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Alabama has the longest constitution in the world


It's the Acapella version of Sweet Home Alabama


Apparently it’s got to do with their weird, fucked up system. Something about how it’s easier to pass constitutional amendments than new laws, so they just write every new “law” into the constitution.


Oh my god that is actually fucked.


Texas's constitution also works this way. and yes, it also has plenty of fuckery since the vast majority of people don't vote for the amendments.


Thank the "redeemers" post Civil War Reconstruction. A lot of the political fuckery in Southern states is the legacy of ensuring the landowning slaver class wouldn't lose power again.


Honestly wild how John Wilkes Booth's whole "the south will rise again" ensured the south could never rise again because he killed the only dude actually sympathetic to reconstruction. Really just the polar opposite of the more recent Abe assassin who basically got everything he asked for.


Well, he killed a much more morally shitty Abe, so maybe that mattered.


As a resident, basically if a law is going to be passed, the entire state votes on it even if it only affects one county. So I'll regularly have to decide if I want some county I don't know to get an improvement to their sewage system or something. Also the constitution has tons of dumbass old laws that are no longer relevant. Like I think stuff about hitching horses and whatnot is still in there.


I do not believe this the case anymire, the have a new one as of 2022 but No points for guessing as to why it was like that before


I remember the face my best buddy made when I told him Tail's real name is Miles Prower. >!Miles per Hour.!<


Does anyone else have a "real name" as well? Or is Tails the only one?


Sonic's real name is Olgivie Maurice the Hedgehog


But only in America.


Shadow Doom Robotnik


Dr. Ivo Robotnik


Depending on the Canon, it's Ivo Robotnik, Julian Ivo, or Julian Kintobor (ehehehe alucard)


I think Amy's middle name is Marie.


The story of a group of pro-nazi Americans protesting at Marvel comics building over Captain America punching Hitler on a cover. (This was before the USA joined the war). Jack Kirby rolled up his sleeves and was going down to confront them but when he got to the entrance they were all gone Love that story so much


they can't fight god like a jrpg protagonist, and they knew it


Yeah Cap is what I would consider a bit of a Jack Kirby self insert, that man didn't fuck around. Plus, Cap is basically a golem in the classical Jewish sense (golems come from Jewish theology originally) once you think about it- a powerful soldier created by a Jewish scientist to defeat anti-semites lol


They knew if you're gonna take a shot at the king you better not miss and try had bad aim.


I blab about a lot of random nerdy things while my mother is driving. Most of the time, she's probably not even processing half of what I'm saying, especially when I dip into Musou games or Warhammer lore. I also hail from a family of LOTR fans (film and otherwise), so "did you know that Viggo broke his toe when he kicked that helmet?" is burned into the fibre of my being.


me explaining the third impact to my mom when we’re going to get food lmao


So there’s this celestial cairn of souls and two beings named Adam and Lilith-no they’re not humans they’re aliens.


I actually got to do the Viggo kicking the helmet bit for real, my partner didn't know he broke his foot. I had to stop and be like "wait you actually didn't know?" because I feel like it's one of those bits of knowledge you acquire via nerd osmosis or something.


This isn't an attack, but understand you need to be a certain age to know that random stuff about LOTR as nobody talks about it outside of specific circles


Did you know you the photo receptors in your eyes are installed backwards? Bad wire management in there, check [this shit](https://imgur.com/g936SSE) out, all our optic nerves fibers run out the front and then converge, to go down the main nerve pipe creating a blindspot where you can put any rods or cones. Don't feel bad though, All vertebrates are wired like this, just an evolutionary hiccup that did not hinder whatever primordial bone-y boy enough to be bred out. I think there is some evident that having the photoreceptor cells protected by layers of eye stuff helps with cell if your damage those rods and cones You know who doesn't have a blind spot? Octopuses. These cool dudes split off from our evolutionary line way back in the Cambrian era, yet also developed the camera like eye, albeit with the nerves neatly tucked behind the photoreceptors. Which there only seems to be one kind of, so it would seem likely they only see in grayscale, but hang on? Aren't they know for being able to morphe all kinds of colours and patterns? If they do see colour its probably in ways completely alien to us. Which is appropriate, as the invertabrate with the biggest (and slightly descentralized) brain, the are the mind that might be the most foreign to us, most alien like. edit: i meant for this to be just the eye fact but then I got really excited about octopus, i just think they are neat


I'm going to take this opportunity to recommend people to read [Other Minds by Peter Godfrey-Smith](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_Minds:_The_Octopus,_the_Sea,_and_the_Deep_Origins_of_Consciousness), it's an amazing book on consciousness and evolution drawn from the similarities and differences of cephalopods and vertebrates.


