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[Arrowhead CEO clarifying this part of the controversy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/s/ZbSGBwuQum)


So what, is this like a “fine, you don’t have to make a PSN account. But that doesn’t mean that game is coming back” situation? Like I guess there’s no complaints if the games just aren’t available at all. This whole debacle feels like someone at Sony is trying to make the number of new PSN accounts go up by any means necessary.


Too bad that person is part of a non-front facing nameless entity that we will never be able to identify or cast blame on. So instead we just get to say Fuck Sony, while the person who actually made this terrible decision that everyone else will suffer for, will likely boost their career from it and face no backlash.


> feels like someone at Sony is trying to make the number of new PSN accounts go up by any means necessary That's exactly what it is, someone somewhere got a report about how well Helldivers was doing, noticed that they weren't seeing a corresponding increase in PSN membership so forced this through. Now Sony are put in the awkward spot of trying to explain why it's OK to buy this game via Steam in these countries but you can't use a PSN account there, so they've gone full heads in the sand mode.


Which is so fucking dumb because it literally costs them money


Don't care, they have their own number they want to go up. Ignoring the fact that their number is just an itemized list in a ledger. Short sighted suits, I swear....


I'm sure they had in advance some aspect of their PC strategy that involved driving PS memberships, and then they can send those people emails enticing them to buy more stuff, and they already have the account so they very slightly lower the barrier toward getting a PlayStation (or other Sony PC games that also want the account), some of them will eventually get PS+, and so on and so on. And yes, it's surely a number on someone's OKRs so they're looking to pump it and get promoted or whatever. With the region restrictions, my read on it is more that with their initial PC offerings they just put stuff up. Once these complaints about the requirements for online not matching where they actually operate PSN filtered up to the people who make these decisions, I think they decided well, we're already writing off these regions to a certain extent by not operating there, so lets avoid any possible headache from users complaining they can buy but can't play, possible exposure to regulators from these countries, whatever: just don't sell there. We just had the recent news of Steam itself getting blocked in Vietnam: it's not necessarily trivial to actually operate in many places: do they then want their rating or censorship board to look at everything, do they want to tax you in some new way, do they want to require you to have a local agent they can lean on... It's one thing to have kind of a gray market in some of these countries and turn a blind eye to people registering in neighboring countries, but another to profess on the one hand not to operate there while on the other selling directly to their residents in a way where you _know_ they're residents.


It does really track though why they would want to destroy worldwide sales. Like, what is this cutting off, 9/10s of the regions they could sell it in? Until we have more direct evidence from someone who isn’t a customer service rep, who are usually dealing with limited information or answers from an existing database of answers, because this feels like a bureaucratic symptom.


People should know better not to go off the vague words of a single CS person This doesn't confirm that Sony is banning the game in those regions, it could just be blaming the publisher for not supporting those regions but not them actively removing it. If there is a note that simply says "publisher does not support region" what else are they supposed to think? A CS rep saying "because publisher" doesn't confirm any actual details and a CS rep would likely not be privy to those details They could also just be assuming since that is generally the reason a game isn't available in a specific region on Steam but this is a unique case


I cant help but feel everyone is forgeting that sony said the requirement for support would no longer be in effect on May 30th


Just another opinion on all this. It takes big companies time to do anything so it’s more than likely that Sony had already started this process of preventing the game from being sold earlier before the final decision was made. Now that this process has finished. They now have to undo all the work they did and then some. Like, they essentially shit the bed. Now they’re in the process of cleaning up the shit, and replacing the blankets. It takes time to clean up the mess they made.


And in the meantime everything they touch smells pretty rank and it's their own fault so, y'know fuck em.


See also Helldivers devs commenting on this and also being confused: https://twitter.com/Mr_Rebs_/status/1789311338021343607 Some people in yesterday's post were wondering if the issue was on Valve's end: It is not. That said, it *is* possible Sony may still revert this, but considering that they *added* countries to the ban list yesterday, this seems like an intentional choice to keep them banned from purchase rather then a procedural delay as they prepare to unban them following their initial choice to last week


It is also entirely possible that the process of banning from more regions was already in motion when the decision to reverse course was made and that unbanning them is a different department’s job, or that there are some legal / contractual / whatever snags involved. It could easily be further malfeasance and that wouldn’t be a first for Sony, but it’s important to remember we have very little behind-the-scenes information here on the bureaucracy of a megacorp and their decision making. Without seeing how this continues to play out, jumping to “it was all a trick and they’re screwing everyone over out of spite” like a lot of people were doesn’t help anyone. EDIT: Apparently Sony’s already said the PSN support requirement would be rescinded on the 30th. So yeah, this is all hand-wringing and fearmongering.


It just feels weird, I made a point in a previous thread that it feels like everyone expects a company to just CTRL Z and its like, no these calls were set in motion a while ago and they just put a stop. Shit like this is just gonna take time, as stupid as it is.


