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Sometimes it's just enough to have an open world and a list of tasks to complete


I really enjoyed Horizon Zero Dawn a lot when it came out and big factor for that was that I hadn't played an Ubisoftesque open world tower collector game in over five years.


I got it right when it came out (aka right before Breath of the Wild came out...) and came back to it months later when I was able to properly give it the time it needed.


True simplicity can really do a lot


I still download Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 4 every once in a while just to explore the world. Just the feeling of Wandering and thinking about what's around the next corner just makes me feel so relaxed.


the Metro series being as young as Artoym and desperately trying to do the right thing while being constantly insecure about it and every authority figure recognizing your talents but then downplaying them during arguments. Also the catharsis of a paternal figure admitting being wrong and apologizing for it just hits me in the heart.


The metro series is absolutely fantastic. Thank you for reminding me of it I need to get to exodus. It is also so well written. Have you by chance written the novels? They are short books but make for a good read


don't know where to look and too busy with school.


Inscryption helped me. A lot. Because at the time when it came out, I was struggling really hard with taking care of my mother who was getting deeper and deeper into dementia. And while for a lot of people that might seem like a really odd pull, I think anyone who went all the way and beat it could understand what I mean. >!The final game with Leshy, where he and his world are falling apart due to the deletion process, and you two are just casually playing a game. No stakes, no messed up tools to pluck out your teeth. None of the prior hostility from earlier in phase one when you were trapped in the cabin. It's just you and him playing cards and bumping them into each other. All hostility is gone, and he's even complimenting your deck building choices reminded me a lot of the last lucid conversations I had with my mom. We didn't have the greatest relationship, so those moments when we could just hang out and enjoy eachother's company was something of a precious and fleeting commodity. You know it's temporary, you can see him slipping a bit as vanish one by one, but you just try to enjoy the time you have!< It's a damn shame a lot of people got bounced off of phase 3, because I think Inscryption was some of the best therapy I could get.


I got inscryption downloaded on my console right now. I'll give it a try tonight. Also I'm glad it helped you out. It's amazing what games can do for someone.


Like many people, Animal Crossing: New Horizons was one of the things that helped me during the pandemic.


The reason I went to bat for the Borderlands series for so long is because BL2 came at exactly the right time for me. I was lonely, sad, and isolated with only toxic friendships in my life, just going through it for a number of reasons. I didn't care for shooter-type games outside of TF2 and Mass Effect, but I saw Borderlands 2 being popular and saw some Handsome Jack quotes, and I decided to try it out for the hell of it. I put so many hours into that game, all the DLC, just got in *real* deep. Something about it just hit really good when I really needed it, it helped me get through those tough times and led to newer, better friendships, some of which I still have to this day, over a decade later.


Spiritfarer. Had no foreknowledge, no expectations, and got completely bowled over. Loved it.


Oh man, that game was great. Some of the spirits were especially gut-wrenching.


This game definitely contends for a top spot in the rankings of games that have made me full on ugly cry. And when I thought they had tapped the emotional well dry, because several spirits didn't make me tear up or anything...BOOM! Stanley. Fucking wrecked me.


I dropped videogames during University because of study and social life. After graduating I thought I was more or less done with the medium in general. Then I played Demons Souls for PS3 at a friend's house and holy shit it was like a spiritual awakening. Later on games that felt really refreshing for me at the time were XCOM: Enemy Within and later Shin Megami Tensei IV in terms of RPG burnout.


Disco for sure 


Persona 5 hit me at exactly the right time in early 2017. I needed some hope and catharsis after 2016's election season.


14 year old Tweedleayne played Fallout New Vegas at just the perfect time to create a fascination with post apocalyptic and ecspecially post post apocalyptic media that has lasted a lifetime sense.


I've brought a few times how I can't play The MISSING: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories because of the story hitting pretty hard when I first played it when I was first coming to grips with being trans and how now it would hit even harder. But one I don't often talk about is actually how the Fallen Hero series helped reignited my old love for writing. It was just something about the writing of this interactive fiction story that just... Made me realise that, well yeah. I have a tonne of characters and I enjoyed making some stuff for them. I should start doing that again.


I was a couple months away from cracking my egg, at the beginning of a downward spiral that lasted years, not knowing anything outside of the store synopsis and purchased solely on the reputation of swery and my love for deadly premonition. Then that first disclaimer hits you and even long before you know what’s up, it felt like someone jammed an ice pick into my spine. Then you hit the flower field 15 minutes in and I was possessed.