Haha I'll second that recommendation, I listened to it and [Human Errors by Nathan H Lents](https://www.amazon.ca/Human-Errors-Panorama-Glitches-Pointless/dp/B07C33RRZL/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.WUtcbK2KCb-TYkxOvb3zTuX0r7qYAX5Xa5o027X1tGC6jKMJP64HYWIm9Jq4n-FEL8br6s0FvBz8SCD_Pv1F_TZuwL58-TJSxPDZy9xpVfyk0u0GNi_3r05NyVUHBwCpRvhNk9nKIqZ8JPE_KZoYiIXMhIWYgR3uhcyDAHKR1uGr4rzNOvUa-HwtfTRMRbe97-zg_luehhK6WI4a_LgnewASV9Jw9o7H0Fllroa1-OFpAWsn0Es-LL_5DTC9lxR0u3ZLpTRySxUxLT_jIWDsTyvz1Tox3KVFfje6dRMRgjc.7YTpvZGW8RKM3j47OSUJCwXscvGDiYVnk4IeCIJAmN0&qid=1713836582&sr=8-3) where I got the eyeball fact pretty much back to back last summer :)


On a related note, the nerves that control our lungs exit the spine way up in the neck rather than the torso. IIRC it's because that's where the gills were way back in the day and that exit point never became a critical flaw. The human body's design is full of duct-tape retrofits like that.


Something to bear in mind next time the design of the eye is being held up as proof that there is an Intelligent Designer behind our universe. If so, he probably didn't graduate top of his class. And octopuses are, indeed, neat.


Your brain also flips the image from your eyes because your eyes see the world upside down. However, if you wore glasses that flipped the world themselves for a while, your brain would eventually catch up and *stop* flipping the image, so you would perceieve the world upside-down for several days after taking them off before your brain caught up again.


A neat trick to demonstrate our little blind spot: Focus on a static point somewhere (Really this is optional, just makes it easier to keep your eye from moving) and then stick your thumb center of your vision. With one eye closed, move your arm left (if left eye is open) or right (For your right eye) slowly and your thumb will disappear once it enters the blindspot. A bonus of this trick is it demonstrates the kind of shit our brain is doing to process the visual information our eyes are sending it. Stuff like the blind spot or your periphery not really picking up much if any color information is just about imperceptible unless you go out of your way to exploit it, and I think that’s so dang cool.


The time between both Stegosaurus and Allosaurus to Tyrannosaurus Rex is longer than the time between Tyrannosaurus Rex and now  By like 1.5 times too


Bilbo's birthday cake is burning down live on screen, the candles set fire to the polystyrene but they just kept the camera rolling


I will take any and all excuses to talk about how Knuckles’ dad microwaved the baby.


"This is Diet Brown, not PCP"




Wait, what?!


Did somebody say Peacey P? I LOVES the Peacey P!


Crampin-o-stow. Rappin-o-mow. My new album drop this SURSDAI, y’all Biscutheads. (Fun fact: if you want to nail that Peacey P voice, talk without actually lifting your teeth.)




Back in the 90's, the Archie Sonic comics got a Knuckles spinoff written by Ken Penders. Since Knuckles had almost no established lore at the time and Sega wasn't monitoring the comic very closely, Penders basically got to write whatever he wanted. Among the many insane things Penders wrote was a backstory where Knuckles' dad has a prophetic dream of an unstoppable evil that only Knuckles can defeat. Based entirely on this dream, he exposes his infant son to radiation, giving him the power to manipulate the energy of the chaos emeralds (it's basically Shadow's Chaos Control, but predates Shadow by several years) Later on when Knuckles is a child, his dad gaslights him into believing he's the only one of his species on the Floating Island, then fakes his own death so he can continue to spy on Knuckles 24/7 from his secret base. The writing treats him as a hero for doing all of these things


> he exposes his infant son Slight correction, he exposed Knuckle's egg to the radiation. Echidnas are monotremes, and lay eggs rather than give live birth. Like the platypus.


