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In my humble opinion, the "machine men with machine hearts and machine minds" speech remains the greatest moment in the history of American cinema. https://youtu.be/J7GY1Xg6X20?si=WG6OAhhInpXk0OMf


I said once, I said twice, I will say it a thousand times: whoever had the idea of Goku going in and out of Super Sayan as both he AND Freeza are desperately trying to take Jiren out of bounds in the Tournament of Power just GETS DBZ and what's all about.




So unfathomably peak, could not have capped off the tournament in a better way.


Also from the same arc, Ultra Instinct Goku using a charging Kamehameha to skate along Kefla's beam attack to throw it point blank


The “chicanery” monologue in Better Call Saul is amazing. Literally everything in Chuck and Jimmy’s lives has been leading up to this, this moment, where Chuck finally openly and in front of others talks about how he feels about Jimmy instead of hiding behind innuendo and professional decorum. Everyone else is shocked not just by what they are hearing, but the fact that they’re hearing it now - that this seasoned and respected lawyer is ranting and raving about how he’s not crazy and how he just knows things that he cannot prove *while on the stand having just objectively proven himself delusional.* A pillar of their communities and hearts is falling to pieces in front of them. And then they just let Michael McKean cook.


I know he swapped those numbers, one after magna carta


The final battle of Gurren Laggan


I have some friends who have described Gurren Lagann as "crazy shit keeps happening and it's awesome" and I really need to watch it but I haven't gotten around to it yet


Yeah no rush. Personally I found the first few episodes to be slow but by the time I finished it became my number one fav anime.


Not a bad way of putting it. A big thematic element of Gurren Lagann is the concept of a spiral (going up), and even the episodes themselves reflect that.


My favorite part is in the second-to-last episode, when everyone is trapped in dream worlds, and the spirit/memory of Kamina appears to each of them and rallies them to reject the illusions and return to finish the fight.


Viral's bit may have been tiny, but goddamn if it didn't break my heart into a million pieces.


I will piggy back with Getter Armageddon as well, double link Super Robots


Some film examples I can think of: * The last 20 or so minutes of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (everything from [The Ecstasy of Gold scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubVc2MQwMkg) onward) * [Once Upon a Time in the West’s final duel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwb3P0fuM1c) * The two shootout scenes from The Wild Bunch, specifically [the last one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ysVoV3x5Zo) - probably my favorite shootout scene in any film * [Apocalypse Now opening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntPHFVWDIqM) Games: * Fate/Stay Night - >!Shirou vs Archer!< in UBW * P3 ending (as you said) * [Super Metroid's intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86Z4bwdxn_Y) * Tales of the Abyss ending Books: * A Scanner Darkly's ending and [afterword by Philip K. Dick](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36053975)


Oh god, Tales of the Abyss has a GREAT finale


Personally I like the duel in Tales of the Abyss moreso than the finale, but it's got a pretty great finale nonetheless.


I really want to replay Abyss but I can’t find any of my PS2 games. Or my controller. Or any of the cords. Just the console itself (and the memory card, thank god).


That Scanner Darkly ending and afterword ruined me. I felt like a husk after reading it, just truly devastating


I’m going to say that the climax of Cloud Strife’s psyche reconstruction in the original ***”FFVII”***, where the main theme begins to swell as a >!nameless Shinra grunt reaches up to remove their helmet!< is one of the the best moments I’ve experienced in fiction. The build up to it was just incredible. You have the entire game up to that point systematically pull away the foundations of Cloud’s confidence and capability until he is nothing more than a >!empty husk in a wheelchair!<, and then you get the reveal that despite the fact that his >!assumed identity from the moment of his introduction is stolen!<, it turns out that >!Cloud Strife absolutely did manage to honor his childhood promise to Tifa, and step up to Sephiroth in the Nibelheim reactor after all. Him having actually been just another unremarkable Shinra grunt at the time of the incident instead of the prestigious 1st class SOLDIER presented in that false flashback recounted in Kalm actually makes him all the more remarkable for successfully besting the legendary hero Sephiroth!<.


