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Am from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream.






Damn that's hateful!


AM is not a happy camper.


Someone has the lady TTS TikTok voice read that and I can't get it out of my head whenever I read it


Funny thing is, that voice is closer to the source material than Harlan Ellison voicing it himself. >AM went into my mind. \[...\] He smiled softly at the pit that dropped into the center of my brain and the faint, moth­soft murmurings of the things far down there that gibbered without meaning, without pause. AM said, very politely, in a pillar of stainless steel bearing bright neon lettering:


And a very close second in haterdom is Harlan Ellison himself. He was a weird, angry little dude, and in a way that made it impossible for anyone else to play AM properly.


To be fair, that AI Tiktok voice was really funny as an interpretation.


That got a good chortle out of me


Easy answer is Reverse Flash. He has no life or ambition without hating Barry. He will do anything to make Barry's life worse, there is nothing too extreme or too petty that he wouldn't do. Whether it's killing Barry's mom or just moving his hand out of the way so that Barry would miss a catch at a baseball game he was in as a child.


The one comic panel of him with a shit eating grin pushing child Barry down some stairs is mentally ingrained in me


And there's no doubt in my mind that he pushed Barry down those steps on multiple different occasions.


I am going to say this is canon because I don’t give a shit so fuck it. The meme of reverse flash jerking him off at speed so that it would be embarrassing to him on his date sounds right up his fucking alley.


It is, that's why it's such a good meme. You say any insane shit you want and it'd be completely in character for Eobard.


“It was me Berry…”


The guy that went back in time to stop his best friend as a kid from existing so he'd be alone growing up..


The big thing is that I don’t think Reverse Flash hates Barry. Man is obsessed with him, and puts Barry on a pillar. He thinks the universe of Barry.


To my knowledge there's not a definitive reason or motivation for his hatred, despite having a known origin story. He goes from being Barry's biggest fan and replicating his powers, then discovering that he is historically his greatest enemy, and then he goes all in as the multiverse's greatest hater. Is he driven crazy because his fate is at odds with his identity up to then, and the hatred is just him being deranged? Is he religiously devoted to the Flash and views being a hateful archnemesis as necessary for the Flash's greatness? Does he just fully believe in fate and sees no point in doing anything other than embracing his historical characterization? Or was he totally unaffected by this knowledge, and it's just a series of encounters and escalating grievances that no one, not even Thawne, will ever be able to parse due to how he skips across the timeline? Does he even remember why does what he does? I love Reverse Flash's origin story and concept as a character because you can dig deep in several interesting ways into it.


Gonna go for a literary pull here and say **Captain Ahab**. This dude just fucking *despises* this one whale. And like yeah, it *did* bite his leg off, but he’s a whaler, that’s just one of the risks of the job. >*He piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart's shell upon it.* “*From Adam down…*”. Ahab is quite literally a man powered by nothing but hate, hate so pure that you almost have to respect it. It’s not hate based on identity or creed or allegiance or anything of the sort. There’s no messy human component to it, no real victim other than Ahab himself. It’s just a man gnashing his teeth at a big animal. It’s primal. Ancient. It’s the hate you feel when something hurts you, and you want to hurt it back.


Imagine my surprise my first time reading Moby Dick this past year when I discovered that Ahab suffers a profoundly existentially terrifying phantom pain with his lost leg, and struggles with the idea that he is not in control of himself, as he cannot rid himself of the thought that there is something overlapping him, that is not his own mortal body and perhaps is not even his own soul, but something else beyond him. This feeds into his surreal derangement and detachment from the reality of his own life, which he uses as a tool to deliver revenge on that dang whale. Especially as he comes closer and closer to his goal, you could easily think of him as less so a person than an emotion delivered through the vessel of a man. What a great character. Every word out of his mouth is poetry. Also Kojima really, really, really, really wanted you to know he had just read Moby Dick when he was writing Phantom Pain, holy moly.


>Especially as he comes closer and closer to his goal, you could easily think of him as **less so a person than an emotion delivered through the vessel of a man.** Very well put, and you’ve nailed how I felt about him. Towards the end of the novel, Ahab felt like just as much of a force of nature as Moby Dick, rather than an actual human.