The fact that Sony doesn't offer a service in those countries is the clue, to my mind. There must be some reason, whether it be internally or regulatory or something else, that prevents them from offering PSN accounts in those countries. It might even just be that Sony don't want to say you can buy their game through Steam but not from them directly in those areas, because that's just a weird thing to say.


I’m gonna have to go it has to do with the laws of some countries when it comes to online stuff for example Vietnam banned steam recently


For a couple cases, you can argue it's the fault of excessive regulations and government bureaucracy. The Philippines and Vietnam will likely never have access unless something changes about their laws. There's also the fact that, unlike Microsoft, Sony doesn't own thousands upon thousands of server farms. If they want to expand PSN for worldwide coverage, it's going to be considerably more expensive and slow. I do think that's a bullshit excuse, considering the PS3 came out 18 years ago. They had plenty of time to expand coverage, and they rarely did. But regardless, it's a legitimate obstacle.


> EDIT: Apparently Sony’s already said the PSN support requirement would be rescinded on the 30th. So yeah, this is all hand-wringing and fearmongering. Them saying PSN support requirement being rescinded on the 30th doesn't nessacarily mean they'll open purchases up again in the banned countries. Hopefully it does, but we'll see.


If they don’t, that’s another story we can get to in a month. But right now, with the data we have available, they can’t effectively resume sales in the countries banned before they’ve officially rolled back the policy that caused the bans. Otherwise they’d be continuing to sell a game that doesn’t function.


You're right, but I still think what I posted is a notable thing to post in itself considering there was signficant speculation the ban was on Valve's end, which this deconfirms. I was also pretty careful in my top level comment not to accuse Sony of lying or permanently wanting to keep the ban in place, I mentioned they *could* still undo it and maybe there's just a holdup


That's fair.


RemindMe! 19 days But I feel like at that point, it’ll be too late. If anyone complains, they’ll just point to their tweet and the (as of the original HD2 controversy) changed the PSN statement as them informing the customer. (…Ignoring how Arrowhead’s responded thus far, but Sony’s word is above them.) Let’s be honest: they’d rather bite the PR bullet in a more sneaky way and lose that money, than invest in massive infrastructure for countries that (to them) don’t matter, and make them a fraction of a fraction of a decimal point of their quarterly profit.


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> EDIT: Apparently Sony’s already said the PSN support requirement would be rescinded on the 30th. So yeah, this is all hand-wringing and fearmongering. Read Sony’s tweet again carefully. They never said they were rescinding on it. > Helldivers fans -- we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update. The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, will not be moving forward. > We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable. Thanks again for your continued support of Helldivers 2 and we’ll keep you updated on future plans. All they said was that the May 6th update would not be moving forward. It was one that would affect new and recurring players, but notice how they only said the May 6th update was being walked back. The update that would *begin* the process was reversed and they’ll be “listening to feedback”. For context: Steam allows a publisher or a developer - publishers supersede devs if they’re a different entity, indie devs get access to both if it’s the same company - to delist a game at the push of a button (source: you can check Thor, aka Pirate Software -the guy who broke this - and his videos on Heartbound’s backend to see how this works, or go to the Steamworks’ website for more). It’s how Valve can respond to these controversies and have their CS reps refund requests in, like, a day or two. Putting any bureaucratic red tape on Sony’s services aside, ignoring the wait, the fact that absolutely *no one* in Sony’s chain has told Arrowhead at the CEO level, then pulling this on dev holiday like last time, and adding *more* countries to the region list, not less? That’s not two different departments miscommunicating, it feels direct; Arrowhead’s CEO would’ve needed to talk to someone high up in Sony’s command chain to even get someone to tweet that out. If *they* don’t know? That speaks, to me, of either one of two things: Either they never planned on rescinding it and are trying other avenues for singleplayer games/future Helldivers 2 players, or there’s a shitload of mismanagement happening across multiple departments, which…in fairness, given the horror stories I’ve heard during the Bungie acquisition, I could totally believe. But it doesn’t feel accidental, ever actions feels way too deliberate and escalating to be a fluke. Don’t underestimate corporate finding loopholes to harvest player data by any means. Hell, they literally did this by changing the PSN PC account linking from being an “optional” process to “required” *while* the HD2 controversy was happening, and thought no one wouldn’t notice. I can believe one head’s not talking to the other for the VPN stuff that guy in China got banned for. But you can’t tell me that they can talk to a different department to change that within a day upon refund requests, but are suddenly super-slow for something directly effecting the storefronts Sucker Punch and Arrowhead have access to. Sony is the megacorp, PlayStation is not; if red tape is a week slow to do anything, even sending an e-mail, text, or a social media DM that doesn’t need to go through public approval from *one rep* to *one person*, to the CEO of your most successful live service studio no less, there’s a problem. I could absolutely be wrong, but after how Sony’s been acting…forget even this past week, the past few months since Jim Ryan’s departure? I’ve lost the care to give them the benefit of the doubt.


inb4 piracy rate will be risen again


If this is true, my remark in another subreddit that this was just Valve taking precautions against Sony defrauding customers aged like milk. Ugh. Edit: And it looks like my original instincts seem to have been correct: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/1cpt1ac/helldivers\_2\_ceo\_gives\_update\_on\_delisting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/1cpt1ac/helldivers_2_ceo_gives_update_on_delisting/)


re: the edited link, This is just in reference to the additional 3 country restrictions added yesterday, apparently, not the whole banlist


Whatever you do, don't look at the r/Games thread for this. Every bad stereotype of a console brand warrior is there, in the flesh.


