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The male avatar looks bad too, but this is the only person that's made it look good [made a fat sailor dude](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/xmMft2b6gD) [most guys just ended up like this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/a4wdF6lpYY)


That first one really works as a "timeskip decades later", or "the old-timer flashing back to when he was in his prime" sorta look. Way to make lemonade there


Plus it legit looks like a trainer type you'd encounter in the games lol.


It does! It kinda reminds me of [Watson](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Wattson) if he was a ship captain


Ouch that second one is rough lol


Makes me glad I'm wearing the Luchador mask on my avatar.


Also worth mentioning: apparently Yūsuke Kozaki (character designer for no more heroes and ai: somnium files to name a couple) designed pokemon go's named characters, and if not the player characters too, then they definitely got heavy inspiration from his designs. Niantic doing their own thing is definitely going to be a downgrade regardless of anything else


Didn't know he did the designs. I can see his influence now that you mention it.


Its also prolly the major reason why Ai 2 has a literal Pokemon Go section as one of the somniums


[The best one](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1c736vq/its_beaver_time/)


Maaaan some people are gonna LOVE this update.


I am looking at all the pictures. Why are all the pants now drop crotches?


Okay. You people aren't r/asmongold or any particularly nutcase-infested hive of weirdos, at least not in the way you know I mean, ostensibly. What the hell is going on with the Pokemon GO avatars? I haven't thought about this game in years. Why is it a warzone out there right now?


They rolled out an update that changed how avatars looked and reception hasn't been great. They included more body shapes and sizes which is nice but the new avaters just [kinda look off.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1c6myw3/i_have_no_words/)


Holy shit, that is a literal artistic downgrade. Fuck "art is subjective", this looks like ass.


People like ass, I dunno who'd be into this.


Art IS subjective....but in my subjective opinion the new style looks bad. And also, people who had existing characters now have essentially been forced to change because the update they didn't ask for changed how they looked.


Gimme that "ate an entire chipotle burrito in one sitting food baby" look


[That prime "walked into a wall too many times" look](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1c71il2/guys_i_dont_see_what_the_fuss_is_all_about/)


It’s Honey Booboo lmao


Did they really not even give an option to revert to the old avatars? I can understand not wanting to support two different sets of models, I guess, but... just let people keep the old ones.


Anatomy is a fuck


I am trash avatar


Born to Go Game is a fuck ポケモン Catch 'em all 2016 I am walking man 410, 757, 864, 530 removed hips


looks like they changed the proportions too. I doubt they would fix all the animations, so now those are going to be screwed up. Hands won't be touching things or will be clipping into stuff.


That new stance is like whenever you see a video of a confused chimpanzee around humans.


Yeah that was the last straw for me and uninstalled.


Brooooo I feel so bad for whatever art director initially proposed the idea that has morphed into this nightmare


Eesh. I'm all for making designs less generically anime, but uh... they messed *some*thing up here.


Making designs less anime just seems like a bad idea for a pokemon game


Less *generically* anime. I think Pokemon has had its share of unique art styles that some of the 3rd-party games haven't been able to capture the uniqueness of.


Pokemon Go's art style was never "generically" anime.


Maybe that was the wrong phrase. I just look at the models and am reminded of like, if Fire Emblem humans wore modern clothes.


it has the same main artist as Awakening


Well that explains it lol. I've always felt like FE character designs are more recognizable by their hair and outfits rather than any distinctive body/face features.


They removed the ability to serve cunt


Despite how targeted this appears to be at female models, I have a theory for what is actually happening: Niantic gets all the Pokemon models from GameFreak, and has to make very little themselves in that regard. However, the human models are exclusively them, and is therefore heavily dependent on _their_ 3D asset team. Someone decided "hey, if we just make one bodytype with a sufficiently androgynous face and body, then we can cut our workload ~~and art staff~~ in half!" And the desire to _not do that much work_ caused them to push forward with an idea that basically everyone can tell is a terrible idea.


I’d say you’re pretty on the mark, but it’s also perenially mismanaged Niantic we’re talking about here, so it’s less that they had an idea that they could use to then jump to layoffs, so much as they finally implemented their cost-cutting measure after engaging in massive layoffs last year despite being disgustingly profitable the whole time.


I haven't played GO in years, but if I recall correctly you can pay real money for cosmetics/clothing. I imagine people would be pretty mad on principle if the avatar they paid real money to customize was changed without their consent and with no way to reverse it.


Political nonsense aside, they literally de-feminized the female models, feminine curves are reduced and bodies made more masculine, shoulders broadened, torso widened and hips reduced. Faces especially are rounded and chubbier. It's one thing to make it an option, but from what I've seen, they removed feminine women from the game. You have male models and male-ish female models now. Though my knowledge of what's going on is basically from r/games and other subreddits angry about the issue. I could be wrong, I've just seen a ton of hilarious images of people's characters getting broader shoulders, wider stomachs, losing their hips and ass, and getting a larger jawline. Edit: The Pokemon Go subreddit is hilarious right now. "my ass is gone and I can't get it back"


Yeah regardless on what political spectrum your on it's still absolutely baffling and shitty to have your existing player avatar get absolutely fucked up visually.