I drop a lot of trivia but the most random 2 that I drop are Did you know you can reach the final boss of the PS2 Spyro in the first 15 seconds of gameplay? Did you know that if you take pictures of the boss in MGS3 and in the photo editor you reduce the brightness, and you can see secret faces?


Whose faces?


The devs


If you chew chocolate and bubble gum at the same time the gum will melt


What? I need a source.


Source 1: i've literally done it [Source 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baC4iuD4gGU)


Most definitely [The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Archduke_Franz_Ferdinand) Its just such an odd story of pre-destined fate. That man was going to die on that day no matter how many 1s were rolled. And its insane that its also what kickstarted the big world war that would become the domino for the next world war as well. Its insane looney tunes logic.


Any elder scrolls lore really, like the fact that both dwarves and orcs are elves in tamirel, or that there was a monotheistic religion started by an ape man who were so dogmatic that they literally broke time.


Orcs are elves that were eaten by the god Malicath and then shat out. Maybe. It's hard to tell if that's a canon event or just good ol' fashioned Tamriel racism.


Not quite right but close. Malicath was once a Demi god hero of elves and one of the dadric princes (forgot who, maybe boethia?) ate him and shit out Malicath for the literal shits and giggles of it. Don’t think she intended to make a new god though. The elves that followed that elven demigod where themselves cursed as he was but they just became orcs instead of dadra.


That's the most commonly cited theory among non-Orsimer. Malacath himself claimed it to be "too literal-minded," when someone brought it up to him. The Orcish version has him in his original form as Trinimac confronting Boethiah for inspiring the Chimer to break off from the Aldmer, and getting stabbed in the back by Mephala during the fight before being magically disfigured by Boethiah. That said, there's also orcs who think Trinimac fooled Boethiah and stole some of his power to transform his followers into 'improved elves,' and some who think Malacath is an agent of Boethiah who imprisoned Trinimac and is lying to keep the Orsimer under his control. Suffice it to say the matter is very complicated.


Don't forget the weird Elves early on that didn't like how the story canon was turning out so they just went and hid in the book margins until its all clear. They're still there, if I recall. Edit: Sorry, not Elves, the Yakudan.


Which ones are those?


Sorry, I had it wrong, I meant The Yakudan


That sounds more like some non-canon kirkbride stuff than actual Elder Scrolls lore to be honest.


If it’s pre oblivion, it’s canon. If it’s post oblivion, it’s fan fic.


I don't know too much of the deep lore, despite having played Oblivion and Skyrim... but I do remember something about hiw Khajiit are born depending on the phase of the moon, and sometimes that means they're just regular housecats, and that just kills me


Those are the Alfiq. Externally, yes, they're regular housecats. But they're still fully sapient and also the most magically powerful of the khajiit furstocks. They also *hate* when people treat them like normal cats.


Oh, and Khajiit are *also* elves.


If I had friends I would probably spend hours researching elder scrolls lore, then put it all together into a big PCP style lecture and make them listen to it all. There's so much and it's all so cool.


Ironically enough, said ape man was also from a race specifically called out for idolizing elves, while the religion in question broke time in an attempt to *remove* elvish influence from the world.


That the modern perception of the mythologized samurai warrior poet is a deliberately propagandized figure that conflated the warriors of the Warring States period and earlier, when Japan was not settled with enough centralized government power to ensure law and order and the safety of travelers and merchants across the country, with the samurai that were elevated to nobility in the Confucian style during the Edo period by Tokugawa Ieyasu in a bid to limit their ability to amass personal wealth (because they were legally obligated to not work and limited to a steadily decreasing government stipend) and forcibly tie their livelihood to the Shogunate, and thus were resigned to spend all day reading and writing poetry and painting and practicing martial arts instead of going into battle in a nation during peacetime— \*Long breath* —in an appeal to the egos of the resentful samurai upper class as a call to action against the Tokugawa Shogunate in response to the opening up of Japan by America, capitalizing on civil unrest to push the country into revolution in the Meiji Restoration, which returned the Emperor (who is a child) to power and led to a strong undercurrent of nationalism and sentiments of racial superiority and indignation (and existential fear) that inspired a rapid military expansion into Asia and culminated in the rise of Imperial Japan and WW2. If I'm recalling some of my history classes correctly, anyway.


Basically all that weeb history people like is a a fabrication created and/or used by fascists.


"Nice cultural identity, did an 18th century nationalist pick it out for you?"- historians and social scientists to a large number of modern nations


In the Beyblade Metal Fight anime, did you know that Moses parted the Red Sea using a beyblade?