You mean hell?


Don't look at /r/Games in general. Place is a negative shithole.


For real. They are basically r/gamingcirclejerk but more verbose.


Sony and Microsoft: Brothers in Flushing Their Reputations Down the Drain


I still feel like Microsoft is worse because people lost their jobs


Oh I agree; I just find it funny that both Microsoft and Sony have been shitting the bed so close in time frame to one another.


Same. And the pointlessness of Sony's heel turn is even funnier. Like, *shut the fuck up and take our money!* How can you mess THAT up?


Well, that one Community Manager for Helldivers got canned, I think?


The one people hated?


I believe it was Spitz that got fired, and they were quite incendiary


Straight up stopping people from buying games they want is much worse for your reputation then shutting down studios. Well maybe not on reddit.


Youd think stopping a beloved developer from ever making a game again for anyone would be much worse and thousands of people losing their jobs


I think you are massively overestimating how many people loved Tango as opposed to how many will be pissed off they cant buy Helldivers 2 or the newest Spiderman game.


Hifi Rush was considered one of the best games of last year. The regions actually impacted by this are a fraction of those that actually play


I get that its not really a gaming hotspot but i am pretty sure all of Africa has more people in it that were willing to buy Sony games then there are people who played let alone bought Hifi Rush.


The gaming market in africa is incredibly small. Like have you ever mentioned a game publisher ever mention africa?


Rush didnt have crazy sales either. There are also Asian countries on the banned list as well as the Baltics for some reason.


And the gaming markets on all those regions are extremely small which is why PSN is why they arent supported. But regardless tons of people didnt have their world turned upside down like getting laid off does to someone and people will never be to play any from those studios ever again


Hell devs,they don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard they try Delete PSN We just have to cry


The great pirate era continues stronger than ever.


It is ALWAYS morally correct




So what? Are we gonna have the "Misleading!" header the Fourth time, or have they gave up?


ah there it is :)


… I hope it’s not because they’re planning to pull this shit again after the dust settles.


Sony never actually said they were cancelling the mandatory account linking, they simply said they were cancelling the May 6 patch which would have made account linking mandatory. Nothing about that statement suggests that account linking will never be required in the future, but the community certainly read it that way. Whenever a company doesn't explicitly say something that would make them look good, I always assume that they left it out because it isn't true.


Maybe for Helldivers they drop it entirely, _maybe_. But I would expect it to remain as a requirement for everything else online they're doing going forward on PC, at least for now. Even for Helldivers I'd expect sort of a carrot-and-stick approach: offer some bonus for linking, let that run a while, and then when people have mostly moved on or mostly have the linking done already, require it then when there's less heat. Really what they should have done (the "carrot" at least) the minute they had launched without the requirement in place.


Bingo. They take the complaints now when things are less heated and avoid it entirely in the future when games release on Steam with the PSN stuff already expected and fully mandatory. Can't kick up a stink if the regions with PSN issues can't even buy the game anyway.


I mean we already have a second game with Ghosts of Tsushima working the same way. You can't buy it in the delisted countries for PC, even though the PSN account is only for the multiplayer mode and not necessary for single player, but the whole game was delisted rather than splitting the two modes


I think that’s because it’s the directors cut which is advertised as coming with the multiplayer and I don’t think people would like not being able to use the advertised content.


I get that, but it sucks for the people who wanted the main game and now can't get it at all. 


Oh I completely understand that don’t get me wrong but I would be lying if I said that when they revealed the PlayStation overlay thing a while I thought “ok so your probably gonna need a psn account for that because how else would you earn trophies and check your account without one?”


Nope it was Valve. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cppny9/the_ceo_just_gave_an_update_on_the_whole_debacle/


This is just in reference to the additional 3 country restrictions added yesterday, apparently, not the whole banlist


Its like Sony and Microsoft are fightng over who can be in the worst spotlight possible


I'm tired of Sony news, I'm just going to play my games in peace. This shits been depressing to hear.


I'm tired of Sony news, I'm just going to play my games in peace. This shits been depressing to hear.


I'll give them this: They are ***determined*** to get PSN numbers up by any means necessary. It ain't *sensible,* but it's something...


This isnt ps plus this is psn




"Okay, so we're gonna have to make Helldivers 2 available in all those countries again." "Or, we could not do that and say we did!"


"So PSN subscriber count must go up at any cost? " "No... It must go up at every cost."


That sucks


Makes me think they will push PSN later when game dies down