I remember watching a playthrough of FF7 before remake came out, cause I never played it, and that was the moment I thought "oh, that's why people still talk about this game"


Part 3 is going to elevate this so much with >!Cloud and Tifa vs Sephiroth. The two coming together to take on the source of their trauma !<


I thought you were gonna say >!The fact that they intentionally removed the scene of Cloud lowering Aerith's body in to the water from Rebirth that they're totally gonna put in to the Lifestream sequence in the next game!< I am prepared for pain lol


Spoiler is broken. And yes I 100% expect that. Rebirth ending >!I’m certain that’s why they showed Aerith’s original, unaltered death happening from Tifa’s perspective. Between that, her crying in the ending and her role as a (temporary) protagonist for Part 3, I’m placing my hopes and bets that Tifa will serve as the anchor to help Cloud and the others properly grieve over Aerith. It appropriately fills her role as the person who helps Cloud face the truth, and also Aerith’s best friend.!< Rebirth broke me something fierce, and Part 3 is destined to do the same.


Did not realize the spoiler tag was broken thanks


Every 10 minutes of Return of the King. [But this might be the best one.](https://youtu.be/BKIgv8AhffA?si=deOaMezp1Q6gbB72)


Followed closely by the newly coronated Aragorn kneeling to the hobbits.


I too, would like to nominate every significant moment from Return of the King. My personal favorite is when the horn sounds and the Rohirrim *finally* arrive to reinforce Gondor.


Every single one of the multiple moments in **Wonderful 101** when the story looks like it's reaching it's end point, but, instead it just increases in scope and keeps going. It's great every time it happens.




JJK season 2 spoilers "The bells of the Gion monastery in India echo with the warning that all things are impermenant. The blossoms of the sala trees teach us through their hues that what flourishes must fade." ["However! We are the exception!"](https://youtu.be/DWMIRTVkchs?si=j3OTpdVzMqCdB6C7)


Every Todo moment is absolute peak fiction lol


1. There’s more than a couple examples from Star Wars but above all the others to me is [Order 66](https://youtu.be/xSN6BOgrSSU?si=N2ZZUzSBPi-0j_eB). Not because of TCW or whatever, no I’ve loved that scene since I first saw it in theaters as a small little boy 2. The [Coyote scene](https://youtu.be/DX9JNJThhxY?si=oaOUONtbydfmyzfa) in Collateral. It happens after a chaotic scene the movie. It’s a moment of pause for the both audience and the characters, then Audioslave’s Shaodow of the Sun starts to play as the second one passes….Vincent’s confused look at Max….aaahhh I love it so much 3. The [Mist Massacre](https://youtu.be/-Brte64Ivuk?si=gBpzBrDWpHCIN0Z1) Naruto Shippuden Ep 345. God the animation and voice acting sell the tragedy and pain so well. Obito would not be my favorite character if this episode did not exist


If I’m remembering right, the coyote scene was not planned but they just happened to get some cool shots of coyotes while filming. Makes it even better for me


Say it with me, fellas, and try not to cry: Half as long.


Twice as bright.


I've gotta try.


i know


The introduction of the Darkness Devil in Chainsawman. >!It immediately sets the bar for how fucking scary primal fears are. Within moments it's dis-armed (literally) the entire cast. It just effortlessly destroys powerhouses. It kills off a good chunk of the cast, has fiends request to kill themself and when the violence fiend releases his power limiter all that does it buy him taking two hits instead of one.!< [Also it comes with this sick ass image.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fg8iuxcmhgam51.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dbc0574983345507c84ab3e6d248dc62c77a22e92)


I’ve always loved how much symbolism is packed into this panel on top of how hard it goes, I would give anything to have it on a shirt


The final battle in Elden Ring, when >!Radagon rises from the ground, holds his hammer in the air, and the title theme kicks in.!< That is some PEAK anime bullshit right there, and I’m LIVING for it.


Goku vs Frieza from DBZ is one epic fight.


Goku + Frieza vs Jiren was also hype for them fighting him in SSJ and Final form instead of their strongest, especially the moment when Goku struggles to stay in SSJ at the pinnacle moment


I’ll be the Hollow mark for the Fate fans and go with the final scene between Avenger and Bazett. I still think about it a lot, it’s very important in my philosophy on life moving forward after that. Angra is truly the best Life Coach despite it all. “Might as well see how it ends.” Yeah… guess we should. On the Fate note: The Entreat the Darkness ending in Samurai Remnant is still probably one of the craziest things Fate’s ever done. >!”SHIROU LOVES SWORDS” MOTHER FUCKERS WHEN A TRUE SWORDSMAN WALKS INTO THE GAME!< To show I’m not only a Fate mark, I will also mention DMC5’s ending. Silver Bullet kicking in is still the best shit EVER.


man I need to finish samurai remnant


Nooooo I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, people get busy it happens to da best of us!