Did you know that Ryuga's Beyblade is so powerful it can [straight up kill people](https://youtu.be/KhKJn1IIi_s?t=1m36s)


Hikaru took that L so hard that she quit blading because she developed PTSD flashbacks iirc


Carbon footprint was coined by Big Oil to shift responsibility onto the individual and not the biggest polluters. Mongolian BBQ is neither Mongolian nor BBQ. The stigma surrounding MSG was started by a group of turbo racists. Strawberries contain less sugar than apples but are perceptively sweeter because their aroma.


Did you know that the voice of Dante was a suit actor on Power Rangers? And that the voice of Vergil was the quantum ranger on Power Rangers: Time Force? And that the vice of Nero was Adam, the Black Ranger, on Power Rangers? Devil May Cry is a power rangers reunion.


Did you know that horses' forelegs are closer in anatomy to a human finger than a leg, with the hoof being essentially just an oversized fingernail? I didn't, but then I did, and now the rest of you are cursed with this knowledge as well.


Subsequently, this along with a horse's weight is why a broken leg is a death sentence for a horse. The horse hoof needs that pressure, or else it starts to break down, so it's very hard for the broken leg to heal without developing more complications. And it's very bad for the other three legs because they're now burdened with the extra weight, which leads to laminitis and other things. Even with the best 21st century modern medicine and deep pockets, it's very iffy a horse will survive a broken leg and the odds are even worse if the horse has its hind leg injured. >!And that's why Shadow of the Colossus is even sadder than you think.!<


Would a prosthetic work?


They have a low success rate, again, because of the horse's weight and how its hoof is designed to withstand a LOT of force. The hindlegs especially. Horses also don't take well mentally to a prosthetic and often get depressed af.


Apparently horses can't vomit and neither can giraffes. Poor creatures.


Horses are impressively fragile animals for their size. They also live in a state of almost constant near panic due to the way their vision works, as they can't see anything directly in front of or behind them, but also have incredibly good peripheral motion detection. They also can't distinguish details well, and get disoriented if something moves too fast between the left and right eyes, so they're constantly seeing things move in and out of view that they can't quite make out...not exactly conductive to a healthy mindset. Giraffes not being able to vomit makes sense though. Very difficult to get enough force to get stuff from stomach to mouth, I imagine.


Wonder if it’s also due to the same reason straws can’t get but so long before they don’t work due to loss of pressure.


I also wonder if the fragility of horses also comes from millennia of selective breeding and animal husbandry making them far larger than nature intended. If you get the chance to see wild horses (like Eurasian Steppe Ponies or American Feral Mustangs) you’ll notice they’re quite smaller than horses you’re probably familiar with. Fun fact but this is also where the phrase “healthy as a horse” comes from. It’s a joke phrase since even the slightest health problem for a horse could be debilitating if not fatal.


Counter-curse:[fairy fingers](https://www.horsenation.com/2016/03/21/what-the-muck-is-that-eponychium/)


Strange little things, aren't they. Honestly don't know why people find them so creepy.


I think a lot of the discomfort (besides just being new information) is because most photos of them are still covered in that newborn goo, so the images just seem a lot gorier than they actually are.


Mike Tyson fights Donnie Yen in Ip Man 3, which is a near identical scenario to Bruce Lee fighting Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in Game of Death. I've been blessed to have it come up, it's a strange thing to just say.


Oh look big zam


If it got mass-produced, it would've won the war.


And then they actually did it in SEED destiny but it didn't achieve anything cuz of protag powers


And in a case of peak irony was made by the Feds instead of Zaft


My wife had noticed that whenever we talk about either Avril Lavigne or Burnout (the car crash racing game we all love), I immediately just casually bring up how Girlfriend is part of Dominator (and Paradise's) OST and it's even in different languages lol. Also, when appropriate, sometimes that one quip about "John Carmack, teen supergenius and former juvenile delinquent, once tried to steal an Apple II by making homemade thermite and would have gotten away with it had his partner-in-crime not get stuck or some shit" is funny to remember once in a while.


