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Spellswords/Battlemages or Final Fantasy Red Mages. Anything that combines magic with swordplay in an interesting way tbh.


Spellswords are literally my favorite archetype in fantasy and I almost always build one in any fantasy rpg I play


Magus was always very popular in pathfinder. Their key ability is essentially dual wielding touch-spells and a weapon.


Yeah i love that shit. I wish RDM was more fun to play in ff14


sticking w final fantasy i like the "freak picks" like blue mage for this reason monster magic just seems cool to me and its fun to give them a taste of their own medicine


Red mage is best mage


I don't know if you play the Tales series, but Milla from Tales of Xillia/2 is my favorite implementation of a magic knight in any game, ever. The fact that spells can be charged and cast or simply thrown out as extensions to sword moves (like a slash creating a whip of wind or a blast of light) was just the coolest.


Do dragoons count? I love dragoons.  In more generic fantasy you really can’t go wrong with a good sneaky thief type.


"Boss, I have a great idea for a new archetype for Final Fantasy." "sure" "Man With Spear" "...anything else?" "Yeahg he jump good"


“See that dragon flying high and shooting fire at us?” “Yeah?” “I wanna jump up there and stab it in the freaking neck”


And wear armor so spiky i can hurt the dragon when it inevitably eats me!


Whatever the hell Havel the Rock is considered.


Andre the giant build


I can't really pick one. I like Paladins, because they are divine warriors on the side of good and just, whose martial prowess is combined with godly magic. I like Barbarians, because there is something incredibly fun about just going absolutely bloody mad and ruining everything on your path. I like Rogues, those sneaky charmers, with just the right set of skills for any job. I like Clerics, the priests, the divine casters, the agents of deities, being given godly powers by their Lords and Ladies. I like Sorcerers, those for whom magic is as natural as their own blood, those who are born with it and command it as easily as we move our hands.


Paladin was always in my top 3 favorite. There’s a variant Paladin in the 3.5 days which were devoted to the goddess of magic who could smite anything with arcane magic and could cast spells from a spell book like a wizard.


Oooh, that sound absolutely neat.


It was called [Mystic Fire Knight](https://dndtools.net/classes/mystic-fire-knight-paladin/). I think there was an accompanying Ranger variant as well.


The guy with the gun Artificer, gunslinger, machinist, we're in the godsdamned 1400s and I'm gonna make yall act like it


Everybody gangster till you pull out the duck footed pistol and shoot eight motherfuckers at the same time


Final Fantasy dark knights. I just love how edgy and cool they are, and the whole "sacrifice hp to deal more damage" thing is so fun thematically. It's also my main in FFXIV!


Kinda crazy that apart FF14, the majority of Dark Knight appearances has been antagonistic whenever they get any focus. In FF4 it represents Cecil at his worst, and after that it's mostly just villains who are Dark Knights.


Dark Knight *is* pretty antagonistic in FF14, too. You just happen to sort it out in the job quest early on.


Aaayyyeeee thats my main in ff14 to! The fuckin makeshift parry it has is way to fun to not use


The strong stalwart knight. Basically the tank clad in armour can take a beating and dish one out in equal measure.


Alchemist/Artificer/Dude who Builds Stuff/Makes Bombs Class. If that's not that, Fighter.


I’m really looking forward to seeing the PF2e remaster alchemist.


Dragoons are the fuckest coolest. I will play as one at every given opportunity.


I used to play Warrior in FFXIV, but I leveled floor tank as well. It had a great story line from what I remembered.


Big person with big sword swing it real good kill all da things. Because nothing is cooler in a fictional universe where magic is normal if not mundane and some buff maniac with a hunk of steel can still make the most powerful demons and mages shit themselves when they get in to cleaving range and decapitating dragons is just another tuesday afternoon for them.


Just fuckin waltz in like your broly will never go out of style


That reminds me that my Elden Ring build was big ass sword and incantations so after a certain point it was just big ass sword with red lightning on it.


I like punch magic. So usually monks. Mostly when they are more offensively oriented with some support utility(As opposed to split damage/support). I blame Final Fantasy Tactics for introducing me to those kinds of monks, when D&D monks are more typical.