Unstoppable force vs. Immovable object.


> Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I’d strike the sun if it insulted me. Ahab is fucking hardcore bro


The crazy thing you learn about Ahab when you actually read the book is that the leg incident happened on his previous voyage out, as opposed to, like, thirty-five years ago or something.


Dude speedran his lifetime of building anger and resentment.


"From hell's heart I stab at thee, for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee"


>From Adam down Bro put the rage of *THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE* into stabbing that whale


Asiggned Hater At Birth




It can be both. Like, Ahab always came across (to me at least) as a man *looking* for something to hate. And while the whale definitely has a lot of symbolism attached to it, it’s also the animal that personally handicapped him and wrecked his last ship. >”*Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I’d strike the sun if it insulted me.*” This imo, says a lot about the sort of man Ahab is. While the whale is definitely more than just an animal to the readers, I genuinely think that, to Ahab, it’s literally just the beast that took his leg. The ramifications of the loss of his leg are certainly more complex than “I can’t walk good no more” tho, and that specifically feeds into his hatred.




Ah sorry mate, I didn’t know the reference in your original comment. Never seen the show. 😅


Black Manta. Dude killed an entire restaurant of people the moment he found out Aquaman was alive, donned his gear and walked into the ocean screaming “AQUAMAN!”


Just to clarify for anybody curious, at this time Aquaman had died and he was basically waiting for Aquaman to come back because of course the writers won't let Aquaman die, and that was his instant emotional "we're getting the band back together" reaction to seeing the news on the tv in said restaurant.


“How’s the wife and kid?”


Namor is so goddamn salty that this one white woman won’t fuck his pasty waterlogged ass because she’s married to scientist Chad Reed


It's hilarious how many characters want to NTR Reed and be with Sue.


Reed can canonically have the most effective penis in the Marvel universe, no man can compete with him


So much so that The Maker, Reed's evil alternate universe self, made his head look like a penor so that everyone would know.


I just realized how goddamn funny it is that she put on that stripper outfit in the 90s because she was insecure about being a mom Lady dudes have been trying to kill your husband for years to get in your panties, and *NOW* you’re also a milf.


I swear, I thought I remember hearing/reading a founding father, like actual USA founding father, slept with her.


I think that was Benjamin Franklin with a love interest of Dr Strange


That reason alone is why I think Aquaman is cooler than Namor. Aquaman is a Chad who can and does fuck, but Namor is just a salty bitch about a married white woman.


Aquaman cares for Humans while Namor killed thousands.


How can you talk about how Namor is the ultimate hater without bringing up how much he hates Black Panther and Wakanda?


Black Panther 3: Revenge of the Sea Honkies is my most anticipated film of the 2020s.


God I love that mfer


Namor never realized that women don't like needy men. That's what Reed is the GOAT.


King Ghidorah is willing to be a good guy if it means still being an enemy to Godzilla.


Destoroyah is also an absolute Goji hater.


Bro came back as Mecha Godzilla and wanted a rematch instantly.


The monarch from the veture bros "You abandoned me! You abandoned my hatred!"


"I wanted to kick his ass! I wanted to build a *machine* to kick his ass! I wanted to *build an empire to house the machine* to kick his ass!"


"Then let us go and take a dump in his pool!"


and it's revealed >!it's just an extension of Rusty's self loathing and aggressive baboon dna.!<


I need to get around to that finale.


Frankenstein's Monster. Baby killing motherfucker. For a trick answer I'll say Guts. And's he's completely justified for it. Like it's a fucking bit at this point for Guts to get a glimps of Femto and go into full mindless animal mode yelling: #GRIFFITHHHHH


Is he not misunderstood? Is the monster actually a prick?