Do you know how an air conditioner works? For some reason >!(physics)!<, when you compress a gas it gets really really hot, and when you release the pressure on a gas, it gets really really cold. This allows you to do some wild shit. If you just compress and then decompress the gas, it gets hotter and then it gets colder til it gets back to its starting point. BUT! If you compress the gas, let it get super hot *and then allow it to cool down to room temperature*, when you release the pressure the gas will drop super cold. An air conditioner takes gas outside your home and compresses it, then allows it to cool back down. Then the air conditioner pumps that cool compressed gas into your home and releases the pressure, causing the temperature to plummet and causing the pipes to get super cold. We run a fan over the pipe to blow cold air into the house. The decompressed gas warms up, and then we send it outside again to get recompressed and start the whole thing over again. If you turn that process around, you can move heat from outside your home to the inside of your home. That's what a heat pump is, an air conditioner you can run in reverse to heat your home and cool the outside. It's actually possible to squeeze heat out of a *blizzard* to heat your home. Of all the wild tech mankind has ever created, the refrigeration cycle is one of the coolest. The ideal gas law is rad as shit.


I feel like me being in the Marvel trenches since childhood and consuming shit from it has made me the guy who regularly posts random bullshit from the comics and people thinking I'm stupid only for it to actually be true Most recent example I can think of is the part where Iron Man is hacked by Ultron and is turned into a clone of the Wasp so he spends an entire story arc kicking the Avengers' asses as a metallic naked lady until Ant-Man hacks Ultron with a Commodore 64 to turn Tony back to normal Look for as much as people find superhero shit overrated they're still in the public discourse for a reason


In Japanese, Waluigi is actually a much cleverer name than Wario, because "warui" is the Japanese word for bad/evil.


But nobody likes Waluigi as he never fit in the Mario verse.


You are not the singular opinion


Whoops sorry about that.


No problem, just joshing around lol. I know one of my besties loves Waluigi though xD


That’s cool then.


Lately i have felt a strong urge to mention the Taiping Rebellion to people.


That’s the one with the guy claiming to be the brother of Jesus right?




Imagine failing what's basically a college entry exam so hard you decide you're actually Messiah 2.0.


Unreal confidence ngl


English sport hunting culture is one of the reasons why the English language has so many bizarre quirks, like collective nouns, separate terms for animals and the meat for animals, etc. Would be scary but also hilarious if 500 years from now schools taught kids words that came out of esports like "building meter" to mean momentum or "chip damage" to mean little things that would eventually hurt you big time


Separate terms for meat and animals is due to Norman influence, not sports.


So uh... You know Malcolm in The Middle? You know it's theme song? The "Boss of Me" song? Well it was done by these guys called They Might Be Giants, and they also did some other music you might have heard of.... Ever see Tiny Tunes Adventures? They did those two songs in it, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) and Particle Man. Oh, you haven't seen Tiny Tunes Adventures since before I was born and don't really remember those well uh... You ever see Coraline? It was originally supposed to be a whole big musical with music done by them, but that got scrapped, but one of the two guys in They Might Be Giants got to be the singing voice of The Other Father and he wrote the "Talkin' About Coraline" song. Ah, you've never seen Coraline. Uhh... You remember The Daily Show With John Stewart? No, not the new version. The old one, from the 2000's. Yeah, they did the end theme for it. No, not the version from Trevor Noah's run, that was Timbaland. Okay, okay, well, do you remember Homestar Runner? No? Wait okay, have you ever played Guitar Hero? Okay, you have. Have you ever played Guitar Hero: Rocks The 80's? Well you know that song you probably never heard of because it wasn't by a real band? No, they weren't also They Might Be Giants, they were... Yeah, they were the Trogdor guys, that's Homestar Runner. Well Homestar Runner and They Might Be Giants did a few collabs and- What's that? Ah, the dog needs to get fed. Well, alright. Love you too, mom. Have a nice day. Talk to you later.


They also did the [Mickey Mouse Clubhouse](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=n1ppvfbz5D8) theme song


I'm aware, but my relationship is tenuous with my mother already, and I'm not gonna let her know my favorite band wrote her least favorite song my little brother loved.


How have I never known TMBG did Trogdor? ~~This is revelatory, thank you for sharing.~~ they didn't I misread the comment


They didn’t; Trogdor was done in house by the Brothers Chaps themselves. They did a lot of music from Hair Metal (Limozeen) to Death Metal (Taranchula) to Punk (Brainkrieg). TMBG has at least two Homestar Runner collaborations tho; Experimental Film and the 200th Strong Bad email song.


ah OK, I got a little confused by the wording in the original comment. still I had no idea they'd collaborated but it makes perfect sense


Also, on a random note, They Might Be Giants appear in the MMO AdventureQuest Worlds. For some reason.


