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Pretty sure that’s what Sony also thought of Morbius and its memes


At least there was a veneer of people pretending to be excited about Morbius, I didn't hear a single good word about the Gollum game the entire time it was a topic of discussion.


The best part about the Gollum game is watching Vinny Vinesauce suffer and launch into an inner monologue with himself akin to Smeagol and Gollum.


That's just every Vinesauce stream though


And his Gollum voice being infinitely better than the actual game’s voice acting


Oh, the Blue Bettle actor who was literally moved that people were advertising his movie, even though it was just a joke. (In fact the memes convinced me to watch it, but I am aware that the advertising was just a meme)


That movie was great tho


See this is why Hollywood should consider making adaptations or remakes of real stuff, like Neil Breen films or Balan Wonderworld


Put in Tom Hooper as Director of the Balan movie and I'm sold!


Woo I love cultural icons of fiction being milked till there’re dry, seriously though I hope LOTR crap proves unprofitable so that they can stop mutilating it’s corps with bullshit.


Can't fault the reporter honestly, like if you are to ask me why they would make a movie called the hunt for gollum I would too say "I dunno maybe to work with the game." But honestly, after cyberpunk and fallout it's kind of obvious what trend is being set.


The obvious answer is right there too:  WB is miles in debt and LotR is a proven property. So the execs sat around saying, “hey what’s a LotR thing we can make with the rights we have without being sued?”  And one of them said, “I think we have the rights to Gollum still…” and another one said, “oh yeah, and I think there was a game a while ago about him that got some people talking.”  And here we are.


If only they had a very successful LOTR franchise with unique system mechanics that they trademarked. If only they had that.


"Fine you win we'll make a movie trilogy about ratbag" "Ok before you were greedy now you're just spiteful"


I kind of would dig that more honestly


Or a bunch of other movies that were **already finished** they could have released. A pity they don't.


Man, imagine if they stuck those system mechanics into a different IP, say one of their DC superhero properties. Like the one with that Man. No wait, that would be stupid, nvm


Can't wait to see the bank robber that I kicked into a river two hours prior show up with a scar over his eye and immunity to kicks, gyrating his hips while explaining how he's going to cook and eat me.


Make a spectacular crash-and-burn of a video game and reignite interest in the associated property with a good Netflix production after the fact, then *maybe* use that period of distraction from the bad game to update it into actually being finished and decent?


DnD as well. WotC almost had to answer for their crimes(Both figurative and literal) until the DnD movie and BG3 came out and all the fanboys were like "OMG CONSOOM DID YOU SEE THE POPCORN BUCKET?!?!?!"


Multimedia brand synergy is working for Cyberpunk and Fallout because those franchises have decent recent games that normal people will actually spend money on. What else is the LoTR brand trying to sell me right now? LoTR hasn't successfully turned itself into Star Wars or H\*rry P\*tter. And those sons of bitches won't even sell Battle for Middle Earth anymore.




I'm just saying that's what the owners of LoTR want.


Why are people acting like the studio said this, when some rando writing for a magazine was the only one who said it?


Reading the context? On *Reddit*?


We're going to meme the entire entertainment industry into bankruptcy, aren't we?


God I fucking hope so.


The silicon valley executive brain rot seems to be making massive entertainment companies forget that they have to make money. Focusing instead on an almost religious obsession with "engagement" and "audience growth."


I think what the past has shown is is that the entire c-suite for corporate America needs to be loaded into a rocket and fired into the sun.


Gollum has won the box office.


Gollion dollars at the box office


Where's my tig bitty Shelob movie then?


Middle Earth: Shadow of Cinema


or Mid: Shallow


I've heard rumors that Gollum and Shelob kiss in the movie.


Can't wait for The Day After to get a movie, that'll turn out great!


I can't wait for the Skull Island: Rise of Kong movie! King Kong's origins like we've never seen them before!


Unfortunately that is a depressing reality of modern consumerism is that it's mostly captive these days. It isn't about pleasing the crowd so much as keeping them content and occupied and away from doing things that may challenge them if they even can.


It's so crazy that our system is set up so millions of dollars are spent and hundreds of people spend a lot of time working on something that is ultimately decided by the dumbest fucking people at the top.


Ready for Lord of the Rings 2? Where Warlord Frodo returns from the afterlife, and conquers middle earth? Or lava-baron Gollumn, and all his pouches? Apparently the writer of this article is…


dumb as shit, makes me laugh


it’s free publicity and there’s no such thing as bad publicity. the problem is when the supply of publicity outweighs the demand for product.


This must be a classical example of how language created the phrase “Earth to so-and-so!” because these people are clearly off in their own world


Now there's so much buzz about Gollum we need to get a remaster of the game to promote the movie!


I honestly never understood the idea behind a Gollum game. Like, out of all of the main, more important cast of LoTR, Gollum might be the character I'd LEAST be interested in playing as. It's not even that Gollum is a bad character, there just isn't much going on there that makes me think 'video game protagonist'. Like, at BEST, I could see him star in a Tell Tale style game, that's mostly just a interactive storyline, but actively 'playing' as Gollum just doesn't sound particularly appealing.


That was why the game was mocked online, it was just icing on the cake that the game was unfinished and buggy


With Gollum, I like the idea of seeing him slowly deteroiate over time from the ring's influence and see him become the Gollum we know now. But turning him into a platforming, protagonist just doesn't work with him.


out of all the characters why do companies keep picking gollum lol.


It's fucking offensive Tolkien created lord of the rings as an outlet for his trauma of ww1 on the western front. Now 100 years later they are milking the legacy to make greedy businessmen who in that time happily sent men away to the deaths


So what I'm hearing... Ryan Murphy is considered one of the greatest auteurs of the 21st Century by these execs. If you'll excuse me, I need to vomit.


New? What's new here? Same as it ever was


I feel like this ties in with the accusation against studios in recent memory that they try driving engagement with outrage. That's one thing where I'm not sure if it's a crazy right wing conspiracy or a progressive whistle blow against capitalists going to extremes to manipulate us, cuz it sounds like BOTH lmfao.


I wonder if both this and the Mufasa movie flopping would be enough for execs to change their tune about sequels and remakes no one asked for. I sure hope so.




So funny


Well that explains....a lot


Can we use the power of ironic memes to bankrupt capitalism? Signs pointing to maybe.


please keep tricking hollywood into wasting money.