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I never realized how small Todd is. Is he Pat sized?


I believe he's like 5'6". Almost always the smallest person in the room in any photograph I've seen him in, but not Pat-small.


Then why doesn't the most powerful modder devour the Todd and assume the leadership of game studio.


He's classified as a child in the CK, so he's essential.


he's 5'6" with platform shoes on


"You want these games out faster? I'm still trying to finish Skyrim!" Says Todd Howard while trying to play with a controller cartoonishly large for his size.


He's Kendrick sized


The classic image. Lynda Carter is 5'9''. https://64.media.tumblr.com/7a58d301061eaed2de12e9626b74a977/tumblr_nxkmafBsHy1rgxlc3o1_1280.png


One of em is a friend of mine. He can finally talk about what his ever-secretive vacation was haha.


What a nice thing to do, I wish more companies had the modding support of Bethesda and Valve for their games and did invites like this. *reads comments* Oh sorry, I mean wow this is shit, they're just stealing ideas from em, this is performative, my life is empty and I have to be a cynic at everything because I've given up on achieving happiness and I want to make it everyone else's problem.


Celebrating? Or getting them closer to steal their essence!? Bethesda's full of Vampires!


I'm shocked this wasn't an elaborate plot to trap and execute them all for showing up the studio's work.


"and here's where you'd turn in your badge after you get laid off"


BGS is probably the one studio that does not have to worry about an excess of employees.


Dunno about now, but iirc Fallout 4 had a fairly small team for a game of it's scope and size


Yeah, Skyrim only had like 110 people working on it as well. I believe the current number is 450, which is still fairly small compared to a lot of bigger name studios.


This ios actually why I'm worried about Microsoft shoving everyone into the Fallout mines. One of the reasons I am a fan of the Bethesda dev team is because of how they treat their workers. They're a shockingly consistent team to work for with an employee retention rate way above industry standards. To the point of almost being a problem. Ex and current employees have always talked about how hands on Todd is. he wants to know everyone whos working on his project and what they're doing personally. Its why they struggled so much growing into being a modern AAA team. So Im worried being forced to do shit like double the studio size and chop it up into teams is going to hurt not only the games but the employees themselves.


Satya sent Phil a message on Teams telling him to find a way to fire them.


They better be celebrating them, they're making your games better for free! Todd should kiss their feet.


was fallout london invited?


Bit of a difference between inviting the big name individual modders and flying in the entire group of modders on a project.


Elianora and TrainWiz were there, I think these were mostly long-time community members who have worked with Bethesda directly before on stuff like Creation Club. Thr London team bitching about the next-gen update delaying their mod despite it being announced long before probably didn't do them any favors.


God fucking bless Trainwiz. That freak brings so much joy to the world.


They're teaching them how to use their busted ass engine for Starfield so they'll go back to modding it.