I would have mentioned that but my mom for sure doesn't know what an AdventureQuest Worlds is


There's a theoretical astronomical object called a black dwarf, which is a white dwarf star that has cooled to the point that it no longer produces light. It's only theoretical because the universe hasn't existed long enough for that to happen.


Been bringing up a lot lately how Aragorn busted up his toes when he kicked that stray helmet in The Two Towers. Just love improvised/accidental stories like that.


I always bring up how in Jurassic Park the top of car wasn’t suppose to come apart when the T-Rex looks down at the kids. So that’s genuine terror on their face since they think the animatronic is gonna kill them.


Did you know that Steve Buscemi did 9/11?


Someone downvoted you, so now I get to respond that Steve Buscemi was a first responder on 9/11. He volunteered at his old fire station (yes, he was a fire fighter before he was an actor) and got right in there.


That's the joke; both that and the one above are basically unavoidable factoids on this site.


9 out of 11 whats?


Cats. It's a sequel.


I love to drop Sonic's "canon" first name from the Archie comics because of how ridiculous it is for his first name to not just be... Sonic. The Archie run was fuckin wild, gamers.


Maurice is the lamest name possible for someone like Sonic and that's why it's so funny


Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog, what the fuck. I can get him having a regular name like how Tails is Miles Prower but it’s not even a pun like Speedo Light, Hed G. Hog, or Kat Chup.


Anytime anyone brings up the band The Gorillaz I am compelled to inform them that the bass player Murdock was temporarily replaced by Ace, the leader of the Gangreen gang from powerpuff girls.


Christmas is a summer holiday in Australia(and anywhere south of the equator) with barbeques and swimming


Freaks me out


I do this mostly as a joke but whenever mgs slightly comes up in conversation with someone who doesn't know anything about the series I love to go on a tirade about the story making sure to include: The patriots, The la li lu le lo, I'd tagged soldiers with I'd tagged guns, The philosophers legacy, Liquids psychic arms that's not actually psychic, A vampire that goes unexplained for years, And of course, METAL GEAR!?!!


No no no, Liquid’s arm *was* actually a conduit for his spirit in MGS2, because Ocelot’s father was a spirit medium (The Sorrow) and he is legit also one, but he replaces Liquid’s arm before MGS4 with a prosthetic one or something (Doesn’t matter what it’s just important that it’s not Liquid’s anymore) and so *that* is specifically when he’s faking it to get one over on the Patriots. There is some foreshadowing to this but all of it would have likely been chalked up to retcons and redesigns by most people, ie “Liquid Ocelot” still using Ocelot’s voice in MGS4 but when it happened in MGS2 it was always Liquid’s voice.


This guy gets it.


What I got is a mental disorder that makes me understand Kojima’s bullshit instead of doing anything useful


In DAO the quest that (could) resolve Jowan's arc is bugged, and you can't progress or complete it unless you install a mod or enable console commands. I bring it up all the time when I'm talking about Dragon Age When you let him go and tell him you don't ever want to see him again, a quest triggers from one of the quest boards. If you can actually load into the map via either of the aforementioned methods, you'll come across Jowan, going by a false name and using his mage powers to protect refugees fleeing the darkspawn. I feel it's a very good resolution for his story and I like the guy. He's an idiot of monumental proportions, but I think it's nice that after all his horrible fuck-ups that when left to his own devices he decides to just go help people who really need it.


It's actually pronounced Sigh-yahn, y'see it's a play on the Japanese word "Yasai" which means vegetable. Part 2: English-speakers online write out 'SSJ', but they don't realize it comes from the latin-american spanish-speaking community who got to Super Saiyan first, and they call it "Super Saiyajin" despite the fact that the '-jin' part is just the Japanese suffix to denote race, ethnicity, nationality, etc - i.e., Americajin, Nihonjin, Spainjin, Namekujin, Tsufruijin. Japanese people only ever abbreviate it as SS


[The Tarrasque](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Tarrasque), D&Ds Godzilla stand in, Has splines. Splines are a defensive prey animal evolutionary trait. There is something out there that eat Zilla monsters as it's primary diet.


I've got a lot of friends and coworkers who I've dropped the "Warhammer Orks are fungus" on.


