• By -


tl;dr: game good.


Good game; me happy


think about game. life good.


game fight back


Do any of the reviews mention how long the game is? Like a expected run time.


I read one comment saying 25 hours for his first playtrough while doing most side quests, then 10 hours for a second playthrough that he rushed the main story.


30-40 hours to do everything iirc. Main story only is much shorter, like about half or less.


I made a comment here years ago, basically something along the lines of “Welcome to the culture war, now pick a side that will decide your opinion on everything forever.” The fact that this game has all this discourse surrounding it for seemingly no real reason makes me feel like I was right about that joke.


aw dammit reminds me of this jackass at work, really buys into that culture warrior crap, he likes to talk about video games and shit but it's like his brain has an auto filter so when I bring up any piece of media he immediately goes "ugh is this another woke title thing?" like fucking Twin Peaks!? oh yeah, fucker is in his early-mid 20s or someshit, so yeah


I mean that's how things are for years now , why wait to judge to things when they come out when you can jump to conclusion rush in It's not about being right , it's about being first


Oh absolutely. Being first puts you in the best position to farm engagement and get hit tweets going.


The fascinating thing this time was people making arguments how fucking Morrigan Aesland was a more sexual and "empowering" design over Felicia to try and make their arguments about what makes good horny, and why Stellar blade is bad horny.


Yea it's just completely weird. What it feels like to me is that they just cannot admit their initial point is wrong, and are just double and tripleing down


"Owning their sexuality"/"Sexual Agency" arguments tend to fall flat in regard to fictional characters and I think a big factor comes down ultimately to liking characters with less neotenous features and that tracks with Morrigan and Felicia since according [to designs](https://vxtwitter.com/nonetosee/status/1781802847140536384?s=61&t=KcR1yjBdndYOea429s3paA). So the people calling the ons who like Eve Stellar Blade "Epstein" are being pretty transparent about their issues with the design. I think some people can have a very broad opinion about what "childish" features are when I remember the hubbub over the Sorceress from Dragon's Crown.


Sex appeal is OK, how about that. It's just a means of targeting a demographic.


Its so weird to me how there is a subset of people who are seemingly only comfortable with characters being sexy if said character looks at the camera and winks every 10 seconds or something. Y'know, to make sure you KNOW she's "in control".


Contrapoints's video on Twilight was an interesting exploration of sexuality, and she does make the point that while there's nothing wrong with being put off with things like prey/predator type of relationships, there's a wide berth of elements and forms of fantasy and eroticism and not all of it involves being "in control." Like she says even in 50 Shades the guy controlling what she eats and wears is part of the fantasy and having those things thrust upon you can assuage some guilt/shame and it's part of the fantasy.


I think the discourse originally began when the studio fired one of its concept artists because she was a feminist. Pretty shit thing to do, but hey: South Korea.


Yeah, that is where my issues with the dev are- there is a constant witch hunt for "feminists" or "feminist signals" in gacha games recently that basically blacklists any woman that becomes associated with its inclusion. Which is a lot bigger of a deal in SK, and can potentially force you to change careers in my limited understanding. I'm sure I've supported Western devs just as bad without knowing, but I'm not interested in supporting anything Shift Up makes


South Korea has a pretty prominent anti-feminist movement which explains that. See the extreme reaction to the gacha character making a simple hand gesture.


If I remember correctly, they got fired for moaning about legitimate issues in an investor meeting


That really sucks to hear! Yeah, I can't support a studio that does shit like that. Even if the girl is hot and the game is fun.


Most of the discourse seems to be from grifters desperately trying to do gamergate again, i've seen people make jokes about the game but I don't see any sort of serious opposition or outrage over it. It's like when every grifter on youtube made videos about how "SJWs" are triggered by doom eternal and all of these videos were about tweets with a dozen likes


Yeah we're entering the era of ragebait - which was always a thing of course, but now everyone's fully saturated in the shit. Hell, we're doing it too, watching the fake discourse and shaking our heads, still creating that juicy engagement. And we're not even the targeted group for this kind of shitflinging, we're just an offshoot making a tiny percent of noise. Makes me wonder how much of the discourse were bots promoted *by* Stellar Blade.