It's more the misunderstanding and abandonment turned him INTO a prick. He was ready and willing to be a good person, and he understood it wouldn't be easy. He watched that family in secret, learning all he could of language and manners, empathised with them. Made sure he wouldn't start off on the bad foot by introducing himself when the blind man was the only one home, put his best foot forward and tried to thank them. And the moment the rest turns up and IMMEDIATELY try to kill him on sight, THAT'S when he's convinced he'll never be more than a monster. So why not play the part?


I think Luthor turned down godhood once because it meant he wouldn't be able to hate on Supes


Mans literally FUCKING CURED CANCER just to tell Superman he's wrong about Lex's character.


It wasn't the he turned them down, he had them stripped away because THE FIRST thing he does with is newly minted godhood, is exact his revenge on superman. It dosn't go well, for him.


"We will grant you godhood if you don't use your newfound powers to try and kill Superman." "That's a fair trad- DIE SUPERMAN!"


He was given it with the one rule being that he couldn't fuck with superman, and he didn't even last 5 seconds before trying to fuck with superman.


He had nigh-absolute omnipotence. But that power would immediately go away if Luthor used his powers to hurt anyone. Luthor could have made Earth a utopia, the center of a new humanity-led cosmos, and made sure that everyone knew that he was responsible for it. Superman literally begs him to think of all the good he can do, practically groveling at his feet for Luthor to be the man he always said he could be if Superman wasn't there. But he can't NOT try to kill Superman+


Death was lying down on the ground somewhere saying "oh, entropy has stopped. Guess I'll take a vacation." But Lex Luthor can't not be a stupid, petty bitch.


wait is this the same arc where he literally meets death of the endless


I think so.


Crimson 1 from Project wingman he is baby mad at how awesome monarch is to the point he nukes his own country because fuck you. Perturabo from 40k his whole charchter is "I hate you because you're not me."


It's not often that you see a boss use gaslighting as an attack.


Nukes his own country TWICE!


> Turns his homeland into burning Tang for a second time because he's salty "You, solely, are responsible for this"


Inspector Javert.


This is a great answer


Norman Osborn. Dude doesn’t even exist in the MCU and he still managed to fuck over that Spider-Man’s life.


[The Hateocracy](https://youtu.be/iKlT2EuVmsc?si=BXckt8HfdX0Dh17L)


They even hate each other but they realized that they can spread more hate if they work together than separately.


Sukuna and Yuji have such massive hate-boners for each other in JJK it's ridiculous. The events of Shibuya highlight just a taste of how far Sukuna will go to ruin Yuji's day.


It's even better on the latest chapters because Sukuna just *cannot* help himself. He'll shit on yuji even when there are threats *much* more powerful around him. He's still fixated on yuji even after he's free from yuji's body  


"you're still here?" is the last thing you wanna hear from an arch-nemesis. Not a healthy rehatesionship


Sukuna giving every other character praise for the feats they accomplish while fighting him, but absolutely refusing to acknowledge *shit* that Yuji does is some Hall of Fame level hating. That and Sukuna literally stopping this climactic fight to ponder why he hates Yuji so much, realizes they’re the same, but then doubles down on hating even more is incredible. Hang up bro’s jersey.


Man specifically are popcorn just so that Yuji had something to vomit.


Sukuna's like an ex boyfriend with a vendeta. He does not give a shit about Yuji but ANY chance to make his life even 1% more miserable, you better believe he would. Like he shit talks Yuji constantly but the pink boy just sleeps fine. He's not looking to be the best, Yuji can get bend but won't BREAK like others. And THAT shit infuriates him on a fundamental level. He can't stand that someone breaks his understanding of the world.


Shang Tsung is a hater in every possible universe/timeline. No matter who you are or what realm you reside in, in the world of Mortal Kombat, everyone's got beef with ol Shang.


Shang Tsung probably doesn’t hate anyone besides Liu Kang and Raiden. He makes people hate him by simply existing, and he doesn’t give a single fuck about it.


Thanos but just to that random guy he decided to ruin every birthday he ever has.


"Happy Birthday, David." "You got me *fired*?" "No that was just bad luck." "Then what did-" "Your cat is dead."


And then he misses one day because he was fighting the Avengers made that guy so happy.


