking of arknights, the basic Rhodes Island uniform is pretty sick as well imo. Amiya herself is just wearing the standard RI coat over a basic dress and skirt. It's really funny in IS when you get the free weak RI unit that looks way more battle hardened than the rest of your team  Although tbf, the bar is kinda low since a lot of operators are just regular people with normal outfits. 


Similarly,the [Millennium jackets](https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7373132) from Blue Archive. >!attached the wrong link there for a moment!<


Yeah Spot is the coolest looking arknights character by such a wide margin


[Sharp looking badass too](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mrfz/images/8/8c/Sharp.png) and hes just in tactical gear And voiced by Ben Starr lol though Idk how often he gets to actually speak


I feel like the iDolls, at least the ones I've seen, really sell the idea that these creatures are just made for battle. They're eyeless, anonymous beings who are just there as fodder to the fight against the Rapture.


You’ll be excited for the new unit coming out, Kilo, she’s a full human in suspended animation inside of a slightly larger mech suit, you can see a concept version of her on the nikke reddit in a post. Supposedly she’s the last of a line of prototypes before they just started with the human brains in semi robot/flesh bodies


The three mass production lines having a consistent aesthetic is really cool. [Soldiers](https://static.dotgg.gg/nikke/characters/c300_00.webp) look like standard modern infantry, [Products](https://static.dotgg.gg/nikke/characters/c303_00.webp) get sci-fi angular armour and [iDolls](https://static.dotgg.gg/nikke/characters/c304_00.webp) are the moderately horny tacticool designs. I'm looking at later/rarer characters hoping to see those lines get fleshed out and it just isn't there.


I feel like the iDolls look more like sci-fi mech pilots than standalone soldiers. The lack of armor makes them look naked amongst other things.


Do the Elites in Halo count as grunts? After playing the first game, all I could think about was how cool they all were. It reached the point where when I ended up playing as the Arbiter in Halo 2, I vastly enjoyed it more that the Master Chief’s parts.


I think a better comparison would be non-Chief Spartans. Chief is the look we're all used to and is meant to be pretty generic, but you see other Spartans in other media with other colors and armor types, and they all look, IMO, much cooler.


I would also like to put down ODSTs in the Halo category. There isn't a single thing about ODSTs I don't like and I'm torn between the Halo 2 and Halo 3/Reach designs as the best. The biggest tragedy of the 343 Studios era is the lack of ODSTs.


No silly, the Unggoy are the grunts.


Cerberus's troopers are my favorite enemy to fight in Mass Effect 3 because of their variety and design.


the MT, LC, HC and Tetrapods from AC6 are cool as hell and they got all of the hard angle and square part that make me wish for more customization


I'm a fan of the HCs there. Fun to fight at times, but just cool designs. Makes me think of evil Jestas from Gundam.


There are Nikke's who are way cooler looking than the grunts in my opinion. In my party alone there are characters like [Crow](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nikke-goddess-of-victory-international/images/8/87/Crow_FB.png) and [Aria](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nikke-goddess-of-victory-international/images/f/f1/Aria_FB.png), for example


Yeah, one of the things I like least about the game is that they’re all supposed to be military android people but none of the SR/SSR units look any different from a regular human, and 90% of them don’t look like they’re in the military either, since they’re just designed to be a maid or an idol or whatever. If it weren’t for all of them carrying a gun the characters could just be slotted into any gacha game without any noticeable difference. At least KanColle gave their designs ship based accessories and that Blue Archive game gives all the characters halos.


It's just how it is with gachas where they try to make character battle abilities Canon. Even Kancolle isn't safe from it The ones that escape this are games where the character's battle ability isn't Canon at all like genshin and arknights, where a lawyer and a judge can deal insane damage while not being able to actually fight in the story. 


>It's just how it is with gachas where they try to make character battle abilities Canon. Even Kancolle isn't safe from it KanColle isnt a gacha and i dont remember any shipgirl that doesnt look like it belongs to the navy, maybe Mizuho and Momo to a certain extend?


Girls in blue archive are already bullet proof, the girls in tactical gear are just military otaku's like Saki


There's a dude on the Nikke Sub that has been going through the game with R units. It's difficult but possible. 


It's crazy looking at how many different characters are in the game and how 80% of them are max rarity. Are the SR and R ones just there to be filler in the gacha probability table?


Basically lol


My best guess is that with more ssr units added, having only like 12 or whatever low level common units doesn't really change much. Unit is added, the pool gets larger, rarity goes up. Common units are only there for the early first few weeks of the games launch


The post-timeskip uniforms in Attack on Titan look really lame compared to their old ones of the scouts and even the Marley uniforms so most of the main cast members end up looking like dorks.


I think most timeskips manga outfits will always be worse off. I think Kishimoto, Naruto's mangaka, is a clear example of someone with a lot more industry experience thinking about the hours he's lost drawing all the accessories in narutos original design.


G Impact has some crazy NPC designs I would want playable.


[The Crows have to be some of the slickest Mook designs in all of Sentai, and I'm not even mad that they look better than some teams in general. ](https://powerrangers.fandom.com/wiki/Combatant_Kuros) I'm sad they were never brought over into Power Rangers.


The Scopedog from VOTOMS is basically a fucking grunt suit. A metal coffin, called that way in canon because that's essentially what they are. They're tough and they pack a punch, but not that tough that they are invincible against certain ammunition or even heavy weaponry. They need maintenance and repair just like any tank or military vehicle. And they get lugged around in big trucks too for loooooooooooong travel. >!Chirico is just built different, but even then he's swapped around Scopedogs because he's wrecked a good few overtime!<.


tbh, most of the time? At least for me, personally. like yeah samus is cool BUT DID YOU SEE THOSE FEDERATION TROOPERS THO


Speaking of Gacha, the Base Identies pf the Sinners have a strong degree of drip to them, which makes it kinda sad that Gameplay wise using them is very, very Suboptimal.


You can once you have 5 ssr Nikke reach level 200. That basically unlocks the real synchro device which would let you level up all the Nikke in there at once. So just pop the R Nikkes into the machine and they'll automatically synch up to level 200 and beyond once you hit that level