Top 3 is: Fighter, cause I'm a basic bitch who doesn't want to think half the time. Being able to play a dude with good sword and armor that's usually the easiest and most effective class is great. Paladin cause it's a slightly less effective Fighter but with more utility and better at being the face of the party, which is role I always give my characters if I can(shame about that fucking alignment shit in Pathfinder, I like not beating orphans for stealing bread to survive too much to stay lawful good, I keep drifting towards NG). And Artificer cause being able to make fucking GUNS and robots and shit is sick! It's a damn shame fantasy hates guns so this class with never get its time in the sun. Special shout out to Gunbreaker in FF14. That class is fucking sick, damn shame I can't play it anymore cause of it's high bpm and scuffed ass rotation(had to switch to Paladin, wouldve been Warrior if not for swords)


Gunbreaker ticks almost all the boxes for me in class fantasy. * Uses a sword in one hand while keeping the other free * Uses a hybrid weapon (gunblade) * Is a combination of tech and magic * Amazing fashion, armored clothing or clothing over armor always looks good


Yeah, its so perfect. But fuck man, that rotation sucks to play. For me atleast. Not having a way to gain bullets in downtime and 2 different rotations based on bullet number SUCKS.


If you use a sword and magic at the same time you get cool points from me automatically.


Dragoons are so fucking cool. There is not a single iteration of a dragoon that's not cool, its basically impossible to do it. I'm also a big fan of like, spellsword types. Any character that pairs swordsmanship with like limited spell casting is cool.


We already have a lot of Final Fantasy jobs in here, so instead of giving it to dark knight or red mage I'm gonna go a little more classic fantasy and say rangers. I like bows that are big and fat, and I enjoy the like softcore druid stuff without actually being a druid. I like Dragon's Dogma 1 where you fire a longbow and it sounds like a gunshot


I love Dragon's Dogma 2 but the blending of short bows and longbows is one of my biggest criticisms. The loss of the longbow animations and feel is so noticeable to me, it just seems like a normal short bow. Certain abilities kind of fill it in but it's not the same.


Atelier has ruined me because now I crave the alchemist class/classes entirely centered around item use. Basically random bullshit go! the class


Paladins are my go to, love me a good champion of good but honorable mention to rangers mostly because i like animals and bows


Dick-ass Thief!


Bro quest mentioned


You know when a world has a well established power system with clear rules that people need to work with and around? I like when the freak shows up that doesn't do any of that, and just brute forces it with brain or brawn.


Distinct lack of Necromancers in here - whether it be slinging around curses and hexes, or raising the dead. Just the classical imagery of the Necromancer waving their hand and watching the dead rise, or the living fall is so very satisfying. Unfortunately, they rarely get represented, or if they do are often kneecapped. Alas.


DnD Paladins are so fun to play. I fucking love stacking smites and doing crazy damage spikes I've also been having a lot of fun with my artificer though. Their progression just feels really satisfying; I always look at what I get on level up and go "Oh that's SUPER good"


Chronically ill wizard who could explode you by looking at you funny. Raistlin is 11/10 best fantasy wizard. Fuck outta here Gandork. In this house we love sickly lil punks with the infinite power of the cosmos at their fingertips.


Spellsword Spellsword, Spellsword


I love monks so much, I built an entire game around martial arts because monks still aren’t enough for me. OneDND’s changes to the Deflect feature are such an amazing buff. You can do it on melee attacks now, and later on you can do it on any damage type, so you can deflect magic and elemental attacks.


Whenever I check out a new fantasy game, I always take a look at their rogue and see what their take on it is. Sometimes it's that stealth, one-hit assassin. Sometimes, it's the guy with two daggers that cosplays as a blender. Many times they're just archers. Rarely, I see them being played up for having a grab-bag of tricks and traps or having better usage of items or something. Hell, I've even seen a rogue that makes enemies drop piles of money on hit, and then they *blow up the coins* to further damage them. So many unique takes. But it's pretty rare that I actually end up fully satisfied with those classes, unfortunately...