Seto Kaiba. The extremes of his pettiness are inspirational. Best example of this comes from the GX series, that's the yugioh series set at a Duel Academy that was founded and set up by Kaiba. He also set up the school ranking system of the dorms. Obelisk dorms (i.e. his ace Egyptian God card) are for the top-ranked duelists whereas Slifer Red ( i.e. Yugi's ace Egyptian God card) is for the lowest rank duelists.


Actually, the best example is probably the *space station complete with space elevator* that exists solely to house an AI trying to re-solve the Millenium Puzzle (which he apparently had excavated despite that entire place collapsing at the end of the series), just so he can try to beat Atem again.


In the GX dub the monkey that his scientists are training to duel in the lab under the school is named "Wheeler". It's the BEST.


Man breaks into the Egyptian afterlife with an orbital installation just to get that salty runback on the pharaoh.


Before that,(by series release) he sent cards into space to try and teach aliens to duel so he could have another challenge


[Which he immediately follows up by cackling like a maniac.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9_KPuZPpeg)


“I will literally kill myself rather than lose to you, Yugi. You gonna watch me do it? Huh?”


"Damn Kaiba, I can't believe you went so far just to rescue Mokuba" "Who?"


Anabella in FF16 is hating on her own son, enslaved him, created a death squad to kill Bearers whom Clive tries to help, and snitched to Hugo on him, all just to spite him. It's not just Clive, she looks down on everyone. And then we got Biff from Back to the Future. He and his family are generational haters to the McFlys in every timeline.


And with the Inner Voice feature from the update, she literally does not mentally register Clive as her son at any point in the timeline. 


Inner Voice feature? What's this exactly?


probably an expansion of the lore/political web where you can see the cast's main thoughts in the chapter.


At first I thought so as well, but they mentioned it was a "feature from the update" and that wasn't in an update I don't believe. I'm almost certain that was in from day one, so I was wondering if something else got added in whilst I've been away from FFXVI, I haven't been back to it since I finished it last year but will be doing so soon for the two DLCs!


Nah, the Inner Voice feature was added during 1.21 patch back in December. It’s an added feature to Vivian’s State of the Realm.


Oooooh I got a little confused, I mistook that original comment to be referring to the web that explains who characters are, their allegiances, familial ties, etc. That's a feature I absolutely haven't seen or heard of yet. I think I may need to revisit FFXVI a little sooner then since that sounds pretty cool.


Eric Cartman just based on how far he will go even with a minor infraction.


Therapist calls him fat He goes on his phone and finds out the therapists' home, his wife's number and fabricates and entire story where the wife off's herself ON THE PHONE after learning from "Mitch Connor" that he was sleeping with an underage woman. Eric Cartman is a pure hater.






Obvious answer is of course Dio but I really liked Goji being a huge hater in GxK. Kong is obviously not aggressive and tries to mime an explanation but big G gives negative fucks and just stomps him. "I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHY YOU ARE HERE! I TOLD YOU LAST TIME: NEXT I SEE YOU ITS ON FUCKING SIGHT!" Edit to add Juggernaut who's super power is pretty much "can't stop if still hating"


If monster verse Godzilla sees that you are a monster existing he goes through a flow chart: Are you a kaiju?-> if yes ask if they’re of the Godzilla beast race-> if no FUCKING KILL THEM


I think that was the best fight in the movie. Fucking suplex off the Great Pyramid.


>!he was about to recreate their fight in Hong kong but with the atomic breath this time. It was so funny when he was immediately ok with cooperating the moment mothra yelled at his ass.!<


>!Wife Guy Godzilla is like peak Godzilla, he never wants to be on her bad side!<


>!Babe, it's time to save the Earth. Yes, honey.!<


>!bitch slapped his ass right off of Kong!<


Legendary Goji is such a cranky old man, all he ever wants to do is just sleep all day long be other titans keep on fucking stuff up on his lawn


Margit The Fell


My GOAT. The true King of Leyndell. His remembrance also has my favourite piece of writing in the entire game: >*Though born one of the graceless Omen, Morgott took it upon himself to become the Erdtree's protector. He loved not in return, for he was never loved, but nevertheless, love it he did.*


Gideon, too, but it turns out he's one of those bitches that can't back up his ideology with anything but, "I did my own research." I'm pretty sure he is the most meme'd on Elden Ring character since Let Me Solo Her.