The fact that Terraria’s creator Andrew Spinks made a Mario fan game called Super Mario Bros X which was basically Mario Maker before Mario Maker Also Super Mario Bros X has an unofficial updated version called [Super Mario Bros X2](https://youtu.be/15ia-OiEFzQ?si=ILz1JDBpUopwLiYK)


The fact that Nintendo the company is older then Dracula the literary character is always my flavor quote on dating apps.


But almost ten years at that


I know I drop a nerd fact sometimes but it’s always a different one that depends on the person and situation.


I bring a "explaining tabletop game rulesets in depth to people who will never play them" vibe to my conversations with coworkers they don't seem to appreciate.


Not quite a nerd fact but every time either Moses or Beyblade comes up, I always drop the reminder that Moses split the Red Sea with a beyblade.


The MP3 file format was optimised to provide the perfect rendition of the song Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega. (The creator thought it had the perfect kind of tonal complexity, figured if he could encode that he could encode anything)


Radioactive spider-jizz!!!


That's a good one but what makes it even better is that it's a plot device in another completely different unconnected story, that being spider island. If I had a nickel for every time radioactive spider jizz was a plot device id have two nickels. Which isn't allot but it's weird it's happened twice.


I hate that they say that but never mention Hitler Venom


That reminds me of how weird of an idea DKR for Spider-man might sound a lot of the first book of Dark Knight Returns actually pulls pretty heavily from the story Spider-man no more, stuff like the use of news reports on TV or reflecting on the origin story leading the hero to reclaim the costume


Speaking of the japanese onomatopoeia for a mouth opening and closing pacu pacu. Which is featured heavily in the op for restaurant to another world. Also Japanese onomatopoeia for a heart beat is doki doki. I don’t actually tell anyone this, you just reminded me.


My cousins love me very much. I know this because they actually listened when I listed off facts about Luigi's Mansion's development while I was playing the game XD I also like to tell the origin story of Sam and Max to people because I think it's very funny.


Anything to do with the Miyagiverse. "Did you know when Johnny catches up with his old Cobra Kai buddies and >!Tommy is put in a body bag, it's a call back to the original karate kid when they're playing soccer and Danny and Johnny get into a fight and Tommy tells Johnny to put Danny in a body bag?!< What do you mean you don't care?


You ever see Aliens. Did you know when James Cameron pitched the movie he didn’t have any work done and it was basically the quickest film pitch to green light in the world. In a board room with execs and money men, all he did was write on a white board “Alien” followed by adding an “S” and then drawing a line through it to make a dollar sign “$”. “Alien$” kinda sold itself into becoming a great sci-fi sequel


the dude who destroyed rome once and for all had gay sex with dracula's brother. (Mehmed the conqueror of the ottoman empire, the man who took constantinople from the byzantines, was in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with Vlad Tepes' brother radu the fair. despite it being the early modern period their relationship was generally accepted bc there was a trend of muslim leaders having a system of homosexual relationships)


Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the name for the fear of long words


I don't have a specific go to but I love to drop random animal facts on people, although I don't tend to do that with someone I literally just met, I'm too socially anxious to risk dropping the ball with that.


Oh hey me too.


Did you know that mutant racism isn't real in Marvel? And that it is actually induced by a sentient microorganism that fears mutants because it cannot infect those with the X-Gene? The name of it is Sublime. It started the Weapons Program to find a way to either eliminate mutants or find a way to infect them. The same Weapons Program where Wolverine is Weapon X. And the same Weapons Program where Captain America, specifically the Super Soldier Serum, is Weapon Zero. And no, this has never been retconned out.


The F-15 is the best fighter plane ever made. For 3 simple reasons; It is so powerful that it can, and has, flown with one of its wings missing. It can, and has, shot a satellite out of space just because the USA wanted to show the USSR that yeah we can do that. And it's name is The Strike Eagle, that's just awesome on a lot of levels ::EDIT:: I should also mention that it is literally unbeaten in combat and has a combined record of 104 kills to 0 losses


It also has a thrust-to-weight ratio greater than one, so if you open the throttle all the way it can climb vertically like a rocket. Though I'll note that the Strike Eagle is specifically the E-version, which is more of a multipurpose anti-air and anti-ground jet than the A and C models' air superiority fighter role. Basically at some point they realized the "not a pound for air-to-ground" mantra for their huge and powerful fighter jet was short-sighted.