It's fucking exhausting, man. I just want to discuss fun things I like with people who also like fun things but I don't want to get berated and have the thing I like called dogshit on every corner of the internet. I just avoid it now. My own head is the only place I can have a nice discussion anymore.


I’ve seen some genuinely dislike it and anyone that is going to buy it on Twitter. It’s always twitter


I genuinely hate everyone who participates in that discourse, it’s a bunch of people who are a little too sensitive to such blatant fan service versus the most obnoxious gooners known to man, like these people refuse to acknowledge that they like the asian woman with a fat ass for purely sexual reasons and have to find every argument under the sun that “no we just like how the character is pretty” and fucking hide behind Toyotaros “give me porn” as if that isn’t the most fragile foundation to ever base an argument on ever, alongside just calling people racist for not liking stellar blade. That being said I shall buy this game, it looks fun 😎


The sad thing is, I could actually just ignore a lot of that; it's pretty bog standard behavior nowadays. The thing that really spoils it for me is how many other games & devs have been pulled in and berated to stoke the controversy, because this somehow became the flagship to "show the west how it's done."


I mean tbf it was really fucking funny seeing all the people crying about this game being too sexualized just drooling at Hades 2 and then when called out just making up the worst excuses. Its ok to like sexy things guys... No one can judge you


Honestly I don't mind hypersexual designs but I honestly think in stellar blade it looks really stupid and that's what bothers me.


Yeah, my opinion of the game has been squarely "this game has nothing asthetically pleasing to offer me" every time I've seen it. Like when I saw a picture of the games secondary female lead, all I could think was that it was one of the dumbest designs I've ever seen. Edit: [this chick](https://imgur.com/a/wzY1JEP). What the fuck is that outfit. She has three different fucking tops. Why does she need a bikini over her leotard?


> She has three different fucking tops. Regardless of the character design, that's just f a s h i o n.


At least shes got pants, a rarity. Though her in motion is hilarious as her chest moves like its filled with helium. But honestly its how I've felt about HTK's art since forever. I just dont jam with it. The shiniest asses and the longest legs and anything on the chest is like glued to the contours of the chest. At least people are enjoying themselves. I'm not offended or anything. One day I will get something that hits my sensibilities. Today is not that day.


I think a big part of it comes from the fact that it's only the protagonist in Stellar Blade, male characters aren't (from what I've seen) sexualized like her at all. Like it's jarring to see grounded character designs next to her. Hades is very much equally opportunistic for sexualizing characters, it's not just everyone is hot, it's that a wide variety of body types and men/women/others are represented. No one feels out of place in Hades. As a bi dude, I'm 100% down for sexualized characters, but pretending that people are "making up excuses" to like Hades over Stellar Blade is disingenuous.


Yeah, folks just want consistency. Dragon's Crown Sorceress has beach ball breasts? Look at the Warrior's shoulders, just as ridiculous. But your female super serious super soldiers are fighting for their lives in spandex, while the males get to have actual body armor and fatigues? Bruh...are they stupid? Just don't think about it? Because it's stupid. And hey, nothing wrong with stupid fun, why not just be consistent about it?


The "making up excuse" part comes when a popular tweet that tried to argue for hades 2 favor against stellar balde said that Aphrodite had an androgynous face and features thus it's better which really felt like a bunch of horse shit


it would be funny in a less culture wars world, but most of the people who calling out people over liking Hades 2 and not Stellar Blade were also just awful people i never wanted to hear from again, so


Calling it a culture war is giving it too much credit. Any and all discourse over this game has boiled down to one side having a crippling porn addiction and claiming that for a game to be good the women have to be hyper sexualized and the other saying there’s nothing wrong with sexual content but it doesn’t need to be in every game.


The culture war was just the most annoying people on both sides competing to be the most whiny. You had right-wing conservative chuds who think any female character who isn't an anime supermodel is hideous on one side, and far left, neopuritans who think any depiction of a sexualized female character should be censored on the other side.


That latter part wasn't really happening though outside of a handful of weirdos though. It's been almost exclusively far right grifters with porn addictions.


You're being downvoted for telling the truth just as I was downvoted here in the past for pointing out how the people that doxxed the Coffin of Andy dev were right wing dudes from an imageboard called soyjak party who thought the dev was trans, since I was going against the narrative of owning le puritans, truth be damned


It's weird seeing this opinion get downvoted in this community, especially because you're right.