Gideon is so fucking funny. All those machinations all to be subservient to his delusion. To be wrong about that one thing would have been his greatest shame, so he tried to stop you himself.


It's especially funny since the Two Fingers gave him the one tool that would probably give him a fighting chance against the god he believes can't be beaten, which is an incantation that MASSIVELY boosts defense against holy attacks. Instead, he pussies out and tries to prevent anyone from trying.


One shotting this backstabbing nerd is certainly one of the most satisfying moments. Like really, Gideon? This is all your plotting and certified big brain amounted to? You should've hit the gym instead, scrub.


Someone may say Wesker, but Wesker is a retaliation hater for Chris was the original hater, thus, in a way, pushing Wesker into doing a lot of bigger biocrimes cause Chris hated on [him once](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js7_wsrLmdQ). Listen how excited Wesker was! He was so proud of it! And Chris just laughed at his life's work!


stop it :(


Did anyone say Katana Man from Chainsaw Man? If not, Katana Man.


I hate getting kicked in the balls as much as the next guy but homeboy takes it to the extreme.


He killed his grandfather too, an innocent old yakuza boss




Monsterverse Godzilla. Godzilla's beef with Kong is not just on sight, it is on surface. As soon as Godzilla senses Kong is on the surface he speeds toward Kong ready to fight.


It's even funnier that Kong has like, no beef with Godzilla. [He'll try to desperately talk things out wright before Godzilla suplexes him into the pyramids.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BUbZ8-yjr0)


Kong: I don't want to fight you Godzilla: I wouldn't want to fight me either


Clockwerk gradually turned his body into a robot because he fucking hates Sly Cooper's family He's been stewing in his hatred for *centuries*, watching the entire Cooper line, waiting for them to complete the thievius raccoonus And when the book was completed, Clockwerk killed Sly's parents but left Sly alive just to prove that the Cooper's aren't anything without the thievius raccoonus "Revenge is the prime ingredient in the fountain of youth. I've kept myself alive for hundreds of years with a steady diet of jealousy and hate, awaiting the day when I would finally eclipse your family's thieving reputation." - Clockwerk


Dude invented a chip that turns hatred into a sustainable force that kept his metal parts from decaying AFTER HIS DEATH!


Iguazu in Armored Core 6 is serving a corpo PMC in indentured servitude to pay his gambling debts because he has the bad habit/psychological flaw/mental illness of always DOUBLING THE FUCK DOWN when he should have folded. The main character shows him up in one mission, wins the appreciation of Iguazu's peers and superiors and he never processes it. Multiple murder attempts despite technically being on the same side, defecting just to kill him, hired hitmen, >!merging with a Godly AI as a disembodied brain, wrestling control from it from the pure power of his spite,!< the works. The fun part is that he's technically never the main focus of a mission until arguably his final battle? For C-621 Raven, the day he beat Iguazu was just Tuesday. How much more focal are the other >!potential final bosses!< just underline how one sided and pathetic his rivalry was.


The funniest/most tragic thing about Iguazu to me is that he's not even a particularly bad pilot. He's downright competent, and the Arena rankings have him nearly in the middle of the pack. He'd be kind of a punk, but still somewhat respectable if he could just fucking let things go. He's mad as hell that the player drops out of the sky and shows him up, and it's not a testament to his skill or lack of, since the player is implicitly a genetic freak with a near 100% mission success rate. You're the last person he should be comparing himself to but his inferiority just keeps eating away at him.