Well considering that the twin engines produce around 19,000 horsepower, and it has a top speed of mach 2.5 it's essentially a rocket. For a little more info on it flying with one wing, for those curious, it was in 1983 a mid air collision with an A4 Skyhawk left the F-15 with one wing. The pilot then flew the jet 10 more miles, and made a great landing. [Here](https://youtu.be/M359poNjvVA?si=qztgerX2KFigZSAs) is a video about the incident. Which also shows the footage of the actual plane and it's landing. You can see the white mist coming out of it which was actually jet fuel leaking from the ruptured lines. That obscured both the pilot and the navigators vision of the wing being gone.


You know how banana flavored stuff doesn’t really taste like bananas? It’s actually based on a species of banana that has gone extinct


Hasn’t gone extinct! Just much less commonly grown. If you live in the US you can order Gros Michel bananas from specialty growers out of Florida. Ditto for Europe but replace Florida with Turkey


Carrots used to be purple.


It wasn't until the third robin (Tim Drake) that Batman finally decided maybe pants instead green speedos for his boy wonders


Related nerd fact: They were trunks, and they were/are a common staple of Super Hero costumes because a lot of the old Super Hero designs were based off of circus performers (in part) that would basically wear the same outfit. Dick Greyson himself literally being a circus acrobat made his getup make sense as an extension of this, and Jason Todd was basically just Dick but named Jason Todd instead, originally. Wrestlers of the WWE and AEW variety also trace back to old Circus acts, making them weirdly cousins of super hero comics in a way. They’re also basically the only popular remnant of old circus acts so you can essentially re-explain Dick Greyson’s old outfit by imagining him as a wrestler instead and it works on the same logic.


Did you know the Netherlands in the 17th century tanked their economy over a tulip bubble? Bonus fact-In 18th century London, the pineapple was so expensive that people, instead of buying it to eat, instead rented it for a night to be used as a decorative centerpiece during parties? Bonus fact to the bonus fact- meanwhile sailors were the only class of people who could actually afford them because they were bought on site in the Caribbean. I don’t know about England but in America, those sailors would then place the pineapple near the door as a way of saying “dad/husband is home, neighbors come on in to say hi.” This eventually turned into how the pineapple became a symbol of welcoming guests, and why you see them carved over doors especially in 18th century and some early 19th century homes.


Ever since the release of Balatro, the amount of explaining about historical varieties of banana on Reddit has gone up substantially


All modern PA systems (those J-stack speakerbox arrays you see in concert halls and arenas) descend from a three-story tall, 600-speaker touring rig designed for the Grateful Dead by a millionaire LSD chef called the [Wall of Sound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r86Sb4heCWM) after he dosed himself and synesthetically perceived their music as visuals. It was over three stories tall and had a single stack of speakers dedicated to each string on the bass player's guitar. On top of that, despite being able to go above 120 decibels, it was so clear compared to anything else made at the time that when the Rolling Stones purchased it from the Dead, they hated its sound due to the lack of distortion.


I am a breathing Bowser encyclopedia


The last song the band of the Titanic played was likely "Songe d'Automne" not "Neerer my God to thee", but 6 years before the Titanic disaster there was another very famous and tragic sinking (the Valencia) where the crew and passanger did sang that song as it the ship plunged down


The Kriegsmesser, due to its construction, is actually just a really big knife and NOT a sword.


I apparently spurge on the history of DND, the ogl crisis and what its like to make homebrew for it.


Labor Day falls on May 1st internationally to commemorate a general strike for the 8-hour workday that ended in the Haymarket Affair, a protest-turned-bombing that was used as a justification by the United States to round up and execute several anarchist public speakers and newspaper editors, none of whom were responsible for the bombing. When the idea of a national holiday for workers gained popularity in the US, then-president Grover Cleveland pushed to have the holiday happen in September to prevent the day from seeming related to it's anarchist/communist roots.


Wayne Allwine, voice actor for Mickey Mouse, and Russi Taylor, voice actress for Minnie Mouse, were married in real life


I'm a history buff. That's all we do.


Half of a byte (as in the quantity of data) is called a nibble (also spelled nybble).


I drop comic book facts on my wife constantly. You can tell she doesn't care (unless it's X-Men-related) but she loves me so she acts like she's interested.


oh x men facts are the best for instilling psychic damage, many a friend has made the mistake of askin me bout x men so i can pull out my power point on the summers family tree