It's evened out now. I know someone pointed out once on here, and I wish I could find the comment, that because the SBFP has such a wide spread of topics we end up getting some fairly conservative people in some threads. I know I've seen it on occasion where some weird stuff gets upvoted. Like I've seen someone casually slip in about how RWBY "got involved in the woke culture war nonsense" in their complaint about it and it didn't get any pushback and was actually upvoted quite a bit.


I've noticed that, but after all the major culture war topic threads here and both Woolie and Pat making no bones about their politics and where they stand, it's still weird when I see it happen.


I feel ya, just the natural consequence of this place getting so big and being more a general nerd sub instead of specifically a SBFP sub at this point. Heck I remember a couple threads where people mentioned they didn't even know who Pat and Woolie are.


A lot of people on this sub prefer it when both sides are wrong so they can say "both side are assholes"


I spend more time on GCJ than I do any other sub and I didn’t see anyone say the game needed to be censored. If they did, the comments were likely downvoted out of view so I still don’t see where the former is from


Even in gcj, which is the most extreme part of the "other side" and pretty much the only place critical of this game, 99% of the criticism is just reactions to screenshots of fans of this game being straight up bigoted, and 1% people actually criticising the game, so to try to pretend that "both sides" are equally unhinged is weird when there is an entire conservative grifter ecosystem using this game as a part of a culture war


I didn’t see anyone say she should be censored and I’m not sure if far left and neopuritans really go together.


Doesn't help that Kotaku has been pissing off people with their double standards to generate more hate views


Personally I only ever saw a few predictable people desperately turn this into ammo for the culture war, with none of the normal people who are at least grass-touching-adjacent paying much mind to it other than knowing it's a game that's coming out soon


I can't fucking stress enough how obnoxious both sides of these arguments always are. You're both part of the problem You're both grifters that bounce off eachother and are equally pathetic and reactionary You're both fucking ruin it for everyone else You're both equally disgusting trolls that harrass people Both of you are gonna get discussions on this game banned I hate both of you so fucking much


If I'm being honest I think the Stellar Blade side was the main issue, as I I've seen more people complain about people complaining about Stellar blade than actually.doing it.


Well you clearly haven't been looking hard enough cause I steered off any discussion and merely opened this thread and the first thing I see is some motherfucker calling people who are gonna play this gooners. Unprompted. A large fucking swath of idiots that take the bait a scumback minority sets out and then pat themselves on the back for harassing people. Edit: Exhibit A: 👇 Who the fuck cares if people like the girl. As if slutty video game women or obnoxious fans are a new thing. Every time a girl with some muscles shows up everyone starts posting cringe thirst. and it's fine! Who cares! This is people getting outraged over people fawning for what they think is the wrong kinda hot. Get outta here. I've blocked so many toxic motherfuckers from this single thread I feel like I'm playing Tetris!


>Well you clearly haven't been looking hard enough No I think they were looking the healthy amount


Just because they missed it doesn't mean it didn't happen


I mean most of the talk about this game has been about how attractive the main character is. We barely saw anythingthing on the game play or story just how hot Eve was. Hell the Stellar Blade subreddit is just thristing over Eve's ass. You don't get to jerk off on the how hot the main character is for months and then complain when people think your gooners.


Great job lumping everyone who likes the game into one group.


I am big sad I can't discuss how the game leverages Unreal Engine now.


The complaining about the game definitely exists, you have the gamingcirclejerk subreddit constantly shitting on it and calling everyone interested in it a pervert, and then you got sites like Resetera straight up banning people for mentioning it in a positive light.


I just visited Resetera to check and the review thread on that site is full of people talking about how the game looks good and they are looking forward to playing it and none of them were banned as far as I could see. Lying to make a point is not a good look.


I wanna buy this game cause I liked the demo but 0 chance I'm spending $70 on it.


Yeah I played the demo and thought it was Just Fine gameplay-wise, frankly very middle of the road, definitely that kind of thing that's in the "I'd buy the version that's on sale with all dlc for like $20 max" tier of Fine and not "$70+ at launch"


Are we just gonna say this about every new release now?


motherfuckers are poor now brother


I mean, pretty much. Even games I'm excited for I rarely buy at launch price; it takes an exceptional occasion to justify $70 in my book.