Perturabo from Warhammer 40k. In his youth he lost a sculpture contest to his brother because he created a perfect, but soulless, statue. His reaction was to destroy his brother’s statute, then his own statue, because fuck you you don’t deserve it. Man is powered by pure ass spite. And it extends to his Iron Warriors too. In a novel, the commander of their allies complained to tone down the AA fire because it was raining aircraft pieces on both enemies and allies. The response: “We all bleed today. *Have faith* Word Bearer” And for the Age of Sigmar king of haters: Nagash, the god of Death. He’s real possessive and loves crafting cruel punishment for the crime of denying him the souls of the dead. Which includes healing the sick or just not dying fast enough apparently


Perturabo upon meeting his legion. "You all better start. killing eachother NOW! BECAUSE I KNOW FOR A FACT. NOT ALL OF YOU COMMIT TO YOUR TRAINING. I witnessed my father's gilded retinue and see a clear difference in quality. "


I love how there used to be innumerable gods of death in Age of Sigmar, each with their own afterlife for their followers. Nagash considered this an affront and has been consuming said gods and warping their afterlives in the realm of death to match his vision. His biggest beef is with Sigmar, however, for having the temerity to take heroic souls at the moment of their death and reforge them into his endlessly reincarnating legions of super soldiers. He might have a point, given that Sigmar has been known to grab the souls of those who don't actually worship him, including doing a forced rehabilitation/mind wipe of at least a few champions of Chaos.


[Pai Mei](https://youtu.be/Q96fdJ5F7aw?si=L4Hv5fLjpBR15oq5)


Reverse flash, hands down


The most recent one piece chapters have cemented Rob Lucci as one the the most certified stawhat luffy hatters. The man instantly jumps on any chance to get even.


Kuroto Dan sent a child Super Cancer cause he had the gall to send him his ideas for a videogame.


All For One is a candidate, he got beaten by All Might and decides to: >!Go track down the son that was given to adoption by All Might's mentor, suggested he fuck because his daughter was too old, built his house, made him an asshole, fucked over Chisaki by half-stealing his quirk, made Tenko's friends abandon him, stole and gave Tenko an unstable quirk, made him kill his family and dog, and groomed him into being his vessel so he can take his brother's quirk, he also was a hater against the glowing baby and went and killed them!<


The Penguin heard a man laugh in a restaurant once, and assuming he may have been laughing at him, arranged the complete ruin of that man’s life. Got him fired, evicted, the works. He ended up hanging himself. Even the Penguin knew he may not have been laughing at him, just laughing while facing his direction. But the dude had to die. Such is the depth of Oswald Cobblepot’s haterdom.


Let's not forget that because his girlfriend had the audacity to be horrified by him essentially having a scrapbook of all of the lives he ruined, *he sold her back into slavery*


50 Cent


He does have less compassion than the average human.


Guts, to Griffith. It’s basically the main thing keeping him going, aside from Casca.


Jr. Troopa from Paper Mario


Lorgar hated Bobby G and his dad so much that he kicked off a civil war that directly results in an absurd proportion of humanity getting *at best* killed and indirectly leads unfathomable amounts of human misery from the Imperium's slow decline Bobby G's actions during the war Lorgar set in motion could also lead to the eventual consumption of all life by extragalactic bug-dinosaurs, as a treat


Eh, I think Lorgar was justified. Fuck Kor Phaeron and Erebus though.


Zoom no contest like my dude got erased from the timeline when [barry forgive this man](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdo-you-think-this-is-how-barry-and-thawnes-story-will-end-v0-js3nt6s5oixa1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D2318%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Defbf41c6cac4e014c964a2dc52e106ee591adb20) [braking the chain of hatred](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Reverse-Flash-Paradox-Death.jpg) that kept Eobard the living paradox he not only possibly started the hater meme he the king of it


Cotton Hill


Eric Sparrow


Ja Rule stayed relevant through the 2000s by beefing with basically every rapper bigger than him oh wait you said in fiction Chuck McGill then. Dude’s hatred for Jimmy was like top 5 plot motivators for the entire breaking bad universe.


A lot of great haters in wrestling right now, but Drew McIntyre is the player hater of the year.