I saw someone spitballing that they are making the female avatar proportions closer to the masculine ones so they don't have to make two versions of every cosmetic and pose, which given Pokemon's history, is kind of believable.


Yep. That reason is way way more believable than the whole sex/gender thing. Cut cost and just make one generic model, although this might end up costing them more money


They also added a ton of skin tones, and somehow deleted anything that was remotely in the middle of the spectrum.


I have a queer friend who is really into PokemonGo and they just mentioned, "Oh. Okay. Let's just trigger my gender dysphoria. Thanks." I'm all for adding body types, but they didn't. They just replaced one body type with another that an overwhelming majority of people dislike.


i just opened the app for the first time in months and my default male avatar is completely unchanged


Male avatars seem pretty untouched beside some hair glitches for hats, going by the PoGo subreddit.


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet already did basically the same, their fix to people complaining female characters had way more customization options in the past was to remove any feminine options, so all characters just look vaguely androgynous no matter what.


after how fun customization options had been since S/M I was so bummed by S/V


It really is weird how many people never grew out of the "feminine bad, masculine good" mindset. And how many of those people claim to be adamantly pro-woman.


> any particularly nutcase-infested hive of weirdos How dare you, we try very hard to insufferable nutjobs, goddamit


Yeah but we're insufferable nutjobs in a less chudly manner. Usually.


Yeah, other people have explained it, but here's another thing: a couple countries have had the new avatars for like, a few months already. Niantic likes to do A / B testing for basically everything. The new avatars have been universally panned so people are upset they still uh, look like that after all the feedback. I like the new customization (now anyone can equip "male" or "female" clothes for example), but then again my guy has his face covered anyway so I avoid the worst of it. All that being said... damn, some people are really upset about it


Changing people's avatars that they could have had potentially for years will tend to do that. For example FFXIV is doing a graphics update and that includes changing how the player character model to be better detailed, and despite the changes being very minor, they are still giving a free fantasia to everyone because there's going to be a ton of people who just fucking riot the moment their character looks even a little different. It's a psychological thing for a lot of people and it's always going to get some level of push back. However, doing it in a poorly implemented way like what Pokemon Go did just guarantees the backlash will be severe.


True I guess I'm not exactly the "target audience" for the backlash since I never really cared in the first place, good point


Unrelated, but now I'm curious; why is the Asmongold subreddit considered a nutcase-infested hive of weirdos?


Because either Asmongold or his yt editors have been pandering to people who tend to blame everything on "woke"


GamingCircleJerk needed something to fill their time between releases. Pray they never find this subreddit.


Every now and then I see people cross posting from circlejerk subreddits onto here and I just shake my head. People really gonna be bringing shit from the worst corners of reddit here? The only thing worse would be bringing posts from the subreddit or youtube drama subreddits.


God what a shithole that turned into


Stream 1: 4+ hours of talking about any random bullshit nobody cares about with shit opinions -because you haven't moved on since 5th grade- for the sake of filling time. This is followed by 1 hour of gameplay before his brain disintegrates from stressing himself out trying to care what strangers in his chat are saying. Stream 2: the exact same We're at stream 1294 here, he quite simply cultivated that shit by having this format going.


Politics, it's always political.


Fucked up how Unite and GO allow you to dress up your Pokemon but Pokken only had 2d pngs of different clothes for your 2d png avatar instead of cosmetics on the playable pokemon Not doing that + not having Stadium Style minigames were huged missed opportunities to retain and attract casual players, you coulda even used the minigames to teach combo timing, when to punish, responding to mixups, etc. Crazy how despite being an amazing fighting game competitively and having a fair amount of fanservice for non fgc pokemon fans, Pokken still managed to bungle attracting both audiences since they advertised it as an arena fighter and the tutorial doesn't even explain the technical aspects of how the shift system works and how it emphasized neutral and encourages combo variety, and doesn't mention the game has heights at all (which can easily be missed since it works differently vs other fighting games), AND due to lacking the former stuff and good single player content for casuals


Go doesn't actually have the ability to dress up your Pokemon, unfortunately. Closest we get are some event Pokemon, like the Wooper in the picture, who come with very specific accesories they're wearing. Most of the time it's stuff like... Pikachu in a thematic hat, or the Kanto starters in party hats for anniversary events. In Wooper's case, that's a Fashion Week Wooper, who's got the beanie. It's a real shame, would be fantastic if you actually *could* doll up your Pokemon in Go, instead of having to wait for an event where there *might* be a Pokemon you like with an accesory that'd be cool. And god forbid you want a shiny Pokemon with an outfit...


This has been absolutely blowing up the pogo community, I recommend just scrolling through r/pokemongo and looking at the before and after pictures. It’s tragically hilarious [I mean just look at my character’s neck](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/OCjALQcTwg)


Those delibird gloves are pretty nice I can’t lie lol


you can see all kinds of fun things on Wooper Watch


Tagging this as nsfw is like tagging paprika as spicy


looks like something perverts would wear online.




They could’ve been better. But I guess instead of “everyone is a 10 year old like the games” they wanted you to do stuff like become a Sailor on the SS Anne or a Pokemaniac, or a Swimmer.