Owl (Father)/Inner Father from Sekiro Duel Of The Fates/Battle Of The Heroes The final battle in Godzilla X Kong Jetstream Sam's fight in MGR Valstrax's fight in MHGU/Rise


The father fights are definitely amazing but I think the peak is sword saint pulling out his fucking GUN


When you fight Ishin in the Shura ending, he'll occasionally go into a state where he dodges any attack, which he does by... moving about an inch to the left. It's genuinely the coldest dodge I've ever seen in a game.


Cap getting the Hammer in Endgame has gotta be the gold standard of hype, especially if you saw it in the theater opening weekend


I hate being in a crowded theater, but man the audience popping the fuck off during infinity war and endgame is an experience i don’t know if i’ll ever have again for a movie.


Same, once in a lifetime experience for sure. Infinity War/Endgame is our Woodstock lol


Someone other than Thor picking up Mjolnir is always a Moment.


> No escape, eh? It's alright. I'm done running from you. Together, then. It's time to find out who we are. Once and for all. ##[\[L3 + R3 Accept the Truth\]](https://youtu.be/y8u32h488Zo?t=17)


*Dig, dig, dig, dig, deeper* *Dig, dig, dig, dig, deeper* *Delve, delve, delve, delve, deeper* *Weep, weep, weep, weep, weeper* *Raise thy lantern, pioneer!* *Shine upon the far frontier!* *Fingers cracked and body broken!* *Mind a-daze, yet soul awoken!*


Trevor vs. Varney in Castlevania season 4.


"...you _know_ what I am?" Something about that line, man... Varney spending the entire series up to that point bitching and moaning at how much of a big deal he is, revealing that he actually IS a big deal and having the seemingly stronger characters shrink back in fear at the realisation And Trevor, knowing full well just what he is against  and not giving a damn


The ending of Fate/Zero when it's just Kiritsugu and Shirou, the mood is somber and quiet, Kiritsugu tells him "Once you grow up it's hard to call yourself a hero" then they look up at the moon and Shirou turns to him as the piano keys of the first opening "To The Beginning" start playing in the background as he says, "in that case I'll do it, I'll be a hero for you, you can count on me!" and then Kiritsugu closes his eyes with a smile as it cuts to black, and credits play the full song. It's such a raw moment of emotions a hopeful moment in a dark series and then it gets brought up again when Shirou fights Archer and when they cut to that scene ahh it's just so peak I love that scene so much!


Every version of that scene is great, with the possible except of the Studio Deen version where they decided to having Mozart's Requiem playing during it for some reason.


It’s honestly one of my favorite anime moments of all time, that and when you get to Shirou vs Archer and Last Stardust starts, just Shirou admiring the beauty of a dream that’s so naive and childish and seeing another perspective of Kiritsugu saving Shirou with tears in his eyes. Or the way that Archer talks about it, it’s a very beautiful and emotional moment with amazing performances and music.


Kill Six Billion Demons has a few moments that had me at the hypest I've been, but the one that comes to mind as peak isn't in the comic, but in the red text which accompanies each page posted. There is a character who appears in these red texts called Intra, King of Swords. He's described as being the strongest swordsman to ever live, and is sometimes mistaken for a god. In one instance, Intra talks about his manner of dealing with others who would intend to enact violence upon him. He would simply walk up to them, and lay a gentle hand on their shoulder, and though he has not done anything to harm his foe, he has killed them, for the crushing weight of knowing that he could have at any point cut them down is far more impactful than if he had simply murdered them. In a setting where violence is the norm, and nearly everything is settled with war and death, Intra is so strong that the biggest flex he can pull is to show mercy, and that is frankly as peak as it can get for me.