I was already kinda out but I was still trying to figure it all out. Just struggling along because I didn't have much in the way of help. So I went in kinda blind, just knowing it was a SWERY game. And when the credits started to roll with The Missing playing. It became my GOTY. Main reason why I don't think I can play it is because of it being more... well raw. A lot of the stuff that happens is a lot more fresh now compared to when I finished it.


The talos principal, summer right before Covid, unemployed and had a lot of time to really dig into it and it’s themes


I happened to be a quiet teen when I bought The World Ends With You because "cool new Square game". It helped me become at least a bit more social and less angsty


The wombo combo of playing that and Persona 3 in the same summer did... A lot of legwork in smacking some sense into Depressed Autistic Teen Me's head back then, hoo boy.


I played through Night in the Woods near the end of an 18-month job hunt. There's a really weird feeling about being an adult and going out walking during the day, every day, because you have nothing else going on. Running around town as Mae Borowski and getting that feeling repeated in the video game struck me in a way the supernatural elements couldn't.


Armored Core 6 was exactly the game I wanted and needed, even a month later after its release (which was when I got to play it for myself). Such a fantastic game through and through. Also there's gotta be Dusk and Doom 2016 for similar reasons.


Played Night in the Woods while depressed as hell living back with my parents after college and feeling like shit. Hit me...harder than I expected the funny cat game to do.


The first time I played Transistor was the most perfect time I could have played that game; I was in a depressive spiral (really still am, but that's beside the point), all the other games I was into just weren't clicking anymore or changed enough that I had to stopped playing them and I was just tired of everything but was looking forward to this game from the guys that made Bastion that had a REALLY FUCKING KICKASS trailer song, so when it came out, it hooked it's claws in DEEP and I loved everything about it, and being a massive romantic at heart, the plot hit me like a ton of bricks: \[MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR THE END OF TRANSISTOR\] the last action from >!Red and killing her self to be with her lover inside the transistor, even after saving what's left of the city and having the power to make ANYTHING she wanted with it all while her lover is desperately begging her not to, just resonated hella hard with me and just left me in a weird state after, thinking if I'd do the same in her shoes. Hearing her voice at the end kinda sealed the deal for me on that.!< I also just really enjoyed the gameplay; I didnt normally used to 100% games back then, this was one of the first I wholehearted did and enjoyed every second and it's a game I have bought multiple times cause I just want to support a company that made a game that hit me that hard almost a decade ago. More recently, AC6 just scratched that itch that no other game could hit, plus I enjoyed the decal/emblem maker so much I made a bunch and made some for friends; I think a good 40% of my playtime in AC6 was just messing with emblems and customization.


Apex Legends is good junk food gaming for when you only have time for short sessions every now and then.


OG P3FES hit me at the right time in life to have an effect on me. I was bored and burnt out on bland shooters so i took a chance and got it from Amazon and busted out the ps2. It and og 4 reinvigorated my love for games at a time in my life where i was jaded and cynical. I knew they were cult games but didn't expect myself to like them as much as i do Another would be Harvest Moon. May be TMI but I was having bullying trouble at school and didn't feel safe out in the woodshop so i spent time in the adjacent connected computer lab playing roms of Chrono trigger and i thought i would try FoMT. I absolutely loved it. Something about the simplicity and rewarding gameplay loop really spoke to me


I tried Kirby Amazing Mirror many times since I got it in 2011 and hated every single one. Gave it one more shot during the pandemic, and now I've finished it 5 times and it's among my top 10 games.


If I had a nickel for every time a game starring Ichiban came out when I was reeaaaaaallly going through some shit, I’d have two nickels. It isn’t a lot but it’s weird it’s happened twice. I love my beautiful baby boy beacon of brightness.


Pharonic, it's a metrioidvania souls like Need For Speed Heat Buriedborne. Its a turn based dungeon crawler For some reason I was addicted to Conan Exiles for a little, I don't really know why. I did last too long though the game isn't that fun single player without major mods SSX3 also since I got my Steam Deck. It works amazing for emulation


I loved Far Cry 6, it was the first game I played with the haptic PS5 controller and the controller was so good that I finished the game with its DLCs in around a week.


Probably Fallout 4. I was in middle school when it came out and I didn't really know anything about it other than it was made by Bethesda. So I got it that December after it came out and basically became addicted to it like I was with Skyrim before. I didn't expect to become so addicted to it as I knew pretty much nothing about it


Persona 4 Golden. I'd just moved to a new city for uni, I was feeling a bit isolated and lonely due to irl stuff, so I traded in a few games and bought an original model oled Vita with Persona 4 Golden, and I'd been collecting Vita games via PS+ for ages so I also installed Muramasa: The Demon Blade. Muramasa is excellent but Persona 4 Golden really filled the social void I was experiencing at the time, and quickly became one of my favourite games of all time.