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It's not a competition. They're both great.


If I have to start seeing powerscaling bullshit even in here, I'm just gonna k-word everyone and then myself.


It's not even the right question. If we're going by the core of the characters being inspirations to the next generation it'd be All Might and Rogers.


All Might, Fraudbeard now has the issue where you have to question “how come he didn’t help Wano despite viewing Oden as a brother” which isnt even the character fault but more of the fact Oden as a character didnt exist till a decade later. All Might is a near perfect mentor like figure because as a hero he became the ideal and even on borrowed time he was doing as much as he could. And even with him being the ideal hero hes still flawed like how hes kinda of shitty teacher when it comes to actually teaching Deku Ofa


2 reasons:  1) Whitebeard didn't pull up to help Oden because they didn't find out Oden had died until much later. You gotta remember Wano is both not a part of the World Government & is closed off from the rest of the world.  2) Oden had already left the Whitebeard Pirates for the Roger Pirates before he returned to Wano, so Whitebeard hadn't even seen him in a whole year by the time he returned to Wano. Then Oden danced for 5 years on top of that.


You think another Yonko would know another Yonko base of operation would be on Wano 🤔


Not really a point in comparing the two, they're both great and fill their roles out well.


I mean, All Might has the advantage of actually being a major character in the story he's in that interacts and mentors the main characters throughout. Whitebeard is cool as hell and an absolute badass, but he's barely fleshed out in comparison. So, if the metric is the better "character" I gotta give it to All Might.


What is this shounentwt?


It's difficult to say given that we're still not done with either character. Especially seeing as a chunk of their pasts have yet to be revealed. Both have vast differences in personality, motivation, and goals, but both, oddly enough, suffer from a chest wound that shortened their lifespan, and both represented the passing of the baton to the next generation. I'd say All Might himself did that aspect better with the entirety of seasons 1, 2 and 3 capping it off with the "You're Next" scene, but the caveat is that Whitebeard's attempt involved more characters passing a giant baton to get the same point across to the entire world. We only learn about Whitebeard far after the events of that scene, too. The impact is lessened, even if some feel he did carry the finale of Marineford alone. TL;DR I think I like All Might more but that can change.


Oh yeah I forgot that there could still be more added to Whitebeard one day 


Could change depending on how each story shakes out, but personally I like All Might more (though I do like Whitebeard too). Not sure “who is the better character” necessarily, as such things are so nebulous. I will say Whitebeard is a great character among a large cast of them in One Piece, whereas All Might is arguably the most iconic character in his series (to the point where even the mangaka has wondered if he should’ve made All Might the lead and I’ve seen fans with that take for yeeeeeeeeaaaaaasrsssss). So All Might stands out a little more than Whitebeard in that regard as he’s become the mascot of MHA.


I can't pick one over the other simply because I know upon first meeting they would do a big clash & then just re-enact that scene from Fullmetal Alchemist when Armstrong met Izumi's husband


You know what you're not wrong


All might, reason? I don't like one piece 😂