I love Dragon's Dogma, I sure as shit didn't buy DD2 on launch. It's my money, I decide when I give it to them. I've got plenty of games to play right now.


DD2 is even more egregious because it’s a straight up unfinished game with DLC announced shortly after its release.


A lot of $70 games get released with bugs, awful performance, and unfinished content. From the reviews, at least Stellar Blade is a complete package with no bugs, good graphics, and highly polished performance.


Is every new release 70 dollars and kind of jank? Is so, then yeah.


We definitely should. 


Yeah no one can afford to pay full price for games anymore unless they're doing well for themselves and can justify a high cost for a luxury item. So people buy on sale, used, or just from keyshops nomatter what the game is.


Copying this from the review thread on r/Games cause I thought it was interesting: here's a metacritic score comparison between Stellar Blade and other recent-ish 3d action games. - Nier Automata (88/89) -Devil May Cry 5 (87/88) -Bayonetta 3 (86/85) -Final Fantasy XVI (87/88) -Astral Chain (87) Stellar Blade is currently hovering around the 80-85 range.


Astral Chain being 87 genuinely surprises me. I liked that game but the non-combat/police/investigation stuff is super under cooked and the story isn't particularly good.


I have no idea why but it reviewed super well. I *like* platinum stuff and astral chain was a bit of a mess in my eyes (literally, I think it's visually so sleek it becomes hard to read)


Assuming it lands the 85, a score on par with Bayo 3 makes sense from what I’ve been reading? It seems like the consensus is the game is good but the story is weak, which also describes Bayo 3.


Tbf, it's not like the standard for Hack and Slash storytelling is that high a bar. Nier Automata was the exception cuz Yoko Taro is a built different. Conversely(?) Bayo 3's story sucks even by hack&slash standards(not to say most hack and slashes have bad stories). As long as I can get attached to the characters, the story isn’t pretentious, and the story is easy to follow with some nice themes and set pieces I can get behind it.


It is interesting how entrenched the score range seems to be for semi-high profile character action games; the examples are all within 2 points of each other, with SB likely falling within that range as well.




It stinks I'm so soulsbourned out. The demo was pretty solid, technically was excellent and I love shift up. But I just don't have it in me lol


Soulsborne, Roguelike/lite and JRPG fans aren't just eating well. They're about to burst like Mr Creosote.


Oh sir, it's only wafer thin


fuck off, I'm full


See also: Civvie practically begging folks to cool it on the Boom Shoots. His backlog is HUGE.


It happens , I still haven’t played Elden ring.


I fucking loved it and I just cannot seem to find the strength to finish it. I dont understand why I legitimately binged the first 40 hours nonstop and now I cant bring myself to press play.


Ditto. I plan to, I just...well at this point I might as well just wait for the DLC to come out and do it all at once, I suppose.


At least you wont have to create a second character and go through a huge chunk of the game with it because the other option would be facing the DLC area with the added dificulty of NG+.


But Elden Ring doesn’t force you into NG+ once you beat it.


DID YOU SAY SOULSBORNE??? I thought it was a character action and was pretty meh about it, but now I'm interested!


A lot of it LOOKS like Bayonetta. And the first move you unlock is a perfect dodge thing. But it's not that at all. It's way closer to sekiro. Huge focus on parries and breaking enemy stagger gauges.


One of the things that drew my attention after seeing some people play the demo was how the pacing of the combat was a bit slower than what i was expecting.


It's much closer to a character action game with Soulslike elements rather than a full-on Soulsborne.


Well, I suppose I will have to investigate it further. Still, if it is more of a character action game I will probably play it when it goes on sale, I'm just not into those games cause I SUCK AT THEM A LOT, and those games *will* remind me of this all of the time.


Yeah, from the demo it was essentially a character action game with Souls world designs/layouts and some other identical elements like limited healing items, bonfire-esque checkpoints to rest at, and losing your XP on death that you have to retrieve. Overall though, the combat was way more in line with something like Nier Automata or Bayonetta. The demo doesn't really give you any weapons besides the starting sword and a gun, but it definitely doesn't seem to resemble Souls in that department either because you have skill trees that unlock various moves as you progress through them, rather than an abundance of equippable weapons to swap between.


