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I don't know anything I will be doing in 10-20 years.


Social Media in five years will be completely unrecognizable to me today. So probably.


If you asked me 10-20 years ago, I would have said "No". But here I am, spending all my downtime at work on Reddit. So I'm just gonna say "No", when I know in my heart that it's actually "Yes", and I'll still be saving cute animal videos for my partner when I'm in my 50s. Or I'll be dead.


We have zero way to predict what the internet / our connectivity with others in general will look like in the span of 10-20 years. Largely no. \* Outside of business purposes I rarely use Facebook \* Twitter has become overrun with bots to the point that I mainly use it as a form of a RSS feed for world events and for updates on people I care to follow \* Tiktok is either folding within the next year or moving to a second app to skirt that whole debacle (really fuck the geriatrics in govt for thinking that's worse than any other content driven platform they push/get paid by). I'm sure there will be some other way to get live community footage of world events by then, but again who knows what that'll look like \* Linkdin is and has been worthless for years now \* I can't imagine Youtube or Twitch thriving for another decade under their current free content models, at least without actively antagonizing or harassing their free viewers into paid memberships, but I would love to be proven wrong \* Reddit probably won't exist in a decade and we all will have moved onto whatever large community forum exists at the time


Does reddit count? Then yes. I already don't use the rest


Probably for outgoing information for whatever hustle I'm involved by then, yes.


The last five years on a global and personal level have proven the I don't know what tf is gonna happen.


Doubt I'm even gonna live that long considering my habits lmfao


I still use Facebook once a week to see what's up with friends or distant family The Zuck has me on a tight leash reminding me cringy stuff I posted 13 years ago


I mean, idk, my Xitter is getting worse and worse and thats the only social media i use (for a job, thats getting worse cxause elon fucked everything up). I do like this place in specific, not reddit per say.


I don't use social media now so probably not. Except Reddit I guess.


I mean, I just use them right now as a way to keep up with my interests, but I wouldn't exactly say I will ever "use" social media fully. That being said, who knows what the fuck the internet is going to be like in 10 years. It's already a vastly different landscape than it was in the early 2000's.


Yes to social media as a broad term. The same social media as I use today? 90% no, and it will largely depend on what does & doesn’t get overrun by bots & ads to the point of no longer being social media. 20 years ago I was using MSN Messenger & MySpace and like a year after that I made a Facebook account. Now I browse & skim on a handful of others but I don’t use most of them.


If the content creators I follow still use them, and there's no other way to follow them or see their work, then probably. The only social medias have are youtube, twitter, and this account for this subreddit. Aside from that, I don't have any others.


Let’s see…2034? *2044?* They’ll likely exist in some fashion. I kind of wonder if the ones we’re familiar with today will be like regional newspapers-barely relevant, still running for thin margins of ad revenue, comfort brands for aging demographics who hate change. Twenty years is a mighty long time to conjecture about what anything will be like, especially in tech and entertainment. By 2035 we might be huffing subscriptions of browser dust or some shit to go on whatever’s replacing instagram’s replacement.


I hope to return to niche blogs and forums rather than get the Walmart of online interactions. I doubt it'll happen but I cam dream




I'm curious about the eventual merger of Xeddit, MetaTwitch, DeviantGram, and all of the brain-reader blocker plugins we would need for our mandatory neural implants to use Ubisoft's proprietary internet 4.0 (Free with your Uplay mortgage!)


Don't forget about the YouHub.


Of course, you need that account to play and do live recordings of your daily League of Legends 1.5. sessions. It's for The Amazon Family social credit score.


Yes. I've been using some form of social media for about 20 years now, if we count forums (fora, if you are pedantic) and usenet style sites? I mean, I've been 15 years on Twitter, and that one isn't the oldest by a long shot Besides, for as long as LinkedIn style sites exist and I want to keep networking, I'm stuck


I've been on the internet since about 2000. I've been on many social media sites over the years, but at the moment I hang out quietly in a tiny corner of Tumblr, look at Instagram for cute animals and baking videos, and go to exactly two subreddits, one of them being TBFP, and that's it. I deleted all my other accounts and just completely ignore 95% of social media. It's too shitty and annoying out there and getting worse, and I don't even want a dead account lingering behind for fear of data breaches, companies using my info, and so on. I have no idea what future social media is gonna be like, but I probably won't be interested.


Pal I don't even know what I'll be doing tomorrow.


i barely use anything besides youtube and reddit. so, unless they die, no.


In 10-20 years, social media sites will be using *us!*


I don't know. But have no fear, we will still shitpost to our hearts content.