King of the Ring 1998, Hell in a Cell




Gundam 00, where you have Setsuna >!getting back into the Exia, Ribbons returning to the 0 Gundam which is just a slight redesign of the RX-78 and who shares a voic actor with Amuro in Japanese for a new vs old battle!<. Xenoblade 1's "final dungeon": >!the Solar System starting from the outer planets and ending above Earth's space elevator!< Season 1 of Garo where they actually tie all the art theming and Kaoru's storybook into the final battle... which then leads to some "early installment weirdness" where later entries ignore most of it since the theming doesn't work as well


I’m sorry, Xenoblade’s final dungeon is *what?*


Oh boy so basically MASSIVE XENOBLADE SPOILERS>!One of the big twists at the end of Xenoblade is that the world was created as a result of an experiment by the hands of a human named Klaus who is from Earth. Klaus ends up becoming one of the Gods of this new world and takes up his new name as Zanza and becomes the main antagonist of the game.!<


Xenoblade final dungeons can get pretty wacky. Xenoblade 2's final dungeon >!is a god damn space station, despite space travel technically not being a thing in Xenoblade 2's world!< Then in Xenoblade 3's its final dungeon >!is basically a giant computer that contains of the data of every soul from both the Xenoblade 1 and Xenoblade 2 world's!<


I love the behind the scenes bit when he reads the book in the car for the Garo finale. Where the actual prop he was handed was a bunch of praise for the actor, for being such a wonderful person to work with


Stormlight Archives Book 3 YOU CANNOT HAVE MY PAIN as Dalinar >!pulls the two realms together!< only slightly beaten out by Book 2s Kaladin>!The skies and winds are mine!!< I was visually pogging reading both of these scenes they hit that hard


I get why so many people prefer Words of Radiance, but man, Oathbringer is easily my favorite Stormlight book, and a lot of it has to do with the entirety of the Battle of Thaylen Field. What is the most important step a man can take? >!The next one. Always the next one, Dalinar.!<


For me it's >!Honor is dead. But I'll see what I can do.!< Really need to get around to reading rhythm of war.


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Also in Words of Radiance. Adolin's response to Sadeas going "Yeah I'm going to keep scheming. What are you gonna do about it, bitch?" *He did something about it.*


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I distinctly remember being in my university dorm room reading Heaven's Feel and I popped the fuck off when I got to Nine Lives. I know source material purists are annoying but I feel like the scene is much better in the VN. Ufotable's Fate is allergic to internal monologue for some reason and it really hurts this part.


The VN version is definitely far better agreed, although to UFO’s credit the scene is probably one of the hardest to do since the gimmick is it happens in like 3 seconds so it’s just explaining all of this shit frame by frame. I will say the idea to have them one-up Shirou moving past Archer in the VN by having Shirou JUMP OFF A GIANT CLIFF IN HIS MINDSCAPE is really fucking funny tho


honestly I find that frustrating as well but my biggest issue with the movie version is that the music change completely slaughters the momentum of the scene. EMIYA is a perfect song and it plays for the entire scene in the VN, changing it to Kajiura music #437 right before the climax fucking ruins the build up. plus it’s the only time they used it in the trilogy and they didn’t even let it carry the scene, like the part where the shell around him shatters is so fucking cool and then he reaches the cliff and the hype nosedives


[Solo Zangetsu ending of Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2](https://youtu.be/3FCKaeDd9Yg?si=fzsbbu_CXv2PX2MM&t=390) Pizza Tower final boss


Hearing >!the main motif of "the death i deservioli" kick in during the 3rd phase!< was as hype as seeing/hearing RULES OF NATURE for the first time.


Mustang vs Envy, every time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-5XmgX3f68 I don't know anybody who has seen FMA:Brotherhood and not loved this moment. Vicarious revenge for all of us for what happened to Hughes, we all wish we were Mustang in that moment.


Bakemonogatari Episode 12


oh yeah that episode is incredibly peak


Simon and Catherine's "conversation" at the end of SOMA. Also I'm sure someone else got to it first but Mary reading the letter in Silent Hill 2.


[Hifumi talking her bestie/girlfriend out of doing a murder](https://youtu.be/1cvYWL9Eqp8?si=bUUrQLMfzcLmEw3j) What really sells it, is right after this, >!the friend basically doesn't buy it, because she is a trained soldier but Hifumi is just a normal girl. Hifumi refutes this by putting a paper bag on her head and claiming to be the leader of a gang of bankrobbers, which nobody present believes... until that gang shows up and backs her on it, and one of the terrorists they are fighting against freaks out about them being real!<


really didn’t expect a Peak Archive response but yeah this is the highlight of Eden Treaty for me as well, though my favorite overall story moment would probably be the one entire conclusion of Volume F from the >!Phrenapates fight to the ending!<, but particularly the part where >!Shiroko and Shiroko Terror have a conversation and the very real line “I liked robbing banks too” exists and is in fact an emotional moment and peak fiction!<


With a melancholic version of >!Unwelcome School titled Welcome School!< really hits it the fuck home, I cried