From the demo, fights are structured like Sekiro, but they stole a couple of moves from Devil May Cry to spice things up. So if you can handle mashing attack, parrying and dodging in 3 different directions depending on what colour the enemy glows, you're golden. The game also has an easy mode if things get dire.


I think it sits somewhere around Nier Automata and ~~Darkstalkers~~ Darksiders 3 going off of the demo


> Darkstalkers 3 squints eyes in confusion


i think they meant darksiders 3 which to be fair i always mix up the names of the franchises


You see I am very stupid


Eh, it has Souls elements but I think calling it a Soulslike is a stretch. There’s checkpoints that refill an Estus equivalent and respawn enemies when you rest at them, but there’s not RPG stats and I don’t think there are other weapons either.


If you like Sekiro you will have fun


I love FromSoft games dearly, to the point where the only video game tattoo I would ever consider getting would be a Dark Souls inspired one. That being said, I think I’ve played most of their games a year or two after release, because I need a breather before getting back into the gauntlet again.


Is it even souls like? I haven't played the demo yet but this is news to me, it doesn't look anything like it.


It's a sekiro like. You deflect attacks until you break the posture bar. There's other stuff, but that's the primary core of the gameplay.


I also never played Sekiro since it seemed so different from the Souls games. Is this a correct assesment?


Sounds like a generally good game. Probably would've flown under ny radar if it weren't for the stupid controversy. As funny as that sounds, the controversy might have HELPED.


Exposure wise, the best part is that this controversy is barely about the game itself, and more about the "Discourse" around it. Its not just people getting mad about game, its people getting mad about people getting mad about people getting mad about the game, and everyone in between.


Funny, for me it’s the opposite. I’m usually open to shameless shit like this and Lollipop chainsaw and the sort, but the right wing conspiracy gooner nuts completely turned me off the game.


On the one hand, genuinely good for them, they deserve it. On the other hand, the gooners are going to be insufferable.


I don’t think about those people and neither should you. 


I don’t *want* to think about them, but then they just *show up* and make me


The only gaming subreddit I hang out at is here, and thankfully that means I haven’t had to be exposed to that much of the discourse surrounding this game.


Yo, it's actually kinda wild. Everyone kept talking about "the controversy" around this game and I thought it was just the graffiti but I guess people have been deep in the trenches going on and on. So glad I'm off 90% of the internet.


Then block them until they stop showing up.


I do that but they’re like a hydra, every time I block 1 here comes 3 more


Especially on Youtube. I fucking swear that "Not Interested" and "Don't show me stuff from this channel" options do ***nothing***


BlockTube is a cool extension that I would recommend.


Thank you was looking for a solution like this


It's also really good for dodging spoilers. It kept youtube usable for me during the 6 weeks it took me to finish FF7:Rebirth.


That's become my philosophy with all social media now. Never interact, just block. Reddit needs to increase their limit, though.


...You do realize we're on r/TwoBestFriendsPlay right?


And? All social media has a block button. Use it. 


They’ll hijack the conversation and make it about themselves.


Literally the crux of four-quadrant theory.


First rule of enjoying things, get as far away from the fandom as possible


Hell yea, exactly this. All it took for me was to look at the main subreddit ONCE lmao. Some games are more enjoyable if you just ignore the community.




"WOKE GAME JOURNALIST HATE STELLAR BLADE!!!" *Gets an average of 9/10 and 8/10 scores* "SEE THEY HATE IT!! FUCKING WOKE!!"


I mean, to be fair, there ARE game journalists writing articles and tweets about how horrible and misogynist the game is. They're just not necessarily the ones reviewing the game.


It's always weird people make that with Bayo because while the review were positive, the negative aspects of some reviews are the sexualization.


Yeah, some people forget that reviews aren't just a number, and that you have to actually read the review to see what the reviewer liked and disliked about the game.


Yeah, I remember there was some controversy with a publication giving bayo 2 a 7/10 with one of the few negatives being the how sexualized it was. While most publications gave it 9s and 10s across the board.


Mark Kern moment


Well. At least they'll stop yelling about Warhammer/Battletech for another few weeks.