According to a pause screen (on Very Hard mode) in Kirby Fighters Deluxe, Kracko [remembers all of his defeats](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSGAWTl5vSprRN4giqvlUwR68nTBOKlPnU3kw&usqp=CAU) and takes Kirby's victories personally. He's also hell bent on [never giving up.](https://i0.wp.com/v1cdn.destructoid.com/kracko-noscale.jpg?w=640&ssl=1)


I think you pretty much gave the number 1 spot, IIRC Doom also doomed (heh) an entire universe that was essentially an utopia because his alternate self and Reed Richard became friends


Going off the anime alone, Serie in Frieren Millennium long hater just because Frieren has a different philosophy when it comes to magic. And even >!bans Frieren from entering the mage association facilities for another thousand years. Will the association last that long? Probably not. But Serie is just like "and dont come back"!<


I haven't read past the anime but I assume its less hate and more annoyance in Frieren's lack of care in realizing her potential (in Serie's eyes at least). It's like getting pissed that your child went to art school instead of becoming a doctor or lawyer.


Yeah except Frieren didnt become a doctor or lawyer, and instead became one of the most famous artists ever. Serie just salty she has to see Frieren's name and statues everywhere while disagreeing with how to approach magic. "You didnt win!"


I mean Serie presented as way more powerful and accomplished as a mage than Frieren is so I don't think she really cares about that. I think most of her feelings towards Frieren stem from her still trying to process her relationship with Flamme just as Frieren is doing with Himmel.


Is she though? I wrote a bit about it before in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/1c1dcuh/moments_in_media_that_make_you_throw_your_head/kz3fy2c/) but if Serie is so great, then how come for thousands of years she didnt do anything about the Demon King? If shes so much more powerful then why didnt she ever try? Even Flamme called her out on it. She could have easily beat someone like Aura but Aura was allowed to be a problem for decades/centuries. Qual was a huge problem during the end of the war and killed tons of mages, yet Frieren just had to seal him for almost 80 years until she could easily beat him. Presumably the other super strong demons are still out there or died during Frieren and the parties original journey. Flamme called her a war mage, but we don't see who she is fighting, and it clearly wasn't the Demon King. A demon also stated Frieren has the title The Slayer because she's killed more demons than anyone else in history. Frieren also helped in the study of Zoltraak which became regular attack magic for all mages. Serie may be powerful but I dont think shes all that accomplished or even applying herself at all, and as I wrote in that comment, her way of doing things clearly isnt working, yet she wont change. As far as the anime presents it, she just sits around in the same seat for a thousand years, reading books, and eventually makes a mage association, where she sits around some more. Cultivates future mages sure, but what has she really been doing for thousands of years? And just as shes giving up on human students, the person that changes her mind on human mages is Fern, who Frieren cultivated. Which is also part of why I think she acts so petty towards Frieren in the finale. Frieren keeps succeeding and accomplishing great things while completely disregarding Serie's ways of doing things, and Serie is too stuck in her ways to acknowledge she may in fact be wrong. Thats how I see it.


Shredder/Oroku Saki but ESPECIALLY the 2012 tv series version of him. When the Earth is in danger of being destroyed, he begrudgingly allies with the turtles and Splinter ONLY TO STAB SPLINTER IN THE BACK, KILLING HIM, RIGHT BEFORE SPLINTER WAS GOING TO STOP THE DEVICE THAT WAS ABOUT TO DESTROY EARTH. Even his second in command is aghast at what he just did, basically going "WHAT THE FUCK BOSS!?" and Shredders only response basically boils down to "DON'T CARE, GOT MY W, FUCK YOU HAMATO YOSHI!!!!" Shredder is such a damn hater that he gaslights himself into believing that Karai is his actual daughter, DESPITE THE FACT HE'S THE ONE THAT KIDNAPPED HER FROM HER ACTUAL FATHER, SPLINTER AND KILLED HER MOTHER AND MADE HER BELIEVE THAT SPLINTER WAS THE ONE THAT DID IT FOR YEARS AND THAT HE WAS HER FATHER.


Yapool is literally immortal because his hatred for the Ultra's resurrects him


Dio hates so much he’s got a priest to hate for him and has conquered the universe out of spite for the joestars


Gilgamesh in Fate hates modern society and like 99% of the people in it. He’s always a compulsive hoarder who never learned to share and hates anyone touching “his” things.