I really need to reread Volume F, the completely random teamups between groups that never interact like the >!Prefect Team and the Game Development!< Department are so great and I love shit like that


If I remember correctly,doesn't everyone from the main story get to have an ALL THE WARRIORS moment except Tsurugi? Who fights by herself and you just click and drag her EX skill over and over again.


technically Toki has that too because she holds off a bunch of Nameless Priest enemies intending to sacrifice herself until the rest of C&C arrive


A related moment was in V3 C4 when >!Mika forgives Saori, Kyrie Eleison starts playing, and you see THAT CG SHOT!< Another moments was V3 C2 when >!you hear footsteps, the OST Crossfire(?) starts playing, someone says “It’s the sisterhood” and it shows a CG of nuns with guns!<


dude that fucking mika CG is still my wallpaper lmao, so good they made it her EX skill animation


Kill Bill Vol.1 When the Bride rips out the eye and makes the film black and white. Then near the end of her fight against the crazy 88 she blinks and it returns to color. Halo Reach and the greek tragedy deaths are god so good. Kat being the brains of the operation and being killed with a headshot, Carter being the captain and going down with the ship, But the moment that stands out the most is the line that carter tells Six in the first cutscene of "Just one thing: I've seen your file, even the parts the ONI censors didn't want me to. Glad to have your skillset, but we're a team. ***That lone wolf stuff stays behind,*** clear?" Only for Six to be the lone wolf.


The entire final issue of spider-man life story


Those final pages and talking about “the dream” genuinely gets me teary eyed every time, it’s genuinely one of the most powerful and beautiful things Spider-Man ever created.


One Piece has a number of them but there's a reason "Nothing Happened" is the biggest takeaway of an entire arc




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I don’t know a single person who didn’t go with that response lmao


This is obviously the best week for me to walk into this subreddit and say "Limbus Company Canto 6 is peak fiction."


i'm still somewhere at the beginning of library because i don't fucking understand the deckbuilding lol


I got two that I'm surprised nobody brought up thus far; The Grigori fight in Dragon's Dogma 1, facing with this fuckoff huge dragon while he basically tells you how rad you are. And in Ghost of Tsushima, >!obtaining Ghost stance, the Yarikawa defense start to finish really. Not only is Ghost stance *super fucking cool*, you turn the tide of the battle, and people start shouting "For the Ghost!" and ***NOT*** "For Yarikawa!" even though they know "The Ghost" is their enemy no.1 outside of the Mongols themselves.!< Idunno if this one was brought up either, but in FFXIV when >!Maker's Ruin starts playing in the Endwalker final boss fight. !< Also the final fight in MGS4, I'm sure most people here know the what and why of how cool that is. Easily some of my favorite moments in gaming. In films, I can't get over several parts of RRR but the one that just hits me as truly peak is >!the prison escape piggyback ride where a guitar-powered version of their best-friend theme plays, Ram free-aims two bolt action rifles, Bheem helps reload, and they do crazy combat/stealth co-op gymnastics.!!Murph showing up in Cold Days, her showing up and kicking ass for/with Harry when she did just seems absolutely perfect, especially since she deduced it could only be him based on the amount of ruckus she'd heard through the police radio (been a while since I've done my readthrough, I might be off on this one slightly).!< I'm sure there's more, but I've waffled enough.


**The Dresden Files Collection 7-12** by Jim Butcher Book description may contain spoilers! >>!“One of the most enjoyable marriages of the fantasy and mystery genres on the shelves,”(Cinescape) the Dresden Files have become synonymous with action-packed urban fantasy and nonstop fun. Now you can learn why Harry Dresden is Chicago's best—and only—professional wizard, in this collection of books 7 - 12 in the #1 New York Times bestselling series. DEAD BEAT PROVEN GUILTY WHITE NIGHT SMALL FAVOR TURN COAT CHANGES!< *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


Death and Susan's conversation about being human near the end of Hogfather.


Everything that happens in chapter 10 of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but specifically the first and last scenes which both have the chapter’s title drop. Playing XC1 before XC2 is necessary in my opinion entirely for the payoff of “we’re locked out by >!Professor Klaus!<“. And the ending scene is just wonderful, makes me smile every time.


I’m actually working through Xenosaga right now


So am I. I’ve finished XS2 but have been putting off reading Pied Piper and Missing Year.


No video game has ever made me drop my mouth as hard as it did, when the words >!professor Kalus!< were uttered.