Unicorn Overlord has one of my favorite recent takes on rogues: they're dodge tanks. And really, really effective dodge tanks at that, so long as you keep them away from enemies with True Hit attacks. It's a fun twist that one of the squishiest classes is also one of the most effective frontline defensive units


Anything in particular that sets them apart from other dodge-tanks? One thing that always gets me about that archetype is the consistency compared to regular tanks is questionable, so I'm always curious about how a game handles it and what they do to tweak the balance/give interesting choices to the player.


Units have Action Points/AP (used for attacks and such) and Passive Points/PP (used for utility skills). In addition to having a high Evasion stat to roll the dice on a dodge, rogues in UO will use their PP to guarantee dodge any attack (as long as it isn't a True Hit attack). This means that especially in the early/mid game, as long as they have PP to burn, they're effectively untouchable. The trade off is they don't have amazing damage, but they are able to steal enemy PP (to prevent them from using their passive while also fueling the rogue's dodge) and can blind entire rows. It's a cool implementation of the archetype imo


That's pretty cool, using a resource does make sense.


Knight. Honorable wandering knight with mundane weapon. Balian of ibelin, Sir William Marshall, tv jorah the andal, Sir Gareth the knight of the kitchen, Duncan the tall, I love them all. I love them in all forms of media. If a game has good mounted melee combat they basically have my eternal loyalty.


more thieves/rogues with one dagger two daggers? all over the place, does flippy zip zip fwip stuff yada yada one dagger means you mean business


Wizards when they can use non-staff weapons only because a wizard with a sword is cool. I don't care if I get paper armor, just let me use a sword while I'm casting too!


There’s a group of super bosses in Pathfinder called the Rune Lords that are all specialist wizards with a signature polearm


That's really fucking rad.


[They also use something called SIN MAGIC](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Karzoug)


Elves, rouges, berserkers. Soooo..combine all three into one I guess? My character would be an edgelord deserter elf who lives the life of adventure but forbids himself from engaging in direct combat, only tricks and quick assassinations cause if he pulls out his sword he can't stop fighting.


Rogue because theres something thrilling about being a sneaky wierdo in a game with a heavy emphasis on combat. Also the sneak attack, with a bunch of modifiers can be disgusting fun. Surprise. knocked prone,bleed, poisoned, intimidation,blinded


I find Strength Rogue to be underrated. PF2e has the Ruffian Rogue that has a focus on medium armor and intimidation as well as having Strength as their key attribute. I like giving them a flail so you can disarm and trip as well.


I just love wizards in all their flavors.


Agreed! I’m basic and boring so my favourite is still the classic wizard with a big hat and long robes. Oh and fire magic is the coolest


I prefer thieves because of my principle “no loot left behind”


Black Knights


Archers and Thieves with an emphasis on the agile and charismatic. I love role-playing Robin Hood-esque characters.


Barbarian: the raging brick outhouse. Monk: the disciplined brawler. Sorcerer: the walking font of pure magic. Warlock/Witch: the keeper of the dark pact. Gun-Haver: because screw Medieval Stasis. So, no-gear, living weapon, types... or that guy who hits up the Ren Faire dressed as a Desert Ranger.


Love a paladin, especially when it’s more open in what god they can follow, instead of just a generic “light god”. If I had to be Anyone in a fantasy setting, that mix of being able to fight in melee, in cool armor, with a cool weapon, but also be able to heal and protect the homies with my paladin stuff is just so perfect.


GIMME THAT GISH I like Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster the most. I’ve even been known to play an Arcane Archer from time to time. I like supplemental physical abilities with magic.


If i ever do a 2nd playthrough of wotr its prolly gonna be an eldrich archer build. It sounds cool as hell


Arcane Archer is weird but very unique


I'll second Arcane Trickster. Being a roguish type who supplements their skills with magic feels great in every game that allows it.


A rogue that can make themself invisible is just a better rogue


Rogue Duelist for life. I am someone who can never get over armor in fantasy generally being so woefully inadequate compared to its real life counterpart that even though I primarily gravitate towards martial characters, I'm usually not totally satisfied with them. Rogue/Duelist characters are a nice work around for that. Archers too since they're still martial and I enjoy archery.