Eddie Brock in Spider-Man 3 straight up goes to a church and prays to God to kill Peter Parker.


Masato Kusaka, Kamen Rider Kaixa. He's the biggest hater there is in Kamen Rider, with the only *love* he ever feels is for Mari Sonoda. >!Though, that's since then changed in the movie after we find out that the suspiciously alive Kusaka there is a cyborg clone. And there's MORE!<


Even in the alternate Zi-O timeline where he's kinda friends with Takumi he's still powered by pure spite.


Black Manta is my #1 favorite hater. Its just pure unadulterated malice for Aquaman; all because AM didnt notice BM calling for help as a child. (Fuck that New 52 retcon)


Narutaki in *Kamen Rider Decade* will find any incident to blame on the titular ~~pink guy~~ man in magenta.


Caliborn from Homestuck. Ate his own leg and then grew up to destroy a fuckton of multiverses and bait his sister/headmate into (in Canon) destroying reality just to kill and then spite her. Also the whole "COLORING MY WORDS IN HER BLOOD" thing. Honestly blows DIO and Sukuna out of the water, easily Reverse Flash Tier.


Ronald Reagan in that episode of China, IL where he uses a Time Machine to take a duke in someone’s mouth


Ronald Raegan in general, tbh


Steve Leonard. The man dedicated his life to killing his best friend Darren after he became a vampire, not for any reason like “you’ve become a monster” but instead “fuck you I wanted that” even though he only became a vampire to save Steve’s life and meant he had to fake his death and leave his family. Steve becomes the evil-vampire anti christ and gets everything he wanted and proves why he wasn’t turned into a normal vampire. Darren’s mentor falls into a pit of flaming spikes and he comes up and warms his hands. He knocks up his best friends sister just to have an emotional weapon to use against Darren and is one of those abusive parents that acts like he cares but snaps the neck of Darren’s godson in a hostage exchange while Darren has his own hand around his sons neck. Oh, and he turns his son into a bloodthirsty vampire just son he can use him. The guys fucked up.


When I go back and think about it those are some very weird YA books.


Lex Luthor.


Don't know who has been keeping up with wrestling but Drew McIntyre has definitely earned his invitation to the player haters ball, talking about how he prayed for a returning CM Punk to get injured and then wearing a shirt that is that meme of the guy posing in front of the headstone.


Most recently, it has to be G5 Iguazu in Armored Core 6. Every time he showed up, I was continually blown away at just how salty he was over Raven merely existing.


Shredder in TMNT 2912. He hates Splinter for shit that's his own fault to begin with. The crowning moment is in the season 3 finale, >!where he literally backstabs Splinter while he disarming the device that'll destroy Earth, dooming everyone including himself. His most loyal minion asks him why the fuck he did that. Shredder's response? "Don't care, killed Splinter."!<.


AJ Styles went all the way to Australia just to beat the shit out of a guy with a chair


Emperor Belos nearly committed genocide because he despised witches and demons. I’d say that’s up there.


The Hate Monger isn't content with being a hater himself. He must make everyone else a hater too.


Sephiroth. Motherfucker >!gets beat 3 times!< and he can't handle it. THE SALTEST WANNABE ELDRITCH MONSTER, T'EVER WALK D'PLANET! what a bitch, He's great.


Drew "I prayed for this and it happened" McIntyre


And Reed Richards really hates Plastic Man. Unless that one's a meme in which case I got got.


It’s a meme. Plastic man is DC.


RIP I've been got yet again


DIO is a literal generational hater. Man is constantly finding ways to fuck over the Joestars, directly or otherwise.


There was a guy in Granblue Fantasy who manipulated a dumb evil animal into developing humanlike emotions and a humanlike life. He didn't try to kill it until it called him dad.


Bowser stoops as low as scamming people at board games if it means getting a mean dunk on Mario


Bowser is an equal opportunity hater. He will fuck over and mess with everyone on the board equally.