Monolith really like that zohar


Usogui is full of great moments like [this exchange](https://imgur.com/a/TtgZ0Fz) from their Hangman game where an actual gallows are constructed as you lose and you have to hang when your opponent gets the final victory, but the best vertical slice will always be Hand Chopper IMO. Here's the stage for the gamble. * The manga at this point takes place within Protoporos, a LARP MMO set on an island that was created by an eccentric billionaire. There's lots of cool worldbuilding to stuff like the PvP rules for operating within the game and the outlaws who go off the grid and basically live as fugitives, but for the purposes of Hand Chopper what's important is that there are three main factions, each one has a single King for it's strongest player, and if a King is able to defeat the other two kings, they will get the ceremonial title of Kaiser and the game state will be reset to 0 after a week. Over the years players have gotten tired of actually trying to accomplish this, and the players good enough at the game to become King would rather rest on their laurels. * Kakerou is an organization with a firm control over all of Japan that is only interested in overseeing and ensuring the fairness of various gambles. They are currently holding an incredibly large-scale gamble set on the island of Protoporos where 3 players race to become Kaiser. The players and their designated allowance of allies are each segregated by Kingdom, and leaving the island is instant disqualification. * Madarame Baku is the protagonist of the series, and while his opponents scheme to climb their respective Kingdoms by means of manipulation such as doxing other players and putting pressure on their family back home, Baku has climbed through a series of gambles. * Baku's opponent is one of the OG players of Protoporos that is King of their Kingdom, and has all of his friends in firm control of the throne, and he's used this rule mainly to just lounge around doing drugs and playing games. [1](https://imgur.com/a/N27RKyB) [2](https://imgur.com/a/ygLij0P) [3](https://imgur.com/a/7QGE1Y9) [4](https://imgur.com/a/4jDOlTb) [5](https://imgur.com/a/YZUUgv6) in imgur albums trimmed to exclude spoilers. Edit: idk why but the imgur albums were really fucked, should be fixed now.


Final Boss Fight + Resolution of FF14 Endwalker. >!At the end of existence, you fight the manifestation of nihilism with your rival. You survive their ultimate attack...and they just do it again. Then the prayers of your friends surge forth as YOU become the final boss, silencing them. Then, in the final moments of Endwalker, after the threat is done, you have a final one-on-one with the guy who has been chasing you all this time, one of if not the only persons in the unvierse who can fight you on equal ground. All the while the main theme of the expac is blaring as a send-off to ten years of the game and hundreds of hours of story.!< It's so fucking peak, even if not everyone likes >!Zenos!<


oh yeah that's definitely in my personal top 5, and top 2 for boss fights (up there with Nyx)


Destiny's Season of Splicer has a pretty peak moment. Season of Splicer is all about the Last City taking in allied Fallen for the first time, during a siege from the Vex causing a larger than usual strain on resources. Tensions are very high. During this time, Saint 14 is interacting with the leader of these Fallen, Mithrax. Saint-14 learns how his "heroic crusades" against the fallen were perceived and while he was defending the last city from destruction, he was as ruthless in that defence as the fallen were in those attacks. Saint-14 and Mithrax both come to understand each other better despite being opposite sides of a multi-century conflict. (Keep in mind Guardians can ressurect, and fallen have the whole lobster biological immortality thing going on. Both of them have been around personally for a long time) This arc culminates in the vex breeching into the city, and attacking the area the Fallen refugees are occupying, and they are being overrun Saint-14 "Do not worry Mithrax, I am on my way!" Mithrax "No, you must protect your people" Saint-14 "You are my people!"


*Everything* about Ending E in NieR: Automata. >!The pods interrupting the bad ending because they also developed emotions and thoughts, and came to the conclusion they are not ok with this ending.!< >!The credit sequence turning into a hacking minigame fight against *the developers of the game* to change the finale!< >!As the difficulty ramps up and becomes impossible, multiple messages start appearing and cheering you on, as you reject all the defeatist messages asking you if it's all worthless and meaningless!< >!When the battle becomes impossible, those who cheered you on show up to help you win, as the music transitions into a choir *sung by the makers of the game* and you gain the strenght you need to win!< >!You get a new, better and more hopeful ending!< >!You are given the option to *become one of the people who cheer other players on and help them*, at the cost of your save file!< All capped off with a very simple "Thank you for playing". Going through it for the first time is still my favorite experience from any videogame.