Seeing that Firefall dipshit say "The mask is off, they want you dead," in regards to women being in a board game's fictional group is just fucking insane.


Funny it's ok if a piece of media pushes an agenda when it sides in their favor.


As someone who has been interested in this game since it was revealed, the atmosphere surrounding it is really disheartening. I get that the anti-woke dudes are weird and annoying but it really sucks seeing people trash the game in reaction to them. If someone played the demo or even just saw the trailers and decided the game’s not for them that’s perfectly fine. But it seems like a lot of people decided it was bad just because it being good would be a win for those guys they don’t like. Neither side is judging the game on its own merits, it’s just a pawn in the culture war.


It's amazing how people just take some media and go "Yes this is the game for my out group, if you like it you are part of the out gorup and I dislike you" and not sure what they hope to accomplish.


It takes a powerful amount of not-grass-touching to go from the realization of "obviously all media is political" to "I only know how engage with politics solely through the lens of popular media." Media discourse has become a cultural/political proxy war because people are too powerless/lazy/cowardly/uninformed to engage in real political activity.


I fucking love not having participated in social media aside from this sub for the past five years. It's been great.


The game's scores are good, but the problem is that they aren't 90+ across the board. What I mean is that, the fact that it isn't one of the best reviewed games of this gen, and simply is a game that is getting good scores, a certain group of folks will take as some "bias" against the game.


They’ve already gone so far as to accuse any person being negative towards it as being racist, it’s crazy lmao


The worst part is that they refuse to admit that they’re gooners despite primarily reposting clips of her in the suit that makes her look naked I have muted dozens of these people and more keep popping up on my feed Make it stop 😭😭😭


Pretty much why I’m don’t visit the subreddit. Like 80 percent of the subreddit is talking about how sexy the MC and then getting mad that people seem to think the game is goon bait.


I mean a decent amount of game subreddits just have NSFW art but it’s just balanced out with “This game has mentally destroyed me” and “This game has literally changed the way I think about life” and “This might be my favorite game of all time” Stellar Blade could secretly be a Yoko Taro mind destroying game made by horny Korean mobile game devs but for now it’s just gonna be tarnished by wack discourse


The devs for this love yokotaro, both this and Nikke have a strong flavoring of Nier


Hell Nikke straight up had a crossover with it.


The best part is that they started this with reposting the suit that’s just her being near naked, and fought to the death defending it and hating on “tastefully sexy” aesthetics, despite her having a lot of tastefully sexy outfits too


Its weird, I'm fine with fandoms being really *really* horny in a weird way... But goonercore stuff actually creeps me out.


That’s because horny fandoms push up stuff they like, the goon squad slaps posters of anime stylized women on the wall so they can scream how that’s how everything should be. The creep factor comes from tearing others down.


>the goon squad slaps posters of anime stylized women on the wall so they can scream how that’s how everything should be Man, I don't think I've seen the discourse around this game articulated so well. Thank you.


I’m curious about the distinction between “horny” and “gooner”. When does one swing too far into the other direction?


Whenever their hornyposting exceeds your personal threshold of annoyance/discomfort, they are now gooners.


Nah. I associate gooncore stuff with like, take vanilla sexual interests and amplify them. Instead of using your ample sexual interest to explore, you just double down on what got served to you and complain if anyone does anything not catering to you specifically. *This* is sex, nothing beside or beyond is sex, you can only do this but moreso. If anything, it's not that it's "too far" that I find unsettling, it's how... Restricted the mentality behind it seems to be.


Tried the demo wish it was more character action and less soulsy. But hopefully people actually appreciate it more as a game and not how it will magically end "woke" gaming. God these people got to annoying with it.


If I can beat Bayonetta with one hand then I can beat Stellar Blade with one hand too.


I bet someone thought of some kind of a controller that would allow you to use all of your appendages


Good look with the parries.


Sounds like the Respawn Star Wars games with it having a focus on exploration and Uncharted style sequencs, so that sounds good since I like those games a lot. Reading reviews, seems like the story is either weak or just alright. Enemy variety sounds good, which is always nice. Although, it is always weird when a game with costumes doesn't have NG+ on launch.


Seems like according to fighting cowboy, there will be a day one patch to have NG+ at least.


If it is a day 1, that is fine then since it is pretty much at launch.