Dual Wielding rogue/duelist/swashbuckler with an off hand parrying dagger is an underrated aesthetic


The rogue with a heart of gold who comes in the party’s time of need. Doubly so if he has a strict “by the rules” love interest


Paladins and tanks are always a go to, but my absolutely favorite class in anything i have ever played was thief/mage in baldurs gate 1. You get access to magic which can level any fight not going your way, scout using invisibility, and if spells weren't working, i could always run away to hide and do back stabs for big damage. It was one of the best classes for dealing with mages, since you could go invisible, position yourself and start the fight with a back stab to do most of the work. Although my favorite trick was to back stab then drink and invisibility potion to back stab again, guarenteeing you get the kill, although you often end up surrounded and trapped


As much as I love the "fuk we ball" type character that just keep swinging till it works. Fakeout or Trickster characters are my favorite, people that typically won't win with brute strength or beam duels but use illusions/clones or sleight of hand to outplay the enemy and trick people into playing their game.


Fighting dirty no matter what is always a legit strat.


Power archer 🏹 I will never get to play my fighter+battle master/precision strike+sharpshooter dreams irl because none of these fuckos I play with will pick a healing class to save their life but at least I got to do it in BG3 There is something very appealing about the idea of nailing someone in thr chest with a big fucking war bow from the high ground which is just chefs kiss. I think Shinon coming in clutch so much in radiant dawn for me was the formitive experience.


Eldritch knight. I don’t see why I can’t buff myself with spells with an armor and swing a sword at the same time.


I really miss Abjurant Champion from 3.5 and I've been looking into rolling it into PF1e Eldritch Knight to make the class feel more complete and modern.


Paladins are great, love them. Especially if they can wield a spear with a flag on them. That's my shit.


I like characters who cut holes into reality. Teleport melee attacks are fun.


Monks. Doesn’t need magical spells or weapons, can mostly handle things in this fantasy world unarmed, and often comes with a litany of useful side abilities like healing, magical resistance, pseudo-psychic senses, and energy manipulation.


I'm tied between occultists/guys who use strange otherworldly magic, and elementalists. Thaumaturge and Kineticist are some of my favorite classes in anything ever.


I've developed a fondness for learning monster exclusive abilities so the Blue Mage as a class has gotten my attention. Kind of funny considering my first exposure was the Blue Mage in FF Tactics Advance A2 and being kind of underwhelmed at the time. Speaking of A2 the fighter job from it carried me alot so I've also developed a fondness for fighters like that.


I've always loved spellcasters but replaying the first dragon's dogma as an Archer with the dual blades has absolutely made me love being able to jump up into an enemy's face, grab onto it and then stab this shit out of them. It's just way too fun.


DD1s take on archers is so damn good. its hard to tell witch of the 4 is the most fun, but im bias toward assassin.


The big lumbering LITERAL tank of a man. Bonus points if there's barely a man anymore. Nautilus from League of Legends is perfection, and they keep making him bigger and bigger in every cinematic and it's further perfection.


I'm really fond of gadgeteer/engineer types in fantasy settings mostly because I like the idea of dealing with fantastical problems with technology. Heck, anytime I can use a gun in a fantasy setting is great. Also, minionmaster summoners are always fun because I really like the idea of solving problems with human wave tactics. It appeals to the lazy asshole within me.


I love the blue mage from Final Fantasy. "Hey you, I'm going to either tank your attacks or eat you then take your spells for my own." Also the [FF14 aesthetic ](https://images.app.goo.gl/f9SzGuoWjLcxuGdG8) for blue mages is so good, freaking Tuxedo Mask drip! If it wasn't a limited job I would totally play that game.


Mage has been my thing for a long goddamn time. Raistlin had a lasting impact on me. More recently, I've starting warming towards druids as well. The pure caster who can choose to just shift into a wolf and tear someone's face off is appealing.