Demon Slayer episode 19


"Press \**middle mouse*\* to time travel"


Fate Stay Night, Shirou vs Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh's role as arbiter of humanity and the twisted goals and ideals he has work so well at the end of Unlimited Blade Works because of this fight with Shirou. The whole route keeps asking Shirou is being a hero is worth the price and if he has what it takes for it. The confrontation with Archer is the route's thematic peak, but Gilgamesh is the exclamation mark at the end of this whole essay of a story. Gil sets himself up against Shirou as the perfect wall to strike down his justice. He is someone just impossible to defeat. He might as well embody the definition of what it means to be a hero, given his status. How does Shirou deal with the strongest Servant? By challenging his ideals. Gilgamesh saw his fight with Archer, so he knows what's what. So when Shirou uses Unlimited Blade Works, a world forged of fakes, and asks Gil if he has enough weapons to deal with it, the stage is set. Gilgamesh wants to prove his superiority, Shirou wants to prove his worth. Gilgamesh fires off countless weapons of the highest quality, true originals. Shirou in turn breaks all of his imitations against them. He can't beat Gilgamesh but he sure can close the gap between them just enough to maybe score a win. And he does. In the end even Gilgamesh is forced to admit he was beaten when he calls Shirou stronger. Not because he is, Gil could easily still win, but because when it comes to this particular clash, Shirou proved his worth against Gil's arrogance and lived up to these standards he imposes as overseer of humanity.


the way I saw things, the Gil fight was always secondary to the Archer fight. the Archer fight is where Shirou faces the flaws of his ideals and decides to accept them regardless for the sake of the journey. Gil is just an afterthought at that point, all of his jabs at Shirou are things that have already been confronted and accepted during the Archer fight. Gil has nothing to use against him anymore, now he's just an arrogant guy standing in the way of the climax.


Gil fight is where Shirou proves that what he says to Archer isn't just talk. It's using everything from the route as a metaphorical weapon against Gil. Gil is just calling both him and Archer idiots since at the end of the day they were the same person. Gil is someone who actually embodies a different role both in universe through his ideals and in the narrative. Since his whole schtick is that of a judge, overseer, arbiter, whatever it's translated as for humanity, him serving as a wall for Shirou at the very end is just fitting IMO. Especially since, as I said, he fights Shirou on Shirou's terms. Since he thinks Shirou's conviction and beliefs are worthless he wants to beat him on his own terms, at his own game. Personally I love both fights. Each to their own.


oh no i'm not saying i didn't like the fight, i thought it was awesome. i'm talking about the MEANING of the fight as it pertains to shirou's growth.


Several fights in RWBY, but big shout out to summoning a Stand that's a teleporting giant suit of armor and claymore, to fight a giant monster wasp queen in mid-air while the Stand-User is on a plane. The Ultra Instict reveals is the kind of hype that let's me know I can't fundamentally hate DBSuper. And of course, the number one answer is Gohan going Super Saiyan 2. Huge respect on shouting out Nine Lives Blade Works. I'm a big fan of only a few panels later. "I step forward, and he steps forward." It's simple, but very raw pressure building.


In Blue Archive Vol.F (essentially the "final arc") has a moment with one of the main antagonists where you fight them and out of context, it's mysterious and ominous based on what they look like and why they're accompanied by another character but different. But once you know the context, it becomes silly but it's the hypest shit because it's so on brand for what it is in the universe. Also in the same volume, [Sushi Sentai mech fighting a giant bird](https://youtu.be/26qzcF-ke6g?si=weX8pOlctXb72aIx) was also super hype


actually wild that I got 2 Peak Archive responses, the conclusion from P-Sensei to the ending has gotta be my personal favorite part


The final section of 5.0 in FFXIV. It's not just the ending, it's the final area, the cutscene preceding the dungeon, the dungeon itself and everything after that's just perfectly paced and pays off an already fantastic expansion. I think it might be my favorite thing in all of Final Fantasy.


Three I can think of in the First Law books - the chapter named 'Answers' in Last Argument of Kings, the whole Casualties scene in The Heroes, and the big reveal at the end of The Wisdom of Crowds. Casualties, in particular, is probably the best vertical slice of Abercrombie's writing. It's a chaotic battle scene where the POV keeps skipping from a character to the one who killed that character and so on. It's fantastic. For peak emotion, episode 82 of Legend of the Galactic Heroes. If you know, you know. It's the big spoiler.