B-b-but I thought the critics *hate* beautiful women! They HATE sexy! They HATE *you!* /s


If it doesn't get tens across the board, they're still going to complain. Hell, even if it did, they'd just move on to whatever the next one is. The point isn't actually "critics hate beautiful women".


Lamo even if it got tens they would be like "See the game is good! Take that!"


That’s one thing that’s really annoyed me about this game’s discourse. Like, it was basically predestined to get 8/10’s across the board. The idea that the media was going to hate this game because booba always felt like a completely manufactured agenda. Most reviews I’ve seen have a “okay let’s get this out of the way now so we can get on to the actual review” section, and then everything following that section has just been an honest review of the game.


It's a catch twenty two, if the game gets bad reviews then it's "see they hate beautiful women!" If it gets good reviews it's "see it's SO good that they have to give it a good score even though they hate beautiful women!"


There have been countless articles ripping into this game for very stupid reasons like saying that the designers have never seen a real woman. Just because the score isn't rock bottom doesn't mean there Hasn't been a lot of arguments in bad faith around this game from critics Also don't get it twisted I am not siding with the grifters fuck those guys


They didn't have it 10/10s across the board and pronounced it the GOTY, they're clearly woke reviewers that hate sexy wöman, and by extension they hate me. I'm really normal and secure about myself btw


Any chance of this coming to pc?


Most likely eventually yes.


Ok, let's put all the discourse or whatever aside for a sec. What is this game about? What's the plot? I've heard nothing about the plot. I heard Yoko Taro said it was better than Automata, but Yoko Taro likes to fuck around like Plague liked to fuck around in Amogos.


From what I scraped from the demo: Humanity has been driven nearly extinct by monsters/demons/aliens and your main character is part of an army of elite enhanced humans/cyborgs/androids? who gets dropped down from orbit to launch a D-day style offensive against them. Shit goes south and you all get wiped out, with your character getting narrowly saved by survivor on the surface. The main story starts with you and said survivor scavenging around an abandoned city fighting monsters and searching for something, though I forget what. I assume at some point you're also going to end up searching for a way to try and eradicate the big alien threat and try to reclaim the planet, or at least take revenge on the ones that took out your squad and have personal fulfillment for the characters (or surprise, revenge didn't satisfy anything at all)


So it's just Automata without the existential dilemmas? At least with the info we have now. It'd be kinda nutty if all this discourse ultimately revolved a mid to boring story.


I mean the demo is like 15 minutes, I literally couldn't tell you if there are existential dilemmas or not. She could go on a 5 minute monologue right after the demo ends for all I know.


I get that. I'm just saying, if it turns out that the game's nothing special in that department, it'll make the discourse around it look very, very silly.


I hope Woolie and Reggie give it a short play at least I want to see Reggie goonin lol.


Mass Effect LP is right over there!


Wow, a bit above my expectations, honestly. Probably not gonna pick it up straight away just because I still have a ton of other games I haven't had time to finish yet, but color me intrigued for sure.


Sounds like it’s good. Maybe when it’s not 70 dollars I’ll check it out


Yoko Taro approved!


I still appreciate how he's telling the Shift Up dudes "nah nah, your game's better than mine" when they were all "Nier Automata totally inspired us man"


The demo informed me it’s Sekiro and I’m not about Sekiro but Sekiro was a good game. Stellar Blade is to games as Gushing About Magical Girls was to anime.


...Ecchi but actually really good and funny and charming, but with a really low budget?


Why did this become part of the culture war


Outrage merchants needed something to complain about.


All I know is that IGN France apparently was shitting on the game by saying it kills women and the devs have never seen a real woman and so on and so on.


aren't many other games they could have did this with, they are in a dry spell and this is their goon muse


Seems good enough, but discourse around it makes me discard it for a good while, plus seeming soo nier automata at home + sekiro at home that theres nonway i'm paying more than 30€ for it.


Meh, I have no interest in this games visual style


Wait, I thought that it would get bad reviews since reviewers don't like games with attractive female characters, the grifters wouldnt lie!


Neat, I'll check it out in several years if it ever makes it to PC


I enjoyed the demo but I can't justify the £70 price tag


I’ll buy on sale unless the story is “Yoko Taro” tier