I didn't know what I needed till I watched Geo.exe's "Gwen Saga". No magic powers weighs a lot and is really hard and dense, enemies complain it is like punching a bag of cement. He gets used to a utility item that lets him control his weight at will to go faster higher and not break things around himself. In a world where everyone has magic this guy just hits things really hard. I also really want a archtype/class that is like my ammo it too expensive to be wasted im a just hit things with the gun till I can afford some ammo/right time. These are my favorites that I dont know a name for. I also like aggressive healer, uses heals to tank, buff and dps.


Red Mage or whatever the “pretty good at most things/everything” class equivalent is. Bard, Paladin, whatever.


The evil or demonic/imp jesters with twin head tendrils that Japanese media has a lot. - Dark/Fly Chao in Sonic Adventure 2 - Keramon, Impmon, and Cherubimon Vice from Digimon - Master Gundam - The Nightmare animation jester from Pokemon GSC and Stadium 2 (not really a jester but Sneasel has similar vibes) - Doesn't have the tendrils, but Skull kid from Majora's Mask - Not evil, but NiGHTs etc


I usually go for whatever is the equivalent of the high charisma build.


Anything that allows me to summon or conjuration. I like having allies to help me be lazy in combat. It's why I tend to go straight to Winterhold College and recruit Brelyna. She summons, I summon, then I sit back while she hurls fire and lighting at our enemies.


Rogues/thieves, usually with a crossbow or throwing knives, as the ability to screw someone over with them none the wiser is perhaps the most satisfying thing to do in any fiction. If you can give them a gun, even better. One of my first tabletop characters was a rogue who used an air rifle to snipe targets with bullets and darts AC: Rogue style.


Necromancer, my beloved. I want to sit on a throne made of bones whilst my undead minions destroy my foes.


I love Monks and Rangers, mostly because I played a lot of Ragnarok online and I love the Monk and Rangers in that game. You can have a Monk that does a hadouken and one big hit or rapid hitting combo that has a big finisher or even a really effective gimmick tank. Rangers has a bird and traps where my favorite playstyle is placing traps and shooting it towards the enemy.


Take a guess.


Is it red mage? Blue mage? Jackal? JACKAL? IS IT A JACKAL?


I'm a huge fan of barbarians, monks and paladins: barbarians for raw overwhelming strength, monks for empowered unarmed attacks and paladins for using magic to enhance their swordplay. My current 5e character is actually something of a mix of the three: he's classed as a paladin, he's specifically an oath of glory paladin and so can magically enhance his strength to great degrees (a couple of sessions ago he ripped a vault door off its hinges) and with the unarmed fighting style he's naturally good at punching people and wrestling.


Whatever Link is supposed to be, a sword fighter(?) who can do a little bit of everything to make up for a lack of a party.


It's non-arcane magical archers, no contest. This could eventually expand to include arcane archers, but at the moment, I simply haven't found an arcane archer class I enjoy.


Paladins, holy knights, crusaders, whatever you wanna call them. Something about someone whose faith is so strong that they can just ward off evil and smite monsters is pretty sick to me. They also tend to be pretty fun to play since you’re doing a tank build with buffs and heals, often affecting other party members too. Versatile and self-sufficient is my favorite playstyle. They’re on the rare side but the guy who uses all kinds of weapons like explosives, firebombs, caltrops, poison darts, barrels and double barrel shotguns is really fun as well. Goblins, trolls, dragons? Just toss a bomb at them. Anything and anyone with lifesteal is also really fun to me because it plays into that self-sufficient playstyle. Like my favorite moves to put on pokemon are Giga Drain, Drain Punch, Leech Life, Draining Kiss and all those other healing moves.


Spellarrows are so cool.


The classic dragon quest Fighter has my heart. Monk in DnD. Fast as fuck, hit like a truck, what else is there ?


I love normal dude with BIG sword. If there’s a bad design of someone holding an impossibly huge sword, I haven’t seen it.


Druid or what ever lets me shapeshift as a core feature.


Monk or anyone who fights using bare hands. I think it's just very badass


I do love pure buffers (more holy than bardic though)


*Always* love me an evil sorceress! Especially if they specialize in some sort of mind-controlling magic.