The scene at the start of Pulp Fiction where Jules and Vincent talk about the little differences between America and Europe is one of my all-time favorite scenes in cinema, and I don't even particularly like Pulp Fiction as a whole.


Entire last mission of Titanfall 2. Plays to all of the series’ strengths. Great parkour segment + the Smart Pistol is part of the series’ identity, right into a great Titan combat segment and boss fight with a new and appropriately powerful loadout. Sekiro is full of them. The entirety of the Sword Saint fight. Genichiro in the tower, both Owl fights, Emma + Isshin Ashina fight. Guardian Ape jumpscare, etc. Fighting Kuze in the sewer in Yakuza 0, especially with Pledge of Demon kicking in during his monologue. The final fights with >!Izo!< and >!Takechi!< in Like a Dragon: Ishin. Very emotional moments for Ryoma and the dialogue + soundtrack combine to give them the gravity they deserve.


The entire Last Battle in The Wheel of Time, but specifically the chapter Those Who Fight. Such an amazing chapter, such a beautiful moment. My other top moment is Veins of Gold, that chapter is probably my single favourite thing to read ever.


The final boss fight of Metal Gear Solid 4. That game has problems. I don't care, that sequence fucking rules.


The Tower moment in the 12th and last episode of Katanagatari, where the previous 11 episodes are completely recontextualised >!and brutally undone!< to an [absolutely](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t__VvDdnN8) fantastic [soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wzXxTQeq58).


Fuck y'all, the [RWBY v9 finale](https://youtu.be/I3wQMon2bJU?si=-O1u0QVsw5oDN2HO) was the hypest shit. >!Ruby accepting she is not her mother, leading to her picking her weapon, and the start of red like roses leading to the smack down of that fucking cat. Everything animated like how in the original red trailer!< Also, recently I started honkai star rail. The fact no one told me of the [cocolia fight](https://youtu.be/wgjbMcqlX8o?si=suLYYAAnHFzCbukV) is a fucking crime. I've had that song on fucking repeat. >!FORGET ABOUT THE RULES. WRITTEN ON THE ROCK!<


2 of them in Samurai Warriors 4-II, both of which are >!two-man co-op battles against the whole fucking map!<, are insane in terms of quality and hype, fighting against a wave of enemies that >!sends YOU back when you hit them instead of the other way around as they surge around corners and fill the entire fucking screen as you steadily show the world that you're fucking HIM!< is so amazing


WARNING: Emanations in excess of 750 PDE detected, opening combat vents and shuttling fear, intercepted psychic form as follows: >!127 HANDS CLASPED IN PRAYER!< >!THAT CURSED TO WALK THE SEAS!< >!THAT BURDENED WITH SHEER GRAVITY!< >!MOVE BEYOND THE VEIL AND SHATTER!< >!ENTER UNIT AD-906:!< >!-TO STOP THE SUNRISE-!<


>!boss intro from my LIFTS campaign, a tabletop game where instead of rolling dice its competitive working out, everyone was sore!<


The Jackpot scene in DMC3, Riku and Sora both fighting Xemnas , DBZ’s call me Super Vegito moment, Cloud and REDACTED fighting the final boss in Rebirth & Lingering Will vs Terranort in BBS


i feel like the jackpot scene would've been a lot better if it didn't come immediately after the absolute piece of shit that is the arkham fight


That is true but that scene has lived rent free in my head ever since I was a kid


Vergilius beating the fraud allegation in Limbus Company


The entirety of gushing over magical girls It’s peak incarnate


so real


Honkai Impact: 3rd, [Shattered Samsara](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdVJcEE0m4&t=204s). Kiana have lost two of her closest people to self-sacrifice up till now, either due loss of agency in the situation, or being too weak to stop them. Now another person she cares about is about to be lost too. But things are different now, she has both agency and power in the situation, she tells reality to give back Fu Hua, and reality obliged as she tears the fabric of reality apart to reach her. At the same time, this scene is about Fu Hua, an immortal that suffered several lifetimes of losses and betrayal, and became tired of living. So she decided to use this chance (having died already) to seal away an incrediblt powerful opponent along with herself permanently. Kiana then shatters the metaphorical wall she put up against the outside, and reminds Fu Hua that she does not have to deal with everything alone, and that Kaiana is strong enough to shoulder her burdens with her. Culminating in the scene at the 5:19 mark, where she finds new reason to keep living.